Tomatoes and Beer von Selenay (GermanyxN.Italy) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: ----------- Ludwig wasn't fully awake yet and felt a little uneasy that he couldn't remember how exactly he came to be in his bed. When he opened his eyes the light of the sun in his eyes made him wince and realize how badly his head hurt. He tried not to move too much and hoped the pain would go away eventually. Just in that moment something tickled his stomach and he nearly jumped off the bed but fell back onto the pillows with a groan. Frowning he reached for the bedspread and raised it up so he could see what was tickling him. A dishelved and naked Feliciano who slowly blinked his sleepy eyes at him before he gave him his trademark smile, murmured an ‘Ohayou Doitsu’ and snuggled closer to Germany who was quite dumbstruck. Ludwig tried his hardest not to panic but it took him a few minutes and a few deep breaths to be calm enough to think. He had a hard time remembering how he ended up in his bed; with the Italian no less, but he’d be damned to ask Feliciano about what happened, after all he had his pride. For sure he’d never drink this much again! He didn’t mind being naked in a bed with the Italian, after all he did like him, but he wanted to remember everything. Ludwig moved a little until he was more comfortable and tried to remember everything that happened the previous day... It was late afternoon when he took a walk with Eins, Zwei and Drei in the big park behind his house. Ludwig really cherished the time alone with just the dogs where he didn't have do deal with Austria; who didn’t live in his house anymore, but still dropped by frequently for some reason. He would go on about Franz Joseph this and Franz Joseph that, like he always used to do. He liked the guy, but sometimes it was just too much. Normally he didn’t run away from any conflicts, but discussing his underwear with another person was something he really didn’t want to do. After giving the dogs some excercise for about an hour he, himself was pretty tired and sweaty too and was looking forward to a shower, a cold Bier and maybe some Wurst to go with it. So he put the dogs back into their Zwinger and made his way up the lawn to the house. When he came back to his house though, it wasn't Austria who was waiting for him at the front door to reprimand him yet again, but a happily smiling North Italy, who was bouncing on the balls of his feet. Ludwig stopped a few yards away and Feliciano waved at him like a madman once he spotted him. With a heavy sigh he made his way towards the other man who met him halfway and held out his arms to him. So Ludwig hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Feliciano smiled even more brightly after that and Ludwig felt a headache coming on. He liked Feliciano a lot; not that he would ever admit that out loud, but he still had a hard time getting used to all those touchy-feely tendencies of his. Ludwig opened the door and both of them went inside, where it was slightly cooler than out in the sun. Feliciano took off his shoes, went straight to the kitchen and Ludwig followed him there a few minutes later. The Italian already started to do what he always did when he came for a visit, cook some pasta with some sort of sauce to go with it. After Feliciano had been over for a few times Ludwig had learned that he should stock up on the ingredients or face a teary eyed Feliciano. Since he really couldn’t handle people crying he prefered to stuff his kitchen cupboards with tons of pasta. For a few minutes he leaned against the kitchen counter and watched the other man chop vegetables and prepare other ingredients, then he excused himself to finally get rid of his sweaty clothes and take a shower. With a sigh Ludwig shut the bathroom door, leaned against it and closed his eyes. It had been a while since he had last seen the energetic Italian and it was kind of odd for Feliciano to just show up at his house again. Much had happened between them and how Feliciano still thought of him as friend was a miracle. Their countries had fought a bloody war with many casualties on both sides. Even though Ludwig never agreed to the plans of the madman that brought about the downfall of his country he also neglected to do anything against them and for that he felt guilty beyond belief. He was glad that Feliciano still came to see him but he didn’t really know how to handle the situation. Even though the Italian infuriated and annoyed him at times he still wanted Feliciano close by, which irritated him to some extent. Shrugging off those thoughts he finally peeled off his clothes and stepped into the shower. The water was very cold, but refreshing and Ludwig only shuddered a little. Once he got used to the temperature he really began to enjoy the cool liquid running down his heated skin. After a while of just standing under the spray he soaped up his body and hair and rinsed off the suds. Just when he turned to come out of shower the bathroom door slammed open and Feliciano opened his mouth to say something but went mute in an instant when he saw Ludwig. The German was frozen to the spot and stared at Feliciano, who in turn started to blush while he stared at a certain part of Ludwig’s anatomy. Once he had recovered a little Ludwig grabbed the nearest towel and covered himself up, while Feliciano apologized and told him with one of his usual smiles that dinner was ready. After that he left and Ludwig was alone again. He didn’t want to think about what had just happened, so he hurried up with toweling off his skin and put on a fresh tank top and shorts. It was just too warm to wear anything else. Ludwig put his old clothes into the laundry basket, because he disliked not having everything clean and in order. On his nightstand he found a note from Austria, saying that he would be gone for a few days to visit Hungary – thank god. Feliciano had already set the table when Ludwig entered the kitchen and the smell of tomato sauce filled his nostrils. He didn’t understand how the Italian could eat so much pasta all the time but he had to admit, that the other man was a good cook. Ludwig didn’t dare look at Feliciano and focused on his bowl of Spaghetti Bolognese instead. Feliciano filled two glasses with red wine and then joined him at the table. Ah well, he could always drink some Bier later. The silence between them was pretty awkward as both started to eat their pasta. Ludwig didn’t know what to say, so he kept quiet and Feliciano seemed content with not saying anything either. When they had finished eating Feliciano took the dishes and put them into the sink, then he turned around and smiled brightly, asking Ludwig to watch a movie with him. The German agreed, though he was kind of sad that he couldn’t watch his beloved Fußball. Feliciano said something about Lovino giving him the movie and saying it was great, which made Ludwig question the actual greatness of the movie. But if Feliciano wanted to watch it they would. Couldn’t be much worse than some of the stuff his brother Gilbert watched. Before he settled down on the couch Ludwig went into his storage room and got a full crate of Bier which he sat down next to him so he could easily reach it. Feliciano just shook his head and took the half-full bottle of wine along with his glass and put them on the coffee table before we went to put on the movie. Ludwig had already opened one of his bottles and took a long swig out of it when the movie started. A second later he nearly snorted the Bier out of his nose and had a little coughing fit. And there he thought it couldn’t get worse than what Gilbert watched, but apparently it could. Right at the moment one could read on the screen in bright red letters: “Attack of the Killertomatoes”. Feliciano pouted a little at Ludwigs outburst, but was engrossed in the movie pretty soon after that. Geeze, Italians and their tomato-fetish. Ludwig didn’t really pay attention to the movie and instead spend some quality time looking at the bottom of his Bier bottles because he was hoping the alcohol would make him less tense. He still didn’t really know how to act towards Feliciano, but he was fast approaching the point where he forgot what was bothering him. Suddenly he had a lapful of shuddering and squeaking Italian, with its face a bit too close to certain parts of the German. The bottle he was holding nearly fell out of his hand and he could barely catch it before it fell on Feliciano’s head. On the screen some oversized tomato with a lot of pointy teeth just gnawed on the leg of someone and Ludwig was kind of surprised that something like that would scare Feliciano. He patted the man’s head a little, carressed the silky strands of auburn hair and accidentally touched his ahoge. Feliciano’s breath caught in his throat, but he still didn’t move away from Ludwig’s lap. Their eyes met for a second, but then both looked away again, blushing like teenagers. Feliciano moved a bit to the side, but still stayed close and clung to Ludwig’s arm so he could hide his face at particularly scary scenes. The German decided he needed to drink more, because Italy being so clingy made him really uncomfortable. His trousers were a little tight already but he was still in denial about why. Ludwig tried to move away from Feliciano several times, but whenever he managed to get some space between them, the Italian filled it again once he noticed. In the end Ludwig was pretty squashed against the armrest of the couch and totally not having a good time. His vision had become a little fuzzy already, but he still didn’t stop drinking. Feliciano’s head was resting on his shoulder now and it took the German a while to realize that he was absent mindedly caressing the other man’s hair again and also that the movie had stopped playing. Ludwig felt like he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and tried to move it away from Feliciano, but the Italian caught the hand in his and wouldn’t let go. When Ludwig turned his head to the side, he noticed that their faces were pretty close to each other – only a few inches more and their lips would have touched. Feliciano was watching him with a serious expression and Ludwig swallowed hard, felt his cheeks heating up. The Italian had never looked at him like this and it was kinda intimidating, which probably meant that Ludwig was a lot more drunk than he had thought. They hadn’t talked much at all, which was pretty odd for Feliciano and right now he didn’t say anything either, just closed the remaining space between them and lightly pressed his lips on the German’s. For a second Ludwig couldn’t breathe and couldn’t comprehend what was happening but then Feliciano kissed him harder and he couldn’t help but respond. His fingers tightened in Feliciano’s hair while their lips and tongues met in a fierce battle. Ludwig pulled Feliciano onto his lap again and the Italian let him, gasped into the kiss when he felt the hardness that was beneath him. They had to end the kiss then, both panting heavily and struggling to breathe. And there it was again, that intense look in Feliciano’s eyes and Ludwig just couldn’t fully comprehend what it meant. But now was not the time for words, they could talk later or tomorrow. Feliciano wriggled a little on Ludwig’s lap, which made the German moan deep in his throat. He remembered the look Feliciano had given him in the shower and shuddered. The Italian moved until their cloth-covered erections lay against each other and began to steadily roll his hips which drove Ludwig nearly crazy. He wanted the clothes out of the way but couldn’t for the life of him remember how to unfasten his trousers or anything complicated like that, anything where he had to think because Feliciano felt so good in his arms and so right. They kissed again and the kiss was full of desire and urgency. Ludwig’s arms tightened around Feliciano has he came in his trousers, quickly followed by the Italian. Harsh breathing was the only sound that filled the room and Ludwig knew that he wanted more, wanted to taste and explore everything that was Feliciano. As if he was reading Ludwig’s thoughts the other man stood up with a smile and held his hand out to him, who took it. Shortly after they had entered his bedroom, Ludwig got his wish. The memory of what had happened made Ludwig blush yet again, but he was glad he had remembered losing his virginity in every sense of the word. But they still hadn’t talked about anything, which made him a little uneasy. Feliciano moved out from under the blanket and plopped down onto the pillows next to Ludwig. The movement made his head hurt a bit again, which made him frown. A cool hand caressed his forehead, chased away some of the pain. Ludwig was grateful and smiled a little, which earned him a little kiss on the cheek from Feliciano. But it was no use putting the inevitable off any longer. “About yesterday...” Feliciano put his finger against Ludwig’s lips and shook his head. The German looked at him questioningly, waiting patiently for the other man to say something. “I know you didn’t mean what you did back then, but I just needed a little time to clear my thoughts. And yesterday I just came, because I couldn’t stand not seeing you anymore...” He looked away then and blushed a little. “You are very important to me, you know? I’m just some silly pasta-loving Italian and I know I was always pretty useless when it came to fighting, but I was glad that I could stay by your side back then. It made me happy to be with you, even though you yelled at me a lot and all that. When I couldn’t see you anymore I felt like some part of me was missing and I’m sorry that I’m babbling a lot again now, but I just want you to know that I love you Ludwig...” Ludwig wasn’t sure what shocked him more, the sudden love confession, or Feliciano being all serious. The other man wouldn’t look at him and he really needed to think about this, gather his thoughts and progress everything the Italian had said, but instead he just blurted out the first thought that came to him. “I love you too, Feliciano. You’ve always been my important, my only friend.” Ludwig wasn’t got at confessions like those and he blushed furiously, but when he felt Feliciano’s soft lips against his own, he just closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. He kinda wished that he would have had the courage to talk to the man earlier but Ludwig had to admit that in matters of the heart he was quite the coward. That Feliciano loved him didn’t even surprise him that much and he himself had known that he loved the silly Italian for quite a while too, just didn’t want to admit it, even to himself because he had been afraid of never seeing the man again. He was thankful for having Feliciano with him and he hoped their relationship would last for a long time. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (