Twinkle Twinkle Little Star von Bibs (My version of 'Born to Endless Night') ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: ----------- When Alec came back later, Magnus had put the baby back to his nest in their bed and was watching TV without really seeing the images flashing across the large flat screen. He was pulled out of his musing by the sound of keys and scrambled to his feet when the first thing he saw was two large paper bags. “Hey darling. Let me help you”, he offered and took one of the bags in exchange for a quick kiss. “Little one had another two bottles of milk and a mashed banana and is sleeping now. What did you buy?” “Food and pacifiers and some random stuff I thought might be helpful. Catarina went home?” Alec slipped out of his boots, a little smile on his lips, and went to the kitchen counter to unpack his shopping. Magnus followed and took a look into the bag he carried, finding a small soft looking hair brush, a toy rattle and what looked like a stuffed piglet. “I guess I got the random stuff bag”, Magnus assumed and also started to empty the contents of the bag next to the more practical congregation of milk powder packages, bottles and pacifiers that emerged from Alec’s bag. “You even got some clothes?” “Well, he doesn’t have anything besides the pyjamas, does he? If he’s going to stay for a few days he will need something to change. I just hope they fit”, Alec illustrated his point, eyes fixed on a package of baby porridge that was decorated with berries and apples. “Good of you to think about that”, Magnus said softly and put a hand on Alec’s lower back, stroking over the fabric gently with his fingertips. “Catarina said we could call her anytime if we need help. At the moment he sleeps like…well not exactly an angel that would be a weird thing to say….like a good little baby. Maybe we are lucky and he stays like this all night.” Alec looked over at the door of the bedroom and a shy little smile crept to his face. “Are you sure it is okay to have him sleep in our bed, together with us, I mean? We don’t have a crib and to get one just for a few days is pointless.” The words tumbled out of Alec and Magnus knew him well enough by now to sense there was more on his mind, things he could not say yet. “I was advised to make sure he does not get too hot, which will be a challenge considering I will be present”, Magnus answered, his tone light and teasing Alec by poking him gingerly. He was rewarded with a loving look and a grin that still made his stomach flutter. “I’m sure you can manage to cool down just enough to make sure he can sleep well. And we can keep a pillow between us and him so we don’t accidentally roll over him.” Magnus nodded and let Alec pull him toward the sofa, where the younger man slightly pushed him to make him lie down so he could come to rest next to him. “What do you think made his parents leave him like this? How did they even get to the Academy”, Alec asked, his head propped on the shoulder of the warlock. Magnus placed his hand lightly on Alec’s hip and slipped his nose into his soft black hair. “I don’t know how he got to the Academy and honestly, I don’t care overmuch. That’s the Inquisitor’s problem not ours. And for why they left him…could be any reason. Fear or hate or both. Could be the man left the mother when the baby that was supposed to be his son turned out to be the wrong colour? Or she was alone to begin with and desperate…” His voice trailed off, his chest tight and he could feel Alec tense up beside him. “I don’t care either. It does not help him to know why they abandoned him.” At least they did not try to kill him, he thought and stared at the ceiling till suddenly Alec filled his vision. He had rolled himself on top of Magnus, covering him with his body and warmth. “Sorry for bringing this up. He is alive. And so are you. That’s all that matters”, he whispered and Magnus knew he meant it and then Alec’s lips were on Magnus’s and his strong hand cupped the older ones cheek. In turn Magnus took hold of Alec’s shirt, pulled him closer and opened up to the kiss, letting him take the pressure from his heart. It still amazed Magnus how Alexander made him feel incredibly vulnerable and absolutely safe at the same time. “Thank you”, he whispered when they broke the contact and he was able to look into those wonderful blue eyes again. “What for”, Alec wanted to know and smiled meekly. “Being who you are”, Magnus answered and buried his face at Alec’s shoulder. “Love you like crazy”, he muttered and just seconds later lifted his head to look at the bedroom door. “Did you hear something? I think there was a noise.” “Let’s check.” Alec got up and held a hand out to Magnus, who took it and followed him to the bedroom. When they noiselessly pushed the door open they saw the baby in his cosy nest, Chairman Meow curled up next to him and softly nudging the boy’s cheek with his nose. The baby chuckled and waved his little hands, trailing tiny golden sparks from his fingertips which floated above them in swirls and plumes before dissolving. They watched them in amazement and Magnus felt their fingers interlink, felt the slight pressure and heard Alec take a deep breath. “Is this….his magic”, he breathed as if he was afraid to disturb the beauty of the moment. Magnus nodded, fascinated by the joy and quietness that surrounded the two tiny figures on their bed. The sparks cast a surreal light that made the baby’s hair look like feathery gold and the cat’s eyes shine like tiny stars. He felt Alec move slowly towards the bed and loosen the grip on his hand but Magnus followed him anyway and lay down on the other side of the nest. The baby looked at them, smiled and suddenly the magic seemed to explode from his hands like tiny fireworks, filling the room with sparkling golden light. Magnus held out his own hand and when he touched one of the sparks, it sizzled quietly and vanished, leaving just a slight prickling on his skin. He looked over to his boyfriend who was staring at the spectacle and the baby in turn, clearly marvelling at the sight. By chance he met Magnus’s eye, their glance locked before both of them looked at the baby again who gave them another toothless grin and squeaked in delight. The sound made Magnus’s heart skip another beat and he cursed himself silently for being so soppy. At least he seemed not alone in this. Alec reached out one hand very slowly in the boy’s direction, eyes fixed on his dark navy blue ones and brushed his cheek oh so lightly, as if afraid the baby might dissolve under his touch. Still smiling, the boy stopped sending sparks up to the dark ceiling and got hold of Alec’s hand by grabbing the pinkie and index finger. Alec gasped but let him pull his hand close to his face, which looked even smaller and more fragile in contrast to Alec’s scarred and callused fingers. Magnus could not help but smile as he watched the little one press his chubby cheek against Alec’s palm, who made a stifled sound and bit his lower lip. The last golden sparks drifted down and died when they touched anything solid, the only light in the room now falling in through the half open door. “I guess he likes you”, whispered Magnus, looking now at Alec but not really able to tell what was going on behind his shining blue eyes that seemed to be stuck on the sight between them. It took Alec some moments to frame an answer and when he spoke, his voice was strangely husky. “He shouldn’t too much…he’s not going to stay…” With a lot of caution he untangled his fingers from the boys grip, caressed a line from his forehead down his nose under which the baby closed his eyes, only opening them half way, apparently getting sleepy. Alec kept on repeating the soft gesture till the boy’s eyes remained closed and he fell asleep again. “He’s not going to stay”, Alec whispered again, with a rough edge to his voice that made Magnus swallow hard. Before he could say anything Alec had drawn back his hand, rolled out of the bed in one fluid motion and was heading for the door, his hand closed in front of his belly. Magnus frowned and followed slowly to find his boyfriend in the kitchen, picking at a bar code label on one of the baby bottles as if it had personally insulted him. His whole body was rigid and he had his lips pressed together, a sure sign that he was unwilling to be approached or talked to right now. So instead of disturbing him, Magnus crossed the room to switch off the TV, fluff up the cushions on the sofa and lock the door to the landing prior to entering the kitchen area. Alec had run out of sticky labels to attack but seemed still not inclined to share his thoughts or feelings with Magnus, who kept a little distance and studied his profile. “What about we take a quick shower together and go to bed”, he suggested when he could not stand the awkward silence any longer. Hopefully a warm shower would help his loved one relax. Blue eyes met his for a second and Alec gave a short nod, even took the hand Magnus offered but remained silent. The warlock pulled him close and placed a light kiss on his hair. “Don’t worry, we can talk tomorrow”, he whispered and felt another nod combined with a reassuring pressure on his hand, promising that they would. When Magnus woke up the next morning he rolled over to find the bed next to him empty, both Alec and the baby gone. He stared at the mass of pillows for some time, wondering why he felt slightly disappointed by their absence. What had he hoped for, two lovely smiling faces greeting him? Magnus rubbed his face to chase away the thoughts and the emotions that came with them, a stinging longing in his chest that did not solely target Alexander, and got up to look for them. To his further frustration Magnus did not find them in the main room whose only inhabitant at the moment was Chairman Meow, happily munching his breakfast. “Good morning. Do you know where Alexander and our little friend vanished to?” The cat looked up at him when he spoke, blinked slowly and then indulged again in his food. “Thank you, very helpful”, muttered Magnus just to find his eyes drawn to a square piece of paper on the kitchen table, covered in Alec’s handwriting. Good morning Magnus, I hope you slept well. I did not want to wake you up, so I took little one out for a walk. We’ll be back soon. Love, Alexander   P.S.: This Betty called. She will come around 3pm to see little one. Her number is on the back. Magnus gave a little sigh and turned the note over to find a cell phone number that seemed hastily scribbled, the last three digits crossed out and replaced. So Catarina had kept her word and already called her social worker friend who was meant to find parents for the baby boy. Magnus shoved the note into the pocket of his black jeans and helped himself to some breakfast, since he had nothing better to do while waiting for Alec to return. He found himself thinking about the magic the little boy had shown last night, golden sparks drifting through the air like stardust and tried to remember the first time he had used his own magic. It had not been the tragic incident with his step-father but how old had he been when he had first played with the blue flames and sparks that marked his own native magic? It could not have been much earlier and certainly not in the crib, his mother would have noticed and maybe have ended her life sooner. “I should have asked Catarina what the normal levels of development for warlock babies are”, he muttered and grabbed his cell phone to make up for his lack of concentration yesterday. |Hey Catarina. First night went well. Say, can you remember the first time you used magic? Or did your mother ever tell you? Just wondering.| Magnus did not wait for an answer because he knew she was working and it could be hours before she took the time to look at her phone and even longer for her to reply, if she did not see his question as a priority. To kill some time until Alec came back, Magnus switched on his computer and began browsing the depths of the internet, the digital hive mind of this era. To his slight surprise he started searching pages about babies and childcare and parenting, curiously taking in what were the mundanes latest views on all the topics. When he heard the key turning in the apartments lock, he closed the browser hastily, flapped the laptop shut and got up to greet Alec as he opened the door. “How has your walk been”, he inquired and smiled at him. Alec pulled a thin woollen hat from his own head, causing his hair to stand away in all directions, and smiled with shining eyes. “Pretty nice. We went to the small park a few blocks south and enjoyed the sun. It’s getting chilly but I put on an extra sweater, so he did not get cold.” It seemed that Alec had managed to fasten the baby to his chest with the wraparound and then had indeed put on one of his old, saggy sweaters, the zipper only half way up so the little blue face poked out. “And I called Maryse on the way. I’m off duty today to take care…to help you take care of him.” Magnus smiled and closed the door behind his partner. “How very obliging of her. Do you like some coffee”, he offered and Alec followed him to the kitchen. The coffee machine had been one of Magnus’s first presents for him, just a little more than two years ago. “Sure, thank you. I did not have time earlier. Little one was a bit unsettled and I did not want you to wake up because he cried.“ Alec was still smiling and seemed very comfortable with the baby in the wraparound, even snatching a small kiss from Magnus when he handed him a steaming mug of coffee. “Did he wake you up without me noticing?” “No, Chairman Meow was hungry first and licked my ear again. Little one was playing with sparks when I came back, making them dance around his fingers.” The memory seemed to bring a bright light into Alec’s eyes and Magnus eyeballed him inquisitively. “I’m sorry I missed that”, he said and raised a hand to gently stroke the little boys head and then placed it on Alec’s cheek. “Can we talk about last night? You seemed…troubled. I’d like to understand why.” He was sorry to see the joy that had lit up Alec’s face fade but they both knew they had to have this conversation, better now in private than later when Betty came to take the baby with her. “I guess you’re right, we need to talk”, Alec agreed and turned to move to the sofa, taking off his sweater as he went but still carrying the baby. His left hand went to the baby’s back in a gesture Magnus was not sure he was aware of. He loved Alec for his protective nature and the way he almost automatically extended it onto the small warlock boy chimed with Magnus’s own sense of responsibility for him. He sat down next to Alec and slid one long arm around his back, his voice very calm when he spoke. “Why did you run away after he fell asleep?” He felt Alec taking a deep breath and prepared for a jumble of words, the way his boyfriend often spoke when he was under an emotional strain. But this time Alec spoke slow and clear, choosing his words with care as he went on. “Because it hurt to realize that he is not going to stay with us. I know it’s silly to think it could be different. He needs parents, someone who knows what babies need and how to care for them. He needs a family that accepts him wholeheartedly for who he is, who love him no matter what. And even if it feels like cutting myself, I cannot keep that chance from him just because I loved him the moment I first held him.” His eyes were fixed on his hand on the boy’s back, not daring to look at Magnus, afraid to see nothing but sorrow and maybe pity in his lovers face. “You are not silly, Alexander, not a bit”, Magnus answered and leaned over to nuzzle his soft black hair, slipping his own dark hand over Alec’s. “Or maybe just a little bit. Why should he not find a loving family with us?” “You know my parents, don’t you? How do you think they would handle having a warlock grandchild?” Alec sighed and slumped against Magnus. “I do. And I know your sister and Simon, who both stood up against your father yesterday to make sure this little boy would not be sent to the Silent Brothers. And your parabatai may be a prig but he has a good heart under all that arrogance. I think they could make up for your uptight father.” He placed his fingers in the gaps between Alec’s so he could also touch the baby. “Families don’t need to be perfect.” He lifted his head and softly nudged Alec’s temple with his nose. “Will you look at me, Alexander?” When Alec turned his face to him Magnus smiled, even though he could see the mixed feelings his words were causing. “I understand how you feel about him. He is adorable. An innocent little bundle of joy and possibilities. And I have to admit that I’m scared when I think about the responsibility taking care of him poses. But I want to make a difference for him, for his life. I don’t want him to grow up and become scared of what he can do or hate himself for what he is.” There it was again, the bright spark in Alec’s eyes that Magnus had hoped for. “It won’t be easy, we will need to learn so much and Catarina promised a lot of poop and burning curtains and tantrums but we have faced worse, don’t you think?” A little smile played on Alec’s lips. “You mean like demon invasions, being stuck in Edom and blackmailed by a Prince of Hell? Yes, I think that sounds worse than poop and tantrums.” He returned Magnus’s look steadier now, assured that he was not alone with his feelings for the child. “It will mean a fundamental change for our lifestyle though. No more parties or round-the-world trips off the top of your head, at least till we figured everything out. No summoning demons until he is able to understand what you’re doing. No sudden rescue missions while I’m out in the park with him. He’ll also eventually need a room for himself, at least a…” Magnus interjected, grinning from ear to ear and his cat-like eyes sparkling. “So we are in this together? Being…fathers?” He felt his heartbeat speed up as Alec looked down at the foundling who returned his gaze with wide wondrous eyes. “Yes we are”, he confirmed and when he looked up at Magnus again, his whole face seemed to glow with a smile so happy Magnus could do nothing but return it. “Another first time I could not have dreamed of without you.” “I know. But now we’re allowed to pick a name, don’t you think?” Magnus grinned. “I’m only good at cat names. As long as you don’t call him Buford, the choice is yours.” Alec looked vexed at the suggestion. “Who on earth would call their child Buford?” “Actually the very same man who first introduced me to the wonderful possibilities of glitter. You may say he had a crucial influence on my life in doing so.” This made Alec laugh, the light sound ringing trough the high room. “Okay, who do we owe the gratitude for this finishing touch on your magnificent self to”, he wanted to know, genuinely curious. “To the same genius who invented the first sensors and who established the basis for portal magic as we know it today, with my humble assistance on the latter. His name was Henry Branwell, although his children went by his wife’s maiden name, Fairchild.” “Did you know him well?” Alec still smiled and caressed Magnus’s thumb with his own. “I think Henry is a nice name. And it goes well with both, Bane or Lightwood. Until he chooses his warlock last name.” Magnus threw a musing look at the child. “He was an extraordinary man, well ahead of his time. Not the worst namesake you could wish for. But are you sure? I thought maybe Ma...” “No”, Alec cut him off and slowly shook his head. “I don’t like this, you know, giving babies the names of recently deceased. It hurts those left behind and puts an unfair pressure on the child. Or would you like to call him Ragnor or Raphael?” Alec had a strong point, Magnus had to admit. “No, I don’t but mostly because both of them were pretentious know-it-alls and never had a sense for wonder or the everyday beauty that surrounds us”, he claimed with a wry smile. “So it’s Henry, then?” Alec nodded and placed a very gentle kiss on the child’s forehead. “Hello Henry. Welcome to our family.” “Welcome, little Henry”, Magnus repeated and also breathed a kiss on the smooth skin. “I hope you like our choice. If not, you can always change it, once you learn to speak.” “As long as it isn’t Buford”, Alec added with a chuckle. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (