Triangle von Tea_Kaiba (Faultshipping, sort of (Seto x Anzu x Mokuba)) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Your silence is your biggest scream - Mokuba's POV ------------------------------------------------------------- There are some things Mokuba thought could never happen to him. One of them is falling in love with an elder woman. Quite another, and still more seemingly impossible, is actually not speaking to his big brother any more. And yet, all of this happened – at once. Not exactly all at once, of course. It started when Mokuba had just turned seventeen and discovered how utterly unbearable life can be. He didn’t even really know why. He just felt it was. Of course, Seto would insist on him seeing a psychologist. Seto had always been more than ready to do whatever he could to make sure Mokuba was well, safe and happy, even if he had to deny himself a lot for that purpose. Turning to Mazaki Anzu for help had seemed quite reasonable - after all, they had been something like friends before the whole gang (safe for Mokuba, Shizuka, and, if you want to count her in, Rebecca) had finished school and fallen apart. There were some things that just wouldn’t have to be explained to Anzu. The way he felt about Seto, for instance. Or how Seto felt about him. She knew. She understood. Always had. And they’d always known she had some talent for this kind of thing, long before she decided to study psychology - after all, she had talked Honda and Jonouchi out of bullying younger students. With a little help of Yuugi’s alter ego. But whatever. So Isono was told to call her and make an appointment on account of Kaiba Mokuba. She hadn’t been surprised to meet him, after all this time. “Guess it’s in your genes – or else you just can’t help it, with all those things you had to pull through. Told your brother he had to go and see someone for ages. He wouldn’t listen, of course. Have a seat.” Why, of course Seto would not listen to her – he rarely listened to anyone, except for Mokuba, on rare occasions, and Yuugi, on even rarer ones. That was how it started. She did a good job, in some way. Managed to put his world back into place, before she – unconsciously – turned it upside down again. Mokuba wouldn’t touch a drop of alcohol for some time, like he had started to. Unfortunately, soon enough all he would do was touching her instead – in his dreams. Seto couldn’t have helped noticing the change. Of course, he noticed how quiet Mokuba had grown, when he never used to stop talking before, provided he could get hold of his brother for once. But it was still ok then. Mokuba still hoped, and they still talked, about anything but Anzu, because that was something he wouldn´t talk about even to his brother, as much as he loved him. That was before Seto also started hoping, and for a time, they hardly spoke – or, rather, argued – about anything but Anzu. And it was way before they stopped talking altogether. He still can’t tell how, exactly, it happened. Seto never fell in love before – and Mokuba still doubts he ever will fall in love, but there’s definitely something about Anzu he… wants. Not in the way he usually wants women. For, being Kaiba Seto, of course he has had his share of women. Obviously it was enough for him that she started to hang around even after he stopped transferring the equal of a whole monthly salary to her account every thirty days or so. Enough to make him realize, for the first time, there was something more about women than sex. The first evening was bizarre, really. With Seto walking past and telling him: “I’m going out with Anzu tonight. Don’t wait for me.” Just like that. Like there wasn’t anything wrong with it. And for Seto, there wasn’t, of course. He still didn’t have a clue about Mokubas real motives for inviting her over all the time – he probably even thought Mokuba was trying to set them up together. It wouldn’t have been the first time for him to try something like that. Seto didn’t come home that night, of course. Still, Mokuba doesn’t think he had her, either then or later. Anzu had made it more than clear that she wasn’t going to sleep with anyone she didn’t love, and that she didn’t love Seto any more than she did Mokuba. It was just that Seto couldn’t admit a failure. Not even, or especially not, to his little brother. Not even by sleeping at home when he had practically told him that he wouldn’t. Sometimes he thinks he just ought to move back into the mansion and tell both of them that it’s ok, he doesn’t love Anzu any more, and they could marry and live happily ever after, for all he cared. But lying, actually lying to Seto is the one thing he never managed to do. Oh, he became clever enough at inventing other ways to sidestep his brothers rules. But lying is different, and he knows he couldn’t even do it for Seto’s sake. He thinks he ought to, though. Thinks of all the sacrifices Seto has made for him. Of endless hours of study, of Gozaburo in a rage, and no toys permitted anywhere near the future heir of Kaiba Corporation. Of nights spent without sleep because one particular form had to be turned in the next day, otherwise, it would be back to the orphanage for Kaiba Mokuba. Of so many things. If there’s one person in the world Mokuba would really like to see happy, it’s his brother. But what good could a lie like that do, even if he could bring himself to tell it? Anzu wouldn’t love Seto any more for that. She would probably be relieved, yes, if she had only one of them left to bother with. But he doesn’t love her enough to give up on her just for her convenience. Not quite yet. So, instead of thinking about his responsibility to give up Anzu, he usually turns to asking himself why he even loves her. Sure, she’s a wonderful girl – woman, actually –, but he knows lots of nice girls. So why Anzu? Part of it is probably because she looks at him and sees a person, a real individual. Not Kaiba Seto’s younger brother. Not the youngest member of the Kaiba family. Not the vice president of Kaiba Corp. Not one of the people in Muto Yuugis inner circle. Not even a classmate or fellow duelist. Just him. Mokuba. Of course, she thinks of him in terms of what he is, too. And part of those are all the clichés that make him second best every time when compared to Seto, a fact that made Mokuba angry and jealous even while he still desperately adored his big brother. Others, however, show him as an individual, as well. More than that, they prove all the things they have lived through together. He’s the guy that got kidnapped by Marik along with her. He’s the one that cheated Yugi back in Duelist Kingdom, but luckily she seems to be more amused than angry about that now. Also, he’s the guy that once wore the gown of princess Adena, a thing he doesn’t like to be reminded of, but as long as it’s Anzu, that’s fine with him. Ironically, he thinks, Seto likes her for quite the opposite. He may not admit it, but he’s quite comfortable with the idea of being considered part of what he calls that “pathetic little circle of friends”. At least that’s what it looks like to Mokuba. Trouble is, Jonouchi and Honda were never that keen on calling the elder Kaiba one of their friends, and Yuugi tried to, but always seemed to wait for him to admit that he is. Anzu, on the other hand, just decided he was, whether he wanted it or not. That’s just the way it is with Anzu. She captivates people, draws them closer, often voluntarily, and sometimes without intending to do so. Like she did the Kaiba brothers. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (