Twinkle Twinkle Little Star von Bibs (My version of 'Born to Endless Night') ================================================================================ Kapitel 5: ----------- When Alec finally came home it was almost morning and he was glad he had taken a shower and changed out of his ruined gear at the Institute. So when he saw Magnus and Henry in their bed, illuminated by the faint light that filtered through the high stained-glass window, he just had to drop his sweater and jeans and slide under the cover next to his son. The boy stirred, turning to his other side so he was now facing Alec, luckily without waking up. Alec smiled, sinking into his pillow and carefully pulled up the blanket. Just far enough to stay warm but not so far that it could accidentally cover Henry’s face. He was still kind of paranoid concerning his sleeping habits, even after almost five years. “I guess you had a hard night”, he heard Magnus whisper and smiled weary. “A bit. We finally got this rough vampire though. What about you?” He sneaked one hand over the cover to entwine their fingers, his own callused, scarred and pale in harsh contrast to Magnus’s dark skin and glittering nails, and nodded to their son. He felt the smooth cold metal of their wedding band on Magnus’s finger, the only ring he never took off. He wore his counterpart on a slim chain around his neck. “Nightmares again”, Magnus explained and shrugged but in his eyes was a slight hint of worry. Alec frowned and looked at the sleeping boy. He seemed peaceful and relaxed now but the nightmares, which had started a few months ago, came more frequently now. It may be because of his profession and their experiences with strange dreams but he did not believe in coincidences. “Let’s talk tomorrow”, he mumbled, because right now he was too tired to think straight and felt Magnus press his hand in return. “Get some sleep, darling. I’ll entertain little one till you get up”, he promised and Alec smiled while giving in to exhaustion. Strength and endurance runes were all good and well but nothing beat real sleep on the long run. When he woke up again it was because someone was climbing onto his back and ruffled his hair with two little hands. “Daddy, wake up”, Henry demanded and bounced slightly up and down, pressing the air out of Alec’s lungs. “Wake up, wake up, wake up. We have pancakes!” A mixed groan and giggle escaped Alec. It was wonderful to be woken up by this sweet energetic boy but he was still feeling the bruises of last night’s hunt. “Okay okay, I’m awake”, he managed to get out between the boy’s bounces and finally rolled over, grabbing Henry when he tumbled down into the cushions beside him and cuddling him to his chest. The boy squeaked in delight and flung his small arms around Alec’s neck, who was relieved to find him so happy and relaxed after the bad dreams. “Good morning.” “Good morning”, Henry replied and was already pushing at him to get out of his embrace, Alec giving in immediately. The boy scrambled to his feet and started jumping up and down on the mattress, falling to his knees occasionally and bouncing back up laughing. Alec shoved one arm behind his head and watched him, grinning at the sheer energy that radiated from him. The sun painted colourful patterns on both of them and made Henry’s ivory hair shimmer in different shades of the rainbow. Alec treasured those carefree minutes of joy, the warm fuzzy feeling it gave him, especially after a straining night like the last. “Are the two of you coming already? I won’t allow breakfast in bed after the scrambled eggs massacre of father’s day”, Magnus’s voice cut in from the main room and Alec laughed while he sat up and Henry jumped down to the floor, landing lithe like a cat and scurrying out the door. Alec followed a few seconds later, just pulling on one of the dressing gowns Magnus always left lying around. This one was made from shining sapphire blue silk and embroidered with silver thread, matching Alec’s own colouring. He was surprised to find Magnus standing at the stove, pouring batter into a pan. “You started the scrambled eggs massacre, not us”, he reminded his husband, stepping behind him and planting a soft kiss on his neck. The smell of the pancakes sizzling in the pan and the unique scent of Magnus mixed perfectly, making Alec’s stomach rumble. “Good morning. Those pancakes smell great,” he whispered. Magnus was really getting better at cooking, only some looked slightly burned at the edges. “We also have cream and syrup and Nutella”, Henry informed him, grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the table to show him. “Chairman Meow also got some cream but he already drank it all.” “It looks yummy. Thank you.” Alec wondered if he had forgotten about any special day or anniversary but could not think of anything. He decided to simply enjoy this family breakfast and sat down next to Henry when Magnus came over, balancing a stack of pancakes with both hands. Magnus had barely set them down when two of them floated from the stack to Henry’s plate, perfectly in balance, followed by the bowl of cream. Magnus grinned wide while watching, filling his and Alec’s plate the same way. “Very good, Henry. Your levitation spell is getting better every day”, he said and that made Henry beam with pride. He had started teaching his son to use his talents just a few weeks after they had adopted him. Unintentionally and playful at first, juggling soft toys or little balls for Henry without touching them, or telling stories with figures and scenes painted in blue flames in the darkness of their bedroom. Soon the boy had tried to mimic his father, his golden sparks mixing with Magnus’s blue flame, one time almost setting the bed on fire. Now Alec watched them, as they tried to take the fluffy cream out of the bowl without using the spoon, drowning his own pancakes in syrup. He was just moving the first bite to his mouth when a walnut sized splotch of cream flew right into his face, hitting directly between his eyes. Taken totally off-guard Alec just blinked at them, Henry holding his fork and giggling, Magnus wide eyed and pointing one bejewelled finger at their son, doing his best to appear completely innocent and failing. Wiping the cream out of his eyes with his fingers, Alec tried not to laugh, not entirely successful himself. “Is this a training session now? Or do you think I need a face mask?” “I usually use curd cheese and cucumber for face masks not whipped cream”, Magnus informed him, clearly speaking without thinking and Alec could not hold back the laughter anymore. “So it’s training? What for? Fighting lactose intolerant werewolves? ” “Hum… interesting idea. But how would you know if it worked? Follow them around and wait for them to fart?” Magnus was grinning now and Henry still chuckled while munching his breakfast. “Ugh, no. I’m certainly not sniffing any werewolf backsides”, Alec refused and got up to get the rest of the cream out of his face. “But thanks for the vivid image in my mind.” They finished their breakfast without more food flying around and when Henry put down his mug, Alec exchanged a quick look with Magnus, who nodded and turned towards the boy. “Little one, before you run off to play, can we talk about last night”, he asked and Henry looked up at him, seeming confused. “Everything is fine, Henry. We’d just like to know what your bad dreams are about”, Alec explained. He wanted to make sure their son knew they were here for him. “Can you tell us?” Henry nodded and looked from Magnus to Alec before he started talking. “I don’t remember every dream. But they are all similar. Someone is calling me in the dark but not by my name and I think it is not our language”, he started and Alec noticed that his husband’s eyes turned a darker shade, the pupils reduced to narrow slits. “And when I don’t answer they come closer, all dark bodies and talons and fangs. And they try to take me with them.” The boy’s voice trailed off and he blinked rapidly, eyes shining a bit too bright. “Most times I wake up just before they get me.” Alec stood up to kneel beside his chair and carefully take him into his arms. “It’s ok, Henry. You know we would never let that happen, right? No monster or demon will ever take you away. You can always come to our room. We protect you”, he assured him and felt Magnus’s fingers brush his face when he stroked Henry’s hair. “We love you”, the older warlock added and their presence helped Henry brush off the memory of the nightmares and fear that came with them. He sniffed and cuddled closer to Alec for a moment before freeing himself from his father’s hug. “I know. Can I go? I want to play juggling balls”, he asked and Alec let him go with a loving smile. “Off you go.” He got up as Henry slipped from the chair and scurried to his own room, already forgetting about their conversation. Alec sat down next to Magnus and watched his husbands face carefully. His eyes, lined in cobalt blue today, were narrow and he still looked after Henry, lips set in a thin line. “You are worried”, Alec concluded and furrowed his brow when Magnus nodded without taking his eyes off their son. “Why?” “This sounds fishy to me. I’d almost bet the monsters call him in some kind of demon tongue”, Magnus started and finally switched his gaze to Alec, an unusual deep line appearing between his eyes. “You know that warlocks have a special bond to their demon fathers and how they can influence us.” Alec bit his lip, remembering the first and hopefully last encounter with Magnus’s own father. “You think it’s his sire, sending him those dreams? But why?” The thought of a demon in or near Henry’s mind made Alec’s stomach clench. “Could he influence him like Lilith did with Jace?” Magnus ran a hand through his messy black hair and shrugged while shaking his head at the same time. “I’m not sure. It depends on how powerful he is. He surely has to be in our dimension or else he would not be able to reach out to him this way.” Alec could see how disturbed Magnus was by this thought, the muscles in his neck tight and his shoulders strained and it spread to himself. If Magnus looked so concerned, there was a reason to worry. “So what do we do? Can we block his access to Henry by any means? Maybe move to the Institute for some time?” He normally would not consider moving in with his mother and siblings, knowing that housing two warlocks at the Institute would put his mother in a difficult situation, but if Henry was threatened by a demon, he had a right to the shelter and help of the Clave. Doubly because he was Alec’s son. “I will put up some protection spells and you could rune the door and windows”, Magnus suggested and got up, looking determined now. “I’m not putting any spells on Henry, not as long as we don’t know for sure what we are dealing with. I’ll teach him some defensive spells though.” He looked at Alec and pointed to his working area, a cluttered wooden desk with a massive drawer behind it. Alec nodded and got up too, gathering up the remains of their breakfast. “I wanted to wait till his fifth birthday but maybe I should start weapons training with him earlier.” He already had a wooden staff of the right size made for Henry. Magnus sighed and Alec knew he did not like the thought of their little boy handling even blunt weapons so soon but he nodded. “Given the circumstances, you are right. So I guess you’ll be going to the Institute with him?” “I can take him this afternoon”, Alec answered and put the dishes into the sink, intending to clean them later. First he was going to get his stele and do his part in protecting their home. A few and uneventful days later Alec closed the door to Henry’s room quietly behind him after putting the boy to bed and padded over to the sofa where Magnus was laying, the Chairman stretched out over his chest and belly. “I guess if tonight is as peaceful as the last we can say the spells are working”, Alec mused and sat down next to them. Magnus moved up and rested his head on Alec’s tight. “I hope so. I put up some pretty strong stuff, just in case. At least he is sleeping without bad dreams so far.” “That’s a first success”, Alec agreed and reached over to scratch the cat behind its small ears. The Chairman started to purr and Alec saw Magnus lips curl at the corners as the low sound resonated in his body. “Plus he is doing really well with the staff. He gave Jace a whack square over the head today. Made him sit down like a stunned duck”, he told him and Magnus chuckled. “Maybe I should come watch your training tomorrow. That’s a sight I’d love to see.” He grinned mischievously and winked at Alec, who snickered and bent down to kiss Magnus on the forehead. “I know you like to see Jace being humiliated but actually he was really proud of Henry”, he whispered just as his lips travelled over Magnus’s nose, his soft cheek, picking up smudged eyeshadow. He felt his love smile and turn his head to meet his lips, one hand sliding over his shoulder to his neck, long fingers sneaking into Alec’s hair and pulling him closer. Just as Alec started to gently tease along Magnus’s lower lip with his tongue and teeth the warlock went all rigid and broke their contact. “Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” Alec wondered if maybe he had bit him a bit too hard but Magnus shook his head and held up his hand to make him stay quiet. The warlock suddenly seemed all alert and tense and that was enough to make Alec sit up straight and look around, straining his ears for anything unusual. Magnus pushed the cat from his lap and got to his feet, eyes darting through the loft, checking the windows and door. “Something is trying to get in”, he finally breathed and Alec was up and heading for the coatrack by the door, grabbing his weapons belt he had left there earlier. He had barely unsheathed two daggers when a sound like ripping silk but ten times louder cut through the silence, followed by the faint tinkle of shattering glass and a child’s scream. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (