Magnus Bane - warlock - hunter of rats von Morathi ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: ----------- It had been years since Alec had been woken up by sunshine. And now it had happened two times already. He could get used to it. With a satisfied sigh he turned his head to Magnus, who was snoring peacefully while scratching his belly absentmindly. _________________________ The night before had been the ceremony for the victims of the demon attack. He had cried the whole time, wishing for Magnus to be there and to hold him like he had done the night before. He didn’t dare to approach Clary, who’d cried as well. Now, finally, she was accepting her mother’s death and Jace was there to help her. And for the first time in years Alec wasn’t jealous. They were mourning their mother and had to handle a lot of other shit as well. He was relieved to know they had each other. Even if Jace still had to be the stronger one. And if he needed a strong arm to keep him from falling, Alec woul be there. Still. Now he was with Magnus, who’d done an amazing job being patient with a crying Alec two nights in a row. Although last night had been different. They hadn’t fallen asleep at some point. Instead they had started talking. Talking about their families, their friends. Daily topics, like their favourite coffee. It didn’t take long for them to go from talking to kissing though. And it had been Alec to initiate it again. He realized Magnus didn’t want to scare him away. It was important for him to take this step and he appreciated it. Knowing what Magnus looked like without a Shirt, was something completely different than feeling it under his fingers. And oh boy, he’d felt it. Alec still blushed thinking about it. About his own arousal and how desperate he’s tried to touch every part of Magnus. But Magnus had stopped him. „I feel honoured you’re so curious, but shouldn’t we wait a bit more?“ „What for?“ „Maybe our first date? Actually being lovers?“ Alec smiled. „Thank you for being considerate. And if you want to wait, I’ll definitely accept it. I believe we have had our first date already. Not as planned and not as romantic as I had wished for, but we’ll get there. Magnus, I want to be your lover. And I want you to be my lover. No one else.“ Suddenly Magnus started squirming. „What?“ „Please don’t say it just because you think I want to hear it. I mean, only me? Not even Jace?“ Alec had felt as if he’d been hit by a brick. And he was torn between getting angry, laughing and crying. Instead he told the truth. „I hadn’t thought about him just now. It’s different with Jace. He’s my parabatai.“ „I know. I heard the promises you gave each other. Which are quite romantic. Especially compared to your marriage promises.“ Alec couldn’t believe Magnus was actually jealous and insecure. Seriously? But he had told him he was new to all of this, too. So maybe it wasn’t so strange after all. „Fair point. I know you’re aware of my feelings for him. But they have changed. I still love him, but I no longer want a romantic relationship with him. He’ll always be a part of me, but it’s different. After all, you can be sure we’ve never had anything going on at all. I wouldn’t want to, now. So yes, I love him, but I don’t want him to be my lover. I want you.“ To see a flustered Magnus Bane was probably an honour. Alec smiled. „Okay, okay. I understand. But sex is still a huge step.“ „Which I want to climb with you. And why wait? There’s so much shit going on, we don’t know what will happen today or tomorrow. I don’t want to regret not getting to know you better even though we both want to. Do you?“ The answer was a Magnus Bane plastered against him, a hot mouth on his, legs tangled while he got pushed against the cushions. For a moment Alec felt like falling, but he steadied himself, pushing back into the couch, pulling Magnus towards himself. Maybe just a week ago he would’ve been too shy to touch Magnus like he wanted to, but not now. As he’d said, he wanted to enjoy the moment, to take what he could get. With full awareness Alec held onto Magnus, feeling his body, trying to memorise as much as possible. Magnus parted his legs, sitting secure on top of his lover. His. All his for now. He couldn’t believe it yet, still so full of swirling emotions. But there was no doubt about this, about them. Strong hands on his ass let him moan. The heat in his belly intensified and he felt himself blush. Not out of shyness exactly. A tug on his vest and shirt reminded him of the many clothes he still wore and with one swift movement he cast them away. Or he would have ... he got stuck halfway through. While he groaned out of impatience a full shudder went through Alec’s body. Was he giggling? So much for seducing him ... “Fuck you.” What Magnus didn’t expect was a full body hug. Especially while he was still trying to free his left arm with his right one almost as badly caged by his clothes. “Sorry. You’re too cute.” Alec kept on laughing, but he helped him get out of his own mess slowly and carefully. Now Magnus was blushing out of embarrassment. “I wanted to seduce you and be sexy and ...” “You are.” Alec looked at him once he was free, his eyes laughing and full of love and happiness. Magnus was stunned, only able to look at his lover, realising his luck with a stutter of his heart. Alec stretched himself slowly to give Magnus a peck on the lips, never once losing eye contact. He leaned back again, watching Magnus carefully, who seemed still stunned. Alec smiled again, enjoying the effects he had on his lover. He wanted to have many more of these moments, full of happiness and only themselves. He’d never known this feeling before, but he didn’t want to miss it ever again. Magnus moved as slow as Alec had been, leaning forward to press a light kiss on his lips, on his cheek and his chin. His hands came up at the same time, opening Alec’s shirt button after button, taking it slow. Every bit of skin had to be enjoyed and kissed, every moan and stutter of breath soaked into his memory. Once they were both shirtless the air was too hot and their breath laboured. Magnus felt the erection pressing against his own, his trousers way to tight. For a moment he stopped, leaning his forehead against Alec’s, his eyes closed. Alec started to stroke his back with feathered touches, almost soothingly. Magnus sat straight again, looking Alec in the eyes. “How about we move to the bed?” There was a laugh in his gaze again. With a swift movement Alec pulled Magnus close, one hand under his ass, supporting him while he pushed off the couch with a grunt. He needed a moment to steady himself, but he didn’t fall and Magnus wrapped his legs around him reflexively. “You’re crazy!”, he laughed while he held on desperately. He didn’t need to, he knew, but it wasn’t as if he was used to being carried around. He wasn’t exactly a light guy. “Of course I am.” Alec’s voice and laugh were like rumble, making him shiver. Magnus started to kiss the skin next to him to occupy himself and give back. “Stop it or we won’t make it to the bed.” It was a challenge if Magnus had every heard one, so he started sucking and biting at Alec’s neck. He felt the grip on himself tightening, the hand on his butt was almost kneading. But Alec didn’t drop him. Alec didn’t even go faster, probably too challenged not to drop to concentrate on his pace. Luckily the bedroom wasn’t far away and within another minute Alec fumbled with the knob, pushing Magnus against the door. “Fuck ... would you be so kind to help?” “If I must?!” Magnus smirked and opened the door using magic. Alec stumbled, but still held his balance somehow. It was quite impressive. “Fucker ...”, he grumbled while speeding up to the bed. “Soon!”, Magnus laughed just before he was laid down carefully. Alec stood before the bed, watching him quietly, soaking in the sight of his lover half naked and full of laughter. It was a good combination. A needed combination in those times and ages and he’d do his best to make him laugh as often as possible. And squirm and moan as well of course. A smirk crossed his lips as he put his hands on the zipper of his trousers, watching carefully as Magnus’ gaze went down, full of hunger. He wanted to strip. He wanted to make Magnus even hotter, but he wasn’t sure if he could pull it off. Or them, as in his trousers. He really shouldn’t have started to wear such tight trousers. There was no sexy way out of them and he should have known, but he hadn’t thought about it in the morning. With slow deliberation he opened his button. One step closer and his fingers found the zipper, pulling it down bit by bit. His toes connected with the bedpost lightly, making him stop. With something akin to a feral grin Alec leaned down, putting his knee on the bed. Magnus’ legs instantly parted, giving him space to lie down, hover over him. “And there I was, expecting a full strip.”, Magnus murmured while reaching down to press Alecs erection against his own. “Not with trousers like that.”, Alec confessed, “I’d be stumbling and probably break a leg while trying to make it look sexy. I guess I have to practice first.” Magnus laughed against Alec’s skin, making a shiver run over his body. “So no tight trousers anymore for any of us?” Alec shook his head while releasing a quiet moan. “No. No tight trousers. Oh godamnit! I want them off!” With a strong push Magnus pulled them down to Alec’s knees. They both looked down and Alec grumbled: “Now that feels sexy...” Magnus rolled his eyes. “Just wait.” Another push and Alec was on his back, Magnus on top of him. A fumble, a few curses and pulls later his trousers finally went flying, leaving him embarrassed and aroused at the same time. Magnus pushed his own down as well. “Since we’re at it anyway ...” It had been a fight as well. “I thought you’d be more used to this than I am.” Alec combined his comment with a smirk to let Magnus know it was a joke. It wasn’t his intention to damper the atmosphere with doubts. Magnus rolled his eyes. “Skinny jeans have been in this world for only a few years and I only started wearing them about a year ago? And it’s been quite some time since tights were part of the style. I hated them back then but apparently I forgot why. I should ... are you laughing at me?” Alec was on the bed, quivering with a full body laughter just because he imagined Magnus wearing tights. Magnus was on him in a second. “What did you think about?” “No ... just ... nothing, really.” But Alec couldn’t stop laughing and Magnus glared at him realising exactly how little help his nudeness helped his cause. In the end there was no other way to shut Alec up but to cover his body completely with his own, just lying on him and waiting for the laughter to subside. Which did, after a while. Rubbing their groins together probably helped as well. And soon the laughter was replaced by small, husky moans. Magnus kissed the skin right in front of him, left little marks on the chest and neck, moved along Alec’s throat, his cheeks and bit the right earlobe while grounding his hips down in a slow and sloppy rhythm. His focus was divided between his own wish to satisfy Alec, to explore his body and Alec’s hands on his own body, moving up and down while caressing him. There was an occasional harder grip followed by a louder moan when Magnus touched a sensitive part of him. Suddenly the angle changed and Magnus was left breathing hard, his eyes closed and his face hidden at Alec’s shoulder. His hips stuttered as he tried to move faster. Alec’s hands on him, pressing him down, made it even harder to follow any kind of rhythm or plan or anything at all. He didn’t know any longer if he should push or pull or which way to move. The heat in his belly grew even more, making it hard to think. A sudden bite in his shoulder made him cry out, but his movement didn’t slow down. Finally he opened his eyes to find Alec against him, eyes closed as he shuddered in a full body jerk. His hands tried to claw at him and press him closer as was possible. With amazement Magnus was only able to watch Alec come. His heart was too full of feelings he’d quite forgotten over decades or even centuries. He couldn’t say and he didn’t want to think about it at the moment. He simply wanted to enjoy and soak the sight of Alec undone under him. There would be a bruise on his shoulder, but he didn’t care. Their hips had stilled moments ago, Alec only shuddering in between, his eyes still closed. Once he opened them he looked a bit shy. “Sorry.” Magnus put a kiss on his eyebrow. “What for?” Alec squirmed, still unsure. “I bit you. And I just came.” Magnus laughed: “That was my intention. The coming part, not the biting part but I don’t mind the biting part in any way.” Alec released a relieved sigh, visibly relaxing under him. His smile was almost blinding and Magnus kissed him eagerly, devouring him open mouthed. Alec returned the kiss a bit more calm but no less enthusiastic. After a few moments he put his hand on Magnus’ arm, pushing him slightly to the side so they lay side by side now, a bit of air between them. Magnus was close to complain when he felt a hand on his erection. A moan escaped him, almost breaking the kiss. The touch was shy first, almost tickling while exploring him. As his hips started moving again to get more friction, the touch grew bolder, the grip got more firm and Alec started stroking slowly. He wasn’t done exploring yet, his thumb circling the head when he wasn’t trying to massage his balls. He tried long strokes, all the way up and down, short and sharp strokes, leaving Magnus almost crying out. Whenever he was close to coming Alec seemed to change his mind and his tactic as well, trying a new angle and a new way to drive him crazy. Magnus held onto his lover as if he was drowning, bucking his hips in a desperate move to enjoy and come and keep this up forever at the same time. They were no longer kissing because Magnus was only able to breath and moan and cry out, his eyes closed. Alec’s lips were at his neck, biting and licking and kissing while simply breathing at him from time to time. Which drove Magnus even more crazy, making him pull and push at whatever body part or hair he could grab. It was the kiss on his lips, a little bite which drove him over the edge. With a moan and a sigh Magnus came, pulling Alec as close as possible. There was no way he’d ever let go ... He let out another sigh as he felt his muscles relax and as Alec put feather light kisses on his face. His thoughts were muddled, never once a straight line except for this one thought: I won’t let go. A grip turned into a hug, soft kisses into nothing more than calm breathing. “Thank you.” “What for?”, Alec sounded sceptical. “For being brave and initiating this. I love to be with you like this.” A relieved sigh escaped Alec but Magnus didn’t want to press. If Alec was relieved it was all that mattered for now. Alec’s response made him smile like a madman anyway. “I love you, too.” The End Hosted by Animexx e.V. (