The Phantom of the Digiworld von Semiramis-Audron (a tragic story of three lovers) ================================================================================ Kapitel 4: Death lurks amid the fog ----------------------------------- Chapter five: Death lurks amid the fog. At the rim of the opened theatre roof, stood Myotismon watching the performance, noticed by no one and covered in fog. He was awfully bored of Arukenimon's acting and waited for his moment to come. "Seraphimon away with this pretence!" Arukenimon said to the disguised Angewomon and dragged down her skirt so she was to be seen as Seraphimon. "You cannot speak, but kiss me in my husband's absence!" They bowed forward and pretended to be kissing. The audience murmured when they saw Mummymon hiding behind the half closed door. "Poor fool he makes me laugh! Hahaha! Time I tried to get a better, better half ! " Arukenimon started mocking about her deceived husband. Myotismon looked up into the night sky. Dark storm clouds gathered silently and unnoticed by the audience. He smiled and returned to the stage's roof. There he continued watching the show, though his gaze rested on Angewomon. "Poor fool he doesn't know! Hohohohoho!" Arukenimon laughed while she embraced Angewomon and kissed her tender. "If he knew the truth, he'd never ever go!" She chortled together with the other actors and the audience. Suddenly a thunderclap made the crowd startle, followed by a single lightning hitting the stage inches away from Arukenimon. A voice like thunder itself resounded from the darkened sky or at least somewhere above the stage... "DID I NOT INSTRUCT, THAT BOX FIVE WAS TO BE KEPT EMPTY!" Everyone looked up but no one saw the holder of this voice. Just those who knew it, identified who had spoken, and regardless of Angewomon, they were shaken. "He's here... The phantom of the Digiworld..." Whispered Lillymon to the others. "...It's him... I know it… it's him…" Was all that Angewomon could say but she was hushed by Arukenimon. "Your part is silent, croaking little Gekomon!" She walked over to her small table next to the stage and grabbed a silver white flacon, she took a sip of her secret remedy, which she used to supple her throat. Myotismon watched it contented. He knew this habit of her and utilized it for his aims. "A Gekomon, madam? Perhaps it is you, who are the Gekomon." –Assuredly with the essence of Shogungekomon's sweat in your silly mouthwash...- He thought smiling gleeful. Arukenimon returned to the set and they repeated the scene. "Seraphimon away with this pretence! You cannot speak, but kiss me in my husband's AOOOOAHRG---." Everyone looked at her in shock. It sounded as if she had burped, but actually it was the quack of a Gekomon. She tried to continue playing as if nothing had happened. More perturbing however was a new sound, Myotismon was laughing, quietly at first then more and more hysterically… Meanwhile Wizardmon was walking up the wooden ladders to the stage's roof. "Poor fool he makes me laugh! HahahahaAOOOOAHRG---AOOOOAHRG---AOOOOAHRG." Now she could not stop quacking, the digimon in the audience wondered whether this would belong to the play. As before the 'phantom's' laughter rose, the croaking continued and the lights of the chandelier belonging to the set, began blinking on and off, while deep red lightning flashed through the sky. Myotismon's laughter by this time overpowering, there crescendos into a great cry. "BEHOLD! SHE SINGS TO BRING DOWN THE CHANDELIER!" Agumon and Gomamon rushed to the stage, and ordered that the curtain should be closed, while Arukenimon darted into her dressing room. The audience was roaring with laughter and chuckling, as most of the actors were, when Agumon spoke to them. "Ladies and Gentlemon, we apologize!" Even Myotismon could not withhold a rather normal laugh at their precious Primadonna. Agumon considered a moment and went on. "Well…err… The performance… will continue… in ten minute's time…" He grabbed behind the curtain and dragged Angewomon onto the stage. "When the role of Countess will be played Angewomon!" An ocean of applause waved through the audience. Myotismon nodded assent from his place on the stage's roof and gathered his bats as the chandelier returned to normal "Why not initially then? Do you always have to be forced into your gain, my friends?" He smiled pleased while Agumon spoke. "Until then we would praise your indulgence for a few moments!" And Gomamon took the lead. "Meanwhile we'd like to give you the ballet from act three of tonight's opera!" Both directors withdrew behind the curtain, while the ballerinas rushed onto the stage in a big upheaval. Myotismon listened up; he heard rapid footsteps and looked down. "Why! Wizardmon… My dear witness! You have been a thorn in my side, long enough. It shall be time for you to meet your programmer!" He whispered maliciously. The ballet girls hobbled disordered as if they had never learned it. Wizardmon stood directly above the stage, he had been sure the phantom's voice had come from there. Suddenly he heard a noise and whirled round, there was a black shape disappearing in the shadows between the ropes and equipment. He followed it along the walkways. The audience was still chuckling when the ballet girls slowly started their dancing. Wizardmon walked over a bridge between two wooden joists and looked up, but he could not see someone. Myotismon however watched him closely and skipped down from his upper joist onto a walkway. The ballerinas, mostly Floramon leaped over the stage in harmony now. Wizardmon who wanted to follow the phantom, felt more and more followed up himself. Agumon and Gomamon watched the ballet together with the audience, glad that they would not have to refund. Cold sweat was running down Wizardmon's forehead, he felt chased and was nervous. He looked but no one was there so he turned around and was in front of a wicked grinning Myotismon. He gasped in shock and ran down the wooden walkway. Meanwhile Angemon followed the ballet absent-minded, he was thinking of Angewomon. Wizardmon climbed up a rope to a higher joist when Myotismon pulled himself up a walkway above himself on the other side of the stage's roof. Angewomon sat in her dressing room changing her costume from a pageboy into a countess. Wizardmon stood shivering on a walkway and stared at Myotismon standing three meters away from him on another walkway, smiling derisory and akimbo. LadyDevimon watched two shadows chasing above her, wandering how long the one of them would persevere. Wizardmon darted along a boardwalk while Myotismon climbed up a rope to a higher level. Angewomon wondered about what just had happened to Arukenimon and if she had to feel guilty. Myotismon and Wizardmon were on the same hanging walkway, when Myotismon crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Grisly Wing!" A flock of bats rushed towards Wizardmon, causing him to stumble and fall onto the wooden planks. Angewomon left her dressing room and walked back to the stage again. Wizardmon was struggling to get up, while Myotismon paced towards him. LadyDevimon decided to watch the ballet and stopped looking up into the fearful digimon's face. Little crimson sparks conducted around Myotismon's fingertips as Wizardmon turned his back to the planks, staring at him petrified. Angewomon had returned to behind the stage, the audience, Angemon and the directors watched the ballet. Myotismon glared at Wizardmon. "Crimson Lightning!" The sparks united to one long, curving, crimson ray in Myotismon's hands. The ballerinas were just dancing in circles when Wizardmon's garroted body plummeted down from the roof. But he kept hanging in the middle of the air, writhing. A crimson lightning rope tied close around his neck, tightening itself with every choking movement. Pandemonium broke loose. Screaming ballet girls, shocked, frightened, panicking audience, partly rushing out of the auditorium. Fleeing in dread of the twitching corpse. When the lightning disappeared and the cadaver smashed onto the stage in starting deletion, Angemon rushed over to Angewomon. "Are you all right?" She nodded shivering and drawing herself close to him. "Angemon, we're not save here!" He embraced her gently, when Agumon tried to calm the audience. "Please ladies and gentlemon! Remain your seats! Do not panic! It's simply an accident!" Myotismon ascended onto the high roof of the entrance hall with its golden statue on a terrace. Easily he skipped onto the turret's cupola. He stood there for a moment regarding the fleeing digimon beneath him and the storm clouds above him. Verily this was his theatre! It was created for his use. He closed his eyes and began moving his hands to a music only he could hear. He almost seemed conducting the upraising mist to the music. "It's almost done! Soon now not in fire or ice, but in fog. This world will soon be mine!" Meanwhile Myotismon summoned the mist that would cover the Digiworld in eternal darkness, and keep him together with HER, Angemon and Angewomon rushed up the stairs behind the stage. "Why have you brought us here?" Angemon asked following her up. "Don't take me back there!" She replied fearful. "We must return!" Said the confused patron of the theatre. "He'll kill me! His eyes will find me there! Those eyes that burn!" Angewomon revealed to him. "Be still now… Angewomon don't say that! Don't even think it!" They ran up the stairs in haste. "And if he has to kill a thousand 'mon!" She said rushing on. "Forget this waking nightmare!" Angemon startled on her fears. "The phantom of the Digiworld will kill and he will again!" She admitted her own presentiments. "This phantom is a fable! Believe me! There is no phantom of the Digiworld!" Angemon tried to calm her. "My god who is this 'mon? Who hunt's to kill?" She took two steps at once. "This mask of death?" Angemon did not know what she had seen under the mask. "I can't escape from him! I never will!" She was close to tears. "Whose is this voice you hear! With every breath?" Angemon wished he could understand her. They had nearly reached the roof. "And in this labyrinth, where night is blind… The phantom of the Digiworld is here inside my mind!" Angewomon said making the first step onto the foggy roof. "There is no phantom of the Digiworld!" Angemon told her grabbing her shoulders and shaking her softly. "Angemon I've been there to his world of unending night. To a world where the daylight dissolves into darkness… darkness… Angemon I've seen him! Can I ever forget that sight?" She clenched around him making him hold her. Myotismon's pointy ears twitched. He could see in the darkness and he had a hearing like no one else, for music and sounds. He heard rushing steps and disputing voices… familiar voices. –Angewomon…- He thought. –And that boy…- He heard them coming closer. -Why would they come up to the roof?- He opened his eyes and skipped down from the turret, just as the two left the staircase. He slinked to the statue and concealed himself behind the dying Devidramon. "Can I ever escape from that face! So distorted, deformed it was hardly a face in the darkness… darkness." Angemon held her close skimming over her hair. Myotismon twitched and rammed his fangs into his lower lip. –Is that what she..?- "But his voice filled my spirit with a strange, sweet sound. In that night there was music in my mind! And through music my soul began to soar… And I heard as I'd never heard before…" She closed her eyes and released him. "What you heard was a dream and nothing more." Angemon said while she walked slowly away from him. "Yet in his eyes… all the sadness of the world… Those pleading eyes… that both threaten and adore…" She was only inches away from the golden statue when Angemon called her comforting. "Angewomon, Angewomon…" Myotismon's breath was choked when he silently called her, too… Unseen, a ghostly echo of Angemon's words… "Angewomon…" " Scared she looked up but then thought her fearful mind must have played tricks on her. "What was that?" Carefully Myotismon licked his own blood from his lips and shivered. She stood so close to him he could even smell her… and him, when Angemon took her hand and led her slightly away. "No more talk of darkness Forget these azure-eyed fears! I'm here, nothing can harm you My words will warm and calm you. Let me be your freedom Let daylight dry your tears. I'm here, with you, beside you To guard you and to guide you!"Angemon looked into her eyes under the helmet, giving her warmth with his holy energy. She thought that his voice was not as sonorous as Myotismon's but it had a certain brightness, Myotismon would never knew. And his warmth made her reveal her feelings. "Say you'll love me every waking moment. Turn my head with talk of summertime. Say you need me with you now and always. Promise me that all you say is true! That's all I ask of you…"She was only looking at him and did not even notice that Myotismon had stepped next to the statue to watch them. He did not care whether they would become aware of him or not. He did not want to see them together, he did not want to watch them, but yet he was to shaken to turn his head from the scene. And Angemon laid his arms around her, with encouraging words. "Let me be your shelter Let me be your light! You're save, no one will find you Your fears are far behind you!"Actually he was wrong her fears were indeed behind her, but not far… Her 'fear' was standing barely six yards from her with a heart that throbbed against his chest and a numb feeling in his head. Myotismon had no control over his body, he wanted to hide, wanted to move, wanted to get away from this lingering flirtation, but it was as if he had become a statue, too, when he heard her voice… "All I want is freedom A world with no more night. And you, always beside me To hold me and to hide me." Myotismon tried to unclench his fists but they shivered in strain. He felt betrayed. –How can she talk to him this way? … Angel of Music, guide and guardian… Stay by my side, guide me!…Who was guiding you in the last few years? Who was guarding you? Who held your soul and made your music fly? Who hid you, feeble bloom, from this world that would have trampled you without a care? NOT HIM! I have been your angel…Why, Angewomon, why?- While he was beginning to mope Angemon could not stop feeling like the happiest 'mon in the Digiworld, now that Angewomon seemed to choose him. "Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Let me lead you from your solitude! Say you need me with you here beside you Anywhere you go, let me go, too Angewomon, that's all I ask of you!"They ambled together upon the roof's terrace, while two eyes blue of color and blue of world-weariness followed them. –She is not blameworthy alone… It is this… handsome young Angemon who never knew the callousness of the light he serves… He is to be blamed. He spoils her pure soul with his ludicrous vows. I have seen enough digimon of your kind, young 'mon! You won't be good for her!…- He listened up as Angewomon spoke to her new savior. "Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime! Say the word and I will follow you! Share each day with me! Each Night! Each Morning! Say you love me!"They stood in a sweet embracement; her head leaned against his shoulder, their holy energy shimmering around them. While Myotismon breathed irregularly, his head smarting, desperately trying to fade out what would follow now, inescapable. "You know I do!" Angemon whispered to her and Myotismon cursed his sensitive ears. "Love me that's all I ask of you!" The heads of the two vaccines came closer and then their lips met in delight. Myotismon turned his head away in a silent outcry, he smashed his fist against the statue, but the lovers heard nothing. He sank down onto his knees, his breath went jerkily... Summoning the fog had cost him already a lot of energy, but this…Angemon lifted her from the ground and whirled in circles with her, smiling gaily, kissing her again and again. "Anywhere you go let me go too! Love me, that's all I ask of you!" And again they kissed, keener and more lighthearted than before. Myotismon felt as if he was heavily punched against the chest, he could hardly breathe when Angewomon spoke to Angemon with an amorous voice. "I must go, they'll wonder where I am! Wait for me Angemon!" And all he answered were four little words that threw Myotismon into a darkness so deep, he had barely known before. "Angewomon, I love you!" She kissed his lips and caressed his cheek, then she turned to the staircase. "Order your fine Unimon. Be with them at the door!" Angemon would not let her go so easily, he drew her back again and once more their lips met. "And soon you'll be beside me!" She answered his affectionate gesture and both went down the stairs. "You'll guard me and you'll guide me!" Myotismon still kneeled on the roof, his view adjusted into the dark sky. He breathed heavily through clenched teeth and slowly he felt hot torrents floating down his cheeks. "I gave you my music Made your song take wing… And now… How you've repaid me? Denied me and betrayed me… He was bound to love you When he heard you sing…Angewomon…" He could not remember when he had cried for the last time, it was too long ago and now she caused him to wallow in tears for the second time within a few days. Her voice was angelic and he was magnetized from her like the moth from light. He should have known that he would have to burn in hell for it… Sluggish he paced along the cornice, looking down from the high edifice onto the stony ground. –I've always hated the fact of reconfiguration… Dying and then coming back on a lower level as if nothing had happened… and maintain your mind and memory… I wonder how much it is from top to bottom here… Would she even care?… I once was told suicides were not granted this apocryphal treat of reconfiguring… Deletion means being taken from the cycle… eternal oblivion… eternal redemption… Nothing that would remain… perhaps a cape… or a crimson mask… I am so weary…- He stood on the rim with closed eyes and composed breathed the fresh air. He felt a soft breeze on his skin that made his cape wave behind him. He stood there in the darkness with arms wide opened, ready to past the final verge… And then he heard her voice again, hers and his echoing up the staircase. "Say you'll share with me one love one lifetime. Say the word and I will follow you. Share each day with me, each night, each morning…" And it was her voice, which intonated this vow with the most resoluteness, full of love and emotion, full of fidelity as if she had never loved someone else before… Myotismon knotted his fist. –No she's not so guiltless… Everything I did, I did it for you… I have been your Angel of Music… of darkness… And you and your impudent suitor tore down my wings… Now! I'm nothing more than a fallen angel… A creature of the dark…- He felt rage arising inside him, felt he needed to shed blood, needed to delete or at least release his destructive forces. He glared at the tall golden statue of MagnaAngemon and Crimson Lightning shot out of his fingertips. He slung the lightning around the oversized statue's neck and pulled it tighter and tighter…Until finally it had scorched through the gilded stone and the icon's head rolled to Myotismon's feet. He jumped onto the shoulders of the decapitated vaccine, spread his cape like ominous wings and shouted his passion into the dark night."YOU WILL CURSE THE DAY YOU DID NOT DO, ALL THAT YOUR MASTER ASKED OF YOU!"With a disdainful smile he plunged down into the darkness… The curtain closed and the cast appeared on the stage for its applause. Angewomon conspicuously dressed in Arukenimon's costume, when suddenly the laughter of Myotismon was to be heard as he stood high above the stage. "Grisly Wing!" A dark cloud of bats assembled around the chandelier. At a great cry of him they clutched into it. "GO!" They tore it down and it crashed to the stage at Angewomon's feet. Myotismon turned, his cape waving behind him and vanished into the shadow. ------- End of act one... So what will happen now? Well I know it and you don't! *eg* Hosted by Animexx e.V. (