Too Irresitible von Schumeriagirl ================================================================================ Kapitel 5: In the Library ------------------------- Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me, everything to J.K. Rowling. I just play with the figures… And no, I don’t make money with stories like this. "It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for what you are not." Andre Gide The smile still visible on her face, Hermione entered the Great Hall and sat down next to Harry and Ron who were occupying the same seats as ever. They had already started eating, Ron with the same appetite as ever, which wasn’t a surprise for Hermione. She knew Ron long enough to be used to his appetite. What was definitely bothering her was the fact that Lavender was sitting next to Ron, talking like she had to empty her head of all thoughts at once, or it would explode. Which it probably would. Hermione began to feel pity for Lavender who was oblivious to the fact that Ron was not listening to her. Hermione recognised this situation all too well; normally it would have been her waiting for an answer, which wasn’t likely to come. Ron was making little sounds that could be understood as an agreement, but Hermione knew that they were due to the fact that Ron was eating. These sounds were normal for him. Hermione was barely eating anything, and was unusually silent. She was thinking about what she had said to Professor Snape. When she thought about it now, she almost cringed, and started regretting ever saying it. She knew she had made a mistake, although he deserved every word of it. She sat there quietly eating her dinner with an absent-minded look in her eyes, something the people around her were quite used to. She had come to the conclusion that she would patiently wait and see what was faith had in store for her. After all, it was Snape she was thinking about and he wouldn't think twice about hexing her sorry, little ass without any further explanation because, and only because, he was Severus Snape, feared Potions Professor of Hogwarts, School for Witchcraft and Wizardy. Hermione left the Hall rapidly without any words to her friends or classmates. She was hurrying in the direction of the library. He had been watching her during her whole meal and he had seen every little movement, every gesture and she captivated him. He had waited for her after potions fearing that Professor Snape would harm her in any way, but Hermione had been too fast for him to catch up with her after she left the classroom. He couldn’t prevent himself from hearing what had been said in the room and he was impressed by her fearless attitude towards her Professor. That wasn’t the sticky little know-it-all from the year before, but a very mature version of her, and he had to confess that he liked it. She was very special, he was sure of that much. Although it would be hard for him to make her see that he was “Mr. Right”, he was confident that she would eventually see reason. She was difficult, no question, and a real challenge. Shortly, she was a girl worth fighting for. But he had to make sure that neither his friends nor hers would interfere in their relationship. It wasn’t possible to be male not dream about shoving her up a bookcase in the Library or bending her over a school desk, her skirt gathered up around her thighs. His trousers tightened slightly and he knew that if he didn't stop fantasizing, he would have to take care of a rather pressing problem. He strolled out of the Hall as nonchalantly as he could while walking towards the one destination where he knew he could make his problem disappear. Luckily, the corridors were empty and Hermione hadn’t any problems reaching her destination. She felt the sweet silence of all the books surrounding her, feeling comfortable. Without any hesitation, she was scanning the bookshelf for her favourite book. It wasn’t very surprising that the book was old and contained far too many pages for the taste of most readers. She touched the book like a lover before she laid it down on her usual desk. The pages were whispering to her, they were calling after her and she could feel the excitement building in her stomach. There were so many things undiscovered between the lines of the old, brown paper. There were stories behind the stories and Hermione was eager to read them, to get to know them. It was a whole new world with old friends. Absorbed in the book, Hermione did not pay attention as Sirius entered the silent library and scanned it. As she felt a hand on her shoulder, she woke up from her daze with a jump and half a scream stuck in her thought. As she realised who it was, she also realised that the touch did not feel very comfortable, though she did not know why. It was only Sirius, after all. “Sirius. Oh, sorry, I mean Professor Black. What are you doing here?” Hermione smiled to cover her impoliteness. She had been too rude to enough people for one day. Although Sirius probably wouldn't mind that. “It’s okay Hermione, you know me better than that, so no offence taken. I've known you too long to be offended by something like that. Just forget it. ” Sirius dropped a small, black leather book on the table. Confusion was evident on Hermione’s face, whilst Sirius was drop dead serious. “Where did you found it?” “I found it on the floor outside, and curious as I am, took the liberty of taking it with me.“ Shocked by his words, Hermione glanced between the book and Sirius several times. The book looked as if there weren’t any secrets hidden in it but there were. Things nobody should ever know. “Did you read it?“ She was begging and praying to Merlin and whatever gods there might be that he hadn’t. “I opened it to see if there was a name written on the inside, yes. I just wanted to make sure that it would find its way back to its owner. But then a few letters dropped out. I saw who sent them and who received them, and knew that you had to be the owner. After that, I only put the letters inside again, before I came to you with it. Although I must say that it was very tempting, but your secrets are safe within this book. If you don’t loose it again.” Sirius smiled friendly and Hermione let out the breath she didn't know she had been holding. He hadn’t read things, which he should not know and which would be embarrassing for her. All her secrets and thoughts were safe. She visibly calmed. “But Hermione, watch this little book, as it could surely do harm if it gets in the wrong hands. Remember that, will you?“ The worried tone in his words made Hermione look at him again. Their eyes met. One moment seemed like the eternity and neither Hermione nor Sirius seemed to be able to look away. Neither spoke. With many difficulties Hermione broke the silence. “Thanks, Sirius.” That was all, but it was enough. They didn’t need more words. It wasn’t necessary. Hermione didn’t get a proper answer, but something that sounded like a “your welcome” which was sufficient. Sirius walked away as he remembered what Remus had told him hours ago about Hermione’s change of behaviour. She had been witty around Zabini and Malfoy, which was highly unusual and she had been different in some way during his whole class. Nevertheless, she did not seem aware that she was occupying the dirty fantasies of half the boys above third year, and Sirius was very eager to make her see the truth. His inner dog was howling loudly at the thought that all the male attention could be ignored to no end. Hermione had had a rough time and the dead of her parents wasn’t helping very much, but she deserved some fun. Why shouldn’t she enjoy the attention of the guys as long as it didn't hurt anyone. Sirius had stopped in his tracks outside the library, and now he turned and walked back in with determination on his face. “Please tell me Hermione, did you know that every schoolboy’s dream is to seduce and shag his Head Girl?” Horrified, Hermione stared at Sirius. It didn't feel right to Sirius about such a thing. He was the godfather her best friend, and ... well, it was Sirius! A girl did not talk to a so good-looking man about damp dreams, such a man was found in the damp dreams. Hermione coughed and tried to formulate a fitting answer, but her mind refused to work properly; probably due to the fact that she was sitting near to Sirius Black who was definitely blazing hot and genuinely gifted, and who wanted to talk with her about damp dreams and fantasies. It was getting hotter in the library and Hermione began to blush slightly “Ehm, Sirius, eh.” Sirius smiled and every clear thought in her head vanished. He found Hermione’s blushing cute and extremely lovely when he thought about what they were talking about. He had made enough dirty talk with his conquests not to blush like a schoolboy over that subject. And he hadn't been very gentle with his women, to tell the truth. If someone other than Hermione had owned that diary, Sirius was sure, he would have looked in it. But not with Hermione. He owed her some respect and loyalty and he would have been a bad friend if he had looked into her private things. Furthermore, Hermione wasn’t a conquest, but one of Harry’s best friends. He had known her long enough to consider her a friend himself. Although the word “girl” didn’t seem very fitting as his eyes wandered to her breaths. Forcefully, Sirius regained some control over his senses and lectured himself for thinking in such a way about Hermione. She wasn’t just a bunny. And even if she hadn’t been someone he knew, she was still his student. A student who seemed very uncomfortable at the moment. “I’m truly sorry Hermione, I didn’t want to embarrass you, but someone had to tell you the truth. You aren’t ugly and nobody is mocking you, you are a young, attractive and overly intelligent woman who participated in defeating Voldemort, by the way. When boys are looking at you, they don’t see a bookworm; they see a woman they desire, even lust after. It’s likely that they are disturbed by the thought because they have known you since you were eleven and don’t want you to be just another dirty fantasy. So they will probably just watch you when you are not looking, because they fear what you may think of them. You can be very intimidating, and that’s nothing personal, but a fact. I know all this because I once used to be one of them.” Sirius smiled his Marauder-smile. He was smiling every time she looked at him. It was like a mechanism, he had to flirt in some way or other. Hermione didn’t know which part of his speech she should question first and which one she should honestly believe. It wasn’t easy to imagine that a guy could find her attractive. Surely, Victor had told her she was beautiful and breathtaking and a blessing to his dull life, but that just showed what a good liar he was. He had broken her heart and that was something she did not wish to experience anytime soon. Been there, done that. “Thank you Sirius, let me think about it, but don’t expect too much. I am who I am and I’m not about to change for anyone or anything. Especially not for some horny teenagers.” “That’s my girl!“ Sirius was laughing loudly but inwardly he wasn’t sure if he believed her. She was an excellent actress and could fool nearly anyone, but he had talked to Harry and Ron about her over the summer and they were worried about her. Since the tragic death of her parents, Hermione wasn’t the same. She wanted to show the world that she could handle everything life would throw in her face without breaking under the pressure, but Sirius was sure that anyone who would bother to look a little under the surface would see the scars of young woman who suffered. Nothing was all right, nothing was OK. But it was her decision to whom she would talk about it. He couldn’t say much more than he had. He left the library without any further words. Confused about his behaviour, Hermione watched him until he was out of sight. Their encounter had been strange and whatever Sirius had wanted to talk about, he had kept it to himself. Maybe he just wanted to give her the diary and tease her a little. She started getting paranoid. Some minutes later she just sat there staring at the pages of her book. The letters changed before her eyes and she wasn’t able to read them clearly. They didn’t make sense to her anymore. For the first time in her life she was glad that she didn't have any homework to do. So she packed her things and left the library while being totally lost in thoughts. Suddenly, she felt the floor under her feet vanish and as a reflex, she dropped her things to the ground and grabbed in the air as strong arms caught her and held her up. His warm body was pressed against hers and his breath came uncontrolled. Hermione’s eyes were shut in fear while she had no idea who her guardian angel was, except that it was a male. His hands were strong and soft at the same time and Hermione felt comfortable in his arms. She felt a certain security in his arms, which she hadn’t felt for a long time now. She didn’t want to let go of him, but as she opened her eyes and saw who held her, she backed up immediately. _________________________________________________________________________________ This was the fifth chapter and I hope you liked it. I wanted to show a different side of Hermione’s character. She isn’t just the happy little girl, but also vulnerable and confused. And of course, I was very eager to introduce our “Mister Strong-Arms” ;D You will hear more of him in the next chapter. Who caught Hermione? Any ideas? Just guess, maybe there will be a little reward for the one guessing right. If you have got some ideas or criticisms please tell me. I would really, really appreciate reviews and I promise to answer each and every question. I like my readers to decide what is going to happen to Hermione and the guys in her life so it is partly your decision what is going to happen. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (