Poems von caperpri (Kleinigkeiten zum lesen in Deutsch und English) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: The Forgotten ------------------------ I wrote it to the song "Shake up Christmas". Hope you enjoy it. *The Forgotten* Once upon a time I didn't know what to rhyme the big city came slowly to rest as I sat alone at my desk Oh, I wanted to write about the lies in my life and the cries and the dark without light But instead I lay in my bed, awake thinking about others and the wishes they may make So, once upon a time not too far away a boy watched the dusk the end of the day And he leaned back freezing to death all alone as white mist rose from his breath Just once he wanted a reason to smile a great time and a home once in a while Oh, and once upon a time some miles away an elderly woman watched the end of the day Sitting on a hospital bed feeling so cold knowing that her death was near as she was really old And she wished for the last time to listen to the song of youth from her prime And once upon a time now far far away a man watched the dusk the end of the day Oh, he was far from home sitting in the plane flying to another work as it began to rain Just once he wanted to see his son sitting under a Christmas tree singing and having fun Oh, once upon a time I didn't know what to rhyme so I lay in bed, awake thinking about a wish I could make A day of happines would be fine maybe Santa grants me my wish this time For everyone a family and a warm place laughter, songs and a loving embrace Once upon a time... ©caperpri Kapitel 2: stumm ---------------- Stumm Manchmal beneide ich ihn. Ihn, der dasitzt an seinem Platz. Sitzt und sitzt, und starrt durchs Fenster, ohne Mucks, ohne Stimme. Manchmal beneide ich ihn. Ihn, der dasitzt umringt von Menschen. Redet und redet, mit seinen Händen, ohne Mucks, ohne Stimme Manchmal beneide ich ihn. Ihn, der dasitzt umringt von Freunden und man hört ihn und man sieht ihn, ohne Mucks und ohne Stimme. Ich weiß er bemitleidet mich. Ich, die ich sitze, umringt von Fremden, denn ich rede, doch sie hören nichts, nicht einen Mucks noch meine Stimme. -ende- ©caperpri Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)