Nur ein paar Minuten von maidlin (Percy Jackson-Rick Riordan) ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: Just a few minutes ----------------------------- This is it. The moment I die. I knew it would end like this, right from the start. I had known when I had chosen this path. But I didn’t expect it to be so painful, so slow. I thought it would be over pretty fast. My body feels like it is on fire, like my muscles and flesh are torn off from my bones, little by little, piece by piece, slowly and apparently endlessly. Every breath feels like needles piercing my lungs. When is it over? There is Percy and Annabeth and Grover right in front of me but my vision is already blurry. Though I can see the tears in her and Grover’s eyes. True friends, I think, friends I may not deserve. But I’m glad that they are here. Just a few words. More I don’t want to say. Only a few words… I fill my lungs with air, open my mouth and force myself to speak. But as soon as the first words escape my lips I want to stop. Even speaking hurts so much. I never experienced such a pain before. But I go on. It won’t take long anymore. A last deserved praise. A last question and an answer I’m relieved about. A last promise. A final farewell. When I finish the last sentence my hand falls down and I know it will be only a matter of seconds. Then the room starts glowing. I can see it behind my closed eyelids. They come back. I wish it would have taken them longer. I don’t want to die with him near me. I don’t want to feel all the feelings I carefully locked away. The pain lessens and my body becomes lighter. Life leaves me. Soon, I think. Soon… For a very short moment I see my mother before my eyes. It’s strange… my whole life I run from her, from her eyes, which scared me to death. Even now. I still don’t know why she was like that. And I will never know now. Will she still wait for me? I hope he will tell her that I will never come back. But I love her. She is my mother and the little boy inside me wants her by his side. Muffled sounds come to my ears, voices, men and women, movements and steps. I don’t understand what they are saying anymore. I drift away. He is besides me. I can feel him, powerful and mighty. And now I know why I hold onto the last bit of my life. Again I see the boy I once have been. He was alone, longed for his father’s love, an indication, a prove. The little boy still longs for his love. He doesn’t want to die alone. A hand on my cheek and a kiss on my forehead, a final blessing. And when he holds my hand I finally let go. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (