Too Irresitible von Schumeriagirl ================================================================================ Kapitel 3: Defence against the Dark Arts ---------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me, everything to J.K. Rowling. I just play with the characters… And no, I don’t make money with stories like this. "It is not good if women read. Then they come on ideas, and catch in to think!" The Beauty and the Beast The banquet at beginning of the school year ran as well as each other previously: Ron spoke as always with a mouthful and let everyone see the masticated food in his mouth, a habit which Hermione found repulsive But nobody was perfect and sometimes small, usually disturbing, habits made people endearing. They were the things that made people human; the little annoyance. Many had already said that Hermione was deliberately making them insecure about their work and way of living, but this had been in another life. And nevertheless, she was in this world too, an outsider in many ways; somebody who gladly learned and read, someone who understood the worth of a chance to learn something, to expand one’s horizons. She couldn’t live just for pleasure, hedonistically travelling through life; she also wanted to have something that worthwhile. She needed more than that. And it was this deep desire to learn that had always caused a divide between her and those around her, even as a child. She had been alone then. Here in Hogwarts however, she had friends. The best that one could hope for, even if they chewed with open mouths and sometimes acted thoughtlessly and lacked tact she knew that they always meant well. Looking at her friends on the Gryffindor table and appreciating them for who they were was the first moment in which Hermione felt truly happy for the first time since the death of her parents. Finally, she had come home, back to her second- her real- home. Now, she could understand Harry’s feeling when he was saying that Hogwarts was where he belonged. It was his only home and, as for him, the only place she truly felt she belonged. “Right, it’s about time I take the First Years to the tower, and after that I will be heading to my new room if you don’t mind. I’m shattered.” Ron and Harry exchanged a glance. They had not considered that after being named as Head Girl Hermione wouldn’t be living in Gryffindor Tower with them any more. She had her own common room with Ernie now. They would miss her and said as much. “Cheer up, I’m not very far away. And I promise to keep reading your homework in the evenings.” Hermione smiled and left the table to collected the exhausted First Years. Harry and Ron looked at each other guiltily. They had both been thinking the same thing: How awful it would be if they didn’t have her to correct their homework for them. She saw every single mistake and she new everything that had to be added. She was irreplaceable. During the feast, the teachers had been discussing who should participate in the Animagi-Lessons. Sirius insisted that it was an extremely difficult process, and that someone either had the capability or they didn’t; he considered a magical test on the possible students absolutely vital. Even wizards who could perform extremely complex magic and were powerful did not always have the capability and there was a simple magical test that would show the animal they would transform into if they would be able. From the beginning Snape had been against the lesson because it meant that he had to look not one, but two of his old enemies in the face every day, and suffer their presence in the castle. Each time he saw their hope, their joy in life, he wanted to hex them. They seemed unharmed by the war, the losses, even Azkaban. It didn’t even seem to have affected either their souls or their bodies. They seemed to be whole and complete. Unlike Severus, who had been playing the puppet for the two most powerful wizards in the world. All these years he had been living with fear, deception and despair but he had to obey. He had not been able to fight Voldemort freely. Severus Snape had been bound, by his own doing, to the terrible double life of a spy. Remus and Sirius did not seem to care- why should they- and Severus hated them although his rational mind knew that they should not be the ones to take the blame. Insufferable, resilient Gryffindors. But it was easier this way than to be able to forgive and forget. The next morning a big crowd was standing in front of Professor Lupin’s classroom waiting for their first lesson Magic against the Dark Arts to begin. Every house was represented by some of their members; even three Slytherins had decided to participate in it. Everyone was eager to begin including Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini from Slytherin. Hermione was not sure whether they just wanted to learn something or if there was an unpleasant reason behind their presence. Either way, she would watch her back. Everything could happen with these Slytherins. Magically, the door opened and all entered fast because they wanted one of the best places and unfortunate for she had to sit in the first row between Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy. Furiously she glanced over to Harry and Ron who twitched only lightly with their shoulders. Next to Ron sat Lavender Brown smiling bitter sweetly into Hermione’s chocolate brown eyes. She was occupying her former seat. And she didn’t seem to eager to leave it anytime soon. Hermione was quite sure she knew exactly what Lavender was up to but she had no proof and she did not want to seem jealous in saying Lavender wanted to get Ron back. After their break-up, it had been Hermione getting all the nasty glances. As if she was responsible for that disaster called a relationship between the two. So without any other possibility Hermione was stuck between two snakes. “Oh Merlin, could it become even worse?” mumbled Hermione quietly but not as quiet as she may have wished because both Draco and Blaise had heard her words. “Hey Granger, jealous that Brown is sitting next to your lover?” Malfoy smirked but his eyes weren’t annoyed, just curious what she would answer him. If she answered him anything at all. They weren’t on best terms lately. Nevertheless he was interested in knowing if the Weasel and the Mudblood had been doing more than holding hands over the vacation. Whether they had done it already or not. The thoughts were nauseating him and he was slightly confused that he did not like the thought of the weasel and Hermione being more than just “friends”. Fortunately, Draco couldn’t continue thinking of things like that because Blaise had begun to speak with her Hermione, cracking double entendres. “Draco, let her have her faire share of fun. She just needs to know how real men work with their gifted wands.” Blaise swung loosely from his wrist his wand and looked at Hermione, grinning boldly. She had started to turn crimson, as she had understood what Blaise implied. Blaise as well as Draco saw her reaction and could hardly restrain their silent laughter. However, to the outside they remained quiet and looked at Hermione expectantly. Neither Blaise nor Draco could tell what the Mudblood would say next. At least she would have to say something because she would not let them get away with a comment like that. This lesson would be extremely funny if they could continue teasing Granger. Of course even more if she would look so cute every time they were teasing her. “Zabini, I am so sorry to disappoint you but your techniques aren’t working so well and your wand seems lacking condition- overuse?” Hermione made a few up and down movements with her left hand, “so he it wouldn’t be able to work properly, so better forget it!” Pleased with her spontaneous and unusual retort, Hermione turned around to Professor Lupin who had been following their talk inconspicuously and nodded at her encouragingly. “One to zero for Granger, who would have guessed?.” Draco also turned to pay attention at Professor Lupin. Blaise was still lost in thought while the lesson had begun. "When did Granger become so quick? And since when does she understand our little wordplays?" Her stressing the word “wand” and “technique” and her small, fine movement of her hand had shown him that she had certainly understood what he had been indicating, actually. He was a bit surprised. Not that he would really consider doing such things with her, but teasing the Mudblood was funny. Perhaps even a little bit too very much. Remus was listening intently but inconspicuously so that he could interfere if it was necessary but Hermione was handling this situation very well on her own. This behaviour was Aanother indication for him that she had grown over the summer, not only in looks but also in maturity. And she had learned to defend herself more with words than Harry and Ron could ever do with their wands and fists. Judging by the pensive look on Blaise’s face, Hermione had just hit his ego badly. Remus almost felt sorry for the young man, but it quickly faded away. You shouldn’t play with fire, unless you want to get burnt. There was no way of denying that. When the bell was ringing Remus dismissed the students who were hurrying towards the dungeons. Potions was next and nobody would be late to that class if he or she could prevent it. Snape was not one to mess with. Only if you wanted to die a painful death. “There are so many things I have to tell Sirius, he won’t believe me,” Remus murmured aloud. “What are you going to tell me mate? Dirty secret?” A brightly smiling Sirius was entering the classroom and sitting lazily on one of the chairs. He did not look like a teacher, he looked more like a student who was dying to play pranks on his fellow students. “Oh Padfoot, you won’t believe this,” Remus began to tell him everything that has been happening during his first lesson Defence against the Dark Arts. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was the third chapter and I hope you liked it.... In the next chapter we are visitors when Hermione has her first potions lesson of the year… If you have got some ideas or criticisms please tell me. I would really, really appreciate reviews and I promise to answer each and every question. I like my readers to decide what is going to happen to Hermione and the guys in her life so it is partly your decision what is going to happen. Who do you want Hermione to be paired up with? Feel free to tell me what you think should happen… Hosted by Animexx e.V. (