Epiphanies von Marron (...and more?) ================================================================================ Kapitel 8: Awakening -------------------- The next morning came faster than the two boys had imagined. Surprinsingly, Johnny was the first one to wake up. He stirred a little and tried to sit up, but was tugged back. He got a glimpse of the why: Robert had snuggeled closer in the night and one hand was tightly balled into a fist, his whole arm lay across Johnnys chest. He was trapped under his best friends weight and if he tried not to wake him, he had to remain still. He sighed slightly. Well, it was no use and he was a little tired. He couldn't sleep till early in the morning. The thoughts were not the problem any more, it had been the warmth that he had felt right beside him. He and Robert had never shared a bed, not even in the most desperate situation! Why was the german so close so suddenly? And he wasn't talking about physical distance... He got one arm free and rubbed his sleepy eyes. And he began to wonder again. Was Robert even aware of all of this? Was that normal behavior for him? Or was it just because he was in Johnnys body? The scot knew he tended to snuggle when he was insecure and fell asleep with worries. Could it be possible that his body influenced Roberts feelings? Or the germans body his own? He felt a sting in the head, a headache was coming around. Sighing again he let his arm fall down with a soft sound and looked at the face he knew all too well. It wa strange to see himself. Not in the mirror, not in the same way like he saw himself, but as another person. Where would all of this lead to? Unknow to the two boys their bitbeasts were not so quiet now. "I told ya they would realize!", Griffolyon spat and flapped his wings. Salamalyon rolled his eyes. "And? So they noticed that we were behind this. It won't help them until they do like we wanted them to." The salamander shrugged his shoulders, what looked pretty funny. The bird picked at his side - only lightly, he did not intend to upset his friend. "I meant them, not their teamwork! Don't ya see what is about to come?" The asked one took a closer look. "They share a bed. And?" Griffolyon laid one wing over his head and goaned. "No wonder you took Johnny as your partner. Ya see nothing until it bites you from behind." He sounded pretty frustrated. Salamalyon looked completely clueless. "A..ha", he muttered, "I really wish Unicolyon would be he so she could translate your glibberish." The bird gave up. "You will see, I think, soon enough." Robert woke up in the meantime and stared at Johnny with a look of sheer surprise. "When did this happen?", he asked, sounding perplexed. "You mean you snuggling with me half of the night or you slipping in my bed the night before without so much as a `I'm tired` of an explanation?", his friend asked mockingly. He enjoyed seeing Robert off. His all too collected friend was now scrambling to explain. "That was not my intention...I was...uh" He broke off and sighed. "Let's just get up", he muttered and sat up to start the day. Johnny caught his wrist, clearly having the fun of his life. "You were what, Robert? I'm not letting this slide, you know. Tell me!" A blush kept creeping up the other ones face. "I was just...alone, okay? And I was not willing to endure that, not yesterday." The way he said it made clear that he was having lots of nights where he was lonely. Johnnys smile faded. "You knw, you can just say so. I'm always willing to come over." Robert actuallly smiled at that. "I will pin you down on your word, Johnathan." They smiled at each other, knowing they got a little closer now. Dressed and clean they were ready to go out. Robert had some business in town that he was unable to miss. They had barely made it to the car that was parked in front of the castle when Robert heard Johnny groan in pain. He whirled around, ready to help his friend when he saw a shadow of something massive coming closer with great speed. Everything turned black and he only heard a familiar voice saying: "I told you it's not over..." Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)