Tainted Soul von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Prolog: My Fall From Grace -------------------------- Cries of agony rang throughout the land. The Avatar, Solaris had captured the soul of Roelstra, leader of the Wolf Pack clan and friend of the light. One of her followers, a rather headstrong dwarf named Nelmarious came to me and asked for my aid in rescuing her. I of course accepted. This was an opportunity to distract myself from my feelings for Xaka as well as do some good in the land. Knowing that Xaka would either object or attempt to help, we made our way to the gates of Hell alone while she was away attending her own matters. Nelmarious knew as well as I did that even our combined strength would still be no match for Solaris so we began to plan a way to save her without having to fight the evil dragon. We came to the conclusion that in order to free her, we would have to offer him something he might find of greater value. It was then that we agreed to offer our souls in exchange for Roelstras freedom, hoping that we could withstand the tortures that lie in wait. Prophet walked into view as we were about to enter and asked us to reconsider our actions and return to the tavern to discuss other options he had in mind. Despite Nelmarious objections, I agreed and we traveled to Kelay tavern. As we entered the tavern, I found I had been decieved. Xaka sat at one of the empty tables looking very upset and worried. It seemed that Prophet had told her of my feelings for her when he got word that I planned to rescue Roelstra and in doing so, perhaps rid myself of the things I felt for her. She tried to convince me not to go through with my plans, but I could not turn my back to it. I had given Nelmarious my word that I would do all that I could to free her, regardless of the cost to myself. Honor demanded that I keep that promise. Suddenly, Kaizer and Solaris appeared in the tavern and grinned at me. They too had gotten word of what we intended to offer them. They declared to us that if we could raise an army powerful enough to defeat them, they would release Roelstra. Nelmarious and I agreed as it was a better alternative than giving up our very essences to them. Although the Avatars seemed entertained by this, Xaka, Nelmarious and I set about raising our forces to crush them. Many flocked to our banner as Xakas face brightened with a newfound hope for her friend. I felt quite confident that our combined might was sufficient for the task as we all made our way to the gates of Hell. We set camp outside and began preparations for the attack, yet as time went on, a wave of fear seemed to sweep over those gathered. One by one, I witnessed the grand army fade into nothing. Even Nelmarious eventually left the battlefield. When the dust had settled, our forces consisted of only Xaka and myself. Suddenly, the gates of Hell swung open as Kaizer and Solaris came into view. They had quite a large laugh at the fact that our army had fled. Even though Xaka and I stood our ground, we inevitably were struck down. As I lay battered and defeated on the ground, Kaizer lifted my head to meet his gaze as I looked directly into the face of my enemy. He grinned widely as he told me simply to fetch Nelmarious and meet him in his throne room. I thought that since our plans for defeating him had vanished, Kaizer might still be looking for entertainment and grant us another opportunity to free Roelstra. Xaka and I pulled ourselves up and went in search of Nelmarious. Finding him at Kelay tavern, I took him by one arm and led him to the tavern door. I told Xaka to remain just in case this was some sort of trap and she agreed. Nelmarious and I then made our way to Hell. Making our way past the tortured souls that were contained there, Nelmarious and I found our way to a giant iron door. As he placed his hand on it, the door swung open with a thunderous crash revealing the throne room of Kaizer. An eerie chuckle could be heard echoing from inside as we entered the den of Evil. There, the Avatar of Arrecation sat on a large black throne, grinning at us ever still as we stood before him. He told us that in our arrogance of thinking we could defeat him, our souls would be forfeited to him while Roelstra would remain as she was in Solaris' clutches. My hand went directly to my sword as Kaizer laughed. He warned me that should we fight this, Xaka would lose her soul and her life to him. I had no choice. I threw my weapon to the ground and kneeled before him as Nelmarious soon followed in the same manner. Kaizer lifted his claws up at us as I felt a sudden chill run through me. Without warning, I was thrown against the furthest wall. As I recovered from it, I happened to look up at where I was kneeling when I saw a green glowing form in place of where I once was. It floated into the air and began to distort, no longer keeping the shape it once had as it floated into Kaizers palm. He clenched his fist around it... and it disappeared without the faintest trace. I lowered my head as I knew my soul had been ripped from me as Kaizer proceeded to do the same to Nelmarious. It was an indescribable feeling. I felt cold inside, and I instinctively knew something was missing. As if the Avatar had reached into me and physically pulled out my heart, yet I felt no pain from it. I had thought the experience would be excruciating, but... nothing. As Nelmarious and I tried to regain our bearings amidst Kaizers fits of laughter, Xaka burst through the doorway. Evidently, she had followed me into Hell after I left the tavern. Seeing me in my present state needed no explanation to her. She already knew what happened as she drew her weapon and charged at Kaizer. Her attack was met half way by Reaper, an assassin of Hell and Kaizers personal guard who had been looking upon the events from the shadows. Unable to help her due to my present state, I was forced to watch her fight alone. She handled herself quite well actually, meeting each attack with a great deal of skill. Kaizer soon became bored with the battle and cast Xaka from Hell with a mere gesture as Nelmarious and I were then thrown out the doorway and told to leave Hell, our orders would soon follow. We left as told and began to make our way back to Kelay. As we slowly walked the path along the prairie of phantoms, I began feeling very strange. It was as if a sudden rush of anger grasped me and held tight. I looked at Nelmarious and saw his eyes turn blood red. Apparently we both were feeling the same thing as he began to get angry, telling me that my eyes too had turned the same color. We made our way back to the tavern and sat down to drink. Both he and I scanned the room, ignoring our glasses. My breathing hastened as I began to think only of striking down each person within this place. These thoughts got stronger and clearer to me as I stood up and left the tavern, drawing my weapon as I pulled the door open. The realm echoed with screams as I began to run through the land, cutting down any living thing I found. And I enjoyed it... By the holy flames, I enjoyed it. Each life I took made me feel even more powerful than before as if I absorbed the strength of those I had killed. The mere sight of blood excited me, and even more, I loved to see it flow from a wound I had caused. Amidst my bloodlust, I came upon the northern town of Larket. A quiet, peaceful place I had the pleasure of visiting from time to time in the past, yet now, everything seemed different. I cared not for any of the common pleasantries. All I wanted was to slaughter the every inhabitant of the town. As I came along the path towards it, I happened to see a few small children playing in the tall grass. I grinned wickedly and quietly made my way towards them like some animal hunting its prey. As I closed in on the group, a leather bound ball bumped against my foot. I stopped and looked at it for a moment when I heard " Hi. " from in front of me. I looked upwards as I saw a small boy no older than six standing there. He walked right up to me and picked up the ball as my arm began to shake, anticipating the strike. " You wanna play ball with us mister? You can be on my team. " The boy said. I gave no reply as my body froze. " Hey mister? " The boy said again. My arm shook violently, willing me to make that killer blow, yet I did not move. It was only when the boy tugged on my arm to get my attention did I move. I pulled my arm away from him and ran as fast as I could away from the town. What was I doing? By the Gods, what had I done? My armor was covered in blood as was my face and hands. The blood of the innocent. The ones... I killed. Not knowing where else to go, I burst through the door of Kelay tavern and ran to the nearest corner, crouching in it and covering my face like I was in a local asylum. A hand touched my shoulder gently as I looked up to see Xaka before me, a look of horror on her face as she had heard of the things I had done. When I finally calmed down, I went to the bar and took a few large cloths to clean my armor and face. Xaka and I sat at a table as she began to speak of ways to get my soul back. I listened to every word, yet I couldn't muster up the strength to speak. I just continued to clean myself off as if trying in vain to wipe away the things I had done. Xaka, feeling ignored, took my hand in hers as I looked up to meet her gaze. She then told me that she had been in love with me for some time now. My eyes widened as she spoke these things. I couldn't believe it. Never did I notice any indication that she had any feelings for me beyond friendship. My dishonor was complete. I had failed to rescue Roelstra, failed in my promise to Nelmarious, and now, I had driven a wedge between husband and wife. Xaka refused to give up on me though. Her faith in me to surpass this was all she had left in her I suppose. I on the other hand, thought my fate had been sealed. Kaizer was obviously to blame for this. He said his commands would soon come and it seems that they had. I never had more hatred in my heart than I did for him. So Xaka and I began to think of ways to cheat the Fates so to speak, and take back what I had lost. The conversation led the both of us nowhere. Neither of us could think of anything that could possibly free me. I told Xaka that day that I was no longer able to lead the Seekers and that I was stepping down as leader. It was her clan now and would be until its end. The last thing I wanted was to destroy my own clan in my current state. Soon, the bloodlust called to me again. Xaka saw this happening as if I was transforming into some horrid monster right before her eyes. Knowing that I may not be able to control myself, I rushed out the door in fear that I may attack her. I had hoped that I would find an animal, or a demon of some kind to satiate my lust for death, but I still killed many that day as well. I was flying towards the eastern city of Cenril when Xaka finally found me, and it could have not come at a worse time as the bloodlust was nearing its peak. Xaka pleaded with me to stop, but I could not hear her. My mind was ablaze with only one thing, and Xaka was the closest living being... I landed and walked towards her slowly, dragging my sword along the ground as I growled at her like a wild animal. Xaka did not move a step away. She stood there, still trying to get me to hear her. My body tensed as I relished in the anticipation. Licking my lips at the mere thought of seeing blood flowing once again, I raised my weapon and stood directly in front of her. By this time, the tears fell like rain from Xaka's eyes, yet still... Still she did not move. Just before the moment of the strike, she whispered " Please Alex... I love you. " Those words struck me like a thunderbolt. My weapon did not move from its raised position. Everything in my being willed me to bring my sword down, but I just stood there staring at her. My muscles relaxed as my sword dropped to the ground. I fell to my knees as I realized what I almost did. I cupped my hands around my face. I did not want her to see me like this, but Xaka kneeled down and wrapped her arms around me. No words were spoken between us after that, we simply held each other as we wept in the others embrace. Kapitel 1: Till Death... Do Us Part ----------------------------------- I struggled with my desires for weeks after that, yet my killing sprees remained constant. I tried everything I could to restrain myself, but even the deepest meditation was broken by my thirst for death. One fateful day however, I entered the tavern after slaying a few priests at the Cenril church when Kaizer appeared before me. I fell to one knee before my master as he grinned, seeing the blood drip from my weapon and armor into a small puddle on the floor. He was quite pleased at the one-man massacre I had become and offered me my freedom, yet at the gravest of prices. I was given the choice to either remain as I was, or have both my freedom and my soul restored to me. Kaizer warned me though that should I choose my freedom, I could never see or speak to Xaka for all time. I silently cursed his name as I pondered my choice. I was lost either way. Kaizer knew that. I thought of Xaka and what she would wish of me when I finally convinced myself that she would wish for me to choose my soul. At least that would put her heart at ease. If our roles were reversed, I would wish for Xaka to choose the same. I rose to my feet and made my choice. I also told Kaizer that the affairs between us were far from over. My fight with the forces of Hell would never be over and I swore to destroy him. Kaizer laughed and dared me to do just that as he would enjoy each of my future failures immensely. Just as Kaizer was weaving the spell to keep Xaka and I separated, Nelmarious walked into the tavern. In his time as Kaizers slave, he turned his bloodlust towards Kaizer himself at every turn. This of course angered the Avatar greatly. Kaizers attention was immediately drawn to the dwarf as the spell was cut off half way. A bright green light shot from Kaizers palm, striking me in the chest. I was sent sprawling through tables and chairs as Kaizer wrapped his hand around Nelmarious's neck. For his disobedience, Kaizer turned the punishment from me to Nelmarious. Not granting him the choice, Kaizer returned his soul, yet as punishment, Nelmarious was bound to leave the Wolf Pack, never see Roelstra again, and his eyes would be forever stained the blood red they had bore when his soul was first taken from him. As we regained our senses, Kaizer disappeared in a dark cloud of unholy magic. The Spirits must have smiled upon me that moment. Even though I felt sorry for Nelmarious, I was overjoyed at the fact that I had not had to bear the brunt of that punishment. Finally, the nightmare was over. I was free... and I was whole again. I rushed out the tavern in search of Xaka. When I reached the road, I felt something poke against my chest from inside my breastplate. I reached underneath and pulled out a fair sized egg that bore a slight green tinge to it. As I wondered where it came from, it began to move. I held it in my hand when suddenly, it exploded in a brilliant flash. Averting my eyes from it until it died down, I returned my gaze to find a small fiery bird in my hand. It opened its eyes and looked up as it screeched at me. Confused as I was by this, I decided to keep it. I named it Soulfire and from that day, it was my constant companion. I found Xaka at the magical gardens of Cenril City. Setting Soulfire in amidst the flora, I sat beside Xaka and smiled at her. She looked into my eyes as her mouth dropped. I guess she saw that my eyes had reverted to their original color. Hugging me tightly, I finally knew true happiness. We talked for hours about many things, mainly about our feelings for each other. I told her that I could not drive a wedge between her and her husband as she smiled sweetly. She then said that her husband had not been seen in the land for quite some time and how she felt abandoned until she had met me. I was truly dumbfounded. All the feelings and restraints I had placed upon myself were for absolutely nothing as I laughed loudly at myself for it. We rose to our feet and began to walk amidst the gardens, only this time... It was hand in hand. Xaka bent down to pick one of the flowers as I looked up at the skies, silently asking if this was the right thing for me. I wondered if I had found what mortals call a soulmate. The answers came in a bright flash as suddenly Sven, high God of Hollow stood before me. He gave no words as he stepped forward and placed something in my hand. With but a nod to us both, he disappeared in a similar flash of light. As Xaka asked me what happened, I looked down to my hand, finding a beautiful diamond engagement ring. It was all the convincing I needed, even though I was shocked at how blunt my answers were. As Xaka asked me again why Sven had appeared before me, I turned around and kneeled before her. Raising the ring before her, I asked her if she would give me the honor of calling her my wife. She said yes amidst something I had not seen from her before... Tears of joy. I rose again to my feet and placed the ring on her finger as we kissed for the first time. No emotion could describe it. It was so far beyond love that any other emotion can not compare to it. Something landed on my head and tugged at my hair. My lips parted from Xakas as I looked up to find Soulfire making mischief at truly the worst possible time. I chuckled at it as Xaka looked at my new pet oddly. I told her of how I found him as it screeched at her playfully and leapt atop her head hopping up and down playfully. Xaka smiled as we spent the rest of that day... and the following night together. Truly, that was the happiest time of my life, Mortal and beyond. The next couple months were spent with the highest of hearts, and the widest of smiles. I felt I had all I would ever need in life. It was a happiness that no person could come between. But as all things start... all things must also end. As time passed, I found myself to be angered easily. Soon, I began to lash out at those around me. I vaguely remember nearly killing a newcomer to the land for touching Xaka. He left, never to be seen again after that day as Xaka was in complete embarrassment of my actions. I began thinking of the past and how the forces we raised to fight Kaizer had fled, leaving me to become Kaizers slave. This thought drove me insane. My hatred soon poured out upon the land as yet again, I took up my weapon to the populace of Hollow. My lust for revenge knew no boundaries as I cut down even those new to the land that had no knowledge of what had happened to me. My anger sheared through the land as if I was held again by Kaizer yet this time, he had no influence over me. It took the brute strength of Nelmarious and the arcane magic of Narelus to keep me at bay. Forcing me into the shrine of the house Xaka and I shared, Nelmarious attempted to talk some sense to me as I crouched like a caged animal in a corner. Gripping my sword tightly, I merely glared at the two. I wanted Nelmarious dead for leaving Xaka and I to face the Avatars alone, and for being the living memory of what I had done in Kaizers grasp. Kaizers grasp... Oh no... Not again. It seemed that I still bore the taint of evil upon me, even after the events of my last meeting with Kaizer. As I looked at Nelmarious, I realized that yes I was a monster then, but now... now I was even worse because I was free. I stood up and sheathed my weapon as I looked upon the two in front of me. I searched within myself for the strength to fight what was going on within me, but I found none. And Xaka... What will she think when she finds out what I had become? My spirits sank as I found that there was no other fate for me unless something drastic was to happen. Deciding to take matters in my own hands while I was still sane, I looked at Nelmarious and asked a favor. I asked him for my death. Not one in the land save Nelmarious could have known the tortures I was under, this battle within me had gone on too long, and slowly, I was losing my humanity to it. Seeing this, Nelmarious reluctantly agreed. He drew his axe and stood ready as Narelus began to chant a spell to weaken me should I attack them. I felt the energy in my muscles drain away as I fell to one knee. I couldn't rise up, my body feeling as if I were trying to lift a house. I knelt there as Nelmarious came up behind me. He placed his hand on my shoulder and wished me well in my next life. I did not respond, I simply closed my eyes as I thought " Xaka... I'm sorry..." And with that, the axe of Nelmarious came down upon me, granting me my wish. Kapitel 2: From The Ashes ------------------------- I'm not sure how much time had passed after that fateful day. I awoke in my shrine yet I had no memory of my life before I had awoken. I paid no attention to anything in the house as I left to look around where I was. Finding myself on the main road to Kelay, I made my way west when I happened to run across a young dragon. Although its years of life were short, she still dwarfed me considerably. I backed away from her as she began to speak to me. She was rather kind actually. Noticing that I was rather naked, she swiftly took me to the local shop just south of the tavern where she was generous enough to purchase some clothing for me. Deciding to hide my face from the world, I pulled the hood of my cloak over my head and wrapped one side over my face. She asked me who I was and oddly enough, even my name eluded me. Seeing the predicament I was in, she decided to take it upon herself to name me as well, at least until I could find some answers of my past. She called me Tyrael. Apparently, it is a name of a high angel she had believed to have seen one day while flying. At the mention of flight, my mind began to perk, as if it were a sign of something familiar. I reached across my shoulder and scratched my back, finding nothing but skin there. Apparently, whatever had happened to me left me completely human. My head began to ache as we made our way to the tavern to eat. Everything seemed so familiar. Sights, smells, the very feeling of this place pounded at my mind as if driving me towards an unknown destination. I watched the others silently, looking for any sign of something familiar. But nothing came to me. I told the dragon of where I first found myself and she seemed to know it well. She said a woman named Xaka owned the house. I thought to myself that perhaps she might know who I was so I asked if she could introduce me. She had told me that sadly, her fiancé, a man by the name of Alexander had recently died and Xaka was in mourning of him, so she warned me not to expect the most pleasant reception. However she did agree to introduce me the next time they met as we sat down to eat. I followed her for the next few days, taking in the landscape as well as looking for an opportunity to repay her for aiding me, when we came across Xaka in the tavern. She was just as the dragon spoke. She sat at a table with a few others, yet the look on her face was a despair that masked her beauty like the darkest of shadows. Whoever this Alexander was, it was apparent that she loved him very much. We sat down at the table as I listened to many things the others were saying about what had happened to him. There were quite a few different stories making it impossible to ascertain the truth. As time passed in the tavern, Xaka began to get very inebriated from the whiskies she was ordering. She nearly threw me across the room when I said to her that happiness was never found at the bottom of a glass. Something about it all bothered me. Some called Alexander a coward for giving up, Some understood that his tortured soul could not overcome the evils that had befallen him, yet it mattered not, at least not to me. I focused more on comforting Xaka in attempts to help heal her shattered heart. I ignored the fact that I had no memory to do this as I felt something when I was near her, as if we were connected in some way, although my head hurt greatly when I thought about it. I agreed to aid her in finding out the truth to what had happened to Alexander and sought to find the one whom was rumored to have killed him... A man by the name of Nelmarious. A few days passed, but eventually, Xaka and I found Nelmarious. Xaka became immediately infuriated and would have killed him had I not convinced her to hear what the dwarf had to say. By the end of his story, Xaka was in tears. We did our best to comfort her as she wept, but she did thank him in the end for telling her what had happened to her love. It took quite a long time, but soon enough, Xaka began to heal inside. Unfortunately for me however, my headaches only got worse though I did my best not to show it to anyone. One day however, the pain overcame me. I was out hunting one day when I came across a large, black dragon battling a rather skinny looking elf. I of course intervened and drew my weapon at the beast. The dragon grasped me by the neck as I began to feel a truly darkened power through my head. I cried out in pain as I was cast over a nearby cliff. Bouncing from rocky ledge to rocky ledge, I came to rest at the bottom as screams of pain resonated throughout the area, When I came to what little senses I had at the time, I found that the screams of pain were coming from me. It felt as if the dragon had crushed my head in its grasp, yet I still lived. I passed out from the pain and when I awoke, my mind felt ablaze as I lay lifelessly on the ground. Two days passed until I could move once again, but when I managed to regain my senses... I went to the place I had woken from, the shrine in the house I shared with Xaka once and merely stood there. How was I alive? What had happened to me? My wings were gone, as was Soulfire. But the thing more apparent than anything was I felt calm. No trace of the hatred I had before was in me. It was as if in my death, it was taken away before I came back. As I pondered these things, Xaka came in and found me there. She seemed angered at the fact I was in her home and demanded an explanation. I slowly made my way to the small shrine and looked upon the five phoenix statues there. I noticed one was misplaced so I of course reached out and took it in my hand. As I did, my mind erupted with visions that were not of my eyes. I saw Nelmarious holding his axe above my head, and Narelus waving his hands as a blue light emanated from his palms. When I was struck down, they left silently as the form I seemed to be in lifted from the ground. As if gliding on a cushion of air, it floated towards my body and upon touching it, the vision ended. Another painful flash hit my head as I realized that I was seeing through the eyes of Soulfire. It had bonded with me when mortal life ceased in order to raise me from death. Seeing these things broke the seal I had placed on my memory before I was born into human form as I realized that Soulfire was in fact my soul. It seems that when Kaizer released it, it was born into a completely new creature, The phoenix essence I was, yet also there was the human form I had created. I fell to my knees as the memories of time flooded my mind. No mortal would have been able to take such an increase in knowledge without going insane yet thankfully, taking into account of what I truly am, there appeared to be no damage done as centuries worth of sensations and knowledge ripped through my mind. Slowly I rose to my feet, the pain in my head finally ceasing as Xaka again asked me why I had entered her home and this shrine. I said nothing to her in reply. I simply removed the hood from my face and looked at her. The expression on her face was that of complete shock. She knew I had died and yet here I was, right in front of her. I whispered her name when suddenly, she pushed me quite hard against the wall of the shrine. She was angry at many things. The fact I had chosen to die, the pain and frustration that followed for her, and the fact that I had come back when she had finally come to terms with it all. Now that I think about it, it was quite a bit to fathom in such a short time. I told her what had happened to me as she began to calm down. She was still quite upset and mentally drained from it all, which made it awkward for me as I was unsure of where to go from there. In dying, I had expected that she should not have to honor our engagement should she choose not to and at the time, it seemed as though that were the case. We parted that day on those awkward terms as I began to think of the future. I chose to remain with my current name, although Akyana would not have wished it, the memory of being Alexander brought with it nothing but memories of the pain and disappointment that I had caused. To me, it seemed as though Xaka wished to have no part of our previous life together so I kept a considerable distance, trying not to let old feelings take hold again. I focused on my training. Specifically, my magical abilities and soon became one of the most skilled healers in the land, but my thoughts however seemed to dwell on her. I wanted nothing more than to be with her again, yet the things I had done... the pain I had caused her and the people of the land weighed heavily on my mind. I sought redemption from those who had already seemed to forget the things that happened in the previous month. As I fought with myself, Xaka finally confronted me. Again, we spent a long time talking about everything that had happened and eventually found that our love for each other was the same as it had always been. We were finally together again as my heart became at ease, or at least that is what I portrayed to everyone when in actuality, I still tried to find a way to relieve the guilt I had inside me. Even to this day, years after it happened, I still wish to find it, at least for myself. It was then that I swore to all of Hollow that Kaizer would never rule the land, not so long as I could take a breath within me. I would mold myself into the hero that Hollow needed and defend the land from all evils that would threaten it. Kapitel 3: The Sword of Hope ---------------------------- The months went by as they usually do. One day folding into the next as my ever-growing battle with the darkness of the land continued. I fought the Avatars at every turn and soon, my power began to outweigh many of the people in the land as they witnessed each time when I would take up arms to keep the promise I made to defend them. One night, I awoke from my sleep as a light shone from outside. Being careful not to wake Xaka, I went to the nearby window of our house and looked to the skies. I saw a shining object fall like a shooting star, landing near the northwest border of the land as the light died out. My interest was of course perked. I put on my clothing and armor as I left the house and made my way towards it in the dark. Strangely, I found a large tower that I had not seen before in that area. As I looked up in awe at its craftsmanship, I saw a light shining from an elevated floor, so I entered the tower and began to ascend. I reached the floor and looked around. It was completely empty. It looked as if it were used as a temple to worship a sky God at one time, but from the lack of maintenance, it was plain to see that it had been abandoned for decades. Finding nothing there, I turned around and began to walk back towards the staircase when suddenly, I was enveloped in a bright light. I looked around, yet all I saw was a blinding white. I heard whispers in the distance and walked towards them. Oddly enough, as I walked farther than what would have been the edge of the tower, I did not fall. It was obvious that wherever I was now, I was no longer in Hollow. Walking for some time revealed nothing. I found nothing around me, I was not even sure if I had truly moved. I pondered what to do when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I was not surprised at all, it felt completely natural as I turned around and saw a blindfolded being before me. Her garb was magnificent. Even the most skilled seamstress would have been in awe had they seen it. I asked her who she was as her hand went to the sword at her side. In any other situation, I would have jumped back and drawn my own, yet I was completely calm, as if I knew she did not wish to do battle with me. She untied the sheathed weapon from her belt as I began to hear a slight humming sound coming from within it as she spoke. " Alexander... I am Uriana... I have been waiting for you. " She said in a voice I can only describe as otherworldly. I told her that I was no longer called by that name, yet still, she persisted. " But that in fact is your name, though you try to deny it, and your past..." " Maybe. " I replied. " But I created this mortal life. Should I wish to remember its events or not is none of your concern. What are you? I have not seen, nor sensed your like before in this or any other land. " A slight chuckle came from the armored figure as if entertained with my lack of knowledge. " Do you honestly believe that your endless years have granted you the powers over all existence? Even you have limits Asan'ti. But your experiment in mortality continues... Even now that the human mother you had is no longer of the mortal plane. Tell me, why do you remain? " It seemed as if she already knew the answer, yet still wished for me to speak it. " I remain because I am needed here. In my time before this, I felt nothing for the things I saw. All I ever did was watch the realms. Now, I can at least attempt to make a difference in this land. I gave my word to protect these people and I will not go back on it. Even if it means that in doing so would wipe out my existence, mortal or not. " The figure took a step towards me, yet I stood where I was, trying to keep myself from being intimidated by her form which seemed to spiritually dwarf my own. " And what of the woman? Has the watcher truly learned what the emotion of love is? " She asked as I began to feel rather anxious in front of her. I knew not why she posed all of these questions, and it made me quite uneasy at having my life events analyzed in such a manner. I walked right up to her and looked straight into where her eyes would be behind the cloth as I began to speak. " I do not know. I am unsure if any mortal could fathom the emotions that I have when Xaka is at my side. All I do know however is that we love each other. Any attempts to measure it or understand it is as impossible as it is pointless. My feelings for her are beyond anything and everything in existence to me. Now I shall ask you again, What are you? " The figure looked around as if she could see something within the light that I could not. " An honest answer you have given. Your intentions as well are so I can see, as I have in fact been watching you for some time now. Your battles against the evils in the land of Hollow have brought you not one victory, yet you still fight now as you did when you first entered that land. This has not gone unnoticed Alexander... Neither by me, nor by the people who reside there. You have become the bearer of their hopes for the future, and in becoming so has given you the hope that you will find retribution within yourself for the acts you have done while in the influence of evil. For your quest of redemption, and your battle to bring everlasting peace to the land, I grant you this... " The figure then presented me with the sword she had taken from her belt. As I placed my hand upon it, I felt an incredible rush of holy energy enter me. I fell to one knee, my body tingling as I could feel the power flow through every part of my being. As I slowly became accustomed to this feeling, I returned my eyes to the figure as I began to slowly realize what she truly was. " Runeblade, The Sword of Hope. Bestowed by the heavens on one who holds the light in his heart as well as that which the sword represents. From this day forth, it will be your trusted companion. Its power, yours to command. Wield it well... Knight of Hope. " With those final words said, there was another flash of light as I then found myself back in the tower. Still quite shaken from what I saw, I wondered if it was a hallucination until I heard a hum. I looked down and found the sword in my grasp as I then knew it was no false vision. I drew the blade from its sheath as it glowed a faint white light that sent shadows along the floor of the tower. Five runes were engraved within the metal as it hummed at me. I sliced through the air as I heard the swords song... And it was beautiful. As I marveled at it, the wind picked up slightly and whipped past me, gliding along my cloak as I felt something underneath. I removed it and found I had been granted another gift... my wings. I spread them wide as a large smile parted my lips. I laughed loudly as I felt the wind beneath them, as if willing me to take to the air. And I did. I flew among the clouds once more as I felt a sense of being whole that I had not felt for some time. I landed on the road as the sun began to rise, still feeling the hold of the skies upon me as I sheathed the blade and tied it to my belt. Truly, this weapon was a great gift and I looked forward to my next battle with the Avatars. I again decided a change of name was appropriate as I felt like I had been reborn from the ashes of an old life. I decided to call myself Tiernan from that day on, ignoring the angelic being calling me Alexander. I looked up as I made my way along the road, silently thanking whomever she was that had given Runeblade and my wings to me. From that day on, the Sword of Hope has indeed been of great help to me, both in battle and as a symbol for others and for myself. I pray that I am still worthy of it to this day. Kapitel 4: The Sacrifice Of One Love For Another ------------------------------------------------ A few months passed from that day when Runeblade was given to me. It gave me quite a boost in strength when I fought but still, even with the Sword of Hope at my side, I had not the skills to defeat Kaizer and Solaris. When I thought things could not get any worse for the light, I got word that Jade, the wife of Solaris had given birth to a son. Immediately, I knew that this would pose quite a problem should he inherit strength like his father, yet the powers of Hell would not let me near the infant, nor would I allow myself to strike down a defenseless child. As the days past, I witnessed this boy grow at an unnatural rate to manhood. It was my hope that he would adopt a nature more like his mother, but again, I was let down as Isoden, the son of Solaris began to torment the people of Hollow. He seemed to be fond of controlling the minds of others to do his bidding and the will of Evil. One such person was a young woman by the name of Venus. Taking over her mind, he began to bend her will to do his bidding. When I heard of this, I took up Runeblade and went to find the child of Evil. It did not take very long to find him as he was enjoying himself at Venus expense. I attacked him immediately as Runeblade rang throughout the area. We fought for quite a long time, neither of us gaining a definitive advantage over the other when without warning, Venus threw herself at me. No doubt that Isoden had decided to use her against me. She grasped my head with both hands as my body froze. I was not all too sure what happened when she let go, but Isoden had fled the area. I shook the hazy feeling from my head as Venus strolled away as if satisfied with something. When I had recovered, I hastened after them. Isoden enjoying himself at the tavern, I drew Runeblade and began to walk towards him, when suddenly, I froze. I willed myself to move, trying with all my might, but I did not move a single step. I felt a hand trail along my sword arm as Venus stepped into view. She smirked at me as she turned to Isoden, asking him if she might keep me for herself. I let out a growl as Isoden laughed and granted her the power to control my actions. I suddenly found myself following her as if my legs had a mind of their own. We walked around the land as she delighted in ordering me around. Dispatching a hydra, mining for gold to buy her jewelry, I silently swore to destroy Isoden if I ever broke free from Venus's hold on me. The next day, Venus was sitting at a table in Kelay tavern, I on the other hand was being forced to clean the table and fetch her drinks from the barkeep when Xaka walked in. She had heard of what happened to me and threatened Venus if she did not set me free. Venus smiled at her as I drew Runeblade. " No... " I said to her as she willed me forward. Xaka merely stood in place, a look of sorrow on her face as I stood before her, fighting this influence with all I could as Runeblade rose above my head, carried by my own hand. I shouted to Venus, pleading with her to stop, but my words fell on deaf ears as my sword arm came down, bearing Runeblade upon Xaka as she fell to the ground, blood flowing from the open gash in her armor as I looked at her in frozen horror. Amidst my frustration and anger, Venus left the tavern, beckoning me to follow. I tried to say something to Xaka, but no words came from my throat. I felt sick to my stomach. I couldn't believe that I did not have the strength to fight against it. Again... it happened again. Thoughts of when Kaizer had my soul crashed down upon me as I thought again... I had failed Xaka. And it killed me inside. The memory still does more damage to me than any sword. Remembering Xaka laying there... Venus led me to the pits of Hell where she entered the chamber of Solaris. Fortunately for me, Solaris was not there at the time, but I almost wish he had been. The enchanted shackles and chains of the chamber gripped my arms and legs, pulling and binding me to the wall as Venus drew her dagger. I merely fell to my knees, the sight of Xaka still burning in my mind, even as Venus cut a deep gash in my hand, letting the blood flow into a large bowl. Venus then began to confess her apparent love for me as she cut a similar gash in her own hand, letting our blood mix together in the bowl. She told me that even if she could not have me as a whole, we would be forever linked. I did not understand what she meant until I heard her chanting an ancient spell. A dark mist began to run along the bowl, it swirled along the surface of the blood inside and began to take form, the blood began to ripple as it dripped upwards into the darkened mass. When the blood had emptied from the bowl completely, the form floated up to rest in Venus's arms as she looked down upon it with a smile. My head still faced the ground as the shackles released me. I just sat there on my knees until I heard a loud cry come from in front of me. Slowly, I raised my head to see Venus holding a small child in her arms. " Say hello Tiernan. " She said softly. " Say hello to Eeden... your son... our son. " My heart sank. Not even Kaizer himself could ever have crushed me in such a way as this. I prayed with all I was that this was some nightmare, and that I would wake up soon even though I knew this was no dream. Venus left Solaris's chamber with the child as I remained how I was for the longest time. It felt as if everything in my life, all I had, and all I was had been completely obliterated in a single moment. I thought only of Xaka and how she would react. I never felt fear such as this. Its grip seized my heart, sending a feeling of pure dread through me. I would have rather faced the entire forces of Hell alone than to see the look on Xakas face when she got word of what Venus had done. When I finally willed myself to move, I left Hell and made my way back to the tavern. Venus seemed to have released me when she took what she wanted. I stood at the gates of Hell and drew my blade. " Isoden... " I said angrily as I took flight towards the tavern. Bursting through the tavern door, sending it from its hinges I immediately called Isoden outside as he grinned and followed. The instant he was out the doorway, I attacked, releasing all my anger upon him. It took some time, but I finally was able to defeat him, leaving his broken and unconscious body in a small crater outside the tavern. I sheathed Runeblade as I walked back inside the tavern. Not noticing anyone in the establishment, I took a seat at an empty table and began to merely stare out the window. As I was distracted within my own thoughts, Venus came behind me and placed Eeden in my lap. Without a word, she left me there with this child. The hold Isoden had on her had broken when I defeated him. I looked down at Eeden with a heavy heart. What was I to do? I had no skills with a newborn child. Eeden looked up at me and fluttered his black wings as he began to cry. I sat there, unsure of what to do when Roelstra came over to the table and told me that I was holding him wrong. She had a son of her own so any help from her was welcome. She began to teach me the things she knew about newborn children and slowly, I began to feel more comfortable around my son. Gabriel, Roelstras young boy enjoyed playing with Eeden whenever he saw us, and as I watched my son playing happily, I began to feel something. He was my son after all, whether I liked it or not, I was stuck with him. But as time passed that day, I began to feel closer to him. I didn't go home that night. I was still too afraid to tell Xaka. I took Eeden to the forest where I found an adequate tree to lie in. With my son resting in my arms, I fell into a deep sleep. I awoke the next morning to find Eeden flying above me. He was pulling leaves from the tree and letting them fall to the ground as if he were playing with the great oak. I flew up behind him and took him in my arms as he laughed playfully at me and banged on my armor, enjoying the clanging sound. With a long sigh, I decided it was time to tell Xaka of what happened. We arrived at the house after a short flight through the forest. As I opened the door, I found Xaka sitting in front of the fireplace. As I was about to speak to her, Eeden broke free from me and flew over to her, plopping himself right in her lap. She looked at him oddly before turning her gaze to me. I took a deep breath and walked over to her. I took Eeden back into my arms and sat in my chair across from her. She asked me who the baby was and with three words, all was silent. " He's my son... " Xaka didn't say anything. Not a single word. Roelstra had already told her what happened, but she apparently wanted to hear it from me. She got up from her chair and left the house without even looking at me... It was one of the most painful moments of my life. Venus came to the house later that day and took Eeden with her as I went in search of Xaka, praying to any Spirit or God that would listen that there was a way to rectify this. Finding her later that day, I tried to speak to her, tried to tell her that I did not want this, and that I wished Eeden had never been created. All Xaka said was that it was one of her hopes that we would have had a child together, and that now, everything seemed ruined by this. I couldn't help but agree, but then I was the one stuck with him, not Xaka. I couldn't simply turn my back on the fact that I now had a son to care for. And I did care for him. Slowly, Xaka and I began to drift apart. Barely speaking more than a greeting to each other at the time. I was completely torn. Xaka... My soulmate. The woman I loved more than life itself. And Eeden... my son. The child I may not have wanted, but loved all the same. He was of my blood, though his creation was unnatural. Venus slowly began to become rather unstable in her mind as she threatened many times to kill herself so I would come to the rescue. I had no idea what to do. Venus had her husband and daughter to look after, yet seemed to want to be with Eeden and me more. I tried in vain to make her realize that it was not meant to be, but she would have no part of it. On another end, I thought that I needed Eeden to have a mother on my side at least, so I discussed the matter with Xaka. Though painful as it was for her to fathom taking care of my son that was not hers as well, she agreed to be Eedens stepmother. When Venus heard of this, she took him from me and ran, threatening to kill both herself and our child. This only worsened things between Xaka and me. I remember Xaka saying once that perhaps I would be better off with Venus and be with that family. No... I could never do that. My heart belonged to her. I couldn't fathom being with anyone else. These things were mixed up so much that I had no idea of what to do, or what was the right thing to do. Finally, I decided that it must end. All of it. I had a choice to make... and may I be forgiven for choosing between the two people I loved. The next time Eeden was left in my care, I gave each moments attention to him. We played together for the entire day eventually tiring him. He fell asleep in my lap as I watched him for nearly the entire night. I thought only of what I should do. I felt as if I was being ripped in half. I couldn't bear it. Not this. I ran my fingers across the top of Eedens head as I began to whisper an eternal sleeping spell. The magical energies flowed into my son as my tears fell upon him. Taking him into my arms as he slept, I flew to the highest clouds in the sky. Barely able to speak, I somehow managed to chant one last spell, making one of the smaller clouds tangible. Resting Eeden upon that very cloud, I tried to say how sorry I was, but I couldn't speak. I could only watch in the most horrible sadness as Eeden, my own son floated away upon that cloud, never to be seen again. Epilog: The Search For A New Life In A New Land ----------------------------------------------- Eeden... I... By the Gods what had I done? The feeling was indescribable. I had given up my own son, and I hated myself for it. My feelings overwhelmed me. All I could do was sit in the tavern, staring at a small toy that I had given him. I thought of nothing else. Venus was devastated and nearly killed herself on more than one occasion. She had abandoned her husband and family to raise Eeden in hopes that I might fall for her. When she realized that my heart was only for Xaka, she asked me for the same thing that I had asked of Nelmarious so long ago. Knowing her grief, I agreed, and took up Runeblade against her, ending her life. It was the first and only innocent life ever ended by the Sword of Hope. But hope was the last thing I had in my heart. It was then that I realized that there truly was no hope for me in this world. Broken and defeated by this, I chose to break my vow to protect the land. I gathered my things from the house and without a word to anyone, I took to the skies, and fled Hollow. It didn't matter to me where I ended up. I sought the one thing that eluded me... peace. My thoughts plagued the day, and the most horrible of nightmares gripped the night. I cared not what happened to me. I prayed for an end to it all... but Fate it seems, had other plans in mind. I eventually found myself in a land called Karchan. Not unlike Hollow in some ways, I had heard of this land from some in Hollow who had traveled there. Deciding that this was good a place as any to find what I sought, I decided to remain there. It didn't take too long before I was noticed however. It seems my reputation for defending the innocent had traveled with those who moved from Hollow to this place. I eventually ended up doing the same in Karchan, making an enemy of Obsidian, the resident evil God of the land as well as many others. I fought each battle without a care for myself. I hoped for death, yet each time I battled against the evils of the land, it ended in either a victory for myself, or a standstill. One day, I was sitting at a place called the Snake River when a young woman passed by and introduced herself as Yokyana. We had never met before, yet we knew of each other for Yokyana was Xakas sister. We spoke for a little while when footsteps behind me ended our conversation. Yokyana took her leave silently as I stood up to face yet another challenge. There stood Xaka. She had heard that I came to Karchan and had followed me. We spoke for a little while... but I already knew where this would end before a single word was spoken. I don't blame her for feeling the way she did. Hurt, lost, betrayed... Even though it was not anyone's will that caused this, the pain I had caused was too great for me to bear. She asked me to reconsider, but my depression had overwhelmed me as I told her how I felt, and that it had to end for I could no longer go on hurting her. We said our good-byes and she left to return to Hollow. I was alone again... I had lost everything I held dear to me. Eeden, Xaka, my home... everything. As my depression grew, I eventually fell into the arms of one of the women that lived in Karchan. Even the illusion of happiness was better than the reality of my grief. We were married, adopted two children. One of which was my daughter Akamie. I felt a strong connection to her as she had lost her family before she came to Karchan as well. It took some time, but the two of us finally managed to begin healing. If it were not for her, I do not know what would have happened to me. Things began to settle down for me after that. I focused more on living my life than fighting against Obsidian. My marriage felt wrong however. I still could not shake my feelings for Xaka, and I felt ashamed for it. I heard she had fallen in love with one of the Seekers, a dragon and one of the most powerful beings in all of Hollow. I felt a minor part of jealousy... Perhaps more, but I wished them well from afar. Eventually Obsidian began to take a larger foothold upon the land, and Akamie convinced me to once again take up arms for the benefit of others. The battles were many. For both the light and darkness, victory shared its equal with defeat. The Blood Knights of the Inner Circle took and lost their footholds in the land as those who followed the light finally were able to beat back the darkness, enjoying their small victories. Although it felt good to do battle for what I believed in once again, I felt ashamed that I had broken my promise to those in the land of Hollow. But I couldn't go back... To see Xaka again would bring too many old feelings back, to even think about it sent me into a depression. This eventually led to the divorce of my wife and me. Although split between the two of us though, Akamie stayed at my side. I don't think I could ever thank her enough for that as I relied heavily on her. I still felt lost however... In the battles I fought, still I could not find the things I sought. I spoke with Akamie, and decided that I needed to go on a quest alone to find what I needed. I traveled for quite some time. Not really making contact with anyone or keeping track of where I was going when I found myself at the edge of a place I never expected to visit again. Reia... My home... Continued in the Chronicle of Adventure... Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)