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Not as planned 1.5 - Katsuki and Eijiro

A/B/O Verse

Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Katsuki's first year as a hero. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Eijiro's first year as a hero.

TW: Mentions of drug use/overdose, mentions of mutilation (nonspecific) Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Katsuki's second year.

TW: Mentions of self harm and gender dysphoria, mentions of transphobia, Discussing of age gap relationships? Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Eijiro's second year. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
They talk and walk through the city a bit. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Izuku's birthday. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
The last few days in Thailand for the others. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
The last week in Thailand, and the rest of the year.

TW: Sex (more or less descriptive), mentions of sexual abuse/dub-con (not explicit) Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
A year of (mostly) happiness for Katsuki, not so for Izuku.

Ah, TW: Implied/referenced Sex Trafficking, Horrible people, mentioned murder and torture, discussions of war, mentions of racist/sexist and transphobic/homophobic people Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Eijiro's turbulent year. And the second half of Izuku's year.

TW: for Izuku's part: The horrors of War and Death. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Eijiro's fifth year, and traumatizing stuff for Izuku.

TW for Izuku's part: Depiction of Murder, graphic injuries, Children as murderers, child death., blood drinking

The more explicit version of that will happen in Izuku's story, if I ever manage to catch up >_<

Also, yes, this time is Eijiro first. otherwise that would spoil things for him, from Katsuki's perspective. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Katsuki is doing great, Izuku not so much.

TW: Mentions of Trauma, Near Death Experience, Violence. Bigoted people, intentional misgendering, transphobia. mentions of past abuse. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Katsuki and Eijiro get a new mission, and Izuku's peaceful farm life.

TW: Transphobic Themes, talking about Human Sex Trafficking, Slaves. Also Sex. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
They go to the underground and try to help the slaves. And Izuku and Lucia have a nice day at a lake

TW: Slavery, Derogatory speech, descriptions of a live in a human trafficking ring (If this is somewhere near of the reality I don't know), Mentions of murderers and cannibalism

This chapter is rather short, compared to the last ones, but I don't know, I wanted to get something out. u.u Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Shit went south.

TW: Violence, Threats of Rape

Here's a short one. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +6 Years – The rest of the year (+Izuku)

TWs: A wild "Karen", some racist remarks, talks about lost limbs

Otherwise, there is much fluff in this here. I know, I know, me and fluff, is just the beginning of the next roller coaster, but I promise, the next one is not as deep, the next couple of years will be rather chill. I try to make only the last year another roller coaster xD At least for Katsuki and Eijiro, nah, scratch that, Eijiro is inside of a rollercoaster at the end of the chapter, but Kacchan is a happy boy for once. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Katsuki gives birth, Eijiro and Mae go on "adventures" and Izuku has to deal with his pregnant alpha mate. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Katsuki gets back into hero business and has some rather strange conversations.

TW: Talking about possible prostitution or surrogacy. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Izuku's baby, Katsuki's wedding and Eijiro's engagement

TW: racist/classist/homophobic/transphobic remarks from Hiroto's parents, the usual

Arg! This took me a long time, I know. but my mental health is not the best at the moment. And I couldn't really focus on writing something, Especially not something positive, but I hope I managed.

I watched some weddings on YouTube to get a feeling for it, since I have no idea of those, I never want to marry, so I never really cared. But I am kinda happy how it turned out anyway.

Also, my new favorite songs are Girli - More than a friend (currently on a loop)
and Ed Sheeran's Bad Habits and Shivers. those are soooo good. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Izuku leaves, Eijiro and Mae go to the doctor and unexpected visits.

I am not sure, but I put it out here, there are some mentions of past abuse. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
The rest of the year, also some unexpected meetings.

TW: not really this time, but there are a few mentions to abuse, regarding Shigaraki and another individual. But nothing too graphic in this chapter. Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Michiko visits Tomura, Katsuki is stalked, Eijiro is so done and Izuku is very determined.

TW: Mentions of Abuse, Depression, slight suicidal tendencies Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Izuku gets some scary news, Tenko gets a new home, Katsuki gets some disturbing letters and Eijiro gets some bad things to go through.

TW: Stalking, Implied threats of rape, Shootings Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Katsuki comes eye to eye with his stalker, Eijiro fucks up badly, Tenko gets a companion and Izuku is in the hospital with his wife.

TW: mentioned kidnapping, threats of rape, talks about the werewolves and mistreatment of omegas, drug use, stalking Komplett anzeigen
Vorwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Christmas and New Year are around, but it's definitely not happy for everyone.

TW: Self-Harm and Attempted Suicide!

Well, upfront read Eijiro's parts with caution!

I am not really good at such things, I often don't know what to say when confronted with heavy problems, but whatever your struggles are in life, don't give up, Suicide is never a solution! You are important to someone else. And even though I don't personally know you, and I don't know what struggles you may go through, I wish you the strength to power through your problems. You are strong enough! You are worth it! I hope that you are all doing well and that you keep fighting! Komplett anzeigen


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Katsuki Bakugo: +1 Year

Katsuki was on his way to the Moruga Agency, he was still working there, Michiko had made her promise real and he was now officially a member, not just an intern. It had been a couple of months since graduation and they were still sorting the millions of people with fire quirks.

The worst part, they couldn’t even exclude people, at least no one under the age of fourteen. And the same went in the other direction, it was really annoying.

He opened the office door and he was greeted by Toya. He worked in the office now, too. Since he wasn’t a hero – and never would be a hero – all he could do was office work. There was no sign of the others. They must be on patrol.

“Hey, how’s it going?” Katsuki asked, he dropped his bag on one of the chairs and got rid of his jacket.

“Slow, really slow, since they always used codenames I can only go with pictures” he grumbled. “And the people we did manage to find, are completely MIA.”

“Did you find someone new?” Katsuki walked over to him, he leaned over Toya and looked at the page.

Twenty-year-old Zhan Suzuki, it showed. He was a Chinese-Japanese man, his quirk was registered as ‘Heat’ and he could produce massive amounts of heat. “He’s known as ‘Radiate’. He wasn’t with Khaoz for most of the time I ran with her.” Toya played with one of the clamps on his chin.

“How can you be sure, that he’s with her then?” Katsuki looked at him.

“Well, while I was pregnant, Hawks brought Khaoz to his house, he didn’t know up to this point, that she’s a villain. And she … forced us to come with her and that’s when I met him. Has quite a temper and is extremely dangerous. He seems to hate male omegas too, he’s the typical macho alpha and his thing is, to break women – no matter their secondary gender – and then burn them to death.”

“Charming …” Katsuki commented dryly.

“Yep. According to these files he never finished school and he started to work as a bouncer in various clubs, but he usually got fired because he was too aggressive … I mean, that means something.”

“And people said I have a bad personality” Katsuki chuckled humorlessly. “So, are there any clues where he could be?”

“No, the last time he was seen was on March 25, he was leaving a sex club. After that,” Toya snapped his fingers, “he was just gone.”

“Well, that’s just great. A lot of them go missing, how does Khaoz manage it to keep them all so hidden?”

“She has a lot of contacts. She is an incredible actress, if she doesn’t want you to know that she’s a villain, you will never find out. For a long time, she played even me. Played the nice little girl who couldn’t hurt a fly. But according to her, she is a villain since she’s six.”

“What now? Since she’s six? You’re kidding me.” Katsuki scoffed.

“I don’t know, she told me that she killed someone at the age of six. If that’s true or if she was bullshitting me, I don’t know.” He clicked further through the list after he saved Zhan Suzuki in an extra document.

“Where’s Michiko and the others?” Katsuki asked.

“Out on patrol. They had some trouble this morning. I can give you the location and you can head out too.”

“Nah, it’s good. I’ll be here on call. Who knows if other things happen.”

“Okay, suit yourself” Toya returned back to his work.


They worked for about an hour or so silently each for their own. Before the door opened again and Satsuki and Kuroko entered the office. “We’re back, hey Toya, hey Katsuki” Kuroko greeted them. Satsuki did the same.

“Did ya find something new?” Kuroko asked.

Toya told them about Suzuki, but he also noted that this guy was also a ghost. Kuroko plopped on her office chair and leaned back on it, feet on her desk. She gnawed on a pen of hers. A nasty habit and a reason why Katsuki would never ever take a pen from Kuroko.

“What was your mission?” Katsuki asked.

“Ah, nothing too important. Just some thugs trying to rob the mall. No big deal” Kuroko told him. “Moruga and Rabbit are still talking to the police.”

Satsuki was brewing some coffee in the background. She asked the others if they wanted some too, they all agreed to that.


His days at the agency looked a lot like this. He was either doing paperwork or he was out with one of the others. Every time they got a lead to one of the Agents of Khaoz, they slipped out of their grasp at the last second. It was honestly frustrating. How could they be this hard to catch?

They were nothing like the League of Villains or other groups of villains. They were careful, they were patient. They didn’t strike just like that. They would wait for the perfect opportunity.

Katsuki was always a little afraid of what Faux would do with his powers. Up until this point, nothing had happened. How long could they hold onto Katsuki’s power?

He was working enormous hours these days. He was mostly out for around twelve to fourteen hours per day. He ate at work and when he came home he slept through. The only times he took more time off, was when he had to get his shots or had his therapy sessions.

He was still in therapy for all the shit that he went through before. For the things that happened with Khaoz, for the fact that he had to amputate an arm, more counseling with Eijiro, and more counseling to get his inner alpha-omega under control. It was pretty stressful, but he was glad that he had so much on his mind. He was pretty good at suppressing his unwanted thoughts by now.

The doctor had given him the okay for the alpha hormone treatment at the end of July. He was really excited about that. He couldn’t wait if he was honest. He wanted to be an alpha more than ever.


He had still some contact with Deku, he was thankful for that. They sometimes video called, but damn he really missed him.

His relationship with Sougo was, at least for him, a little bit awkward. He had danced with his boss and even though Sougo never mentioned it afterward, Katsuki felt tense around him. That’s why he preferred to go on patrol with Michiko, she had now a cybernetic arm and it looked really cool.

They worked incredibly well as a team and the media picked up on that. Katsuki was only a little bit bothered, that he was always classified as ‘Moruga’s sidekick’. Michiko hadn’t hired him as a sidekick but as a normal pro hero. None of the others were classified as sidekicks, they were a group of heroes. That’s why Katsuki sometimes blew up when he was again called a sidekick.

He had a great relationship with Satsuki and she helped him during some hard times. Her illusions were sometimes great, but she always reminded him, that this could go wrong really quickly if he got used to it too much.

Kuroko on the other hand was hard to deal with most of the time. She talked infuriating nonsense sometimes. Edgy shit about darkness and curses and stuff like that. He had to think more and more about Tokoyami, she would be a perfect mate for him. A match made in hell or something.

To his surprise, he got really along with Toya. He would have never guessed that, but now, that he wasn’t bat-shit crazy anymore, he was actually very bearable. Toya was in therapy too, for all the past trauma from his father, from Khaoz, and from Shigaraki. Also from the things he did as a villain. Over the months he would face the families of the people he had burned. It was hard but he managed pretty well.

They would sometimes hang out together and Toya would accompany him to his alpha treatment sessions. After that – if they didn’t have to go to work – Katsuki would bring Toya home. That meant he would see Shoto fairly often. And where Shoto was, there was Momo too. These two had teamed up and they were very successful too.

Of course, Katsuki knew that there was more between the two, they were halfway dating in school already, so it wasn’t really a secret.

Hotaru grew like weeds, she was a happy girl and Toya’s little princess. He was however a little bit fearful, that she would end up having Shigaraki’s quirk. Katsuki tried to cheer him up, whenever this came up.


His relationship with Eijiro got stronger too. Not as much as it once had been, before they started dating, but definitely stronger than it was after everything that went down.

Eijiro and Tetsutetsu had started their own agency, they were heavily supported by Fat Gum. And they became really successful and beloved in a short amount of time. Their similar cheery personalities gave society much hope for the future.

Katsuki was a bit jealous that they weren’t just classified as sidekicks and but he was also very happy for them.


The transition to alpha was hard. The alpha hormones fucked him over sometimes. He had massive mood swings, sometimes he was outright euphoric and nothing could stop him, but on other days he didn’t want to leave his bed. Everything felt heavy and he didn’t know why.

Especially troublesome were his heats. He still had them suppressed to two heats per year, but the doctor said that he really had to change that, otherwise it would be unbearable.

And unbearable it was. When he entered the first heat after he had reduced the suppressants, he thought he would go crazy. He was in immense pain and it drove him nuts. He wanted his alphas! But he knew, that he didn’t have alphas and this made him sad.

Toya offered to stay with him. Not for sexual stuff or something, but he made sure that Katsuki drank and ate enough. It was hard to get him to eat, however.

During his heats, he was again full on omega and the alpha was suppressed by the omega part of him. He craved the knot of someone and again, Toya was the salvation for that. He brought him sex toys. Katsuki was at first a little bit coy in using them in front of someone else, but eventually, he didn’t care anymore and he was thankful that Toya didn’t judge him.

Katsuki would do the same for Toya too when he was in heat. He didn’t feel comfortable enough to share with an alpha or have sex in general. Katsuki could understand him. Luckily, his inner alpha wouldn’t get triggered by Toya’s heats.

What Katsuki really liked was the growth spurt he got after taking alpha hormones. In the first six months of taking them, he grew from 5’8” to 6’0” and he liked that a lot. He felt so much better now, the doctor said, that he would most likely grow a bit taller than that. Katsuki knew that he wouldn’t be as tall as a natural alpha but this was fine. But he kinda hoped that he would grow at least taller than Michiko’s 6’2”. She sometimes joked about their heights.


On Christmas, he was with his parents, as well as Inko. They would call Izuku, Katsuki would tell him excitedly, how his transition went and Izuku was really happy for him.

“So, how’s it going in Thailand?” Katsuki asked.

«Oh, up and down. It’s really stressful and I have to work a lot» Izuku sighed.

“Work? What do you work?” Inko asked.

«Every job I can get. I don’t want to make more debt with Kairi. Even though she always tells me I don’t need to pay her back.» Izuku grimaced. He had gotten a haircut, it was definitely shorter now, especially his sides.

“And what kinda jobs are you working? Anything special” Katsuki asked.

«Most of the time I work as a bouncer in various clubs» he sighed. «Those are the best jobs, really. Or the ones where I have to fix stuff. I’m a handyman so to say. Those are fine too.»

“So you are not doing hero work?” Inko raised her eyebrows.

«No, not really. Thailand doesn’t have heroes. But people are very thankful for the work I do, they especially like it, that I am ‘normal’ even though I live with Kairi.» He smiled.

“What do they mean?»

«What Kairi failed to mention is, that she is one of the powers that keep the city in order. People are really scared of her, well at least the more criminal ones.»

“How is she treating you? I hope she doesn’t let you do too dangerous things!” Inko was highly concerned when she heard that.

Izuku was quiet for a few seconds. «She’s okay, we butted heads a few times, especially in the beginning. I just couldn’t adapt to her lifestyle. I saw her true colors a few months after living with her. She’s not as nice, as she gave herself in Japan. I failed to see, how deep she’s into the underworld. But at least she doesn’t force me to go with her on missions.»

“Oh, this doesn’t sound good!” Inko nearly cried. Katsuki put an arm around her.

They could hear a knock on Izuku’s side. «Oh, one moment.» He got up and walked over to his door. They could hear him talk and a few minutes later he came back. He had a dessert in hand. There was a woman next to him.

«Oh, well, guys, meet Lacey, she’s one of the maids here,» Izuku mumbled, while he started to eat the desert.

Lacey smiled in the camera. «Hello.»

Katsuki gritted his teeth a little, when he saw the pretty woman next to Izuku, he patted on the bed next to him, she brushed over her long skirt and sat down. He remembered that he used the name Lacey before, she was that girl that was with him while he was in his rut.

“So … are you guys …” Katsuki started, he tried to make it not too obvious that he was jealous.

Izuku started to laugh. «No, we’re not dating or anything. Don’t worry about it.» Since they were talking in Japanese Lacey couldn’t understand them. She just smiled and looked to Izuku in the hopes that he would explain what was going on. He did so and she chuckled.

Mitsuki sighed and shook her head. Katsuki was so obvious from time to time. She cleared her throat. “So, did ya get a girlfriend or boyfriend?” Katsuki looked at her in shock. He would love to punch her for that but at the same time, he wanted to hug her, she definitely knew him well enough to know, that this question burned under his fingernails.

«Uhm … well, not directly» Izuku mumbled. Katsuki’s heart skipped a beat when he heard that.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Mitsuki asked.

Izuku cleared his throat. «I usually take people for rut sharing, it’s easier than being alone, but after that, we go our separate ways. Nothing serious.» He scratched his head.

Katsuki exhaled in relief. He couldn’t really say anything, since he usually heat-shared with Toya. “Do you take men or women?” he didn’t mean to ask that, it just slipped out. He wanted to cover his mouth but he suppressed this urge.

«Both, whoever has time. I use apps for that, I usually don’t know who’s coming» he shrugged. «Can be a bit risky at times, because some omegas are alpha hunters, so far I didn’t have problems.»

“Alpha hunters? What are those?” Inko panicked.

«Omegas who are not on birth control and want to get impregnated by an alpha. They usually want to get into the alphas family or blackmail them for money yada-yada.» Izuku explained.

He cleared his throat. «Anyway, what about you, Kacchan?» he changed the attention from him to Katsuki.

“Oh, uh, I’m busy with hero work. I got no time for a boyfriend. But sometimes Toya helps out with my heat, nothing sexual or anything he just makes sure I eat and drink enough.” He explained.

«Really? That’s kinda unexpected. How’s Hotaru doing?»

“Oh, she’s doing great, she’s so tall already! And so cute!” he purred a little.

«That’s great to hear.» Izuku smiled.

They talked for a while until it got really late. They ended the call and Katsuki walked from the living room to the kitchen, where his parents now were. He gave his mother a nasty look. “You just had to ask for partners of him, huh?”

“Well, you were not going to and I know that you were dying to know that, brat.” She smiled viciously.

Katsuki sighed deeply annoyed.


New Year came and he found himself with Michiko, Sougo, Kuroko, Satsuki, and Toya on a mountain. They were out hiking here. It came as a bit of a surprise but Katsuki wouldn’t complain. Michiko said that it was a tradition for the four of them, but now Toya and Katsuki were part of the family too.

They stood all on a plateau. They would have a good view of the fireworks of the nearest city. They ate and drank a little, they heard music and had a party of their own. It was fun, Katsuki had to admit. It had been long since he could really let go.

Shortly before midnight, they all walked over to the edge of the plateau. They had to be a bit careful though, there was a steep cliff in front of them.

Suddenly, much to Toya’s and Katsuki’s surprise, Michiko started to scream, as the fireworks started. Her example followed Kuroko, as well as Sougo and Satsuki.

“W-what is going on?” Katsuki asked confused.

“We scream, for that, all the frustrations of the past year can fuck themselves! We want a clean start.” Michiko explained.

“Oh, good idea” Toya mumbled. After that, he let out a scream too. Katsuki chuckled and he joined them. They didn’t need to tell him twice to just scream.

They all started to scream again. They screamed and they laughed until they were hoarse and screaming started to hurt.

Much to Katsuki’s surprise, this had really helped him. He felt really good now. He hoped the next year would be better than the last ones.

Eijiro Kirishima: +1 Year

As soon as Eijiro had the time, he met up with Tetsutetsu and Fat Gum; the pro hero had promised them, to help them out with opening up their own agency. Both Red Riot and Real Steel were already pretty popular heroes while they were working under Fat Gum; so Eijiro hoped they would have an easier start when opening up their own agency.

The first couple of weeks were draining. They took every job they could get, to get the word out that they existed too. They would patrol the cities a lot, they had to deal with many cats in trees, many times they walked elderly people over the street, always smiling. They cleaned the streets too like Fourth Kind had them do it in their first year of UA.

Eijiro didn’t have a problem with all that. The most draining stuff for him was all the paperwork. This goddamn paperwork after every ‘mission’.

Luckily, Fat Gum called them, every time he had a bigger job to do. They got good publicity because of that. Eijiro was very thankful for that.

Eventually, Mina asked them, if she could join them too. She’d rather work with them than her latest workplace, her boss was a prick. Eijiro and Tetsutetsu were happy to have her.

It was very strange not to be in school anymore, Eijiro had gotten an apartment, together with Tetsutetsu and Mina. From time to time, Eijiro’s girlfriend came over too. They had met on a mission, he had saved her and since then they had messaged each other regularly.

Her name was Hitomi Yomukawa, she was an omega and she had the quirk Mind Reader, she could read the minds of every person around her, in a certain radius, but only the ones that they were currently thinking. It was a bit strange for Eijiro at first since she couldn’t turn it off but he managed somehow.

He was absolutely whipped with her. She of course knew what an effect she had on him, and she used this shamelessly – in a playful way.

She became quick friends with Mina and Tetsutetsu too and she moved in permanently with them. She was a fashion designer and two years older than Eijiro. She used her quirk to get a clearer picture of her client's wishes. She sometimes made new clothes for Mina.

Mina absolutely adored Hitomi, and of course, the fact that she would sometimes get free clothing. She was happy for Eijiro, that he had found someone that could make him happy.


Eijiro met up with Katsuki regularly for more counseling. He couldn’t deny it, the more Katsuki transitioned to alpha, the easier it was for him, to forget his feelings. And of course, the fact that he had a girlfriend now that he loved very much, helped him too.

They were sitting together one day in the summer on Eijiro’s balcony. “How’s it going, Katsuki? You look good” Eijiro complimented. He didn’t lie, Katsuki looked really good as an alpha. He had noticed the growth spurt already.

“I’m feeling great, thanks! I’m finally feeling like myself again.” Katsuki drank from the limo. “And you? How’s your agency going?”

“Slow, but I knew that it wouldn’t be easy, luckily Fat Gum supports us as good as he can” Eijiro grinned.

“I noticed you, Tetsutetsu and Mina got new hero costumes?”

“Yeah! We do! My girlfriend Hitomi made them, she’s great!” Eijiro beamed.

“Really? How’s she like? I never met her” Katsuki mumbled.

“Oh, she is absolutely amazing! She’s such a nice person and she offered to make us the hero costumes for free but no way I could accept that.” He was so caught in his thoughts about his girlfriend, that he didn’t notice Katsuki’s sad expression.

“Hey, she comes home at six, if you want to wait, you could meet her and I can introduce you,” Eijiro said.

“Oh, y-yeah, sure sounds good!” Katsuki smiled a little.


Six pm came and Hitomi arrived at the apartment. “Hey, babe!” she greeted and walked over to Eijiro to kiss and hug him. «Katsuki wants to meet you, he helped with the dinner» “Oh, that is really nice of him.”

Eijiro smiled and kissed her once more. «But be warned, I don’t really know how he will react. He and I dated briefly in school and our relationship had ups and downs because of that. He might be still jealous, I don’t know how it is for him right now» Eijiro warned her in his thoughts. Hitomi nodded.

They entered the kitchen and Katsuki was in it – Mina and Tetsutetsu were still working. “Hey, I am Hitomi Yomukawa” She walked over and reached out to him.

“Hi, I’m Katsuki Bakugo, nice to meet you” «Damn, she looks good, no wonder Eijiro likes her.» Katsuki grabbed her hand and shook it quickly. Hitomi had black, straight hair, grey eyes, and smooth skin, she was slim and the outfit she wore complimented her figure.

“You and Eiji made dinner?” She asked.

“Uh, yeah, we did” «I hope I didn’t make it too spicy, what if she doesn’t like it? God damn, why does she have to look so good? No, stop! Stop that, Katsuki!»

“Perfect, I’m starving!” Eijiro pulled the chair out so that Hitomi could sit. She thanked him, Katsuki was serving the food in the meantime.

«She’s ways better than you could ever be, dammit you are over him for months now! She’s better for him!» Hitomi smiled to cover up the awkwardness that Katsuki’s thoughts caused for her.

They sat down and started to eat. “So, Katsuki – is it okay, if I call you Katsuki?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah, yeah! No problem!” He smiled. «Goddammit, the way she eats is perfect too! No wonder, she must be perfect to be good enough for Eijiro … that’s why it’s her, and not me! Fucking stop!»

“Perfect, you can call me Hitomi. I heard you run with the Moruga Agency?” she questioned.

“Yeah, I do, oh, and I am not Moruga’s sidekick like every reporter says. I’m a pro hero too!” He growled a little. «This is so annoying, seriously, they should get their facts straight!»

“Oh, it can be hard in the beginning, but I’m sure you will convince the public that you are not just a sidekick” she smiled.

«Damn right! God, she’s so nice, how can I be mad? It’s not her fault I fucked up so badly. No, she’s really nice! She’s perfect!» “Damn, right, I will show them!” He grinned. “Do you know the guys from the agency?”

“Actually yes. Kuroko’s older brother is my boss, over him I met Kuroko. I have to say, she makes some marvelous designs. If she ever retires as a hero, she will have a great career as a fashion designer!” Hitomi smiled.

“Huh, never thought Kuroko is someone for fashion …” «Really? Kuroko and fashion? She always dresses the same … I didn’t know that she had a brother that is a fashion designer …» “So, you are a fashion designer, what do you like to design the most?” Katsuki asked.

Eijiro watched the two while eating, he was glad that it went so well. “Oh, I love to design dresses. Shirts and pants are nice too, but those long extravagant dresses are my absolute favorite, with long trains and all. Or Baroque dresses, I’d love to design more of those! But it’s unfortunately not an everyday dress. I sometimes design dresses for movies or theatre, so I am happy when I get the chance to go all out.” She rambled. “And western-style wedding dresses!”

«God, you are so cute when you talk about fashion, I love you,» Eijiro said in his thoughts.

«She really loves fashion, she’s enthusiastic when she talks about it … Her rambling reminds me of Deku … oh, fucking hell, stop, stop, stop! Don’t think about Deku!»

“That sounds absolutely fantastic. It’s important to do things with passion” he smiled. «Does she like the food? Is it too hot?» he wondered.

“Thanks, yeah it is” She smiled. “By the way, the food is delicious! You are a great cook, Eijiro praised your food before but I couldn’t believe it.”

«He did?! He praised my food?» Katsuki slightly blushed. “Thank you, glad to hear that!”

Eijiro smiled. «Thanks, he was so nervous about the food. Almost adorable.»

Hitomi smiled too.

The dinner went on and Katsuki’s thoughts were sometimes wild, he constantly tried to reassure himself that Hitomi was better for Eijiro than he ever was. On the outside, Katsuki was perfectly friendly towards her.

It got really late and after a while, Katsuki announced that he had to go now. He had to work tomorrow after all. They said their goodbyes and he left.

What Eijiro and Hitomi didn’t know was, that Katsuki would lay awake the whole night, trying to get his upset omega under control. He snapped back into old habits, because of his jealousy, and his alpha wasn’t strong enough to hold himself back.


“I hope his thoughts weren’t too overwhelming” Eijiro sat in the bathtub, Hitomi leaned against his chest with her back.

“He seems a bit insecure. He constantly tried to tell himself how good I am and that’s why I deserve you more than he does.”

Eijiro groaned. “Damn, I wish he finds someone that can take his mind off of me …” he mumbled.

“Who was Deku?” Hitomi turned her head slightly. Eijiro hadn’t mentioned Deku or the messed-up poly relationship before.

“Phew, uh, Deku and I dated Katsuki … or at least we tried. Deku became my rival after a quirk accident and … well we could never really stop the rivalry …” He thought about what had happened, it was easier than telling her. Hitomi listened to him.

“Huh … that was messed up …” she mumbled.

“We were just too young. With no experience …”

Hitomi nodded and then she leaned forward so that Eijiro could wash her back.


Mina, Tetsutetsu, and Eijiro sat together in their office. They reviewed a few cases that involved Trigger, but with different components than ever before. “What do you think? Where does it come from this time?” Mina asked.

“The source is unclear” Tetsutetsu mumbled, he flipped through the files, there were gruesome pictures of criminals who had overdosed on this Trigger. Their mouths were violently deformed into horrific smiles. “But one thing these criminals have in common is they overdosed pretty quickly, and they all have these deformed smiles on their faces. The effect of the drug is higher, but it is also more deadly” he gave the file to Mina and she cringed when she saw the pictures.

“Damn … who does this?” she wondered.

“That’s the one million dollar question” Eijiro mumbled. He threw a stress ball against the wall and caught it, he repeated the action over and over.

“Did Taishiro say something specific about the drug? I mean there must be a different component, a couple of years ago, they didn’t make these faces while using Trigger” Mina saw a female villain with this smile.

“There is not much changed from the original compound” Tetsutetsu mumbled. “Only one thing is different, they have found one unknown substance. They haven’t analyzed it, as of yet.”

“Do you think it’s from a quirk? Like Overhaul did with Eri?” Eijiro asked.

“Could be, but it’s not like blood or skin cells,” Tetsutetsu murmured.

“Then maybe a … I don’t know, KO Gas quirk?” Eijiro suggested.

“It’s a possibility” Mina sighed and looked up when the phone rang. She picked up, it was Fat Gum. She talked to him and a few seconds later the call was over.

“Guys, we have a job, more people were found.” With that they got ready and they made their way over to the site.


They were in a rundown factory. Fat Gum and Suneater were here too, as well as lots of policemen. “What’s the situation?” Red Riot asked Tsukauchi.

“We found seven suspects from a small criminal organization. They were all strapped on chairs and seemingly tortured. I can’t even begin to imagine what they went through … And in the end, they got the same unknown substance we found in the new Trigger, except, it’s only this substance, no trigger was found in their systems whatsoever.” He brought them over the scene.

Mina gritted her teeth when she saw the victims. They were brutally mutilated, and those ‘smiles’ … “Who does this?” she murmured.

“We don’t know yet. But we dubbed the killer ‘Smile’. But we guess that there are at least two people involved. To take out seven criminals, three of them alphas is not a small feat.” Tsukauchi explained.

“Hey, Fat, have you seen something like this before?” Real Steel asked.

“No, absolutely not” Fat Gum answered. “That’s one of the worst cases in my entire career” he growled.

“What’s behind that?” Mina questioned.

“My guess is a gang war. Those people are drug lords from the Tojo Gang. Probably pissed off the wrong guy and ended up in this mess” Fat Gum explained.

“What is with the smiles?” Eijiro sounded frustrated.

“That, we don’t know yet” Tsukauchi answered. “But we will keep our eyes and ears open in the hopes to find more clues.”


Rather frustrated they went back to their office. Eijiro could understand Katsuki’s frustrations with the Agents of Khaoz now, to witness crimes, unable to solve them was really a shitty feeling. People died and they couldn’t even intervene.

Hitomi tried to cheer him up, but nothing she said could make the feeling better.


The months passed with no more clues, but more bodies. Those individuals were victims of Trigger X – as it was dubbed now. Murders without Trigger X but with the smiles didn’t occur after that. They got bigger jobs that had priority, that kept their minds off of the Trigger X cases.

A few times they teamed up with the Moruga Agency too. He was impressed by how well Katsuki and Michiko worked together.


Christmas came around and Hitomi celebrated it with Eijiro this time.

It was a very fun time, Eijiro’s brother Takumi was very excited to show her his presents. His parents liked Hitomi too.

They had a really good time and at least for a short while he could forget the gruesome acts of violence he witnessed almost every day now.

Hitomi’s heat was in the week around New Year, it was the first time they heat shared. Hitomi wasn’t much for sex and neither was Eijiro but this time, she wished for it. It was a first for Eijiro too, and it was absolutely amazing. His rut was eventually triggered by her heat, and the rest of what happened was unclear to him since he wasn’t lucid for most of the time. But from what he remembered, it was a great time.

Hitomi had worn a collar to prevent unwanted mating, she said that she wouldn’t mate someone within the first year of knowing this person, and Eijiro completely understood that. He wasn’t ready to mate someone anyway.

The heat ended right around midnight and they sat in front of the panorama window, cuddled up in blankets, Hitomi was in Eijiro’s lap and leaned against him. “The fireworks are so pretty” she mumbled.

“But you’re even prettier” Eijiro hugged her tighter and pressed kisses against her cheek. “I love you.”

“And I love you too” she returned. She saw the pure adoration he had for her in his mind, and she was almost overwhelmed. She was lucky to have someone so pure as Eijiro by her side …

Katsuki Bakugo: +2 Years

After New Year Katsuki’s throat was really sore, he joked that he was out of practice. Michiko offered him to go into the mountains for ‘training’, whenever he felt the need to just scream. Katsuki said that he would take her up on this offer from time to time.

The first time was in February when Eijiro posted pictures of him and his girlfriend Hitomi. He saw the pictures and immediately asked Michiko to go into the mountains with him. A bit confused why this came all of a sudden, she followed him.

They hiked up the mountain, deep into the forest to a cabin. They would stay there for the night. Katsuki started screaming as soon as all the bags were secure in the cabin. He went into the forest with Michiko and she let him scream.

After a while, Katsuki had calmed down enough and Michiko asked him again, why he was so upset.

“Because of Eijiro’s girlfriend Hitomi!” he growled.

“Oh, how come?” Michiko looked at him with a quizzical look.

He sighed. “It’s a stupid omega jealousy thing. I don’t know” he sounded beyond frustrated. “Look, I used to date Eijiro and I am still in love with him. And … I-I am fucking jealous of Hitomi! But my fucking problem is, she’s a damn nice person! I don’t want to hate her! She’s pretty, she’s polite, she’s a god damn sweetheart! How can I hate her? She’s so nice, it feels wrong to hate her! But my stupid omega part still fucking despises her! She’s perfect for Eijiro, I know that. She makes him happy and I am happy for him. But still, I am so fucking pissed that she’s the one who makes him happy! And not me! I … it doesn’t make any sense! I swore to myself that I was over Eijiro! It’s pointless to still be in love with him!”

Michiko leaned against a tree and observed him quietly. She let him ramble, he really needed it.

“Why am I such a fucking bad person? Why am I jealous of Hitomi? She did nothing wrong!” He paced through the forest.

Michiko pushed herself off the tree and walked over to him. She smiled at him. “Hey, now that you screamed, take some deep breaths to calm down.”

Katsuki tried his best to breathe calmly. “Okay, well, I get it, it must be absolutely terrible to see the person you love with someone else.”

“Yeah, it is!” Katsuki growled. “I thought I had it under control. Hero work should come first and all, and the Agents of Khaoz et cetera, but every time I’m with them and they act all lovey-dovey I just can’t help it!”

“Hm, you know that you should be careful with your thoughts around Hitomi? She’s a mind reader.” Michiko mentioned.

Katsuki froze. “What?”

“Yeah, her quirk is Mind Reader. She can’t turn it off and she reads all the thoughts of the people around her.”

All color faded from Katsuki’s face, he grabbed strands of his hair and he looked down to the ground. “Oh shit! Oh fucking SHIT” Katsuki murmured. “Why did Eijiro not warn me, that she’s a mind reader?!” He was slightly panicked.

Michiko raised her eyebrows. “They didn’t tell you?”

“No! Fucking hell, what have I thought with her around? Dammit!” He growled. “That’s just great.”

“Hey, calm down! I’m sure Eijiro warned Hitomi, that you are his ex. Maybe you can just apologize in your mind when you’re around her, for any inappropriate thoughts or something …” She walked closer to Katsuki and put her hands on his shoulders.

“Sorry, I guess my Alpha and Omega are fighting again. It’s fucking confusing.”

“Yeah, I can imagine it. Hey, how about we go to the cabin and eat something? I brought some spicy stuff.” She winked at him. “And inside we can talk everything over.”

“Sounds good” Katsuki sighed and Michiko pulled him back to the cabin. She made food for them while Katsuki still rambled.

When dinner was ready, they sat on the king-size bed and ate. “Do you want to tell me, what happened between you and Eijiro? And Deku?” She tilted her head.

“Well, uh … sure, I can do that” and then he summarized what had happened between the three of them. And why he wasn’t on speaking terms with Eijiro for a long time, why Deku had left, and why he was still in love with Eijiro after everything.

They finished eating and Katsuki absentmindedly prepared a nest in the bed while talking. Even though many things had changed since he started transitioning, he still had the urge to nest, especially in stressful situations.

Michiko watched him moving the blankets and rearranging the pillows while she listened carefully. Eventually, Katsuki finished his story and laid down in the nest. He patted on the mattress to invite Michiko back in. She had to sit outside while he prepped it. She climbed back in and sat criss-cross applesauce.

“I must say, it happened quite a lot” she mumbled.

“Yeah, I fucked up pretty badly, but it also fucked me up. It’s like a curse, I … I’m still in love with both of them. But they are gone, Deku left the country and Eijiro has a girlfriend, and the more I think about it, the more I overthink my feelings and the more I fall in love with them. Isn’t that terrible?” he whined. “I just want it to stop!”

Michiko patted his hair. “This is indeed a difficult situation …” she started. “Have you ever tried to find someone else? I mean there are lots of platforms for dating. Maybe if you look for someone else you can shift your feelings away from these two” she suggested.

“I don’t know … I don’t really have time for dating, besides, I’m kinda afraid what Khaoz will do if I find someone …”

“Yeah, that fear is valid …” Michiko mumbled and laid back next to Katsuki. They both stared at the ceiling.

“You said your alpha and omega are still fighting, how are you handling your transition?” Michiko questioned.

“Hm, I still struggle sometimes, it’s quite hard when your omega wants one thing but the alpha wants another thing. As of yet, they are still like two different people inside of me, arguing, the doctors say it will fuse into one eventually. I just have to endure it in the meantime.” He sighed. “I tried to stop myself from nesting … but as you can see, it’s no use, really …” he scoffed. “Not very alpha-like.”

“Ah, don’t worry about it. Besides, I like nests, they are always so comfortable. It’s amazing what you made, just out of some blankets and pillows” she praised.

Katsuki blushed a little. “Thanks … hm, are you in many nests?” he asked.

“Yeah, I rut share with multiple omegas and their nests are always amazing! They are so heavenly, yet so diverse in looks. I really like that. I wish I could do something like that” she laughed.

Katsuki pursed his lips. “How does it feel to have no urge to nest? I still can’t imagine it, even though I try to. They said my urge would become weaker, but nope.”

“Hm, I mean, it’s hard to say, I … I just don’t feel the need to build a nest for myself. I mean, I like to look at and lie in nests, but build one on my own,” she shook her head, “no, that’s not something I really have on my mind. I mean, in middle school I tried to build a nest, but … I don’t know, I just got, hmpf, bored or something so I stopped eventually.”

“You did? Why?” Katsuki turned around to look at her.

“Because I presented very early, I presented at age fourteen.”

“Wow, that’s early!” Katsuki raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah, exactly, and I’m sure you can guess what some people did, especially the girls were little bitches. They mocked me for having a dick now,” she scoffed, “I wasn’t allowed – by them – to change in the girl changing rooms, they were ‘afraid’ I would do stuff with them, even though my dick doesn’t grow unless I enter my rut. That’s why I had to change with the guys who just stared at my female parts. I hated that too.”

“Ouch, middle schoolers can be really nasty … Is that the reason you tried to nest?”

“Hm-m, yeah, but it didn’t last long, as I said. I had to actively think about nesting and eventually, I just didn’t do that anymore and it stopped. So,” she looked towards him, “I don’t find it weird or something that you still nest. You can keep that part, honestly” she reassured him.

“Thanks …” he rolled on his back again. “So, did you ever think of transitioning to omega then?”

“Sometimes, especially when I was younger I hated my body. And of course, I was too stubborn to talk to a therapist about it, nah, I rather burned myself instead of seeking help,” she sighed, “but when I got older, I learned to live with it. I still have dysphoria when I enter my pre-rut and rut, but for most of the time, it’s okay. I mean, I got my dick only like four times a year so … yeah” she shrugged.

Katsuki nodded. “I hated my body during my heats too. Especially how it made me talk about pups and everything, I even expressed that I wanted pups from Deku and Eijiro right then and there … so embarrassing.”

“Yikes, okay, yeah, I understand that this can be quite embarrassing and awkward.”

“Yeah, I mean, can you imagine the guy, that was chained to the pedestal at the sports festival, running around with a huge baby bump? I don’t know,” he scoffed, “I still can’t see myself being pregnant, like ever! Even though my instincts tell me to get knocked up every time I enter my heat.” He groaned.

“Yeah, sometimes nature fucks you over …” Michiko sighed.

“True …”


They talked about various things in the night, before they slept, it didn’t bother Katsuki, that he had to share the bed with Michiko. When the next day arrived they packed their stuff and returned back to civilization, Katsuki felt much better now.

A few days later he met up with Eijiro and Hitomi again, he did apologize for any inconvenience he caused her, via his thoughts. She was quite surprised, but she promised that it was not a problem at all. She could understand him.


The months passed and unfortunately, his contact with Deku became less, he seemed to be very busy and every time they video called, he looked completely exhausted. Katsuki asked him if everything was alright, but it was Deku after all, so of course, he would say everything was fine.

Katsuki would spend much time with Toya instead, they got along so well and he tried to comfort Toya when Hawks and he had a big argument, Hawks was still after Endeavor and it pissed Toya off so much. He complained to Katsuki and he let him. He could understand how weird it was for him. He imagined that he would react the same way when Izuku tried to advance on his mother. A creepy shiver ran through his body after that thought. Nope, he didn’t need that!

Slowly the media seem to get that he wasn’t just a sidekick. They would call him pro hero now and that made Katsuki happy. He was very successful – aside from the Khaoz cases – and he won on popularity fairly quickly.

He climbed the ranks in the Hero Billboard charts very fast and he was in the Top 30 in no time. He got a lot of support from young people who were also of the wrong secondary gender. He talked a lot about his case and he inspired many young people to come forward.

But like everything, there weren’t just positive things about it. A big group of transphobic people made the devil out of him, for “ruining their children”. They would constantly misgender him as omega, it pissed him off, but he knew that he couldn’t blow up publicly.


He met up with Denki, they hadn’t seen each other for quite a while. Denki, Hitoshi, and Kyoka had gotten a job in Osaka and they had moved there. Denki worked for another electricity user. Her name was Shaira, she was an alpha, and she was from the US. She taught him a lot of incredible stuff and after a year of not seeing him, Katsuki was surprised how much progress he had made with his quirk.

He lived in an apartment with Hitoshi and Kyoka, they were working for Shaira too, albeit more in the stealth and reconnaissance department. Denki on the other hand was in the more offensive department. Shaira had thought him how to control his electricity to a degree that allowed him to manipulate electromagnetism. He was now able to walk on metal walls and move small metal objects.

Otherwise, Denki was doing great too, he was on hormones and he looked more feminine now, than he had before, his omega scent had seemingly settled now, he smelled like violets and peaches, but when he got angry, the ozone smell was pretty strong.

Denki also made himself strong for trans people, especially for betas who want to transition to omegas. Unlike Katsuki however, he didn’t face that many transphobic comments, he was generally considered and referred to as an omega, even from the same transphobes that called Katsuki omega. It was honestly infuriating.


July came around and he got a surprise call from Deku. Katsuki hadn’t heard from Deku since April. Katsuki was very happy to hear from him. He asked how everything was going and Deku was kinda shy about it. Katsuki could see the tired look on his face and he asked again if he was alright.

Deku eventually confessed that it was really hard at the moment, he had been on a mission with Kairi, and the things he had seen, were terrifying to him. He was with her during a war mission and he just couldn’t get it out of his head. All those lives were lost.

Katsuki was shocked to hear, that he went to war with her. He tried to comfort him, as much as he could, but it wasn’t really effective over a monitor. He wished he could be there for him.

Deku asked him if he wanted to visit the next year on his birthday. He would try to invite the whole class to Thailand. Katsuki’s eyes widened. “Yes! Absolutely! I wanted to ask you if I can visit you for so long!”

«I’m very happy to hear that. And again, I’m sorry for being away for so long … I can’t wait until next year» Deku gave him a tired smile.


And that was that. The evening came and he talked with Eijiro about it. “What? He plans to invite all of us?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Yes, next year, ah, I can’t wait!” Katsuki was almost jumping up and down.

“Someone seems excited” Eijiro mentioned.

“Yes! I mean, I haven’t seen him for so long now! I wanted to visit him for some time, but he won’t give me the address” he gritted his teeth.

“You know you can just google Ridgway Hotel, no?”

“What?” Katsuki looked at him confused.

“Did you forget that Kairi’s daughter has a hotel?” he pulled out his phone. And showed him the location. “Here it is. And I guess he’s somewhere in the vicinity.”

Katsuki stared at Eijiro flabbergasted. “I … I must have missed that, I didn’t know she had a hotel! Why did no one tell me that? So I could have visited him all the time?” He ruffled through his hair.

“I mean, technically yes, but I guess you should ask him if that’s okay, I mean he left for a reason.” He shrugged.

Katsuki was very frustrated about this fact but happy that he now finally knew where Izuku lived.


Ochako called him sometime later to ask if Izuku had contacted him too, about the visit next year. He confirmed that.

Ochako was working with Tsuyu, Hanta, and Tenya in a team and they were incredibly efficient. They shattered everyone’s expectations of them tenfold. They were very popular and they got an incredible boost due to the popularity of the Iida family.

All four of them were in the Top 30 too and even before Katsuki.

Ochako was excited to visit Izuku next year too, and so were the other three. They were thankful that Izuku gave them such a long notice before, so they could plan their vacation.


Michiko had absolutely no problem with that, either. She reserved the vacation for Katsuki. She was happy for him, to meet up with Deku again.

Many criminals were caught by Dynamight and slowly but surely he climbed in the Top 20. He was now even before Michiko, Satsuki, and Kuroko, but not Sougo. They congratulated him on that.


It was November when Toya helped Katsuki again with his heat. He made sure that Katsuki was well hydrated and fed, and Katsuki was thankful for that. After his heat, Katsuki asked, what was wrong. He could see, that something was on Toya’s mind.

“What’s wrong?” Katsuki ask, he changed the sheets from his nest and started to rearrange them.

“It’s my fucking dad and Keigo!”

“Wait, are they …” Katsuki didn’t dare to speak it out loud.

Toya growled. “Not yet … I guess! But Keigo is shamelessly flirting with him, and ever since Enji and mom got a bond scrubbing it’s been worse.”

Katsuki laid down in the nest, and he patted next to him. Toya joined him. “It’s so fucking annoying, it’s irritating me, that my friend is after my dad! My fucking abusive dad that is! I mean, I guess he changed somewhat, but I’m still pissed at him.”

“No one expects you to forgive him, if you can’t, you can’t and that is a valid reason. But yeah, I would be irritated too. I mean, good, okay, Keigo didn’t know probably that you are Endeavor’s son, but still … It’s such a large age gap, I mean, he’s younger than you, that’s weird.”

“See! That’s my problem! Keigo can probably have any alpha if he just moves those wings of his, but no! He’s still after my father! And he won’t stop talking about him even though I told him multiple times I don’t want to hear that! Arrgh!” Toya growled.

Katsuki hugged him and they stayed like that for a while, that was the least he could do for his friend.

“How do the others think about that?” Katsuki asked.

“Shoto and Natsuo are not really thrilled. Fuyumi tries to understand it and Mom … she says it’s not of her concern, Keigo is a legal adult and he can do whatever he wants. She didn’t state her opinion but I think she doesn’t like it either, but more the fact that dad could potentially be with someone younger than me and not with someone else entirely. It’s a mess!”

Katsuki nodded and Toya snuggled closer. “Damn, just imagine they mate and Keigo becomes my step-parent … brrr, or they have pups! Hotaru would be older than her aunt or uncle … that’s so weird!”

The alpha grimaced. “Yeah, that would be weird, now that you mention it.”

“This family is a dumpster fire … it’s not going to be better, right?” Toya looked up at him.

“I don’t think so …”

“Great! Why can’t I have a normal family?” he groaned.

Katsuki comforted him to the best of his abilities. It was hard, however, how could you make someone feel better after something like this?


Like last year the Moruga agency went to the plateau and they screamed. Toya screamed that his family drama would stop and Katsuki screamed that all those idiots wouldn’t call him omega any longer, and if not alpha he would even be okay with Alpha-Omega.

He couldn’t wait for July next year, he would do his absolute best until then, to climb into the top ten.

Eijiro Kirishima: +2 Years

The new year started pretty well. The agency was doing fine and they had a lot of work. More and more big missions came in and they were thankful for that. They caught more drug lords before they could also be killed by Trigger X. But unfortunately, none of them would or could tell them, who was selling the stuff.

The weeks passed and things got really serious for him and Hitomi, he loved her so damn much and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He had sometimes serious problems concentrating at work. Mina scolded him multiple times that he should focus on the job during work times. He growled a little because it was so hard.

After their first time, their sexual activity increased, so much that Mina and Tetsutetsu sometimes did overtime at work to escape them. They joked about it a lot.

Mina and Tetsutetsu sat in the office, after returning back to work because it was fucking Valentine’s Day and god forbid that Hitomi and Eijiro gave them a break.

“Damn, I wish I would get a boyfriend!” Mina complained.

“Why’s that?” Tetsutetsu asked.

“Because, if I had a boyfriend I could be loud too, I could show them, how annoying that is sometimes!” She grimaced.

Tetsutetsu laughed. “True, I mean you could always ‘rent’ a boyfriend or something” he suggested.

“Nah, I don’t want to do that” she sighed.

Tetsutetsu mustered her. “Can I ask you something?”

She looked over to him, she sat on her office desk, feet on the desk. “Yeah, sure.”

“Did you have feelings for Eijiro during school? I mean, you had this cuddle club thing, right?” He asked.

Mina pursed her lips. “Hm, I can’t deny, that I didn’t have a crush on him … but it was a schoolgirl crush because he was cool and all … I mean, he is still cool, but I don’t have feelings for him anymore.” She answered, thinking she stared at the ceiling. “I mean, my feelings were the whole reason I got so fucking pissed at Katsuki.”

“Oh, what do you mean?” Tetsutetsu raised his eyebrows.

“When Eijiro broke up with Katsuki and he went to Izuku and all that stuff, Eijiro suffered so much and I was so fucking pissed because Katsuki could have had the guy I liked and he completely broke his heart instead and I just didn’t want to see Eijiro suffer, that’s why I blew up so much. I knew that he wouldn’t date me, and believe me, I tried but he never saw me as a potential partner” she exhaled deeply. “So I gave up on my feelings.”

“Yeah, that was a huge mess. But yeah, I guess that was a wise decision.” Tetsutetsu mumbled.

“And you? Do you have feelings for someone? Maybe Kendo?” Mina questioned.

Tetsutetsu chuckled. “Nah, Itsuka is just a good friend. She has no interest in me and I don’t have interest in her. And no, I’m not interested in someone particular at the moment” he answered honestly.

“Do you want to go on patrol? I could need something to eat” Mina asked.

“Yeah, sounds good” with that they stood up and walked outside to grab something to eat.

In full hero costume, they walked through the dark snowy streets, towards their favorite noodle shop. Mina had a cool new jacket to her costume, designed by Hitomi of course.

They arrived at the noodle shop and ordered. While they waited they looked outside. “The snow is really pretty, right?” Mina mumbled.

“Yeah, it’s peaceful, I wish it were always so peaceful” He murmured, there was something in his gaze that Mina couldn’t name.

The order was ready and they ate quickly. It was usually the case that, every time they tried to eat something, from somewhere a villain attacked, so they never took too much time to eat.

After dinner, they walked again through the streets. There were only a few people out there mostly pairs. “What do you think, do we have to make an all-nighter or are they done by the time we go back?” Tetsutetsu asked absentmindedly.

“I sure hope they are done soon. I want to sleep in my bed tonight, not on the office couch” she grimaced.

“Hah, yeah, true, besides, one office couch is not big enough for two people …” Tetsutetsu murmured.

“You can sleep on the ground!” She laughed. “You’re not getting the couch.”

“Ouch, how cold you are” he grabbed his chest in a jokingly pained motion.

They both broke out into laughter and slowly they made their way back to their office.


They were lucky this night. Hitomi and Eijiro were finished when they came back home. Mina and Tetsutetsu were tired, but they still couldn’t sleep. They sat in the living room and watched television, Mina was wrapped in a blanket, they laughed and talked about the movies. They eventually fell asleep on the couch.


Eijiro was staring in the mirror he had some huge bite marks all over the chest, not mating marks just love bites. He had a stupidly bright smile on his face. God, he felt so good! He was happy that he didn’t have to wear a shirt while wearing his hero costume, He wanted to show the whole world that he was claimed by someone!

He came into the living room and saw Tetsutetsu and Mina snuggling on the couch, he was a bit confused but shrugged it off, they both were adults, they could do whatever they want.

He went to work alone, the other two had probably worked all night so they deserved their sleep.


He walked from his office over to the Fat Gum agency, snacks in hand. He entered the office and some of the employees greeted him happily, he walked into Taishiro’s room after knocking.

Tamaki and Taishiro were in it, Taishiro was in his skinny form at the moment, or well, he was in the process of gaining weight again, since he had to use his energy on a strong opponent recently. He looked pretty happy.

The omega on the other hand looked shy as usual. “Hey, Tamaki, hey Fat!” Eijiro greeted.

“Oh, hey Eijiro!” Taishiro waved at him, he had a bright smile on his face.

“H-hello” Tamaki mumbled, he looked to the ground.

“Is everything okay, Tamaki?” Eijiro asked while he put down the snacks at Taishiro’s desk.

“U-uh y-yeah, e-everything is f-fine …” he mumbled.

“More than fine I would mean” Fat Gum laughed.

“What do you mean?” Eijiro looked confused to Tamaki. He was blushing heavily and fidgeted with his fingers.

“Why don’t you tell him?” Fat Gum encouraged him.

“A-ah, y-yeah. E-Eijiro I-I will l-leave the a-agency s-soon” he murmured.

Eijiro raised his eyebrows. “Oh, why’s that?” he tilted his head.

“B-Because I …” he stopped, Eijiro could see the nervousness.

“Please go on” he encouraged him.

Tamaki sighed and looked up. “I’m pregnant” he whispered.

Eijiro gasped. “What? Really?! With Mirio?” he asked.

“Y-Yes, really. And yes, w-with Mirio” Tamaki answered.

Enthusiastic Eijiro jumped up and he hugged Tamaki. The poor omega was too overwhelmed to react. “That’s so great, Tamaki, congratulations!”

Tamaki blushed. “Thank you” he mumbled. Eijiro let go and Tamaki sat back down.

“Yeah, right? You will be a great parent. And you should know that you can always come back!” Taishiro said.

“Thank you very much,” the omega said again. They talked for a while about it, Tamaki got more and more comfortable during that talk. They would soon announce Tamaki’s break, Lemillion had an interview scheduled for the upcoming month.

After that Eijiro made his way back to his agency. In the meantime, Tetsutetsu and Mina woke up and were now ready for work. Of course, Eijiro told them the good news, and Mina and Tetsutetsu were excited to hear that.


More months were passing in which he spent quality time with Hitomi, got many, many jobs done and his popularity skyrocketed. The media was gossiping about his love bites, they tried to find out who his partner was. Eijiro never confirmed or denied anything they fabricated.


Tetsutetsu and he were hired one time to protect a celebrity. The famous idol Kaoru Murata. He was at the moment, the most popular and most successful idol in Japan. The job was kinda draining because Kaoru didn’t like to be supervised. He would constantly try to escape. Besides, he was a damn handful and even Eijiro had trouble with him. He was damn charming for sure, but it was just so exhausting to listen to all of his wishes et cetera. He made Monoma look like a normal, sane individual.

And his manager was a handful too. She had an attitude and internally it pissed Eijiro really off. She was perfectly friendly on the outside and when talking to other high-ranking people, but she had a mocking tone to people ‘below’ her. Eijiro just hoped the job was over soon.

Mina got a little bit jealous, she was actually a fan of Kaoru and she wanted to see him too. But she had her own job during that time.


The months passed and finally, the hero billboard charts at the end of the year were coming up. Lemillion was here with Tamaki, the omega had given birth at the end of October and he was still on maternity leave. Poor Tamaki was bombarded with questions and he seemed to almost faint.

Eijiro was very surprised how many of his former classmates were already within the Top twenty. This time it looked as followed.

Number 1 was still Endeavor, even though his head start was melting rapidly. Number 2 was Best Jeanist, Number 3 Lemillion, Number 4 was Hawks, and Number 5 Mirko. Followed on Number 6 by Blue Rabbit – Sougo. She was very happy that her former student had almost caught up to her.

In place, number 7 was Edgeshot, followed by 8 by Kamui Woods. Number 9 was Ryukyu and on 10 came Electro Master – Denki’s boss, Shaira.

Tenya was already on Number 11, a fact that made Eijiro happy but pissed off Katsuki slightly. ‘Why is glasses almost in the top ten?’ he had asked.

Tsuyu came on 12, a fact that made her very, very happy. Froppy was absolutely adored by the public, the same was for Uravity on 13 and Cellophane on 14. Their popularity stemmed mostly from their splendid teamwork.

On 15 was Red Riot, followed by Real Steel on 16. Dynamight was on 17 and Pinky was on spot number 18. Mount Lady was on the 19. And surprisingly, Chargebolt made the Number 20 spot. Denki was so baffled.

Katsuki wasn’t unhappy with his place, even though he wished he was higher. Eijiro was absolutely happy, he had thought it would take longer to get in the top 20 so this was absolutely enough for him.

He noticed Katsuki’s and Toya’s annoyed looks when Hawks and Endeavor approached. Hawks was basically glued to Endeavor who seemed kinda annoyed himself. He tried to get Hawks away from him multiple times, to no avail.

Eijiro, Hitomi next to him, Mina, and Tetsutetsu walked over to the members of the Moruga agency. Eijiro congratulated Sougo to sixth place. The public absolutely loved him, and he got a boost because he was quirkless and proved that even people without a quirk could become heroes.

His teammates on the other hand didn’t make it into the top 20. Satsuki was in place 23, Kuroko on 31, and Michiko was on 45. Her actions from the past were still dragging her down, but she just shrugged it off. She didn’t do it for the fame anyway, she wanted to save people, so it didn’t matter if she was popular or not.


It got late and Hitomi and Eijiro planned on leaving but to his surprise he heard loud screams from the rooftops. He went up there to see what was wrong. He found a drunk Katsuki and a semi-drunk Toya screaming as if the devil was behind them.

It was the very first time that Eijiro saw Katsuki drunk, he usually stayed away from alcohol, the same was for Toya.

“What’s wrong with you two?” He asked. They both giggled like little school girls. “You’re pretty drunk, you shouldn’t be up here!” He tried to get them away from the edge of the roof.

“Ah, y’know, Eijiro, it’s this fucking Hawks!” Toya walked over to him, Katsuki hooked under, he placed an arm around the alpha. “He constantly hits on Endeavor and it’s so fucking annoying! I don’t like that” he grimaced.

“Yeah, I would be pissed off too” Eijiro sighed. “And what’s your excuse?” He looked to Katsuki.

The blonde tackle hugged Eijiro suddenly. “’m still in love with you, but y’re with Hitomi. Tha’s fine an’ all, y’know I like her, she’s great and all. But ‘m still so jealous!” he slurred and rubbed his cheek against Eijiro.

The redhead sighed. “Aye, just how drunk are you?”

“Jus’ a lil’ bit” Katsuki answered, still giggling.

Eijiro exhaled deeply again and he threw Katsuki over his shoulder and he supported Toya. Under protest, he brought them down. “Oiiii, I can walk alone!” Katsuki whined while kicking his legs.

“Yeah, no, I rather bring you down, not that you are falling off the roof.” He said.

Downstairs he caught Shoto and he gave Toya to his brother. Eijiro briefly explained what had happened. Shoto sighed too, he could understand his brother perfectly. Every time he saw how Hawks hit on his father he wanted to throw up. But he promised he would take care of Toya. Momo next to him reassured Eijiro too.

Since Katsuki was living alone and the members of the Moruga agency were still in the middle of partying, Eijiro took it upon himself to bring Katsuki home. He informed Hitomi, and together they brought Katsuki back, he was still over Eijiro’s shoulder.


They arrived at Katsuki’s apartment and they entered it, Hitomi waited in the kitchen while Eijiro brought Katsuki to bed.

“You should really sleep. You think I can leave you alone?” Eijiro asked while undressing Katsuki.

“Nooo! Don’t leave me alone!” Katsuki whined. He was still not clearer in mind. He rubbed again against Eijiro.

The redhead sighed and carefully pushed him back. “You’re drunk, Katsuki, you know that I have a girlfriend,” he said.

“I know! Don’t have to tell me! Hitomi is perfect, I still love you!” Katsuki tried to put his arms around Eijiro’s neck.

“Stop that, Katsuki” Eijiro growled. He pushed Katsuki back onto the bed.

“Why? I want you to love me!” Katsuki tried again to stand up.

Eijiro sat down next to Katsuki on the bed and he looked the other alpha in the eyes. “It is better we don’t talk about that now, you are completely wasted. We will talk about it when you’re sober, and only during one of our counseling sessions.” To make sure Katsuki got it, he put a little bit of Alpha pressure behind it. He knew that Katsuki was immune to alpha commands by now, but he could still feel it.

Katsuki laid back in his nest – Eijiro could make out some Red Riot Merchandise – he still looked at Eijiro. “Sleep now!” The redhead threw a blanket over the other alpha and left the room after Katsuki had passed out.

“Wow, he’s really drunk” Hitomi mumbled. She had seen the pure desperation in Katsuki’s confused and drunken mind.

“Yeah …” was all that Eijiro commented. They went home for the night and went to bed immediately. Eijiro’s mind was racing. Katsuki was still in love with him after all this time … The thing was, Eijiro wasn’t in love with him anymore. He had finally freed himself completely from those feelings. He wished Katsuki would find someone similar.

“Oh, I am sure he will one day” Hitomi tried to reassure him. They went to sleep after that.


The next morning came rather early when suddenly someone knocked on the door repeatedly. Grumbling, Eijiro got up and opened it. To his surprise, a completely hysteric Katsuki was in front of it. He immediately started.

“Oh my god, Eijiro, I am so fucking sorry! I-I don’t know what went through my mind last night. I fucked up again, right? I don’t remember everything but I think I confessed my love to you, right? I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to do that. Please, don’t be mad at me, I swear I didn’t mean it!” He rambled.

Eijiro wasn’t fully there yet, he was still kinda sleep deprived and he needed a few seconds to make sense of Katsuki’s rambling. While he processed the first sentences, Katsuki continued to apologize. “Oi, stop it!” Eijiro murmured eventually before Katsuki got a panic attack because he wasn’t saying anything.

“Everything is cool. I know you were drunk. I told you we would talk about it, during one of our counseling sessions, not now at,” he looked at the clock, “six am? Seriously? Why are you awake anyway?”

“I don’t know, I just woke up and I had to come and apologize” Katsuki answered.

Eijiro exhaled deeply. “Yeah, it’s a bit too early for that, I had a long night …”

Katsuki perked up. “Oh, yeah, right, right, I’m sorry, I will go” he was about to leave when Eijiro sighed.

“How about you stay on the couch? I don’t feel comfortable with you running around in the dark, still not completely sober. Take a nap and later we make an appointment with the counselor. Sound good?”

“Uhh, I … okay” he followed Eijiro into the apartment and sat down on the couch.

“I’ll give you a blanket, one moment” Eijiro disappeared into his bedroom before returning with a blanket. “Now sleep.”

Katsuki nodded and laid down. He pulled the blanket over himself and drifted off to sleep.

Eijiro returned to Hitomi, she chuckled. “He’s really a handful.”

“True” Eijiro took Hitomi in his arms and drowned himself in her scent.


After a very awkward breakfast a couple of hours later, in which Katsuki apologized a dozen times to Hitomi too, they were now sitting with their counselor. They listened to Eijiro’s explanation of what happened. Katsuki apologized more and he swore to never drink so much alcohol again.

“Hey, it’s okay I know that you just said that because you were drunk. No big deal, no harm done” Eijiro tried to convince his friend, he turned in his seat to face Katsuki directly. “But, you need to do something about those feelings. It’s not good for you!” Eijiro looked him in the eyes.

“You miss out on so many good things. I mean, I don’t say you absolutely need a partner, but at least something that can take your feelings for me away. You will feel better, when you are free of those emotions, believe me!”

Katsuki gulped. “I know! I’m trying, but it’s hard …” he looked down. “Make me forget you, please, tell me there is never ever a chance again, anything!”

Eijiro looked over to the counselor, they had their notebook open, they nodded slightly. He exhaled. “Katsuki, there will never, ever be a chance, that you and I are getting back together. I don’t love you anymore. I love Hitomi, not you. I got finally rid of my feelings, and you should do too. It will only hurt you, and I don’t want that.”

Katsuki stared at him, he gritted his teeth. He had known it, Eijiro was in love with Hitomi … he knew that there was no chance whatsoever. But to hear it was hard. He took some deep breaths and his alpha finally took control over his raging omega.

This clear statement helped him, of course, his feelings weren’t gone just like that, but he finally had the confirmation, that it was over. His omega could give it up now, and his alpha would make sure it did. He exhaled shakily. “Thank you …”

“Are you okay?” Eijiro raised his eyebrows.

“Not at the moment, but I think I will be. I got my omega under control now” he nodded, he put a smile on his face. It was a fake but Eijiro hoped that he finally got it. He wished it for Katsuki’s sake.

They talked a bit more after that and in the end, Eijiro had a somewhat okay feeling about the situation. Katsuki seemed to be calm and collected, more than before anyway.


Christmas and New Year they spent with Hitomi’s family this time. He was thankful for the peace it brought him.

Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +3 Years - Fever Dreams (Bonus) + Thailand Trip (1)

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Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +3 Years - Thailand Trip (2)

The pro heroes sat around the pool and waited for Izuku to come back. Ian made sure they all had something to drink. Some of the maids came outside and took their orders. Katsuki recognized the maid, Lacey.

They chatted a little about how life was going with Ian, Jesper, Malka, and Krista until Izuku came back ten minutes later. Fresh and clean he looked even better.

“Again I am sorry you guys had to wait.” He apologized and sat next to Ochako and Katsuki.

“Ah, don’t worry about it,” Tenya said. “Keeping yourself fit is very important!”

“That’s true!” Ochako added, she was still looking at Izuku’s massive, muscular body. It didn’t help that he wore a figure-hugging tank top, too.

Malka, Krista, Ian, and Jesper left after Izuku arrived to give them privacy.

“So, how is everyone doing?” Izuku asked. “Is there something new in Japan?”

And then they started. They talked about their agencies, the last hero rankings. Izuku congratulated them on the high rankings. He was really happy for them.

Eijiro and Mina talked about their agency with Tetsutetsu, he would run it alone while they were gone. They also talked about Trigger X, which caused Izuku to perk up. They had some drugs with a similar effect here too. He promised they could talk about it later.

Ochako, Tenya, Tsuyu, and Hanta explained a mission they once had. Illegal street racers that tried to get away with high-tuned motorcycles. They would even fire with weapons at them. But luckily they couldn’t outrun Tenya.

To their surprise, Izuku scratched the back of his head and he confessed that he loved racing through the streets. It was something the guys did here regularly, he had won sometimes too.

“But wait, that’s illegal!” Tenya looked at him.

“Well … technically yeah, but we have some Cops that block the roads in the meantime. We don’t do that in normal traffic” he said.

“Wait, the cops don’t do anything about the street racing and even help you?” Present Mic chimed in.

“Yeah, they get a fair share of the money, so they turn a blind eye. Look, they all figured they can’t stop street races, so they made agreements that they get informed before and they block the normal roads so others don’t get hurt. That’s really the best they can do here” Izuku shrugged.

“Huh … never thought you would participate in something like that …” Tenya mumbled.

“I changed a lot during the years I lived here. I had to adjust to that too.”

Katsuki cleared his throat and continued with his agency. How he and Moruga basically tried to one-up one another all the time. Izuku chuckled and he was happy that Katsuki found someone he could basically see as a rival.

Eri told him, that she was super good at school and she had finally gotten a good grip on her quirk. That she played a lot with uncle Mirio and she adored Tamaki’s baby, and that’s why she wanted a little sibling too.

Izuku was happy to see her so lively and cheery, she seemed to have overcome her trauma pretty well.

Afterward, Izuku told them what he had done the past couple of years. In the beginning, he had worked as a bouncer in various clubs, as a handyman for various people, he had worked with the police too, but eventually, he followed Kairi to missions in war zones. He wanted to see it for himself. All the misery he was spared all his life because he grew up in one of the safest countries on the planet.

And what he saw, all the misery and sheer horror had massively changed him. He told them, that it had traumatized him at first, but now he went out frequently to save as many people as possible. While the other took care of the "elimination" of the enemies, he went in to save people, his quirks helped him a lot to get as many people out as possible. Just at the beginning of the year, they had been to Egypt, Africa, to keep the border safe. The shangonian army was advancing quickly but they could secure it for now. They had brought some refugees back to Thailand.

The others were shocked when he described the horrors of war, but they were happy that he used this opportunity to save humans, and not kill them, after all, he was still a hero at heart.


After about two hours of talking and catching up, Izuku asked, if they wanted to see the inside of the house. The others were excited, with the exception of maybe Momo they weren’t used to such a big mansion.

“Well, it can be like a labyrinth sometimes,” Izuku said. “I got lost so much in the beginning. If that happens to you, you can either ask one of the maids, or you can ask PAM.” Izuku looked up. “Hello, PAM, could you show me the way to my room, please?”

“Of course, sir” A voice echoed from somewhere. And suddenly some green arrows appeared on the wall on a thin LED strip they showed the direction he had to go.

“Thank you, PAM.” He said, before turning to the others. “You can ask her anything. Where is the bar, where is the dining room, where are the toilets. She will show you” he had a bright smile on his face.

“Damn, that is so cool! Really futuristic here!” Denki beamed.

“That’s true! If it weren’t for PAM, I might have gotten lost in here and a couple of years later they would have found my body in some cramped up space or something.” He chuckled.

Suddenly, his mother appeared. “Oh, hey, all of you!” She seemed so happy.

Katsuki perked up when he saw Inko. She looked absolutely fantastic. She looked better than ever before. “Hey, auntie! How are you?!” he asked excitedly.

“Oh, Katsuki, I am doing so well! Living here is great! I took a job in the daycare here, and it’s lovely! I am surrounded by pups every day, have my son back and live in this giant house … It’s like heaven!” She smiled brightly.

“Really, you work in the daycare here?” Toya asked.

“Yes, we got a bunch of more kids here, after their trip to Africa, they rescued a lot of little children, so they needed someone who helped out, and since I didn’t have a job but I wanted to work, I offered my help.”

“That is really noble!” Tenya beamed.

Izuku continued to show them the house, while they would stay in the Ridgway Hotel overnight, they could come to the actual house whenever they wanted. Izuku showed them his room. He had eventually moved out of the guest rooms to a spare room next to Ian’s and Jesper’s rooms. It was even bigger than his previous room.

“Damn, that’s a lot of space!” Mina was stunned.

Ochako almost fainted. “That’s bigger than my entire apartment before I got into UA” Ochako sounded out of breath.

Katsuki noticed the slight nest on his bed, he wondered, who had made that, he didn’t think that this was Izuku’s doing. But it wasn’t his business to ask, so he inspected the rest of the room a little.

What was clear immediately, was that there was almost no All Might merch. It looked completely different from his room back in Japan.

Katsuki noticed some pictures on one wall. He walked over and looked at them. It showed Izuku, Jesper, Ian, and two unknown people in various locations. Some were on mountains, some were even underwater. They were on a ship and at a canyon, too. “You seem to travel a lot” he mentioned.

Izuku looked up, he was in the middle of showing Fumikage a sword he had bought in Europe. “Ah, yeah, we actually travel a lot. Robin and Lee are extreme athletes and they invited us on some trips. It’s super fun. We were on the Mount Everest, and in Dubai, the Grand Canyon. Next year we plan a trip to the Death Valley and the Darvaza gas crater in Turkmenistan. I am so excited! I learned how to deep dive and mountain climbing, and snowboarding!”

“Wow, you’re definitely coming around, Izuku,” Eijiro said.

“But isn’t that extremely dangerous too?” Momo asked.

“Of course it’s dangerous, that’s exactly why they are doing this. Those two absolutely don’t care for their lives, they just want the most fun out of it.”

“So, they would risk death for a little fun?” Koji asked.

“Jep, Robin nearly died two times during our trips. I could luckily save him with blackwhip. If I weren’t there, he definitely would have died. But all he had to say was ‘damn, that was fun!’ I yelled at him, that he would be dead if I hadn’t caught him, but he just shrugged and told me that this comes with the job. He’s fully prepared to die every time he goes out there.”

“Some people are nuts” Rikido mumbled.

“Yeah, definitely, I would never do so risky things” Denki shuddered.

“Is it really so much different from hero work? You put your life on the line too, or am I wrong?” Izuku asked. “Anyway, let’s look at the rest of the house! I want to show you the pool on the roof!” He ushered them quickly out of his room.

“You’re not wrong. Heroes do risk their lives” All Might mumbled.


They walked up to the roof and there was a giant pool. “The great thing is, from this pool, you can jump down to the pool below, and from that, you can jump down to the ground pool!” he explained excitedly.

“I don’t want to know what would happen if one of the pools broke and all the water destroys the house, ribbit”, Tsuyu mumbled.

“Well, PAM can emergency close the walls, so that most of the water wouldn’t go into the main rooms of the house,” Izuku explained.

“Oh, I want to see how far it goes down!” Eri said. Izuku lifted her up and they floated to the edge of the building. “Ohhh! It’s so high!” she squeaked.

“Yeah, that’s true.”

“Woah, the look of the sea is so cool!” amazed by everything, Eri stared at the horizon.

Shota was a bit concerned, he knew that she was safe with Izuku, still, he couldn’t stop worrying.


After their trip to the roof, they gathered in the main hall again. Some of them were tired from the trip so Izuku suggested that they could sleep for a while. They could visit the city tomorrow. The others agreed that it was probably a good idea and they made their way back to the hotel.


Katsuki would lay in his bed sometime later, it was damn comfortable, he had to admit, Toya was sitting next to him. “What’s on your mind, Kats?” he asked, Hotaru was playing on the ground.

“Hm?” Katsuki had spaced out and only now he returned. “Oh, I just wondered who nested in Izuku’s bed …” he sighed, “I know I shouldn’t think about that, but I am curious. I mean, it would be great if he had someone …”

“It was a new smell. If it were from one of the maids I probably would know, but this is different, but it’s from a woman” Toya mentioned.

Katsuki pouted a little. “Hey, what do you think, would he take us to the city? I don’t want to sleep and I am not exhausted.”

“I’m sure he would, let us ask him. Maybe some of the others want to go too?”

“Then let’s go!”


They asked a few of the others, in the end, Eijiro, Ochako, Denki, Mina, Hitoshi, Kyoka, Shoto, and Momo joined them. They walked back to the hotel, Toya had Hotaru on his arm, he would leave her at the daycare. It was now around seven pm, so not too late to go out safely.

While Toya brought his daughter away, Katsuki asked. “Uh … hey PAM, please show us Deku’s … uh, Izuku’s room again.” He felt a little bit weird just asking into the empty room.

“Of, course, sir” PAM answered, the arrows glowed up and the group followed them.

“I am so curious, how the city will be!” Denki said. He had wrapped his arm around Kyoka’s, she nodded.

“Yes, me too. I was never out of Japan so I am intrigued” she had a bright smile too.

They stopped in front of Izuku’s room and Katsuki knocked. It took a while before he answered. “Oh, hey, what can I do for you?” he asked.

“Uh, we were wondering if you could show us the city, we’re not tired or anything,” Katsuki asked. “Toya is coming too, he just brings Hotaru to the daycare” he added.

Izuku looked back into the room and he bit his bottom lip. “Yeah, sure, I can show you, Give me a second” he closed the door.

Katsuki raised his eyebrows. He could smell that someone was in the room with him …

A couple of minutes later Izuku was ready, he had changed his outfit a bit, he wore a black shirt and jeans, and high leather boots. He wore black gloves for some reason, not gloves for winter or anything. “Well then, let’s go” he gave them a smile.


Toya was waiting downstairs, he was chatting with an alpha girl she seemed really excited to see him.

“Ah, that is Elsa, Kairi’s youngest daughter” Izuku mentioned.

“Oh, Izuku! You didn’t tell me, that you have so many hot alpha friends! She looked at Eijiro, Hitoshi, and Shoto before her gaze wandered to Katsuki. “And I assume that’s your precious Kacchan!”

“Elsa, stop it!” he pressed a hand on her mouth. Elsa chuckled.

“Make me” she mumbled under his hand.

Much to everyone’s surprise, Izuku leaned down and ‘kissed’ her, he kissed the back of his hand, that was covering her mouth. “You’re annoying.” With that, he let go and walked away. “C’mon, let’s go.”

Elsa laughed and waved after them.

“What was that?” Shoto asked.

“Elsa, she’s massively annoying” Izuku sighed.


They made their way over to the city. They were impressed with how big everything was! They saw massive skyscrapers huge stores, cafés, shopping centers, food shops on mass. None of them would have thought that this city had so much criminal activity.

“Hey, didn’t you say, here are so many criminals and all?” Ochako asked.

“Well, it’s still daylight, besides we are on the main street, most criminals stay away from here.” He shrugged.

“Hey, how’s Stella doing?” Toya asked.

“Oh, Stella is doing great! Her business is going good … if that’s a good thing or not I don’t know, do you want to visit her?”

“Well, I mean, only if it’s okay for the others? Or I can visit her later, I mean, I’m here for a week” Toya said.

“C’mon we are all adults here. There’s nothing to it to visit the red light district.” Izuku laughed.

“The what?” Ochako perked up.

“The red-light district. Stella’s clinic is stationed there. Stella’s the woman who removed the mating marks from me and Toya” he explained.

“But why is she in the red light district?” Kyoka asked.

“Because her mother owns some brothels there” Izuku answered. “Well, I guess, I can take you tomorrow, Toya. I have to make some errands in the morning anyway.”

“No, no, we can definitely go,” Mina said. “I am quite curious” she added.


Eventually, they decided to visit the red light district. The atmosphere changed immediately. One brothel or sex club or bar after another. Some of the establishments looked very expensive, some were more run down. Some had big windows where some of the workers were waiting and looking outside, smiling at them.

What was surprising to them was the equal amount of male and female workers. They had thought mostly women would work here, must be the clichés.

They walked through the streets and many of the ladies and gents greeted Izuku. Katsuki wondered, how much he was in such establishments, not that it was any of his business, but he was really curious.

“Oh, hey, babe!” One of the guys walked over to him, he was fairly muscular, he wore a skin-tight dress and a pink-colored wig. “Are you here to visit me?” He sounded hopeful.

Izuku chuckled. “Unfortunately not, Trish, I’m showing my friends around and Toya wants to visit Stella.”

Trish sighed. “Damn, so sad, babe. But damn, you have some cute friends” he looked over to Eijiro and winked at him. Eijiro flashed him a short smile, he didn’t want to be rude. “Oh, Toya, cutie! How are you?” Trish walked over to Toya and hugged him too.

“Ah, I’m fine. I am doing great now” Toya answered.

“That’s good to hear, you look much better too!” Trish smiled brightly. “But, well, when you got no work for me, I’ll head back, I hope I see you soon, babe” he winked at Izuku before he went back to the club he came from.

“Damn, you coming around” Katsuki mumbled.

“Haha, yeah, Trish is one of the omegas I sometimes go to. He’s great” Izuku smirked.

They made their way over to a brothel called “Pussy”. Some of the girls stood outside and presented themselves while they waited for customers.

Kyoka felt really shy, she tried to not look at the very revealing outfits of the girls, she grabbed Denki’s arm for comfort.

“Oh, look who decided we are worth his time again,” one of the girls said. “Where have you been, Izu? Don’t tell me you went to those tramps at ‘Bastard’s’” she grimaced. “Here’s the only place you get quality, I tell you!” The girl said.

Izuku chuckled. “But Crystal, you have only girls here, sometimes I’m not interested in girls,” he told her. She gave him a look.

“Anyway, did you bring customers?” Her eyes scanned the others. “Oh, he’s a cute one!” she walked over to Katsuki. “How about I give you a good time?” she asked in a flirty tone.

“Sorry, I’m gay. This wouldn’t be a good time for me” he answered.

Crystal pouted. “Damn, you making my job hard” she sighed and walked back to the chair she sat in.

“Is Stella here?” Toya asked.

“Of course you want to see Stella. One moment, I’ll look if she got time” with that Crystal left.

“So … you hang out here a lot?” Ochako asked.

“Yes, not really much as a customer, but I work here as a bouncer some nights. Malka and Krista work here too, they recommended me as a bouncer.”

Momo looked around. “It’s really much different from what I am used to …” She saw all the different omega that were presenting themselves here. It made her highly uncomfortable. She wondered if everyone here was doing this voluntarily or if there was a force behind it. “Are there only omega … workers?” She asked.

“Oh, no, not really, further down there are clubs where you can find alpha sex workers too. But most of the alphas work rather as dominatrices or masters while omegas are usually the submissive part.”

“Did you ever have an alpha partner?” Ochako asked.

Katsuki perked up at that question. Izuku tilted his head. “Yes, I had. Alpha partners are so much different from omega partners.”

“Oh, how so?” Denki questioned.

“The struggle for the dominant position” he laughed. “It was a god damn fight and this was really fun. I liked that a lot.”

Katsuki noted that in his head, so he liked fighting … good to know …


Eventually, Stella appeared. She was a giant woman, she had a very broad stature, she was in her fifties, had long bright pink backcombed hair, it looked a little bit like a lion’s mane. She had massive amounts of makeup on her face, and she wore a blue dress with a bright blue feather stole. She screamed extravagant, in every aspect and the large jewelry only made it more prominent.

“Hm-m, Toya! Long time no see, baby!” she chuckled and walked over, she gave him a small kiss on the cheek. “You look good, baby, tell me, how have you been?” She flashed the others a smile too. “But first, I am Stella, I welcome you to ‘Pussy’s’.”

“Oh, Stella, I’ve been doing great! My life is so much better now!” Toya told her excitedly.

“That is great to hear!” She blinked a few times and her fake lashes moved extremely. “Tell little old me, have you found happiness with a partner again?”

“Well … not directly … Let’s say I am working on something …” Toya chuckled.

Katsuki perked up when he heard that, Toya was seeing someone? He definitely wanted to know more about that later.

“Oh, that is fantastic, baby, keep me updated!” She smiled. Then she looked to the rest. She sniffed the air.

“Oh, my” she walked over to Katsuki and sniffed at him. “Baby, you have a delicate smell, burned sugar, I like it!”

“Uh … thanks! My scent changed quite a lot” he murmured.

“Ah, I see” she looked at him, knowingly. “Anyway, Izu-baby, I know you have friends over, but I could need your help tomorrow. Help a lady out, would you?” She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Haha, sure, I’ll come over. I guess it won’t take all day.”

“Absolutely not, it’s just a delivery. Nothing major and you are a lifesaver, baby!” She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

They talked for a few more minutes before they headed off. “She’s like, really flirty” Ochako mumbled.

“Hm, oh yeah, she’s always like this. But no, she’s not a prostitute anymore. But she was in her younger days.” He explained.

They walked through the city and got dinner at a noodle shop, the woman behind the counter also flirted with Deku. Katsuki was amazed at how many people liked Deku …


They came back to the mansion. “Wanna join me for a few drinks, or do you want to head back?” Izuku asked.

“Is there a bar?” Kyoka asked.

“Of course!” Izuku showed them the way to the bar. Ian and Jay were there too, they greeted them, but then got back to their own conversation.

“You can drink as much as you want,” Izuku said and he went up to the bar. The barkeeper was ready to take their orders.

“Really? Is that okay?” Ochako asked.

“Of course! This is Kairi’s private bar, if you stick to the ‘normal’ stuff and don’t take her own ‘premium’ stuff, everything is gucci.”

They ordered some drinks and sat back on one of the large tables. They asked a couple of more questions about the city. Izuku told them, that he would show them more tomorrow, he could take them to the beach if they wanted. He definitely knew what they would do on his birthday though.

Eventually, they called it a night, they went back to the hotel and when Katsuki hit the mattress he immediately fell asleep, the alcohol helped with it a lot. He was curious what tomorrow would bring …

Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +3 Years - Thailand Trip (3)

The next day arrived and Katsuki woke up at around eleven am. He wondered if Izuku was already back from his trip or if he was still gone. He showered and put on clean clothes before he went down to the mansion.

He entered the building, some of the others were already there. They chilled around the pool, the hotel had its own pools of course, but these ones were still better.

Ochako, Toru, Tsuyu, and Mina played in the water while Kyoka and Momo were sitting next to the pool and enjoyed the sun.

Katsuki went inside after a short check, he wanted to find Izuku. “Uhm, hey, PAM, is Izuku in the house?”

“No, sir, he is not, he is out with Miss White and her son. He will return at around twelve pm.”

“Oh … uh, thanks PAM” with that he sighed and walked around the building. He found the daycare. Toya, Hotaru, Aizawa, Present Mic, and Eri were there too, Inko was talking with them while taking care of some children.

“Oh, hello Katsuki” she greeted.

Hotaru came running towards him too. “Kacchan!” she squealed. Katsuki knelt down and opened his arms.

“Hey, little one, did you sleep well?”

“I did! Come play!” She pulled Katsuki forward and he followed her smiling.

There were a bunch of other children that suddenly came towards him. He was flooded by the pups they were curious about so many new people!

He played with them, Toya and Eri joined them eventually and Katsuki and Toya had to be monsters and the pups would try to defeat them. Communication with them was a bit difficult however since most of them, didn’t speak English but Arabic, most of them were Egyptian refugee children.


At around twelve Izuku came back, he was pushing a wheelchair, Katsuki looked up from his game with the pups. The woman had darker skin, white hair, and red eyes. Her eyes looked completely dead. Her arms were prosthetics and her legs were covered by a blanket, even though it was really hot outside.

Katsuki observed how Izuku interacted with her, a little boy, probably around eight, was next to the wheelchair. He had also dark skin, red eyes, and white hair, Katsuki guessed it was her son.

Izuku patted the hair of the woman but she just stared on the ground. He talked to his mother and she nodded, she walked over to the woman and patted her cheek.


They gathered outside and as promised, they made their way to the beach. Katsuki was in swim trunks and at the moment he was sitting under a parasol, Toya was smearing sun crème over his back.

The waves were high today and Izuku walked over to them with a surfboard. He asked if they wanted to join. Katsuki nodded, but Toya rather stayed in the shadows. His burned skin was sensitive to the sun, plus he didn’t like to get too sandy, it was a bit difficult to get the sand out of the wrinkles of the burnt skin.

They surfed for a while before Ian arrived with a motorboat. He drove a bunch of them further out for diving. Izuku was excited to do so. Katsuki never really dived before. He was more for mountain climbing.

Tsuyu was of course in the water too, she would make sure that nothing bad happened.

Izuku was the first in the water – aside from Tsuyu – Ochako followed him pretty quickly, she was absolutely amazed by the underwater world.

Katsuki jumped in too, they were not too far out, but they were at a beautiful diving site, the water was so damn clear! He swam deeper and he saw corals and anemones and many, many fishes. Tiny fishes, bigger fishes, they swam around him curiously. He saw how Tsuyu swam quickly through the water. Izuku, who did a few pirouettes, before he grabbed Ochako’s hand and pulled her deeper.

Tenya and Eijiro were somewhere next to him, he watched his former classmates for a while, before he looked again at the corals in front of him. He was so fixated on them, that he didn’t realize, what happened next – at first.

Izuku swam closer to him, he noticed that Katsuki was fixated on something else, he swam under him and turned on his back so he could face Katsuki. He pulled his mouthpiece out and breathed a load of bubbles into Katsuki’s face, while he grabbed onto him.

Katsuki flinched heavily and tried to paddle away, but Izuku held him in place. He grinned widely. Katsuki signaled him to go up and Izuku pulled him back to the surface.

“You god damn idiot! That fucking scared me!” Katsuki hissed. Izuku laughed.

“It was supposed to scare you!” His grin was unwavering. “Hey, do you dare to hold on to me? I wanna show you, how fast I can get underwater!”

“Pah, of course!” With that Katsuki put his mouthpiece back in and Izuku did the same. He turned around and Katsuki grabbed onto his shoulders, it was a bit awkward because of the tanks, they dived again and Katsuki braced himself. And then Izuku took off, he activated his quirks and he catapulted himself through the water. Now, that was amazing, but also damn scary!

Izuku brought them back to the boat eventually and they made their way back to the beach.


About two hours later, they decided to go to the city. They walked through the city, and up to a noodle shop, Katsuki noticed that the owner almost cried – of happiness as Izuku told him later, the shop was rather small and so many customers at once was completely new to her.

Izuku showed them other big places, like a gambling hall, the five-star hotel Sankan Palace, it was the only hotel that could rival the Ridgway Hotel. He showed them the police station where Jay and Sam greeted them.

And then he brought them to a basketball court. But it was a rather strange one. There were four baskets, one was on the ground and the other three were on elevated platforms, the following were higher than the previous ones. Izuku explained that this was a Battle Royale basketball court. Up to four teams could play. Everyone could use their quirk and baskets had to be scored in a very specific order to count.

Fortunately, some people were playing. It was a very intense match, they had to work very coordinated to get the balls to the elevated baskets.

He explained that this sort of basketball was newer, Ian and Robin had created it, because normal basketball was ‘too boring’.

“Really, everyone can use their quirks?” Tenya asked.

“Yes, in Thailand are no quirk regulations like in Japan, everyone can use their quirk.” He grinned.

Suddenly the ball came flying in his direction, he caught it without even looking. “Yo, Izuku! Wanna play?” one of the guys asked. He had a bright grin on his face.

“Some of us want to take a break, you and your friends could join” a girl added.

“You wanna try it?” Izuku asked.

The others agreed and they walked over to the court. Izuku explained to them, in which order they had to get the baskets in, to make it count. The baskets were at three, six, nine, and twelve o’clock, three was the lowest and twelve the highest. They had the basket at six o’clock they had to score counterclockwise.

Izuku was part of the team, Katsuki, Tenya, Tsuyu, and Mina were part too.

The guy that invited them was Robin, he was a massive prime alpha, he grinned wildly and he seemed really excited. “So, Izuku, let’s have a good game then. I can’t wait to see, what your friends can do.”

“Bring it on then” Izuku’s body crackled with green energy, as he put full cowl around himself. Some explosions sparked in Katsuki’s hands, he was ready to beat those guys.

The ball was thrown into the air and Izuku, Robin, another boy, and the girl from before jumped up to get it, Robin was the biggest here, that’s why he had the advantage. He grabbed the ball and immediately made his way over to the basket he had to throw in first.

Katsuki reacted, like Izuku, pretty quickly and he blasted himself after Robin, the girl from the enemy team jumped pretty quickly over him, however.

Tenya activated his Recipro and Tsuyu threw him forward. Mina had the most trouble following the speed but she was quicker to climb up the buildings.

Izuku had an insane speed too, he managed to get the ball and he passed to Katsuki, he made his way over to the right basket, he got attacked on the way however by another one of the girls, she tried to bring him out of balance, but he passed the ball over to Tsuyu and she jumped quickly to the basket. She scored first this round.


The match was absolutely brutal, all of the others were of course more experienced in this type of basketball, they all had incredible control over their quirks. Katsuki had to admit it, they were great, it was exciting and fun to play against them.

The others cheered from the sidelines for them. When the time was up, Izuku’s team got second place with only one point difference to Robin’s team.

“Damn, you are all really good for the first time playing” he complimented them. “Your quirks are amazing too! Before you go back to Japan, we have to play again.”

“Hey, hey!” the girl jumped in. “Maybe you could play against the ultimate team then!” She sounded excited.

“Canaan!” Izuku mumbled.

“What’s the ultimate team?” Tenya asked.

“Well, Robin, Lee, Ian, Jesper and Izuku. I mean, three prime alphas and two alphas who all mastered the Zone! They are unbeatable!” Canaan grinned.

Katsuki looked over to Izuku. “Hah, okay, sounds like a plan!” the prime said.

The rest of the day was going great too, and in the evening, Katsuki was really tired. He fell asleep, as soon as his body hit the mattress.


The next day was Izuku’s birthday. Since they didn’t really know what to get him, they all had decided to make something special for him. They would give it to him in the evening.

They met up at around ten am at the mansion. Izuku was at the moment carrying the boy from yesterday, Miss White’s son. They noticed that his legs were artificial. He looked at them with confused and slightly curious eyes.

“Well, that is Kieran White, he’s one of the Egyptian children” Izuku explained. “He’s a bit shy around strangers, and it’s really hard for him since he doesn’t understand English” Izuku explained.

The omegas played with him a little and he got a little bit more comfortable around them, but Denki couldn’t go near him – or his mother or the other Egyptian children. They had seen him use electricity the day before and all the Egyptian children were completely mortified.

Izuku explained to them, that the dictator of Africa, Shango, was probably the most powerful electricity user he had ever seen. Denki, of course, understood that they were traumatized.


Most of the day was relaxing. Izuku asked if they wanted to train a little. Some of them said yes. The girls were however occupied by Malka, Krista, and Elsa, halfway through the day. They asked if they wanted to dress up and get hair and makeup done and all. Even Momo was absolutely baffled when they saw the separate closet room of Malka. She had dresses for any occasion. They went to the spa too and relaxed before the evening.

Izuku stripped from his shirt and was now in his training shorts, barefoot too, he had a challenging grin. Of course, the guys wouldn’t say no.

Tenya was the first and he stripped too and Katsuki had to admit, not just his legs were trained, but damn his upper body was too. The same was for Shoto, Mashirao wasn’t too bad too. Koji didn’t want to undress his shirt, he didn’t want to fight altogether.

Hitoshi was damn muscular too, and even though Denki’s build was slimmer, and he was shorter than the rest, he had some impressive muscles too. Yuga didn’t want to undress his satin shirt either, and he rather stayed away from fighting too, since that wasn’t very sparkling.

Hanta had gotten pretty muscular too the same went for Fumikage, he had also grown a lot. But Mezo and Rikido still took the cake from them, both were incredibly fit.

Katsuki himself had gotten much more muscles too. His omega hormones had previously halted his muscle growth but the alpha hormones and the testosterone had corrected that.

But then it was Eijiro’s turn. And damn, yeah, he had seen him on the beach the day before but there were a lot of other distractions, but here …

Eijiro was now standing opposite of Deku ready to fight and well, fuck, he saw the sweaty bodies of his former lovers and he was incredibly aroused by that. But he knew he shouldn’t think of that. But damn, they were so fucking hot! He bit down on his bottom lip and he tried to come up with an excuse to leave the scene because he could feel that he would get a massive boner if he observed them any longer. On the other hand, he really didn’t want to go …

Those broad, massively defined bodies … how they moved perfectly around each, dodging and hitting, he could see how the muscles were working. He also smelled the musky pine and cedar scents clashing. The sweat amplified the whole thing, too. The worst thing was, his alpha and the omega were in agreement that those two were god damn hot. His throat got dry when they came closer towards him during the fight, the mixed scents hit him full force and his omega started to play the melody of “You can leave your hat on” in the back of his head, and damn his thought got dirty real quick.

Fucking hell, he imagined how it would be to be pinned between those two bodies, their sweaty bodies rubbing against his, their scents really close … God, definitely he entered forbidden territory here … But he didn’t want to stop! His alpha was even completely okay with them taking charge and fucking his brains out … Weirdly enough it turned him on so much when he thought of those two making out, too …

All of a sudden, an ice-cold shower ran over his entire body, he got goosebumps and as fast as it went down there, the blood retreated out of his dick. Mortified, he looked to the side where he saw Shoto standing, he had put his right hand on Katsuki’s naked back and he had released some of the ice.

He leaned over. “You’re getting a little too excited here, I thought I prevent a worst-case scenario” he mumbled in Katsuki’s ear.

Still a bit shocked, Katsuki nodded. “Y-yeah, t-thanks” he stuttered. God, this was so fucking embarrassing! Good thing Toya wasn’t here, otherwise he would have made fun of him.

After that jarring experience, Katsuki had to take a cold shower but everyone else had seemingly the same idea, so this didn’t help much, while the showers had single cabins the changing room was together too. So he saw some towels dropping and it most definitely didn’t help that Izuku had seemingly lost all shame and he walked without a towel at all in and out of the showers and Katsuki had to hold everything together to not stare at Izuku’s dick all the time. And Eijiro was even more off-limits, dude had a girlfriend!

But Katsuki did get a look and now he would have to buy new, larger sex toys in the future … damn, he hadn’t expected this!

He regretted all his previous life decisions that had led up to the break-up, stupid Katsuki, had ruined everything and now he would never … no, no, no! Stop Katsuki, stop reducing them to their dick size … Please, someone, send help, he thought.

He took the longest shower before he felt ready to face the others again. He felt kinda proud that he could still look into their faces, after all, his dirty thoughts.


The evening came and Izuku brought them to a special place, the teachers as well as Toya stayed behind, they wanted to give the former classmates some time. They walked towards the steep cliffs, Ian and Jesper had previously brought some grills and other equipment up there. They knew the place well.

The view was god damn amazing, in their back they had the brightly illuminated city, and upfront was the vast sea. It was to both sides magical in its own way.

They sat together and Ian fired up the grill, he put the steaks and sausages on it, in the meantime, Izuku opened up beer bottles for the others.


The dinner was great, the steaks and sausages were delicious, they chatted and laughed together. Izuku felt really happy, he had a good time!

It eventually got dark and they lit up a few torches. “Izuku, I think it’s time for your presents!” Momo said.

“Oh, yeah, right! Let’s go then” Izuku smiled happily. Momo gave him one of the presents. They all gathered around him, waiting expectantly.

Izuku opened the present and he gasped. It was a giant patchwork blanket. “It might seem to be a bit odd to gift a blanket to an alpha, but we made this blanket ourselves, everyone donated a piece of fabric and we sewed it together, it’s supposed to remind you of all of us,” Momo explained.

Still stunned, Izuku pressed the fabric against his nose, it was scented by the classmates. The pieces had all distinctive patterns so he could guess from that alone who donated which piece, but the scent gave it even more away.

“No, no, it’s perfect! I really like it!” He had a huge grin on his face. “Thank you all so much!”

“No problem!” Ochako said. “And we got you one more too!” She gave him another present. Izuku gave the blanket to Momo, who folded it neatly and put it back in a bag, so it wouldn’t get dirty.

Deku opened the second present and he was even more surprised, it was a photo book! He opened it and in the beginning, there were many pictures with him and the others. He noticed how they got less and less, and eventually, he wasn’t in them anymore, instead, they showed his classmates at their graduation, and then as proper pro heroes. He had a huge smile on his face, when he saw pictures out of their daily life, pictures from their work. Pictures from the Hero Billboard charts.

He was incredibly happy, that they all were so successful, that they had really made it, that they were living their best lives. His smile was a bit somber, he wasn’t part of most of their lives anymore, yet, they were all here again. Most of them he barely knew one and a half years, and he was now gone for over four years, and they still came to visit him. He was incredibly thankful to have such incredible friends.

“Thank you! Thank you all so much! This really means a lot to me!” his voice was quivering but he held himself together pretty well.

Ochako pulled him in a hug. “You mean a lot to us! We were all so shocked when you just left, but we got it, you had to do, what you had to do. And we always wished the best for you!”

Izuku returned the hug, he leaned his forehead on her shoulder. One after another, they hugged Izuku. Katsuki tried to stretch the hug as much as possible, he inhaled his scent deeply.


Time passed and it was about eleven pm, some of them were fairly drunk by now. They mostly sat around a campfire and roasted marshmallows. Some of them were nearer at the cliffs, Ian gave them a warning, that they should be careful, the edges of the cliff were sometimes really fragile and broke off easily. Otherwise, he stayed with his brother in the background. They were just there to get them home safely at the end.

Katsuki sat next to Izuku, they both were rather drunk by now. He leaned his head on Izuku’s shoulder, shame on him, he vaguely remembered what happened at the Hero Billboard Charts, he really shouldn’t drink and be near either Izuku or Eijiro. This wasn’t good.

Mina, of course, noticed the two and had a huge grin on her face. She didn’t mind that they were cuddled up like that, things were different now. She knew that Eijiro wouldn’t be hurt by that anymore. “So,” she stretched the word, “you all now, how much I love tea, is there any spicy topic we can discuss?” Her voice was dripping with curiosity.

Her gaze wandered from Izuku and Katsuki, over to Kyoka, Denki and Hitoshi. “I mean, some of us are cuddled up, are there any secret romances we don’t know about?”

“God, you are so nosy!” Kyoka mumbled.

“C’mon! You know I can’t live without gossip! You can talk about other relationships too.” She sighed.

“I mean, it’s not really a secret that Shoto and I are dating, right?” Momo said, she was basically on his lap right now, she was really tipsy, but not outright drunk at the moment.

“Yeah, it was really obvious! That Aizawa didn’t punish you in school for dating was very strange!” Kyoka commented.

“Oh, why would he punish them?” Izuku asked.

“Ah, right, you don’t know. Well, after you left, we all were prohibited from dating.” Tenya explained.

Izuku grimaced. “Oh … my bad, sorry for that.”

“Ah, don’t worry about that now. It clearly helped us focus on the important things” Eijiro said.

“Anyway, after school Mashirao and I became a thing” Toru continued. She sat on top of Mashirao’s tail, it was definitely more comfortable than the wooden log.

“And I got a girlfriend, her name’s Hitomi,” Eijiro said. “She’s really great, she’s a fashion designer!” He had a huge grin on his face. He took a sip out of his bottle.

“That’s fantastic to hear!” Izuku said.

“Well, Mina,” Hitoshi looked at her, “you pierced us with your eyes, so I assume you want to know what is between Denki, Kyoka, and me, right?”

“Hell, yes!”

“Well, are in a throuple relationship, it’s working pretty well so far” he answered.

“What? Really?! That’s so great to hear!” Mina squealed, Ochako and Momo too. They were really happy that it worked out for them so well.

“But what about you? It’s only fair if you tell us about your love life too!” Kyoka said. Denki giggled a little bit, he was really drunk.

Mina flinched. “Uh … well … I-I got no one” she stammered.

“What about Tetsutetsu? I see you two sometimes cuddle up on the couch frequently” Eijiro mumbled.

“What? No! We’re not dating! And we only sleep on the couch, because we watch movies until we fall asleep because a certain redhead is loudly having sex with his girlfriend in the other room and hinders us to sleep!”

Now Eijiro flinched, the others laughed. “R-Really? Are we that loud?”

“Hell yes, you are! I mean, I am happy for you, but the both of us lost so much sleep because of you” she laughed too.

“Whoops, sorry!” he apologized.

“Anyway, Deku! What about you?” Ochako asked.

“Me? Uh … I have plenty of partners, but most of them I don’t know really well. I usually take people for rut sharing – or when I get frustrated or come back from an exhausting mission, but I don’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend.” He explained.

“Oh? So what do you prefer? Males or females? Alphas, betas or omegas?” Toru asked.

“Hm, it really depends on my mood, during my rut, I prefer omegas, don’t care for their primary gender, it doesn’t make a difference for me.” He explained. “When I am not in rut I actually prefer male alphas. I love the fight for dominance!”

“Really?! I never would have thought that!” Momo looked at him wide-eyed. Katsuki looked at him too, this was most interesting!

“I mean, no questions with the omegas, but in the case of the alphas, are you rather top or bottom?” Denki asked.

Izuku put a finger on his chin and thought about that for a few seconds. “Hm, it switches, really, it depends on the alpha – or matter of factly prime alphas. I usually top normal alphas, but with some, I am more of a power bottom, I still like to have the control, but with a certain prime alpha I am definitely a bottom, no chance that I can take charge there …” he cleared his throat.

Mina whistled, some of the others were surprised too. Katsuki stared at Izuku, open-mouthed. “How about knots? Do you like to get knotted?” Hitoshi asked.

“Uh … no, that’s actually my least favorite part, that’s why I usually don’t allow the others to knot me, it’s making me highly uncomfortable.”

“Well, at least you know your limits, that’s good. Communication is important in such things!” Tenya said.

“It really is” Izuku chuckled.

“Damn, I wish I could get a real knot” Katsuki mumbled, the others were not supposed to hear that, but of course Kyoka had damn good ears.

“What about you, Katsuki? Got any boyfriends?” She asked.

He blushed. “Uh, no, I don’t feel like having a boyfriend right now …” he answered.

“No? What about heat sharing?” Denki asked.

“I- uh only share heats with Toya, non-sexual of course, I don’t sleep around!” He looked over to Deku. “Not that this is a bad thing or anything.”

Izuku laughed. “No need to defend yourself. And even if, it’s no one else’s business.”

“Yeah, he’s right, besides, many people take partners just for rut or heat sharing, it’s no big deal” Ochako added.


They talked about it a little bit more, however, some of them were either tired or really drunk, that’s why Jesper decided to bring them back to the hotel. It were mainly Denki and Hitoshi who were really drunk, but Hanta was wasted as well, Mezo, Koji, Rikido, Yuga, Tsuyu, Mashirao, Toru, Kyoka, and Fumikage – who couldn’t stand the darkness any longer, even though the place was illuminated by fire – went home with Jesper.

The rest stayed at the campfire for a while longer, Ochako was now leaning against Tenya, Momo was still on Shoto’s lap, Mina and Eijiro sat together as well as Katsuki and Izuku. Ian was now sitting closer too since his brother was gone now. He was tapping on his cell phone and mostly staying out of their conversations.

“What was the most dangerous thing you have done during the years?” Ochako asked.

“Hm, do you want good examples or bad examples?” he asked.

“Bad examples? What do you mean by that?” Eijiro asked.

“War stories, straight up the most dangerous thing was in Egypt last year. We ...”

“Hate to interrupt, Izu, but you’re not supposed to talk about that. If mother finds out, she will rip your head off” Ian mumbled, without looking up from his phone. “Besides, don’t you think war stories are a bit too dark?”

“Right, you’re right. Uh, sorry. Hmmm, the most dangerous thing so far was probably climbing up Mount Everest. That’s were Robin almost died two times. We did this trip last year. And as beautiful as it was, it was goddamn dangerous. What was even more dangerous was the fact that Robin wanted to snowboard the way down. Dude’s got no chill, but we all did and good thing I can float, otherwise I would be dead too” he grimaced. “Ian and Jes are lucky, they can’t die, that’s almost like cheating.” Scoffing, Ian flipped him off.

“I like mountain climbing too, you should take me with you next time you do something like that!” Katsuki mumbled. He robbed even closer to Izuku and his legs were now over the prime’s. He was almost sitting on his lap.

“Haha, sure, we can do that, Kacchan” Izuku patted his friend’s head.

“And what was the most beautiful experience?” Momo asked.

“That was the Deep Diving in Dubai, they have a giant pool, it’s in fact the world’s deepest pool. It has even sunken cities in it! It was so amazing! And a lot safer from the other things we dived through.”

“Oh, I heard of that!” Mina said. “I would like to go there too!”

“Someday you will” Izuku laughed.

Katsuki got tired eventually, he leaned even heavier against Izuku, his fingers drew some weird forms on his large chest, his eyes were almost closed shut.

The others were tired too and by now it was about two am. They cleared the place and extinguished the torches and the fire, they would clean up in the morning, they turned their flashlights on and Izuku picked up Katsuki, he carried him the way home bridal style.

The way home took a bit longer since not everyone could walk anymore – or at least in a straight line, but they eventually made it.


Izuku brought Katsuki into his room in the hotel. He placed him on the bed and he undressed his shoes. He was about to place a blanket over him but Katsuki woke up. He grabbed Izuku’s hand. “Stay” he slurred. Izuku tilted his head and sighed. He crawled in the bed, behind Katsuki, after he removed his shoes. He wrapped an arm around his friend.

Katsuki turned around to face Deku, he was still so drunk, he placed a hand on Deku’s face. “Deku” he drawled.

“Sleep Kacchan, you’re drunk!” Izuku put an arm around him and stroked through the soft, blonde hair.

“Nah, I’m fine!” he moved further up and was about to kiss Deku, but he put a hand up.

“We shouldn’t do that.” He said.

Katsuki groaned. “Damn, Deku, you made me so hot during training and then you talk about sex all evening, can’t you just fuck me already?”

Deku raised his eyebrows and he watched Katsuki. “Uh, no, I can not. You are too drunk to think straight.”

“No, I can’t think straight because I’m gay. Gay for you.”

“Urgh, Kacchan, that was bad,” he chuckled, “but no, I won’t fuck you when you’re drunk, we can talk about that in the morning, but not like that.” Izuku carefully pushed him down on the mattress again. “And now sleep, it’s late.”

Still grumbling, Katsuki laid back, he pressed himself against Izuku however, he drifted off to sleep pretty quickly.

Izuku observed Katsuki for a little while, he was on his side his arm supporting his head, while he looked down on his friend. “You’re still thinking about stuff like that?” Izuku mumbled. “That can’t be healthy … I hope you don’t remember that you asked me that …”

Izuku closed his eyes and he inhaled Katsuki’s scent deeply, it calmed him down massively, he wished he could always have this feeling while going to sleep.

Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +3 Years - Thailand Trip (4)

Katsuki opened his eyes and he immediately felt dread befall him. He could feel the hot body next to him. He paled by the memory of him asking Deku to fuck him. Shit, he had messed up again!

“Are you awake?” Izuku asked.

Katsuki flinched and sat up. “Y-yeah” he answered. God, he hoped that Deku had been too drunk to remember their conversation, he nervously looked over to him. Izuku sat up too and stretched.

Izuku looked at him. God, Katsuki hoped he wouldn’t mention it, he didn’t want to think about that! He hoped everything could be swept under the carpet and he didn’t have to deal with that.

“How did you sleep?” Izuku asked him.

“Oh uh, very good … A-and you?” he looked over nervously.

“I slept pretty well, too. I’m a bit unwilling however to go out and clean up the cliff.” He sighed. But then he focused more on Katsuki. “Ahem … about last night. Do you remember what you asked me?”

Katsuki exhaled, well, shit. “Y-yeah, I do. I’m sorry, okay, I know I shouldn’t ask such things.”

“No, no, it’s okay, I don’t have a problem with that. If you want sex, we can have sex” now, this statement completely baffled Katsuki, he turned around.

“W-what? You would have sex with me if I’d ask you?” He was so confused.

Izuku shrugged. “Yes, as long as you realize that it is just for fun, no romantic feelings whatsoever.”

“Huh … but what about last night? You didn’t want to have sex with me” Katsuki raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah, because you were drunk. I would never take advantage of someone who’s drunk. I had drunk sex a couple of times, and it wasn’t fun. I want you to be clear if we’re doing it.”

“Oh … thanks! I appreciate that you didn’t take advantage of me last night” Katsuki looked at him.

Izuku smiled. “No problem.” He stood up from the bed. “But now I have to go clean up. Otherwise, Ian is ripping my head off. Must have been really boring for him yesterday” Izuku sighed.

“I come with you and help, just give me a second to change” Katsuki jumped up and gathered a few things, he disappeared into the bathroom. He quickly relieved himself and then brushed his teeth, his head was still spinning from the situation before. So, Deku would have sex with him, if he asked … fuck, what should he do? God damn, he really wanted it, but was that really okay? Could his poor heart take that? Would his omega get his hopes up if he slept with Deku?

Damn, this situation was really overwhelming him. There was his omega that screamed to get fucked by Deku and then there was the alpha who reasoned against it. It wouldn’t be good at all if he did that.

Katsuki splashed some water in his face and slapped his cheeks. He would figure something out, he had a week more than the rest, so if he were to advance on Izuku again, it was probably for the best, if he did it there.

He was eventually ready and they walked to the cliffs together.


Tenya, Ian, Jesper, Rikido, Mezo, Ochako, Tsuyu, and Eijiro were already at the cliff site. “Sorry for being late” Izuku apologized.

“Ah, it’s okay,” Ian said, he was in the midst of cleaning up the tables. They all got to work now and the area was quickly clean again.

“So, did ya plan on something special today?” Ian asked.

“Hm, I am not sure, oh, hey, btw. Canaan suggested that our team competes against my friends. What do you think?” Izuku looked over to the other prime alpha, who was currently in front of the cliff.

“Hm, sure, but not today. I got some business to do.” He said. “Maybe on Friday or something like this.”

“Yeah, Friday would be good.” Jesper agreed.

“Okay, then on Friday” Izuku smiled.


They got back to the mansion about an hour later. Denki was sitting outside with a few of the others, he looked rather miserable, Hitoshi was next to him and rubbed over his back. “Drank too much last night?” Katsuki asked when he sat next to Denki.

“Yeah …” the omega nodded. “I really should not drink so much.”

“I told you to stop, but you never listen to me” Kyoka sighed.

They sat around outside for a while, while Izuku was asking for some lunch. They talked about what they wanted to do today, when suddenly Elsa appeared, with very strange ‘pets’. Two seemingly alpha males were crawling on all fours, they had dog masks on and she had them on a leash.

“Hey, how was the party yesterday?” She stopped in front of them. “Sit” she commanded the ‘puppies’.

“Oh, it was very good! The cliffs are amazing” Katsuki said. He eyed the two alphas. One was rubbing his head against Elsa’s leg.

“I know right! I love the place.” She patted his head. Puppy play wasn’t uncommon, but Katsuki had never seen it in action, or on the streets.

One of those guys barked a little. “Ah, right, those are Dex and Astor” she introduced.

“Uhm, hey” the others made. Denki waved awkwardly at them.

Izuku came back. “Ah, hi, Elsa” he stopped next to Dex and Astor. “Hey, you two.” He patted their heads and they woofed. “You going for a walk?”

“Ah, yeah, now that you mention it. Wanna tag along?”

“Nah, we’ll have lunch soon” Izuku denied.

“Fair enough. I’ll be going then. Say goodbye, pups” she said and the two of them woofed again. After that, she took them for a walk.

“Huh …” Katsuki made, he looked after them. His alpha growled a little while his omega was kinda interested. He wondered if Deku was into puppy play. Katsuki himself had nothing against collars, but he disliked leashes. But if Deku was the one holding his leash … He suppressed the urge to shake his head violently. He shouldn’t think about that!

Lacey and the other maids brought the food to them, the rest of them had also gathered around the tables.

“You guys want to go skateboarding later?” Izuku asked.

“Heck yes! Skateboards!” Denki beamed, he seemed fit enough again.

“Then I will bring you to the skate park.”


They ate quickly and after that, they gathered and made their way over to the park. When they arrived they were baffled again. “Does this city have anything normal at all?” Hitoshi asked.

There were over the normal skate area giant metal constructions mid-air. They floated around at the moment.

“Hm, oh, that’s only because Kaleb’s nephews are here. Their quirks are magnetism too, and they use that to make the parkour more challenging.”

Denki, who had a borrowed skateboard under his arm, whistled. “That seems fun! I want to try that!”

“Haha, then go for it!” Izuku laughed.

Denki placed the skateboard on the ground and hopped onto it. He rolled onto the first ramp and he jumped in the air and spun around a few times.

“I never realized, how good Denki was with a skateboard” Ochako murmured.

Izuku was on the court too by now. Katsuki didn’t know that the nerd could skate. Well, he also hadn’t known that he could do all the other stuff, time had really changed him.

More and more joined them. Some were better at skateboarding, but some never even tried it. Shoto and Momo looked pretty helpless. Shoto was more comfortable with surfing on his ice than standing on this thin board.

“Yo, Denki, wanna go up there?” Izuku pointed at the floating objects.

“Yeah, that seems fun!” And with that, Denki pushed himself forward he piloted to a ramp and from there he jumped in one of the metal tubes. He used his electromagnetism to hold himself in the tube and to accelerate to massive speeds. Izuku floated in high speed up to another platform.

Denki shot out of the tube like a cannonball. He did six flips forward before he landed on Izuku’s platform. “Damn, boy, that was amazing!” Izuku complimented. “You mastered electromagnetism?”

“Yeah, my boss taught it to me. She’s currently the strongest electricity user in Japan, even though she’s technically American.” He explained.

“Oh, sounds interesting, I think I know who you mean!” Izuku smiled.

They skated for a little while longer before they descended back down.

When they arrived on the ground, Izuku asked Denki if he wanted to have a dance competition. There were some guys with music and Izuku asked them if they could turn up the volume. They agreed and after that, they gathered to watch the two. Katsuki was interested to see what they would do now. He was more of a casual skater, and he hadn’t done it in years so he himself was really out of practice.

Denki eventually started to dance to the rhythm of the music on his skateboard. He flipped it around, he flipped himself around and it really looked like dancing. The others applauded the whole time and cheered for him.

After that, it was Izuku’s turn, it looked equally smooth and impressive, eventually, they danced together. Their boards worked in perfect synchrony and it was amazing to look at.


The evening came in no time and they made their way back home. They watched some movies in this giant home cinema. Ochako fainted when she saw that.

Katsuki went to bed really exhausted this night, but this was good, this kept his thoughts away from the idea of going to Izuku and asking him again.


On Thursday they went into the city first, the girls wanted to go shopping a little more. Katsuki was very intrigued to go to one of the many sex shops, but no! Not with the others around.

But he saw some damn pretty gear, that he would love to try on. “What’cha looking for?” A familiar voice appeared. Katsuki flinched and looked at Elsa. “Oh, trying to impress a certain someone?” She had a grin on her face.

“Uh, no! I just look around” he said.

“Pah, don’t lie to me.” A strange feeling rushed over Katsuki, when he looked in her eyes, it was similar to an alpha command, but not quite the same. He felt the need to answer her honestly.

“Fine, yeah, I look for things that Deku could like, but it’s hard, I am not sure what his taste is” he growled.

“Good boy, honesty is important” she smiled. “Well, follow me then.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the store. Katsuki looked around if one of the others was watching him, but luckily that was not the case.

“Izubabe likes a lot of stuff, but nothing in particular. So you basically can’t do anything wrong” she told him.

“Hey, what’s your relationship with him?” Katsuki asked, curiously.

“Oh, we fucked one time,” she said. She looked at Katsuki, still smiling. “Jealous?”

“Hm, just surprised” he answered. “I try to keep myself from getting jealous, I know that it’s pointless” he added.

Elsa was going through an aisle and pulled some of the sexy clothing out, she held it up in front of him.

“He told me what happened.” She mumbled, while tilting her head and inspecting the outfit, she shook her head and put it back on the rag.

“Oh, he did? What is your opinion on that?”

“Boy, I’m not a judge. I just want to say, you all were pretty young, starting with a poly relationship is probably not the best thing to do.” She grabbed another outfit. “Hm, yeah, that looks good.”

Katsuki frowned a little. “That’s really revealing …” he mumbled.

“That’s the point, right? You wanna get him hot, don’t you?”

“Y-yeah …”

“Did you ever have real sex before, not just with toys?”

“No …”

“Huh, maybe something tamer then?” She placed the item over her arm and moved on.

Katsuki looked around nervously. “So, how are the usual sex partners of him?” he asked.

“Oh, well, they are professional prostitutes, most of the time. So not much of a competition, not that it matters.” She pulled another piece out and put it in front of him.

“Ah …” Damn, that was helpful, he growled a little. What did he expect? “And you? I mean Ian mentioned you have a mate, why did you sleep with him, then?”

“It’s a job, so Alejandro is okay with it” she shrugged. “Sex is my job, besides, Izuku paid for it.” She shrugged and looked at him again. “You don’t want the others to know, what you’re about to do, right?”

“No, they better not, learn about that.”

“Okay then” she put the piece of fabric over her arm again. “So … You want sex toys too?”

“… yeah …”


They went through some shops and Elsa showed him some amazing ones, he would definitely come back when the others were back in Japan. He saw some really interesting toys. Luckily for him, the bags were plain so he could carry them home safely. The others had split at some point so that he went missing throughout hadn’t been noticed.

Elsa winked at him and told him to just go for it before she left.

God damn, was he really going to go through with that? He knew that he shouldn’t but damn, he wanted it. But he had until the next week to decide if he would do it or not. He should focus now, he thought.


They were at the roof pool and enjoyed the nice weather, the sunset was simply amazing. Tsuyu was swimming around the pool the water had the perfect temperature.

Eijiro was half focused on the sunset and half on Katsuki, it was honest to god hilarious to watch him. He tried so hard to hide his obvious lust attacks for Izuku. By now Eijiro could laugh about it, a couple of years prior and they would have had a problem. He had to admit, however, that Izuku did, in fact, look damn good. So he could understand why Katsuki would stare.

They drank again a lot. Eijiro was in the pool when Izuku came over. “Oi, wanna jump down, straight into the ground pool? If you jump off the sides you can avoid the middle pool.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“Ha, sure, sounds like fun!” They got out of the water and walked over to the sides. The bottom pool was right under them. They started running and jumped off they flew through the air before they fell and both flipped forward multiple times before their feet hit the water first.

“Damn! That’s was fun! But damn high!” Eijiro said.

“Haha, yeah, that’s the point. We usually jump off the cliff but the pools work too.

Eijiro nodded. “Makes sense.”

Izuku grabbed Eijiro and they floated up again. The others cheered when they returned, and now they took turns in jumping down. It was very fun for most of them.


Katsuki has completely knocked down again, the alcohol and the jumping around sent him directly into sleep.


Friday came and today, in the afternoon, would be the game of basketball. Katsuki was curious, were they really that good as a team?

The time until the afternoon was pretty chill, he was in the pool again on a floaty and he relaxed in the sun. Denki, Kyoka, and Hitoshi were also around him, just chilling.

Then the time came and they walked over to the court. He chatted with the others about potential strategies.

When they arrived, Izuku walked over to the rest of his team. While Izuku and the team discussed something, the former class members got ready. It was decided that they, plus Toya to make it an even twenty, would compete against the other five. They would also change the rules. While Izuku’s team had to score in the other three baskets, they should only focus on the one basket that they had. It was the lowest and easiest to score.

“Pah, do you really think we have that little chance?” Katsuki asked Izuku.

Izuku shrugged. “We just want to make it fairer for you guys.”

Canaan showed up next to them. She would be the referee. “Believe me, dude, it will be a miracle if you score even one basket, provided they play seriously and don’t let you score in the first half. That’s what they usually do” she scoffed. “They wouldn’t be the miracle team when they weren’t crazy good.”

Katsuki still growled a little. Luckily it was hot outside, so sweating was not a problem and he was completely powered up.

“We’ll win this, with team effort!” Ochako tried to cheer them on.

“Hell yes, they are only five, no way, they can beat us!” Toru jumped up and down.

Katsuki was somehow not so sure, Izuku had gotten incredibly fast and they hadn’t seen his full capacities just yet. Ian and Jesper were incredibly fast and they didn’t know the quirks of the other two. He wouldn’t make the mistake of underestimating them.


They gathered now they were allowed to surround them in order to protect the baskets. Canaan had the ball in hand and she threw it into the air. Izuku and Mezo both jumped up and it was Mezo who got the ball this time, by duplicating his arms. He immediately passed it on to Fumikage with Dark Shadow, but Jesper blocked him.

He passed on and Tenya caught the ball he immediately sprinted towards the basket, but he got startled, when Lee was right next to him, effortlessly keeping up with him, not even breaking a sweat. He cursed, when he got the ball and even accelerated. “Tsu!” he called over and Tsuyu grabbed him with her tongue and changed his direction immediately.

Mashirao was defending their basket when Lee sprinted towards him. He could block the ball thanks to his tail, he flung it through the air and Kyoka caught it with her earphone jacks. She was immediately blocked by Izuku, she squeaked a little bit but passed the ball on to Ochako and she made her way over to the basket again, but again, Lee was fast next to her. Ochako made the ball float and threw it towards Eijiro.

But to all their shock, Lee walked just after it. He walked into the air and caught it. “Hey, that’s cheating!” Ochako growled and released her quirk.

Lee laughed and threw the first basket. “Cheating? How, when you used your quirk too?” he asked. While he walked down.

They continued to play, they scored some baskets, but they soon realized that they were really holding back. Ian and Jesper hadn’t even started to really play and Robin was rather tame too. Katsuki wondered what they were up to. He squared off against Ian, who grinned at him. He clearly let him get past him, which honestly pissed him off so much. He threw the basket easily. “Oi, what the fuck?” Katsuki yelled. “You’re not taking this serious here and it pisses me off! All five of you!”

There were about five more minutes to play by now, and heroes led 120 to 60. How were they supposed to win that now? They exchanged some ambiguous looks and they nodded. And suddenly the atmosphere changed. All their eyes glowed yellow, they were in the zone. Katsuki flinched when Ian ran past him and scored. “What? I thought should take this serious now” Ian mocked him.

And with this, the whole game changed, the hero alphas went into their zones too, but unlike Izuku and his team, most of them hadn’t further trained them. Shit … The others had now really trouble to even get the ball, and even when they had it, the alphas made sure to take it from them.

The point difference melted away and within three minutes they were at 120 to 100. Unlike official basketball there were considerably fewer rules on what was allowed and what not, the only rule was, they had to score in the baskets in a particular order to make it count, and they had to dribble the ball, but otherwise they could use anything to help them with that. There were no fouls et cetera. When you fell down, you just had to get up again. Only if one took major injury, the game would be stopped. So they immediately could get to the ball and take it to the next basket.

The others tried to block them, but to no avail, Ian just jumped over them. Katsuki tried to keep up with Izuku, but the insane speed made it impossible for him. Not even his explosions could propel him fast enough.

The last-minute was ticking down now and it was 120 to 121, they needed one more basket! They needed to get it, somehow!

They had to work as a team together and overpower them! Eijiro and Tenya made their way over and he followed them, Shoto froze the place to make it harder for the others to walk on.

Izuku had the ball and Katsuki, Tenya and Eijiro cornered him, the others tried to hold off the alphas. Toya sent a wave of flames his way, and Izuku jumped out of the way. Katsuki catapulted himself in the air and his fingertips touched the ball and he managed to change its course.

Iida managed to get a hold of the ball and he threw it, the last ten seconds, he only had this one throw! At the last second, the ball hit the basket and was in. Canaan ended the game, 122 to 121.

“Hell yes! We got it!” They cheered. Izuku chuckled while he talked a bit further away from the others.

“You did great guys, amazing teamwork” Jesper said. The others congratulated them too.

The others were really happy, that they had managed to win, still, something bugged Katsuki, it didn’t feel right, he decided to ask Izuku later about it.

They stayed some time longer, had some more throws here and there, and exchanged techniques.


When they came home they were surprised by the number of people that were at the mansion.

“What’s going on here?” Tenya asked.

“Oh, I believe Malka is having a party, she has her own strip club there” Izuku explained. “Wanna have a look?” He asked. “There will be males too if you guys prefer that” he chuckled.

“I’m in!” Mina said immediately, which made the others laugh. “But the question is, will there be alphas or only omegas?”

“Both! That’s the beauty, everyone can strip! Even you guys could go on the stage and do a dance” he said. While bringing them down. Some of them excused themselves. Eijiro didn’t want to stay, Toru and Mashirao didn’t want to either. Shoto and Momo however stayed, they were intrigued. The same was for Hitoshi, Kyoka, and Denki, they were interested in this too.

Koji was too shy too and Yuga had no interest either. The rest of the group went down to the clubs. It was dark down there at first, before many lights flared up, the stage was illuminated and they could see a few guys and girls pole dancing on the stage.

“Oh! Pole dance! I tried this once” Mina exclaimed. “It’s so fun!”

“Yeah, that’s right!” Ochako clapped her hands once.

“You can try it too, just hop onto the stage when a pole is free,” Izuku said.

“Ah, I don’t think I’m good enough for that!” Mina laughed.

They sat down on some of the couches that surrounded the stages. Malka was dancing on them and Mina had to admit, she was damn good. But okay, that was her job, would be bad if she wasn’t good at it.

While they watched, they drank again, Katsuki was next to Izuku, when suddenly some girls came up to them. One of them sat down on Deku’s lap. She was an alpha lady. “Hey, handsome, want some venom?” she asked.

Izuku chuffed. “Hell yes!” The woman laughed and Katsuki saw her jaws working, while she produced venom. He raised his eyebrows, he took a stranger's venom just like that? Well, Katsuki guessed that she wasn’t a stranger to him.

“You take venom?” Tenya spoke his question out.

“Yeah, some alphas give it out as an aphrodisiac, to other alphas. They only give out certain amounts so you don’t blackout, or get your ruts started.”

“Only alphas?” Denki asked.

“Yes, only alphas, since they are not affected by it, the same way as omegas are,” Izuku explained.

The girl chuckled and leaned over to kiss Izuku to give him the venom. Katsuki heard Izuku moan over the loud music. He watched this with a mix of emotions. On one hand, it pissed him off to see this woman kissing him, on the other hand, he was turned on by Izuku’s scent.

She broke the kiss, a thin threat of venom and saliva was still between their lips. “Have fun” she chuckled. She then stood up and looked around. She looked over to Katsuki. “Do you want, too?”

“No, thanks, I’m an alpha-omega” he answered.

“Alright then” She moved over to Tenya, who weirdly took her up on the offer.

Katsuki’s attention turned to Izuku again, his head rested on the backrest and he had a grin on his face, while he was riding on the high of the venom.

He looked over to the other couches, many people were making out, there were many, many scents clashing together. It was a dangerous mix, Katsuki wondered if he could amplify Izuku’s pleasure, even more, he had learned to perfectly control his scent after all.

Well, fuck it, others were kissing and almost having sex too … Hitoshi, Kyoka, and Denki were on it, as well as Shoto and Momo, what they could do, he could do too. He moved over and sat on Izuku’s lap, he grabbed the collar of his shirt. “Hey, I can give you something too, while you’re at it” he purred.

Izuku’s eyes focused on him. “Oh, then show me” he wiggled his eyebrows.

Katsuki grinned and he released his spicy-sweet scent, he made sure to make it especially arousing for him. “Fucking hell, that’s good” Izuku rumbled when he inhaled more of the scent.

His hands ran over Katsuki’s legs, and he then grabbed his ass. He let out a deep aroused growl. Katsuki came closer to him. “You like that?” he teased, and he amped up the intensity.

“Hell yes!” Katsuki leaned forward and kissed him. He could still taste the venom of the girl in his mouth. He bit on Izuku’s bottom lip and pulled on it. Izuku leaned forward and caught up to him.

He grinded against Izuku and deepened it, god he had missed that. His fingers grabbed onto Izuku’s hair now and they moved over to French kisses.

God damn, he wished they were somewhere more private, he didn’t necessarily want to have sex in front of all the others.

Izuku broke the kiss. “We shouldn’t do this now, with the others around” he mumbled into his ear. “We should wait till next week if you want to do it.”

Katsuki was breathing heavily, but he nodded, “Yeah, would be better,” he said out of breath. He climbed off of Izuku’s lap but stayed close to him, Izuku had an arm around his shoulders.

They watched the show for a little while before Katsuki had enough, he needed to get out of here, before he climbed right back onto Izuku again. Izuku brought him back to the hotel. They were in front of his door. “I probably shouldn’t stay this night … Wouldn’t be good with venom in my system.”

“Yeah, probably! I want you to be clear when you fuck me” Katsuki pulled him closer one more time and kissed him. Damn, he was so horny right now.

“Good choice, I should go now, good night” with that he left and Katsuki looked after him.

“You think that’s a good idea?” he heard Eijiro’s voice. He flinched heavily, he hadn’t even noticed him standing there. The redhead looked at him, head tilted.

“Probably not … But uh, well … I can’t help it.” He shrugged. “Don’t give me that judge-y look. I know it’s probably not the best idea to still want to do it with him, especially since he’s not coming back.”

“Why would you do it then?” Eijiro asked. “I mean, you can, of course, do what you want, it’s not my place to judge that or anything, I’m just curious.”

“Hm … I don’t know, maybe I’m a masochist after all. What’s a few more years in therapy for one night of fun with your old flame?”

“You think that’s worth it?”

“I hope so … Besides, I want to have sex, too. Unlike you or him, I never had any sexual partners” he said.

Eijiro thought about that for a while, he slowly nodded. “Okay, fair enough. Anyway, good night then.”

“Yeah, you too.” With that, they both went back into their rooms. Katsuki couldn’t really sleep, however. He unpacked his newly acquired toys and started to put them into use.


Saturday came, the last full day for the others, before they would fly back on Sunday. They took it rather slow this morning, many were hung-over from the night before. Especially Tenya seemed really out of it. To Katsuki’s surprise, there was an awkward air around Tenya and Ochako … did they?

Denki was all sparkling and excited for some reason, he couldn’t sit still for a minute, at some point Kyoka had enough and told him to walk on his hands, to keep them occupied. Denki was confused as to what he should do now, but she repeated it, he eventually made a handstand and stayed in this position for as long as he could.

Katsuki was mostly snuggling up to Izuku, but eventually, Toya dragged him off, he of course knew that Katsuki would stay a week longer.

“So, do you plan on taking your chance with him this time?” Toya asked.

“You see everything, right?” Katsuki sighed.

“Well, it ain’t hard, if you two make out in front of everyone” he bared his teeth for a moment.

“Yeah, I hope I can get a chance next week. At this point I just want to rip his clothes off and do it” he mumbled.

“Hahaha, then go for it. If you feel that it’s the right thing to do, you should do it” Toya said.

“Thanks” Katsuki smiled. But then he remembered something. “Hey, what about you? You mentioned earlier this week, that you have something in mind, dating-wise, are you seeing someone?”

Toya rubbed the back of his head. “Well, not really, we uh … it’s not really dating, but he’s really nice and all.”

“Oh, but this is great! You deserve happiness!”

“Thank you … But I am kinda … scared, I mean all my life, my relationships were fucked up, and I have trouble to believe that someone like me finds some happiness.”

“Oh, come on, you deserve all the happiness! You should tell him!” Katsuki tried to encourage him.

Toya exhaled. “I’m not sure … I mean, I am not even certain that there IS really something or if that’s in my imagination. Because, if there is nothing, I would be kinda screwed …” he clenched his jaw.

“What? Why?” Katsuki tilted his head.

Toya looked away for a few seconds. “Because it’s Sougo … If I read the signs wrong and he doesn’t like me, then that would be really awkward.”

“Wait, Sougo like in ‘Blue Rabbit’? Our boss Sougo?” Katsuki looked at him with big eyes.

“Yes. Our Sougo … I think he flirted with me one time, but me being awful at deciphering signs can’t tell for sure.”

“Wow, I am kinda surprised. Hmm, have you asked the others if he likes men? If he does, then it could be flirting.”

“I carefully asked Michiko and she said, he’s hella gay. So yeah …” He half shrugged with his shoulders he really didn’t know what he should do.

“Then you should ask him too, it’s better than constantly guessing” Katsuki mumbled.

“You’re probably right” he scratched again the back of his head.

“Hey, you can keep me up to date if you do it while I’m still here, yeah?”

Toya scoffed. “Only if you inform me as well.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “And I want details.”

Katsuki laughed. “Okay, deal!” They shook hands to that.


The day ended eventually and Katsuki went into bed. Tomorrow he would move into the mansion for the next week, he would be closer to Izuku that way. He was excited!

The next morning arrived and most of them packed their bags, when Katsuki did not show up with his, they gave him curious looks. “Oh, I stay here a week longer” he explained.

“Damn, we had the option?” Ochako hissed slightly at the missed opportunity.

“Yeah, you had” Katsuki chuckled, but he was actually very glad that none of the others stayed longer.

Mina appeared behind him. “Oh, you stay longer? Are you going to do what I think you’re going to do?” She had a huge grin on her face.

Katsuki sighed. “I do not see, how this is something of your business” he smiled as politely as he could at her.

“Woah, when you smile like that, I get the feeling you want to murder me!” Mina backed away from him.

“Who knows” he continued smiling.

He looked over to Deku and All Might, he saw them hugging. Eri was next to them jumping slightly up and down because she wanted attention too. He eventually gave it to her.

They all said their goodbyes and Katsuki waited until they had boarded the plane. “Come, Kacchan, let’s get you settled in the mansion.”

“Okay, coming!” with that he turned around and they made their way back to Batoh and back to the mansion.

Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +3 Years - Thailand Week + Rest of the year

The next day Katsuki was getting up early, he still couldn’t believe how big this single room was.

They ate breakfast and went out to the city again. Izuku made sure to keep them busy. They met up with the others and they raced over the roofs of the city. They informed Katsuki, that there would be a street race this evening and if he wanted to participate. He looked over to Izuku, and the greenette was immediately on board.

Katsuki sighed and nodded. He’d rather spend time with Izuku alone, but he still had the rest of the week.


The race was surprisingly fun, he had never thought that. The adrenaline rush was amazing. Street racing like that was forbidden in Japan, so he never participated in something like that. He didn’t win but it was fun anyway.

Katsuki kinda hoped that Izuku would initiate something, but he was disappointed in that regard too. Izuku was perfectly friendly, and he never mentioned anything like sex. Did he not want it anymore?


Tuesday they spent again time with the others, Robin and Lee joined them and together with Ian and Jesper, they went back to the cliff. They jumped off of it one after the other. Katsuki was very concerned when Robin pushed Ian off the cliff, but then he remembered that he could heal.

The day was very stressful and he fell into bed in no time.


Wednesday wasn’t much different, he hoped for some alone time, Izuku dragged him with Elsa to walk those damn puppies. They walked through the red light district and Katsuki saw a lot of people who were flirting with Izuku, and he shamelessly flirted back. But Katsuki knew better than to say anything. Seems like Izuku was already in good enough company.


Thursday came around and they gathered together again. The activities were all fun and stuff, and Katsuki enjoyed the time, but he still got frustrated. He really hoped that Izuku would start something, after all, he was the one with more experience, but it didn’t look like this would ever happen.

They sat in a bar and Katsuki drank out of frustration. He knew that because of that, sex wouldn’t be an option this night.


Friday however was when his patience was over. He tried multiple times to initiate something with Deku, but this guy just didn’t get his hints. Katsuki didn’t want to go straight to him and ask him to fuck, but damn, he might have to do that.

They were booked the whole Friday but this time, Katsuki made sure to stay sober. He was so frustrated. Did Izuku not want him anymore or something? He was nervous because of that. How could he seduce him? He had no plan how to be seductive!


Ian felt that someone had entered his room. “Hey!” the person called out. They were on his bed. His bed was so big that, in order to reach in the middle where he was, one had to climb on it.

He felt that someone touched his shoulder. “Wake up!” With that Ian turned over and pressed the person on the mattress, his eyes glowed in the darkness. He had pulled the knife that he hid under his pillow and pressed it against the intruder's throat. “Woah, what the fuck?!” Ian blinked a few times before he could make out some features.

He furrowed his eyebrows. “Kacchan?” he let go of him. “PAM turn the light on, please.” The lights flickered on. “What do you fucking want?”

“Uh, well, I’m sorry to wake you up, but I need your help!” his voice was breaking a little.

“And you need my help at …,” he looked at the clock, “three in the morning?”

“Y-Yeah, again, sorry” he looked at him with big eyes.

Ian rolled over on his back again and he groaned. “What do you want?” He put an arm over his eyes.

“Well, it’s because of Deku, I try the whole week to give him hints that he should sleep with me, but he doesn’t want to, and he constantly does things with the others. Don’t get me wrong, the week is really fun and all, but I kinda want to have him for me. But I don’t want to outright say that he should finally fuck me. But I don’t have an idea how to be seductive and shit. So what the hell should I do?”

Ian grumbled. “So you want to get railed by Izuku but you don’t know why, and this is why you get yourself almost killed by entering my room in the middle of the night?”

“Yeah, last week he said we can have sex, but now he does anything to not be alone with me!” he sighed.

“Well, the only thing you can do is to talk to him. Usually, other people ask him to have sex, not the other way around.”

“So I really have to ask him?”


Katsuki growled. “Damn, I really don’t know how to ask him now. He’s avoiding this.”

“How about ‘Hey, do you want to have sex?’” Ian suggested.

“Doesn’t this come off as extremely needy?”

“And coming to my room at three fucking am to ask me about that comes not off as needy?”

“Right, right, yeah, damn, I am really needy. Damn” he grabbed his hair and ruffled through it.

Ian rolled his eyes and got out of his bed. Katsuki’s eyes widened when he saw that Ian was completely naked. “Woah, you’re naked?”

“Uh, yeah, this is my room, did you forget? Come on” he winked him over.

“What? Where are you going?” Katsuki crawled out of Ian’s bed and followed him.

“You want to get laid, you will get laid” he grabbed Katsuki now by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of his room.

“D-Don’t you want to put some clothes on?”

“Nah” they went next door where Izuku’s room was and knocked a few times.

“Wait, what are you doing? That’s Deku’s room!”

“Yeah, I know.” The door opened and a sleepy Izuku was in front of them.

“Ian? Kacchan? What’s wrong?”

“Your lover boy wants your attention but is too nervous to ask you directly. Could you please take care of him so that he doesn’t come to my room at fucking three am?” He shoved Katsuki in Izuku’s arms.

“Ah, sure, will do” Izuku nodded, and with that Ian returned to his room.


Izuku sighed. And he took Katsuki into his room. The slight nest from last week was gone. “What are you doing, huh?”

“What am I doing? You basically avoid being alone with me!” He was still in Deku’s arms and he looked up.

“I just thought you wanted to do funny stuff. Plus I waited for you to come to me, you were the one who wanted sex after all.”

Katsuki pouted. “Bad communication I guess” he grumbled.

“Very bad.” He leaned over Katsuki. “So, what do you want to do now?” he teased.

“You know what I want!”

“Yes, but say it!”

“I want you to fuck me!” His cheeks were flushed when he said that.

Izuku bear-hugged him tighter and lifted him up before he threw him on the bed and pinned his hands down. “Well, then who am I to not fulfill your wish” he leaned down and started to kiss Katsuki.

The blonde moaned and he let Izuku do what he wanted. He hadn’t thought that it would go this fast …

Izuku wasted no time and he undressed Katsuki quickly. They shared more sloppy kisses, Izuku licked over Katsuki’s throat, Katsuki could feel the roughness of the alpha’s tongue.

After a while Izuku managed to get rid of his pants, Katsuki looked down again, blushing, Izuku got hard pretty fast and he was huge. “Are you sure you want this?” Izuku asked again.

Katsuki looked up and met Izuku’s eyes. “Yes! I am sure! Just kinda nervous” he mumbled. “Besides, I don’t have slick because I’m not in heat.”

“Oh, good thing I got lube then” Izuku leaned over and opened the drawer of his bedside table. He opened the tube and smeared it over his dick and then two fingers of his circled around Katsuki’s entrance, he entered him to stretch him. Katsuki didn’t flinch much, he was always easy to prepare.

After a while, Izuku pulled his fingers back and he flipped Katsuki on his stomach. “Oh, please do me a favor and don’t be too loud, otherwise, Ian is here in no time, complaining,” Izuku mumbled. He had one arm under Katsuki’s chest, reaching for his shoulder and the other was on his hip.

“I’ll try my best but no promises” Katsuki panted.

“Good boy” Izuku whispered in Katsuki’s ear before he nibbled on his earlobe. Katsuki could feel the tip of the huge dick press against his entrance.

“Do it!” he pleaded.

Izuku clicked his tongue. “So impatient” but he moved his hips and with a smooth motion he sheathed himself into Katsuki. Katsuki was surprised that he went completely in immediately, his breath hitched and he pressed his head into the pillow.

Izuku was massive, not just his dick but his whole body, the weight was pressing down on Katsuki and he felt good! But now Izuku waited again, probably that Katsuki could adjust to the dick inside of him. It felt really weird, he never had something shoved up his ass outside of his heat. It was a different feeling when he was clear like now, and his brain wasn’t on sexual overdrive.

“Move” Katsuki murmured, he turned his head a little so he didn’t suffocate. And Izuku did, he slowly started to move inside of him. Izuku nibbled a little bit on the skin of Katsuki’s shoulder, not deep enough to do major damage to it, but there would be some love bites in the morning.

“Faster!” Katsuki ordered and Izuku obeyed. He accelerated and Katsuki’s finger grabbed the blankets.

But suddenly Izuku pulled back and Katsuki could feel how he shifted their bodies. Izuku turned to lay on his back. Katsuki was on his chest now, he could still feel the dick pressing against his ass. “Wha?” he started.

Izuku shrugged, and he got a smug smile on his face. “You can work for your pleasure too, do what you want” he crossed his arms behind his head and stared expectantly at Katsuki.

“Wait, you let me take charge?” This somehow surprised Katsuki.

“Yeah, or is that wrong?” Izuku raised one eyebrow.

“Uh, no, just unexpected,” Katsuki answered honestly.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to” Izuku informed him.

“No, no, it’s good, like I said, I just didn’t expect it”, he sat up and moved backward, he mounted Izuku’s dick again. He moved at his own pace now, while he admired Izuku’s body, his hands wandered over his chest. Katsuki leaned down and carefully bit into Izuku’s chest a few times. Izuku rumbled approvingly. Katsuki looked up, teeth biting still into Izuku’s flesh.

“You can mark me” Izuku allowed. What he meant was not a permanent mating mark but a mark that would stay longer on his skin, at least for a couple of weeks before it would fade away. Omegas marked alphas this way, outside of the mating mark.

Katsuki bit down deeper into Izuku’s chest, he could taste the blood on his tongue now. He let go, his teeth and mouth were blood-smeared, he bit down again, and again, he licked over the wounds a few times, before he leaned forward and pressed his bloody lips on Izuku’s. When he broke the kiss, Izuku’s lips were painted red too.

The blonde leaned back and concentrated more on his movements, he accelerated his tempo, his hands were now on Izuku’s thighs.

Izuku sat up and he kissed Katsuki’s throat before he tilted his head, one hand ran over Katsuki’s chest. “Y-You can bite me too” he allowed.

Izuku nodded and then his teeth sunk into Katsuki’s left chest, Katsuki gasped when the sharp teeth penetrated his skin.

Katsuki was still riding Deku, his arms were loosely wrapped around the other alphas shoulders and they started kissing again. Now both their blood mixed in their mouths. The irony taste made them both go crazy.

Katsuki leaned back and Deku moved his legs, he moved Katsuki now into a missionary position, Katsuki’s head was over the edge of the bed now. Izuku pounded further into him. The blonde's head was spinning, damn this was good! He was so glad, that he wasn’t in heat for this, and that Deku had wanted him sober.

They continued for a few more moments before Deku asked. “Do you want to be knotted or not?”

Katsuki thought about it for a second. “Yes, knot me, please” he murmured and Izuku obeyed. Katsuki could feel him come inside of him and he also felt the knot swell. Katsuki had his own orgasm and he saw stars because he was so overwhelmed.

Deku carefully turned them around on the bed and they had to wait until his knot released. “Do you want to continue after that?” Izuku asked.

“Sure, if you still can” Katsuki answered.

Izuku scoffed. “Of course I can.” He kissed Katsuki more, while they waited.


Katsuki was completely destroyed the next morning. He woke up next to Izuku and he could feel every bone in his body. His ass was massively hurting, even the double dildo penetration from when he was in heat was nothing compared to this.

His chest was aching and he remembered the love bites, blood was smeared over his chest.

He didn’t want to move so much because it hurt. He felt really full, but he was immensely happy. He turned around and looked at a still sleeping Izuku.

A smile appeared on his face and he robbed closer to the alpha, he ran with his fingers over Izuku’s face.

Izuku grumbled a little and opened his eyes. “Morning” he murmured.

“Good morning” Katsuki answered. He nuzzled his head in the crook of Izuku’s neck.

They stayed like this for a while, Izuku was staring at the wall behind Katsuki for the most time, while he listened to his purring. But then, slowly his gaze wandered down his body and he realized how bloated his stomach was. Izuku cringed a little, luckily Katsuki couldn’t see that.

“Come, we should get cleaned up, the blood is all crusty …”

“Hmmm, I don’t want to get out of the bed” Katsuki grumbled.

But Izuku lifted him up bridal style. “Come now, I’ll help you then.” Katsuki still protested but he held onto Izuku. The prime moved over to the intercom in his room and with Blackwhips help he called for a maid.

«Yes, Izuku, what can I do for you?» one of the Maids asked.

“Hey Lacey, could you please clean up my room?”

«Right away, Izuku» it clicked again and she was gone and Izuku proceeded to carry him to the bathroom.

The bathtub was really luxurious in his room. While it was filling up, Izuku placed Katsuki in the shower. He did his best to avoid looking at Katsuki's bloated stomach. “We need you to get cleaned up.” He murmured, while water was raining down on them. Damn, this shower was really amazing, Katsuki thought.

Katsuki sighed and he kissed Deku again. “Okay, just because you want it.” Katsuki let Izuku wash him, he was a little bit sad when the cum was being washed out, his omega was anyway, it felt good to be bloated. His alpha on the other hand was uncomfortable with that too. And Katsuki had noticed the discomfort on Izuku’s face, even though the prime tried to hide it.


They ended up in the tub and they were kissing again, but Katsuki could feel that Izuku wasn’t at all focused on him. “What’s wrong?” Katsuki asked eventually.

“Nothing? What do you mean?” Deku furrowed his brows.

“You look distracted.”

“Oh, no, uhm, well, I uh, just was a bit shocked to see you all bloated up, I hadn’t realized that at first.”

Katsuki tilted his head. “Oh? Do you not like that?”

“It’s just very unfamiliar to see you like that. And well, no, I don’t really like bloating, to be honest,” Deku confessed.

“Fair enough, I mean, I am torn about that. My omega, obviously, loves it, it screams like ‘Babies!’ all the time, while my alpha is like ‘oh shut up!’” he scoffed a little.

He turned around in the tub and leaned against Deku. “Babies …” Deku mumbled.

“Oh, don’t worry about that, I’m not in heat, so there’s no chance you can get me pregnant if that’s what you’re thinking about.”

Deku nodded and placed some kisses on Katsuki’s neck. They sat for a while in the bathtub and Katsuki was thinking about some things.

“How was your first time?” suddenly escaped his mouths. He realized what he had just asked and he blushed. “Uh, fuck, sorry, you don’t have to answer that.”

Katsuki turned around when he didn’t get an answer from Deku at all. He saw, how Deku stared into nothingness, cheeks bright red, one hand covered his mouth. “I … uh, prefer not to answer that” he mumbled. “It was a mess …”

After that, he climbed out of the tub and Katsuki cursed himself. They dried themselves off and left the bathroom.

Katsuki flinched when he saw Lacey cleaning the bed when they left the bath. “Good morning, Lacey,” Izuku said.

“Good morning Izuku, good morning sir” she greeted Katsuki too.

“Morning …” he mumbled.


A while later he was in his room, after breakfast he went up there, he was too exhausted to do anything, his ass hurt too, he was writing with Toya at the moment, he told them how it was and Toya teased him a little.

The omega told him, that he went on a date with Sougo on Thursday, and it had been great. Katsuki was happy for him.

After that, he lay down in the bed and fell asleep.


Katsuki grumbled when something moved on the bed, he thought that it might be Deku so he rolled over and wrapped an arm around the person. But wait … something was not right. The smell was different … That wasn’t Deku!

He opened his eyes and looked up to see Ian sitting next to him, arms crossed in front of his chest, smirking down at Katsuki.

The blonde screamed and sat up. “What the hell?” he exclaimed.

“Oh, just a little revenge for you waking me up last night.” Ian chuckled.

“Asshole” Katsuki grumbled.

“Ha, good that you mention it. How was it?” Ian asked.

“Uh … why do you care? I thought you didn’t like sex” Katsuki furrowed his brows.

“I got therapy for that, years ago besides, of course, I am curious how it went. Did you get his dick or not?” He wiggled his eyebrows a little.

Katsuki blushed a little. “Yes, I got it.”

“See, wasn’t that hard, right?” Ian scoffed, he turned his upper body a little around and rested his left arm on the headrest, supporting his head.

“Yeah, it wasn’t. He indeed wanted me to do the first step.” Katsuki sat up a bit more so he could rest his head on the headrest too, he stared at the ceiling.

“I see you got some love bites” Ian pointed to Katsuki’s chest.

“Yeah! I gave him some too!” He smiled happily.

Ian whistled. “Damn, he doesn’t let anyone do that, so feel honored.”


“Yeah, he usually doesn’t allow markings on his body. It can sometimes happen that people don’t want that, after a forced mating bond.”

“Understandable” Katsuki murmured. He felt really honored that Izuku had allowed him that.

After that, Ian stretched and got off the bed. “Well then, I’ll leave you to it. See you later.” He left the room.

Katsuki laid down in the bed again and quickly drifted off.


The rest of the Saturday he cuddled up with Deku, he enjoyed the time, even though they didn’t speak for most of it. Deku stayed the night over, but he didn’t touch Katsuki again, they just slept next to each other.

Sunday arrived and Katsuki was really sad that he had to leave, twelve pm came way too early! He wondered if he should just stay here … But he shook his head, no, he couldn’t just go. He still had a job and a life. He couldn’t just leave that behind.

Deku kissed him goodbye and hugged him again. “We’ll see each other again.” He murmured.

When Katsuki arrived at home he slept through the rest of the day. He felt really exhausted.


The next morning he went back to work, Toya gave him some looks when he smelled Izuku still all over Katsuki, but he grinned.

They talked about it when they were the only people in the office. “How are you feeling?” Toya asked him.

“Oh, I feel great so far I didn’t expect it,” Katsuki answered.

“Do think, you can move on now?” Blue eyes pierced him.

“I have to. I mean, I got what I wanted. I always wished that either Deku or Eijiro be my first time, I got that, maybe I can move on now.”

“I hope you can.”

“And what about you?”

“Oh, my date with Sougo went really well. He’s really nice, and very understanding that I have some issues with certain stuff.” Toya explained.

“That’s good!” Katsuki was happy for him.


The August had him covered in so much work that he couldn’t really do anything, other than power through it.

During September he had finally more free time again. He started to go on Ember to find some people for heat sharing. But it was surprisingly difficult, many people were interested at first, but then they saw that he was an alpha-omega and they backed down, which was frustrating.

But he had some good matches, the guys stayed for the time of his heat and left without question, he really liked that.

The guy from October was really nice too, he took good care of Katsuki and it was really enjoyable.

Toya called him excited one morning, he told him that Hotaru had finally gotten her quirk, it was his fire quirk, no sign of Shigaraki’s decay. He was so relieved that he felt like he could cry. Katsuki congratulated him on that.

In November however, some girls, who were Dynamight Fans, tried to catfish him, they used male profile pictures, they were pretty disappointed when he shut them down, he wouldn’t sleep with women.

Because of this instance, he didn’t have time to check the next guy thoroughly and he matched with someone very unfortunate. The guy was a sadistic asshole and Katsuki’s heat-ridden brain couldn’t really cope with everything. The first three days of his heat were pretty awful because of that. On the fourth day, he messaged Michiko in a moment of clarity, that she should help him. He didn’t want to stay with this guy. If he were not in heat, he could have dealt with the guy himself, but now his omega had taken over again, and he couldn’t free himself.

Michiko and Sougo arrived to help him immediately. He remembered how Michiko ripped the guy off of Katsuki. Sougo helped him, to get dressed and he even brought a collar to cover his in overdrive working scent glands. They guided Katsuki out of there and the guy got a little beaten up by Michiko.

For the rest of the heat, he stayed with Sougo and Michiko, they didn’t do sexual stuff with him, but that was okay, Toya eventually joined them too and they made him feel very secure again.

In December he matched again, even though he was kinda nervous about that. But the guy he matched with was a very gentle and calm alpha. His name was Hiroto Okuda. He had jet-black hair and blue eyes. He was tall and very muscular, from his physical appearance alone he was very intimidating, but that was so not true for his personality.

He was rather shy, he must be the shyest alpha, Katsuki had ever met. Hiroto confessed that he had never done anything like that before, even though he was two years older than Katsuki. He had his reasons why he usually never went out.

Katsuki assured him, that he didn’t need to explain himself. Hiroto was however glad, that Katsuki had chosen him. He felt honored that a hero would ever consider him.

He even let Katsuki take charge during their nights together. Usually, the other alphas tried to top him and he let them. It was a welcome change to be a power bottom for once.

When the heat was over, they stayed in contact, something Katsuki had never done before, he usually moved on, but Hiroto was just so fun to be around.

This year on New Year, they went up screaming again. Kuroko screamed the loudest this time, in general, she seemed more on edge lately than usual.

He had to grin however when he walked in on Toya and Sougo making out. He sat next to Michiko and Satsuki and talked with them about it. They were just happy that it had clicked between the two.

Katsuki got a message at midnight, from Hiroto, he asked if they wanted to meet up these next days, and smiling, he replied with a yes.




For Eijiro the year was going well too. They had lots of cases and most of them they figured out pretty easily.

His relationship with Hitomi was doing great. However, he tried to tone their noises during sex down, Mina and Tetsutetsu appreciated it.

All in all the year was a success, Hitomi’s business boomed and she got more requests than ever.

Eijiro met sometimes up with Katsuki, he was kinda curious, what had come out of the second Thailand week. He simply asked him and Katsuki actually told him. On Eijiro’s question, how he was feeling, Katsuki replied that he was feeling absolutely fantastic. He had moved on completely and even started to see other people. Eijiro was happy for Katsuki.

In November however, his happy world turned upside down when Hitomi got a job offer to work in America.

Eijiro knew that it was Hitomi’s dream, to go to America and design outfits there, she talked about it half of the time. But when she told him, that finally, someone had sent her the offer she had been dreaming for, Eijiro couldn’t do anything else than to freeze. He was happy for her, absolutely, but what would that mean for their relationship?

“Well, you could come with me to America. You could become a hero there.” She offered.

But Eijiro shook his head, no. “No, I-I can’t just leave now. We are still building up our agency, we’ve gotten so big the past few months, I can’t just give this up!”

Hitomi stared at him, she saw it in his mind, that he wouldn’t go. “So, are you not happy for me?”

“I am, Hitomi, I am happy for you! But I can’t leave Japan right now!” He told her again.

“But I want to go to America, this is my dream!” She continued.

“I know! I know that! And I am happy that you finally got the chance. But I can’t come with you … I am so sorry” Eijiro tried to hug her, but she pushed him away.

She bit down on her bottom lip. “But you do realize, that a relationship like that won’t work” she looked him in the eye. She saw him brainstorming, how they would do that with their relationship.

“What are you saying?”

“We will live on different continents! Your schedule is hard and mine will be too. We won’t have time for us.”

Eijiro got pale, he didn’t like where this was going. “What are you saying?”

Hitomi stared at him. She still gnawed on her lip. “When I go to America and you stay here, we have to break up. It wouldn’t be fair, to keep the other in a relationship that’s not going to work out.”

Eijiro’s breathing got faster, all he could think about was, that she wanted to break up with him. He loved her! He didn’t want to let her go! He didn’t want to lose her.

Without replying he just stormed out of their apartment, right when Mina and Tetsutetsu entered it. They were confused about what just happened.


Eijiro needed some time to calm down, he felt like a total asshole. He knew that Hitomi was right, breaking up was the only solution they had. She wanted to go to America, he wanted to stay in Japan. He wanted her to be happy and fulfill her dream. Yet he wanted to be selfish too, he didn’t want her to go at the same time.

He was so torn! Should he go with her? No, he couldn’t! He wanted to be supportive, but what was with his own dream? Sure, there were heroes in America too, but he would have to start all over again. He didn’t want that! He didn’t know what to do.

He felt lost. He loved her so much, he wanted her to be happy. He had actually thought about proposing to her on Christmas, but now they were talking about a break-up. Why did this have to come up now all of a sudden?

At a loss, he dialed Izuku. He didn’t know why him of all people. To his surprise, Izuku answered.

«Hey, Eijiro, what’s up?»

“Izuku, I have a huge problem” he started and then he explained the whole situation. Izuku listened to him carefully. “I just don’t know what I am supposed to do now. Should I go with her, should I stay here? I love her, I don’t want to lose her, but when I force her to stay, she understandably will be mad, but she’s right, a long-distance relationship is not going to work under those circumstances.”

Izuku took some time to answer. «That is really a difficult decision» he started. «On one side, it is understandable that you don’t want to lose her. You went through all of that previously with our situation, so this must be incredibly tough … But as you said, forcing her to stay, would only make it worse. I think she would never really forgive you if you forced her to stay. You don’t want to give up your dream, so why should she?» While Izuku was talking, Eijiro nodded, even though the other couldn’t see it.

“Yeah, exactly. Why does this keep happening? Why do I have to make those decisions constantly?” He had started to cry. He really didn’t know what the best thing was.

«Ultimately, I can’t make a decision for you, you have to weigh the pros and cons to the best of your ability,» Izuku answered.

“How did you do it? Start a new life and all? I mean, you weren’t a hero when you left. You didn’t have an agency and all, but you started new too.” Eijiro questioned.

«I had to make the best decision at that moment too. It was the hard way, leaving all of you behind … but I knew if I hadn’t left, I would have killed someone that night, so I killed my own feelings and decided that it was the best for everyone if I am not around. And then, I just had to do something to get money, the rest followed naturally.» Izuku explained.

Eijiro stared on the ground for a moment, he was sitting under a bridge and he observed the snow falling. His eyes and cheeks were blushed. He thought about Izuku’s words. “I know I would regret it if I stop everything here, I have to think of Mina and Tetsutetsu too. So … I really have to let her go …”

«I’m sorry that you have to go through something like that again. It must be terrible» Izuku mumbled.

“Hey … I- can you stay with me on the phone? I don’t want to be alone” he begged.

«Of course. I’m here for you.»


Eijiro stayed under the bridge for a long time before he felt ready to go back home. He had thanked Izuku for staying with him, even though they didn’t really speak after that.

He had a lump in his stomach the closer he was to his home. He didn’t want to face her but he knew he had to.

He opened the door and he found her in the kitchen. She had cried too, he could see that. They sat together on the kitchen table, she looked down in a half-empty coffee mug. They said nothing at first.

“I will stay here” she eventually started. “I just tell them I can’t take the offer” she sounded incredibly sad while saying that.

His eyes widened. “No” he murmured. “No, Hitomi. You have to take the chance. Who knows if you get another one if you say no now.” He looked up at her.

“But … you don’t want me to go. I saw it. You want me to stay. And I want to be with you Eiji, really. If it means so much to you, to be a hero here, then I’m sure I get bigger deals here too.” She tried to explain, her smile was fake.

Eijiro stood up and moved closer to her. “You are an incredibly nice person, Hitomi, you would push your dream back, just so that I can fulfill my own. You are so much bigger than me. Yes, I don’t want you to go, but I know how much this dream means to you. And I know that you could probably never really forgive me when I keep you from fulfilling it. Why should I be allowed to live my dream, but you don’t? It wouldn’t be fair at all.” He told her. “So you have to go, Hitomi, you have to go to America and live your dream.”

She saw in his mind that he really meant it this time. She saw obviously, that he didn’t want her to go, too, but he really wished for her dream to come true. Tears collected in her eyes and she covered her mouth. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for you” she reached out and hugged him.

“It’s okay, I will overcome this. I did it once.” He tried to smile for her. For a short moment, Hitomi saw an image of an engagement ring flickering in his head. Of course, she knew that he wanted to propose, she hugged him tighter.

They held each other for a long time. “You will be amazing, Hitomi, I know you will beat all their expectations, you’re the best!” He kissed her and their salty tears mixed together.

“We will stay in contact, I promise” Hitomi murmured against his lips.

“Yes, we will.”


They eventually went to bed, they hugged each other the whole night.

The next morning wasn’t easy either. Hitomi was expected to fly to America at the end of the month, now that she agreed to the contract. He would be alone on Christmas and New Year too … Which made it incredibly hard for him.

The last days they spent as much time together as they could. Eijiro took a break from work to spend time with her and help her pack her stuff. They slept a few times together, he didn’t want to let her go after each time.

But he knew he had to … December 1st arrived quickly and it was time for them to say goodbye. Most of Hitomi’s stuff was already brought to America. Eijiro, her, Tetsutetsu, and Mina had all come to say goodbye to her.

Eijiro kissed her a long time, he knew it would be the last time in maybe forever. Tears were streaming down his face. “I love you, Hitomi.”

“I love you too, Eijiro.” He held her hand while she grabbed her bag and moved to get her flight. Slowly her hand got pulled out of his.

He waited until the plane was gone. He bit his bottom lip and turned around tears streaming down his face, she was gone. She was really gone …

Mina and Tetsutetsu tried to cheer him up, but he wasn’t in the mood. They brought him home and he went straight to the nest, she had prepared for him as a goodbye. He knew that he couldn’t keep it forever, but for now, it was comforting to have her scent still around.


Christmas came and go and he was still in the nest, he had taken a break from going out to work, he would eventually return, but he wanted to stay the December at home. Like Katsuki had taken a break at the beginning of the year … Katsuki …

New Year came too and he missed out on the party stuff, by now the scent of Hitomi had faded away. They had exchanged messages every day, but he knew that this would change soon.

He decided to get up and get drunk. It was shortly after midnight. New year, new luck. He didn’t stop after one bottle of whiskey though.


At about four am, he somehow managed to find his way to a certain apartment. He banged at the door and at first, no one answered but eventually, Katsuki opened his door. “Eijiro? What are you doing here?” He sounded extremely tired and hoarse as if he had screamed all the time.

“I don’t know, I wanted to see you” he slurred.

“Are you drunk?” Katsuki asked.

Eijiro lifted his hand and with thumb and index finger he symbolized a small amount. “Just a little bit” this wasn’t very convincing, since he tumbled a little, even though he stood still.

“Yeah, I don’t believe that. Come in, you can’t go back like this.” He let Eijiro in and the redhead followed him. They walked into Katsuki’s guest bedroom. “You can stay here” he offered.

Suddenly, Eijiro stumbled against him, and with that, he pushed Katsuki on the bed and came to rest on top of him. Katsuki oofed when the weight was pressing him down. “Eijiro! Hey!”

“Sorry” Eijiro murmured, he shifted his weight and looked down on Katsuki. “You’re so pretty” and with that, he leaned down and pressed his lips on Katsuki’s.

The blonde's eyes widened and he tried to struggle free but Eijiro was still heavier than he was.

He could smell the alcohol in Eijiro’s breath, it was honestly disgusting, he had to get him off. Especially when Eijiro tried to French kiss him. Katsuki used that and bit down on his tongue.

“Ouch!” Eijiro mumbled, he grumbled a little. Before he could roll back over Katsuki, the blonde put both hands on Eijiro’s shoulders and kept him at bay.

“Eijiro, stop it!” he said clearly. “You’re way too drunk to think straight!” He managed to roll him over and get out under him.

“B-but I thought you loved me, you said so last year” Eijiro mumbled.

“That was last year. Look, I know what you are doing, you miss Hitomi, and I totally get that, you two just broke up, but you can’t come here in the middle of the night, hella drunk, and expect me to sleep with you.” Katsuki told him.

Eijiro looked down and his lip quivered, suddenly he broke down crying again. “I miss her so much!”

“I know, I get that feeling. Come, you really should sleep” Katsuki guided Eijiro into the bed and he placed a blanket over him. He wanted to go, but Eijiro grabbed his wrist.

“Stay, please!” he begged.

Katsuki hesitated for a while. Should he really do that? But he sighed eventually and lay down next to Eijiro, but he was on the blanket and not under it, Eijiro immediately robbed closer and he buried his face into Katsuki’s chest. He slept relatively quickly and Katsuki was relieved that he didn’t try to initiate something else again. He stroked through Eijiro’s soft hair and closed his eyes too.

Katsuki Bakugo: +4 Years (+Izuku)

Katsuki sighed when Eijiro squeezed him tighter, the redhead was restless in his sleep. He carefully stroked through the hair and he purred to hopefully calm him down.

It was really awkward for Katsuki at the moment, he had been so shocked when Eijiro was in front of his door, and when he had surprisingly kissed him. He could still feel the hot, burning lips of his mouth.

If he was the same person from the year before, he would have not stopped him when he wanted to sleep with him. But now, he knew that he couldn’t do that. Eijiro was just drunk and hurting. It wouldn’t be right to use that. Good thing he had some talks with Izuku about drunken sex.

Katsuki got up at ten am, he carefully peeled himself out of Eijiro’s vice grip and he made his way over to the bathroom. When he was done, he grabbed his phone and he saw the message from Hiroto. If he could come over later.

The blonde hesitated at first. He didn’t know how long Eijiro would be here. He messaged him, that he could come, but one of his friends had come unannounced and he was going through something difficult.

Hiroto said that this was not a problem and he would come around eleven.

Katsuki showered quickly and dressed up a little bit, he wanted to look nice for Hiroto. He was very excited and he couldn’t wait for him to come over.

The hour passed quickly and at eleven, Hiroto knocked on his door. He greeted Katsuki with a kiss on the cheeks. “Hey, how are you doing, you look good.”

“Thank you! I am doing fine, come in.” He let Hiroto in and they sat down in the kitchen.

“Upfront, uh, as I said, my friend came over last night, and he is going through something rough.”

“Ah, that is not a problem,” Hiroto said. “Can I ask what happened?”

Katsuki nodded and he told him that Eijiro’s girlfriend left for America and he was now very sad, he also warned him about the drunken kiss, and that this might come up. Hiroto nodded in understanding. They talked for a while about small things that had happened over the last few days.

The pro hero talked a lot about work, but he rather let Hiroto talk, the stuff he had to say about his job as a teacher was not nearly as interesting as hero work, but Katsuki just loved to listen to the alpha’s voice. All the time he had a stupid bright smile on his face.

At about twelve, however, Eijiro came rushing out of the bedroom. “Katsuki!” his voice sounded absolutely panicked and Katsuki stood up immediately to look after him.

“Kitchen!” He called out, but he was already tackle hugged by Eijiro before he backed off and held him at arm's length. “Uh …”

“Oh my god, I am so sorry, Katsuki! I barely remember last night, I drank so damn much I-I-I don’t know, I think I kissed you … but I have no idea how far that went. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to! God, I didn’t want to, I’m sorry!” his voice got faster and he had trouble speaking. “T-Tell me I didn’t force you to do anything, I really can’t remember!”

“Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, Eijiro!” Katsuki tried to shush him. “You kissed me, yes, but I got you off of me and to stop before something other happened. Everything is fine!”

“God, I really kissed you” Eijiro stepped back from Katsuki and his hands wandered in his messy hair. “Oh, nooo, I didn’t want that, you have to believe me! I didn’t mean to assault you. I was just so drunk, I couldn’t think straight. I feel so bad. Please forgive me for kissing you, I shouldn’t have done this.” He was still erratic and he seemed really out of it.

“No, it’s okay, nothing happened. Come, sit down!”

“Nah, I should leave! I shouldn’t be here in the first place!” Eijiro turned around but Katsuki grabbed his arm.

“Oh, no, you stay, I can’t let you out like that. Sit down” he released his calming scent and Eijiro was hit full force by it. He stumbled and slowly sank on the chair. He looked a bit dizzy now, but the effect wouldn’t last long. Katsuki just wanted him to calm down. “There you go.” He patted Eijiro’s head and cleared his throat. “If you want to go home, I will call Mina or Tetsutetsu to get you, but I will not let you go alone, you are still hungover and who knows what will happen.

“O-okay” Eijiro answered weakly. He looked around in the kitchen and he noticed Hiroto for the first time, Eijiro flinched heavily. “W-who are you?”

“Uhm, my name is Hiroto Okuda. Nice to meet you. I’m a … friend of Katsuki.”

Eijiro gasped. “Oh, I uh, oh no! I shouldn’t be here then.” He wanted to stand up again, but Katsuki kept him on the chair by using one of his hands.

“Sit down, I said. I’m already calling Tetsutetsu.”

Katsuki arranged after a few minutes, that Mina and Tetsutetsu would come over to bring Eijiro home. They were kinda concerned for him already, that’s why they were glad that he was with Katsuki.

Both, Katsuki and Hiroto, took care of Eijiro in the meantime and Katsuki managed to calm him down.

After a while, Mina and Tetsutetsu arrived. They thanked Katsuki and Hiroto for taking care of Eijiro and they brought him home.

“Well, that was something” Hiroto murmured.

“That’s the first time, that I see Eijiro like this … usually I am the one who hasn’t himself under control” Katsuki sighed and turned to Hiroto.

They disappeared in the bedroom, for a while and Katsuki enjoyed himself greatly after this rather turbulent night.


February rolled in and for some reason, his omega was really excited for Valentine’s Day, his alpha was begrudgingly accepting it. Katsuki was totally confused since it’s just this stupid day, nothing special … Yet, he found himself in the kitchen, making chocolate for Hiroto.

While he was doing that, he grinned like an idiot. He didn’t know why, but he felt really good when Hiroto was around. Better than he had felt around anyone lately.

The day before Valentine’s Day he was out grocery shopping when he bumped into someone. “Oh, I’m sorry,” the person said, they were smaller than Katsuki.

“No, my bad, I didn’t see you.” He apologized too.

He looked down and he saw purple ball-like hair. He furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head. “Wait, I know you, Mineta?”

“Oh, hey Bakugo …” Mineta also tilted his head, he was bigger now, too. “Didn’t know you would remember my name.”

“What are you doing here?” Katsuki asked. He only remembered him because of the joke that he had played him on Valentine’s Day in their first year.

“Oh, just uh, grocery shopping, like you.” The beta seemed a bit uncomfortable.

“Right …” Katsuki bit on his lip. “Hey, uh, it might be very much too late, but I’m sorry for the prank I pulled on you. And that you got expelled because of that.”

Mineta’s eyes widened. “Okay, that’s not what I expected … Uh, it’s okay … But how come you apologize for that?” They walked next to each other for a while.

Katsuki exhaled. “Well, uh, a lot of shit stuff happened during the years, and uh, I learned how to apologize for things, and I mean, I basically was the reason you got expelled, an apology is the least I can give you.”

Mineta nodded while picking up some items. “Thanks. It wasn’t easy, Aizawa made notices why I got expelled, so no hero academy would except me.”

Katsuki looked towards him. “What did you do afterward? Or what are you doing now?”

“I went to a normal school, I got a job in media production, I work sometimes on big advertisements and stuff.”

“Oh, that sounds good too.” Katsuki smiled.

“Yeah, it is. Not as cool as being a hero, but I can make a living with it.”

“That’s good, that’s important.”

They walked through the store together for some time. Mineta noticed that Katsuki bought some stuff for decorating chocolate. “So … uh, did you end up with Izuku? I mean to remember that Kirishima has a girlfriend.”

“Oh, actually, with neither. After an incident, Deku left the country, and yes, Eijiro had a girlfriend, but she moved to America last year, so they broke up again.”

Mineta raised his eyebrows. “Wow, didn’t expect that …”

“Me neither.”

“For whom do you make chocolate? Hopefully without spice.” He chuckled slightly.

Katsuki blushed a little. “Y-yeah, without spice. I actually met someone last year. And I don’t know, could be something serious …” He had a dreamy gaze.

Mineta raised his eyebrows and whistled. “Damn, Bakugo, you have it bad for the guy” he chuckled.

“Yeah, maybe … Uh, how about you?” He tried to change the topic.

“Well, I got a girlfriend. She’s a beta like me. After I got kicked out of UA, I thought about myself, and I had to admit to myself, that I was kinda a dick. I really thought, that it would be okay, to alpha command omegas to my liking and this was not okay. I got my act together. Well, at least I hope I got it, but so far she doesn’t seem to be creeped out.” He scratched the back of his head.

“That’s good to hear! I am happy for you.” Katsuki smiled at him.

“Thanks,” Mineta answered.

They said goodbye after they paid for their groceries and Katsuki made his way back home, he had to decorate the chocolate.


Hiroto was very surprised to get chocolate from Katsuki, and even happier when he learned that it was self-made.

“Say, do you have a chocolate fountain?” Hiroto asked.

And with that, the mess started. Katsuki had indeed a chocolate fountain.

This time, Hiroto wanted to top and Katsuki had absolutely no problem. They ended up on the kitchen table next to the chocolate fountain. They were French kissing, Katsuki was already naked and Hiroto had lost most of his clothing too. He dipped his fingers into the liquid hot chocolate and held it afterward over Katsuki’s face, he opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out to catch the chocolate that was dripping down.

Hiroto stuck a finger in Katsuki’s mouth and he licked the rest of the sweet mass off his fingers. They shared more messy kisses while slowly but surely more of the sweet substance ended up on their bodies. They had some pieces of fruit that the glazed with chocolate and at the moment, Hiroto was feeding strawberries to Katsuki, they were now on the floor.

Katsuki was going down on Hiroto, he licked more chocolate off the alpha's body. Both of them enjoyed it greatly, showering afterward was very sensual too.


Katsuki had some missions, some were more, some were less dangerous, but Hiroto was always worried that something bad would happen. He was very relieved when Katsuki got back safely.

Their relationship started slowly at first, but now it was skyrocketing. Katsuki was so damn happy like never before.

Hiroto was more and more at Katsuki’s place and in August he started to pay rent and he moved completely in with Katsuki. Katsuki’s apartment was closer to his school, so this worked really well.


In September, the Moruga Agency, the Red Steel Agency, Fat Gum Agency, and Endeavor Agency had a big mission together, they had to bring down an omega sex trafficking ring. It was absolutely disgusting what these people did to the omegas. They held them in tiny cages on leashed collars They were chained to the top of the cages. Some of them were already in trailers, ready to be shipped out.

Kairi had tipped them off, that there was something going on, but since they were back in Africa, they couldn’t go themselves. Katsuki was glad, that they had those clues, he didn’t want to see the omegas suffer any longer.

They stormed the building, a supposedly empty automobile factory, he had vague flashbacks at a place like this. The guys were completely shocked, that they were raided like this, Dynamight, Pinky, Creati, Wildest Dreams, and Suneater made their way down into the basement where most of the omegas were. They were absolutely scared when they saw the strangers entering, but the omega heroes released their scents to calm the captured ones down. Katsuki was with them if one of the alphas came down, by now he was completely immune to Alpha commands, and while the others were highly trained too, there was always a slight chance of them getting overwhelmed.

They broke the chains and carefully brought them upstairs and to safety. Katsuki was carrying a little omegan boy, his foot was injured and he couldn’t walk on his own, he was absolutely terrified and shivered in fear. Katsuki released some of his own scents, to soothe him.

Suneater had to slam some of the perpetrators against the wall. Shoto apologized for letting them slip through.

The kidnapped omegas were returned to police custody and then they were brought to hospitals and psychiatrists, to help them with the trauma.

Everyone on the mission got a massive boost in the popularity rankings.


Katsuki talked with his therapist about his feelings regarding that last mission, he was pretty upset about it. But not just with the therapist, with Hiroto too. The alpha tried his best to ease Katsuki’s mind.

From time to time Katsuki tried to call Izuku, but the other alpha was completely MIA. Their contact was scarce this year, Izuku had called on Katsuki’s birthday once, and that was it, except a few emails that took weeks to answer. Katsuki was so entangled with Hiroto that he hadn’t really noticed it, but now that he thought about it, he started to miss Izuku.

In October Katsuki introduced Hiroto to his parents as his boyfriend. Mitsuki was very surprised but happy that her son had finally found someone. Masaru congratulated them. All in all the meeting went pretty well.

Katsuki asked about Hiroto’s parents but he was very much not amused to talk about his parents. “They are … strange and hard to be around. I’d rather not you meet them, I don’t want to be around them, and you shouldn’t be around them. If you like your sanity.”

“Wow! That bad?”

“You have absolutely no idea. I have a pure alphan family, my dad’s one, my mother’s one, my three-thousand siblings are alphas too, at least the ones that have presented.”

“Three-thousand?” Katsuki raised his eyebrows.

He sighed. “Well, I have – so far – fifteen siblings, we are sixteen children – so far.”

“Wait, what? So many?”

“Jep” he exhaled deeply again. “My mother dreams of twenty children, but she is over sixty now so … yeah. Not sure if that dream of hers will come true …” he absolutely didn’t look amused.

“Wow … that’s a lot … but who wants pups with over sixty? I don’t understand that …”

“I don’t know, I only remember a very stressful life. You know, my oldest brother and my youngest sister are forty-five years apart.”

“What?! God damn! That’s a lot!”

“Yeah, sometimes we get asked if these are our children. But she still keeps popping out pups. I mean, those sixteen children are just those, who survived. She had so many miscarriages but she is adamant to get to the twenty pups.”

“That’s crazy, I’m a single child, how is it to live with so many siblings?”

“Horror, absolute horror. I mean, when I was born, my oldest brother was already twenty-six, he and the other older siblings, didn’t live with us, so we were never too many children in the house, but still. With some of my siblings, I am not on good terms, they don’t like the younger ones, for some reason? And I rather stay out of my mother's way.”

“I mean, understandable.”

“And … well, you see, they still believe in alpha supremacy, at least my parents, and well, a few of my siblings, not all, but especially now the younger ones, that get indoctrinated with their holier than thou attitude. It’s honestly terrible.”

“Alpha supremacy huh? How would they react to me being an alpha-omega?”

Hiroto gave him a look. “You would not be accepted as alpha in any case, my mother would probably openly address you as omega, she’s blatantly sexist, transphobic, and racist. God beware she does something wrong! She would also not approve of us being together. She hates homosexuality too, she doesn’t know that I am gay, she completely disowned my sister for being lesbian and with a nice omegan lady.”

“Okay, I uh … I think I don’t want to meet your parents, or your mother, in any case, she sounds like she is straight from hell.”

“She is, that’s one of the reasons I never dated before. Alpha girls are not interested in me, because I am rather shy, plus I lived at home, and only like two months before I met you, I moved out of this hell hole.”

“Yikes, that’s bad. I mean, it’s good that you finally moved out, but it’s bad that you had to stay for so long!” Katsuki pulled him into a hug and Hiroto crooned a bit.

Katsuki did everything to make Hiroto feel more comfortable, he should forget the stress of his family. The blonde couldn’t even begin to imagine how life must have been for him.


November was suddenly pretty hectic when Toya stormed into the office of the Moruga agency. He was so enraged, that he smoked out of some body parts. Sougo looked up and tried to comfort his boyfriend.

“Hey, Toya, what is wrong? Please calm down before you burn up!”

“They did fucking did it!” He screamed at Sougo. Katsuki and Michiko looked up from their paperwork too.

“Who did what?” Sougo still tried to calm Toya down, he brought him to the couch in one corner of the office.

“This fucking Endeavor and Hawks! Hawks just came to me to tell me he’s pregnant! Pregnant from Endeavor! I knew all the time that he wanted to get fucked by Endeavor, but that Endeavor would actually do that?” Blood was leaking out of Toya’s patchwork skin.

“Damn” Katsuki murmured. That was definitely the same as if Deku came to him and told him he got together with the old hag. Sougo had to console Toya for much longer.


The hero billboard charts were coming up and this time, Katsuki was really happy, he was in the Top Ten!

Endeavor was still Number 1, but they all assumed that Lemillion on Number 2 would beat him in the next rankings. Best Jeanist was on Number 3 after all. Followed by Mirko on 4 and Blue Rabbit on 5.

Ingenium followed on 6, Hawks was down to 7, plus he announced that he would temporarily stop working as a hero since he was pregnant. The other guests congratulated him and wanted to know who the father was, but Hawks kept quiet about it. Toya and Shoto were absolutely not happy.

On Number 8 was Electro Master, followed by Red Riot on 9 and Dynamight at 10.

He walked over to Eijiro and congratulated him. Over the year they didn’t have too much contact, too, they were busy with work and aside from a few jobs together they didn’t have private meetings. For the first half of the year, Eijiro was still too embarrassed to face him, after what had happened. And later in the year, he had met someone again, but Katsuki didn’t exactly know his relationship status.


He heat-shared with Hiroto in December again, to keep him from needing to go to his parent's house for Christmas.

He was allowed to bring Hiroto to their New Years' party, this time Toya screamed the loudest. He was still so frustrated. He had completely cut the contact to Endeavor and Hawks.

After that Hiroto and Katsuki spent the rest of the night together, they were in the greatest bliss.




Izuku was very busy for most of the year. He was on many missions with Kairi and her mercenary group. They were back in Egypt, the shangonian army was still very dominant. It was absolute hell to be here, in the few months they had left, it had gotten worse.

They cleared some cities from the shangonian soldiers but way too many people died in the process.


From January on, he stayed in Egypt until the end of March. He wanted to help more people, but he just couldn’t stay any longer. He was completely exhausted after three months in hell.

He came home and Lucia White waited for him, the following months she had regained more of herself to a point she could walk again. Her arms and legs were metal prosthetics and it was still weird for her.

Even though she was an alpha, she had started to nest to cope with all the stress she went through, she had built her nest in Izuku’s bed and it was just perfect. Izuku was next to her, holding her in his arms.

“Thank you again for everything you did” she murmured. She used to be a soldier herself, the second in command of the Egyptian Resistance Army, but she and her husband had been captured by the shangonian army and they were tortured for seven months before her husband had been violently murdered.

A few weeks later, Kairi, Izuku, and the mercenaries had found her. Her limbs were removed and they had her thrown away. She was about to die but thanks to Kairi’s blood she survived. They brought her and her son, and many other children out of the country, back to Thailand.

Ever since she was catatonic and only Izuku was allowed to hold her – and her son of course.

Izuku had a deep connection to Lucia. He felt so bad for her. She had seen her beloved mate die in front of her, and she still had the claim-mark.

But she came around, slowly, she opened up to Izuku, only to him. He was the one who had carried her all the way back, she trusted him the most.

She talked to him about her horrific experience as a prisoner of war. How cruel the shangonian army was. And how fucking charming their leader was. Shango himself had visited her since she had an electric quirk, he offered her a place to stay in his army, he had smooth-talked her pretty good, but her husband interfered. That’s when they killed him. She was electrocuted by Shango afterward, but her body could withstand the electricity, therefore she survived.

Lucia snuggled closer to Izuku when he came back in March, she saw how stressed out he was. She sang him sometimes Egyptian lullabies, and it was just the loveliest sound Izuku had heard.

Her son Kieran was also very fixated on Izuku since he had brought him his mama back. He would frequently cuddle up with the two and Izuku didn’t mind one bit, after he had witnessed all the cruel acts of violence in the war zones he could understand why they wanted to cuddle.

Lucia learned how to walk and grab things with the prosthetics and that was the time everything got easier for her. She was still jumpy and stayed in Izuku’s proximity as much as she could, but she got massive amounts of her independence back.

Izuku didn’t really think to call Katsuki, except for his birthday, he was still so occupied with everything going on. On one side was the war in Egypt, on the other side he took care of Lucia and Kieran, on yet another side was the city of Batoh that occupied him greatly. He got dragged into more and more of the shady business, gang violence, drug smugglers, money laundry, he either tried to eliminate it, or he tried to find the best solution so that no one killed the other party.

He still hated to see people get killed, and he refused to do it himself, but he knew he couldn’t stop it sometimes. Not in a city like this. He realized that the city was eating him up. Something Kairi constantly warned him about. Izuku still cared too much, he would fall down this way.

But Izuku didn’t want to turn into a cold and heartless monster. Not like the others in this goddamn city.


Kairi and the group came back in April, and in May she had taken him with her to the meetings of the mob bosses. It was the first time he was allowed in those rooms, but she forbid him to say a word. All of them had a very itchy trigger finger.

Izuku had seen the other prime alphas up close for the first time in those almost five years he was in this city. He always had kept his distance, and now he knew why. They were terrifying. He now understood why prime alphas were so feared. The air in a room with now ten prime alphas was absolutely thick, he felt like he cut through it with a knife. There were three prime omegas with them, which didn’t make it better.

They all were murderous. Mr. Xun – Hua’s father – was the worst, he radiated pure spite, he was full of lies and deceit and he may come off as a nice man on the outside, but Izuku’s danger sense was running wild when he was around.

Mr. Xun was the boss of the Triads stationed in this city. His wife, Mai-Li, was his best executioner. Izuku strangely didn’t feel too uncomfortable around her, since he knew she could be nice and he had talked to her more than the rest.

The next was the Russian mob, their leader was strangely the female prime omega Anastasia Koroljowa, her prime alpha lackey Dmitry Orlov had a huge resemblance to a bear, but more from the overall physique. He was fully human as far as Izuku could tell.

Kairi had warned Izuku about this individual. Dmitry was incredibly strong, he had easily punched through her chest one time, just because he was annoyed with her.

Anastasia was however even more dangerous than Dmitry, her knockout scent was incredibly strong and she was not afraid to use that. They were outcasts from the tsarist empire of Russia. They were the last remnants of the Russia-China war and now that Tsar Nikiforow was in power they had no place in the old world.

Even though Kairi had more personal relationships with the Chinese, she hated this group with passion. She had however a semi-stable relationship with the Russians and she worked with them the most.

The Thai themselves had a representative, the prime alpha Saimon Huang. He was sleazy and he made Izuku feel sick, he didn’t want to be around this guy.

The Italians and the French worked together in this city, France and Italy were territories of Loup-Garou, yet both departments were deserters. Françoise Deneuve – for the French – and Mauricio Belvedere – for the Italian mafia, were both human-turned-werewolves with a broken bond.

They had still animalistic features and they made Izuku feel uneasy in so many ways. He still remembered Savage, when he looked at them, even though Savage was technically never a werewolf.

Françoise was calm and had a very threatening way of doing things. While Mauricio was hot-blooded and erratic. He was the biggest aggressor in the room. Izuku’s prime was triggered by the Italian in unbelievable strong ways.

The two representatives of the Columbian Mafia were called Mags and Reilly, Mags was the prime alpha and Reilly a prime omega. They both were strange individuals, extremely violent too. Kairi disliked them greatly and so did Izuku. To be fair Izuku wasn’t exactly a fan of all the people in the room, minus maybe Kairi and Ian, so this was no wonder.

He witnessed Mags randomly killing one of the servers for spilling a drop of beer. It was disgusting, Reilly grinned as their spouse committed this gruesome act.

The last group was the Japanese Yakuza. Chisora Kinshita and Ginji Nayamu were their representatives. Chisora was a smooth talker, but strangely, Izuku didn’t feel as much hate towards him, as to the others. His right-hand man on the other hand was a single red flag. He was entirely unlikable. He was one of those extremely toxic alphas. He smelled rotten, after gore and blood. The stench was abhorrent and Izuku started to dry heave when he smelled him for the first time.

All in all, the room was full of disgusting people – in one way or the other – and Izuku was in the middle of them, wondering, what he was still doing here. He wanted to leave. They all should be arrested, some of them were definitely on the level of All for One.

They discussed again what should happen with the werewolves caught five years ago. The French and Italians wanted them, but everyone else was against them. They discussed it fairly often but they never came to a conclusion. They should not arrive at one this time either.

“I can’t believe that those people manage to run a city …” Izuku murmured when he was walking home with Ian.

“They work only the bare minimum together, just enough to keep the media out. No one needs nosy media here.”

“Why not leave?” Izuku looked at his fellow prime alpha.

“If you want to leave, go ahead. For people like me, there is no other place.” He answered.

“People like you?”

“The living dead. I always lived in this city, as long as I can remember, so it would be weird to go away.”

“But you don’t like killing, so why continue?”

“You just get used to it.” Ian turned towards him. “Izuku, you should leave the city, if you feel so uncomfortable here. You can still go home to Japan.”

“No, I can’t leave right now.”


“Yeah, she slowly settles in, I don’t want to rip her out of it again, and Kieran too.”

“She means a lot to you, right?”

“She does, I want to protect her, and him too. I know she’s not my family or anything, but I will do anything to protect her.” Izuku’s gaze was determined.

Ian grinned. “Yeah, you should, she’s a good person.”


They came home and as expected, Lucia was in his bed again, she felt a little exhausted at the moment. “You are back,” she said with a heavy accent. She knew English, but not very well.

“Yes, I am.”

“How was it?”

“Absolutely terrible. They didn’t come to a conclusion again.” He sighed.

The prison they were in was absolutely brutal, Jay and Sam had shown him once, and unlike Tartarus, the inmates were not in solitary confinement. They were all flocked together. Death was not uncommon in this institution. No one really cared. And only the worst of the worst were here. This was an alpha prison and males and females were mixed together. Not that it mattered, for Antoinetta was currently one of the “champions” in the prison, no one messed with her.

“They need a long time for that.” She murmured.

“Unfortunately yes.” He pulled her closer to his chest and she crooned for him. He wished he could stay like this forever …

Eijiro Kirishima: +4 Years (+Izuku)

When Eijiro came home, he stormed into his room and threw himself onto the bed. Mina and Tetsutetsu looked at each other, not knowing what they should do.

“Hey, Eijiro, do you want to talk about it?” Mina asked, following him.

“Yeah, man, what happened?”

Eijiro mumbled something in the pillow he hugged. “What? We don’t understand a thing like that” Mina pouted.

Eijiro turned his head. “I got drunk, went over to Katsuki, kissed him, and tried to have sex with him.” He repeated.

“Holy shit … Are you serious?” Mina couldn’t believe it.

“Yes, but luckily he stopped me before I could do anything. God, I don’t even want to think about it, if I had gone through with that. How am I supposed to face him from now on? He says that it is okay, that nothing happened but … I don’t know, I feel so bad!”

“That’s the really hard stuff” Tetsutetsu commented. “And it’s gonna be awkward.”

“You are not helping!” Mina hissed. “Do you want us to cuddle you?”

“… yes please” he murmured.

Mina and Tetsutetsu lay down next to him, it was a bit strange for Tetsutetsu, but when his bro needed him, he would be there for him. That’s what bros did after all.


The cuddling helped a little but Eijiro didn’t dare to meet up with Katsuki after that. The awkwardness was too big. But he sometimes met Katsuki on the streets, but since the blonde was always accompanied by Hiroto, Eijiro got never the courage to speak to him.

He felt so fucking guilty. He imagined what would have happened if Katsuki was the same as before when he still had feelings for Eijiro … what would have happened if they had sex that night? Or what if Katsuki hadn’t been strong enough to stop him?

His mind spiraled down on those thoughts and it started to break him. He went back to his therapist, that he hadn’t seen in years, and thought he wouldn’t need again.

The therapist tried to calm his mind about it. But it was really bad this time.

He contacted Hitomi and told her what happened. She tried to console him, but it didn’t fully work. She apologized to him for causing so much trouble, and Eijiro shook his head violently. Why did she apologize?

“No, it’s not your fault, I got drunk and went to him.” He mumbled.

“But only because I left …”

“Still, it’s not your fault. I should handle this better …”

“Maybe you should go out and see someone? Not for a relationship, if you’re not ready for that yet, but just to have some fun?” She suggested.


“Yeah, try yourself out. Maybe this will bring your thoughts away from me and Katsuki?”

“Y-you would really be okay with that?”

“I mean, I’m sitting on the other side of the planet. As long as you don’t tell me in detail what you do, I am not bothered by it.”

“R-Right, maybe I should do that.”


Eijiro messaged Izuku about his predicament, but he never got an answer.

He was sitting in his bed, criss-cross applesauce, and thought about it for a while. His sharp teeth pierced his bottom lip when he thought about the hands all over his body again. Cold night air, the grass surrounding him. Hot lips on his, all over his body …

He flinched and shook his head violently, his cheeks were burning, he grabbed his phone and opened Ember. Fuck it! He would do it. Katsuki did it too, and it seemed he got something more out of it.

Eijiro wondered briefly, how deep the relationship between him and Hiroto was … No, that was definitely not something he deserved to know.

He created a profile and when he came to his preferences in gender and secondary gender he stopped.

He thought about it for a while did he want alphas? Izuku had said that it was fun … the fight for dominance … A shudder ran over his back and for a moment he could feel the rough edges of tree bark on the naked skin of his back. He shook his head again, stop!

Should he try alphas? He tilted his head and selected ‘only females’ for primary gender, and ‘anything goes’ for secondary gender. He just couldn’t do males. He felt the grass, some leaves, and dirt between his fingers. Fuck!

He stood up and walked to the shower, he turned it on cold and stepped under it, his raging thoughts just wouldn’t go away.

After some time he turned the shower off and only with a towel around his hips, he walked out of the room. He bumped directly into Tetsutetsu.

“Oh, hey, bro, you look like you’ve seen a ghost, is everything okay?”

“Not really … I have flashbacks of ‘that night’” he murmured.

Tetsutetsu cringed. “I … now what you mean …”

“Do you?”


Eijiro sighed. “Fuck … Hey, uh, I’m on Ember now, so we’ll see how this turns out.”

“Damn, bro, never thought you were the one to go on there.” Tetsutetsu grinned.

“Hitomi told me to go. To get my mind off of all of this.” He made a gesture with his arms.

“Understandable.” For a moment Tetsutetsu looked him deep into the eyes, sending more shudders down his spine.

Eijiro flinched and stammered. “Uh, I should dress up.”

Tetsutetsu had a similar reaction. “Uh, yeah, you should do that …” with that Eijiro went into his room and Tetsutetsu into the bathroom.


Eijiro got many people who were interested in him. He was a hero after all and people recognized him.

The ladies he met were all pretty fine, some more, some less. At least no one was a nutjob so far.

He would mostly go into hotels, he didn’t want all those people to know where he lived exactly.

Mina would encourage him to explore a little. Meanwhile, she complained that she never got someone good, not that she had a profile on the platform.


In March Eri contacted him. She asked if Eijiro, Mina, and Tetsutetsu wanted to come over. Her little brother was now almost two months old and she was excited to show him around.

Eijiro and Mina accepted excitedly, Tetsutetsu declined however, he had a job to work on.

Ochako and Tsuyu showed up too and they made their way over to the Aizawa-Yamada house. Their former teacher was a bit annoyed, he looked even more sleep-deprived than before.

To Eijiro’s surprise, Hitoshi, Denki, and Kyoka were there too. They all gushed over the new pup. His name was Oboro Yamada. He was really cute, but he was also really loud. He had Hizashi’s quirk, much to Shota’s despair.

Eri was so damn proud of her little brother, it was just adorable.


Afterward, the group went into a café and they chatted. Denki was totally excited because he would soon have some surgeries to give him an artificial womb. He sparked a little in excitement.

“That sounds wonderful, Denki!” Ochako grinned.

“Yeah, right? Then I’m finally a complete omega!” He grinned widely.

“How long will it take till everything is … functional?” Mina asked.

“Oh, this will take a while, for at least two or three years I should not try to have children. Which, I mean, fits for me, since I want to be a hero a little longer.”

“Then I wish you the best of luck that everything will go smoothly!” Mina smiled.


The Red Steel Agency was doing great, they got massive amounts of jobs, and they managed to solve them in record time. The people really trusted them.


Mina was somehow very on edge around the Golden Week. The three of them had taken this week off, since, coincidentally Mina’s heat, as well as Tetsutetsu’s and Eijiro’s ruts, aligned.

They never had this before and none of them had any special plans for heat or rut sharing. Eijiro had almost no matches this week, and unfortunately for Mina, Ochako was busy so she couldn’t help her to heat share, and Tetsutetsu didn’t have someone either.

The tension in the apartment was immeasurable. All three of them were at home and in their rooms, which probably wasn’t the smartest idea.

Eijiro was so fucking horny, his thoughts were racing back to ‘that night’ and he really didn’t want it but god damn! He couldn’t help himself by the smell of the omega in heat and the other alpha in rut. Fuck!

Tetsutetsu was on edge too, he was sitting in his room on the edge of the bed and his feet were moving rapidly. His fingernails dug into the wood of the bed frame. He could smell Mina’s and Eijiro’s arousal. Shit!

Mina tossed herself around in her nest. She could sense the two rutting alphas and this drove her omega crazy, she wanted their dicks up her holes. She needed all the self-control she could muster, but god damn, was it hard! Damn!


The first two days were hell, they all tried to control themselves, but it was so hard!

Eventually, Mina couldn’t bear it any longer. She jumped out of her bed and went to the living room. The alphas noticed her moving around and they were drawn out of their den’s.

They all met in the living room. “Okay, this might become really awkward later, but I can’t stand this. I’m on birth control, so please, guys, be good bro’s and help me out here!

“Yeah, I was about to offer” Tetsutetsu answered.

“Me too!” Eijiro’s throat was drier than the Death Valley but he didn’t care.

“Good, perfect! Both of you, my nest, now!” She turned around and they followed her like good little puppies.


They didn’t waste time, Mina found herself sandwiched between the two massive alphas, Tetsutetsu was behind her, while Eijiro was in front of her, they were both fucking mercilessly into her – and she enjoyed it. It wasn’t the first time she had a sexual heat, but the last one wasn’t very enjoyable, that was one of the reasons, she refused to sleep around. But this here, this here was different.

Her mind was running wild as her old crush for Eijiro ignited again. She had fucked herself in high school while thinking of him, more than once. She wasn’t ashamed to admit that to herself. That she now had him was very arousing.

And Tetsutetsu was great too. She didn’t have a crush on him while in school, but for the last couple of months, her feelings for him were very weird. He was god damn great, personality- and look-wise. She had to admit that she had a crush on him.

So, to get fucked by both now was peak excitement!

She enjoyed it too when Eijiro and Tetsutetsu went down on each other. It was so arousing to see Tetsutetsu fuck Eijiro. She touched herself while they were doing it.

They switched positions at one point and Eijiro dominated Tetsutetsu and it felt so goddamn good! He had missed that feeling … to dominate another alpha …

The rest of the week was incredible. Mina enjoyed it when they double-knotted her. The proximity they gave her was just the best!


The post-heat bliss was short, however. Eijiro and Tetsutetsu woke up in Mina’s nest and while Tetsutetsu had not really a problem with it, Eijiro had. He asked himself if that had been a good idea in the first place.

He felt really awkward next to them and that’s why he stood up and excused himself. Mina and Tetsutetsu stayed in bed longer.

The awkwardness eventually subsided after a few weeks, Mina and Tetsutetsu started to hit it off and now Eijiro could understand their pain when he had sex with Hitomi back in the days. They were quite loud!


It was around June when Eijiro met up with another girl for a hook-up. She was an omega but damn she was dominant! She said she hated it when alphas thought they were so god damn strong and better than everyone. She had cute dog ears on her head and long pink hair with gorgeous blue eyes. She had always a few dogs around her. Her quirk was Dog Whisperer and she could talk and control the animals. Her name was Mae Inuko. She worked as a professional dog trainer.

She was crazy in bed and it was really fun for Eijiro, he enjoyed letting himself go and giving dominance to Mae.

After their meeting they went different ways for quite some time, he wouldn’t see her for a few months.


They eventually had a big rescue mission they saved a bunch of poor omegas. He felt absolutely disgusted by those alphas who did this.

After that, he was drained. It was a hard job. That’s when he ran into Mae again. She was walking her dogs. “Oh, hey, long time no see,” she said, smiling.

“Yeah, it’s been a while.” He grinned.

“I was wondering, do you want to go on a date?” Mae asked all of a sudden. Eijiro was very surprised by that.

“Oh, ah, yeah, sure!”

And with that they sat down in a café, they talked for a long while. Outside of their sexual experience, they didn’t know much about the other, so Eijiro quite enjoyed that.


They made something out for the following weekend too, and Eijiro was quite happy when he got home. Tetsutetsu and Mina were still at the office, it seemed.

The weekend came quickly and Mae and Eijiro went to watch a movie, it was a shit movie but the night was great. Mae laughed about Eijiro’s comments about the film. After that, they went for a walk. It was in the middle of the night and they were in a park when Mae suddenly pushed him into some bushes. Eijiro grinned when she kissed him.

“How about some quick midnight action?” She teased.

“Oh, but what about other people? What if someone walks by?”

“Then you better hurry up” she bit in his bottom lip and pulled on it.

Eijiro opened his pants as fast as he could. She went done on him and she was very efficient, she definitely knew what she wanted.


After their quickie, they dressed up and went back to Eijiro’s apartment. They stumbled directly into Tetsutetsu and Mina, who were enjoying themselves in the kitchen. “Uh, guys, you have your own room! Not in the kitchen!” Eijiro raised his eyebrows.

“We wanted to cook dinner … but oh well, we got distracted,” Tetsutetsu said, shrugging.

“Oh, is that a new girlfriend?” Mina asked, she was still a little breathless.

“Hi, I’m Mae, well, not quite, we’re working on it” she laughed a little.

“You’re damn cute, I must say” Mina giggled.

“Ohoh, you better watch out, Eijiro, she might want to take her away from you” Tetsutetsu warned.

“Nah, don’t worry about it” she grinned at Tetsutetsu and pulled him with her. “C’mon, bedroom. You have to finish something!”

“Aye, ma’am.” With that, they disappeared.

Mae laughed. “Damn!”

“Yeah, Mina’s always like that.”

“Let’s go to the bedroom too, they are having fun, so we can have fun too!”

“That sounds like a plan!”


Sex with Mae was different than with Hitomi. Hitomi enjoyed pleasing him, she was very sensual and she liked the submissive position more, she wanted to relax and let him have more of a say – not that she was never dominant, she could if she wanted, she just chose not to. Her mind reader ability was great for sexual stuff, she could read in Eijiro’s head what he wanted and she adjusted to this.

Mae, on the other hand, was raw and aggressive, she liked to fight for the dominance. It was a constant power struggle and it was fun. Sometimes he could subdue her, sometimes she dominated him mercilessly. She was wild and she always found new ways to tease him.

They met up more regularly now and it was always quite the adventure. And while there were some feelings between them, it wasn’t quite love.


The hero billboard charts came up and Eijiro was quite excited to be on rank nine. When he heard that Hawks wanted to quit being a hero because of his pregnancy, he was quite surprised.

He later talked with Shoto about it and he had to collect his jaw somewhere on the floor when he learned that Endeavor of all people was the baby daddy. Shoto was not happy either.

“Tch, I mean, as if it’s not bad enough that he knocks someone up who is younger than his eldest son, no, it has to be the former best friend of said son … Plus we get a half-sibling now … that feels weird to even think about it.”

“I completely get that … God, how did they come out to the family?”

“Well, Endeavor wasn’t even there since we were at mother’s house, you know, mother, Natsuo, Fuyumi, Momo, Toya, Hotaru and me we were having dinner … and all of a sudden, Hawks shows up, Toya is at first happy but then he drops the bomb. He sits with us at the table, a huge grin on his face. And he announces that he’s pregnant. At first, everyone is happy for him. But then Natsuo asked who’s the father. And without a little ounce of shame or guilt or whatever he says ‘Enji of course’. Dinner was over after that, Fuyumi took Hotaru outside while Toya went completely off on Hawks.”

“I mean, even though Toya lives with us and all, he still hates Endeavor and I don’t think this will ever change, but now it’s even worse and he and Hawks are not on good terms anymore. Well, I guess Hawks still wants to be friends, but Toya blocked him completely.”

“Understandable. I would be creeped out too if my best friend hit on my dad” Eijiro mumbled. “How are you feeling?”

Shoto shrugged. “I am not a fan, but they are both adults, and neither of them has a partner since mother and Endeavor are separated. Mother only commented that she wished them luck and that he hopefully treated him better than he had her. But she made clear, that he wasn’t welcome in this house anymore. If he wanted to stay with Endeavor, he could stay at his place. You know … I was about to forgive him for the things he had done … it was so close, but this action … I don’t know.”

“Hey, take your time with that. I couldn’t forgive him that either.”

“We will see what comes of it …”


This Christmas, Eijiro was with Mae, Mina, and Tetsutetsu. He couldn’t believe that Hitomi was already gone for a year … And now he had a different girl by his side, he still hadn’t figured out what their relationship was, but it didn’t matter too much it was fun nonetheless.

This New Year he didn’t end up at Katsuki’s door, instead he heat shared with Mae. It was a wonderful New Year.




Hot … it was absolutely hot here. Izuku was with Ian, Jesper, Robin, and Lee in Turkmenistan. They visited the Darvaza gas crater.

“Hey, how about you take a photo of me in the crater?” Robin asked his brother.

“Sure thing” Lee gave him a thumbs up and with that Robin jumped down into the pits of hell. He stood on top of the burning lava and posed a while he was then ‘diving’ down and he ‘swam’ around in it. Afterward, he climbed back out. Only his clothes were a little bit burned, otherwise, he was unharmed.

His quirk was Environmental Defiance and Adaptation. He could basically ignore all environments he was in. In a blizzard he wouldn’t freeze, in the desert, he wouldn’t overheat, in water, he didn’t get wet and he wouldn’t burn in lava and so on.

His brother Lee had the quirk Power Walking. He could walk on any surface effortlessly with control, efficiency, precision, traction, and balance at any speed. While he could technically walk on lava, he couldn’t do it actually because unlike Robin he would burn. But for example, he could walk a steep mountain upwards faster than any mountain goat. While the others had to actually climb up, he could just walk like on an even surface. He could even walk into the air, as long as he didn’t stop in mid-air he was good to go.

Those quirks were perfect for extreme athletes like they were. Ian and Jesper with their super healing didn’t need to be too careful either. If they fell off a cliff it didn’t matter too much.

Izuku had his own collection of quirks, he could float anywhere he wanted and had blackwhip too, so no matter what he wasn’t going to die just like that.


The travels around the world were always fun. It helped him to not completely lose all faith in humanity. After witnessing so much death and gore, he needed something to get his mind off of that.

After visiting the Gas Crater they made their way back to Thailand, to drop some stuff off. Before they would fly to Hawaii to visit the Stairway to Heaven. It was illegal to hike there but that never stopped Robin or Lee.

The view was just incredible overall. And he enjoyed his time with the guys.


But he was also very glad to be back in Thailand. Well, not Thailand per se, but he was glad to be back in Lucia’s arms. Even though they were cold and metallic, it didn’t bother him.

She presented him, how much she had learned in the weeks he was away. She could almost walk normally again, he was so proud of her.


It was around his birthday again, and Izuku and Lucia went to the outside world again. Lucia was in the mansion most of the time. She walked on her own, Izuku holding her hand still, but she managed a decent round. Kieran was absolutely delighted to see his mother like that.

A smile appeared on Lucia’s face when she watched her son. Izuku grinned too, Kieran was such a nice kid, he didn’t deserve all the bad stuff that had happened to him.

She was exhausted when they came back, Kieran went to the daycare to play with the others, and Izuku brought Lucia into his room.

“It really sucks that the recovery takes so long” she sighed. “I miss it. I can’t even do the simplest things.”

“You are doing great, Lucia! Don’t rush things! You need to fully recover first, but when you’re back in action it will be even greater.” He encouraged her.

“You should have seen me before that happened to me. I was very energetic. I could do the craziest things … now I am bound to the help of others, it’s just so frustrating.”

“You will get to a point, where you can do all these things again! Just don’t give up” he tried to cheer her up.

She gave him a smile. “I won’t, I will stay strong for my son, and for you.” She looked at him and the smile faded a little, her metallic hand reached for his cheek.

“This body … it feels like a prison … I can touch people, yet I can’t feel their warmth … It’s terrible.”

Izuku laid a hand on her cheek. “There are other ways to feel the warmth” he murmured. He leaned in and came close to her lips, yet he let her choose if she wanted it. He could feel her warm breath on his lips.

Lucia covered the distance and their lips met. She closed her eyes and a few times, they kissed each other, before Lucia pulled back and turned her head away. “But Izuku, would you really want that?”

“What do you mean?” He tilted his head.

“I’m a broken woman … my arms and legs are gone, I am still marked, I’m older than you …”

“You are not broken, yes, the arms and legs, but you are not broken beyond repair! You are beautiful and kind, even after the horrors you went through. You keep me sane in this rotten world. And I don’t care that you are older, six years is not that much. Lucia, you mean a lot to me, I know to some kind, how bad an incomplete bond is, yet your situation is so much different, it must be horrible to lose the love of your life, and I know that I can’t replace that. And I won’t try to replace your husband. I know how much he meant to you. And if you don’t want that, it is completely okay, you don’t have to. I just want to let you know that I am always here for you.”

Lucia closed her eyes and thought about it for a long time. “I can’t promise anything, I don’t know if I can ever fall in love again, but I am willing to try.”

She leaned over again and covered his mouth with hers. They were just a few soft kisses before she broke off and they just lay next to each other.


Izuku went back to war in September, he hated it, but he wanted to save more people.

This time, they went behind the shangonian border, they landed in Asmara, Eritrea and they had to fight off the shangonian soldiers that had occupied the city.

He walked through the blood-soaked streets of the city, bodies all over the place, his danger sense told him that no one was around anymore. The shangonians had either been killed or had retreated.

He saw how Kairi and the others pulled the bodies to piles, the shangonian soldiers got their own, they just threw them on top of each other, while they placed the civilians neatly next to each other. Some of the rescued civilians returned to the city to mourn their dead. But they knew they had to leave soon. They would be brought over to Egypt first, after that, they would decide where the refugees would go. They couldn’t stay here, that much was clear.

Izuku clenched his jaw, when he saw the body of a little boy, he must have been Kieran’s age. He carefully picked him up and brought him over to the other civilians. He placed him next to one of the others and carefully stroked over his face.

“It’s madness” Ian murmured next to him. “The worst part of it is, that you just know it won’t stop here. The city will be overrun again, as soon as we leave. It’s just a drop on a hot stone …”

“This Shango … I thought All for One was bad, but how is this guy reigning over a country this openly and no one does anything about it? How could they let this happen?”

“Some people are chameleons, you would never think that they are this fucking mad …”

They moved further inland and on their way they left a bloody path. The Egyptian soldiers and the rest of the Eritrean Resistance Group helped the civilians to get out of the country.


At the beginning of October, Izuku had to return, he just couldn’t stand it anymore. He was drained and he just wanted to be with Lucia again.

“You must think I am pathetic because I can’t stay longer and help more people …” he murmured, he was rolled into a ball on his bed.

“No! Why would you think that? You’re doing great work! You saved so many lives that otherwise would be lost! The truth is, you can’t save everyone, you are just another, tiny human in this rotten, flaming pile of garbage. You are doing more than most people do, so don’t be too harsh on yourself.”


If it wasn’t the war, it was the city, there was a murderer going around. Not that murder was something special here, but this person was a beast. He had brutally mutilated a few prostitutes. All males, all omegas, some of which Izuku knew.

He was with Jay and Sam on the crime scene. The irony stench was filling the room, torn limbs were scattered across it. Some torsos were hanging off of meat hooks. They, unfortunately, didn’t get an answer for the whodunit.


Izuku entered his rut, and it was hard, his breathing was heavy and he felt like shit, his mental state was an absolute mess and this affected his rut too.

Lucia stayed with him. She wasn’t fazed by him at all, she knew that he was going through something too.

They rut shared for the first time, as good as Lucia could. It got pretty heated between them, but they managed.

But eventually, she broke down crying. In his rut-driven mind, Izuku asked her what was wrong.

“I … I feel the connection to my husband is slipping … but it is still crying out, it hurts so much!”


“Yes, it only happens when the partner dies. The pheromones get less and less, my bond is about to break … and this hurts!” she cried. “I don’t want to lose his bond!”

Izuku’s heart clenched when he saw Lucia crying. “What can I do to ease the pain?”

“You can’t, it’s like a scrubbing. The only thing would be another bite mark, but my husband is dead.”

“And if someone else claims you? Would that ease the pain?”

“Y-yes, I believe so, but y-you shouldn’t! This is not right, you shouldn’t suffer because of me.”

“But I want to help you. Hey, I was claimed before, and I know how shitty it is. But this is even worse for you, so let me help you” He looked her deep into the eyes. “You don’t need to claim me back if you don’t want to, but I want to do this for you.”

Lucia’s lips quivered, she thought about it. “O-Only if you really want it. There is no going back …”

“I am sure!”

Lucia laid her head back and offered him her neck. Carefully, Izuku licked over the junction of her neck and shoulder. His rough tongue was scratching over the skin. He then sunk his teeth deep into her flesh and he claimed her, venom was flowing off of his teeth and into her skin. She gasped in excitement.

He stopped and licked again over the wound to seal it. “Mine …” he murmured. They shared a bloody kiss before Lucia broke it.

“Do you want to be claimed by me too?” She asked. “You would really want to be with someone like me?”

“Absolutely, you’re the most beautiful woman I ever met. You helped me so much, I can’t thank you enough. It would be an honor to be claimed by you.”

Tears ran over his cheeks and she also licked the point where his scent glands were. This time, when teeth pierced his skin it wasn’t cruel and brutal. It was pleasant, even though it hurt like hell. But he knew that it was from a person that he cared really deeply for and he wanted to be with her, no matter what.


After his rut, he became clear again. He looked around and found Lucia sitting at the window.

“Hey, is everything okay?” He asked.

“Yes, I am feeling fine … better than fine, actually. I feel liberated. As if I can finally breathe again.” She cried and smiled at the same time. “I suppose we are married now” Lucia stood up and walked over to him. She kissed him. “Will I have your name?”

“Lucia Midoriya … Do you want to be called like that?” he ask her.

“It would be an honor” she placed more kisses on his lips.

“Then you will be called that from now on.” He lifted her up on his lap and kissed her more.


They went down to see his mother. They found her at work and she was very surprised to see her son, mated again. “I-Izuku a-are you sure about that?”

“Yes, mother, I am absolutely sure, she is my wife now, Lucia Midoriya.”

Inko stared at her son. “You really grew up, huh. My baby has a wife now …” she exhaled. “I am happy if you are happy.”

Kieran ran over to them. He smelled at his mother’s knew, different scent. “Kieran, sweetheart. Izuku and I mated now. He will take care of us from now on” she stroked through his white hair.

“You will take care of us? More than before?” He looked up to Izuku.

“Yes, I will, I promise!” Kieran hugged Izuku, overall he was very happy now.

The others noticed the bond fairly quickly and congratulated them.


Izuku checked his email account, he had found some emails from his former classmates, but he was away so much, that he never got really the time to answer them. He didn’t really know what to answer to their emails, he had one from Eijiro, from the beginning of the year. He had read it but never replied. That night, huh?

He also had read the mail about that time he almost kissed Katsuki.

Katsuki had sent him a few emails but even they stayed unanswered.

His eyebrows shot up when he read that Keigo was pregnant from Endeavor.

He was happy to read, that Toya had found someone, as well as Katsuki, he had sent him a picture. They looked adorable.

Eijiro told him once he had heat and rut shared with Mina and Tetsutetsu and it was fucking epic. Even though it was a bit awkward afterward. He also mentioned in a later mail, that he had found a new girl that he really liked.

Izuku felt actually bad for not answering any of those, he did that in December. This would be the first Christmas with his new family.

Most of the Ridgway family was not celebrating Christmas, only the pairs who had little children, otherwise they stayed out of the festivities.

Izuku loved to see the pure joy in Kieran’s eyes when he opened his presents. Izuku knew once again, he had done the right thing.

Eijiro Kirishima: +5 Years (+Izuku)

Eijiro was still sleeping, it was the third week of January and he came home from a very hard night job. But his sleep was disturbed by Mae, Mina had let her in after she knocked on the door constantly. She shook Eijiro awake. “Hey, Eijiro! C’mon, wake up. It’s urgent!”

Grumbling, Eijiro opened his eyes, he yawned and rubbed over them. “Mae? What’s wrong?”

She held something in front of his nose, still totally confused and sleepy he took the thing and tried to focus on it. “What is this?” He tried to make sense out of this stick, but he couldn’t connect the dots.

“I’m pregnant.” Mae simply said.

It took Eijiro a while to realize what she said. He stared at the stick, and then up to her, then the stick again, and at last her. “You’re … pregnant?”

“Jep, I am. Happened during our last heat sharing.” She murmured.

Eijiro rolled around on his back and put an arm over his eyes. “Shit …”

“Yeah, oh shit. I’m gonna make breakfast” she turned around and walked out of the room.

Eijiro groaned and sat up after a while. He looked again at the pregnancy test in his hand. “Fuck …” he stood up and put some clothes on before he also went into the kitchen. He was still so fucking tired.

“Hey, I’m sorry, for this reaction, I just … didn’t expect this. Nor was I prepared for this at all” he scratched the back of his head.

“It’s okay, that was my reaction too. Especially since I am on birth control … but it obviously failed.” She grimaced.

Eijiro sat down, nodding, and he took the coffee that she placed in front of him. “W-what are you going to do? Do you want to keep it?” he asked carefully.

“Yes, I guess so. I mean, I always wanted pups so, why would I terminate it?”

He nodded again. “Okay, fair enough.” They started to eat breakfast.

There was a long silence between them. “What are we going to do from now on? Do you want to have a real relationship, or do we keep it the way it is and just meet up for sex? Do you want to be part of that pup's life?” She asked him.

The alpha thought about it, he looked at Mae. He still wasn’t a hundred percent sure how he felt for her. “I still haven’t figured that out, to be honest” he finally said. “But we could try a real relationship. See if it works out. I want to be part of the pup's life for sure!”

“Seems reasonable. I never really thought about love and that, but who knows, maybe we find it on the way.”

“Sounds good” Eijiro looked at her, he still couldn’t really believe it.

Mina and Tetsutetsu came out of their bedroom eventually. “Hey, what’s going on here? Why did you come bashing at our door?” Mina asked her.

“Oh, well, I’m pregnant, I just wanted to inform Eijiro.”

Mina’s eyes widened. “What? Pregnant?! Oooh, congratulations!” She jumped up and down.

“Thanks” Mae smiled.

“Damn, bro, congrats” Tetsutetsu mumbled.

Eijiro forced his smile a little bit. “Thanks.”


The time afterward was a bit hectic. They still had to figure all the stuff out, Eijiro was so not ready for that.

The following weeks they had visits by a doctor to check on the embryo, everything was fine, which was good.

They thought about their living situation, Eijiro liked to stay in his apartment, but while it was fine for now, they would need a bigger one for the pup. They didn’t come to an agreement for the moment.


Eijiro met up with Katsuki, the first time in a long while. He told him about Mae’s pregnancy.

“Damn, really? Do you want that?” Katsuki asked.

“I guess. I honestly don’t really know.” Eijiro leaned his head back.

“How do you feel for Mae?”

“That’s the problem, I don’t know! It’s different from Hitomi, I mean, I loved Hitomi so much! And while Mae is fun to be around, I don’t love her … yet. The pregnancy is way too early, I don’t know if I am ready for that. But not being with her and helping her and all would be unmanly. We both agreed to try a relationship, but I feel so overwhelmed.”

Katsuki nodded. “Understandable. But, I mean, trying it out and all is all good, but if it’s not then you shouldn’t force yourself to stay in a relationship with her.”

“I know … I won’t” he looked up to the ceiling. “What about you and Hiroto?”

“Oh, it’s going great. He’s so great!” Katsuki smiled brightly. “I love him …”

“It’s great to see you so happy.” Eijiro smiled.

“Thank you. I hope you find happiness in this too.” Katsuki grabbed his hand and squeezed it a little.


“Meeting your parents?” Eijiro furrowed his brows.

“Yes, I told them that I am pregnant and now they want to meet you.” She said.

“Uh, okay, sure, why not,” Eijiro murmured.


In front of him stood a big alpha, he was even taller than Eijiro, he looked very intimidating. He had strong dog features, much like Hound Dog had them. He had also dog ears and a tail. He had massive sharp teeth in his muzzle, he looked with sharp eyes at Eijiro.

He made him feel quite unsettled. “So, you are my beloved daughter’s boyfriend?” He growled.

“Uhm, yes” Eijiro felt as if the other man wanted to rip his head off.

“Dad, be nice” Mae grumbled.

“Do you think you are worthy of being with her?” he came closer and pressed his forehead almost against Eijiro’s, which was uncomfortable, because of the big muzzle.

“I-I hope so?” Eijiro tried not to react to the threat that the other alpha posed. His inner alpha growled at the proximity.

“You should prove it then. I challenge you! And if you win, you are capable of protecting my only daughter.” Yoru Inuko growled.

“That’s unnecessary, dad. Eijiro is a hero. You know, Red Riot?” Mae tried to diffuse the situation.

“I really don’t want to start a fight here …” Eijiro tried to get out of this uncomfortable situation.

Yoru growled when Eijiro tried to back off. But suddenly her mother appeared. She came out of the living room. “Hey, you mongrel, let the boy alone, sit down!” she commanded. Tsuki Inuko was also an omega, and now Eijiro could see, where Mae got her temper.

To his surprise Yoru sat down on the ground, his tail wagging happily. Tsuki stepped next to her husband and patted his head, he hummed. “I apologize, he likes to be intimidating, to a point it is over the top. Mae is our only daughter and youngest child, so he is extra protective.”

“Uh … alright …” Eijiro was still so confused.

“Let’s go to the living room.” She still smiled and turned around. “Heel!” she commanded and Yoru followed her.

Mae covered her face with one hand. “This is so embarrassing” she shook her head. Eijiro hummed, he felt so out of place.

A dozen other dogs ran around the house. Mae’s dogs she usually had around were also here. The first dog was Tsume, he was a Karelian bear dog, the second one was called Kiba, he was a Shiba Inu and the other two were wolf hybrids generation F2, a white one called Tsukimi and a black one called Mangetsu.

The meeting was very strange because on one hand Yoru always tried to be intimidating towards Eijiro, but the second Tsuki said something he followed her orders. He sometimes behaved more like a dog than a human.

They asked him about his job and he told them about it, he told them about some of his jobs, and they were impressed. Even more, that he was already in the top ten.


When the meeting was over Mae, Eijiro, and the four dogs, left. “Is your father always like that?”

“Unfortunately yes. My mother has a similar quirk like me, and my father is, through his quirk, enough dog, that she can actually control him.” She explained.

“Yikes, isn’t that very … questionable?” Eijiro furrowed his brows.

“Yeah, both families were not that happy about their marriage, at least from what my mother told me. Her parents asked if she had to marry someone with a dog quirk. Even though he’s alpha, he has mostly not the control, because of her quirk. I guess he could use alpha commands, but he would probably never do that. His parents weren’t that happy either, they even questioned if he did it of his own free will. But according to mother, she did not force him to marry her.” Mae explained. “They are just into the whole puppy kink … I guess.”

“Aye … uh, each their own I would say …”



They met Eijiro’s parents a while later. Takumi was so excited to pet the dogs, he jumped up and down. Kiba and Tsume were very cuddly, but the wolf hybrids didn’t like to be touched by strangers.

Yukari and Arashi introduced themselves to Mae, and at least they were acting normal. They seem to get along with Mae.


Eijiro had to work much these times, he was still trying to figure out his feelings for her, why was it so hard? She was an amazing person! Why couldn’t he fall in love with her? She was as equally amazing as Hitomi was, and he instantly fell for Hitomi … Was that the problem? Had he trouble to fall for her because he was afraid something like this could happen again? He felt really unmanly because of this fact. He wanted to be supportive to Mae, especially since she was pregnant, but it was so damn hard for him! He had never thought that something like this would come out of something that started out as an Ember date.


He tried his luck again and called Izuku. He didn’t know why him of all people, the guy had taken a year to answer his mails, but damn he needed someone to talk to. Sure, there were Tenya, Denki, Hitoshi, and literally all his other classmates, but he still kept going back to Izuku.

Much to his surprise, Izuku actually answered. «Hey, Eijiro, what’s wrong?» Izuku asked.

“Oh, you really answered!” It escaped Eijiro’s lips before he could stop it.

«Ah, yeah, I got some free time this month» Izuku murmured. «Sorry for ghosting all of you, but when I come back from the war zones I have no capacity to answer something.»

“Yikes, sounds bad,” Eijiro mumbled.

«Hm, anyway, what do you need?» Izuku changed the topic.

“Oh, right. I uh … I got a problem again” he sighed and explained the situation to him, that he got Mae pregnant, and now he had the trouble of what to do. That he still hadn’t developed real romantic feelings towards her. That he was afraid that he might never fall in love with her.

«Wow, uh, congratulations at first … Yeah that situation is difficult.» He cleared his throat. «But Eijiro, you can’t force feelings. And if you do, you could make it all worse. If you really can’t commit to the relationship then wouldn’t it be better to not have a romantic one and live separated from each other? I mean, you can still be there for your kid, just because you don’t live together doesn’t mean you can’t support her. I’m sure a pup is happier in two separated but functional households than in one very unhappy and dysfunctional one. What good does it do, when you feel trapped in that relationship and can’t get out?»

Eijiro stared at the ground. “Yeah, that’s probably right …” he sighed. “Since when do you give such good relationship advice?”

«I don’t know, I guess since I live with people that have more or less stable relationships. They have a range from ‘Love till the end of time’ to ‘This could be a bloody crime scene any second now’.»

“Yikes, anyhow, what’s with you? I mean, we haven’t heard of you all year, so any good news?”

Izuku laughed. «Yeah, I have mated again.»

“You what?!” Eijiro’s jaw dropped.

«Yeah, do you remember Lucia White? She was the woman in the wheelchair. She’s my wife now.» He sounded so happy over the phone.

“Oh, yeah, I remember her. Really, I never thought she would become your wife. But I am happy for you.”

«She keeps me together. If it weren’t for her, I would have probably lost it by now.»

“That’s good to hear. If she’s the one to make you happy then it was the right decision.”

«She does. So, whatever you decide with Mae and the pup, if you stay with her, or if you decide to live separate from her, it has to feel right to you.»


After his talk with Izuku, he felt a lot better. He would give the thing with Mae another chance. He would at least wait the pregnancy out, if he hadn’t developed feelings until then, he knew it wouldn’t last. And if he did, then it would be even better.

He accompanied her to the doctor whenever she had an appointment. He took time off from hero work to help and support her.

The pregnancy went relatively smoothly. He was now more in Mae’s apartment than before. He kinda missed Tetsutetsu and Mina around though.


In July a villain appeared that flooded half of Niigata, even though it wasn’t Eijiro’s normal operation area, he still went to help the people. Many heroes from his former class came. The whole city was underwater and many people lost their lives and their homes. It was a big tragedy. The villain escaped into the ocean and no one saw them for some time.

When Eijiro came back, he was really down and exhausted. Mae comforted him, he really needed it.

He laid his head against her growing belly and he let out some chuffing sounds, the pup responded with a few kicks. He was so happy to feel that.


Mae and he were shopping for baby products, they were casually walking through the store, holding hands. It was August and next month the baby would come, they had almost everything, just a few little things were missing.

Eijiro had opened up to Mae more and more, he had told her, his concerns, that he is still affected by his breakup with Hitomi. Mae could understand him.


Katsuki, Shoto, Tetsutetsu and he were sitting on Eijiro’s and Mae’s porch in August. Shoto was highly annoyed by everything that was going on in his family. “… and now Hawks is super sad because Endeavor won’t claim him and make their relationship public” He groaned.

“I mean, did he really think Endeavor would do that?” Katsuki asked, sipping on his beer.

“I don’t know but he came to me of all people to ask for advice. I kindly said that he has to figure that one out for his own, I don’t want to give him dating tips for my own father.” Shoto growled. Hawks had his pups in July, he had in fact twins, a baby girl, Takara, and a baby boy, Takuya. Shoto was not amused about that.

“How is Toya dealing with this?” Eijiro asked.

“Not good, he refuses to see our … half-siblings.” Shoto grimaced.

“Have you seen them?” Tetsutetsu questioned.

“Yeah, one time I needed to bring something to my old man’s home and Hawks opened. That’s when he asked me what to do.” Shoto leaned his head back.

“Welp, sucks for him I guess, but he knew that it would be hard and even I could guess that Endeavor wouldn’t claim him,” Katsuki murmured. “I mean that’s a huge age gap relationship and you know how the media is.”

“Yeah, exactly. That’s what I told him but he wants to be claimed so desperately. God, he’s such a bitch …” he grumbled.

“Hey, apropos married, did you know that Izuku is married?” Eijiro brought up. Three pairs of eyes looked at him.

“What? Since when? How do you know? Why does he not tell me that? With whom?” Katsuki bombarded him with questions.

“So, I guess that’s a nope? Uh, I called him earlier this year and asked him what to do with my relationship with Mae, and do you remember the woman that he pushed around in the wheelchair. That’s his wife now.”

“What! I haven’t really talked to him at all!” Katsuki pouted.

“Every time I tried to call he was in some form busy,” Shoto murmured.

Tetsutetsu shrugged, he didn’t have Izuku’s number in the first place.

“Yeah, nah, he told me, he’s super happy with her,” Eijiro mumbled.

“I guess I need to call him later … unbelievable, to leave me out like that” Katsuki crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Katsuki, what about you and Hiroto? Did you plan something more serious?” Eijiro asked.

“Hm, our relationship is going steep uphill, I can’t complain, but we haven’t planned on mating or marrying yet” he had the brightest smile on his face. “What about yours?” He looked to Shoto and Tetsutetsu.

“Mina and I are still more casual but since Eijiro moved out – for most of it – we can go all out without bothering someone. But for now, nothing big is planned.” Tetsutetsu shrugs.

They look over to Shoto. “…”

“So? What about you?” The others asked.

“Well … don’t go around and tell everyone … but well Momo and I tried for pups a few times now and she might or might not be pregnant at the moment.”

“Wow, really? If she is, congratulations!” Eijiro smiled brightly at him.

“Yeah, man!” Tetsutetsu grinned.

“If so, congrats” Katsuki patted his shoulder. “Does she plan on quitting being a hero?”

“Temporarily. She definitely wants to come back later. But having Hotaru around her so much gave her baby fever. And ever since we rescued the omegas, she helps some of the orphaned pups and she speaks about pups all the time, so we might as well try for it.”

“Oh, yeah, the orphaned pups. I visited them a few times too” Katsuki mentioned.

“Oh? Really?”

“Yeah, not gonna lie, I had a few moments of baby fever too …” He blushed a little.

“Do you want pups in the near future?” Eijiro asked.

“Not sure, I mean, I don’t know how Hiroto sees it, he got a pretty big family, and his mother is popping out so many children, don’t know how comfortable he feels with the thought of having one of his own,” Katsuki murmured. “But as of now, I could definitely see myself having a pup with him. But I want to wait a few years. I am not Number 1 yet.”

“Hm, seems reasonable. I looked into Hiroto’s family, just for fun and damn, they are big. His dad is the CEO of multiple companies. And his siblings are very famous too. You really got a jackpot there” Shoto teased.

Katsuki shrugged. “I know, but he tried to avoid contact with his family, so I never met them. They seem a little crazy.”

“Yeah, they don’t have the cleanest records …” Shoto murmured.

The evening was great and Eijiro enjoyed the time.


September came and Mae was really huge now, it wouldn’t take long anymore. She felt like she could burst any minute now. Her dogs were even more protective of her than ever before. Even Eijiro had sometimes trouble getting to her.

He had made his mind up by now. Living with Mae wasn’t that bad. He would stay with her, it wasn’t outright love he felt for her, he was still figuring it out, and so far he really liked it.

He was luckily at home when the baby came. He brought Mae to the hospital and he was with her in the delivery room. It took incredibly long and he was kinda scared for her, he hadn’t expected it to take this long …

But then he was finally here. His little boy. It was a magical moment when he was allowed to hold him in his arms after Mae had him. He looked at the little bundle, the pup was sleeping and looked so tiny and peaceful. Mae had already scented the pup, and now he carefully scented him, too. He cried tears of joy, he held him as much as he could, especially when Mae was asleep.

Mae’s parents were overjoyed, her father goofed around with him, it looked a bit weird, his tail wagged happily all the time.

Eijiro took a few weeks off of work. He wanted to support Mae with the baby as much as possible. Tetsutetsu and Mina came over some times too and they loved the little one, Ryuu Kirishima. He had cute little dog ears like his mother, but black hair, like Eijiro. His eyes were bright blue at the moment.

Eijiro loved every moment he could spend time with his son, he especially loved it, when he was sleeping on his chest. Ryuu was so small in his arms.

The others came over too after the first few weeks, and they congratulated the pair, they were so excited to see the newborn. Eri came too and she jumped up and down in pure happiness to see even more babies.

Momo started to cry when she was allowed to hold him. She was still in baby fever. She couldn’t wait to have pups on her own. She was still in the first trimester.

Katsuki and Hiroto came over too, Katsuki started to purr when he saw the pup, Mae smiled and gave him the little one and Eijiro could see the blush and sheer happiness. He took Hiroto to the side, while Mae was pacing around Katsuki and Ryuu.


“Hey, how’s it going?” Eijiro asked the other alpha.

“Wonderful! Katsuki is the best thing that ever happened to me.” Hiroto had a big smile.

“That’s good to hear. So … let me be a little nosy, do you plan on proposing to him?” Eijiro looked over in great interest.

Hiroto laughed and winked at him “I may or may not have something in mind.”

Eijiro grinned. “Damn, then I may or may not be excited about the outcome. You know in the beginning I was kinda skeptical, I mean, I know Katsuki and he isn’t the easiest person to be around, so to see him this happy, makes me happy too. I don’t know what you did, that made him fall head over heels for you, but I’m glad that he found you.”

“Thanks, man, I uh, assumed this would be more awkward. He told me what happened. So this means a lot to me.”

“Don’t be stupid like me and let him go for the wrong reasons.”

“I won’t.”


The next months were beautiful and stressful at the same time. They didn’t get much sleep because of the baby. But it didn’t bother him too much. He would get up most of the time, so Mae could sleep.

It affected his hero work a little bit, he had to step shorter because he didn’t get enough sleep, but he was still very popular.

This year at the hero billboard charts, was a big surprise. Endeavor wasn’t the number 1 anymore, Lemillion and Blue Rabbit were now in front of him, it pissed him slightly off, twenty years of his life he had tried to become the number 1 and now he was down so soon … But he had to accept it.

Best Jeanist went down to fourth place, and Ingenium was now on the fifth, followed by Dynamight, Red Riot, Mirko, Electro Master, and Uravity.

Eijiro grinned a little when he saw Katsuki’s joy, soon he would be in the top five if the downwards trend with Endeavor continued.

Hawks was there too and damn the tension was high, the former pro hero tried to be close to Endeavor but he wouldn’t budge in public. His wings were droopy in sadness. Even across the room, Eijiro could literally smell his disappointment, even though he was wearing his collar.

He felt kinda bad for Hawks, but he wanted to be with Endeavor, so he had to endure that.


The first Christmas with their little boy was lovely, of course, Mae’s parents went kinda overboard with the presents, but he didn’t mind.


He raised his eyebrows when he got an invitation from the Koka Tanso Agency, he tried to remember what the agency did, they weren’t heroes as far as he remembered. It was scheduled for next year. It was a pretty big job offer. Tetsutetsu had gotten the same offer, he wondered what that job was about.


They celebrated New Year, he really hoped that the next year would continue to be good.




Izuku was still in marital bliss, unlike the previous years he declined to go to Africa. He wanted to stay with his wife and stepson. When the mercenaries were gone, it was always so eerily quiet in the house.

There were still many people around, but they weren’t as loud as some of the members were. Especially Kairi had a very loud organ when she and Miles were on each other's throats again.

He’d love to stay in bed with Lucia all the time, but that wasn’t really possible, and he knew that.

At the moment, Lucia was sitting in front of a big mirror and Izuku was trying to style her hair, she couldn’t really do it on her own anymore. Malka was with him and showed him how to properly tie up hair, all he could do were basic ponytails.

Lucia enjoyed it greatly when he groomed her hair, she crooned the whole time. “Nooo! You have to move the hair that way!” Malka scolded him.

“Sorry!” Izuku grimaced, he couldn’t really do what she wanted him to.

“Take your time, Izu, I don’t mind,” she said.

“Alright, Lucy” he murmured.

It took them about forty minutes to finish her hair. “Do you like makeup too?” Malka asked.

“I … I never really wore makeup, I was born into a military family and makeup wasn’t allowed.” She looked at her with big red eyes.

“Then, why don’t you try it? I can show you how you can highlight your beauty even more. Not that you would need makeup in the first place, so I won’t go overboard.” Malka smiled.

Lucia smiled too, she blushed a little at the compliment. Izuku grinned widely too, it was the greatest thing to see her happy. He watched amazed, at how Malka put on Lucia’s makeup.

She stared at herself in awe, when Malka was done. “Ta-daa” she presented.

“Wow, this really looks good!” Her eyes sparkled when she looked at herself in the mirror. “How do I look?” She turned to Izuku.

“You look so amazing! Malka did a fantastic job! It really suits you.” Smiling, he held out his hand and she grabbed it.

They went for a walk again, they made sure to only stay on the main road, especially with Kieran in tow. It was such a nice day, but Izuku had to admit, that he sometimes missed the snow.

Lucia hadn’t really seen snow her entire life, she remembered one year, they had a little bit of fuzzy snow but it didn’t stay and melted away rather quickly. She had never seen something like that before, of course, she knew what snow was from the internet.


“Snow?” Hua asked. “You have never seen snow before?”

“No, not really” Lucia mumbled. “When you grow up in a country that is at war all the time, you don’t have time to miss things like that.”

“Yeah, I get you, mother was born into war too, she told me about it,” Hua explained. She put a finger on her chin. “I might have an idea”, she grinned.


Izuku, Lucia, Kieran, and Hua with her son Derek arrived at the airport in Kiel, Germany. They left the terminal and they were greeted with massive piles of snow. Lucia stared at the white powder in awe. Kieran clung to Izuku’s hand he looked kinda afraid. He had never seen anything like that.

“Hua! Long time no see!” A girl came rushing over to Hua she hugged her tight. It was her Cousin, Kalina. Mai-Li’s younger sister had married a German man and had moved here after they had left China. Kalina had invited Hua a while ago, but there was never really time, but now she took the opportunity.

“Izuku, Lucia, Kieran, that’s my Cousin Kalina, Kalina, those are Izuku, Lucia, and Kieran” she introduced everyone.

“Hi, it’s so nice to meet you!” Kalina greeted them in English. “Hua told me, you never saw snow before?” She looked at Kieran. But the boy hid behind Izuku.

“Sorry, he is a bit shy,” Lucia said. “And no, we haven’t really seen snow before.”

“Well, don’t worry, stranger danger is a thing, so good that he keeps to his parents” Kalina nodded in understanding. “Anyway, then let’s go. We live a bit outside of Kiel and there is plenty of snow around!”

With that they moved over to the parking lot, Izuku opened the door and let his wife and son in, before he stored the luggage in the trunk, after that he joined them. Derek also sat with them, while Hua sat next to Kalina.

They drove through the snowy city, he was still kinda jumpy when he was in countries with right-hand traffic.

They arrived at a cozy home, they would stay with Kalina and her husband. Kalina welcomed them into their home, it was really cozy here, at first glance. Kalina’s husband Robert was also very welcoming.

They let it go easy the first day and they had to recover from the long flight, so they didn’t do much.


The following day, however, they took Kieran and Derek out to a field, They let them build snow people and snow angels. Kieran was totally fascinated by the snow. He liked to be pulled around on a sled.

They visited some attractions in the city, too and Kieran definitely loved the Aquarium the most. Lucia was so happy to see her boy like this, that he could be finally a child.

The week was over way too soon and they flew back to Thailand. Kieran couldn’t stop talking about all the snow to the other children.


Izuku was very surprised to get a call from Eijiro, even more, when he learned that the other alpha was going to be a father soon, he tried to give him good advice, but he wasn’t sure if he was any help at all.

He always tried to stay in contact with the others, but it was difficult, he didn’t even have time to tell Kacchan that he was married now.

He was constantly occupied by something, Lucia and Kieran were his main focus, but the city too.


The Slasher was back in action, the one that killed male omegas. Kairi was still in Africa and she told him to take care of it.

The main problem was, that he now started to target members of the Russians, the Triads, and the Yakuza too, and they didn’t like that. Izuku felt overwhelmed by everything, he tried to reason with the other prime alphas, in Kairi’s place, but they wouldn’t even consider his words. They wouldn’t listen to a ‘whiney little brat’ like him.

Izuku got rather aggressive when they insulted him. The main problem was, that he didn’t have the necessary might behind his voice, he was not mean enough either.

He listened to them forming a plan to lure that bastard out. Anastasia planned on executing them. She even offered a bounty on their head for everyone that could bring her the head of that bastard.

The Triads and the Yakuza agreed on that too, Izuku felt sick when he heard them making jokes about killing the guy in particular ways. Ginji – the right-hand man of the Yakuza leader – seemed particularly excited. He said that he didn’t care for ‘those male omega fuckers’ but he wouldn’t let it slide that some of their men were targeted too.

Izuku was so repulsed by those people, he let out some foul stench, without notice. “Oi, babyface, you got a problem?” Ginji tilted his head. He had a huge shit-eating grin on his face. Oh, yes, this guy loved to provoke.

“I have a lot of problems with that plan” he growled.

“What? This guy deserves to be killed. He doesn’t play after the rules, we don’t like that.” Ginji’s voice pissed him off so much.

“Still, you guys are hunting him down and want to kill him, what about the prison?” Izuku tried to reason.

“The prison is just for show, it’s for the guys that get caught by the police first, do you honestly think they give those guys fair sentences? They put murderers and petty thieves together, and they bet on whoever stays alive the longest. They don’t give a fuck.” Ginji explained. “Believe me when I say, the guy dies quicker and probably with less pain than in the prison.”

“That doesn’t make it right! The whole prison system should be reworked so that the less extreme inmates are safe! And-“ Izuku stopped when suddenly, a sharp pain appeared on his cheek, he looked over and Ginji’s katana was stuck in the backrest of the couch he was sitting on, droplets of blood covered the thin blade. He hadn’t even seen him move.

“Listen here you little fucker, you are about thirty years too young to order someone around here. We don’t need a twenty-something-year-old to tell us how to run this city. If you ever try that again, I’m gonna carve some nice little patterns into your throat. Do we understand each other?” Ginji came closer, his foul stench burned Izuku’s nostrils. He was so pissed at the alpha, he was tempted to use his prime alpha power, but he figured that this guy could probably resist it, and besides, he was outnumbered by a lot, the other leaders sat there and watched them with interest.

“I understand” he growled.

Ginji scoffed. “What a pathetic, whiny little bitch you are. You’re a prime alpha but you got nothing going for you. You could at least stand your ground a little. How disappointing.” He turned back to his seat.


The rest of the meeting was very intense, he was relieved when he could go. His chin quivered a little, he bit down on his bottom lip. He felt burning hot rage inside of him. Why couldn’t he do anything?

He felt so fucking powerless! He had multiple quirks and this guy looked like he stood with one foot in the grave, so why was he terrified of him? They all had an aura that he couldn’t stand.


He came home, he was still in a very bad mood. Lucia asked him what was wrong and he explained what had happened.

“Well, he is right, you are too young and inexperienced. Why would they respect someone who did nothing for the city and is half the age of most of those people …”

“Yeah, I know you’re right, but it still leaves me so frustrated.”

She hugged him from behind. “I know it must be terrible for you. It is hard to get a hold in a city like that.”

There was not much he could do about it, it was so pathetic, he called Kairi and told her about what happened.

“Yeah, Ginji … he’s an asshole, don’t let him get into your head. I’m coming back soon, hold tight.”

Yeah, easier said than done.


Izuku was walking down the streets in the middle of the night, which was never a good idea in the first place, suddenly his danger sense activated, he felt a spine chill and he changed his directions.

He could hear them from afar, the screaming sounds of absolutely terrified people, he hurried up he needed to help them!

But when he arrived at the scene he stopped in absolute horror. He saw the corpses of at least four male omegas, and amidst the chaos stood two people. Izuku’s body ran cold and an uncontrollable shaking ran through it.

It was a woman and a boy. The woman seemed to be around eighteen, she had skin as white as snow with hair of the same color, but now it was drenched in red color, her blue eyes were cold and merciless.

The boy was maybe eleven or twelve years old. He had black hair and red eyes, and equally, white skin, sprinkled with red. His teeth were sharp. “W-What the hell is going on here?” Izuku heard himself speaking.

The boy had the severed head of one of the omegas in his hand, he was playing with it, a big smile on his face.

“Oh, sister! Can I kill him too?” he asked in a happy voice.

“Yes, brother, he saw us, it is sad because he is an alpha, but there’s nothing we can do about it.

“What? No! What is wrong with you two? Why are you doing this?”

The boy suddenly pounced at him and then he was gone! Izuku looked around frantically but even though danger sense activated he could not block the incoming blow, the boy kicked him in the chest, and Izuku was pushed back. How on earth could a child be that fucking strong? He wasn’t even half of Izuku’s size!

All the air was knocked out of Izuku’s lungs and he crashed into a wall. He coughed violently and tried to get back up but before he could react again, the woman was over him. He could smell a sickly sweet scent and suddenly his body felt numb.

He looked up and tried to move, but paralysis crept through him and slowly but surely he lost the feeling in all of his limbs. “W-Why are you doing this?” His danger sense went haywire when both of them came closer. He tried to activate blackwhip to get away, but not even that would activate. Why the fuck could he not activate his quirks?

He was grabbed by the collar of his shirt and this girl, who was so much smaller than him too, lifted him up into the air as if he weighed nothing. She flung him through the room and he crashed into a storage rack, he couldn’t even feel the impact, so numb was his body.

The boy laughed uncontrollably, it sounded completely mental. His hands were covered in blood and he didn’t even care that he smeared it all over his face when he grabbed onto his cheeks in delight.

“Sister! Can I play with him? I never played with someone that big!” The boy jumped up and down in anticipation.

“Sure … but hurry up, we are here for way too long already,” The girl said, her face was emotionless.

The boy jumped towards him and grabbed his wrist, his grasp was so damn tight that he broke it, even though his body was numb and he couldn’t control his limbs, he still felt the pain. Not that a few broken bones were new to him.

This little boy dragged his heavy prime alpha body halfway across the room towards the other bodies. Izuku tried his best to get control over his body back, he even tried to alpha command the boy, but he didn’t react at all.

Izuku’s head hit something cold and hard. He tried to look around but he didn’t manage to do so. The boy sat astride on top of his massive chest and suddenly his fingers ripped his shirt open and dug into the flesh of his body.

Happily, the claws of the boy tore through his chest and Izuku groaned in pain. The boy lifted his bloody fingers to his mouth and licked the blood.

“Oh, you taste so good! Sister! He tastes so good! Do you want to try?” he looked to his sister, he was in complete ecstasy. “This tastes so much better than those stupid omegas!”

The woman walked closer towards him and she poked in one of the wounds, her finger was dripping with blood when she pulled it out. She licked the blood off. “You are right, he tastes fantastic …” she said in her monotonous voice. As excited as the boy was as cold was she.

The boy leaned down and his sharp teeth dug into Izuku’s skin again and he groaned in pain, he could feel how the boy was sucking his blood.

Why was he losing against two kids? How could this happen? How did he end up in something like this? He was a damn prime alpha! He had One for All as a quirk! How could this fucking happen? He trained so much but why did he lose so badly then?




A voice was in his head, he could feel how the boy drank more and more blood from him, tearing through his chest as if it was paper-mâché. He would die …




His thoughts wandered to Lucia, she would have to go through that all over again … if he died here, she was alone again. What would happen to her? He knew that she would probably break.

He didn’t want to die! No, he would die if this boy continued like that!





Izuku woke up several hours later. He could feel the hole in his chest, blood was running out of his mouth. He looked around, what the hell happened? Did they leave him alive?

He froze again when he saw the boy on the ground, he had a big hole in his chest the girl was next to him she was pierced too. They had cuts all over their bodies.

Totally confused he tried to stand up. His chest hurt so much, now he could feel himself normally again. It burned, it was the worst thing he ever felt.

But much more painful was the fact that he didn’t know how he survived this. Did he … He walked over to the boy and the girl, they were unmistakably dead. Was that his fault? But why couldn’t he remember?

Tears shot into his eyes, no … he couldn’t stay here! He needed to get out! Hot tears streamed over his cheeks when he realized that he was a killer … he must have killed them, how else could he still be alive and they were dead!

He ran through the dark streets, totally in panic and disgust and pain. On his way back he vomited multiple times. He still couldn’t believe it.

Completely out of his mind he stumbled towards the Ridgway mansion. He saw how Kairi and the rest just arrived. Kairi looked up when she saw him coming, her eyes widened and she ran towards him. She caught him before he collapsed on the ground.

“What the hell happened?” she asked.

But Izuku couldn’t answer, he sobbed uncontrollably in her arms. Ian came over and he gave him blood to drink. His chest healed but he was still so in a panic.

“K-Kairi, I think I killed someone!” he managed to say.

She patted his hair. “Show me.”


He was terrified to bring her back to this place, Kairi, Miles, and Ian followed him to the horrid crime scene.

Izuku broke down crying once again when he saw the bodies and when he smelled the stench of death. Ian crouched down next to him, he carefully stroked through the green, messy hair.

Miles examined the crime scene. He rewinded in his inner eye what had happened. “Izuku, you are not a killer” he murmured.

Izuku looked up in confusion. “But how are they dead? No one else was around!”

“No, that’s not true, someone else was here, but I can’t really make out who it was” he growled a little. Only certain people who knew about his quirk could hide their identity from a scene like that.

Kairi sniffed the air. “I think I know …” She closed her nostrils with her thumb and index finger, she cringed. “C’mon let’s visit the Yakuza.”

Kairi pulled her phone out and ordered the cleaners to take care of the crime scene, meanwhile, they went downtown to the Residence of the Yakuza Leader. Izuku was still sniffling, he couldn’t believe Miles and Kairi that he was innocent.

They entered the Akibahara Plaza, it was a small plaza with mostly Japanese folks, they got some strange looks but Kairi didn’t give a fuck. She stormed into Chisora’s hideout. “Yo, Cutthroat, bring me to your boss, asshole” she growled at Ginji who was lounging around.

“Oh, you back? Your little puppy over there tried to make decisions for you, didn’t work too good” He still had a fucking huge grin on his face.

“Stop talking bullshit and bring me to Chisora, or else I punch your remaining fucking teeth out!”

“Oh, now I’m scared” he scoffed, but he stood up and walked them to Chisora’s office.

They entered and Izuku only registered in the back of his head, that this was a luxurious place. Chisora was behind his desk, doing paperwork. “Oh, Kairi, you’re back from Africa? How was it?”

“Eh, we can talk another time, I have something different first.” With her thumb, she pointed back to Izuku over her shoulder. “Midoriya was attacked earlier, and I discovered your stinkhorn’s scent on the scene” with her other thumb she pointed to Ginji, “the killers had cuts all over and very particular holes in their chest. Were you two there too?”

“Yes, we were. We eliminated them.” Chisora answered nonchalantly.

“What happened?”

“The suspects attacked Midoriya. Ginji and I killed them” He shrugged.

“B-But why did you just leave?” Izuku asked.

“We thought you were dead, or wouldn’t make it. Our objective was to kill the siblings, nothing more, nothing less.” Chisora explained.

Behind him collected a strange darkness, it looked like a mix of ash or soot but from his position, Izuku couldn’t really make it out. It looked like moray eels and they had red glowing lights as eyes. They hissed eerily while they floated around him. “It is not our duty to bring him away.”

“Of course not … See Izuku, you’re not a killer.”

“How did you know that we were there?” Izuku asked. Suddenly the eels shot in his direction.

“I have my servants everywhere. If that was all then you can go now. We should really have a talk at a different time, Kairi.” Chisora looked at Kairi, he had a seemingly warm smile on his face, but it gave Izuku chills.

“Sure thing. Let’s go, we got a few things to unpack …”


They came back to the mansion. Izuku was still shivering, he clung to Ian – more because of the blood that he had gotten from him. “Take a shower, Izuku, I’m sure it was a very stressful time. If you need anything you can come to me.” Kairi murmured. “And, sorry for putting you into this position in the first place. It wasn’t fair to do that while I’m gone.”

“I, uh … couldn’t do anything. It’s so frustrating … I tried to stop them from killing just like that … but in the end it was meaningless, I couldn’t reach them.”

“It tends to happen when people only know violence. You can’t reason with them. All of them are too far gone” Kairi explained.

“But you’re different.”

She shrugs. “No, I’m exactly the same … I am not better than them.”

Izuku looked at her, yeah, she was probably right. “Excuse me, I just want to sleep …”

“Sure, do that.”


Izuku went up to his room, he went directly into the shower, Lucia and Kilian were already sleeping, he turned on the shower and washed all the grime and blood and other dried fluids off. His gaze became blurry as water and tears filled his eyes. He sunk to the ground, his whole body was shaking while he cried.

Eventually, he managed to get out of the shower, he felt really numb and his eyes hurt from crying. He dried and dressed himself and then he moved over to the bed. He carefully climbed behind Lucia, Kieran was sleeping next to her. Both of them needed it sometimes. Izuku looked at both of them, a lump in his throat.

He had almost died … and if that had happened, they would be going through the same hell as before. No, he couldn’t do that to her! He pulled her carefully closer and nuzzled his nose against her soft hair. It calmed him down a little bit, even though he was still completely on edge.

Katsuki Bakugo: +5 Years (+Izuku)

January was very busy, so many villains made their way up to the surface, most of them were petty criminals, nothing Katsuki couldn’t handle. Some of the modified Trigger appeared again, it was really a grim sight.

He sometimes visited the orphaned omega children, when he had time. It pained him to see them scared like this. Some of them were highly confused and asked if he was alpha or omega, to his answer that he was both they were baffled, they had never seen someone like him.

Especially one kid he felt sad for. She was such a sweet girl and she really wanted to see her mommies again, but they hadn’t found them yet. He really hoped that the parents were still somewhere alive.

He was emotional every time when he came back, goddammit he wished he could have a pup on his own right now. But no, it was not the time for pups, he wanted to be Number 1 first.


Katsuki was very surprised when Eijiro told him about Mae’s pregnancy. So, Eijiro was going to be a father. He was happy for him, even though Eijiro himself wasn’t so sure about it.

It was funny, back in the days Katsuki was so sure, that he would have Eijiro’s pups one day. But apparently not, he would have neither, Eijiro’s nor Izuku’s and that was okay. Even more, he didn’t want pups with them anymore, he had moved on. His focus was now on Hiroto.

They hadn’t really talked about mating or marrying, but slowly Katsuki felt the wish to mate with Hiroto, he was so head over heels for this guy, and not just for a few months by now. It was over a year now that they were a couple. It was crazy how fast the time passed if you spent it with someone you really liked.

But Katsuki didn’t really know how to bring it up to Hiroto, that he wanted to mate. And his hero work required his full attention most of the time anyway. He would ask him eventually but now was not the time for it.


Toya, Katsuki, and Michiko were in the office, while the other three were out patrolling the area. They currently ate spicy curry from the Indian Place next door, Michiko always had to season the food with her peppers, it was never too hot for her.

They were chatting about the upcoming concert of Kaoru, the currently biggest idol in Japan. He remembered that Eijiro had been a bodyguard for this guy one time and it wasn’t a very pleasant experience from what he had told him.

“So, you’re not a fan?” Toya asked Michiko at the moment.

“Hell nah, I don’t know, his music gives me the creeps. Something’s wrong with the sound and the lyrics and all, I got nothing against violent music, but he overdoes it a little bit” she murmured around two bites of her curry.

“Yeah, his style is a bit over the top” Katsuki agreed. “But then again, it’s absolutely not my type of music in the first place.” He shrugs.

There was a knock on the door and they looked up, the door opened and Toya’s expression turned annoyed. Hawks entered the room he had a happy expression on his face. “Hey!” he called. Michiko covered her nose when she smelled the pregnant omega. It was a bit irritating for her.

“What the fuck do you want?” Toya commented.

“Oh, I just wanted to check up on you, we haven’t seen each other in a while.” Hawks mentioned.

“Well, duh, I don’t want to see you.” Toya hissed.

“Aw, c’mon! Don’t be like that! I helped you too while you were pregnant!” he came closer to Toya.

Toya’s fist crashed onto his desk. “Yeah, but the tiny little difference is, I didn’t want to get pregnant and needed help to get away from Shigaraki, but you, you had all the possibilities to not get knocked up by my father! I still hate him with all my passion, and you knew that, and you did it anyway. Don’t you think my anger is somewhat reasonable?” he growled.

Hawks gritted his teeth a little. “But you know how much I love Enji, can’t you be happy for me? But I also like you as a friend, I always thought we had this connection between us! You want to throw it away?”

“Yeah, you told me multiple times how much you loved Endeavor! I was well aware of that fact and I told you over and over again that I don’t like that! I can’t change your feelings, and I stopped trying to. I also told you what would happen if you try something on him. I told you I would not stand for that and it’s either me or him. You chose him and lost me. Is that so hard to get? Is your bird brain too small to comprehend that? You made your decision, now live with the consequences.”

“So … you don’t even want to see your siblings later?”

“Hell, no?! What makes you think that? I don’t want to see it! And I don’t want to see Endeavor, and I don’t want to see you, Hawks. It is over! It was over the moment you choose to still stay with Endeavor, even though you learned that he was my abusive father.”

“But he changed so much! He really tries his best!”

“Fucking hell, I don’t give a fuck! He can beg for forgiveness as much as he wants, I don’t want to ever give it to him! Some things he can’t change! There is nothing he can ever do to make me forgive him. I literally planned to kill the guy, and just because I got saved by so many people, doesn’t mean everything is peachy between us all of a sudden. I am not like my siblings and even if, there was a slight chance of forgiveness or redemption or whatever, he lost it the moment he decided to sleep with you. Get that in your stupid, love-struck bird brain!”

Hawks let his wings hang down. Katsuki couldn’t really believe it. Was it real love or just an unhealthy amount of admiration for the number 1 hero? An uncomfortable thought crossed his mind, he always admired All Might, but the thought of getting pregnant by All Might was so deeply disturbing to him. He couldn’t even comprehend how Hawks could do it with Endeavor and feel totally okay with it.

Michiko got up now. “Okay, well, Hawks, it was nice to have you here, but you are upsetting Toya, besides, we have to work, so could you please go? He told you everything that you need to know.”

She carefully guided Hawks to the door. “Yeah but …”

“No buts, please go now” she pushed him out of the office without ever touching him and she closed the door in Hawks’ face. She exhaled and looked over to Toya. “Are you okay?”

Toya exhaled and slowly shook his head. “I don’t know … it’s weird. We were friends for so long now and he just throws it away … Or was I in the wrong here?”

“No, absolutely not! You have any right to be upset. I would be too. While I respect Endeavor as a fellow hero, and one of my lifesavers, I can’t condone his past actions against you and your siblings. If you don’t feel comfortable with the whole situation then you don’t have to put yourself into that. It is completely okay if you never, ever forgive him. And you don’t have to forgive Hawks either. You gave him the options and he chose one of them, and as you said, he now has to live with the consequences.”

Toya sank back down on his chair. He ran his hand through his hair. “How about, the three of us go out for a little bit of screaming? I don’t know what you think of Katsuki, but you look like you need a good scream too.” Michiko chuckled.

“That sounds wonderful” Toya murmured.

“Yeah, agreed.” He also mentioned what was on his mind and Toya and Michiko cringed so hard because of that.

“That’s disturbing …”

“Pff, did you know that Shoto thought for a while, that Izuku was All Might’s secret love child?” Katsuki questioned.

“Really? Did he think that? Oh god, my brother …” Toya rolled his eyes really hard.

After that Michiko closed the office and radioed Sougo before she headed off to her car. They all entered and she drove up to the foot of the mountain.

They climbed up to the plateau and Toya screamed until his throat hurt, Katsuki joined him, since he wanted to get the images of him and All Might out of his head.

After that, they went to a bar and got drunk.


Hiroto and Katsuki went out for a date for Katsuki’s birthday. They went to an amusement park. Katsuki loved the roller coaster and the haunted house. It even managed to scare him a little bit.

While Hiroto wasn’t a big fan of the roller coaster he loved the haunted house. He mentioned sarcastically that it reminded him of home.

“Yikes, that is depressing” Katsuki hugged him and gave him a kiss. They moved further along and sat in a café, Katsuki suddenly had to grin, when he saw a group of kids, that had Dynamight masks on. He was undercover, because he wanted to enjoy the day, and not be approached by people.

“Oh, they make merchandise now?” Hiroto asked.

“Yep, I recently had to sign some stuff for my likeliness.” Katsuki sipped at his soft drink.

“Nice! Do you know what they want to do?”

“Hm, they want to make an action figure and some pictures for t-shirts and stuff. Oh, and they plan to include me in ‘Hero Battle Royale 4’.”

“Damn, forever in a video game! Look at you, babe, that’s amazing!” Hiroto grinned and leaned over to pat Katsuki’s shoulder.

“Yeah, as far as I’m aware, Shoto will be included too, the same goes for Tenya, Eijiro, and Ochako. Don’t know about the others though, and if they sign the contracts in the first place.”

“Your old class is going places, not bad, definitely not bad.”

“Yuga starred in theatre lately, I mean, I totally get that somehow, the guy loves the spotlight,” Katsuki mentioned.

“Oh, I think my students talked about that, I haven’t seen it, however” Hiroto murmured.

“I have to go to one of his plays eventually. I’m curious what he does, next to hero work.” Katsuki said.

He didn’t exactly know what some of his classmates did, but he learned that Yuga and Neito were still a couple, he was happy for them, even though he didn’t particularly like Neito.

They continued to walk through the park until it was late at night.


The next day they had lunch with his parents, Mitsuki and Masaru were both very proud of Katsuki. His mother would have never thought that Katsuki would really be that successful when he started out at UA. She of course always hoped it, but she saw how his personality was and she was concerned about that.

She was glad that he turned himself around and that he was now in a much better place. His father supported him as well as he could.


The Moruga Agency as well as The Ingenium Agency were invited to various Middle schools in the Kanto Region to present them the lives and duties of heroes. Especially Sougo as one of the very few quirkless heroes had to talk a lot.

As for Katsuki, many asked him about his transition again and he was happy to explain it to them. Most were very curious and not judgmental.

Tenya gave it his all, and so did the rest of the group. Ochako went plus ultra too. The kids loved Froppy. And Hanta did some tricks with his tape.

Satsuki was very friendly to the kids and after the lectures she let them experience some of her virtual reality.

Kuroko didn’t say much, she was never good with kids and initially didn’t want to come. And Michiko got asked what happened to her arm, she explained that sometimes hero life wasn’t easy and one had to make sacrifices. Katsuki gritted his teeth when he remembered, how he had to cut her arm off. It still sometimes flashed back into his mind.

Sougo explained the function of his greaves, they weren’t just support items, he had shattered his legs while jumping off a building one time and they functioned now as his new legs.

The students were so surprised that heroes could get injured so badly, most of them didn’t expect this.


After one of those presentations Katsuki decided to go with the Ingenium group, they wanted to catch up, Michiko and the others made their way back to their agency.

Tenya explained some of their recent missions to him, and the others chimed in, they were all super excited to talk about their jobs.


He met up with Denki sometimes too, they were on many T.V. interviews about their transitions, Katsuki never liked to be interviewed about that, especially since it was always the same, just for different shows. But it really depended on the host. If they were transphobic assholes – which had happened a few times – he really hated it.

Denki had been absent as a hero for quite some time now, he was still recovering from his surgeries. He got some questions about it and he answered them to the best of his abilities.

Unfortunately, there were still camps that protested against them. “‘Transgenderism’ was not right” they screamed. And those camps were loud. Louder than even five years ago. When Katsuki still had looked like more omega than alpha.

By now Katsuki didn’t even resemble his omega-self anymore, and most of the time his omega only came out when he was in heat, so he was quite pissed off at this one moderator who constantly called him omega. He made it his mission to purposefully misgender him. He was liked by the people who hated transitions, but most of the other people made fun of him because he was so incompetent, transphobic and he still supported alpha supremacy.


Denki and Katsuki were in the break room and Katsuki dreaded the upcoming interview with this one beta female moderator. She was also a nuisance to him. She was quite a nasty reporter too. He couldn’t help but wonder if she was secretly related to the other reporter.

They got called out and both went to the stage and they sat down in the chairs. Katsuki wore scent blockers most of the time, while Denki had switched to collars when his scent became really strong.

The host came onto the stage, she had her big fake T.V. smile plastered on her face. It made Katsuki so angry, he knew that she wouldn’t be open for a discussion, she just wanted to hurt them.

They waited until the intro and everything were over and she turned her attention towards the two.

“Welcome, to the Today Show” she blinked with her ultra-long fake lashes, and Katsuki was so done already. “My name is Teiko Okobore, nice that you have time to be here on the show.”

“Yeah, nice to be here” Denki smiled, Katsuki just nodded.

“So, I am sure many people know you, but don’t you want to introduce yourself quickly?” Everything on her pissed Katsuki off, she had a nasty nasally voice and it made his skin crawl.

“Oh, I’m the Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt” Denki introduced himself.

“And I am the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight” Katsuki murmured. He hated it when she suppressed a laugh by the mention of his hero name.

“I hope it is enough to just call you Dynamight? The entire ‘hero’ name is really a mouthful” she tried to keep herself from laughing and Katsuki was so close to just saying no, that she had to use his full name. Oh well, fuck it.

“Actually, I’d prefer to be called by my full name” he mentioned straight-faced. He could see how her fake smile dropped a little bit.

“Oh, really? Okay, how was it again, just so I get it right” she fake-laughed again.

“Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, you should have informed yourself before the show, Ms. Okobore, it’s really not that hard.” He deadpanned.

“Great Murder Explosion God Dynamight …” She repeated.

“No, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight …”

“That’s what I said!” she looked at him irritated.

“Nope, you switched the Explosion and Murder part …”

She scoffed. “Ahem, well, anyway, we should move on to the topic.” She was visibly uncomfortable, Katsuki chuckled a bit.

“Sure,” he said in a mocking tone.

Teiko turned demonstratively to Denki. “Well, Chargebolt, do you want to talk about your transition? I heard that you changed from Beta to Omega? How did this work?”

“Oh, it basically works like primary transitions. You have to get examinations first, and when your therapist gives the okay, you can start with the hormone treatment, in my case I started with testosterone blockers before I switched over to estrogen to prepare my body for the Omega hormones.”

“Why did you have to change to estrogen? Wouldn’t that transition your primary gender too?

“Well, yes and no, I mean, even if I take estrogen I don’t magically switch genders. It takes some time. My main priority was to get my testosterone down and my estrogen levels up so my body would accept the omega hormones. And yes, my physique changed quite a bit because of the estrogen, but it is not that drastic that I would ever pass as female. Male omegas produce higher amounts of estrogen too, and most of them look like normal males.”

“And why would your body reject omega hormones otherwise?” She tilted her head.

“Omega hormones are really heavy stuff, they change the body massively, even more so than estrogen, but only if all the other hormones in the body are in between the more or less normal levels, otherwise it could come to heavy reactions to the hormones.” He explained.

“What for reactions?”

“Hm, it can have physical effects, like bloating, cramps, headaches or migraines, swelling in certain parts of the body, bleeding from certain parts, back pain, abdominal pain, even heavy mood swings or depression can occur” he listed.

“My, why would anyone want to do that then?” She looked totally confused.

“Because I didn’t feel right as a beta. It made me unhappy and I was always kinda jealous of omegas.” Denki explained.

“So, you think that betas are not valid?” Her voice was suddenly very snappy and she pierced Denki with her cold eyes.

“What?” Denki raised his eyebrows. “That’s not true, everyone is valid. I just said that it wasn’t right for me, I always wished to be an omega and I was very sad when I turned out beta. Nothing more, nothing less. The most important thing is, that you feel comfortable in your own body and dynamic.”

“Do you think anyone should have the chance to change their secondary gender?” She raised one perfectly trimmed eyebrow.

“I mean, yeah! It can improve the life and health of so many people, everyone should get the chance to transition their secondary gender if they feel uncomfortable. It’s the same with their primary gender.”

“Did you change your pronouns too? Isn’t that something you people do?”

“No? I’m still male and go by he/him? I just transitioned my secondary gender to omega.”

“Do you had like … surgery? I mean, how else could you get pregnant?”

Katsuki cringed at that. Denki frowned. “Uh, yeah, there are surgeries out there, that can grant male beta-to-omegas an artificial uterus. But you are not required to have a uterus to be an omega, not every omega needs to have pups. It’s more about the general feeling.” He explained. He of course knew what she was trying to do.

“But isn’t it the main reason why anyone wants to change to omega in the first place?”

“Uh, well, some might have this as a reason, I can’t speak for everyone. I want to have a family later, but that doesn’t mean that every beta-to-omega has to have that too. Even if you never get the surgery, you are still a valid omega, and even if you don’t start with hormones at all, you are still an omega if you feel like one!”

Teiko looked really annoyed. “Right … since that’s so easy … Everyone can transition and can be whatever dynamic they want …”

“They definitely should have the option to do so” Denki murmured.

“Thanks, Chargebolt,” she fake smiled and cleared her throat, “Murder God Dynamight, you changed from omega to alpha, right?”

“Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight” he corrected her.

“Yeah, whatever.”

He scoffed, he really wanted to act upon the Murder part in his title. She was such a dumb bitch. “Yes, I transitioned from Omega to Alpha.”

“I mean, I kinda get the beta to omega, since betas don’t have like an inner beast like Alphas and Omegas do, or at least not such a strong one. But how is that with you people?”

He clicked his tongue. “It’s basically the same, first an evaluation, then hormone treatment, and if one wishes surgeries” he quickly explained. “I got some testosterone treatments during my school time, but since I am male it wasn’t such a drastic change, as with Chargebolt. I had no side effects, from the treatment, I had to get my testosterone levels up so I could start using Alpha hormones” he explained. “My inner omega heavily clashed with my inner alpha, which was freaky in the beginning, but by now it only comes out during my heats” he had crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“You have still heats?”

“Yes. They won’t go away, no matter how much alpha hormones I take.”

“What about you, do you have heats, Chargebolt?”

“Yep, in the beginning, I had to induce heats via medication but by now I get them around six times a year,” Denki answered.

“And your heats?”

“In the beginning every month, but it becomes less and less, I am down to nine heats per year by now,” Katsuki murmured.

“But doesn’t this prove that you are still omega, no matter how hard you try to mask it?”

“Well, duh, that’s why I am an alpha-omega! I know that I am never going to be to a hundred percent an alpha.”

“Alpha-Omega? What does that mean, haven’t heard of that term yet.”

“It just means that I am an Alpha that used to be an omega.”

“And what about Omega-Alphas then? Are those ‘a thing too’?”

“Yes, that are alphas that transitioned to omegas. I have met one and it was quite impressive to see.” Katsuki thought about Stella for a few seconds. “She took it even one step further and transitioned from male alpha to female omega.”

“That’s complicated” she commented.

“No, not really …” Katsuki said in a monotone voice.

Teiko shot him a nasty glare but caught herself. “What about you? Can you still have pups? And what about a knot? Did you get a fertility boost? Omega semen is pretty infertile, how would you ever impregnate anyone?”

“What are those questions?” Katsuki growled.

“Important ones, for all the people out there, they deserve to know!”

He scoffed. “Yeah sure. Yes, no, no, and I don’t intend to impregnate anyone” he grumbled.

“So you are not really an alpha, I mean, alphas definitely have knots and super high fertility, plus males can’t carry pups, only females can.”

Denki and Katsuki cringed at that. “I am an alpha, lady. As Chargebolt said, it’s all about the feeling. Not just the body!” he bared his teeth a little.

He would love to knock her out with his scent, but he had to stay strong, this would be bad publicity if he just knocked her out and left.

“But you don’t have the necessary means to be an alpha, you’re even smaller than the average alpha!”

“What the hell? I’m 6’3”, that’s not that much smaller than natural-born male alphas” he growled.

“But most adult male alphas start at 6’5” so it is smaller.”

“Lady, I used to be 5’8” give me a break here.” He scoffed. Denki looked over to Katsuki.

“Besides, isn’t it bad for all male omegas, if such a well-known omega like you just decides he’s an alpha from one day to the other?”

“I am not an omega! And this didn’t come overnight, I am transitioning for the past six years!” he growled a little. “And why should it be bad? I don’t say every male omega should transition to alpha! I mean, Chargebolt is a male beta-to-omega, he clearly wants to be an omega, and I know many male omegas who don’t have a problem with being omegas. It’s just nothing for me. And hell, what Chargebolt earlier said that there should be much more information about transitioning out there is totally true. It took me an outsider from another country to tell me, that omega-to-alpha transitions are even possible.”

“So this person coerced you into thinking you could ever be an alpha?”

“I … wha-? Seriously how do you pull so much shit out of your ass? That’s not what I said! She just informed me, that it is possible for omegas to transition to alphas. I thought I would be forever stuck in my omega body.”

Denki reached over to him to calm him down, he was getting very aggressive. But he could understand how he felt, he was annoyed too.

“Please, don’t use such language! That is not suited for younger children.” She advised him.

“Then don’t do such crap.” He countered. “Anyway, my final message for everyone out there, from any dynamic, you can transition and if you feel that’s the right thing for you, you should go through with it, it helps! And now, would you excuse me, I’ll go now, I have a hero job to do …” With that Katsuki stood up and left.

“Uh, yeah, he’s right, uh, I need to head off too. I got also hero work to do. See you!” With that, he followed Katsuki quickly.

They headed back to the break room. “One moment longer and I would have ripped her head off,” Katsuki growled.

“I get you, she’s terrible.”


Many people really liked the interview, it helped them a lot, not Okobore’s commentary, but what Katsuki and Denki had said. But many criticized them too. The extremists cursed at them, that they wanted to corrupt the youth.

Alphas should stay alphas and Omegas should stay omegas. Katsuki grimaced at that. Yeah, and better Omegas went back into the kitchen and gave up all their rights and became little pets for the alphas, right …


July came around and Katsuki headed off to help with the flood in Niigata. It was absolutely terrible, and the person who did this had escaped into the ocean. He felt really bad for the people that had lost their homes or their lives.

When he came back, he heard that Hawks had given birth to twins, Shoto was so not happy, and neither was Toya. He sat with the family in their home, Hotaru was on his lap. Rei seemed really nonchalant about it. She would always comment, that they were both adults and could do whatever they wanted. She didn’t care about it.

Natsuo openly hated on Hawks and Endeavor, and even Fuyumi didn’t know how to feel about that, she tried her best, and she had contact with her father, but the whole situation was heavy for her too.

Hotaru didn’t really get what the problem was, she drew a picture that depicted Toya, Sougo, and herself.

Later that evening, Toya and Katsuki sat outside, they drank beer together. “How is it going with you and Sougo? I saw that Hotaru is drawing pictures of you three?”

“Hm, yeah, she basically sees Sougo as her dad now” he explained.

“Does she know?” Katsuki tilted his head.

“No, I haven’t told her about Shigaraki, with luck she will never have to meet him. I mean, if she wants to know I will tell her, but I hope this never comes up.”


“And well, with Sougo, it’s going great, I mean … I think I … I want to mate with him.”

“Really? You would do that again?”

“Hm, yeah, I had a lot of talks with my therapist about re-mating, and I don’t know, they told me that it could sometimes help, but I shouldn’t do it if I am not a hundred percent sure. You see, Sougo gave me time and all, he treats me really well and this is something I never had before. Hiko was cruel, I was lucky she didn’t forcefully mate me, Shigaraki was an asshole too so that some fucked up guy like me, who had never a good relationship in his life, could end up with someone so good … it sometimes feels like a fever dream, and I am afraid that I wake up one day and I am still in Hiko’s claws or next to Shigaraki somehow.”

Katsuki nodded. “Yeah, I totally get that.”

“But I am also scared to ask him, what if he doesn’t want to mate with me? What if I am not good enough? I mean, I clearly never was good enough!” he gritted his teeth.

“That’s bullshit! You are most definitely good enough!” he grabbed Toya’s hand and squeezed it.

Toya leaned his head on Katsuki’s shoulder. “I wish this stuff were easier for me … That’s why I hate him too, he ruined my chance of a normal life …” Toya grabbed his arm, and his fingers traced over the burned skin.

Katsuki wrapped his arm around Toya and pulled him closer.


Katsuki was kinda shocked when he sat with Eijiro, Tetsutetsu, and Shoto on Eijiro’s porch and he learned that Deku had mated again. He couldn’t really believe that he should talk to the guy from time to time. He had so much in his head, that he completely forgot to check up on Deku.

He felt really bad, but … then again, Deku could have called too, right?

When he got home he called Deku, it took some time, but he eventually answered.

«Hm?» his voice was monotone.

“Uh, hey, Deku, how are you doing?”

«Hm, doing okay» he murmured. It definitely didn’t sound like he was okay.

“Really? You don’t sound like it.”

«What do you want, Kacchan?» he sounded a bit annoyed.

“I … I just wanted to check up on you … I realized we haven’t spoken all year and Eijiro mentioned, you are married now” Katsuki explained.

«Yes, I am» he answered.

“That’s great to hear” Katsuki really didn’t know what to say, was he mad that he hadn’t called him more regularly? “Congratulations.”

«Thanks … Was that all?» His voice sounded so tired.

“Hm … y-yeah I-” before he could even end his sentence, Izuku had hung up. Katsuki felt a lump in his throat. He bit down on his lip, what was Deku’s damn problem? He threw his phone on the couch and he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“What’s wrong?” Hiroto asked, he came out of the shower.

“Deku was kinda weird on the phone, and he hung up on me …” He stood up and walked over to his boyfriend, he wrapped his arms around him.

“Maybe he’s going through something? You said the city he lives in is quite dangerous?”

“Hm, yeah, that’s true … I don’t know” Katsuki sighed and gave Hiroto a kiss.


At the end of September they visited Eijiro and Mae to see the new pup, Katsuki was so delighted to hold the little one. Both his alpha and omega chirped in joy. Mae was close to him, to make sure her baby was secure.

Holding the pup hit him hard, it was one thing to be around toddlers and younger children all the time – he still visited the orphaned children – but a newborn, that was on a whole different level.

He was still fawning over the pup several days later. Hiroto chuckled, Katsuki was so much in baby fever.


His heat came up at the end of September and he begged Hiroto to pup him – he couldn’t get pregnant, because he was on birth control, but his heat-ridden brain ignored that.

He grabbed the frame of the headrest of his bed, he was on his stomach and Hiroto pounded into him. It was one of the rare times, that Katsuki completely bottomed for Hiroto, he wanted to have pups so bad that he even presented for him.

Hiroto played along, he knew that he would upset the blonde otherwise.

They were cuddling, while they regained their stamina, they shared more and more kisses, Katsuki looked to Hiroto. “Do you want to mate me?”

Hiroto’s eyes widened a little. “Is this really something you want?”

“Yes, I wanted to do it for so long now! I want to stay with you!”

Hiroto looked at him with a huge grin. He rolled over and covered Katsuki’s body with his own. “Then it would be an honor” his rough tongue licked over the junction of Katsuki’s neck and shoulder where his scent gland was. His teeth got sharper when he bit down into the skin. Katsuki under him moaned louder when he could feel the bond that he created.

The alpha stopped and turned them over so that Katsuki was now on top of him. Katsuki pulled him up into a sitting position and he mounted Hiroto’s dick, while he licked over the scent gland before he also bit down.

Hiroto started to move a little and Katsuki moved his hips to his tact. They worked wonderfully together, like cogs in a machine.

It was the best heat that Katsuki had so far. The intensity after they mated was tenfold. Damn, but he really wished now he could get pregnant …


When Katsuki woke up after his heat, he felt Hiroto next to him. He looked over and he still couldn’t believe it, that this man belonged to him now.

He wondered if he should propose to him now, or if he should wait for Hiroto to propose? Did he want to get married officially? He snuggled up to his mate and he stayed in bed with him much longer.


When he returned to work in October, the others perked up to his changed smell. “Oh my god, you finally mated!” Toya grinned.

“Yeah, we finally did it!” The others congratulated him. He could see, how Toya stared longingly at Sougo. When they were alone he nudged the omegas arm.

“Why don’t you just ask him? I’m sure he wants it too.”

“It’s still kinda scary.” Toya sighed. “What if he says no?”

“I could ask him.”


“Yeah, I could ask him if he’s interested in mating you.”

“Hmmm, I don’t know …” He thought for a while. “No, I will ask him in my upcoming heat. I want to do this myself, it would feel strange if someone else had to ask for me.”

“Then I wish you the best of luck!”


The hero rankings were great, Katsuki was so happy to be almost in the top ten. He could feel Endeavor's disappointment that he had lost the Number 1 title.

He saw Hawks around too, he looked rather sad that Endeavor still hadn’t claimed him, well, too bad for him, Katsuki thought, but he didn’t really care.


At the end of November it finally happened for Toya too, everyone was happy for him, he definitely deserved the happiness!


Christmas was very special this year, they met Katsuki’s parents for the first time after they had mated. Mitsuki was so excited. They had a wonderful Christmas Eve.


Briefly, Katsuki thought of calling Izuku again, but then he remembered the last time they had spoken, and he decided against it. He really wanted to tell him, that he was married too, but he figured Izuku would not be interested in it anyways.

Katsuki raised his eyebrows when Michiko told them, they had an invitation from the Koka Tanso Agency, they asked for cooperation.

New Year was great again, the fireworks illuminated the night sky over the city, while loud screams echoed from the mountain.




Following the incident, life became only harder for Izuku, he had massive flashbacks almost every night of sharp claws ripping through his flesh, sharp teeth, and a sickly sweet scent. He had very strong and vivid nightmares, and it wouldn’t get better, no matter what he did.

Lucia stayed close to him as much as she could. She knew the feelings he was going through way too good. She went through them too. And even though her near-death experience was years ago, she was still plagued by it.

Izuku talked with Kairi a few times about it, but this was probably a mistake. She was constantly seeking death and she couldn’t probably grasp how it felt for him. She tried to, but just couldn’t.

After a few days of sulking in his bed, next to Lucia, he got up again, he couldn’t stay in there forever. Even though he wished he could. He returned to his usual routine, he worked, he ate normally, he sometimes even followed Kairi to the meetings, he faked it pretty good, he thought. The appearance of a normal life. But it felt so dull for most of it, he was numb inside.

Lucia was the only one who could bring joy in the strict gray of his mental world.

He had episodes where it was better, he could do more stuff then, but he slipped every so often into total darkness in which he couldn’t move out of his bed. Even going to the toilet was a task almost too heavy for him.

The more violence he witnessed, the deeper he seemed to fall. But it was routine by now. He walked through the streets of the red light district one night when he heard how one of the omegas was being molested.

“Hey, please stop! You can’t do that!” the woman tried to push the alpha away, but he grabbed her hand.

“Oh, c’mon babe, that’s your job, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, but you won’t pay, so I won’t go with you! Now leave me alone!” She tried again.

“No, fucking way!” He came even closer to her.

“Oi, fucker, stay away from her” Izuku growled, his head was suddenly very empty, he was in a bad episode and he was annoyed.

“Huh? What are you saying asshole?” The alpha let her go – the woman used that to run away – and he fixated on Izuku.

With a blank stare, he looked at the man. “That’s shameful behavior if you don’t have money then don’t bother these hard-working people” Izuku commented.

“The fuck is wrong with you? Because of you, the girl escaped!” The alpha tried to intimidate Izuku, but it had no effect.

Annoyed by this guy, Izuku used blackwhip to shove him into a back alley. He walked after him, hands in his pockets. “Yeah, good. She doesn’t need to be assaulted by a fucker like you” Izuku growled. His eyes started to glow. “People like you piss me off. You think you can take everything just because you’re an alpha, don’t you?”

“Yeah, what the fuck’s wrong with that? I deserve it!”

“Hell no, you don’t, you’re just scum.”

“Oh, and you’re a saint then?”

“Never said that, but at least I don’t prey on omegas.”

“Pah, dickhead, you’ll pay for that!”

The man charged at Izuku but the prime caught the fist. He gave him a strong right hook and with the guy stumbled back.

Agitated he caught himself before he charged again at Izuku.


Izuku walked through the streets, the people avoided him when they saw his empty eyes and the blood splattered on his face. He hadn’t killed the guy, but he had beaten him up. Blood was on his knuckles too.

He could see and feel the angst in them but he just didn’t care.


He came home, Kairi raised an eyebrow at him. “Did ya beat someone up?” She asked.

“Yeah, he molested an omega.”

“Ah” she nodded. That was it, she didn’t even ask what the hell happened to him.

His own mother on the other hand was mortified when she saw him all bloody. “Oh, Izuku, what happened to you? Are you feeling alright? I-Is that your blood?” She didn’t know if she wanted the answer to that. Was it better or worse if it wasn’t his blood?

“Just got into a fight” he moved past her. She tried to stop him but he moved quickly up into his room. He didn’t have the strength to discuss this now.

He walked into the bathroom and undressed his jacket and shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror. It was a devastating sight, he had dark rings under his eyes, his skin had a tan from all the sun he was exposed to, but at the same time, it looked weirdly pale. The smudged blood on his face was a stark contrast to his skin tone.

His eyes were dead at the moment. Sometimes the shine came back, but he felt himself slipping more and more. He realized that his eyes looked more and more like Kairi’s. Dead. Did he slowly turn into one of the ‘living dead’, as she called them all the time?

Izuku opened the faucet and he let the water run over his bloodied knuckles, they washed the blood away, but the strange feelings were still in his head. He felt his vision become dizzy, he quickly cleaned himself, before he walked over to his bed.

He crawled into it and pulled the blankets over him, he could feel it coming, a heavy dark episode. He wished that Lucia was here with him, but she was not at the moment.


When Katsuki called him, he was in a very bad mood. He was alone in his dark room, Lucia was downstairs, taking care of her son, she couldn’t always stay with him. even though he wished it.

He contemplated if he should even answer the phone, but the ringing was so damn annoying … He grabbed it and answered when he saw that it was Katsuki.

“Hm?” he murmured, he just couldn’t bring himself to sound excited. He was kind of happy to hear Katsuki’s voice, or he would be any other time, but right now he was deep in.

«Uh, hey Deku, how are you doing?» Bad, absolutely not good, he thought, I got nightmares, I feel myself losing it. Not even Lucia can help me. Am I turning into a monster now? A monster covered in blood? Oh, I was attacked by a child and a teenage girl and they almost killed me, I still have massive nightmares about it. Can you believe it? I can’t get my mind off of it.

“Hm, doing okay” he answered instead. Katsuki didn’t need to be bothered by all of this, it wasn’t right to burden him with his near-death experience, his slipping of humanity, and overall doubts.

«Really? You don’t sound like it.» Because I feel absolutely not okay! I’m losing my mind right now while we’re talking! But I still want no one to know. I don’t want to stress you with my negativity. It’s my problem, not yours.

“What do you want, Kacchan?” A slight tone of annoyance was in his voice. He didn’t mean to sound annoyed by Katsuki, but he was just so irritated at the moment, his mind went haywire and he couldn’t focus on something.

«I … I just wanted to check up on you … I realized we haven’t spoken all year and Eijiro mentioned, you are married now» Katsuki explained himself.

Too many words, way too fast, he couldn’t concentrate on so much stuff while his mind was racing and throwing loops and gave him whiplash. “Yes, I am” he just murmured. He only got the married part out of it.

«That’s great to hear … Congratulations.» He thought he could hear some uncertainty in Katsuki’s voice, did he startled him by being so cold? Honestly, at the moment he couldn’t be bothered. He wanted to go back to sleep. His headache was killing him.

“Thanks … Was that all?” he was so damn tired. Sleep, he wanted to go back. His eyes were already closing.

«Hm … y-yeah, I-” He didn’t even care that Katsuki was about to say something before he hung up. He threw his phone across the room, not caring that it got destroyed from that, he turned around in his bed and he pulled the blanket over him.


Sleep wasn’t easy, his mind was racing and he couldn’t find rest, he was so sleep deprived even though he was in bed for almost 48 hours now, but he was awake for most of it.

Lucia was next to him, she was sleeping, he looked at her, while silent tears spilled over, she was really the best thing that had happened to him, yet he couldn’t fully appreciate her, not in the way she deserved it anyway. He was failing as a mate, would she leave him, because he couldn’t keep it together?

He bit down on his bottom lip until he tasted blood in his mouth. He pressed his hand on his mouth, to stifle his sobbing, he didn’t want to wake her.

But Lucia felt it over their bond. She woke up to see her distressed mate. She turned around and placed a hand on his cheek. “Hey, what upsets you so greatly?”

“I … I am afraid” Izuku confessed.

“About what?” she moved closer to him.

“That you’ll leave me, because I’m a bad mate, that I’m losing it all, that I’m losing my mind.”

It pained Lucia to see him like that, she knew the state he was in. She shook her head. “No, baby, you will never gonna lose me. We will stick together! You go through a very rough time, but you didn’t give up on me when I was in anguish and neither will I! Look, everyone is going through hardships. Especially in a city like this. It’s eating you up from the inside. I can see it, you are suffering so much …”

More tears were streaming out of Izuku’s eyes, she held him in her arms. “You can always count on me, Izuku, when something’s bothering you, you can talk to me, you don’t need to carry all of this alone.”

“But how can I talk about this when you had it so much worse?”

“That’s bullshit, my suffering is not worse than yours. I went to hell and back, and you are currently in hell and you have to find your way back. You listened to me all the time when I just wanted to talk about stuff, and when I didn’t want to talk, you just sat with me for hours! Let me do the same for you too.”

Izuku started to sob louder, he pressed his face against her chest, she wrapped her arms around him, to soothe him. She was aware that her arms couldn’t give him much warmth, they were just cold metal, it saddened her. She let him cry as long as he needed to.

“I just feel like everything is slipping from me, this city, it takes everything from me. I feel like I’m losing my empathy. Just the other day I beat someone into a bloody pulp. I fear that I will become just like them …”

“Living in places like this hardens people emotionally, that is true,” she whispered in his ear, “but you won’t lose your empathy completely. Izuku, you’re a very nice and empathetic person, but everyone has their breaking point. This is a defense mechanism, you turn yourself into a robot to protect yourself from the world outside. That’s what they do too, but the difference is, they never put the robot façade down, they keep it up that’s why they seem so cold. That’s why they have so many antisocial tendencies. If you were to leave the city, you may find yourself opening up again.”

Izuku looked up at her. “Do you really think that?”

“Of course, I mean, I was emotionally unstable too, and I only warmed up because of your warmth. You offered me a hand and I took it, I let myself fall into all these new emotions that I rarely experienced before and you caught me, when I ran the risk of getting lost in it. Getting out of Africa was the best thing that could have happened to me. And who knows, maybe it’ll help you too if you get out of Thailand?”

“But where could we go? I’m not sure if I want to go back to Japan, I’d feel so out of it …”

“Hm, maybe we should choose a save country, we could ask the others, I heard Jay and Sam are from Australia, which is a very safe country, and Joseph and Leigh are from Ireland, which is also very secure.”

He thought about it for a while. “Yeah, maybe this could help me …”


Izuku and Lucia walked down a while later, most of them were relaxing in the living room, they were drinking. “Hey” he murmured.

“Yo, Izuku, how’s it going?” Jay asked.

“Not good, actually” he murmured. They looked towards him and Lucia.

“Oh, what’s the matter?” Kairi asked.

“I think the city is destroying me. Ever since I got attacked … I feel like I’m slipping more and more. And I can’t do this anymore.” He exhaled deeply.

“Hm, seems about right” Miles murmured. “You ain’t cut to survive here on the long run.”

“Yes, that’s why I wanted to ask, which country is safer? Ireland or Australia? I don’t want to go back to Japan, but I don’t want to continue living here.” He looked around

“Aye, Ireland is pretty secure, they have a good hero system too,” Joseph said.

“Australia is not too bad either, but we still have giant dangerous creatures that are definitely out there to kill you …” Sam murmured. “I mean like spiders, crocodiles … snakes, snakes that eat crocodiles, more spiders, lizards, frogs that eat snakes, spiders as big as cats” he counted.

“Okay, okay, stop! That’s just creepy!” Izuku cringed. Lucia chuckled next to him.

“Oh well, I had a snake in my toilet once, I smashed the toilet,” Jay said. Ian cringed when he heard that.

“Honestly, I’d do the same.” He shuddered.

“There is nothing better when you walk into your kitchen and want to make yourself a nice coffee before work and there is this massive spider on your coffee maker. I was like, nope! Not dealing with that today.”

“Okay, Ireland it is!”

“Hahahaha, don’t worry, we have cute sheep” Leigh murmured.

“You could even stay on our sheep farm. Pa’s getting old and I’m sure he’d let you live there for free if ya help him with the sheep. And don’t know it has something therapeutic to work with sheep. We sometimes go back and stay with Pa for a while. It helps to calm down and relax.” Joseph added.

“That’s true! I lived there for like two years or so and it was honestly the best time” Kairi murmured. “No killing, no people that were out to get me, just peace and quiet, and sheep, lots of sheep … maybe a few cows, and a horse or two,” she thought about that.

“You were on a sheep farm?” Izuku asked.

“Yeah? Am I not allowed to?” She raised her eyebrows.

“Oh, no, of course, you are, it was just never on my mind that you could do anything else like this here” Izuku pointed around him.

“Well, I was much younger then, t’was a time before I even had Malka.”

“So, should we call Pa, that you are coming?” Joseph asked.

“Yeah, but I have to ask my mom if she wants to come with us too, or if she wants to stay here, or go back to Japan or whatever.”

“PAM, please, inform Inko that she should come over to this room,” Kairi said.

“Yes, ma’am.”

A few minutes later Inko arrived. She had a worried look on her face. “Izuku, is everything okay?”

“No, not really. That’s why I wanted to talk to you. I’m leaving Thailand. Lucia, Kieran and me will move to Joseph’s and Leigh’s sheep farm in Ireland, I wanted to ask you, what you’re going to do. Do you want to come with us, do you want to stay here, or go back to Japan?”

Inko sat down next to Izuku, she thought about it for a while. “Would you want me to come with you?”

“Of course, you would be very welcome to come with us. But you already started new once, I don’t want to force you to something” Izuku said.

“How would be the living situation?” Inko asked.

“Oh, the cottage he’s living in is very small. Pa lives high up far from most technology, only he and his sheep. But Pa’s over 85 by now, so I don’t know how long this will go good.” Leigh explained. “The next village is a few kilometers away.”

“Maybe I could move to the village then? I’m sure this would be possible? I would still be close but not too close?” Inko tilted her head.

“Yeah, that would be good.” Izuku smiled.

“Maybe, you can convince Pa to move into the city too, Ma tries for years to get him off his mountain, he has some heart problems and if he really needs help, the doctors wouldn’t arrive in time probably,” Leigh said.

“Well, maybe over time we can convince him, I don’t want to come off as overly pushy, like now we’re here, so move out old man,” Izuku said. “But what do you think? Or is that too far out for your liking? You have sometimes heart problems too, right?”

“Hm, yes, but the difference is, you could probably bring me back into the city in no time. You got so fast. So I wouldn’t be too concerned.” She looked at him.

“Okay, then, I’ll go ask Pa” Leigh left the room.

It took a while to arrange everything, the September almost ended when they sat foot on Irelands grounds. Joseph, Leigh, and Kairi were with them. Kieran was in awe when he saw the new surroundings. They left the city of Galway and they made their way deeper into the country. They left the last city and they drove higher up it became more remote the further they drove.

They eventually came to the Cullys’ Sheep Farm. “Hey, Pa!” Leigh called out.

An old man appeared out of the shed, he wore farmer’s clothing and he made his way over to them. Shortly they talked in Irish and Izuku didn’t understand them. Kairi hugged John Cullys briefly, she seemed happy to meet him again.

“Well, John, those are Izuku Midoriya, with his wife Lucia and his step-son Kieran,” Kairi introduced them, “and that is his mother, Inko.”

“Aye, nice ta meet ya. I’m John Cullys” he said in broken English. “Ya lot want ta stay on me sheep farm?”

“Yes, if that’s not a problem for you, sir” Izuku answered.

“Not at all, I looked for someone who can take care of everything here.” He gestured to his farm. “C’mon in.” he walked them over to his cottage. It was really small and it would need a bit of fixing but it was really cozy, it had two bedrooms, one for Izuku and Lucia and one for Kieran. Well, Kieran would stay with his parents as long as John was around, but he planned on leaving for the city when Izuku and Lucia knew the drills. He would probably stay the winter with them to help them with the sheep.

While they got used to everything, Kairi and Inko made their way back to the next village, where she had bought Inko a house. It was big enough that Izuku, Lucia, and Kieran could comfortably live with her if the sheep farmer's life was nothing for them.


The beginning was hard, especially since they started in the fall and winter months, the house definitely needed some fixing, Izuku focused on that.

John was a nice person, but very stubborn at times, he taught them everything about sheep, it was a lot but it was actually kinda fun. Izuku and Lucia were impressed by how much he could still do at his age.

Next to his sheep, he had two horses, four cows, two dogs, and some chickens, he rarely went down to the city to get supplies, mostly for bread, but vegetables and fruit he had in his garden too. He usually made money by selling the wool of his sheep.

Izuku and Lucia had sometimes trouble handling everything in one day with two people, so it was astounding how he managed this on his own.

It was hard for them, and it would only get harder next year when Kieran would join the school in the village. Izuku would have to fly him out in the morning. That shouldn’t be a problem since he wouldn’t leave the farm much otherwise.

They invited Inko over at Christmas, she brought some things to eat with her. John was happy to have some company.

Izuku felt better already, the fresh air was so much different from the polluted air in Batoh. Tending to the sheep was so much better than dealing with all the thugs or going to war.

He still wished he could help more people, but he was so burned out from his experiences that he just couldn’t. If someone had asked him a couple of years ago, if he ever did not want to help someone, he would have said no, he would always want to save people.

But now he just couldn’t. He hoped it would go away, the feeling of repulsion. He felt ashamed to admit this to himself but how could he help someone when he was not even able to help himself? No, he needed just a little time for himself and his wife and his son. And a lot of sheep.

Sometimes he would go into the sheep shed and cuddle with the big fluffy sheep. Yes, the smell of dozens of sheep was so much more relaxing than the smell of blood and gore.

Izuku sincerely hoped, the next year would be better. He couldn’t take more of that bullshit anymore.

Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +6 Years – Mission: Underground (1) (+Izuku)

In the second week of January, the alphas of the Red Steel Agency were invited to the Koka Tanso Agency. They met up with the alphas of the Moruga Agency and they went together. Mezo and Rikido were also invited, the same was with Jurota Shishida. Fat Gum and Mirko joined them too.

“I wonder what’s going on here,” Michiko murmured, she knew the members of the Koka Tanso Agency. They weren’t heroes, but members of the Special Military Forces. While Heroes usually took the cases inland, the military was sent abroad.

They entered the building and a very strict-looking guy in his mid-thirties greeted them. Eijiro got vibes that reminded him a little of Sir Nighteye. “You must be the heroes that Saeko requested …” His voice sounded extremely condescending. Okay, he was definitely not like Sir Nighteye. He had jet-black hair with a single gray strand and purple eyes.

“Shintaro …” Michiko grumbled. The guy looked over at her.

“You again, huh, what is Saeko thinking in hiring you lot?” He exhaled. “Follow me, we don’t have much time.”

Michiko grimaced. “What’s the matter?” Katsuki asked.

“Saeko and I don’t exactly get along. He is difficult.” Michiko sighed.

“He?” Eijiro asked.

“Yeah, while born female, he was raised as a man. He doesn’t present as male but identifies as such. Whatever you do, don’t call him ‘she’, or suggest anything feminine in his direction. You will regret it.” Michiko grimaced again. “I made this mistake once, because no one told me, since then he dislikes me.”

“Oh, good to know.” Eijiro nodded.

They entered the large office and behind the desk was Saeko. He looked through some files. “Saeko, the heroes have arrived,” Shintaro answered. Saeko was his oldest brother.

He looked up, sharp crimson eyes pierced the ranks of the heroes. He stood up, similar to Michiko, he had long hair in a hime-cut, it was hard for Katsuki to tell if his hair was red or black, it depended on the light that hit it. Saeko was an alpha, a massive one at that. He was at least as large as Eijiro. He wore a sleeveless, skin-tight, dark red turtleneck, and grey military pants as well as black combat boots.

He came around the desk. “Thanks, you can go now, Shintaro.” He walked with firm steps in front of the heroes.

“Well, good that you followed our request”, he began. “Some of you know what we are doing, but I guess for the new ones I’ll need to explain it.” He sounded a little bit annoyed.

“The Kokasumi family is part of Japan’s special forces for generations. Unlike heroes, we rarely have jobs inland, we are stationed in war zones, mainly in Africa or Korea. But last year, we got tipped off about Trigger X. The police asked us if we could go undercover and investigate that further since we are not heroes, and we are not publicly known. But while we were investigating the Trigger X cases, we instead found something much, much worse.”

“What is it? We have been investigating Trigger X for years but it was stagnant for so long” Fat Gum mentioned.

“Yes, they left the country for some time, but now they are back. Anyway, this is not so much about Trigger X. What we found was a whole illegal underground fighting community, I wouldn’t give to fucks about illegal fighting clubs if they were just that. But they are also a human auction.”

They gasped, damn, not that again! Katsuki growled when he thought back to the human trafficking ring a couple of years back. Eijiro clenched his fists and he looked over to Tetsutetsu, his partner nodded. Rikido and Mezo looked also very determined to do something about it.

“They have so far the largest amount of slaves we have ever seen. My brothers were down there undercover and the conditions are the worst. It’s an alpha supremacy group and they keep the omegas in the worst conditions possible. My brothers are trying to prepare for the operation, but unfortunately, we don’t have enough manpower to stop them even if the Izo Family joins us, that’s why I have to request some of your alpha heroes to join us. I would usually never work on those cases with heroes since you folks are too popular, but I won’t have much of a choice here.”

He walked over to Eijiro and Tetsutetsu. “I have my eyes especially on you two.”

“Why us?” Eijiro asked.

Suddenly Saeko’s fair skin turned completely black and his eyes started to glow red. “Because you have similar quirks like mine.” He deactivated his quirk, it was Carbon Shield, he could harden his entire body with it, by changing the concentration of carbon in his body. Every member of the Kokasumi Family, except the mother, had the same quirk.

“Damn, that’s cool” Tetsutetsu murmured.

Saeko scoffed a little. “Moruga, Blue Rabbit, Mirko, you three have plenty of experience in the underworld and in fight clubs, I hope I can count on you?” His eyes got smaller when he mustered Moruga. “I hope your little injuries won’t hinder the operation.” He of course referred to the missing or damaged limbs those three had.

“Pah, of course not” Michiko scoffed. “I’m even better than I used to be.”

“I believe it when I see it.” Saeko clicked his tongue.

“Sugarman, I’d need you as one of the fighters as well, I hope you can take a couple of punches. To get you down there Fat Gum might be a bit complicated, due to your size, but you are also experienced in such things, we make sure to get you down there somehow. And you Tentacole, you are needed for the reconnaissance. But also for your versatility with your quirk. Gevaudan, your quirk is very versatile too, you are not only a strong fighter, but you also possess a good sense of smell, this will be needed.”

And then he walked in front of Katsuki. He squinted his eyes while looking at the hero. Katsuki didn’t like that stare. “You …”

Katsuki let out a low growl. “You’re that guy that is on TV a lot, talking about this alpha-omega transition nonsense?”

“Nonsense?” Katsuki repeated, he scoffed a little. “But yeah, that’s me.”

“Then you can go, I don’t need you here.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Katsuki bared his teeth.

“This is an undercover mission. You will be underground for at least a month, but probably two or more. We don’t operate like heroes, we don’t storm into this, hoping that we get all of them. We take them down, from the inside, piece by piece, but this takes time. Some of my brothers are down there for months, taking one person out after another.”

“I don’t see your reasoning, why I can’t come with you then. I’m good at fighting!” Katsuki growled.

“Maybe. But it’s not about your fighting skills. It’s about the fact that you were born omega.” His eyes were cold and he pierced Katsuki with them.

“Oh, I get it, you are one of those transphobic fuckers, right? You think I’m not alpha enough for you, huh?” He moved towards Saeko. It bugged him that he was taller than Katsuki. “But I tell you what, I don’t give a shit what you people say, I’m sure I can wipe the floor down there with most of the guys!” He grabbed Saeko by the collar of his shirt.

“Bakugo!” Michiko tried to call him back, but it was too late.

Saeko grabbed him by the wrist and the collar of his shirt and lifted him over his head. Katsuki crashed with his back on Saeko’s desk, he was over him, pressing him down, eyes glowing. “Listen here, fucker. I don’t give to fucks about your gender – primary or secondary – in fact, I know some omegas that could easily wipe the floor with most of the alphas! So don’t you ever suggest that I am transphobic again. You call yourself alpha, that’s fine by me, do what you want. But because of your constant appearance on TV, more and more omega or beta want to transition. That’s why they started to do physical examinations. Everyone has to strip butt-naked, and if they don’t have the appropriate alpha genitals, then they end up either dead – for former betas – or with a nice collar around their necks – for former omegas. So, this is partially due to your involvement. Do you see now, where the problem lies? And even if we would get you down there. What is about your heat? Do you really want to go into heat in the middle of an alpha supremacy group? Half of the guys down there are rapists and they would definitely try something. Do you want that?”

Katsuki gritted his teeth, he didn’t like this one bit! Saeko had a point or two, but still, he was so frustrated! “But I still want to do something!” he growled. “How can I just stand by when so many people suffer down there?”

Saeko looked at him with glowing eyes. He thought about it for a while. “Do you use heat suppressants? I heard that it is rather painful to suppress heats, especially for transitioners.”

“Yeah, it’s fucking awful to skip a heat, but this only shows in the following heat, not while being on suppressants” Katsuki murmured. He held Saeko’s gaze, he was still pinned to the desk.

Saeko now let him go and thought about it. Sure, Katsuki would be a great help with his explosions, but he was rather well known, they had definitely heard of him in the underground. “It will be difficult to get you down there. My brother reported to me, that they are extremely hostile towards trans people. They have cage fights and sometimes they kidnap transitioners and they put them in the cage. It always ends in death. How dare those omegas try to impersonate us alphas, they say. You need to be extra careful.”

“I will!” Katsuki bared his teeth, he sat half on his desk.

The door was opened and two alpha’s entered the room, they were rather young, maybe just a year older than Katsuki. “Hey, brother” Takeshi – Saeko’s youngest brother – walked into the room. “Oooooh, Red Riot and Real Steel! Nice! I’ve seen so much of you, I’m a big fan!” He had a huge grin on his face. “I’m Takeshi by the way. Codename Black Brawl.”

“Nice, bro!” Tetsutetsu and Eijiro gave him a thumbs up. Unlike Saeko, Takeshi radiated positive vibes. They immediately clicked with that.

“I’m Kazuya Izo” the other guy murmured. “I’m the Human Monster.”

“Uh …” Eijiro looked at Tetsutetsu for a second. “Cool?” Kazuya just shrugged.

“Sorry for interrupting, Saeko, but we listened in on the conversation.” Kazuya walked further into the room. “Why don’t you just put a collar around him and bring him down as omega?”

Saeko raised his eyebrows. “That would be an idea.” He looked over to Katsuki.

“I mean, we are bringing Itona down there this way too. He’s going to be my pet, he already said he’d be okay with being on a leash.”

Katsuki growled a little. “You want to leash me?”

“Katsuki, this might be the best way to get you down there!” Michiko piped in. Katsuki growled even more.

“But I hate leashes!”

“Too bad, so sad. Either you get a leash on, or you stay home, choose now or never!” Saeko grumbled.

Katsuki gritted his teeth, he eventually exhaled. “Fucking fine! I do it …”

“Good, now that this is decided. You guys need a disguise, you can’t go down there just like this. You are too recognizable … at least the Heroes that are constantly in the Top 10.”


Katsuki was in a bad mood after that, he went home with Michiko and Sougo, he gritted his teeth so hard that they hurt. The thought of him going back to omega and getting a leash on didn’t sit right with him at all.

Michiko and Sougo were sitting in the driver and passenger seats of the car and they were talking about their upcoming mission. It would start in a week. Katsuki had to get his heat suppressants, he really didn’t want that, but his heat would definitely come around otherwise.

They let him out at his apartment and they returned to the agency. He went up and threw himself on the couch, Hiroto wasn’t home yet. He was kinda restless, yes, he wanted to save the omegas for sure, but it really bothered him, that he had to go with a leash! He cursed that those guys were so damn alpha supremacists that they would literally force you to go completely naked.

Sighing, he grabbed his phone and looked up his contacts. Why was he doing that? He hadn’t heard from the guy all year and the one time he called him, he hung up … But still, he called Izuku, he dealt with those groups more often …

He clicked on Izuku’s name and waited for it to ring, but much to his shock, the number was not available. He tried it again, but it was again not available. He sat up on the couch. “What the fuck?”

Since he didn’t have Kairi’s mobile phone number, he instead looked for the number of the Ridgway hotel. He called and had Ileana on the line, after Katsuki told her what he wanted, she connected the call to her mother’s phone. Kairi was a bit gruffy when she answered.

«Katsuki? What do you want?»

“Hi, uh, I want to speak to Izuku, where is he? His number is no longer working!” He noticed, that his voice was shivering. Okay, calm down Katsuki, his phone was probably broken and he had gotten a new one, but didn’t have time to send the number around.

«Izuku is no longer with us,» Kairi said. The way she phrased it, let Katsuki’s blood run cold. What did she mean, no longer with them?

“What is that supposed to mean? Why is he not with you?”

«His depression got the better of him. The city wore him down, all the killing, all the war, the stress … He just couldn’t deal with it any longer.» She told him.

“D-depression? I … what? Y-You’re joking right?” Katsuki stared at the ground in front of him. His breathing got heavier. “W-weren’t you supposed to help him? With his alpha and shit? W-wasn’t that the reason, he left for Thailand in the first place?”

«I mean, yeah, true, but you never know what this shitehole of a city does to you. He was just too nice of a person to handle it. He could have left the city sooner, but he refused to until the city swallowed him.» Her voice sounded too nonchalant for Katsuki’s taste. She basically told him, that Deku had killed himself and she didn’t care?

“W-what about Inko? Is she not with you?”

«Nope, she left with her son. It’s kinda sad, she was a good person, I liked her, even though Inko was younger than me, she kinda mothered me … Reminded me of my own mother.”

God, this made it just worse! Inko was dead too? “Wait, what about his wife?”

«Uh, … Lucy and Kieran went with him too? Why would they want to stay in a city like that, without him?»

“So, you’re telling me, Deku killed himself and all his family went with him, and you don’t even care?” He got a bit louder.

«What? Killed himself? What are you talking about?» Now she sounded confused.

“You said he killed himself after the depression got the better of him! Oh my god! When I called him last year, he hung up on me, it makes sense now when he was depressed … Shit!” He started to panic for some reason.

«The fuck are you talking? Are you mental? Katsuki, Izuku didn’t kill himself! He moved to Ireland to Joseph’s and Leigh’s father’s sheep farm! How did you even come up with the thought that he killed himself?» She chuckled a little bit.

Katsuki stared at his phone, eyes wide and mouth opened. “He … he is not dead? But why is his number not available?” He still couldn’t believe it.

«He smashed his phone, he got a new one with a new number» Kairi answered.

“Can you give me the number then? I really need to talk to Izuku!”

«Sorry, no can do. He instructed me to not give any of you his number. He wants to live his life peacefully in Ireland.» She said.

“Oh, are you kidding me?!” Katsuki hissed. “Just give it to me! I really need to talk to him!”


“Fucking hell, you are not helpful at all!” Katsuki growled.

«Well, not my problem. What’s your situation anyway? You sound desperate.»

“Tch! Why should I tell you of all people?” He grumbled.

«Then don’t, I was just curious, but if you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine.» She simply said.

“Fuck …” Katsuki grumbled. But then he remembered what Kairi did for a living. “Maybe you can help … I got an undercover mission in an alpha supremacy underground fight club slash human auction and slave camp, probably pedophile ring as well.” He started.

«Yikes, sounds bad. What about it though?»

“I just come from a meeting, and this guy, Saeko, he didn’t want me at first, because I was a natural omega, and I don’t have the right genitals and stuff, because me transitioning and being on TV half of the time, the alphas are wary now and they do physical checks to prove the newbies are really alpha and not just some trans-people. And now Saeko wants me to put a collar and a leash on to get down there, as an omega. But I don’t feel really comfortable with that, so what should I do?”

«Huh, I mean, if it gets you down there … wear the collar.» She answered nonchalantly.

“Great … but what did I expect from a prime like you, you never have such problems!” he sounded a bit bitter.

«Bullshit, I had a collar on too, at one point. But I tell you what. If the roles were reversed, and I was in your shoes, I wouldn’t even think about it twice. If it means I can save the omegas, I would put on every collar they wanted me to put on. It would not be about myself in this scenario, it’s about the hundreds if not thousands of people that suffer down there.» She said with a sharp voice.

«You’re a hero, Katsuki, are you not? Isn’t that the things you do? Saving people? Just because it is a little uncomfortable for you, you hesitate to help them?»

Katsuki growled. Yeah, she was right, but he still hated it. “Fuck, I hate it that you’re right … I-I just don’t want to think about the leash …”

«Yeah, trauma can be a bitch.» She deadpanned.

“True … Oi … isn’t that whole destroying from human trafficking rings your thing? Why don’t you come and help?” He questioned.

«Sorry, I would love to, but we go back to Africa next week. We finally got a bit of progress there.» She mentioned.

“Okay then … uh, thanks, I guess. And maybe … if you talk to Izuku somehow, you could tell him that I called? I really want to speak to him.”

«Hm, no problem, but I don’t promise anything with Izuku. I haven’t heard of him since he moved. But if he calls, I’ll tell him.»

“Thanks …”


Katsuki didn’t really feel better after this call. His heart calmed finally down after this false shock of Izuku dying. Why couldn’t she make it clearer that he wasn’t dead? He sat on the couch, criss-cross applesauce, his head on the backrest, he looked up to the ceiling.

Eventually, Hiroto came home. He looked a bit stressed out himself, but when he noticed how distressed his mate was, he forgot about his own trouble. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He sat down next to Katsuki.

Katsuki sighed and snuggled up to him. After that, he told him everything that happened these past hours.

When Katsuki was finished, Hiroto stayed silent for a while, his mouth was a thin line and his gaze was somewhere in the room. He had a deep frown on his face.

“I don’t like that one bit … Especially the part where you should put a collar with a leash on …” he growled.

“Believe me, me neither …” Katsuki growled a little bit. “And especially that I have to suppress my heat …”

“Then don’t do it. Don’t go on the mission! If you have so many bad feelings about it, then you probably shouldn’t go.”

“But what about the poor omegas? I want to help them, just not really under those conditions …”

“I understand that you want to help … but what if something goes wrong and they really overwhelm you all? What if they do bad stuff to you? I don’t even want to think about it …”

“I will be fine! I promise. I will beat the living shit out of those assholes! They can’t stop me” he tried to sound encouraging but Hiroto didn’t seem to buy it.

“I know that you are strong, but still … I don’t feel good about that. I mean, I was never a fighter, so I don’t really know much about all of this, but an underground fight club on its own sounds really bad. I mean, yes, you are strong, but if those guys are down there, fighting all the time, then it’s safe to assume that they are incredibly strong as well. And who knows with what unfair means they fight?” He looked at Katsuki with a worried look. “Sorry, I’m just worried.” He exhaled.

Katsuki carefully stroked over Hiroto’s cheek. “I know that it looks scary, but I promise, I will be fine!” He leaned over and kissed him.

Hiroto pulled him closer and hugged him. “I hope so …”


Eijiro got home later that day. He and Tetsutetsu first went back to their agency to talk with Mina. She was a bit annoyed that she couldn’t do anything about it, she wanted to help too, but she understood why it wasn’t as easy. “Maybe I could go in as one of your omegas too?” She murmured.

“You’d do that?” Tetsutetsu asked.

“I mean, hell yeah! Why wouldn’t I? I want to help the omegas too! If I have to be on a leash then that’s what I gotta do. Besides, I assume one of you will take the leash, so I don’t see a problem!”

“Well, we’ll talk to Saeko about it. But I am sure he has no problem …” Tetsutetsu promised.

“But that guy was intense. For a second I thought he would rip Katsuki in half, midair.” Eijiro murmured.

“Yeah, me too. I wonder what this operation will bring …” Tetsutetsu looked over to Mina.


Now Eijiro opened the door to his apartment. Tsume jumped at him as soon as he entered. He wagged his tail happily. “Hey, I’m happy to see you too” he smiled at the dog.

“Mae? I’m back!” He called out.

“Oh, hey, Eijiro, I’m in the kitchen!” She called out. Eijiro walked over and saw Mae feeding their son. “How was work today?”

“Hm, weird. We were called for an undercover job.” He explained what had happened.

“So, you’ll be gone for a month or two?” She didn’t sound particularly happy.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that.”

“No, it’s okay, I mean, there are hundreds of omegas that need help” she still didn’t sound too happy.

“I’ll make it up to you somehow, I promise!”

“Okay, then you make dinner tonight, I’m tired,” Mae said.

Eijiro chuckled. “Alright, no problem.” He got up and prepared dinner for them.

“So, you need to change your appearance for that? Did you thought about something already?” She asked.

“I guess I’ll have to dye my hair differently. But I don’t know about props, it has to be something that can even withstand heavy combat. So I’ll have to see about it. Have to ask Mei probably.” He thought about Mei Hatsume, she had become incredibly successful and her babies were all over the place.

“Ever thought of doing like blue hair?” Mae questioned.

“No, actually not. Huh, never really considered blue, to be honest. You think it would look good on me?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah, I think that could work too. We would have to look at the tone of blue, but I think it’ll look good!” She smiled at him.

“Haha, maybe, but I will definitely return to red after that. Otherwise, I’d have to change my hero name. Blue Riot isn’t doing it for me” he chuckled.

“True, that doesn’t work” She laughed.

Eventually, the dinner was ready and they sat down and ate. Ryuu slept peacefully.


Eijiro was getting his hair dyed, luckily for him, Satsuki knew a professional who could do it. Going to his normal hairdresser could be complicated. Who knew who could see him there, his hairstyle change could not be known.

Tetsutetsu and Katsuki were also with him. Tetsutetsu would go copper, while Katsuki would go black. Eijiro looked over to Katsuki and the dark color on his hair just looked weird and unusual.

“So, you say Izuku just ditched everyone and is now on a sheep farm in Ireland?” Tetsutetsu asked.

“Yeah, I tried to call him, but his number is not available, and Kairi won’t give me his new number.” Katsuki sighed.

“Hm, that sucks …” Eijiro mumbled. “But I guess that is better than him being dead …”

“Yeah, that’s at least something positive …” Katsuki sighed and nipped on the coffee. He looked at his image in the mirror. It was so strange to see himself with dark hair. “So, is Mina coming too?”

“Yes, she will be my … slave, I guess” Tetsutetsu sighed.

“Where is she then?” Katsuki looked a bit around via the mirror.

“She is getting a whole new paint job, so to speak. Her pink body is a bit too recognizable, that’s why she gets a temporary new body color.” Eijiro explained.

“She puts some dedication in this!” Katsuki was impressed.

“Yeah, I get a skin change too. To fit the whole copper theme. Otherwise, it would be a little bit too obvious.” Tetsutetsu remarked.

“Understandable” Katsuki sighed, they all seemed so much more dedicated to this mission than he was, he felt bad.


Mae and Hiroto looked at Eijiro and Katsuki with critical eyes. “This looks so weird!” Hiroto murmured. “Well, I guess I’m just not used to seeing you with dark hair. It doesn’t look bad!” he corrected himself.

“Hah, yeah, I miss the blonde already! It looks really strange” Katsuki sighed, he went over to his mate and hugged him.

“And I told you that blue would look good on you” Mae grinned while approaching Eijiro.

“True, but it still feels a bit off. Luckily it’s not for forever.” He smiled.

At that moment, Tetsutetsu and Mina came back. “Wow, damn! That looks like completely different people!” All of them stared with big eyes at the two. Mina was completely green! Her skin was in a light sea green, and her hair was a bit darker. She had purple fake horns over her normal ones and she wore blue contact lenses.

“I look great, right?” She smiled brightly.

Tetsutetsu had now a copper skin whenever he transformed himself. “It won’t hold for forever, so if this takes longer than two months, then I got a problem” he mentioned.

“Yeah, so we better get this over with as soon as possible.” Mina nodded. “Katsuki, do you come with me tomorrow? To get the heat suppressants” Mina asked.

“Yeah, sure.”


It was awkward for Katsuki to be here. He never thought he had to suppress his heat ever again. For Mina, it was the first time since school too. “I am not thrilled about that, absolutely not.” She sighed.

“Pah, you guys are so weak” Kuroko grumbled. She and Satsuki would go underground as well. Now that this idea was brought up, they couldn’t be stopped.

“But it’s so painful. Afterward! I still remember the times I had to go through the heats while still in school” Mina whined. “But I guess one suppressed heat is not as bad.”

“As I said, so weak. I thrive in the pain that brings this forbidden pleasure.”

“What? Satsuki, translate please!” Katsuki growled.

“Kuroko suppresses her heat eleven times per year. So she has one single heat to go through. You can imagine how painful this is …” Satsuki didn’t even look up from her magazine.

Mina and Katsuki paled. “What the heck? Why would anyone do that in the first place?” Mina’s voice shivered a little.

“I don’t like sex, and the feelings I get during heat are disgusting. To go through it as little as possible I always suppressed my heats down to two per year, but even that was still too much. So one per year it is, and oh, the dark pleasure of the pain overwhelms the forced desire of having sex.” She hummed a little.

“Oh, I don’t even want to imagine how damn painful this is. Five months is more than I could handle most of the time” Mina grabbed Katsuki’s hand for support.

“Well, Kuroko is built differently, I guess.” Katsuki shrugged.

“But what if you find a mate?” Mina asked.

“I am not interested in finding a mate, I do not care about physical bonds, for I am spiritually mated to the dark lord. I devote my entire life to him and this bond is more sacred to me than any bond with a mortal could ever be!” She said dead serious.

“I … have no idea what you just said” Katsuki murmured.

“She is basically married to some deity that may or may not exist. She chooses that over a real mate.” Satsuki translated again.

Katsuki raised his eyebrows. “Ah, okay, you do you, I guess.”

“But you would really fit Fumikage!” Mina mentioned. “He is dark and edgy too!”

“But he is mortal …”

“He has a very special ability, named Dark Shadow, it’s a sentient being” Mina elaborated further.

Kuroko looked at her. She hesitated. “Sentient being you say?”

“Yes, Dark Shadow is his own creature, inside of Fumikage. You are familiar with Tsukuyomi, right?”

“Oh, he is that?” Kuroko thought about it for a while. “I have indeed seen him and his partner a few times.

“Shihai is similar too! I’m sure you three will click!” Mina had a smug grin on her face.

Eventually, everyone got their injection. Afterward, Katsuki felt a bit weird, while the meds rushed through his body. He was very much on edge when they went to buy a collar and a damn leash. He didn’t really care which one they got. They went to a specific sex shop that provided collars and leashes for couples, this was the closest to the ones used in the underground.


Katsuki stood in front of the mirror in the Red Steel Agency and he put on the collar. The collar was not the problem, he used to wear them after all, but the damn leash. He also had never really worn a collar with a clip, except for the one time Khaoz had leashed him. Sighing he left the room, leash still in his hand.

Kuroko was happily holding herself on the leash with her ghost hands. Mina was next to Tetsutetsu, he had leashed his girlfriend already. Katsuki grumbled a little he looked around.

Eventually, he shook his head and walked over to Eijiro. “Hey … uh … could you …?” he offered him the leash.

Eijiro raised his eyebrows. “Sure …” He carefully took the leash and clipped it on Katsuki’s collar. Katsuki gritted his teeth.

“Still not a fan” he sighed.

“It’s not for forever” Eijiro mumbled.

“The only positive thing” Katsuki murmured.

They would start in a few days now, up until then, they met with Saeko for some more training. He showed them how to better prepare them for the underground. How the tone was down there. It was really nasty but necessary.

And then the day they would go underground arrived.




Life on the farm was hard but good!

John was nice enough to teach Izuku and Lucia as much as possible, Izuku was still amazed at how well John could handle himself at his age. He was especially nice to Kieran, he taught him how to ride a horse, and he let him play with the sheep any time he wanted. He was glad that they were here. He didn’t want to stop tending to his sheep, but he also felt that he wouldn’t be able to hold the farm for much longer.

“Me sons helped me a lot earlier, but then they brought Kairi in, and even after she left, she never left their minds. Thought it would get better after they found their mates and had kids on their own, but they just couldn’t get her out of their stupid heads. Me grandchildren come sometimes over to help me, but they can’t stay here, obviously.”

“Do you dislike her for that?” Izuku asked. They all sat in the cottage, it was snowing outside.

“No, I don’t. Sometimes it just happens, that you have this really strong connection to this person, and you can’t leave it behind. If they are happy then that makes me happy.”

Izuku nodded. For a brief moment he thought of Kacchan, he felt a little bad for not telling him, that he left – again – but he just couldn’t muster the strength to pick up the phone to call him.

He had still nightmares. Those were not magically cured, just because he was somewhere else. He could still feel the pain in his chest, it was really nauseating for him sometimes. What helped him really well was the closeness to his wife and son. They supported each other. Kieran had almost a sixth sense when Izuku started to have a panic attack.

He would come over to Izuku and he would hug him really tight. And he would make sure to hold him for as long as he needed it.

During the nights, they would cuddle up in their bed, it was probably a bit too small for the three of them, but it didn’t matter to Izuku, he was happy as it was.

At the end of January, the first sheep had its first two lambs. Izuku panicked a little bit at first, but John calmed him down, he told Izuku, that from now on, it could happen any day that more lambs were born. He showed him what to do and Izuku was so amazed by it.

John told them, that he usually sold the lambs when they were big enough, sometimes he butchered them for meat, but Izuku and Lucia could hold it as they wanted. They didn’t have to kill the sheep if they didn’t feel comfortable with it. He of course knew about Izuku’s background and he respected it.

The little lambs were so adorable. Kieran loved them, and he couldn’t wait until they were old enough so that he could play with them.


Kieran started in the middle of the school year, he was fairly popular, he was the new student, and he looked so different from most of them, and his background was the complete opposite of theirs. They were all pretty curious, but Kieran never talked much. In the years he had lived in Thailand, he was taught by the teachers that Kairi had hired. He had learned to speak English and he was pretty good at it by now. He still struggled a little in school, but they were nice enough to help him.

All the kids were amazed by the way Kieran got to school. Izuku flew him in every morning. In Ireland, it was allowed to use quirks for transportation, as long as one didn’t harm another person with it. But in case, the same laws applied as if one was driving a vehicle.

In general, quirk laws in Ireland were stricter than in Thailand – they had none – but looser than in Japan. As long as no harm was done to other people it was okay to use their quirks, but injuries, caused by a quirk, would be punished even harder.

While Kieran was in school, they tended to the sheep and the other animals. Lucia loved the two dogs, Oisín, a Caucasian Shepherd Dog, and Sorcha, a Carpathian Shepherd Dog. She had always loved dogs, but she could never have one because of the war. Having now two was great.

It was March when John decided to move out and go back to the city. His granddaughter offered him a place to stay. She was really happy, that her grandpa was finally coming down from his lonesome cottage.


It was very weird for Izuku and Lucia to be alone now. They had some troubles managing everything in the beginning, especially when new lambs were born, but they somehow made it. John had taught them enough to survive on their own. Inko would bake them sometimes bread and bring it over. When the snow melted, she was at their cottages as much as she could – Izuku would bring her back and forth every time. She was so happy to see Izuku thrive.

“How are you doing?” She asked him one time.

“Oh, I’m doing so much better.” They were brushing the horses in the stable. It was a calming activity. “I feel so happy. The closeness really helps” he smiled at his mother.

“I’m so happy to hear that!” She cried a little while smiling back at him. “I was so worried.”

“Sometimes I am outside on the pasture and I look over the vast land and I admire its beauty. While Batoh and Shizuoka had nice places it was never on the same level like this here.” He stopped and looked on the short fur of the horse in front of him. “Sometimes I wonder, if you’re mad at me, for leaving Thailand.”

“Huh? Why would you think that?” Inko frowned.

“Because we had like everything in the Ridgway mansion. It was a very comfortable life. Yes, it came with a price, but it was still the most comfortable we have ever lived. And you had a nice job too. So I was wondering …”

“No, I am absolutely not mad at you! I will always support you, Izuku! I noticed that this city was doing you no good. And while I was pretty safe inside the mansion, I never really went outside, except with one of the alphas. I never really had the courage to do so. Here, on the other hand, I don’t feel anxious about leaving my house. My neighbors are great, and the job I got is really good too. So don’t worry about it. The most important thing is your mental and physical health!” She smiled brightly at him.

“Thank you, mom!” He had tears in his eyes. He was glad, that his mother was still on his side.


Rut sharing was a bit complicated. While they were going through their ruts, who luckily synched up, Kieran stayed with Inko. But they still had to get out and feed the animals. But Joseph’s son Matthew and Leigh’s daughter Evelyn would come over once a day to check for the animals too.

This was the very first time, that Izuku and Lucia were completely on their own. No child, no other people around them. Just the animals, but they weren’t annoying them. Whenever one of them was clear, they would go out and feed them, sometimes, even John came up to the farm again.

Lucia was on top of Izuku, he was on his back and he grabbed the frame of the headrest. He threw his head back when Lucia pushed into him. Her teeth were sharp and she bit down on his chest.

She moved in the perfect rhythm and she hit Izuku’s prostate every time. He was a moaning mess under her. He had no problem giving up his control, he really enjoyed it this way around. It was a little bit sad that they could do it this way only up to four times a year.

While she was moving into him she grabbed his dick and stroked it in the tact of her pounding. The double stimulation was almost too much for Izuku. “Shit, Lucy! I … please knot me!” Izuku rambled.

She lifted her eyebrows. “I thought you don’t like that?” she questioned.

“I know! But I want you to do it! I love you so much! I want you to knot me!”

A big smile appeared on Lucia’s face, she nodded. “Of course, my love!” She came inside of him and she let her knot swell. Izuku’s back arched, it was still uncomfortable for him, but it was bearable. He wanted to be connected to her as much as possible. They carefully turned to lay on the side, while they waited for the knot to release. Izuku could feel her chest pressing against the muscles of his back. She reached around and started to pump Izuku’s dick again.

She wore special gloves, they imitated skin, she wore them to make it less uncomfortable for Izuku, she didn’t want to hurt him, and her metal hands had a lot of slits where skin could easily be trapped in between.

Lucia made Izuku come again before her knot was released. She pulled out of him and he turned on his back, pulling her up on his chest. “You’re so good to me, baby!” Izuku smiled at her with a loving gaze.

“I just try to give you as much back as I can. I want you to be comfortable and happy” she caressed his face.

“I am comfortable and happy! Every time you are with me!” He watched her with half-closed eyes.

“You should sleep, baby, you have a lot of work to do, tomorrow” she winked at him, and cuddled upon his chest.

And work it was. Lucia was insatiable at times. They were sitting on the bed, Izuku was inside of her, they moved in perfect rhythm, he was clutching her breasts with his large hands, they almost didn’t fit, both their panting filled the small bedroom, strong alpha pheromones were flooding it. Lucia leaned her head back grabbed Izuku’s hair. He was sucking on her nipple, before biting down, his teeth piercing her perfect dark skin until blood was filling his mouth. They started to kiss and the blood made it even more intense. He wished this would never end.

Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +6 Years – Mission: Underground (2) (+Izuku)

Eijiro and Katsuki were both nervous. But who wouldn’t be nervous if one was about to walk into a cave full of feral animals? Or in their case a club full of Alpha supremacists? Some of the others were already down there. They couldn’t go all at once, this would be too suspicious.

“Remember Kats, you’re my meek little omega” Eijiro was really tense by saying that.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m not dumb” He sighed.


The guy at the entrance eyed them suspiciously. He looked at Eijiro and then he sent them to an area, where the alpha really had to strip. It was uncomfortable since a female examined him, but it was eventually over. She shot Katsuki disgusted glances.

“Damn, you got one buff omega” she growled.

“Got a fucking problem with that? I like it more buff, what would I want with a tiny little omega that can’t withstand me, huh? Don’t want to get a new one every two weeks” He spoke in a very aggressive voice.

“Fair enough” she let them through.

They entered a very strange and foreign world. It was a huge underground place, it used to be a huge subway station. It had many stores attached to it. Former grocery stores, clothing stores, food stands, even book stores, et cetera. The Station however was abandoned for over thirty years. It all was run down, but for the past at least five years but probably longer, criminal folks had reclaimed the station and turned it into this massive underground fighting place. Eijiro gripped Katsuki’s leash tighter when he saw the shops they weren’t normal shops anymore. Some of them had been turned into living areas, he saw one medic station, some of them sold food and drinks, it looked like from one of those dystopian RPGs.

“Well, fuck” Katsuki mumbled.

“Yeah …” Tough alpha guys and women were all over the place, many had a pet omega at their side, they were scattered around the area. They even saw some children being around. Some of the children wore collars, and they clung to other omegas, the rest were running around freely. Probably the children of the alphas.

They made their way down to the heart piece of this place, the arena, and occasionally human auction. It had been an old theatre, but now on its stage was a giant cage, the grandstands were all equally dirty and run down like the rest. Some were even blood-soaked. They cheered for the cage fighters.

The fight came to an end, a very bloody end, and the crowd cheered. They heard an announcer talking over the speakers. “Alright guys and gals, that was the spectacular fight! The Winner is Juggernaut! He is the undefeated champion!”

“Juggernaut, that’s one of Saeko’s brothers” Eijiro murmured. They were supposed to make contact with Juggernaut, or Hiroshi Kokasumi. He was Saeko’s twin brother.

They saw how the defeated guy was dragged off the stage. Saeko had explained to them, that they were supposed to fight in the cages as well, they were supposed to injure as many alphas as possible. They didn’t necessarily had to kill them, the Kokasumi siblings would finish the job if they were more comfortable with that.


They walked further into the area, they would look for Tetsutetsu and Mina, Katsuki and Eijiro were the second to last pair that went down here. It took a while but they found them at a bar. Mina looked down to the ground and acted all meek and shy, while Tetsutetsu was making conversation with one of the guys. Eijiro sat down next to them, while Katsuki had to stay standing. Omegas were not allowed to sit at the same table or counter as alphas.

Eijiro ordered a drink for himself and a glass of water for Katsuki. The bartender gave him a strange look. “Don’t want him to bite the dust too quickly, need to keep ’em hydrated. Otherwise, his guy is good for nothing” he growled.

“Hah, who would want that, aye?” the barkeeper gave them the drinks and Katsuki took it, still looking down.

“Thanks … master” he answered.

Tetsutetsu scoffed a little. This was so ridiculous. He hated to even act this way. Eijiro felt the same.


They finally got the chance to talk to Hiroshi. He met them in one of the more abandoned parts. “Good, Saeko got you all down here, eh. Very nice” he smiled. “And thanks to you too, for putting up with this mess” he looked to Mina and Katsuki.

“I don’t fucking like it,” Katsuki growled.

“Figures. But okay, next thing you need to get your hands on money, cage fighting is the easiest way. Saeko told me, you have both hardening quirks? This is pretty suitable. Most of the guys are fodder anyway. They won’t breach your abilities. Take them out and we do the rest. With the money, you go to the human auctions, they are every so often and then you buy as many omegas as you can get your hands on.” He explained.

“Wait, we should buy them?” Eijiro whispered.

“Yes, of course, that’s the easiest way to get them outta here. After that you can take ‘your’ omegas with you, meaning you can bring them to the surface where they will be recovered. It takes longer this way, but we constantly decrease their numbers and save more and more omegas.” He continued.

“But wouldn’t a raid be faster?” Mina questioned.

“It would, but there are so many excellent and ruthless fighters here. That this is nigh impossible. Besides we don’t get enough government support. Assholes say if we give all the heroes to this mission, then there wouldn’t be any left that protects the other citizens.”

“Oh wow, government at its finest” Katsuki grumbled.

“Yes, we’re happy that we got you guys down here in the first place. We really need more man down here. We cooperate with the Izo family, but it’s hard. We can’t get enough omegas out like this. But the neat thing is, whenever one of the fighters is beaten or deceased, all the omegas owned by that person go to the winner. So that’s another way to get the already owned omegas out.”

“Alright, then we should get into action.”

“But, you must realize, if you lose a fight, Dynamight and Pinky will go over to the person who beat you. That’s the rule here. So there are high stakes. Don’t take fights you can’t win.”

Katsuki and Mina gasped and they looked at each other. Damn, they didn’t think of that. “Fucking bullshit” Katsuki cursed.

“That’s the rules … Let’s hope something like this will not happen.”


Life down here was absolutely horrendous. It constantly smelled like blood, alcohol, sweat, piss, and puke. There were constant noises in the background, crying, cheering, screams of rage and of fear. They saw how the poor omegas were sometimes beaten up and there was absolutely nothing they could do about it. It would be weird to just step up to help an omega. This was probably one of the most difficult things, not stepping in to help.

Eijiro and Tetsutetsu fought as many fights as they could, they wanted to save as many omega as possible. Eventually, Michiko had to stop them. They couldn’t get too exhausted. And if that came from such a reckless fighter then Michiko then this meant something.


On one evening, was a human auction. Eijiro had made loads of money, and he hoped it would be enough to help at least one omega. Unfortunately for him, most fighters he fought, were just normal fighters that didn’t have omegas, but since he was new here, he didn’t get the big fishes.

It was absolutely terrible to witness how the omegas were treated, the guy that kept them in the cages was Neal Anderson. He was an Irish American immigrant, he was the oldest of three brothers. He was the kennel master, so to speak. He was a rough-looking guy, his Codename was “The Hooker” since his right arm was replaced by a large meat hook. He dragged the omegas onto the stage and the people cheered.

«Guys and gals! Here we have entry number ONE! This is a pretty little omega girl, just look at that cutie, got nice brown hair, really soft, and got an extremely nice body too. Just look at her tits” Neal announced. Katsuki felt sick the way he spoke about the girl. She still seemed to be a minor.

«She said her name’s Yumi, but you can call her whatever you want, she is sweet sixteen and she just presented a month ago. The starting offer is 500.000¥»

And the offers were flying! They couldn’t believe it, this was so damn disgusting. Eijiro tried his best to get her somehow out of there, but in the end, she got away to another guy, Eijiro gripped the handle of the sign in his hand tighter, so frustrating.

She was pulled away and they brought in another omega. «Entry Number TWO, we have a local businessman in his thirties here! Thought he was a clever one by hiding the fact that he’s an omega with scent blockers! Do we like that here? Of course not. This needed to be punished! We apologize for his roughed-up state» he had a dirty laugh at that, «And we drop the starting price down to a cheap 150.000¥»

The audience laughed and not many wanted to bet on him. Eijiro was one of the first to lift his sign. «The guy with the number 88 bets 150.000¥ on Entry Number two. Are there any other offers?»




“200.000!” This continued. Eijiro gritted his teeth he had only about 800.000¥ from his fights, he had to be careful how high he went. “220.000” he offered.

It stayed silent for a while. Neal grinned. “Sold for 220.000¥ to the number 88!” He announced.

Eijiro clicked his tongue, at least one was saved…

It went on, this guy followed more and more omegas, mostly girls, and some rather young, pretty guys. Eijiro got one other girl but then his money was gone, it frustrated him. But he saw that Tetsutetsu got some too, as well as Sougo. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.

After the auction was over they were now able to pick up their omegas. They paid for their omegas and they were handed over to them. The girl looked absolutely scared, she was just 18 years old. The guy was tense too. Eijiro hated it, but until they got them out of here, he had to act mean.

“P-please, don’t hurt me” the girl whimpered.

“Oi, did I allow you to speak? Just shut the hell up” he grumbled. He pulled on her collar and she squeaked.

They went back to their quarters, they had rented a room, it would be too obvious to bring them up right away. They had to keep them down here for a few more days.

It was painful to hear the girl cry all the time, she was too scared, the guy kept relatively quiet, both waited for the most painful treatment.


Eijiro slept at the moment, he just came from a particularly hard fight in which he had ‘won’ two more slaves. A woman in her thirties who was a slave for three years, and another guy who was here for about six months. They all cuddled up next to Eijiro’s bed, they all couldn’t really grasp the character of their new master.

Katsuki sat in front of Eijiro’s bed, he really wished he could do more than be just an accessory. It pissed him so off that he wasn’t allowed to fight. He could probably knock some of these guys out with his knock-out scent. He didn’t even need his explosions to do damage, but it wasn’t so easy.

He sighed and got up, he walked to the table with food and water for Eijiro, they were in a closed-off room, that’s why he could dare to do that. He grabbed the water and drank from it, the omegas were shocked when he did that.

“W-what are you doing? T-that’s the alphas food and water” the older woman said. “You will be punished.”

“Hm, don’t worry about that” he grabbed some of the food and water and brought it over to them. “He won’t mind. Here, eat and drink up” he placed it in front of them.

“B-But we will get in trouble!” one of the guys said.

“No, it’s okay, I’d wake him up so he can give his okay, but he needs his beauty sleep” Katsuki grinned.

They still didn’t look convinced. Katsuki would love to tell them, that they would bring them out but it was not clever to tell them. They would go up in two days, until then they had to wait.


Eijiro didn’t fight during that time, he was still injured and he didn’t want to risk losing the ‘slaves’ he already had. The day before he was mostly in his quarters, he didn’t want to act all tough all the time.

On the night of their ascend he met up with Tetsutetsu, Sougo, and Michiko, they had a total of twenty-two slaves gathered. They decided in which order they would go up, they talked without the omegas.

“C’mon, let’s move” Eijiro grumbled to them, he grabbed their leashes, the young girl squeaked and she started to cry.

“Stop fucking crying” Eijiro growled at her. They made their way back to the surface. The four omegas were so confused. The older woman hadn’t seen daylight in years.

They walked away from this place, Eijiro needed to be careful, he had to meet up with Shintaro. They had to walk for some time until they came to the place where their car was parked. “Get in” he murmured. And fearfully they did. Katsuki was in the passenger seat, Eijiro on the driver's seat. Before he could start the car, however, he had to calm down, he leaned back and deeply exhaled. “Fuck.” He grumbled.

Katsuki growled. “Yeah, say that again.” He took his collar off, which shocked the others. “But better get fucking driving, we have to go back …”

“Hm, sure, sure” Eijiro started the car and they drove to the checkpoint.

“W-What is happening?” One of the males said.

Katsuki turned around. He smiled at them. “Don’t worry, we bring you away from here. We’re heroes, and our mission is, to get as many omegas out there as possible.”

“Sorry, for the harsh treatment, but down there I had to keep the act up.” Eijiro apologized. “You can take the collars off, you are no longer slaves.”

They stared at them with open mouths. “Y-you … you’re lying, right? T-this can’t be true” The older woman said.

“It’s the truth, I’m Pro Hero Red Riot, that’s Dynamight. We will bring you to a safe space, you have to stay there for a while for your own protection. But you won’t be slaves ever again.” Eijiro told them.

The women started to cry in relief. The guys were glad too. They couldn’t believe what was about to happen.


Shintaro took them in. “Good job you two. The others were already here.” He had his usual monotone voice. “Follow me, dear people, I will bring you to the shelter” he announced. The four of them turned around to Eijiro and Katsuki again.

“Thank you so much!” The younger girl hugged them. They followed Shintaro.


They returned to the underground city, some of them looked at Eijiro with a strange look. “Ey, where are your slaves?” One of them asked.

“Why the hell should I answer your stupid question?” Eijiro growled at the alpha.

“Pah, it’s weird that you went out with your slaves and only one comes back.” The alpha grins.

“Tch, that one is my personally groomed slave, the others are for clients of mine. They are no fighters but want good slaves, I just buy them here and sell them to others.” He shrugged.

“Oooh, a slave trader. Nice one, hopefully, you got a good price for them” He had a very dirty laugh.

“Now, get the fuck out of my way” he walked past this guy, deeper into the devil’s nest.


The weeks passed and they made good progress. Since the auctions were only once a week, they had to win slaves in fights. This was however riskier. Especially after Eijiro acquired more and more slaves. One loss and they were all gone, and not only them, Katsuki too.

The medical treatment however was scarce, and what was there, was not very good. With every fight, it got progressively worse.

That’s why they had to be treated every time they went back to the surface. They made good progress, with every time they went back to the surface, they brought more and more slaves out. By the third week, it was over one hundred slaves. But in the end, it didn’t really matter, because more were captured.

They took on even more fights, and Katsuki and Mina took out a few of the alphas as well. Katsuki was able to lure them away and knock them out, one by one. Yet, there were so many of them, it was a never-ending stream of people. Like a hydra, you took one out and two more followed. It was so frustrating.


Eijiro regularly conversed with the others, they needed to take the heads down. There were three major players here. If they could get to them, then this would be a huge step.

The first Leader was a guy called Emaro, he had a lot of horns coming out of his body, and from what Eijiro knew he was poisonous. This would be a hard enemy. No one could come in contact with the horns. He was a brutal individual, he loved bloodshed and it was never, ever enough for him. He reigned over his folks with an iron fist, he was a disgusting human being and he enjoyed torturing his omegas.

The second one came in the body of a little girl, not older than six. But her voice and mind were that of an adult. She was called Rayna. She was a terrifying fighter. She had a hundred percent mortality rate. She surrounded herself in omegas especially older men, she played the nice little girl and the men were her ‘legal guardians’. Until she got tired of that game and she killed them.

The last big players were a bunch of brothers. They had a Quirk called Wendigo, the brothers looked like anthropomorphic elk’s. They looked roughed up, almost like zombies. They were the most disgusting out of the bunch since in order to activate their quirk at all, they had to feast on human flesh.

Them followed a bunch of other fucked up individuals, most of them were cannibals too. Omegas, that ended up with them, would die fairly quickly.

They had to plan how to beat those guys because all of them were deadly to insane degrees. They were also the ones that would kill in the arena, losing was not an option at all. They had to make the difficult decision of who was fighting against who, because it would be a fight of life and death.




More little lambs were running around. It was the beginning of May and it was most of the time nice and warm outside. He was watching the sheep grazing in the pasture. Yeah, life was good!

Suddenly he heard horse noises and the dogs barking. Lucia came towards him, she was riding on one of the horses. “Wanna join me?” She asked.

“Oh yes! Definitely!” he got onto the second horse's back and together they rode across the fields. The dogs were running next to them, they seemed so excited too.

They discovered a beautiful lake a few kilometers away from their cottage. They looked at each other for a while. Simultaneously, they got a grin on their faces. “Should we?” Lucia wiggled her eyebrows.

“Yes!” They undressed each other and chuckling like little children they went skinny dipping. Lucia usually stayed away from water because of her metal limbs, but in general, water was no problem if she dried herself after it and took care of her limbs.

They swam around in the lake and they splashed each other. The dogs were in the water as well. It was so damn fun, they only had time for things like that, while Kieran was in school.

After a while they lay on the green grass at the shore of the lake, Lucia was on top of Izuku’s chest, they were kissing again, before she moved to the side, to lay next to him. She was trailing forms on his chest. “I was wondering …” she murmured.

Izuku looked over at her. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong, but I thought about this for a while, and I was wondering if you … would like to have a child with me …” She looked up when she heard him inhale sharply.

“You want a child with me?” Izuku asked again, just to make sure he had heard her right.

“Yes, I love you so much, and I don’t know, it would feel right to me” she was blushing a little.

Suddenly, Izuku rolled over and he was on top of her. He supported his body on his arms, however, to prevent from crushing her with his weight. “If that’s what you really want then I am so happy! I would really love to have a child with you.”

They kissed again. “We should try during our next rut, but for sure outside of it too” she murmured. “I don’t know how easy it will be, since we are both alphas, it took me some time to even get pregnant with Kieran.” She murmured.

“We don’t have to rush it, we have all the time in the world. When will your birth control wear off?” Izuku tilted his head.

“The next injection would be in June, so the earliest I could catch is July, after birth control wears off I need a few weeks to get fertile again.” She murmured.

“Hm, that’s enough time to practice for sure,” he said in a sexy deep voice. Lucia chuckled and opened her legs.

“Sure is” she pulled him closer and they started kissing again.

Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +6 Years – Mission: Underground (3)

They had decided on who was fighting against whom, the Kokasumi and Izo soldiers would do it since Eijiro, Tetsutetsu and most of the other heroes were not willing to kill, Michiko and Sougo were the exceptions, they offered to kill too. But it should come different; way, way different.

When Katsuki woke up this morning, he had a really bad feeling. It was bad all the time, but now it was almost making him vomit. It got even worse, when all of a sudden, Emaro himself approached them, he wanted to talk.

Eijiro gritted his teeth and followed him into a more private area.

“What do you want now?” Eijiro growled.

Emaro turned around and grinned at them, his vile purple eyes seemed to glow a little. “Why are you so tense, Mr. Red Riot?”

Eijiro and Katsuki stared at him in shock. “What the hell are you talking about?” Eijiro tried to save face, but he knew that it wouldn’t do much.

“Don’t play me like that. The omega next to you is TV star Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight … Did I get that right?” he had a sly grin on his face.

Katsuki clenched his fist. How had he found out?

Emaro sat down on a chair and he gestured to another one for Eijiro to join. “I’m not stupid, I know that this place is infiltrated by heroes and special forces. I have my own little spies and they keep me up to date, I let you run freely for a while because it was most entertaining for me. But now you lot plan to eliminate us. And this is something I don’t like” He grinned devilishly.

“The Kokasumi family would be indeed a hard enemy for me, especially Saeko or Hiroshi, their perfect shield could outlast my thorns. That’s why you will go to them and tell them, that you will fight against me!”

“What? Why the hell would I do that?” Eijiro scoffed.

“Have you checked on your girlfriend lately? And how’s your son doing?” Emaro asked.

Eijiro paled. “What the fuck are you doing to them?” He growled, he was incredibly furious.

Emaro pulled a few pictures out of his pocket, it showed Mae and Ryuu, they were photographed with a hidden camera. Definitely a stalker. “Leave them the fuck alone!” Eijiro roared and stood up.

“Hush, man, otherwise I’ll give the signal for their elimination … I am sure, you don’t want that, right?”

Eijiro sank back on the chair, he tried to kill Emaro with his gaze right now.

“And you oh, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight. How about your husband?”

Explosions detonated in Katsuki’s palms. “What is with him?”

Emaro pulled out more pictures. “Do you remember the Agents of Khaoz? You ran into them half a decade ago, right? One of their members took something from you.” He presented him with the pictures. It showed Hiroto and Katsuki but Katsuki had never taken those pictures! Besides, the date said that most of them were taken last week!

“How is that possible? That’s not me!”

“Yes, that’s Faux. He stole your appearance, and since he’s a theta he can perfectly copy any scent even if he only smelled it once. Khaoz is one of my acquaintances, and she returned to Japan a while ago, and she was gracious enough to lend me Faux for a second. You know, he turned into you, and he told Hiroto that the mission ended early for him, it was too difficult, and dear Hiroto believed him, because of the identical scent … He could even copy the scent of your mating mark, isn’t that great?”

“What the fuck is a theta?” Katsuki had never heard this term before.

“Oh, you don’t know? Thetas and Zetas are very, very rare occurrences. They can be born out of any dynamic, but they have birth defects. They are so fucking rare, that they don’t show up on the radar. Faux is the first theta I ever met, so yeah. Thetas have the birth defect that they have an extremely potent scent. They can control their scent so fucking good. They can even change the scent. They may or may not have the characteristics of their dynamic, but even if they were technically alpha they would never enter a rut, same for omegan thetas and heats. Zetas on the other hand have absolutely no scent at all. They are called ghosts, they have no body odor, no matter what, not even the stench of sweat, for example, I personally know a pair of twin zetas. It is really creepy, even for my standards.” He chuckled humorlessly.

“Thetas are even more powerful than prime omegas in terms of scent. What prime alphas and alphas have on venom, prime omegas have in scent. Thetas however bring that even a big chunk higher. They can literally kill with their scent because they can make it just that intense” He grinned.

Eijiro and Katsuki looked at each other. They had never heard of those two terms! “So, what now?” Katsuki asked. He was scared for Hiroto, this crazy lady, that had haunted his dreams for years was back now. It terrified him.

“Good that you ask” Emaro’s face was pure evil. “You will fight against me, Mr. Red Riot, and you will die, in order to save your family. That will be a noble sacrifice, no? And you, my little omegan friend, you will be mine afterward. I took an interest in you, you seem to be tougher than the average omega, and I want to see just how tough you are.”

“You really are a fucking psycho!” Katsuki growled.

“Oh, careful, don’t hurt my feelings. It just takes a call to kill all three of your loved ones” he laughed at them. “So, what do you say? You sacrifice yourself to save your brat and wife, this should be an easy decision, right?”

“Why are you doing this, do you not have a family? Why would you involve civilians and even worse a baby?” Eijiro couldn’t understand it.

Emaro tilted his head. “I do have children if you mean that. I wouldn’t call it a family though. But to be honest, I don’t give a fuck, you want to kill my children? Go ahead, I won’t stop you from doing it, but know that I retaliate things tenfold. You kill one of my offspring, I’ll kill all of your family. And after that, I will go over to the people you like, and to the people, they like and so on and so on.”

“How can you say that you wouldn’t care if I’d kill your children?” Eijiro was so tense.

Emaro shrugged. “I can always make new ones.”

Katsuki’s heart dropped when he heard that. “You are a fucking monster!” He growled.

“Am I? I’m just don’t fucking care about life. You know, Khaoz said she would buy you from me, little omega. She offered loads of money, but I am still contemplating if I give you to her, or if I keep you for myself. You’re a prime omega, huh? I never had a prime omega, they are so hard to find. I’m sure your pups would be way stronger than those of normal omegas. I might consider trying you out.”

Katsuki paled and he gritted his teeth. “You fucking pile of garbage, this will never happen!”

“Do you honestly think I would ask for your opinion? As much as you try to be an alpha, you are still nothing more than an omega. Besides, if you try to do something here, my men will just kill you all. It’s not just your little families that suffer, but all the heroes down here too.” He cleared his throat. “So, we talked enough, are you going to do it? Or should I send my men to capture all the other heroes? Make your mind up, quick, time’s running, tick, tick, tick.”

Eijiro gritted his teeth. “Don’t do it!” Katsuki begged, he knew that this was a trap. They could maybe save Hiroto, Mae, and Ryuu, and the people down here could fight, but if Eijiro did it, then he would definitely die.

“Shush, one more word, and I will call Faux.”

“Okay, I’ll do it!” Eijiro growled. “But don’t hurt them. They got nothing to do with it!”

“As if I would care about that … But okay, I will grant you that wish, for now. The fight is tomorrow, if you try to tell someone, then I will kill you on the spot. Have a good night!”


“Why the hell did you do that, Eijiro!” Katsuki hissed when they were back in their room.

“I had no other choice! I couldn’t risk endangering Mae and Ryuu!”

“We would have figured out something!” Katsuki clenched his fists.

“No, I can’t risk it! I … I am not going to die down there!” Eijiro was tense, he bared his teeth.

“But that would mean, you have to kill him …”

“I know … I know” He didn’t look happy at all, he exhaled deeply. “Maybe I can knock him out before it comes to me having to kill him …”



Saeko was more than a little surprised, when Eijiro told him, that he would fight against Emaro, he immediately suspected foul play. He went over to his brothers. “Something’s not right here. Keep an eye out, this little bastard is planning something … Kirishima wouldn’t tell me what’s going on, but it must be bad. Mother should check up on his family, and on Bakugo’s mate too.”

“Right on it” Koji Kokasumi mumbled.


Eijiro was nervous when he went into the ring. Emaro was already in there.

“Ladies and Gents! Now we come to the highlight of the evening. The one and only Thornous: The Untouchable, descends to the ring! His opponent is a newcomer who rose to popularity fairly quickly! He’s called Goken: The Unbreakable! And unbreakable he is! Ladies and Gents, sit tight because when this fight is over only one of these opponents will continue to live! You heard right, this is a DEATH BATTLE!” The crowd cheered.

Emaro grinned from ear to ear, he was basically dripping wet with poison that came out of his thorns. It also dripped down his fangs. His eyes glowed in a dark purple. “This is going to be so much fun!” He growled.

Eijiro didn’t answer, except for growling back at him. This made him laugh even more. “Did you ever kill someone, Mr. Hero?”

“No” Eijiro answered.


Emaro jumped at Eijiro, who immediately went hard. He received some very hard punches from this guy. Even through his hardened skin, he could feel the burning of the poison. Fuck, he hadn’t thought, that the poison could harm him even through his hardening.

“Why are you only blocking, heh?” Emaro’s claws were covered in poison and much to Eijiro’s shock it started to work through his quirk. He needed to end this quickly.

Eijiro scoffed and hardened even more, he grabbed Emaro by the neck and slammed him to the ground. More little thorns pricked him, and more poison got onto his skin.

He punched into Emaro’s face, but the other alpha managed to block him and he got Eijiro into a chokehold. More of the thorns with deadly poison rubbed against his skin.

The hardened skin was so irritated by now, and he really struggled to keep it hard. “That’s why I love physical fighters! You need to make contact to be effective, and if you touch me, it’s over” He laughed crazy.

The poison was corroding through Eijiro’s skin and it fucking hurt.


Katsuki watched in horror, how Eijiro got covered more and more in poison. Even after he got out of the chokehold, he couldn’t catch a break. The poison made his shield almost useless. He even went unbreakable, but at this point, it was definitely too late. Katsuki grabbed the chain-link fence and gritted his teeth. He was next to Tetsutetsu and Mina. “We have to do something!” he looked over.

“But what can we do? It’s a one on one fight!” Tetsutetsu was equally tense, it was horrible to see his friend getting beaten up and ultimately killed.

Eijiro was covered in poison now and he could barely stand. The fumes coming off the poison hurt him too. Everything was blurry and his entire body hurt. No, he couldn’t die … Not like this!

His inner beast unleashed, his eyes started to glow yellow. Emaro whistled. “You can enter the zone?” Eijiro let out a deep growl and he pounced at Emaro.

He hit him and pressed him to the ground. His hardened claws started to beat into Emaro’s face and they clawed at the other alpha’s chest. Eijiro was absolutely feral now.

“WOAH! What a turn of events! Goken went feral! Can Thornous beat him like that?”

Emaro growled now too, he pulled his legs closer and he pushed Eijiro off of him. Even more thorns were coming out of him, two very long ones came out of his forearms, they looked incredibly sharp and the venom was flowing in rivers down off them. Grinning, he aimed for Eijiro’s chest.

Katsuki’s body got incredibly cold for a moment when Emaro broke through Eijiro’s hardening and he cut through the skin leaving deep wounds. Then his palms prickled and explosions were released. The fence melded under his heat. His eyes started to glow yellow and suddenly there was this big explosion. He busted through the fence, and he started rotating in the air, preparing a Howitzer Impact. The spectators were shocked when he suddenly jumped in.

Emaro tried to dodge but he was hit full force by the attack. He rolled over the ground a few meters and growling he got up to his feet. Katsuki glared at him.

“Oooh, you little omega fucker, this is entertaining” he laughed. Suddenly Katsuki felt a large pressure, an Alpha command was incoming. “Stay down!”

“Fuck no! I’m gonna beat your ass!” He rapid-fired AP-Shots at Emaro. Emaro growled and he jumped towards Katsuki, trying to hit him. Katsuki could dodge the attacks and he fired one explosion after the other and he kept him at distance.

The spectators were loud, some cheered, some booed but Katsuki didn’t care.

He burned more and more off of Emaro, the poison was highly flammable. Lucky him, he guessed. He had to be careful though since Eijiro was still somewhere behind him. He noticed out of the corner of his eye, that Tetsutetsu, Mina, Sougo, and Michiko jumped down too. What he hadn’t realized was the other people from Emaro’s side, joining too, since they came from somewhere behind him.

Michiko blasted a flame wall near him. A spine chill ran down his body and for a second he glanced over his shoulder. A giant shadow monster was behind him, Rayna? The fire kept it at bay, however.

The battlefield was a total mess when more people joined, Saeko, Hiroshi, Takeshi, Kazuya, and this Itona guy all joined too. He could see Rikido, Fat Gum, Jurota, and Mezo too. Mirko was hopping around and tag-teamed with Sougo.

They needed to get Eijiro out of here! But who could touch him, he was full of poison!

Katsuki detonated another giant explosion at Emaro. He registered how Kuroko picked Eijiro up with her ghost hands. Right, those wouldn’t be affected by the poison. Satsuki blinded the enemy fighters as well as she could.

With team effort, they somehow managed to stand their own against this group but more and more of the fighters joined. It was hard and draining, and now Katsuki understood why they couldn’t just raid them with the number of people they had. Those fighters were so incredibly strong, and they didn’t care about anything.

He had to fight like six people at once. Emaro was still kicking and this was the biggest problem. The others were more physical fighters without any special ability to look out for.

His arms hurt so much, he used so many big explosions, he was back to back with Moruga, she was panting heavily too, the capsaicin was burning in his nostrils. “This is not good” He growled.

“No …” They had to pull through, no matter what!

The battle continued and more and more fighters joined. Bodies dropped dead left and right by the Kokasumi soldiers, the only one who seemed unaffected by the whole battle was Kazuya, he had lots of wounds but he just didn’t give a fuck about them.

Saeko appeared in front of him. He was completely black and he looked rather demonic. He ripped the head off of a guy, who was about to hit Katsuki. His claws were dripping with blood. He immediately jumped to the next guy.

The flood of enemies didn’t seem to stop at all. Katsuki could feel how drained his body was. His zone was almost over, it was draining his stamina so much.

Suddenly he felt an incredible pain in his leg. One of the fighters had hit him, blood was flowing out of the wound.

He got knocked around and he hit the ground, his head was bashed against the concrete. His leg was burning up, he tried to get up, but he couldn’t. He looked down, why couldn’t he move? His eyes widened when instead of his right leg, there was nothing down his knee.

Katsuki saw the massive amounts of blood, while his view faded.


The battle was brutal after Katsuki passed out. But after a few more minutes of constant battle. The reinforcements finally came. Koji had brought his father, Seiji, and his mother, Kaya, as well as their last brother, Yoshitaka, over. More heroes were with them too. They had hired all heroes who were available at the moment. Endeavor, Lemillion, Best Jeanist, Team Ingenium, Shoto, Electro Master, Denki, Hitoshi, and Kyoka were with them.

They were shocked when they saw the massive amounts of fighters. And in what state the others were.

They somehow managed to get the situation under control. It was not easy but with the help of so many pro heroes, they finally got it.

Most of the fighters were killed. The Wendigo brothers had been burned to death by Michiko, they were extremely flammable. Emaro was severely burned by Katsuki, but Saeko had given him the final blow. The only one of the big shots who had escaped was Rayna. She had bitten off Katsuki’s leg too.

The rest of the fighters who were still alive were detained. The omegas were freed, they were so happy about that.

The injured heroes were rushed to the hospital. Eijiro and Katsuki were in very critical conditions.

Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +6 Years – The rest of the year (+Izuku)

Mae with Ryuu and Hiroto were with the police, they were escorted to the police station immediately when Koji informed them that something was wrong. Hiroto was so shocked to hear, that the Katsuki who was with him the past few days, wasn’t really his Katsuki. He really hadn’t noticed anything! It freaked him out. To hear now, that his Katsuki was in the ICU was so devastating. When they got the okay, they both made their way over to the hospital.


Eijiro was in a coma for three weeks, while they tried to get the poison out of him and to repair the damage the poison had done. They had the assistance of Dr. Reikotsu Chiwari, one of the greatest doctors of this century. He could heal absolutely anything with the exception of death – or himself, but his healing method was slow and draining, he couldn’t heal Eijiro on the spot. Most of his cells had been destroyed and to repair those would take months, if not years. Mae couldn’t believe the state that Eijiro was in.


Katsuki on the other hand was only for four days in an artificial coma, his arms were pretty burned from his own quirk and they needed a skin graft. He had a pretty severe concussion, and of course, the most critical thing was his leg. Rayna had bitten it clean off, everything down his knee was just gone. Not even Dr. Chiwari could do something about that, he couldn’t regrow missing limbs.

Hiroto was sitting on a chair, next to Katsuki’s bed and he was so relieved when his mate opened his eyes.

“Katsuki …” carefully he grabbed his mate’s hand. “How are you feeling?”

“H-Hiroto …” Katsuki mumbled. “Are you alright … Did … the impostor do something to you?” Katsuki asked, he needed to know.

“No, no he did nothing. But this doesn’t matter right now … You need to get better first!”

Katsuki looked down and he saw that his leg was gone. He bit on his bottom lip. “I-It’s gone … it’s really gone.”

Hiroto stayed with Katsuki and he let him cry as much as he needed.


About a week later, the others were allowed to visit Katsuki. Michiko and the others came, his parents were of course allowed to come earlier, but Saeko visited too. Katsuki was still full-on meds and he felt a little funny.

“How are you feeling?” Saeko asked.

“Shitty …” he answered, his voice was a bit slurred, he slowly started to regret his decision, to go with them. “I’m sorry, I ruined the mission … but I couldn’t let him kill Eijiro.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s over, Emaro, the Wendigo brothers and most of the fighters are dead or captured. We got what we wanted even though it turned out different …”

“A-are there any casuals on our side?” he was scared to ask this.

“Denjiro Izo died, he was killed by Rayna … A few of our other soldiers died too, some are missing limbs, but compared with the other side, we got lucky … Of course Kazuya sees this differently …” Saeko’s voice was monotonous.

“This Emaro … he had kids, you know?”

“Yes, most of them are in our custody now, he made cruel human experiments on them … they are barely children anymore …”

“He threatened to rape me if he got me after Eijiro was dead … because I’m a prime omega …” Katsuki puffed his cheeks a little.

“I’m sorry” Saeko murmured.

“Feels shitty. Besides, apparently, the Agents of Khaoz are back … are you familiar with those?” He sighed in frustration.

“Yes … I know the Agents of Khaoz. The leader, Khaoz, or Hiko, was in the same class as Koji …”

Katsuki furrowed his brows. “What? This Hiko chick was in the same class as your brother? She attended school?” He leaned a little forward and tilted his head. He couldn’t believe that such a psycho attended a normal school.

“Yes, and she was always a nutjob. She was always the best in the class, in every subject. She was the sweetest girl you could imagine and every alpha boy wanted to go out with her, of course, they thought she was an omega too. I met her, once or twice, she always seemed kinda suspicious to me.”

“Damn, why is she so good at fooling people? Like how is that fair? Nobody’s suspecting anything! Like c’mon girl give others a chance to look through you!” He puffed his cheeks again.

“Some people are just so damn charming that you would do anything for them. My brother was head over heels for her, but he didn’t possess a fire quirk, that’s why she was never interested.” Saeko shrugged. “Turned out for the better anyway.”

“Could you maybe help us to find her? We looked for the group for half a decade now, please …” Katsuki looked at her with puppy eyes. He chuckled a little, his head was spinning slowly.

Saeko exhaled, he had his hair in a ponytail and it was waving around when he moved his head. “I could inform you if we find something, or … I guess I could send the information directly to Moruga since you are out of commission for a while.”

“Thanks …” Katsuki could hear the grumpiness in Saeko’s voice when he said Michiko’s hero name. “Hey … can I ask, why don’t you like Moruga?”

“Why would you assume I don’t like her?” Saeko raised his eyebrows.

“She said you don’t like her because she addressed you as female” Katsuki mumbled.

“Urgh …” Saeko grumbled. “She told you this old story? I don’t give a fuck how you address me, I’m an alpha, I am both, male and female. It’s true that I prefer male pronouns because my whole family is calling me that, but if stranger people on the street call me a ‘she’ I won’t rip their heads off” Saeko growled.

“Oh, but why would she say something like this then?” Now Katsuki was confused.

Saeko’s usually stern face got incredibly annoyed. He scratched the back of his head. “She’s my ex.”

Katsuki looked at him confused. “Your ex? Wow, I didn’t expect this! Huh … of course, this would make a meeting awkward …” He raised his eyebrows a little.

Saeko clicked his tongue. “Guess so …”

“I mean, I’m kinda the master in having awkward relationships with exes, so I totally get you.” Katsuki sighed. “Damn, it’s really been so long … Hey, did you ever have the thought of going back to her? I mean, a couple of years back I would have jumped at Eijiro or Deku if they said so” He tilted his head.

“No, I have not thought about going back.”

“Huh? Like, never ever? Not even after breaking up?”


“Damn, you cold! I guess she couldn’t warm you enough with her quirk …” Saeko looked at him with a stern look, he raised one eyebrow. “Did you break up or she?”

He exhaled and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Why are you even interested in this?”

“Oh, I just want to see how others handle breakups and meeting their exes and so on. If I see that someone’s even worse at this than me, then I can feel better” he answered freely.

Saeko chuckled a little. “Okay? You are weird.” He sighed. “It was a mutual breaking up. She used me to get over her trauma from being captured by Khaoz and I … just wanted to try it for once. But romance and sex aren’t my thing, that’s why I wouldn’t go back.”

“But you still don’t like her?”

“It’s complicated. Anyway … I keep you updated on Khaoz, but you should focus on getting better.”

“Aye! … You know, you make me feel like I should salute, but I really can’t …”

“Eh … alright? It do be a little hard with arms in casts …”

Saeko left shortly after. Hiroto entered the room instead and he stayed with Katsuki.


The months after the incident were hard; to see Eijiro in a state like this, he was bound to the bed and he was too weak to walk, it was just devastating. Mae tried her best to cheer him up, but nothing really worked.


The treatment was hard and draining, they brought some poison specialists into the game. Sasori and Kumo Dokuyaku weren’t doctors, but their quirk was Poison, they could craft any poison on the planet and this also worked with antidotes. They eventually managed to get rid of the last bits of poison in Eijiro’s body and they were working on something, that would help him to repair the damage. A healing potion basically, but this was no video game, and it was a very slow process. But still much faster than anything Dr. Chiwari could do.

They mixed him a potion that would give him more strength, it tasted awful but it did its job, the years of recovery were reduced to months.


Katsuki faced other problems, he was still too weak because of the severity of his injuries, so the doctors had to suppress his heat again. He knew that this would be absolutely terrible for him when he had his next heat …

“I’m sorry I have to do this, but you are still too weak to go through the heat.” Dr. Chiwari said. He was in his thirties, and much like Shoto he had split hair, his right side was black and the left was white. He had grey eyes and wore round glasses. He wore a white doctor’s coat and yet, he looked a bit too fancy for Katsuki’s taste.

“But I mean this is going to hurt so much already … Can’t you heal my leg faster?”

“Unfortunately I can’t. I have already accelerated the healing process, you are familiar with Recovery Girl, no? My healing is not much different. If I were to heal you completely at once, you would most likely still die, because you got no energy left. I’m not a magic doctor, even though the media likes to portray me otherwise.”

He injected Katsuki with the heat and quirk suppressant. The quirk suppressant was in case his quirk was to accidentally activate. After that, he uncovered Katsuki’s leg and he started to unwrap the bandages. A white flame appeared in his palm and he carefully pressed his hand against the stump of Katsuki’s leg. A prickle went through the healing tissue and his leg felt incredibly warm, but not as if it was actually burning. It was a good prickle. He lay back on the bed and closed his eyes.

“So, you really can’t grow a leg?” Katsuki asked.

“Unfortunately not. If the leg was still available, I could re-attach it, but not grow a completely new one.” He told him.

Katsuki sighed, and he wiggled his arms – still in casts – a little, he was impatient. The healing took about thirty minutes until it was enough for the day.

And this was the procedure every two days. It took way too long for him, this was one of the best doctors? Pah, he remembered Ian’s blood healing him in like minutes. He couldn’t re-grow limbs either though …


He was in the hospital for over a month now and he hated it. He was so bored here, all the meds made his mind dizzy, that’s why he never thought much about the things that had happened.

Everyone was visiting him regularly. Sometimes he was allowed to hobble over to Eijiro’s room, but never for long. Both were still too weak. Eijiro sighed. “Damn, this really put a stop to our hero careers, huh?”

“I want to go back …” Katsuki mumbled. “I am still not the number one hero …”

“What about your leg?”

“I will get a prosthetic. Michiko is already in contact with the guy who made one for her. But my leg is not healed enough to be able to handle a prosthetic. It’s so annoying. How about you?”

“Hm, the poison twins doing a good job. I don’t know exactly what they do, but it helps. Sasori really tries his best to make this whole procedure as comfortable as possible. He always presents me with these new ‘magic healing potions’ he created. He makes like so many video game references. Kumo on the other hand is a bit more serious. But both are very friendly.”

“That’s good to hear.” Katsuki smiled. “I was wondering half of the time if Ian or Jesper couldn’t heal us faster. I’m really annoyed by now and I thought about calling them” he sighed.

“Why not try? Do you have their number?”

“Yeah, Ian gave it to me at one point. Let’s see if his number is still the same …”

It was and after a while, Ian answered. «Yeah?» Katsuki put him on speaker.

“Oh, hi, hey, haven’t talked in a while, how are you doing?”

«Oh, great. Uh, what about you?» He sounded a bit confused, but Katsuki hadn’t called him in years, so that was probably the reason.

“Actually, we – Eijiro and I – are in shitty positions …” he started.

«Oh-oh, what did you do?»

“I lost a leg and Eijiro got poisoned, like on his whole body.” Katsuki shortly explained.

«Yikes … What are you guys doing?»

“Oh, just going into underground alpha supremacist clubs and try to save some omegas … the usual” Eijiro said.

«Hm, tough … But uh, why are you calling exactly?» Ian questioned.

“Well, you see … the Doctor we both have has a healing quirk, but it’s incredibly slow, so, we were wondering, if your blood couldn’t help us?”

«Eeeh, so you just call me to ask for my blood?» He sounded a bit irritated.

“I know, it’s a shitty thing to do …”

Ian sighed. «Well, yeah, but I couldn’t help you anyway. From the sounds of it, you are in the hospital for some time now, no?»

“That’s right, over a month now …”

«Than my blood wouldn’t do much anyway.»

“Why is that? I thought it can heal anything?”

«It does, but only fresh wounds. It can’t heal stuff that is already healed off. You should have called me immediately and there would have might been a chance of healing but not anymore» He explained.

“Damn, that sucks …” Katsuki gritted his teeth.

«Well, yeah, but it is what it is … Good recovery for you two …»

“Thanks” Eijiro and Katsuki said.

“Uh, hey, another question, has Deku ever … called you back or something?” Katsuki asked.

«He called me once, to tell me how great everything is, they have little lambs now. Other than that, no, he didn’t.»

“Ah, alright … thanks again.”

«Yeah, sure, bye.»

The call ended and Katsuki sighed. “Damn, would have been too easy …”

“Yeah, right …” Eijiro sighed. He looked over to Katsuki, the blonde of his hair was coming through. “I really like the blonde better than the black …” he murmured.

“Me too …”


It was the end of April when Katsuki and Eijiro were finally released. They both had to take it slow, however. Eijiro would still get weekly visits from Sasori and Kumo for further treatment, but his body felt slowly but surely normal again.

Katsuki, on the other hand, was on edge, his heat had been suppressed again, this was the fourth time now, he really feared the upcoming heat in May.

Hiroto and Mae were waiting outside the hospital. Mae had Ryuu on her arm and the little boy squealed in happiness when he saw his father.

“So, do you want to go out and eat something? Finally no more hospital food!” Hiroto asked.

“Yeah, I really want some junk food right now …” Katsuki enjoyed Hiroto’s embrace, he really had missed his mate. “And damn, when we get home, I really want to make a nest. The damn hospital bed was so empty” he grimaced. Katsuki still enjoyed to nest, especially after stressful situations, so that he was not able to do so was very distressing for him.

Hiroto chuckled. “You can nest as much as you want” he gave him a kiss on the temple.

The food was damn delicious, but to be honest, everything tasted so much better than the shitty hospital food.

When Katsuki got home, he immediately hobbled to the bedroom and he started to re-build the nest, he scented everything and Hiroto had to do that too.

Eijiro, on the other hand, lay in Mae’s nest, his son was on his chest and she was next to him, it felt so perfect right now, he felt safe and secure for the first time in a long while.


Katsuki was in god damn pain! It was May and his heat came up, the pre-heat alone was fucking awful, he had already so much slick and he had to use toys because much to his dismay, Hiroto didn’t have enough stamina to help Katsuki out as much as he needed it.

He mainly used the big dildo he had bought in Thailand so many years ago, he pushed the dildo as deep inside of him as possible and he activated the knot function. But this was not enough, he needed his mate to do the job, to ease the pain.

And then his real heat started and it was even more painful for him. “Hiro, it hurts! Please! Knot me already! I need it!” he cried.

Hiroto had finally entered his rut, this made it a little easier to keep up with Katsuki’s stamina.

They fucked as much as they could, Katsuki was insatiable, and it hurt so much every time there was nothing inside of him.

“My alpha, please, give me your pups! Will you? I’m good! I’m a good omega” he purred. The only times he referred to himself voluntarily as an omega were during his heats.

“Yes, omega, I will, you were so good” Hiroto mumbled in between a few kisses.

He bloated Katsuki massively with his cum, even after two days he looked so swollen, but it was still not enough.

Eating and drinking kinda became a problem, Katsuki didn’t want to consume anything and Hiroto had to force him to at least drink.

The heat took ten days, and after that, Katsuki was completely drained. He took two whole days to recover. Hiroto had to clean him up because he barely could move his limbs. “I’m never gonna suppress my heat again …” Katsuki murmured sleepily.

“Oh, my poor baby” Hiroto kissed him a few more times.


Eijiro was kinda frustrated, his limbs were much better now, but he still had a somewhat numb feeling in them, and his hardening wouldn’t work as it used to. His time was reduced and every use hurt, he feared that he would never ever be able again to harden completely.

Mae tried to convince him, that he didn’t have to rush things, he was still recovering, but Eijiro was so impatient. He had still sessions with the poison twins and it definitely got better, but it was too slow for his liking.

Mae’s dogs were constantly around Eijiro at this time, especially the wolf hybrids who got very protective of him and they growled at anyone who dared to come too close to him – except Mae and Ryuu.


June came around and Katsuki finally got his prosthetic leg. It was a strange feeling, the connection to his nerves hurt like hell. During the connection, he held Hiroto’s hand and almost broke it.

He tried to walk a little but he couldn’t put his weight on the leg just yet, that’s why he went back to the wheelchair.

A few days later he had recovered enough to leave the hospital, Hiroto was pushing the wheelchair, they were going through a park, Katsuki didn’t want to be trapped inside again. the weather was really nice. But suddenly they heard how someone called out to Hiroto.

Hiroto paled and turned around. “Oh, shit” he mumbled.

“What’s wrong?” Katsuki asked.

“That’s my mother and my father, what the fuck are they doing here?” He seemed so annoyed already.

Katsuki was so not prepared for this encounter … Toshizo and Karen Okuda were suddenly in front of them.

“Son! Where have you been?” His mother had a very displeased tone in her voice. “You didn’t call for years. It is unbelievable. How can you do this to your own mother?” She was right into Hiroto’s face.

“Mother, I am almost twenty-six … I don’t have to report back to you.”

“How dare you talk to me like that!” – “How dare you talk to your mother like that?” Both his parents said at the same time.

Katsuki felt definitely out of place, and he really wanted to go, he had seen bad parenting but this …

“I tried to call you, but you never picked up the phone! I can’t believe that you are this cruel to your mother. And what must I witness when I finally see my child again? He is serving a damn omega! What a disgrace!” She looked down at Katsuki, she squinted her eyes.

“Oi,” Katsuki growled.

“Did we not tell you to never serve those disgraceful creatures?” his father chimed in.

“Shut the fuck up!” Hiroto said aggressively.

His mother gasped in fake shock. “How are you talking to me? I am your mother! Do you want to upset me?”

“How dare you two talk about my mate like this? He is not an omega! He’s an alpha-omega! And he’s a better alpha than you could ever be!”

“Mate? This one is your mate?!” Karen looked like she was about to explode.

“Fuck, yes! I am his mate!” Katsuki yelled back at her.

“HOW RUDE! But of course, I didn’t expect anything less from a filthy, disabled omega …”

Explosions detonated in Katsuki’s hands. “The fuck are you talking?”

“Oh my god! Help, he is threatening me! Keep your pet on the leash! Or do you want him to hurt your poor, pregnant mother? Do you want to jeopardize the life of your sibling?”

“Unbelievable, omegas still don’t know where their place is …” Toshizo grumbled.

“Oh come on, mother, you are pregnant AGAIN? You are sixty-eight for fucks sake!” He gave her an annoyed look. “And you better stop talking bullshit about my mate. He is not an omega! And if you insult him any further-”


Katsuki looked at Toshizo over his shoulder, he was mortified when he saw, how hard he had punched his son. “You will not talk to your mother like that, you ungrateful brat! We are your parents, we raised you, if she hadn’t carried you inside of her, you wouldn’t be here! It is your duty to listen to us!”

To Katsuki’s amazement, Hiroto didn’t shout, he had closed his eyes, and he in- and exhaled deeply a few times. Then he said in the calmest voice he could muster. “As I said, I’m turning twenty-six next week, I have no obligation to you anymore. You made clear what you think of my mate, whom I am deeply in love with and nothing you say could ever change that. I have no desire to be in contact with you two any longer, you are disrespecting me, you are disrespecting him, you are disrespecting omegas, you are a disgrace as alphas … I do not wish to have any contact with you anymore.” He turned back to Katsuki. “And now, if you excuse me, I and my mate will be going, we want to have a nice day.”

He grabbed the handle of Katsuki’s wheelchair and pushed him forward.

“I am not done with you! Where do you think you’re going?” She screeched.

“Away from you. And look around you, mother, everyone is watching you, do you really want to be perceived like this in public?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Now his mother shut up and she looked around. The people in the park looked at them, and they whispered.

She hissed and stomped away. “The last word is not spoken, you ungrateful brat!” His father grumbled, he turned around and left too.

Hiroto pushed Katsuki away from the scene. “Are you okay?” Katsuki asked. He turned around as well as he could to look at his disturbed mate.

“Yeah, sorry, I need a minute to collect myself. Every encounter with them is gruesome.”

“Hm, I understand now, why you didn’t want me to meet them …”

“She is fucking pregnant again … I really can’t believe that …”

“The poor pup …” Hiroto nodded at that, he sighed and they continued the walk.


Eijiro was on his way home, back from physical therapy when he bumped into Takeshi Kokasumi. “Oh, hey, Kirishima, how are you doing?” he asked.

“Oh, so-so, I’m better, but my quirk is …” he shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s not like before.”

“How is it now?”

“I can’t keep it up for a long time, it really hurts if I overuse it. If that doesn’t come back … then I don’t know if I can be a hero anymore …”

“Yeah, that’s really not good …” Takeshi mumbled. He tilted his head a little. “I’ve noticed how you fight, you’re a big tank-like brawler … You keep your quirk up for as long as possible to tank every single hit, right?”

“That’s right, All Might said to me once, that I’m better off with these techniques rather than small little tricks. I’m not really fast, so I channeled all my training in getting as hard as possible for as long as possible. But while I can get hard, I can’t hold it for long …”

Takeshi crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Then you have to change tactics again.”

“But how?”

“Well, if you can’t do long drawn out battles anymore you have to get faster and end them quickly. You could adapt a fighting style resembling more ours.” Takeshi proposed. “The thing with our Carbon Shield is, we can go as hard as diamonds anytime, but if we were to be in this degree of hardness for a long time, we would be unable to move. So, in order to compensate for that, we trained to harden our body in an instant on the places we need it” he snapped his claw-like fingers once. “We trained that to such a degree that we could do it even while unconscious. This way you don’t have to focus on the hardening too much and even when not hardened initially, you are still protected, and most of the time, no one would expect this.”

Eijiro thought about that. “Yeah, that sounds good! This might help!” He grinned at Takeshi. The older alpha returned it.

“And when you got the instant hardening, you can work on your speed. The hardening process makes you slow. It is basically like armor, with a twenty-kilo armor you won’t be as fast as if you just wore normal clothes.”

“Yeah, that makes sense! Thanks for the help!” Eijiro said enthusiastically.

“No problem, man, if you want, I can help you with the training. If Tetsutetsu wants to, he can join too.”

“Oh really? Thank you so much, man! I’ll tell him!”


After that talk, Eijiro and Tetsutetsu met up with Takeshi more frequently, they both could benefit from the training.

They had to start slowly, however. Eijiro was still not in the best form, and he needed way too many breaks – for his liking.

Mae was concerned that he overexerted himself with too much training. But he always said that it was fine, he needed to get back on track.


Hiroto and Katsuki were for Hiroto’s birthday over at the Bakugo house. Mitsuki and Masaru did their best to surprise him. They had heard from the meeting with his parents from Katsuki.

They showered him with love and affection, this overwhelmed Hiroto so much to the point of tears. He never really had this much of a birthday party, due to the sheer number of children, his parents never bothered to organize birthday parties.

“You will always be a part of our family,” Mitsuki said with a smile. “You are so good to our son, we know how he can be sometimes.” She chuckled.

Katsuki let out a ‘tch’ he blushed a little while he took Hiroto’s hand.

“Yes, you can always come to us, if there is something you need!” Masaru added.

“Thank you so much! That means a lot to me!” Hiroto cried.


Katsuki felt nervous and on edge for the past couple of days. While Hiroto was at work, he hobbled to the pharmacy, he could walk slightly better now, with crutches. He bought some stuff from the pharmacy and made his way back home.

He was sitting on the toilet while he waited for the test to finish up and show him the results. He tripled with his fingers on his thighs, which were the longest 90 seconds of his life.

Katsuki gulped when he looked at the blue color of the test. “Wow … fuck” he mumbled. He exhaled and scratched the back of his head. Positive …

He really had suspected it, the test showed that he was over a month pregnant now, but he wasn’t really showing anything yet, so had he kind of ignored it.

The blonde cursed slightly, he totally forgot that his birth control had run out. What should he do now? He still hadn’t really talked about having children with Hiroto.


One hour later, he sat in the Todoroki Residence, together with Toya, Shoto, and Momo, she had given birth to twin girls in April, they were called Enko and Yuki.

“So, how are you doing, Katsuki?” Momo asked, she had one pup on the arm, while Katsuki had the other, he purred slightly and rocked her in his arms.

“Oh, well I … uh,” he stuttered, “I’m pregnant …” he mumbled.

“Oh my god! Congratulations!” Momo cheered.

“Damn, congrats” Toya joined.

“Yeah, congratulations,” Shoto said too. “Does Hiroto know about it, yet?”

“No, he’s still working, and well … I don’t really know what to do.” Katsuki sighed.

“What do you mean?” Toya asked.

“I mean, we haven’t talked about having pups, and I recently met his parents … and let me tell you, they are nutjobs and his mom is pregnant again at sixty-eight … so I’m a bit scared, I don’t know how he will react …”

“Ouch, that’s hard, sixty-eight …” Shoto exhaled shocked.

“Yeah, they are racist alpha supremacists. And they constantly called me omega. I don’t like them.”

“Understandable. They sound crazy already” Toya mumbled.

“Do you want to keep the baby?” Momo asked.

“I mean … yeah, I want children … It’s a bit much at the moment, I mean, I barely recovered and I actually wanted to start extended physical therapy so I can get back to work, but now I’m unable to … It’s a bit annoying that it has to happen now …” he had placed a hand on his stomach. He could feel a very slight bulge already, but it wasn’t really visible.

“Yeah, I guess that this is a bit overwhelming” Momo murmured. “But hey, it could also be a good sign, you haven’t returned yet, so it is not like you return for a few months, realize you’re pregnant, and then disappear again. Now you can take one long break and then return.”

“But that would be in a couple of years! I wouldn’t be able to leave the pup alone immediately” Katsuki mentioned.

“Hm, maybe you can arrange something with Hiroto,” Toya added.

“Yeah, I really have to talk to him about that … But what if he doesn’t want a child?”

“Oh, sweetie, I’m sure he wants a pup with you!” Momo tried to encourage him. She smiled brightly and released some calming, happy pheromones.

“I hope so …” Katsuki sighed. “Anyway, what’s up in the agency? News on the AOK?”

“Nah, not really” Toya answered. “Saeko is showing up sometimes, he’s kinda scary … Kuroko has the biggest shit-eating grin on her face, every time he sees him and Michiko stare at each other, you can almost see lightning coming off of their eyes …”

Katsuki raised his eyebrows. “Huh, I still can’t really comprehend, that those two were dating …”

“Yeah, Sougo was surprised too, not even he knew …” Toya murmured.

“Hey, do you plan on having pups with Sougo, anytime soon?” Katsuki questioned.

“Hmmm, no, not really, I don’t feel ready for that at the moment. My last pregnancy was kinda traumatizing after all …”

“Well, can’t argue with that.”

They talked for a while before Shoto offered to bring Katsuki home, he took the offer gladly. When he got back, Hiroto was already at home.

Katsuki said goodbye to Shoto and he entered his apartment. “Hey, babe” he greeted his mate.

“Hey, Katsuki, oh, were you at the Todoroki residence?” He asked.

“Yeah … uh, listen, we need to talk” he cleared his throat. Hiroto raised his eyebrows and looked at him expectantly.

“Uhm, damn, this is a bit harder than I thought” Katsuki scratched the back of his head. “Well, here goes nothing. I am pregnant …” He blurted out.

Hiroto gasped and looked at him with wide eyes. “Come again?”

“I am pregnant! I missed my birth control shot, and during my heat in May I got pregnant …” he repeated.

Hiroto’s jaw dropped and he blinked a few times. Katsuki looked at him concerned. “Say something … d-do you want a child with me?” His voice sounded higher and insecure.

Hiroto exhaled, still overwhelmed. “Yes! Of course, Katsuki, of course, I want a child with you! I love children! I just need a few minutes to process this!”

“Ah, okay, yeah, take your time …” Katsuki smiled and nodded. At least Hiroto was not against the idea of having pups with him.

After a few minutes, Hiroto stood up and he hugged Katsuki, he gave him a deep kiss. “I love you, Katsuki, and I am so happy, that you and I going to be parents!”

“Yeah, me too!” They kissed a bit more.

“Well, but what about your hero career?” Hiroto asked after a while.

“I don’t know, I mean, I am really excited now, for the pregnancy, but I really don’t want to quit being a hero …” Katsuki confessed. “I’d like to go back to work as soon as possible, I’m missing out so much already.”

Hiroto sat opposite of Katsuki, by now he had made dinner for them. “Hm, if you want, I could stay at home. I could take a break as a teacher to stay with the pup.”

Katsuki’s eyes widened. “You would really do that?”

“Yes, of course! Getting back into a school career is easier than getting back into heroics, I’d assume.” He chuckled.

“Thank you so much! I really don’t know how to thank you for that!” Katsuki beamed over the whole face.

Hiroto laughed too when he saw his happy mate. “Don’t worry, babe, I’d do anything for you!” He stood up and moved over to Katsuki and he hugged him tightly. Katsuki returned the hug, still a huge grin on his face.


They were sitting on the couch, opposite of Katsuki’s parents, Katsuki was giddy and overjoyed. “Mom, Dad, I’m pregnant!” he announced.

Mitsuki gasped, she put her hands in front of her mouth. “Is that real? You’re having a pup?”

“Oh my goodness!” Masaru exclaimed.

“Haha, yeah, it is true! We’re going to be parents!” Katsuki repeated. He had grabbed Hiroto’s hand and moved a little up and down in excitement.

“Those are wonderful news, I’m so happy for you two!” Mitsuki beamed too.

“My congratulations! You’re going to be great parents!” Masaru added.

“Thank you so much” Hiroto grinned. Katsuki nodded.


Eijiro and Tetsutetsu were training with Takeshi at the moment, it was still so draining for Eijiro, he was so frustrated. “I just can’t do it … I’m not fast enough!” he grumbled.

“Yet” Takeshi added.

Eijiro looked up to him. “What?”

“You are not fast enough yet, you will get to it, or did you have perfect control over your quirk from the get-go? No, I don’t think so, just don’t give up, that’s not very manly!”

“Yeah, he’s right, you can do it, you just need more patience!” Tetsutetsu chimed in, he tried to cheer him up too.

“Yep, that’s right, it’s just another challenge to overcome, you can do it” Takeshi lifted his arms and flexed a little. “You got strong the first time, you can get strong a second time! Just believe in yourself!”

Eijiro hat a lump in his throat, but he nodded. “Yeah, you’re right … I can’t give up” he exhaled shakily before he got up again and continued the training.


He was done for the day, when he got home, Mae and Ryuu weren’t in the house, that’s why he just showered and fell face-first into the nest. He gritted his teeth and inhaled deeply Mae’s scent.

Eijiro really wished, he could get out of this bad mindset, but he couldn’t, he knew that he needed to be more patient, but he was unable to take a step back, he wanted to be better now!

Frustrated with the world he pulled the blankets over himself, tears stung in his eyes, phantom pain hit him. He could feel the thorns on his skin again. How they punctured his chest, how they filled him up with the poison. His chest started to itch, where the big, cross-shaped scar was.

Eijiro was startled, when suddenly his phone rang, he tried to get his tears under control, before he looked at the display. To his shock it was Hitomi! He answered the phone.

“Hey” he sniffed.

«Eijiro, are you alright?» she asked immediately. «I had this terrible, dreadful feeling for the last couple of weeks, did something happen?» She asked.

It felt so good to hear her voice, realization hit him like a truck, god, he missed her so much! “No, nothing is alright,” he told her what had happened to him at the beginning of the year, and how he still struggled to get back on track. She listened to him carefully.

“And now I just can’t get back into it, I still struggle so much! Physical therapy is doing nothing, and while the training with Takeshi is doing something, it’s not enough!” More tears were flowing down, and he could barely speak coherent sentences.

«I understand. Yes, there really happened a lot to you. I can understand that this must be so frustrating to you» She sounded really concerned. «But Eijiro, there is nothing wrong with taking it a bit slower. Your body is telling you, that it’s not the time yet. You almost died down there, it’s nothing wrong with you taking a break. You always put your life on the line for others, but sometimes you need to be a bit selfish too and say no. You need to get better first before you can help others! What good would it be, when you force yourself out there but break down after a villain or two. I know that it is sometimes really hard to align your thoughts with what your body actually needs, I’ve been through that too. It’s hard for people like us, to take a breather.»

“Yeah, you’re right … but how do I tell myself that it’s okay to step back? What do I do?”

«Maybe you could take a cure? Maybe with your girlfriend? If you get out for a few weeks with your family, this might help?» She suggested.

Eijiro exhaled. “Yeah, maybe … I will have to talk to her …” His mind was circling around this idea, Izuku had taken a breather too, maybe it really helped?

They talked for a while and Eijiro told her about his son, she was happy to hear that. She had also found someone, she told him about her boyfriend too. It was a weird conversation but strangely, even though he missed her so much at the moment, he felt fine, when she talked about her boyfriend, she was safe and secure, that was all that mattered.


When Mae came back, Eijiro was still buried inside the nest. He had no energy left. “Oh, I think someone needs a baby hug” Mae walked over to him, with Ryuu and Eijiro sat up to take his son.

He leaned against her while cradling the baby. “Thanks, that’s what I needed.”

She smiled at him and stroked through his hair. “What’s on your mind?” She asked after a while.

Eijiro exhaled. “Well, I thought about doing a cure for a few weeks. Maybe it will help me to calm down. I wanted to ask if you want to come along?”

She thought about it for a while. “Yeah, the idea is good! It might really help you!” She smiled at him and gave him a kiss.

Eijiro cuddled closer to her, he listened to her purring while he drifted off into sleep.


In July it was finally the time to go on the cure, they would travel to Hokkaido for the entire month. They would go to a remote place, so Eijiro could really calm down, the nearest town was thirty minutes away.

The weather was great and even though in the beginning it was very hard for him to just relax, he eventually managed.

They had much time for themselves since it was just the three of them plus the dogs. They walked into the woods a lot, there was a beautiful lake.

Whenever Ryuu was asleep, they had time for each other, Mae took great care of Eijiro. He especially like it, when she massaged the areas where his scars were. His chest felt sometimes so tight and it was so relaxing.

He rumbled every time she did that, it helped his racing mind to just shut the fuck up for a moment and to enjoy the moment.

Ryuu seemed to like it here too, he babbled continuously and made happy toddler sounds. The dogs were guarding him during the day, too, and Kiba would always alarm them if something was wrong.

It was a piece of heaven, and Eijiro forgot about his stress at home.


Katsuki was very happy, he was sitting in the office, doing some desk work while chatting with Toya. It was the End of July and Katsuki started to get bigger now. The other heroes were out on the field, that’s why they had time to talk.

“I mean, can you believe it? Hawks is still trying to make contact” Toya sounded so annoyed. “He even showed up with the twins.”

“No way!” Katsuki couldn’t believe, that Hawks still tried to get Toya back.

“Yes, way! Luckily mom took care of him, damn … I never thought, I would say that, but mom is amazing. She thrived so much these past years!”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed! She looks really good too” Katsuki smiled.

“That’s true, my relationship with her is better than ever before. I’m thankful that she could forgive me …”

“Yeah, mothers are amazing …” Katsuki mumbled. “So, how is Hotaru doing in school?”

“She’s doing fantastic, she’s a little sunshine and she has a lot of friends,” Toya told him proudly. “She gets little stars all the time” he chuckled.

“Damn, that’s great to hear. I’m happy for you, that everything worked out so good!” Katsuki barely remembered the time, in which Toya was still Dabi, he thought for a second about the disastrous summer camp where he had kidnapped him. How scary all of this was. He was glad that Toya got another chance in life, he really deserved it.

“Me too, you know, I never thought I deserved a chance like this. I ruined a bunch of lives so why should I get the chance of a new one? But I am thankful that it is the way it is now. Who knows what would have become of me, if I hadn’t chosen my daughter over the League of Villains.”

“Apropos, League, did you ever hear of the others again? Or … him?”

Toya puffed his cheeks. “Well, Tartarus contacted me, Shigaraki begged to see me, but I still am not sure if I want to see him again. But apparently, he’s going crazy, because of the broken bond mark. They won’t give him a scrubbing. I mean, it’s kinda cruel to not do that, but well, it’s kinda deserved.” He sighed. “I have no real idea what the others are doing, however. But I hope they made something out of themselves.”

“Yeah … true, they got a new chance after all.” Katsuki nodded.

“I hope that Toga got over Twice’s death, they were really close.” Toya sighed.


Katsuki came from the doctor, ultrasound picture in hand, he looked at it and a huge smile appeared on his face. Everything was fine with his baby girl, and this made him happy.

He met up with Denki. Kyoka and Hitoshi were at work. Denki was super chipper about Katsuki’s pregnancy. He chirped all the time and he was delighted when he was allowed to touch the belly. There weren’t kicks or something yet, but he could still sense the pup inside. It was purely magical.


Eijiro came back in August and he felt good for the first time in a long while. He was well-rested and his mind was clearer now. He felt fit enough to start his training slowly. He hadn’t heard of Katsuki’s pregnancy yet, so he was massively surprised. They went over to visit him.

Katsuki was overjoyed that Eijiro was back. “How are you doing, Eijiro?” he asked.

“Oh, I’m doing great now, I guess that was something I really needed.” He had a big smile on his face. “And you are pregnant! That’s wonderful!” He felt really happy, Katsuki let out some pheromones and it made him feel really good.

“I’m happy for you, and yes, I am, thanks” Katsuki smiled.

“Will you go on maternity leave then?” Eijiro wanted to know.

“No, Hiroto will stay at home. After birth, I will probably rest for a month longer before I start training again. I want to go back too.” He explained.

“Yeah, understandable. But make sure to take enough time off for your child.”

“Of course I will! I’m still not that fit anyway, so I don’t want to overdo it.”

“Very reasonable” Eijiro chuckled. “You’re different than me.”

“It’s kinda reversed somehow, back in school I would have said you are more patient than me.”

“True that. Damn, it’s been really long, huh?” Eijiro sighed and leaned his head back.

“Yes … that’s true, the years passed so quickly …”

“I always kinda thought you and I and Izuku would have an agency together, or work at least close next to each other,” Eijiro mumbled.

“Me too, … huh, weird how things turn out” absentmindedly he rubbed over his belly.

“True that …”


The pregnancy went really well. Katsuki didn’t have much trouble, here and there a little bit of sickness, but not that severe. What annoyed him however was the fact that he had to pee a lot. It drove him crazy to get up like five times an hour, especially at night.

He met up with the girls in September, they wanted to go shopping with him. Except for Mina and Momo the others hadn’t seen him while pregnant.

Ochako was super excited to see him. “Ohh, baby bump! Can I touch it, please?” She looked at him with big round eyes. She then seemed to realize that she acted a bit over the top. “I’m sorry, I’m just in baby fever. We recently visited a bunch of kindergarteners and it was so darn adorable” she chirped happily.

Katsuki laughed and grabbed her hand and put it on his belly. “I get you, especially since you are freshly mated?” He raised an eyebrow.

Ochako blushed. “Yeah, Tenya and I dated for some time and after the trip to the kindergarten I just couldn’t take it anymore” She smiled brightly.

“About time this happened, ribbit,” Tsuyu said.

“Congrats” Katsuki said. The others congratulated her too.

They got some sweet baby products for Katsuki, Momo was always next to him and she hooked her arm under his. “By the way, are you two going to marry officially?” she asked.

“Oh, we haven’t talked about that, but I really want to marry, well … when I’m not pregnant anymore.”

“Do you wait for him to propose?” Toru questioned.

“Hm, if he takes too long, I will do it myself for sure!” Katsuki grinned.

They passed a lounge and Mina looked at the sign. “Hey, this might be weird, but … uh, do you all remember, back in school, that we had sometimes like cuddle sessions?” She asked the others.

“Yes, I do, why do you ask?” Kyoka turned towards her.

“I mean, here’s an omega lounge, and they have free spaces … And I don’t know, I feel kinda … cuddly …” she blushed a little, even though it was hard to see on her pink cheeks.

The others stared at her for a little while. “Well, I got no problem with that” Ochako said after thinking about it.

“Me neither” Momo smiled.

“But what about Katsuki? Do you want to? I mean, you don’t identify as omega anymore” Kyoka threw in.

“You kidding? I still love to cuddle! It’s been so long” he chuckled.

“Yay!” Mina cheered. Tsuyu and Toru were on board too and they made their way inside.

Omega lounges were specifically for omegas, they were safe havens where they could relax and meet up with other omegas, mostly for cuddling. Usually, alphas weren’t allowed inside, but since Katsuki was originally an omega, he was an exception.

They got a room for two hours and they got fluffy spare clothing to change into, they had all sorts of blankets, pillows, and plushies in the rooms and quickly they built a comforting nest.

After that Katsuki crawled in the middle of the nest. He wore, like the others, a full-on plush pajama. The girls surrounded him, Ochako and Mina were on his left side, Ochako was higher up, while Mina was at the height of his belly, Tsuyu was somewhere in between them, but not directly on top of Katsuki.

Momo, Kyoka, and Toru were on his right side, in a similar fashion as the other three. Momo was close to his face, while Kyoka was somewhere next to his belly, and Toru somewhere in between.

And then they just lay there and cuddled, while soft music was playing in the background, other than that there was the constant purring of all seven of them. Katsuki had his eyes closed, his arms were occupied by Momo and Ochako. He could feel how different hands were rubbing carefully over his baby bump, he intensified his purring, it was honestly a mix of purring and rumbling.

For the next two hours, it was so damn peaceful, the pup inside of him was peaceful too, she let him catch a little break. He realized that he had missed those cuddle sessions a little bit, he smiled happily while he listened to the purring of the others. They released calming scents and it was just this beautiful mix. For a moment he knew what real peace was.


The two hours were over eventually and a bit reluctant they all got up. “Waah, this was good! We should do that again sometime! We should invite Denki too, then all the omegas – and former omegas are together” Mina said.

“Yeah, we could definitely do that again!” Ochako chirped.

“True, I got nothing against that” Katsuki smiled.

They decided that they could really do that once a month. They agreed to meet up next month again. After that, the group continued their shopping.


Hiroto chuffed when Katsuki came back. He smelled the omegas on him. “Oh, did you have fun?” He asked.

“Yeah, I had a cuddle session with them. We used to do that all the time in school, but at one point I wasn’t invited anymore after things went sour. This was the first time in years I had something like that” he explained.

“Haha, good for you, I’m glad you had a nice time!” Hiroto hugged him and planted kisses on his mate’s face.


Eijiro and Takeshi were training again, they were still somewhat focused on getting Eijiro’s quirk fit again. But in the in-between, they practiced some martial arts. Eijiro needed to learn that too, after all.

Today they were alone, Tetsutetsu had to work outside with Mina, and Eijiro’s back hit the mattress for the umpteenth time, he groaned aloud, Takeshi pinned him down. “You are kinda unfocused today. Should we take a break?” The other alpha asked. While he got up and gave Eijiro a hand.

The redhead grabbed it and got up too. He looked at their intertwined hands for some time, when suddenly weird feelings bubbled up inside of him. He remembered the chilly night air and how his naked back hit the cold grass. He promptly shook his head. “No, everything is okay.” He forced a smile on his face.

Takeshi tilted his head and patted him on the back. “Don’t overdo it, okay?”

“Yeah, promise.”


When he was in the locker room after the training, he was so on edge. Fuck, was he entering his rut or what? Why was he so aroused? He hopped under the shower and let cold water run over his body in the hopes to get rid of his erection, this was damn uncomfortable. Especially because he didn’t know what had triggered this.

He leaned his head against the cold wall of the shower, he pressed a hand on his mouth to stifle all sounds, while he quickly jerked himself off, not even the cold water did the trick.

Why the fuck did he get random boners when he was tossed around by another alpha? And why the fuck did those memories come up again?

He softly moaned when he came and his erection finally went down. His breathing was quicker while he tried to calm down again. He stayed for a few more moments in the shower, before he turned off the water and left. He dried himself off and quickly changed back into his clothes.

Still totally confused and overwhelmed he made his way home. He needed some toddler cuddles to get the disturbing thoughts out of his head!


Mae had one of her friends over, when Eijiro came home, Marylinn was her name, but she went mostly by Mary. “Oh hello!” she greeted him.

“Hey, Mary” Eijiro smiled, he saw that Mae had Ryuu on the arm. “Uh, I won’t bother you two, but uh, could I take Ryuu with me?” he asked.

Mae looked up. “Sure!” she gave him his son. “Is everything okay?”

“Now it is! Uh, well, I’ll be in bed, I need some toddler cuddles” he walked out of the room.

Mary chuckled a little. “I guess something did happen.”

“Yeah, he was a bit on edge.” Mae sighed. “Oh well, I’m sure he will talk about it when he’s ready.”

Eijiro sat back in the nest, his son in his lap, he played some peek-a-boo first, Ryuu giggled and babbled all the time, Eijiro cheered up when he heard the high voice of his son.

When Ryuu got tired he lay back and had him again on his chest, it was still the best damn feeling.

When Mae entered the room, she saw both of them sleeping soundly. She stifled her laugh and carefully plucked Ryuu out of Eijiro’s arms and brought him to bed before she joined Eijiro.


This October Hotaru wanted to go as a vampire, Toya was joined by Sougo, Katsuki, and Hiroto, they would have a little party. Katsuki and Hiroto had wolf ears on their heads, Sougo was – true to his hero persona – a killer bunny, while Toya went full-on zombie.

Hotaru had some candy already and they were now approaching a house, Hotaru went to the door, while the adults waited a bit away from the house. She knocked and when the door opened, she was face to face with another vampire woman, she also had some kind of animal ears on her head, but Katsuki couldn’t tell if those were real or fake. “Trick or treat!” She said and held her bag open.

“Oh, what a lovely costume! Here you go, kiddo” the woman said. Hotaru let out a thankful chirp.

“Thanks!” With that, she returned to her dad and the rest.


When they got back home Hotaru’s bag was filled with candy and she was very happy about that. She was allowed to eat a few pieces before she had to go to bed.

The adults sat in the living room, they were joined by Momo and Shoto too, they had a very fun evening and they talked a lot.


At the end of November, Hiroto’s rut came up, Katsuki was in a warm heat to help him a little, they were next to each other. Hiroto’s head was on Katsuki’s belly and he could feel the presence of his pup inside of his mate. Katsuki made again sounds that were a mix between purring and rumbling. He felt like he was in paradise again.


The Hero Billboard Charts were not much different from the year before, but Endeavor was down to Number 5, while Tenya was now on 4. Katsuki and Eijiro lost one place each, but they were kinda surprised that they were still so high up since they hadn’t been active most of the year.


Eijiro’s rut in December was so awkward and strange, his rut-ridden brain couldn’t stop thinking of the other alpha, why the fuck was it like that when his girlfriend was right here with him?


In December Katsuki was shopping again, he had to buy something very special, he was in the jewelry shop and looked for a ring, he was looking down on some of the rings. While he tried to find the perfect ring, he absent-mindedly drummed with his fingers on his swollen belly.

In the end, he found the perfect ring and he left the store happily.


Christmas Dinner with his parents was great, and after that, they were sitting in the living room, Mitsuki and Masaru had some presents for them, mostly for the baby, which was very appreciated.

And then it was time that they exchanged presents, Katsuki was very excited, he watched how Hiroto opened the ring box, he looked at the ring with wide eyes. “Do you want to marry me?” Katsuki asked.

Hiroto started to chuckle and he covered his face with his hand. It took a few seconds for him to calm down. “Open your present first,” he said, still widely smiling. Katsuki raised his eyebrows and did what he was told. Masaru and Mitsuki watched them, both with wide smiles.

“Oh, you!” Katsuki mumbled when he discovered a ring, he started to laugh too. “So this answers my question, huh?”

Hiroto took the ring box out of Katsuki’s hand got on one knee in front of him. “My answer is yes, do you want to marry me too?”

“Of course!” Katsuki pulled him up and they kissed. They celebrated the engagement a little more.


This New Year, Katsuki stayed at home with Hiroto, he was highly pregnant, and climbing up a mountain was probably not the best idea. To his surprise, the Moruga Agency came down relatively quickly to celebrate with them. They congratulated them on the engagement too. Overall it was a very good start to the New Year.


Eijiro’s and Mae’s family had gathered for New Year and he was sitting in between all the dogs in the giant house, he had Ryuu on his lap who was playing with a puppy. Eijiro was still out of his mind because this was not what he wanted to do at the moment. He felt increasingly worse, the more he thought about the other alpha.

To his luck, the others were entertaining each other and didn’t pay much attention to him, he wondered what kind of sick joke his mind was playing him, he hoped it would go away.






Izuku and Lucia increased their sexual activities after they had decided to get pregnant, of course, only when Kieran was not home. Especially their ruts were intense.

For the farm life, he trained his blackwhip quirk to be even more efficient. He could cut his work time even shorter with that.

Lucia was at the doctor’s office to get fertility boosters again, she figured that she would need them. It was really hard for alpha females to get pregnant, but then again, Izuku was a prime alpha, he was more fertile than normal alphas.

While they were trying, Izuku would already start to enlarge the cottage, they would need extra space.

Kieran was away for most of the summer, he was constantly with his new friends, and he would only come back for the night, Lucia couldn’t believe that her shy son was now so outgoing. She was overjoyed every time he told her about his day.

Izuku thought about getting a normal job, he knew that, when they had another mouth to feed, the money they made with the farm wouldn’t be enough. And now that he was super efficient with blackwhip he could actually afford to stay away from the cottage longer. So he looked around what jobs there were.

To his surprise, they looked for heroes. Izuku hesitated at first, while in Thailand, he had finished his school education, but of course, he never finished his hero training. But he applied anyway and to his shock, he was accepted.

Heroes in Ireland were a bit different from those in Japan. Policemen, Fire Fighters, paramedics, and other rescue workers were all considered heroes. Any job that was about helping people was considered a heroic job. And since anyone could use their job here, you only needed the specific training for any of the jobs.

Since Izuku had experience in rescue training and police work, he got the job fairly easily. He was mostly for rescue operations and as a firefighter employed. His help was greatly appreciated, blackwhip came in handy in most of the rescue missions.

Izuku was very happy, that he could finally help people again. He had missed it, and he was glad that this didn’t go hand in hand with killing people or seeing people get killed.

Lucia smiled happily when Izuku came home and told her how his day went. He beamed in excitement.


It was the end of November when Lucia felt a shift, she immediately went to the doctor to make a test, since normal pregnancy tests wouldn’t show accurate results yet.

Much to her joy, she was actually pregnant. She couldn’t wait to tell Izuku the news!

Izuku was still at work and so she got time to prepare dinner, she was humming joyfully while cooking, Sorcha und Oisín were around her and kept her company. She made sure to give them extra treats today.

Then finally Izuku came back, Kieran in tow. Both were surprised to see the feast that she had cooked.

“Oh my, what is that for?” Izuku asked, he was in awe.

“Well, I have good news!” Lucia beamed. Izuku gasped when he saw her wide smile. “I’m pregnant!”

Izuku couldn’t believe it for a second. It was Kieran who reacted first. “Ohh! I’m getting a sibling?”

“Yes! We’re going to have a baby!” She rocked up and down a little in absolute joy and excitement.

With the biggest smile in the world Izuku walked over to his wife and hugged her, he gave her a few kisses. “I am so happy! You have no idea just how happy I am!”

“Oh, I think I got a pretty good idea” she chuckled.

Kieran hugged both his parents. “I’m happy too! I get a new baby sibling!” he giggled.

They sat eventually down to eat the food. It tasted absolutely great.


They waited to tell Inko until Christmas. They exchanged presents and eventually, they told her too. Inko gasped in surprise. “Oh my god! This is wonderful news!” She had tears in her eyes. “My baby will have his own baby soon! Ooooh,” she cried a whole river out of pure excitement.

Yeah, it was a good Christmas, he texted Kairi and Ian that he was going to be a father, they sent their congratulations to him.

Ian also mentioned that Katsuki had asked for him, but Izuku didn’t reply to that, he just couldn’t, he felt guilt bubble up in him, but he wanted to ignore that for now, he didn’t want to spoil his Christmas.

Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +7 Years – First Trimester (+Izuku)

Katsuki felt really big for the past couple of weeks. He couldn’t see his feet any longer, which kinda freaked him out. He was mostly at home in his nest, and while Hiroto was at work, usually Momo was with him, she brought Yuki and Enko over, too. She didn’t mind staying with Katsuki, since she was at home all the time and Shoto was working, too.

Katsuki enjoyed the company, especially the pups, he couldn’t wait to hold his daughter in his arms.


One evening Hiroto came home, rather stressed. “What’s wrong?” Katsuki asked as he waddled towards his distressed mate.

“Ah, my parents showed up at my workplace to show me my new sister. My mother tried to guilt-trip me in coming back if I really wanted that my sister grows up never knowing her older brother.” He grimaced. “I feel bad for the child, but I won’t have contact with my family.”

Katsuki rubbed carefully over Hiroto’s back. “They are such a nuisance. You don’t have to go back if you don’t want to.”

“I know … They made such a terror in the school, it was so embarrassing, my boss was royally mad. She was scaring some of the children.”

“Damn, your mother is such an asshole” he leaned his head against Hiroto’s shoulder, he purred a little to soothe him.

He turned around to hug Katsuki, he rumbled as an answer to the purring.


Eijiro dove headfirst into more and more work. He even did all the damn nasty paperwork. Since his condition still wasn’t the best, he usually took easier jobs, he dealt with the day-to-day robber. Most of them were easy to handle.

He also took more intensive care of Ryuu, he was doing the hero job still only half time, so he could invest more time in his son. He also tried to focus more on Mae, she deserved it!

Yet, the intrusive thoughts about the other alpha still wouldn’t leave his head and it drove him, in some nights, to insanity, especially when he slept with Mae and his thoughts trailed off, he felt immensely guilty.

But what could he really do about it? Yeah, nothing, this train had left the station.


Katsuki didn’t know what he was supposed to do in that situation now, he was nine months pregnant and this situation scared him to death. If he were not pregnant, he would have dealt with it better, at least he knew that he could defend himself properly, but now?

Karen Okuda came rushing towards him. “YOU” She came to a stop in front of him. Katsuki grabbed the handle of the shopping cart tighter. He just wanted to get the grocery shopping done while Hiroto was at work. How did this woman even know that he was here?

“What do you want?” Katsuki asked.

“You are the ‘mate’ of my son, right?” Karen spat, she said the word ‘mate’ as if it was an insult. “That little disabled omega …” Her voice was so condescending.

“Tch, I’m not an omega!” Katsuki growled.

“Oh, sweetie, you are. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be pregnant right now.” Her voice was mocking. “And your pregnancy is, what we need to talk about.” She grabbed his arm.

“You are pregnant with my grandchild! And I want you to give it to me! You are not fit to be a mother, you are confused, you don’t know where your place is. I must fear for the life of my grandchild.” She scoffed.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Katsuki tried to pull his arm away, but she had an iron grasp on it. “Ouch, you’re hurting me!”

“Pah, you’re just a weak little omega after all, and you will listen to me. I have no idea what you did to my son, but you will not take him away from me!”

“You are crazy! I’m not giving you my pup! Now let me go! Hiro doesn’t want anything to do with you because you’re a fucking racist bitch!” Katsuki hissed.

“How dare you talk to me like that?!” Karen smacked him one time on the cheek. Katsuki was shocked that she did this in public. He stumbled a few steps back and he tried to keep his balance, but he fell over his own prosthetic leg. He closed his eyes and awaited the impact with the ground. But it never came, instead, two strong arms caught him.

“Hey, lady, that’s not very nice, don’t you see that he’s pregnant?” the person growled.

Katsuki opened his eyes again and looked up, he inhaled sharply, when he saw the familiar purple ball hair. Mineta looked at the woman while he steadied Katsuki.

“I see that! He’s carrying my grandchild, and it is not safe with him! He doesn’t want me to see it!” she got louder.

“I can’t imagine why” Mineta answered sarcastically. At that moment, the manager of the store came over.

“What is going on here?!” He questioned.

And then a screaming tirade from Karen ensued. She whined about Katsuki and that he wouldn’t let her see her grandchild, and how rude he was, and that he stole her son.

Katsuki was still shaking and he felt dizzy all of a sudden, the loud high pitched banshee screeching of Karen was too much for him. Mineta noticed, and he brought him over to the area where the benches were so he could sit down.

“Are you okay?” his former classmate asked.

“I don’t know … I feel weird.” His cheek was throbbing, and together with the spinning of his head, it made him feel nauseous. “I think I have to vomit.”

“Oh, wait, I get a bucket or something.” Mineta disappeared and shortly after that, he reappeared with the bucket. He gave it to Katsuki, he also gave him a bottle of water.

“Thanks …” Katsuki murmured before he took a sip. He placed the bottle next to himself and grabbed the bucket, just in case.

“Strange that we meet always during grocery shopping” Mineta chuckled, he tried to lighten the mood a bit.

“Yeah, really strange” Katsuki tried to smile a little but he couldn’t. Instead, he mustered the other man. “You’ve gotten big,” he noticed.

“Yeah, I transitioned to alpha, I grew because of the hormones” he stated.

“Right, those work miracles” Katsuki remembered his own growths spurt.

“Jep, but it doesn’t matter now, how are you feeling?” Mineta changed the topic back.

“Still weird. My head’s spinning.”

“Do you want me to call an ambulance? This doesn’t sound good” Minoru was nervous.

“I don’t know … Ah-” Suddenly, Katsuki clutched his stomach as the pain was shooting through it. This wasn’t right, this wasn’t supposed to happen! It was early February, and he wasn’t due for like two more weeks. “Yes, an ambulance, please …” He flinched as more pain was waving through his body.

“Alright, give me a sec.” Mineta grabbed his phone and called an ambulance.

Tears shot into Katsuki’s eyes, and suddenly he could feel something wet running down his legs. “Shit … I think my water broke …”

Mineta told the operator that they needed to hurry now, he hung up and tried to comfort Katsuki.

“C-can you call my mate?” Katsuki gave him his phone with shaking hands.

“Of course,” Mineta called Hiroto too, he immediately finished up classes and left, he would drive home first to grab the prepared bag for Katsuki, he would meet him at the hospital.

Karen was still screeching somewhere in the background when the paramedics arrived. They brought Katsuki to the ambulance and then drove him to the hospital. Before that, he thanked Mineta again for his help.


Hiroto arrived shortly after Katsuki at the hospital, he immediately walked over to the delivery room, Katsuki was so happy that he was there. They would do the C-Section soon, he was slightly scared. “I’m glad you could make it” Katsuki was under the influence of painkillers already.

“I’m here, everything will be okay”, he placed a kiss on Katsuki’s forehead and grabbed his hand.

The doctors worked on him quickly and after some time, the crying of a newborn pup filled the room. Katsuki thought it was the most beautiful sound in the world. The nurse cleaned the pup quickly, while the doctors closed Katsuki, after that he was allowed to hold his baby girl for the first time.

He cried tears of joy when he held her, she was so small! But thankfully she wasn’t in any danger, she was developed enough to survive on her own already. He scented her thoroughly.

The nurse helped Katsuki to position his daughter for breastfeeding for the first time, Hiroto looked down on the two and he thought that he was the happiest man alive.

A while later, Katsuki was brought into his room, he had given his daughter to Hiroto, his eyelids were heavy and he drifted off to sleep.


When Katsuki woke up, his parents were in the room too, they were talking with Hiroto, who had their daughter on the arm. She was sleeping peacefully.

“Hey, Katsuki,” his mother greeted him, “how are you feeling?”

“Exhausted, but happy” he answered with a soft smile. Hiroto gave him his daughter, and he couldn’t do anything but marvel at her beauty. She was perfect!

“Do you have a name for her already?” Masaru asked.

“Yeah, her name is Kira,” Katsuki said with a smile.

“That’s a pretty name” Mitsuki carefully patted his head while looking down at her granddaughter.

A while later, Katsuki told Hiroto and his parents what happened before. Hiroto was absolutely fuming, he promised he would talk to his mother again, that this was unacceptable.


Eijiro and a few of the others visited Katsuki in the hospital, the redhead was very surprised to see Mineta here. “Hey, how are you doing?” Eijiro asked.

“Oh, I’m doing good, better than ever” Mineta smiled.

“You helped Katsuki, right?” Hiroto asked.

“Yeah, but I didn’t do much, I just called the ambulance” he shrugged.

“But still, thank you!” Hiroto offered his hand and Minoru shook it.

“No problem.”

They were allowed to see Katsuki and the blonde was very happy to see them all. He was holding Kira and he was just done feeding her when they entered.

“Damn, so cute” Mina jumped up and down. “Will she be a Bakugo or Okuda?”

“Bakugo, definitely” Hiroto jumped in. “And damn I can’t wait to take his name too when we get married” he sat next to his mate, who let out a delighted chirp.

“Do you have a plan for when this will be?” Eijiro asked.

“Hm, not yet, I want to get back to my normal form first, but I hope it will be this year” Katsuki explained.

Mae wiggled her dog ears slightly and looked to Eijiro, she had Ryuu on her arm, the toddler looked over to the bed, he babbled some things.

After that he let the others hold Kira for some time, not too long though.


When Eijiro, Mae, and Ryuu came back home and after Mae had put him to bed for a nap, she sat next to Eijiro on the couch. “Is something the matter?” Eijiro asked her.

“Well … I don’t know, but when Hiroto and Katsuki talked about getting married … I kinda wanted this too” she mumbled.

Eijiro felt slight discomfort rising up in him. He kinda figured that she might want this eventually, but he hadn’t really thought about this yet, it was still kinda different as it were with Hitomi.

“I … understand …” he started, Mae looked towards him. “I, look, I’m not going to ask you now, because that would feel not right, it would feel … insincere if you know what I mean.”

She nodded. “Yeah, if you would ask me right now after me telling you, I would probably say no too. I don’t want to force you into marrying me, you should want that for yourself. You just should know, that I want to marry you.”

Eijiro observed her. “I want to have a real family with you, Eiji, I know we had a rather rough start, the pregnancy and all, it wasn’t at all what I imagined my life to be. I always dreamt of a big happy family, I always wanted many, many pups, a loving husband … we would take care of the pups, so both of us could also work too and so far those points work out, I have one pup, an awesome partner who actually is engaged in the life of his child … But I am not married yet, and … you are not happy in this.”

The alpha flinched. “W-why would you think I am not happy?”

Mae had a very serious expression. “You seem to forget that my Quirk is Dog Whisperer and I have traits of a dog quirk. My senses are heightened and my dogs can sense your distress pretty well too. Ever, after the underground incident, you’ve been off. Even after the cure and every time we have sex you are not there mentally. I can sense that!”

A deep blush spread over Eijiro’s face, he turned away slightly and covered his face with his palm. “Damn, I tried my best to not let anyone notice …”

“Maybe you could have fooled someone with lesser senses” she gently placed a hand on his shoulder. “Look, I am not mad or anything, I know that you are going through a lot, but I wish you could tell me what is on your mind.”

Eijiro sat there for a few moments. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do now, she said she wasn’t mad, but what if he actually told her? He slowly shook his head and cleared his throat. “I … don’t know why this came up when it did. Since I was in the underground, fighting all the time against other alphas … I remembered something from far, far back,” he started, “and ever since I am kinda awkward in the proximity of other alphas.” He looked down to the ground.

“Oh? Is it like … fear?” She asked.

“No, I’m not afraid of alphas, it’s actually quite the opposite …” he mumbled. “I get aroused by them …”

She raised her eyebrows. “Okay?”

“Yeah, you see, I had some sexual encounters with alphas, before we dated … male alphas, and I … I don’t know, I really enjoyed the power play. And don’t get me wrong, you can also be quite powerful in bed, and I really like it when you dominate me, but … I …,” he blushed deeply and he began to stutter, “kinda want to … have a dick up my ass sometimes …” out of embarrassment he couldn’t look at her, but he heard her gasp.

“Ooooh” she made a long sound. “That’s what’s wrong …” She cleared her throat. “I forgot that you are bisexual.” He slowly lifted his head and turned towards her. “I mean, yeah, of course, I can’t help you with that desire …”

“I’m sorry, Mae, I know that it’s insensitive and that I shouldn’t think about that. I feel unmanly for doing so, I feel like that’s cheating …”

“Nah, it’s okay, I mean, I guess I would be a little bit bothered if you’d fantasized about other women while we were doing it, but since you think of guys … I can’t really say anything” she puffed her cheeks a little and tilted her head, she seemed to think about something.

Eijiro still felt really bad about it all when she continued to talk. “How about swinging?”

Confused, he looked up. “Huh?”

“Yeah, I mean, you want sex with a guy right, And … well before we met my guilty pleasure was gay porn.” She said nonchalantly. Eijiro’s eyes widen. “It wouldn’t be cheating if I am watching you, or I don’t know even participate? As long as I am aware of what you’re doing with other partners.”

Eijiro stared at her, wide-eyed, open-mouthed, completely baffled and his brain seemed to short-circuit for a second. She chuckled and snapped her fingers in front of him. “Hey, Earth to Eijiro, someone in there?”

Still dumbstruck Eijiro blinked. “Eh, yeah, I am, I just … I was just surprised that you would say that. A-are you really okay with that? Me sleeping with other men?”

“I mean, if I can watch, sure” she smiled at him.

“Oh, yeah, of course, no problem!” He started to grin, still with blushed cheeks. How on earth did this work out somehow? He was so afraid of telling this to Mae …

“So … how we are going about this?” He tilted his head.

“I mean, we could visit a swinger club, or we do this during your rut? Service Top Alphas are not uncommon” she mentioned.

He thought about it for a moment. “Yeah … that could work. We should do that when my rut comes up” he nodded. “Thanks!”

She raised her eyebrows. “What for?”

“For being so accepting of that. I was scared of how you’d react to that …” He sighed.

“Don’t worry about it. And who knows, maybe this will release some tension” she smiled again.

“I hope so too” He leaned over and kissed her.


Life was a tad bit stressful for Katsuki and Hiroto, they had to get up quite often during the night, Kira woke them up almost hourly. She was a little screamer and Katsuki feared that she had inherited this from him since Hiroto was usually very calm.

After a couple of weeks, Katsuki was still on maternity leave, they had decided he would go back to heroics in April before the next school year started, and Hiroto would stop working then. This way he didn’t have to abandon his class right before the end of the school year.

Katsuki walked into the office, the pup was secured to his chest in a cloth. He purred nonstop to keep her calm. “Oooh, look who’s there!” Sougo greeted him.

“I see, you bring the little creature with you, a human sacrifice?” Kuroko wondered.

Katsuki growled at her. “Don’t touch her! She’s not a sacrifice!”

“Kuroko, you can’t just call pups creatures!” Satsuki scolded her.

“Everyone is a creature. Katsuki is a creature too, and the pup is a creature but smaller” Kuroko deadpanned.

Katsuki shook his head and sighed. He walked over to Michiko’s desk. “I meant to tell you that I come back in April. Well at least for a few hours, I still need to properly learn how to fight with the prosthetic.” He informed her.

“That is not a problem at all, Katsuki. I am happy that you’re coming back soon. And I’ll make sure that you don’t overwork yourself.”


Toya stood up now and walked over to Katsuki. “Can I hold her?”

The blonde smiled and unstrapped his daughter. He gave her to Toya. The omega purred happily. “God, it’s always a great feeling. I remember when I had Hotaru in my arms for the first time” he said between his purring.

“It’s been so long since she was so small …” Katsuki mentioned.

“Yeah, I know!” Toya chirped.

“What about you all?” Katsuki turned. “Do you ever plan on having pups?” He looked between the females. He kinda knew already where Sougo and Toya stood.

“Never,” Kuroko said immediately, “unless the Unholy Lord grants me the Immaculate Conception.”

“Uh … okay!” Katsuki blinked a few times.

“I thought about having pups, but I don’t even have a partner, so no” Satsuki said.

“I would be up for a pup, whenever Toya feels ready” Sougo answered, Toya blushed a little.

“Never thought about having children. Would probably give me huge anxiety attacks to gain weight” Michiko murmured. “I would probably not have a problem in siring a child but being a dam is not my cup of tea.”

“Understandable” Katsuki answered.

“I have a question” Kuroko perked up. “It’s something that Saeko mentioned. Do you plan on getting a knot?”

Katsuki flinched and blushed. “Why the hell are you interested in this?” Katsuki growled.

She shrugged. “Just curiosity.”

He sighed. “No, there’s no need” he mumbled.

“Why not?” she questioned further.

Grumbling, Katsuki answered, he knew that she wouldn’t let this slide. “Because I’m a bottom, or power bottom at best.”

“Ahh, makes sense. But did you never think of switching?” She tilted her head.

“Nope, I rather have something shoved up my ass, I enjoy that more” Katsuki deadpanned.

“Fair enough” Kuroko lifted her hands. “Now excuse me, I’ll go on patrol.”

“Wait, I’m coming with you” Satsuki stood up and followed her.

“Why is she even asking such things? I thought she’s not interested in sex?” Katsuki was still, even after all those years, irritated by Kuroko’s behavior.

“She just enjoys messing with people” Sougo and Michiko answered at the same time.

“It’s kinda creepy when you guys do that …” Katsuki mentioned.

They both laughed at that.


Eijiro’s rut was coming up in March and he was kinda nervous. He was never really in a swinger club before. Mae and he walked over to the reception, they booked a room for Eijiro’s entire rut.

They got a room key and they wandered around in the club, there were dozens of couples in the lounge, sometimes there were singles. Everyone got a batch to make clear what secondary gender they had. Surprisingly many betas were also here.

Eijiro could smell the ruts of the other alphas seeping through the entire building. It was quite an unusual sensation, he usually stayed away from other rutting alphas, the exception had been Tetsutetsu and of course the other alphas on the disastrous school trip in their second year.

Mae wore exquisite and expensive closing, an elegant dark purple dress, it was revealing and she also wore a harness and a collar. She had a black armband around her wrist, she had gotten it at the reception, to indicate that she was just here to watch her partner.

Eijiro was in a red suit with a black dress shirt. He wore a light and dark blue wristband to indicate that he was looking for alpha males.

“Wow, I’ve never been here before” Eijiro mumbled.

“Me neither, but I am kinda thrilled.” Mae had a huge grin on her face and her ears moved around as she listened to all the different voices.

They sat in the lounge on a big crème colored couch and enjoyed a few drinks when Eijiro noticed that he slipped into his rut. He saw some couples having sex in the lounge, which was totally fine, it really didn’t bother them too much.

Another couple approached them eventually. The man was a really big alpha, he was taller and broader than Eijiro was, he seemed to be European he had short golden hair and incredibly blue eyes. He wore a damn tight button-up shirt and even tighter leather pants. He also seemed to be much older than Eijiro, at least ten years.

Next to him was an omegan woman with long black hair she wore a tight blouse and a black corsage, going into a mini skirt, with a train that almost reached the ground. She wore high leather boots and fishnet tights.

“Hello there,” the alpha greeted him with a thick accent. “May I sit with you?” His voice was dark and soothing, he had a low rumble in it.

“Oh, yes, sure!” Eijiro patted on the cushion next to him, the alpha sat down, while the woman kept standing.

“I’m Aric, that’s my friend Morrigan” he introduced them.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Eijiro, that’s my girlfriend Mae” Eijiro did the same. Mae waved at them.

“I see that you are interested in male alphas and I just couldn’t turn my eyes away from you” Aric charmed him.

Eijiro was kinda nervous, but on the other side, his rut was coming in quickly and he felt himself less and less caring. “Oh, you couldn’t?” Eijiro tilted his head.

“No, it’s been long since I had such an attractive alpha like you. It would be an honor to be at your service” he let out a dark chuckle and this sent chills down Eijiro’s spine, he had butterflies in his stomach.

“Well, that’s great to hear!” He grinned out of nervousness. “I’m sorry, it’s the first time I am here, so I don’t really know what to do” he scratched his cheek.

Morrigan chuckled a little. “No need to worry, Aric is a very devoted service top.” She said in an even thicker accent.

“Oh, that’s good!” Eijiro grinned.

“He really wants a dick up his ass,” Mae said. This made Eijiro blush, but because of the reddish light in the lounge, this stayed unnoticed.

“Mae!” he growled a bit embarrassed.

“What? Tell the things how they are!” She laughed.

Aric and Morrigan laughed too. “That’s no problem for me, you want dick, I can provide it” Aric answered. “I hope you don’t mind Morrigan watching?”

“No, absolutely not, Mae is watching too”, with his thumb he pointed to Mae. “Are you two partners?”

“No, we are not romantically or sexually involved,” Morrigan said. “He is gay and I’m ace, but I quite enjoy watching men having sex. We met at an event and we simply clicked, since then I accompany him.” Morrigan told them.

“Oh, okay, I understand” Eijiro groaned suddenly as a surge of lust hit him. “M-my rut is about to start. We have a room here if you want to follow us?”

“Of course, go ahead!” Aric gestured for Eijiro to move and the four of them made their way up to the room.


Eijiro didn’t exactly know what to expect, but he definitely liked it, Morrigan and Mae sat on two extremely comfortable-looking chairs, while was pushed onto the giant bed by Aric. He had told him beforehand what was okay and what not so they could now start.

Aric kissed Eijiro a little before he started completely undressing him. He didn’t take long and since Eijiro drifted off into his rut, this was exactly what he needed.

The older alpha flipped Eijiro on his stomach and growled a little. This was met with another growl by Eijiro’s alpha. He didn’t quite like it at first. Aric put on a condom and smeared lube over his dick and Eijiro’s entrance. “You want a dick up your as, you can have that” he low-growled into the younger alpha's ear.

A shiver ran down Eijiro’s spine as two fingers pushed into his ass. He squirmed under the older alpha. “Do it” he growled with his alpha commanding voice, not that it would do anything with Aric.

Without hesitation and without complaining, Aric placed his dick in front of Eijiro’s hole and he pushed himself into it. Eijiro bit down on the pillow and he squinted his eyes shut, damn that hurt! But his rut-ridden brain ignored the pain. Aric did a pretty good job in keeping him down too.

Eijiro immediately noticed the difference in experience, Aric moved completely differently from Tetsutetsu back then. Aric knew how to make him crazy, he could delay his orgasm for ages.

The redhead actually had to beg him to finish it – for this round – because he couldn’t endure it anymore. “Do you want me to knot you?” Aric asked.

“Y-yes! Do it” Eijiro panted heavily he was drenched in sweat they were going for some time now. Aric pushed somehow even deeper into him and then the knot expanded. Eijiro whined and his head sunk onto the mattress, tears were streaming out of his eyes. He felt so damn full, he really wasn’t used to this, but it was a great feeling.

It was however still a little different from back then …

While they waited for Aric’s knot to deflate, they talked a little. They found out that Aric was from Iceland, ironically he got an ice quirk, while Morrigan was from Ireland, but most of the time she had lived in the Scottish Highlands.

Morrigan asked if she should use her gravitation quirk for some fun. She could freely control the gravity of any object. Unlike Ochako she could not only decrease but also increase the gravity. Eijiro said, that she sure could do that a little later.

While they waited, Mae went over and she took also a little care of Eijiro. She wouldn’t get fucked by him during this rut, but she also wanted some fun.

Over the course of the next couple of days, Eijiro had constant power struggles with Aric. While he never tried to top Aric, he tried to fight for dominance, sometimes he got it, but more often he lost, which was frustrating on the one side, but it also drove him to try it even more. They worked through the whole package of condoms fairly quickly.


At the end of Eijiro’s rut, he felt like his asshole was completely destroyed. He was so exhausted. “Wow, thanks, Aric, I … I’m still shaken up,” Eijiro said, he was lying on the mattress, still too exhausted to move a muscle.

“No problem, Eijiro.” Aric rumbled. It amazed Eijiro that he hadn’t entered his rut while serving Eijiro.

They cleaned themselves, even though Eijiro felt still really weak. “Whenever you need my service again, come and visit me. I am here for the rest of the year before we move on.”

“Alright, good to know, thanks again” Eijiro smiled at him.


When they got home Mae grinned at him. “Sooo? How did it feel, that dick up your ass?” She had a teasing voice.

“Oh, it felt great! Painful, but great!” he said. “Thank you for letting me do this!” he kissed her and she laughed. “No problem, dear.” She purred. “I hope you can help me equally well during my heat next time!”

“Oh, darling, I promise I will” he crooned.






Life was still good but damn, was it hard at the moment. Lucia was god damn hard to deal with during her pregnancy. Alpha females were generally really difficult during pregnancy. Even though they were biologically capable of having pups, they were still not originally meant to carry them, that was the reason the fertility of their egg cells was so low. Their hormones during pregnancy worked in even more overdrive. Most symptoms an omega had they had even worse. And because of their low chance of getting pregnant in the first place, they got even more protective of their unborn pups.

Sickness, cravings, mood swings all that was amplified. She had luckily warned him beforehand, otherwise, he would probably be shocked massively.

She nested pretty heavily, the only time alpha females nested was during pregnancy, she would growl and snarl at him sometimes if he came too close, for her comfort, but only hours later, she would let out a wailing sound to call him back, she needed cuddles. Only Kieran was allowed to be with her all the time if he wanted to.


Izuku was currently at work in the fire station, he sat on a chair and leaned his head back. “Damn …” Juri, one of his co-workers said. “You look exhausted.” The beta looked at him skeptically.

“Yeah, Lucia is already pretty damn hard to deal with, and she’s only in the first trimester” he groaned.

“Alpha ladies do be pretty nasty, while pregnant” Andrew added, he was an alpha too. “Me cousin’s wife is an alpha and he had to go through that five times.”

“Yikes. I mean, I love her, I really do, but it is kinda exhausting to float to the store in the middle of the night to get her some pickles.” Izuku grimaced.

Charlie, a beta, laughed. “Pickles, huh?”

“Yeah, she loved pickles before but now she’s devouring them. I saw her eating pickles with donuts lately …” He cringed.

“Ooof, cravings, are weird,” Juri said.

“Oh, don’t be so rude,” Abby said, she was also an alpha and the paramedic in charge. She had an omegan wife who was also expecting.

“Nah, I don’t mean it in a rude way” Izuku waved his hand. “I support her as much as I can, but I can still find it weird, no?”

Abby growled at him. “I mean my wife eats tuna dipped in chocolate so I guess … that’s fair.”

“Ahhh, nooo way!” Charlie’s eyes got wide. “Now that’s disgusting!”

“She likes it anyway” Abby sighed.

The sirens blared suddenly and they got called to an emergency. They all got up and ready.


The fire was luckily quickly extinguished and no one was seriously injured. Only one woman had slight burns on her arm, but she got treated at the hospital very quickly.


When Izuku got home this night, he was pounced at by Lucia, she crooned and rubbed her face against him. “You’re back!” she made some more happy noises. “I need some love!”

Izuku laughed and picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to the bed, Kieran stayed with Inko at the moment, because of her huge sexual drive.

He was careful with her, every time they had sex, it was almost too tame for her taste.


The sheep had lambs too and Izuku was now full-time busy, he worked one twenty-four-hour shift and had then two days off before he had to go back to work. He also took care of the animals – sometimes in short breaks from work, he had always a radio with him and he would usually float to the scene directly. He was also working on the enlargement of their cottage, plus he took care of Lucia.

But he was still happy, he would do anything for his family, even though he didn’t really have time for himself, but he knew that this would get better someday.

The time passed incredibly quickly, and before he could even grasp it, it was April again, most of the sheep had their lambs now and Lucia calmed a little bit down too, she was mostly in her nest she had not much energy to do something else. The pregnancy was wearing her out.

Izuku was lying next to her, holding her in his arms, one hand trailing over her belly, he was rumbling to soothe her. She was a bit upset, she had yelled at him earlier and now she felt bad, he did his best to convince her, that nothing was wrong.

“Hey, Izu … I wondered something” She started.

“What is it, love?” he kissed her on the temple.

“I wondered if you would marry me, and adopt Kieran legally?” she looked at him.

Izuku raised his eyebrows. “Of course I would! Kieran is a son for me already, but I’d love to adopt him properly. And I would also love to marry you.”

“That’s good, I’m glad to hear that” she smiled.

“But why do you come up with this now?” He wondered.

Lucia shrugged. “In case something happens to me, I don’t want Kieran to get ripped away from you, if something happens, you’re the only one he has left. My entire family is gone, he has no other living relatives any longer”, she said.

Dread befell Izuku. “Lucy, why are you saying such things?”

“Because I do have a heart condition, and pregnancy is really hard. I just want to make sure, that in the worst-case scenario, Kieran is safe with you” She had a very serious look on her face.

Izuku’s expression was also very serious, he knew that she had some medical issues and that anything could happen. “I promise you, if something should happen, I will take care of Kieran as if he is my own!”

She was relieved. “Thank you!” she leaned over and kissed him deeply.

Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +7 Year – Second Trimester (+Izuku)

It was April now and Katsuki was incredibly giddy, he could finally go back to work. He was so happy he almost vibrated.

Hiroto was up with him in the morning. “I know you want to go back out there and punch those villains out, but don’t overdo it, yeah?”

“Of course not! I need to train at first anyway. I haven’t done stuff for ages now.” Katsuki said. “And you, don’t forget to feed Kira, she needs food regularly! And she needs to nap, too.” He told him.

“Babe, I won’t forget our daughter!” Hiroto chuckled, he gave Katsuki a kiss. “Have fun.”

“You too!” with that, Katsuki left the house.

On his way to work, he was slightly concerned. Would he even fit in his costume? He was still chubbier than usual, and since his costume was such a tight fit, he worried now. He really had to train more!

He arrived at his workplace and his colleagues welcomed him back. “Yay, good to have you back, and not just for a little office work!” Michiko gave him a hug, Katsuki returned it.

“I’m glad that it worked out, too.” He smiled.

He would usually train with either Michiko or Sougo, they were more physical fighters like him. He had to work out more to get his old form back and he also had to learn how to fight with his prosthetic leg. This was kinda tricky, jumping and landing still felt off and he landed on his ass a lot.

But he was determined to master it soon.


Eijiro felt so much better now, he opened up to Mae even more, their relationship improved massively.

He was, at the moment, on patrol with Tetsutetsu. They were walking down the street and they were talking about his past rut. “So … your relationship problems stemmed from you wanting to get fucked by a guy?”

“Basically, ever since that god awful underground job, I had to think constantly about it, I felt so guilty because of it” he sighed. “It felt like cheating to me.”

“Huh, weird stuff. But I am happy that you managed to come up with a solution” Tetsutetsu smiled.

“Yeah, me too. And so far, it’s going even better with her.”

“Nice, bro!”

“How is it with you and Mina?” Eijiro looked over to his buddy.

“Oh, it’s going great. Never thought it would end up so good! She’s a beast between the sheets, but you already knew that” he chuckled.

They stopped when there was a sudden explosion, smoke came out of a building. They immediately made their way over to the crime scene.


It turned out to be a small group of villains, they wanted to rob a bank and one of the quirks went out of control, Tetsutetsu tackled the villain to the ground and Eijiro punched the other two out of consciousness. There were a few people with minor injuries and a massive shock, but no one was life-threateningly hurt.


Katsuki got back into form pretty quickly with the intense training. His stump however always hurt after a long day of work. He gritted his teeth, it was very uncomfortable. Michiko knew the pain way too well.

They had some minor cases and the news reported of Katsuki’s return to the hero life. Most people knew that he had been absent because of an injury, but magically his pregnancy hadn’t been too public. At least not many big news companies had picked up on this and some people on the streets had seen and talked to him, but that was about it. He was welcomed back with open arms.


In June they had the ‘big honor’ to be the bodyguards for this famous Idol Kaoru Murata. Katsuki took one look at him and decided that guy was too arrogant for his taste. The omega definitely looked down on him, and he didn’t like that.

He had contacted Eijiro to tell him and Eijiro had cringed. He couldn’t believe, that Kaoru was still so damn popular.

However, Kaoru had a stalker for some time now and he needed around-the-clock protection. Michiko and Katsuki had to do the job and Katsuki could see that Michiko was highly annoyed, because Kaoru hit on her multiple times.

“Oi, don’t break this guy's jaw or something” Katsuki whispered to her.

“I know, but it’s so damn hard …” she growled.

Kaoru was surrounded by alpha females, his manager was one too. Enko Sansui’s look, whenever she spoke to them, screamed “I am better than you”. She didn’t even try to hide it. How on earth did she manage to make someone as insufferable as Kaoru so damn popular?

Well, they knew the answer to that pretty quickly. Kaoru was god damn charming when he was around his fans. Enko too, she was a sweetheart all of a sudden.

“Chameleons” Michiko murmured.


One evening, before the concert, Katsuki sat together with Kaoru, the idol was humming something while observing himself in the mirror. Katsuki just sat there, watching him.

“Why the big frown on your face?” Kaoru asked, he looked at Katsuki, using the mirror. “You’ll get wrinkles.”

“Ah, it’s nothing” Katsuki murmured. He raised an eyebrow, why did he even ask? He was so damn self-absorbed. “I have a question.”

“Oh? Shoot.” He turned around now.

“Why are you even an idol, when you don’t seem to like the all-around? All you do is complain that fans are annoying and shit.”

Kaoru pursed his lips. “Hm, oh, it’s not that I hate it, I love to be in the spotlight, it’s the greatest thing ever! People should see my greatness! I am just a bit annoyed by all the horny omegan teen girls.”

“Why are you annoyed by them? You are an omega too.” Katsuki raised his eyebrows.

“Because I’m much more into alpha females. Why do you think I surround myself with them? All my background dancers are alpha females, Enko is an alpha, and I am so into Moruga, she’s great” He chuckled. “Well, to be fair, she has a weird style, and we would have to work on that, but other than that … She is the right amount of brutal that I like.” He grinned widely.

“Yeah, but I don’t think she’s into you” Katsuki murmured.

“Oh? Are you two a thing?” Kaoru asked. He got up and walked over to Katsuki, his yellow eyes seemed to glow.

“Nope, I’m gay, and she is my boss,” Katsuki answered.

“Ahhh, I see. You know I like a challenge, maybe I get her into bed after all” He laughed and sat next to him.

Katsuki let out a growl. “I don’t think she’d appreciate it how you talk about her.”

“Oh, but I can be quite charming if I want to.” He leaned his head back and laughed again. “I really get turned on when they are brutal. But unfortunately, I am not allowed to get bruised up, it’s such a shame.”

“Why not?” Katsuki raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, just my contract. I can’t let my body get too much damage.” He sighed. “After all, who would want to see a bruised pop star?” He sighed.

“Yeah, would be scary I guess.” Katsuki shrugged.

Kaoru mustered Katsuki for a while before he leaned over and sniffed on him. “Oh? You had pup recently?” He asked curiously.

“Yeah, I had. What about it?”

“I’m interested, how was your pregnancy?” he tilted his head.

Now Katsuki was confused. “Why are you interested in this? You don’t seem to be the type of guy that is up for pregnancy” Katsuki grumbled.

“Ouch, that hurts” he chuckled. “But you’re right, I never planned on having, however, someone offered a lot of money for me to be a dam, so I am curious how pregnancy feels like.” Kaoru turned towards Katsuki, he put his elbow on the headrest and leaned his head against his knuckles, he stared at the alpha in front of him.

“Wow, that’s kinda unexpected, to be honest. You would really have a pup for money?” Katsuki would never, ever do that.

“I’m still thinking about it, but if the offer is good enough, Enko will make me do it anyway” he sighed. “So?”

“Wait, she will make you do it?” Alarm bells rang in Katsuki’s head. “Is she forcing you to do other stuff?”

“I mean, she’s my manager, she has my contract and everything, what she decides will be done” He shrugged his shoulders.

Katsuki growled deeply. “Does she make you do things like this more often?”

“She doesn’t pimp me out if you mean that. When I have sex, I do it because I want it. This situation is rather new. Many women asked me if I would have a baby with them, but no one ever offered such a large amount of money.” He said. “She’s contemplating it. Is it more lucrative to get the money and possibly ruin my body, or to continue like now?”

“What the fuck? She’s a nutjob!” Katsuki was pretty enraged at that.

“It’s all for the money, baby, that’s just how it is in my industry.” He grinned.

“But you should have a say in this too! It’s your body, you should want a pup too!” He looked Kaoru in the eyes.

Suddenly the idol burst out laughing. “Oh my, you get all worked up over this? Baby, I gave them the ownership of my body, when I signed the contract!” He continued to laugh. “My training to maintain such a perfect body is agonizing. I can’t have tattoos, I can’t do piercings, and if they want me to get plastic surgery, I have to get plastic surgery” he shrugged his shoulders, still chuckling. “I am their perfect little puppet, and as compensation, I can have a life in luxury!”

“Is it worth it?” Katsuki was horrified when he heard that.

Kaoru mustered him. “You grew up pretty rich, right? You never had to starve, right? Otherwise, you wouldn’t be so shocked about this. Normal people like you would never understand to what length I am willing to go for money.”

Katsuki couldn’t really believe that someone would agree to a contract like that, not even for so much money. “I mean … I can’t say much to your life, do what you want” Katsuki murmured. It still left a bad taste in Katsuki’s mouth.

“I always will. So now tell me, how is pregnancy?”

Sighing, Katsuki told him how his pregnancy went.


The stalker was eventually caught and the job was done. Katsuki went home and he hugged Hiroto, he pressed his face against his mate’s chest. “What’s wrong?”

“I had some weird conversations with this dude. He was offered much money to be a dam and they will probably make him do it if it is worth the money.”

Hiroto shook his head in disbelieve. “Wow, some people go extreme lengths.”

“Hmm, yeah. It remembered me of something Izuku told me a couple of years ago, about the alpha hunters in Thailand. Prostitutes that want to get pregnant, so they can enter the alpha’s family this way. Or at least get money …” Katsuki continued.

Hiroto hugged him tighter. “Yeah, it’s sometimes hard out there.”


Eijiro and Mae met up more with Aric and Morrigan, mostly every month now, not just when Eijiro was on rut. Sometimes he even used medication to trigger his rut. Morrigan and Mae would always watch those two, sometimes it were even more men. Morrigan liked to play with Mae’s dog ears, and it made her purr, she got nothing against her doing this.

One time, Aric brought a friend, he was completely blue and had four arms. His name was Rajesh and he was fresh from India. He was really charming but what crept Eijiro out at first was, that he had two dicks! Raj laughed. “Oh, like the multiple arms, a double penis is running through my family” he shrugged.

“Aye …” Eijiro was still kinda afraid at first, he looked over to Mae but she gave him thumbs up.


It was … a very strange experience. He never knew that he could be stretched this far without being torn apart completely. Raj even double knotted him, which was honestly the most painful thing he ever experienced. Screw the injuries he ever had, screw the poison rushing through his body, nope, nothing compared to this. But still, he enjoyed it more than anything else.


July rolled by and Eijiro thought about Izuku again, it was his birthday in a few days … He couldn’t really believe that it had been almost four years since they last visited him. And now no one had heard of him for such a long time. It was really strange.

He shook his head and concentrated on his son. He painted a picture and Eijiro should better focus.


Katsuki was shopping at the moment, Hiroto was next to him, the alpha was carrying the pup. They needed new clothing again! Kira grew incredibly fast, he hadn’t thought that she would grow like weeds.

They bought, next to the clothing, some toys for her too. The pup made happy baby noises, while Hiroto softly rocked her up and down a few times.

They got a few amused looks from other parents, some of them recognized Katsuki, but they luckily didn’t bother him.


August rolled around and Momo, Katsuki, and Toya were walking through the park, Katsuki had Kira in a stroller, while Hotaru walked in the middle of them, and Momo pushed her twin stroller next to Toya. Suddenly, Toya’s face got dark. “What’s wrong?” Momo asked.

“Look who’s there” Toya pointed towards a familiar face. Keigo was in the park with his twins. They were two years now. Both had tiny red wings and they tried to fly.

Hotaru looked over too and her eyes lit up when she saw Keigo, she still didn’t understand, why Toya and he didn’t hang out anymore. “Uncle Keigo!” She dashed forward before Toya could stop her.

Keigo looked up and his eyes lit up. “Hotaru!” he greeted her while holding on to his pups who wanted to ‘fly away’.

Toya walked faster and he grabbed Hotaru’s hand. He shot death glares in Keigo’s direction. “Hey, Toya …” Keigo mumbled. His pups sensed that the air was heavy and they hid behind him.

Hotaru was confused and looked up to her dad. “Hey, Keigo” he returned with an icy voice.

Katsuki and Momo felt awkward, they looked at each other, should they intervene or something?

Keigo and Toya stared at each other for some time, before Toya sighed. “Let’s go, Hotaru.” He turned away to go back to the others but Keigo stopped him.

“Toya … I’m sorry, okay? I realized now, how big I fu- how bad I have been. I was just so lovesick that I ignored everything. I … I am really sorry how everything went down.” Keigo sounded very desperate.

The other omega turned around again, he mustered Keigo for a while. He bit down on his bottom lip while he thought about it. “Okay,” Toya mumbled. “This doesn’t make it better, however.”

“I know … I just wanted to apologize …” Keigo murmured. He looked to the ground. His pups sensed his sadness and looked up to him, they whined a little.

Toya mustered Keigo again. “How … does he treat you and the pups?” He asked. Aside from the news or the hero billboard charts he hadn’t seen his father much.

“Good, but he’s working most of the time. He’s … distant, sometimes it feels like I’m a single parent” there was so much sadness in his voice.

Toya in- and exhales deeply. “Damn, he’s a stupid idiot … He got a second chance and now he does this again?” He ruffled through his hair, frustrated.

“He’s on missions a lot, and he sleeps at the office lately. I haven’t seen him in three days.” Keigo continued, softly he patted his son’s hair.

Momo couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Personally, she got nothing against Keigo, yeah, his actions were a bit harsh, but she got the lovesick omega.

Katsuki gritted his teeth too. He didn’t want to, but he kinda felt bad too. He understood, that it sucked.

“Anyway … I uh, I won’t hold you up any longer. I want to teach Takara and Takuya how to fly.”

He was about to turn around when Toya cleared his throat. “We, uh, wanted to go to the café at the end of the park, you want to come along?”

Keigo, Momo, and Katsuki were very surprised that this offer came from Toya. His face was still hard, but he felt a little bit of sympathy for his old friend.

“If that’s really okay?” The omega looked from Toya to Momo and Katsuki. They nodded, still a little perplexed.

“Yeah, it is,” Toya answered.

“Okay, then I’m coming with you.” He picked up his pups and then the group went to said café. They sat down it was a bit stressful to organize all the children, but eventually, everyone was settled.

The waitress that came over was visibly excited to have so many pro heroes in front of her. She took their orders and practically ran away to get them.

They sat there in awkward silence until they all had their orders. “Should I talk to him?” Toya asked after a while.

Keigo looked up, surprised. “What? I thought you don’t like it, that we’re dating, why would you offer that?”

“You’re right, I still absolutely don’t like it, but … it’s less for you, and more for your pups, I don’t want them to get the same treatment as we did. They deserve better.”

The bird hero was baffled, he had never thought, that Toya would offer something like that. “I mean … only if you are comfortable in doing so. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

“Hmpf, I’ll see what I can do,” Toya grunted.


Katsuki looked at Momo again, he was impressed by his friend. She smiled happily, she knew that this wasn’t an easy task for Toya.

Toya looked over to Takara and Takuya, they munched happily their desserts. Hotaru was next to them and sometimes she fed them, happy puppy sounds rang through the whole café.


“Can you maybe come with me?” Toya asked Katsuki the other day. “I don’t want to go there alone. Damn, why did I even offer that?” he sighed in frustration.

“I was wondering the same, to be honest,” Katsuki said. “But sure, I’ll come with you.”

“Thanks. Yeah, I don’t know, I kinda felt bad …” Toya deeply sighed. “Stupid me.”


They made their way over to the Endeavor Agency. The hero was more than a little bit surprised to see his oldest son here. He just came back from a job.

“Toya, what are you doing here?” He growled.

“We need to talk.” The omega grumbled.

Endeavor huffed and they went into his office. Katsuki followed them, hands in his pockets, he kept quiet mostly.

“So, what is it?” Enji asked again.

“We need to talk about Keigo” Toya started.

Enji raised his eyebrows. “What about him?”

“I met him in the park the other day, and he told me, that you are basically never home. Are you doing it a second time? Abandoning your family?” Toya hissed.

“What is he talking about? I do go home, but I had a lengthy job these past days” Enji growled.

“Well, no matter what it is, stop neglecting him and your new children, for fucks sake! He feels like a damn single-parent half of the time because you are not there for him!”

“He’s talking nonsense!” Enji crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Besides, I thought you don’t like the relationship between me and him?”

“Yeah, I am still not a fan! I still hate it, but what’s done is done! You chose him, you had pups with him, and now you are neglecting them again. Do you want your new children to go through the same as I did or my other siblings? Do you want to repeat the same mistakes over and over again?” Toya hissed. “If you have no fucking interest in Keigo and your pups anymore, then you should just end it instead of letting him hanging.”

The flames surrounding Enji got smaller. “If he wouldn’t push for that stupid mating thing, I wouldn’t have to stay away, but all he’s talking about is mating and marrying” Enji grumbled.

“Are you that stupid? Of course, he wants to mate and marry you. For whatever reason, he’s in love with you! Of course, he wishes to bind himself to you!” Toya snarled.

Katsuki had his eyebrows raised. He remembered his last conversation with Deku at UA where Deku mentioned he wouldn’t claim him. How pissed off he had been He didn’t even want to imagine, how Hawks felt most of the time.

“I told him from the beginning, that I am not up for mating or marrying, he agreed to that. I don’t want this to be public, because when I show up mated all of a sudden, these vultures are going to ask questions.” The alpha grumbled.

“Oh, so it’s about your public image? Are you concerned about what people will think, that you fuck someone who’s so much younger than you?”

Katsuki chuffed one time but he could stifle all other sounds. Endeavor gritted his teeth. “What? You look surprised?” Toya continued. “I mean there will surely be many people, who are against such huge age gap relationships. I mean, Keigo is younger than me … How would that look on the papers, huh? I find it disgusting, so surely others do too.” He squinted his eyes.

“Yeah, that’s maybe one of the reasons …” Enji murmured.

“And the other reasons?” Toya pressed.

“I … he might feel more for me than I feel for him …”

Toya shook his head in disbelieve. “Wow, just, wow. Look, if you don’t love him, okay, then that can’t be changed, but then fucking tell him! And don’t keep him waiting for years! That’s just beyond cruel!”

“Yeah, I agree to that …” Katsuki murmured in the background.

“I know it is … I thought it would be enough if he stays in the house with the pups, but I was wrong.”

Toya pinched the bridge of his nose. “You know what, I just can’t deal with this bullshit anymore. Either you talk to Keigo and get your shit together, or I will, your choice.”

“No! I will talk to him” Enji exhaled deeply.

“Good, get your shit together! He deserves to know!” With that Toya turned around, he and Katsuki left the office. Toya let out a deep growl, he was so agitated now, he just couldn’t deal with his stupid father any longer.

He messaged Hawks that he now had talked to Enji, and he told him to have a talk. Hawks should contact him if that didn’t happen.

Hawks thanked him and told him that he would keep him updated.


In the following days, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Hawks didn’t contact Toya. It was on Thursday however, when Hawks stormed into the office of the Moruga agency. All the members were present and they looked rather confused. Especially when he stormed over to Michiko. “You!”

“Me?” Michiko raised her eyebrows. “What’s going on here?” She mustered the upset omega.

“Don’t come at me like you don’t know what’s going on!” Hawks flapped his wings angrily. “I didn’t recognize it at first, but it’s your scent that’s all over him!” He hissed.

“The fuck are you talking about?” Michiko got more and more confused. Toya was alarmed too, he stood up and walked closer to Hawks.

“I talk about you and Enji, you fuck, right? I can smell the capsaicin all over him! It’s your scent!”

Everyone looked at Michiko now. Toya couldn’t actually believe, what Hawks was saying.

“Eh, what? Why would you think I’d sleep with Endeavor of all people?” Michiko stood up now.

“I don’t know why you would do that! But when he got home, he was full of your stench! The capsaicin was all over his body and clothes! It has to be you!”

“But it’s not! I would never, ever sleep with Endeavor!”

“Yeah, you say that now!” Hawks’ feathers pointed at Michiko, and it looked like he was ready to pierce her with every single one of it.

“Damn, Hawks, newsflash I haven’t talked with Endeavor in months! Let alone I slept with him. Besides, he’s your boyfriend or whatever and he is Toya’s father. I have no intention of sleeping with any parent of my co-workers! Especially when they are alpha males!” She got louder too.

“But why is your scent all over him then? It was so deep into his skin, that not even a shower could get rid of it!”

“I have no idea! How about you ask him?” Michiko suggested, now her capsaicin stench flooded the room. She was really pissed off.

“He won’t answer his damn phone when I call him!” Hawks shrieked.

“Fucking fine, I’ll call him!” Michiko grabbed her phone and called the agency. Sougo was next to Toya to keep him calm. The omega was pretty pissed off again.

“Yo, hey Endeavor, move your fucking ass over to my agency. I got a problem here” She listened. “Huh? Well, your feathered lover boy is here, go get him ASAP.” She growled and hung up after he had answered. She turned her attention back to Hawks. “He’s coming over.”

Hawks hissed and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Kuroko sat on her desk and she had the biggest grin on her face, this was so interesting to her. She kinda hoped that a few hearts got broken.


Endeavor arrived about twenty minutes after the call, he was royally pissed off. “What the hell is going on here?” He growled with a deep voice.

“Hawks thinks, we’re fucking” Michiko immediately answered. She sat half on her desk and her eyes wandered from Hawks to Endeavor now.

“What?” Endeavor exploded. “What makes you think such nonsense! I haven’t seen Moruga in months!” He bellowed.

“Yeah, but why is her scent all over you?!” Hawks yelled. “I haven’t met many people who have a capsaicin scent, especially this heavy!” He flapped angrily with his wings.

Michiko jumped up and walked over to Endeavor, she sniffed at him and then covered her nose. “That’s definitely my scent …”

“See?! What did I say?!”

“But why on Earth would Michiko even want to sleep with Endeavor” Katsuki murmured.

“Yeah, as far as I know, Endeavor is not an omega, and with the exception of Saeko, I never had something with another alpha” She clarified.

“But-” Keigo started again, but Enji interrupted him. “I told you that I saved this woman a couple of days ago. She clutched onto me, while I was hovering through the air. I didn’t smell it at the time, because there were so many other scents all around us, especially the one from the burning building but that could have been it. When we landed she made an effort to rub herself all over me.”

“Why would she do that?” Keigo asked, he was still way too emotional.

“I have no idea. But I definitely didn’t sleep with Moruga. Look, Keigo, I am many things, an asshole, a bad partner or father, but I am not a cheater. I never cheated on Rei, even when she was ten years in the hospital and I did not cheat on you!” He walked over to Keigo and put a hand on the omegas shoulder.

Keigo looked to the ground, he leaned over and pressed his head against the alpha’s chest. “I’m sorry” he murmured. “It’s just too much at the moment, you’re always out and away for days. What am I supposed to think, when you come home with a scent so deeply grinded into you?”

“I … I had a very long mission, I’m sorry,” Enji murmured.

“Boohoo, now that everyone is sorry, you can reconcile somewhere else. No one wants to see that!” Kuroko called out from her place.

“Stop it, Kuroko!” Satsuki hit her.

“She’s right, we caused enough trouble we should probably leave. I will take the rest of the day off.”

Hawks looked up. “Really?!” A hopeful expression was on his face.

“Yes, really” Endeavor looked down at him.

“I think I have to puke” Toya murmured to Katsuki and Sougo.

The blonde alpha laughed. “Yeah, it’s weird.”

Hawks turned around to Michiko. “Uh, I apologize to you, too. I really thought that you were with him.”

“Never ever would I do that. But it’s okay, man, we all make mistakes.” She nodded.

Afterward, Endeavor and Hawks left the office. “Damn, that was intense” Sougo mumbled, he hugged his mate and rumbled a bit to soothe him.

“Yeah, don’t really need that relationship bullshit,” Toya answered.

“I’m still wondering, why my scent was all over him …” Michiko thought out loud.

“Are you sure, that it was yours and not just a similar one?” Toya questioned.

“No, it wasn’t just similar, it was pretty much my scent.” Michiko put a hand up to rub over her chin.

“That’s weird. What could that mean?” Katsuki asked.

“I have no idea.”






Inko visited the sheep farm fairly often. Especially to decorate the additional room for the unborn pup. Lucia was thankful for that, she was in the nest most of the time, the pregnancy was draining at this stage. She had some health problems coming with it.

She was more often in the hospital than she liked. But her past torture now caught up to her. It strained her body heavily, she had high blood pressure and in general heart problems.

Izuku was very concerned about her, but she always tried to play it down.

They had a very small official wedding in May when Lucia was strong enough to leave the bed. She wanted to get this settled, she wanted a safe future for Kieran.

Since they were still relatively new to Ireland, not many people attended. Some of Izuku’s colleagues showed up, but other than that only Inko came. After that, they applied for Izuku to adopt Kieran officially.

It was a little bit of back and forth, but it was fairly quick, and eventually, Kieran was now officially Izuku’s son. The boy was very happy about that.

Lucia was at home at the moment, she felt relatively stable, but she was still lying in her nest. Sorcha was with her in the bed, she cuddled up close to her owner. She was very protective of her.

Oisín was out with Kieran and Izuku, watching the sheep. Izuku floated with Kieran in the air and the boy laughed happily. It was his favorite thing to fly with Izuku around.

Izuku didn’t want him to worry about his mom. He knew that she had a high-risk pregnancy, but he still didn’t want to burden the boy with it.

When they came back, Lucia sat on the couch, she was wrapped up in a blanket, even though it was relatively warm outside. She watched some TV. Sorcha was still next to her.

Izuku sat down, next to her, Kieran was on Sorcha’s other side. Izuku kissed Lucia, he tried to place his hand on her belly, but the dog growled at him, no one was allowed to touch her when Sorcha was around. Izuku chuckled and patted the dog’s head instead.

He could only hope for the best, that the pregnancy would not be too stressful for Lucia.

Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +7 Years – Third Trimester (+Izuku)

Katsuki and Hiroto were in the middle of planning their wedding ceremony, they decided that they wouldn’t invite Hiroto’s family. He knew that his parents would definitely ruin the wedding. The only people he would invite were his older sister, Kana, his older brother Kisho and his two younger sisters Kozue and Machiko. With the others, he didn’t have really good relationships. And they promised not to tell anyone.

“But I am still wondering, what we are going to do with my family. If my mother finds out perchance, she will try her best to ruin it.” Hiroto grumbled a little bit. He leaned back on his chair, they were sitting over the invitation list.

Katsuki was on the chair next to him, he had Kira in his arms and was feeding her. He pursed his lips and thought about it. “I mean your siblings won’t tell and we haven’t announced anything public, how about we don’t post anything about the wedding until it’s over?”

“Huh, that is a good idea! This way they can’t bother us.” Hiroto smiled happily. They continued to go over the list of who to invite.

Katsuki didn’t have much family, except for Mitsuki’s mother all his grandparents were already deceased, he wondered if his grandma was going to come in the first place.

Katsuki would also invite all his former classmates. A sudden rush of sadness washed over him when he remembered, that Deku wouldn’t be there.

Hiroto looked up to see the sadness on Katsuki’s face. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Oh, uh, I just thought about Deku for a while. It’s kinda sad that he won’t be there,” Katsuki sighed deeply, “I haven’t heard from him in ages …”

Hiroto nodded, he could kinda understand Katsuki. He knew that it was hard on the other alpha. “And what if you try to contact the Ridgways again? Maybe they could give you his number now? I mean, it’s been a long while since the last time.”

Katsuki shrugged. “I’m not sure, I think I pissed off Ian the last time, by asking for his blood.”

“Hm, should I talk with them?” Hiroto looked his mate deep in the eyes.

Katsuki exhaled. “Yeah, you can try, but try it with Kairi first, maybe she changed her mind now.” He searched his pocket for his phone and gave it to Hiroto, he took it and looked for Kairi’s number.

The blonde alpha felt stupid for not calling himself, but he really felt he had fucked up with them and they wouldn’t answer him. “If they want, they can come to the wedding too, if you have to give a reason” he whispered.

Hiroto nodded, he put the phone on speaker. It rang for an eternity before Kairi picked up. «Yeah, what is it?» she asked.

“Oh, hello there, my name’s Hiroto, and I am Katsuki’s mate” Hiroto introduced himself.

«Katsuki?» Kairi sounded confused for a while. «Oh, oh! Yeah, I remember. What’s with him?»

“Oh, he’s fine. He is just occupied with our daughter” Hiroto answered.

«Ah, okay. So, what do you want then?» she asked.

Hiroto cleared his throat. “Well, I was wondering if there is a chance, that you could give us the number of his childhood friend, Deku?”

«Now, why would I do that, Izuku said he wants to be left alone, besides, I haven’t talked to him in months» Kairi sounded annoyed.

“Yeah, I understand that. Well, it’s like this, Katsuki and I are going to officially marry in November and he would really like to have Izuku at his wedding, so … I thought, I could try it again. I mean, a lot of time has passed and maybe Izuku has changed his mind?”

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone. «Fine … I’ll give you the number, got something to write?»

“Oh, yeah, I am ready.” Hiroto lifted a finger and started to draw in the air. With his quirk he could write or draw something into the air, it was pretty useful as a teacher. She told him the number.

«But I don’t promise anything … And congratulations on the baby I guess.»

“Thanks,” Hiroto said.

“Yes, thank you, Kairi” Katsuki answered now.

The woman huffed. «You were listening?»

“Yeah, I was just afraid to ask myself” Katsuki sighed.

«Good luck then» she hung up.

Katsuki exhaled again. “Okay … then I will call him now …”

“Hey, wait, what time is it in Ireland? Remember there’s a time difference. Not that it’s in the middle of the night” Hiroto reminded him while he was saving Izuku’s number into the phone. The letters in the air disappeared.

“Oh, yeah, you’re right, let me check … Oh, shit, it’s like four am … I think he’d kill me if I call him now. Let’s wait then.”


They waited a few more hours. Katsuki was nervous, what if Izuku was still not better? What if he was mad at him for calling? His head was overthinking again, before he lost the courage to even try, he dialed the number.

The phone was ringing again, Hiroto was next to him and squeezed his hand, it was also on speaker. It took even longer than the call before with Kairi.

Eventually, Izuku picked up. «Who’s there?» he asked. He sounded exhausted, or sleepy, Katsuki couldn’t tell.

“Uhhh, Hi, Deku, it’s me, Katsuki” His voice trembled a little bit. He waited for Deku’s response but there was a long silence on the other end. “D-Deku?” he asked.

There was a groan on the other end. «Sorry, you just woke me up …» He grumbled. Katsuki gasped, had he got the time wrong?

“I’m sorry, I called extra late, so I wouldn’t wake you up, should I call even later?”

«Nah, it’s good, I was awake earlier to feed the sheep, but I had work yesterday and after that, I usually sleep a little longer» He explained. «So, what do you want?»

Katsuki shook his head quickly to gather himself. “Uh, well, you see, I … I am going to marry in November … and I wondered … if you want to come … I mean, I really want you at my wedding … I …” he lost track of what he wanted to say.

«Oh, congratulations» Izuku murmured. «Uh, I would have to check first … what about my wife, though, and my kids? Could they come too? And mom.»

“Yes, of course! They can come too! I would be happy to meet your wife! And I haven’t seen Auntie in years!” Katsuki lightened up massively.

«Okay, give me a second to arrange everything. I need someone who can take care of the sheep first. I’ll call you back when I have an answer» he said.

“Alright, I’ll wait.”

Katsuki was giddy when Izuku hung up. He really hoped that everything would turn out okay. He texted him the wedding date.


Izuku sighed when he ended the call. Lucia was next to him, she was also sleeping. They had decided to take a nap for as long as Kieran was in school. He got up now and made some calls. He was so surprised to hear Kacchan’s voice … It felt good to hear it after so many years.

He called Matthew, John’s grandson if he could take care of the farm while they were gone. The alpha agreed, after that he called his work, it was still a few months until the wedding but he wanted to be prepared. His boss had nothing against it and gave his okay too.

He also informed Inko, who was delighted to hear that. She was excited to see Katsuki again, she would also get the opportunity to catch up with Mitsuki.

After he was done with all the calls, he went back to bed. Lucia was awake now, she watched him climb into the nest. “What’s the matter?” she asked.

“Oh, Kacchan invited us to his wedding in November” Izuku explained. “I just made some calls.”

“That sounds fantastic!” She smiled. “I remember him briefly. I wasn’t fully there when he visited for your birthday this one year.”

“Oh yeah, right, other than that, you haven’t seen him. I hope it is okay, that I just decided this on my own …” he looked at his wife.

“Of course, I’m happy to go. I want to meet your friends again, now that I can actually process them” she smiled while rubbing over her belly. “Luckily it’s in November, that should be enough time to recover” she murmured.

Izuku gave her a kiss. “I’m sure, babe.”

He grabbed his phone and called Katsuki again.


Katsuki immediately picked up the phone when it started ringing. He had waited all the time in front of it. “Yes?!” He asked.

Izuku chuckled at the other side. «Well, Kacchan, I arranged everything, except the flights, but we will definitely come to the wedding.»

Katsuki’s heart beat faster and he felt like it was going in loops, a wide smile spread over his face. “Oh, that’s so great to hear!” Katsuki beamed. “We have a lot to catch up!”

«That’s true, we should save that for when we see each other» Izuku said.

“Haha, yeah, okay, we should do that. I can’t wait, I’m excited!” He exclaimed.

They still chatted a little bit after that, before Katsuki had to hang up because Kira was fuzzy. He was so happy, he couldn’t describe it.


“What? Izuku is coming back?” Eijiro’s eyes were wide when Katsuki told him the news.

“Well, at least for the wedding,” the blond said, “he is probably going back afterward.”

“But nevertheless it’s a great thing, haven’t seen him in years after all” Eijiro nodded.

“That’s true!” Katsuki smiled.

After Katsuki was gone, Eijiro sat there for a while. He exhaled deeply and he ran his hand through his hair. “Well … fuck me …” he muttered.


The time ran quickly September arrived and Lucia’s baby was on its way. Izuku was at home and he flew her over to the hospital in no time. This was way quicker than the car.

The birth was extremely difficult, she had to get a C-Section because the pup wouldn’t come out and it massively drained Lucia of her energy. Izuku was very concerned, his heart pounded heavily in his chest. He held Lucia’s hand during the procedure, his teeth were gritted.

But eventually, their baby girl was finally there. The nurse took the pup away to clean her, while the doctors closed Lucia, they had to monitor her even more. Izuku whispered to her, how good she did. She was such a strong woman. Lucia smiled weakly.

“I want to see her” she murmured.

“Yes, I’ll get her.” Izuku placed a kiss on her forehead before he headed over to the nurse. She cleaned the crying pup. Izuku thought it was a beautiful sound. He waited until the nurse was done with her, she wrapped her in a warm towel and handed the baby over to Izuku.

She stopped crying, when Izuku held her in his arms, she looked at him as if she recognized him. It was the most beautiful thing that Izuku ever witnessed. He carefully scented her and let out a little coo. She responded instinctively to that. Yeah, she knew who he was.

His pup felt so tiny in his arms, tears of joy ran over his cheeks as he walked over to the bed and handed the pup to Lucia. She smiled weakly but happily as she scented her daughter and let her drink.


Inko was overjoyed when she arrived later with Kieran at the hospital. Kieran beamed when he saw the little bundle in Izuku’s arms. Lucia was sleeping at the moment, she was very exhausted. “Do you have a name for her?” Inko asked curiously.

“Yes, her name is Leony,” Izuku answered while giving the pup to his mother.

“That’s a beautiful name. Hello there, little one” Inko cooed, she rocked the baby in her arms.

“She will need you sometimes” Izuku mentioned. “Since we are both alphas, it will be a little bit more complicated to give her the right pheromones. She will be lacking omega pheromones” Izuku said.

“That’s not a problem, dear, I will always help you out” she smiled while crying.

“I want to help too!” Kieran exclaimed.

“Oh, dear, you will, you will be the best big brother little Leony has” Inko cupped his cheek. Kieran smiled brightly and he took his sister in his arms.

The room was filled with happy pheromones, both from Inko and Izuku. This was absolute heaven.


The first few weeks were stressful for Izuku. Lucia was home but she was still weak and couldn’t do much, he had to take care of the baby, his wife, Kieran, and the animals. He took time off of work too. He just couldn’t stay away for too long, let alone an entire day.

Leony cried a lot, too and Izuku lost even more sleep because of that, but he never complained, he knew that a baby was a lot of work, especially since both of them were alphas and their pheromones simply had not the same effect as omegan pheromones. Leony was the sweetest child whenever Inko was around.

Lucia apologized frequently for not being able to help properly, but Izuku shook his head at that. He didn’t blame her, he knew that she was sick and she needed her rest.

Luckily Sorcha and Oisín were very alert dogs and whenever something was up, they barked loudly to inform Izuku.


Eijiro and Mae were preparing for her heat in October. These past couple of months their relationship had skyrocketed. They worked better than ever before and Eijiro felt finally happy in all of this. It was still a different feeling from his previous relationship with Hitomi, but he was slowly getting to a point, where he could say he loved Mae. She did so much for him, even though she didn’t have to.

That’s why Eijiro had finally found the courage to buy a ring for her. He was nervous about it, especially since he didn’t know if she would say yes. Would she still think that he just did that because he felt pressured to do this?

They had dropped off Ryuu by Mae’s parents, and they were now in their apartment, watching TV, he could smell that Mae’s heat was close, so it was probably a good time to ask her before she went fully into it. He wanted her to be clear.

She was snuggling close to him, she was already getting warmer. He wanted to start speaking when she had apparently the same thought. “Mae, I …” – “Eijiro,” she started. They both stopped and laughed awkwardly.

“You go first” Mae chuckled. She moved now and was on her knees on the couch, watching Eijiro. Her eyes were big and her ears were pointed in his direction, he had her full attention.

Eijiro was nervous. “Well, okay,” he exhaled in preparation, “Mae, since our last conversation about this topic, a lot of time has passed” he started. Her ears twitched a little.

“I had lots of time to think about what I wanted, and yeah, you were right, I wasn’t always the happiest in this relationship. I struggled a lot, I wasn’t fully over my previous relationship and I hadn’t even figured out my feeling for you when the pup was on the way. So I was highly overstrained and didn’t know what I wanted out of all of this. But through some miracle, you helped me work things out. You stayed with me when I was injured, even though it was hard on you too, you even went with my desires to sleep with other men, which totally baffled me.” He exhaled deeply again.

“I feel much, much closer to you, ever since we had this conversation back then, and I realized that I would really like to spend more of my life with you. That’s why I want to ask you … do you want to marry me?” He pulled out the ring box from his pocket and opened it.

While he talked, a smile got increasingly wider on Mae’s face, she looked at the beautiful ring in the box, it was a silver band with a small ruby on top of it. “Yes!” She threw herself on top of Eijiro and she pressed her lips on his. She broke the kiss and looked him into the eyes. “I really hoped you would ask me. I wanted to mate you … But I just couldn’t bring it up if you weren’t ready for this” She said.

“We can mate during your heat if that’s what you want.” He proposed.

“Yes! I would love that!” She took the ring now out of the box and put it on her finger. She observed the ring for a while. “You remembered that I don’t like too big jewelry, the size is perfect!” She kissed him again.

“Happy to hear that. So, what did you want to say?” he remembered.

“Oh, well” she cleared her throat. “I was wondering … if you could pup me again.” She looked at him.

Eijiro gasped. “You want another child? How come that all of a sudden?” He tilted his head.

“You see, two of my friends told me they are pregnant … and I don’t know, it triggered my baby fever. I have stopped taking birth control a while back so … I would be able to catch right away.”

Eijiro raised his eyebrows. He thought about it for a second. “If you really want to, I got nothing against it.” He smiled and pulled her closer again.

Mae squealed in happiness. “Then we should get to work!” she exclaimed. Eijiro burst out laughing and he picked her up to carry her to the nest.


Katsuki got increasingly more nervous, the closer November came, they had picked out everything, and on paper, it would be perfect, he hoped that everything went like on the papers. The wedding was in about a week.

Deku would arrive soon, this made him nervous too. He couldn’t wait to see him again.

He waited at the airport, looking for his childhood friend and his family. Hiroto was next to him, holding Kira in his arms, he saw that Katsuki almost vibrated in excitement.

And then he finally saw the green mop of hair. It was significantly shorter and much to Katsuki’s surprise, he had grown a beard! He was incredibly buff and he radiated authority. Katsuki noticed how the people around him, moved out of the way, looking at him in awe or in fear.

He had a newborn on his arm and a boy on the other hand. Next to him was his wife, she was massive compared to Inko, who was next to her. The white-haired woman held the boy’s other hand.

Izuku lightened up when he saw Katsuki, they made their way over to them. “Hey, Kacchan!” He let go of the boy’s hand and hugged Katsuki with his free arm. Katsuki felt like Izuku had gotten taller once again. The prime felt massive.

“It’s been such a long time!” Katsuki said, shortly burying his head against Izuku’s massive chest. He inhaled the musky pine scent that he had loved so much when he first presented. Before it got awkward, he moved backward, he looked at the little pup in Izuku’s arms. “I see, you got a pup too!” He smiled.

“Yes, that’s Leony,” Izuku introduced them, “and that’s my wife, Lucia, and our son Kieran.”

“I remember meeting you back in Thailand when we visited Izuku” Katsuki turned to Lucia and shook her hand.

“Hey, I’m sorry, but I can barely remember anything from that time.” She smiled a little pained.

“Ah, okay, not a problem. I’m Katsuki, that’s my mate, Hiroto, and our daughter Kira” Katsuki looked at his mate and pup.

Inko came now forward. “It’s so great to see you again, Katsuki!” She beamed. Inko looked absolutely amazing, she really glowed from the inside, Katsuki hugged her too and it felt great.


They brought the luggage to the hotel before they drove to the Bakugo Residence. Mitsuki and Masaru awaited them.

Mitsuki was super excited to finally meet the Midoriya’s again. “Izuku, Inko you look great!” She impulsively hugged them. Izuku laughed and returned the hug.

“I am happy too, Auntie” He rumbled a little, while Inko purred.

“Hey, Mitsuki, it’s been so long.” Inko beamed with happiness.

“Come in, come in, we prepared some food!” She ushered the others into the house.

The food was amazing, as expected from Mitsuki and Katsuki, Izuku listened to Katsuki’s achievements, how he had climbed his way already into the top ten, he also enjoyed listening to him talking about his relationship with Hiroto, he was also shocked when they told them about Hiroto’s parents.

“Urgh I have dealt with so many alpha supremacists, I lost count” Izuku growled. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something. “Uh, Kacchan … I’m sorry how our last conversation, a couple of years back went.” He apologized. Katsuki perked up.

“What happened there? Kairi said you had a depressive episode and she phrased it in a way that made me think you were dead! Scared me pretty heavily.” Katsuki raised his eyebrows.

“Oh, uh, well she was not wrong, I was pretty dead at that time. I was heavily depressed and when you called me, I was so deep in. A couple of weeks earlier I was almost killed and that sent me spiraling down and it was the reason I left Thailand.” He explained.

The others were tense when they listened to it. “You were almost killed?” Mitsuki repeated.

“Yeah, that shit scares me to this day sometimes, but it’s gotten less, I have so much on my mind, I can’t think about it too much,” he said.

“That’s good to hear, how’s it going on the sheep farm by the way?” Katsuki tried to shift the topic into something positive again.

“Wonderful, it was a bit exhausting the last few weeks but I know it’s just temporary. And luckily I got a lot of time off of work to stay with Lucia and the pup” he explained.

“Oh, what are you working as?” Masaru asked.

“I work as a hero. It is a bit different than here in Japan however, I am more of a firefighter” he said.

“Oh that’s so nice, so you can be a hero after all” Katsuki smiled.

“Yeah, I don’t have to give up on that” he returned the smile.

They talked more about his life on the farm and then about the babies. It was a very relaxing evening.


The next day, the others met up with Katsuki and Izuku too, they were all so excited to see him again, Ochako tackled hugged him. “DEKU!” She beamed. “Long time no see!” Izuku laughed and they swirled around a few times.

“Yo, man you look great!” Denki came closer too, smiling widely, he hugged him after Ochako.

“It’s good to see you again, Izuku!” Tenya greeted him.

“I’m happy to see you all again” Izuku grinned.

He was positively surprised how much the others had changed.

Eijiro was one of the last to show up, he bit down on his bottom lip and walked closer. “Hey, Izuku” he greeted him. His thoughts were silly, he was sure that the greenette didn’t even remember.

“Hey Eijiro” Izuku answered, he smiled at him too. Eijiro opened his arms a little, to offer a hug, Izuku didn’t even hesitate and hugged him.

“Good to see you …” Eijiro mumbled, he inhaled the musky pine scent for the first time in years. He eventually let go, before it could become awkward, mixed within Izuku’s scent was a faint smell of ozone and roses, his mate's scent.

“I see, you have mated her?” Izuku asked, his gaze wandering to the other alpha's neck.

“Uh, yeah, I have, finally” he smiled.

“That’s amazing.” Eijiro nodded at that, he could feel something growing in his throat, but he tried to ignore it.


Katsuki was super nervous on the day of his wedding, he was in a white wedding suit and he was absolutely shaking. “Oh, pup, don’t be so nervous! You look great, and everything will go as planned!” Mitsuki told him.

“I know … I don’t know why I am so fucking stressed” Katsuki trembled.

Mitsuki sighed and wrapped her arms around her son, releasing some calming pheromones. “You will see, everything will be perfect!”

“I hope so …” he took some deep breaths and then got up.


Katsuki looked down the aisle where Hiroto was standing in his black suit. Masaru was next to Katsuki and he squeezed his arm reassuringly. He brought Katsuki to the altar before he retreated and sat next to Mitsuki.

The blonde alpha looked at his soon-to-be husband. The pastor began his speech, but Katsuki was only half-listening to him, he was fixated on Hiroto’s face. He couldn’t believe, that he would marry the most amazing man in just a few moments.

“Katsuki, a couple of years ago, I did not know you, but I knew, somehow, deep inside of me, that I was meant for someone special. I was overjoyed when someone as great as you, invited someone as average as I was, to a date. I looked into your crimson eyes and I knew I could look into them forever.” Hiroto spoke.

“It wasn’t always easy and there happened a lot during the time we know each other, but this didn’t break us apart, it only brought us more together. And I promise you, that I will continue to take care of you, to love you, no matter what the future will bring. Being with you brings me the greatest joy, seeing you smile, seeing you happy, that makes me happy too. And I want to stay at your side forever.”

Katsuki had to blink multiple times to not tear up, he bit down on his lip, he in- and exhaled shakily. It was his time to speak now.

“Hiroto,” he paused a second to steady his voice, “not only was it easy to fall in love with you, it’s been just as easy to stay in love with you, through all these years. When I first met you, I came out of a lot of difficult relationships and I questioned myself if I was even worthy to date someone like you. You radiate so much joy, goodness, and positivity and it helped me, to become a better person. You restored my faith in love and in relationships, you showed me, how beautiful love can be.”

He registered every facial expression on Hiroto’s face, he saw that he could barely hold back tears as well. “When I had those difficult times, you stayed with me, and only because of your love and support I was able to get through all of this. I promise to always love you, support you and be by your side, I will strive to give you the best of myself and share with you my innermost fears, feelings, secrets, and dreams. I promise to love you always and forever.”

They exchanged wedding bands. “I now pronounce you husbands,” the pastor said. “You may kiss.”

Katsuki leaned forward, and seconds later, his lips met Hiroto’s, he felt Hiroto’s arm around his back, oh, how much would he love it to just kiss him even more, but slowly the cheers and the clapping from the others, made him realize where he was. He made a step back and looked again at his husband before he looked over to the guests, his mom was crying now.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the esteemed privilege and honor to present for the first time Hiroto and Katsuki, spouses in law and in the eyes of the gods.”

More cheering and applause, Katsuki looked over to his husband and he placed his head on the other man’s shoulder. “I love you” he murmured.

“And I love you.” Hiroto placed a kiss on his head.


The party afterward was very enjoyable. They had a very delicious cake that they shared, the others came to congratulate them.

“That was beautiful” Inko said, she hugged Katsuki.

“Thanks,” he said. “I was so nervous” a small chuckle escaped his lips.

Hiroto’s siblings came over too. “Hey, how is it going, Katsuki?” Kisho asked. He smiled at his brother-in-law.

“Oh, I am feeling great!”

“By the way, don’t worry about mom and dad,” Kana said, “we managed to keep your wedding a secret” she winked.

“But you better be prepared if you post any pictures, mother will be so furious,” Kozue said.

“Yeah, especially at us for not telling her” Machiko sighed. “But I owe her nothing. You looked great, bro, and her presence would have ruined the wedding.”

“Thanks for keeping it a secret. I know that she wouldn’t approve of this” Hiroto said.

“Don’t worry, we will try to keep most of the rage away from you.” Kana smiled.

“Appreciated” Hiroto hugged his sister.


They eventually danced together, even though Katsuki was never the biggest fan of dancing, he enjoyed it greatly. After his dance with Hiroto, he danced with his sisters-in-law, with his mother, with Inko too. He also danced with Izuku and Eijiro. It luckily didn’t feel awkward anymore to be surrounded by those two.


Later that evening the three of them sat together outside under a pavilion. “It sure is strange how unpredictable life is, huh?” Katsuki murmured. “I was so sure that I would marry one, or even both of you, but now look at us, we are all in different relationships, getting married to other people …”

Izuku chuffed. “Yeah, we’re all having pups too, life really threw us for a loop.”

“Oh yes, that is true. I never thought that we would end up the way we did” Eijiro mumbled. He looked over to Katsuki and Izuku. “It seems so far back …”

They sat there and enjoyed the cool night air before Hiroto sprinted over to them. “Katsuki! It’s happening!” He had a smirk on his face. He was slightly drunk.

“Wait, what’s happening?” Katsuki looked confused. Behind Hiroto were Denki, Toya, and Shoto, who grinned too. Hiroto squeezed himself between Katsuki and Izuku, pressing a kiss on his husband's cheek. The other three stood behind the bench, Denki leaned onto Izuku, he was pretty drunk too.

“I posted pictures of our wedding to my social media account, and not even ten minutes later, like right now, my phone started ringing. And look who it is! My father and mother take turns calling me! Should I answer? I’m sure this is going to be good!”

Katsuki chuckled. “Sure, take the call!” he laughed.

It was a video call and when Hiroto answered it, they could see the faces of his parents. “Finally you answer, you damn brat!” His mother shrieked. “How dare you marry someone without inviting us!”

“Especially this disgraceful omega!” His father added.

“Because I love him, you damn nutjobs!” Hiroto leaned over and kissed Katsuki on the lips. They heard some gagging noises.

“How dare you marry a man? We had the perfect bride for you, someone with whom you could have gone out in public!” Karen hissed.

Denki, Toya, Shoto, Izuku, and Eijiro made some ‘oooh’ sounds before they giggled.

“Who are those?!” Toshizo asked.

“Friends that attended our wedding,” Katsuki said. “By the way, he’s a Bakugo now! Hiroto Bakugo sounds so much better!” Katsuki grinned widely.

“How much did you fall from grace to take an omega's last name?!” Karen fake cried.

“Maybe I never had grace to begin with. I just knew that I wanted to get his name as soon as possible” He leaned over again and nibbled at Katsuki’s neck. “And by the way, the only omegas here are Toya and Denki, and they are fucking awesome! My beloved husband is one true alpha!” Hiroto laughed.

“Hell yes, he is!” Eijiro now appeared on the screen. “And I will punch anyone out who says otherwise!”

“Yes, don’t mess with our friend!” Denki leaned in.

“True, otherwise I have to come over and teach you a lesson!” Izuku said, cracking his knuckles.

“Yes, by the way, Izuku here is a prime alpha so you better watch out what you are saying, I mean, you are just inferior, normal alphas” Hiroto had a mocking voice.

The parents gasped in shock. “A prime alpha, and you, as the highest authority approve of something so disgusting?” Toshizo said.

“Heck yes! I support Kacchan and Hiroto with every fiber of my being!” Izuku grinned showing his sharp teeth.

“I can’t believe it!” Karen whined.

“Oi, you said it yourself, I’m ‘the highest authority’ here” Izuku joked.

“Anyway, we don’t have much more time for your bullshit,” Hiroto said.

“Yes, because now we go to our honeymoon and there Hiro will fuck me senseless and pump more pups into me. Pups you will never ever see” Katsuki laughed at their shocked faces, while he French kissed Hiroto before he ended the call and blocked the number.

“Damn, Kacchan! That last one destroyed them!” Denki laughed and Shoto and Toya had to support him because he almost fell over.

“Are you really going to have more babies?” Shoto asked.

“Sure, eventually, but not at the moment, but hey, they don’t need to know that” he winked at them.

“Ohh, they will be pissed” Hiroto laughed and he pulled Katsuki onto his lap, kissing him more. “But serves them right.”


They went in shortly after the call, they needed to get ready, it was kinda late by now anyway. They wouldn’t go on a honeymoon right away, they would wait until next year around Katsuki’s birthday for that. He didn’t want to leave Kira alone already. Even though she would be with his parents, he wanted to wait until she was at least a year.

Even though they wouldn’t fly away for a honeymoon, they had planned the wedding shortly before Katsuki’s heat and so Kira still stayed with her grandparents, while Hiroto and Katsuki were busy with each other.


Izuku met up for more talks with All Might, he apologized multiple times for just leaving, but All Might understood him after Izuku had explained what exactly had happened to him in Thailand. Besides, Shigaraki and All For One were still in prison and at the moment it looked at least for Shigaraki not particularly good. He still suffered from the broken bond marks of two people, he was still bonded to Toya and Savage.

He decided to stay the following months in Japan too, Leigh and Joseph were visiting their Pa in Ireland and they had offered to check on the farm too, so they could stay longer. Izuku was very thankful for that, he could spend more time with his friends.

Lucia got along pretty well with the others and Kieran played a lot with the other children.

They would spend Christmas with the Bakugo families since they didn’t have a house in Japan anymore. They also visited the Todoroki household, to their surprise a freshly mated Hawks brought over some presents for Hotaru, Enko, and Yuki, the visit was brief, he didn’t want to disturb the peace.

On New Year they all gathered together and had a big party, the whole class came again and even some of the other members of the hero agencies. It was a lot of fun and they were all positive that the new year would bring a lot of good things.

Eijiro Kirishima: +7 Years – Sharing (+Izuku)

[Dieses Kapitel ist nur Volljährigen zugänglich]

Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +8 Years (+ Izuku)

In January, half of the former class members gathered to say goodbye to Izuku and his family. Katsuki hugged him. “But this time, you don’t just disappear, okay? Call from time to time!”

“Yes, I will, I promise” he smiled down at the blonde alpha.

“And you have to call me, Mae, okay?” Lucia called over to Mae.

The omega grinned. “Will do!” She gave Lucia a thumbs up.

Kieran hugged Hotaru as a goodbye, they had played a lot these past days.

They all said their goodbyes before Izuku, Lucia with Leony, Kieran, and Inko boarded the plane and went back to Ireland.

Katsuki looked over to Mae and Eijiro. He wondered why Mae should call Lucia.


When Izuku and his family came back, they were welcomed by the Cullys family. Joseph and Leigh were glad they were back, and so were John and Matthew. While the twins liked it on the farm, they wanted to go back to Thailand soon.

Shortly after they had settled in again, their daily routine continued like before.


Eijiro was sitting in his car, Ryuu was on his lap, playing with the steering wheel. They waited for Mae to come out of the doctor’s clinic. Eijiro would have loved to go in with Mae, but they didn’t have a babysitter for Ryuu today, and he was too fuzzy at the moment, that’s why they waited outside. He was super nervous. They had learned a couple of days ago, that Mae was pregnant. Now she wanted to do a check-up.

He rocked Ryuu on his lap and he talked with him. “Do you want a little brother or sister?” Eijiro asked him.

Ryuu giggled a little and let out some cute noises. He turned around to Eijiro and leaned against him.

At this moment, Mae came back. She opened the door and sat on the passenger's seat. She leaned back in the seat and exhaled, her ears were a bit down. “How did it go?” He bit nervously down on his bottom lip.

Mae stared out of the front window, she didn’t say anything. This worried the alpha greatly. Eijiro saw that Mae was a little pale. “Is … everything okay?”

“Well, look for yourself” She gave Eijiro an envelope. Still massively on edge because of Mae’s strange reaction, Eijiro took the envelope and opened it. He looked at the ultrasound pictures. He studied them thoroughly but he couldn’t find something that would warrant a reaction like hers.

He furrowed his brows. “I … don’t understand? Is something with it? Is it healthy?” He grew concerned now too.

“No, … it has nothing to do with the health, everything is fine. But look closer.” She pointed to a letter in the corner of the first picture.

Eijiro looked closer. “A?” He tilted his head. “What does that mean?”

“Well, look at the other pictures.” She edged him on.

And so, Eijiro did. He looked at the second picture, “B …,” and on the third picture, “… C?” He still didn’t understand. Confused, he looked for help towards Mae. “I still don’t understand.”

Mae stared at him. “Those are three pictures, of them. This is Baby A …” she started.

“Baby … A?” Eijiro looked still so confused.

“The second picture is Baby B.” She continued. Eijiro’s eyes became wider. It still hadn’t really clicked with him. “And Baby C.”

“Baby B … and C?” He repeated. He looked again at the pictures. He rocked Ryuu in his arm, still not understanding what was happening.

“Three babies, Eijiro, we got three babies.”

Eijiro swallowed hard when he slowly connected the dots in his head. “T-Three?” He couldn’t believe it. “W-we’re having three babies?” His voice cracked and was incredibly high.

“Yep, we are having triplets” Mae confirmed.

“A-are you for real?” He blinked a few times, he couldn’t think straight.

“Yes!” She smiled a little when she saw her mate struggling to comprehend the situation. Ryuu didn’t seem to care, he was more focused on the steering wheel once again.

“Ooooh, fuck …” Eijiro stammered under his breath. “Oh my god … three pups … Holy shit!” He cursed. He slowly shook his head, while Mae chuckled. She had tears in her eyes.

“How … did this happen?” Eijiro’s voice was still high-pitched. “Ohh, shit! This is … Oooooh!”

“Well, I like to believe that our little adventure with Izuku helped in producing those three.” She fiddled with her fingernails, still teary-eyed. “So … uh, what do you say?”

“I uh, I have … no idea. Oooh, how are we going to do that? Three pups …” he ran a hand through his hair. “W-we need a bigger house!”

“Yeah, that’s true …” She nodded. “But we will manage, I’m sure of that.” She tried to sound confident, but her voice cracked a little.

Eijiro’s head moved like a bobblehead. “Y-yeah, w-we will manage, ohh fuck. Ryuu, can you believe that? You get three new brothers or sisters!”

The little pup looked at his dad confused, after a few seconds he started to giggle again, he mimicked the alpha and nodded his head. “Yeah, you are excited, right?”

“Damn. I … still can’t believe it” Eijiro shook his head. He looked down again at the pictures. “A, B, and C …” he muttered, running one hand over his mouth. “Should we thank Izuku for that? I believe too, that he had something to do with it.”

“Yeah, probably … Aye, I will call Lucia later. I need time to process this” she reached out for Ryuu so that they could start driving home. Eijiro gave the pup to her, but he didn’t start the car. He was still too baffled.

“Three pups …” he exhaled. He looked over to Mae. “Don’t worry, we will manage that somehow. As long as they are healthy, everything will be okay!” He tried his best to calm her down.

“Yeah, I’m sure my parents will do everything to support us too. I mean, they raised six children, so three more is probably a piece of cake for them.”

“True …” Eijiro rumbled a little bit, to calm himself down, he finally started the car and they made their way home. They decided that they wouldn’t reveal, that they had triplets for now. Mae was still very early and they wanted to wait until a little later.


Katsuki and Hiroto got, as expected, many calls from Hiroto’s parents, who were still royally pissed about the wedding. They tried to guilt-trip the couple, but it annoyed them more instead.


Katsuki walked back into the office, he was a little bit roughed up from a fight against a villain, he sat back down at his desk. “Damn, rough job?” Toya asked.

“Yeah, fucker wouldn’t stay down” the alpha sighed. He removed his gauntlets and powered up his pc to write the report. He hated the whole documentation, even after all those years.

The others were still out. Katsuki got up to make some coffee for himself and Toya, but suddenly the door opened. “Hello!” the newcomer called out.

Katsuki couldn’t see the visitor, but his skin started to crawl when he heard the voice, dread befell him and white as a sheet, he turned around. Toya jumped up and moved backward, pure terror in his eyes.

The alpha came rushing back, even though his legs were shaking, fucking hell! He recognized the person immediately. As if it was nothing, the villain that they had looked for all those years, was standing here in their office, Khaoz or Hiko!

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Toya asked. He retreated further away from her.

“Oh, I used the opportunity, now that the others are out, I wanted to visit you, my dear Dabi, and you too, Bakugo, it’s been so long! I want to catch up with you.” The woman had a huge smile on her face, it seemed to split it in two.

“But we don’t want to talk with you” Toya hissed.

“Oh, you want to! I am sure you do, sit down” Khaoz demanded.

“Why should we do that?” Katsuki growled.

“Because I politely asked you” Katsuki felt the pressure of an alpha command on him. “But if that’s not gonna do it, how about his?” She pulled a phone out of her pocket. “Have you checked up on your husband today?” She questioned Katsuki. “And how’s Hotaru doing in school? She should be in Math Class, right? Do you want me to check on her?”

“Fucking hell, stop!” Toya growled. “We sit down …” he immediately knew the seriousness of the situation. “Katsuki, sit down!”

The alpha clenched his teeth, he didn’t like that, but he knew better now than to just randomly attack her, both their quirks were useless against her, he sat down.

“Aw, perfect! It’s seriously been almost nine years since I last saw any of you” She grinned happily. “I was so surprised when Emaro asked for Faux’ help and I was even more surprised to learn, that this little fucker had been killed.”

“What do you want here, Hiko?” Toya asked.

Hiko pulled out the chair from Sougo’s desk and she placed it in the middle of Toya’s and Katsuki’s desks, she sat down. “Straight to the point, huh? To be honest, I never thought you were capable of living a normal life, Dabi, but here you are, playing happy little family with Sougo!” She grinned even more. “What about all the rage and hatred inside of you, I went out of my way to groom that even more, is it just gone?”

“No, it’s not, I still can’t stand Endeavor, but I got it under control now!” He was so mad that his former master was here.

Hiko’s grin indicated that she didn’t believe him one bit. But for now, she turned towards Katsuki. “And look at you, all grown up and all alpha” she had a mocking tone in her voice. “What happened to the cute little omegan boy that I met nine years ago?”

“Tch, he doesn’t exist anymore” Katsuki growled.

“Too bad, he was so cute and adorable. Did he get scared of me? Did he get traumatized?” It seemed that her blue eyes glowed.

“The fuck do you want here? Are you aware that we’re heroes?” Katsuki asked her instead of answering.

“Don’t make me laugh as if you could hurt me. But yes, I am aware that you are a hero now” she inspected her nails.

“What do you want here, all of a sudden? You were gone for nine years and now you just show up here?” Katsuki was confused if he was honest.

“Oh c’mon, Bakugo, I have more important things to do than hunting after one little omegan boy … turned alpha. You are not the center of the world. I just remembered you because I saw your wedding pictures on Instagram.” She chuckled.

Toya was very tense, this couldn’t be good. Katsuki was angry, all these years that he had lived in caution and she hadn’t even remembered him until now? What the hell was her deal?

“Anyway, I wanted to make a deal with you two!” She had a large grin on his face.

“As if we would ever make deals with you!” Katsuki growled.

“Would you shut up and listen first? Maybe you want to reconsider, when you hear what I have to offer” the alpha focused more on Katsuki know.

“What do you want?” Toya asked instead.

“Oh, my cute little Dabi, I knew that you would want to listen!” She chuckled. “Well, my dear Dabi and Bakugo, you know, lately I am looking for dams” she started.

Katsuki and Toya lost it at that. “The fuck are you talking about?” Katsuki hissed. “Are you kidnapping omegas?”

She rolled her eyes. “No, idiot. I am many things, and well, I have kidnapped people before, but I don’t force them into sex labor, or turn people into baby factories.” She sounded disappointed that Katsuki could ever think that of her.

“No, I ask nicely, and offer them something in return, Kaoru’s manager couldn’t withstand my offer,” she said.

Katsuki gasped. “So you were behind that? He told me that someone wanted him as a dam” the alpha gritted his teeth.

“He did? Ah, he likes to talk so much … Anyway, I was never really a fan of children, but I was in Africa for some time, and my eyes were opened. All the possibilities!” Toya growled at that. He didn’t want to imagine the life of a child in her care.

He also didn’t like the sound of that, she didn’t come here just to chit-chat. They had both very powerful fire-based quirks … That just screamed after selective breeding.

“So, what do you want with us?” Katsuki stared daggers into her.

She grinned. “Well, I have, undoubtedly some of the strongest fire users in whole Japan in my crew, and even outside of Japan, but the problem is, I can’t be a dam, and most of them are alphas too, so I can’t be a sire to them either. That’s a problem, but then I remembered two of my encounters with cute little omegas … one of them turned alpha, and both of them have extremely powerful quirks, which is a bonus. Also, I got no one with explosions like you have.”

She stared between Katsuki and Toya. “So I am here to make you an offer, be my dams, you carry one or two children for me, you get shit loads of money, and after that, you don’t even have to take care of the pup, I’ll take it with me.” She grinned.

Both of them lost their shit. “Are you fucking serious, Hiko? You want me to have your damn pup?!” Toya exploded.

“What makes you think I’d ever agree to carry the pup of a villain?” Katsuki roared at the same time.

“How about money? How much do you want ten million, twenty? One-hundred? Five-hundred? Name your price.” She said nonchalantly.

“You’re fucking insane!” Both exclaimed.

“I will never, ever be a dam for you!” Katsuki hissed. “What made you think we would say yes to this?”

“Oh, well, everyone has their price. Like I said, money is not a problem, if five-hundred million is not enough, do you want more?”

“Fuck no! I want you arrested!” Katsuki was about to stand up.

“Sit down!” Hiko hissed. “Getting me arrested won’t do anything, I have acquaintances in Tartarus, and even some judges are on my side, even if you arrest me, they will make sure to get me out. Besides, for what would you want to arrest me? Asking for dams? It’s not illegal you know?”

“How about arson?” Katsuki proposed.

“Oh? Arson? How do you come up with that? Have you seen me burning down a building?”

“How about my old school? You and a bunch of others burned it down!” Katsuki snarled.

“Can you prove that I was involved? Do you have any evidence?” She smiled at him.

Katsuki gritted his teeth, she was right, while everyone knew that Khaoz was involved, no one really knew her real identity, and they couldn’t prove that Hiko was Khaoz since she had used Faux, disguised as her, to get alibis.

“No …” Katsuki murmured.

“I thought so” she smiled.

“You better leave, Hiko, you are not welcome here! I don’t want anything to do with you anymore” Toya interjected. He wanted her gone.

“After all, I did for you? Not even you want to give me a pup?” She raised her eyebrows.

“Hell no! This won’t ever happen.”

“Really, hm, hey, does your daughter know about her real father?” Hiko tilted her head.

“No! Don’t you dare to tell her!” Toya growled.

“I heard that you are refusing to see him, he made requests to meet you.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to see him,” Toya said.

“Do you know that he’s not the same as before? He still suffers from the repercussions of two broken bond marks, and since he’s a criminal, he is not allowed to get a bond scrubbing … Well, at least not without the permission of his mate. Since Darleen is dead, you are the only one who can free him from his suffering.” She chirped. “I didn’t know that you are this cruel, Dabi, he’s going through hell and back inside of Tartarus. I visited once and he looked jarring. Not like a prime alpha at all.”

Toya gritted his teeth. “Get out! My relationship with Shigaraki is none of your business!”

“Oh, is it not? This little fucker basically stole you from me.” Hiko stood up now.

“He didn’t steal me from you! I left because you weren’t bringing me anywhere. Besides, you are also obsessed with my stupid father.” Toya followed her example and stood up as well. “I can’t stand people that are so into him.”

“Oh yeah, daddy was mean to you, I forgot your little family drama” Hiko sounded annoyed. “Anyway, I heard that Endeavor is now mated to little Keigo. I really want to rip every single feather out of his back.” The air around Hiko flickered a little, as the temperature began to rise.

“Don’t you dare hurt them” Toya balled his hands into fists.

“But don’t you hate them? Why should I not hurt them?”

“Because even if I am not on the best terms with them, I won’t let you hurt them!”

“Oh, how sad, you really turned to the good side, huh? So boring” she sighed and shrugged. “Well, can’t do anything about that. So you definitely don’t want to think about my offer?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely not!” Katsuki and Toya said in unison.

“Too bad. Well then, I’m staying a while in Japan, if you change your mind, then come to me” with that she turned around, waved a last time, and left the office.

Toya sank back into the chair, he exhaled. “Fuck, that was random …” he murmured.

“The fuck does she want here?” Katsuki questioned. “I mean she shows up all of a sudden? What the hell?”

“She was always very spontaneous,” Toya murmured.

“I want to check up on Hiroto and Kira” Katsuki grabbed his phone.

“Yeah, I better call the school, too.”

They did the calls and both were relieved to hear that everything was fine. Toya made sure to tell the school to have an eye on Hotaru, and that she doesn’t go with someone, other than him.

Michiko was enraged when she heard that Hiko had been to the office and had asked Toya and Katsuki to be her dams. She wanted to go after her, but they had no clue where the prime had gone.


Hiroto was very concerned when Katsuki came home, and he was furious when he learned what Hiko had asked of Katsuki. “This damn bitch” he cursed. He wrapped his arms around Katsuki.


“Are you sure you want to do this?” Sougo asked Toya. The others looked at the omega too. Shoto was kinda nervous.

“Yes, I want to see Shigaraki. It’s been almost ten years, I think I can handle it. I’ve been through worse shit” he scoffed.

“Okay, then we will head over to Tartarus,” Sougo said.

The Moruga Agency as well as Shoto got into their cars and they drove over to the maximum-security prison, it was a couple of weeks after the confrontation with Hiko. Toya just wanted to see for himself what had become out of Shigaraki.

The prison guards awaited them, but it still took about an hour, before they could finally enter the prison. Katsuki looked around, everything looked sterile and it made him uncomfortable.

The guards brought them towards the visitation room. Toya was definitely nervous, but he held himself together. Sougo was by his side, so he didn’t need to worry.

They entered the room, Shigaraki wasn’t in it so far. He was on the way, however.

Toya’s stomach turned a little when he saw the other door opening, and Shigaraki was rolled into the room. The omega gasped when he looked at his former mate. “What the hell happened?” He muttered under his breath, he raised his eyebrows.

All of them were shocked when they saw the former leader of the League of Villains. His hair was completely white and frizzy, it looked like he hadn’t combed it in years, which was probably true, it was also incredibly long. He was just sitting in a wheelchair and he wasn’t even restrained. Not even a straight jacket.

There was a Doctor next to him. He was clearly not a prison guard, he wore a white robe, he had incredibly dark skin and he was bald. His eyes glowed strangely. “Look, puppy,” he started talking, he had a strong accent in his Japanese, “you have visitors.”

The Doctor, his name tag read ‘Carter’, put a hand on Tomura’s shoulder and gestured to the glass. Shigaraki flinched heavily when the tall man touched him. He looked up in a panic before his gaze shifted towards the glass.

At first, Shigaraki didn’t seem to recognize them. Toya stepped forward and observed Shigaraki. The alpha was hunched over and he made himself as small as possible.

“Go and say hello” the Doctor urged him to stand up. With heavy movements Tomura stood up, Toya could see that he was trembling. Carefully, the villain walked over to the window. Dr. Carter was behind him like a shadow.

Tomura stared at Toya for quite some time. Suddenly he gasped. “D-Dabi!” he let out a small noise. “My mate, you are back!” he touched the glass with both hands, Toya expected halfway, that the windowpane would disintegrate, but nothing happened. A shimmer of something glowed up in Shigaraki’s eyes. Was it hope? Toya couldn’t tell.

The omega looked at his former mate, it wasn’t bad for him or anything, he didn’t feel panic rushing in by the look at his former abuser. But there was still dread inside of him. He just didn’t know exactly why. “Tomura …”

“I’ve been waiting so long for you to come back, you are finally here!” Much to everyone’s shock, he let out some high-pitched chirping noises, typical omegan noises!

“I am here, but what the hell happened to you?” Toya furrowed his brows. Shigaraki didn’t seem to understand.

“Oh, he just went through years of therapy,” Carter said. “It’s been very traumatic for him, to live with not just one but two broken bonds, unable to get rid of both of them. Isn’t that right” Carter put a hand on Shigaraki’s back, the prime flinched heavily and he made himself smaller. Shigaraki was not small by any means, nine years ago he had been around 6’3”, but now he was hunched over so much, that he was almost back at Toya’s height. Carter towered over him, at approximately 6’7”.

Katsuki felt really nervous, his attention was on the Doctor, who had a serious expression on his face all the time. His eyes were glowing which was really freaky. Sougo was next to Toya to support him.

“Yeah, that’s why I am here” Toya murmured.

“Oh, you want to give your consent that he can have a scrubbing?” The Doctor tilted his head.

“Yes, that’s right.” Suddenly, a wide grin appeared on the Doctor’s face. He let out a chuckle, which made Shigaraki flinch and cower before him.

Toya didn’t like that, this person maybe looked like Shigaraki, but he didn’t behave like him. He had a really bad feeling. “Hey, I was wondering, why doesn’t his quirk activate? He touched the glass” Toya mentioned.

The Doctor laughed again. “We blocked his quirk permanently, so he is easier to handle, it’s always difficult with patients that have strong quirks. He also got behavior therapy, he was prone to outbursts.” He was still grinning. “But now he’s a good little puppy, isn’t that right?”

Tomura was whining, he nodded, however. Toya clenched his fists, no, this wasn’t right … “What kind of … behavior therapy did he get? He is like a completely different person!” He had somehow problems speaking, there was a lump in his throat.

“Oh, well, unfortunately, I am not allowed to speak about that.” Toya saw, that he had to hold back a grin. He watched how Tomura got up again, he looked at his former mate and he placed a hand against the glass once more. He looked at Toya with big red eyes.

The others were tense too, when they saw, how terrified Shigaraki looked. What the hell happened behind closed doors to him? “M-mate, a-are you coming back to me?” he asked in a meek voice.

“No, I am not coming back. I just wanted to give my permission to get you help.” Toya murmured.

Tomura whined again. “I-I hear you talking to me sometimes …” he said, his voice was breaking, “d-do you still hate me?”

Toya gasped. He had to think about that for a second. “Look … I don’t hate you anymore, it’s more like I don’t care. I moved past the things that happened. I even got a new mate.” He told him.

The prime looked utterly devastated and confused, it still seemed that he had trouble understanding what Toya was saying. “N-new mate?” He tilted his head.

“Yeah,” Toya pointed to Sougo, “that’s my mate, Sougo,” he said. Shigaraki looked at Sougo, he nodded. “H-He’s an alpha … I see” his voice was so weird, he looked frantic around to the others. “H-How is the pup doing? I-Is it okay?”

Toya exhaled. “She is doing fine,” he murmured, “her name is Hotaru.”

Shigaraki nodded more. “That’s good, that’s good. She’s a good child yeah? N-not as disturbed as me?”

“No, she is an angel. She got nothing from you, not the looks, not the quirk, and not the personality.” Toya explained.

Tomura nodded, even more, it looked like a bobblehead by now. “G-Good, that’s good” he mumbled.

The others watched the conversation with mixed emotions. They couldn’t believe that this person in front of them was the same crazy Tomura Shigaraki they had fought so many years ago. Was it the years in confinement? Was it the two broken mating bonds? Or was it rather the behavior therapy that the Doctor mentioned, however that looked like?

They stayed for quite a while but eventually, the Doctor told them that he had to prepare Shigaraki for the bond scrubbing, when he put a hand over Shigaraki, the prime flinched heavily and cowered back on the ground. “Be a good puppy and behave.” The doctor rubbed his palms together, this motion alone let Tomura wince, he got up and moved over to the wheelchair. He sat back in it, he still looked at Toya and just for a moment, the omega had the impression that Tomura begged him with his eyes not to go.

But Carter pulled the wheelchair out of the room and the door closed, they could hear a faint whining coming from the alpha.


They were back at their cars, the air around them was heavy, they didn’t want to talk about it inside of Tartarus, but now they had to.

“Okay, what the fuck was that?” Katsuki questioned. “That wasn’t the Shigaraki I remember …”

“Me neither” Toya murmured.

“How are you feeling?” Sougo asked.

“I’m fine, surprisingly it wasn’t that bad to see him again. However, what was bad was to see the state he was in.”

“Something is incredibly off” Michiko murmured. “That was almost omega behavior he displayed, I mean, from omegas that were extremely mistreated. Some of the Omegas during our undercover operation behaved like this” she explained.

“But he’s an alpha” Toya mumbled. “And why the fuck did he chirp?”

“I have no idea,” Katsuki grumbled.

“What’s more, have you seen the doctor?” Kuroko mentioned.

“Yeah, he was extremely creepy” Satsuki nodded.

“That’s not what I meant, he had full control over Shigaraki, and he has an electricity-based quirk.”

“What? Why would you think that?” Toya questioned.

The purple appendages on her back lifted themselves. “Because these bad boys are extremely sensitive, when he rubbed his hands together, they could sense the levels of electricity rising. Shigaraki got scared immediately when he did so. My guess is electroshock therapy and in no way the ethical type.”

“Electroshock therapy? What the fuck?” Toya furrowed his eyebrows.

“What are they doing inside of Tartarus?” Shoto wondered. “Besides, how can they repress his quirk?”

“Good question, the bullets that the Shie Hassaikai produced so long ago are long gone,” Katsuki said.

Michiko bit down on her thumbnail. “Something about all of this screams foul play. First Hiko comes into our agency, now the stuff with Shigaraki. She also said she has people inside of Tartarus? And she said she doesn’t like Shigaraki?”

“No, she never did. She found him childish and immature, she also thinks he stole me from her.” Toya summarized.

“That’s gotta be a trick from her …” Sougo murmured, he grabbed Toya’s hand. “We should head back. There’s nothing we can do for now.”

“I’mma head over to my lawyer,” Michiko mumbled, “I don’t know why or how, but I got a really bad feeling about this.”

“What do you hope to achieve? To get Shigaraki out of there?” Katsuki furrowed his brows.

“Bullshit. I don’t want him out, but I want to get the Doctor checked out, he’s clearly not from Japan and I have never seen him in Tartarus before, besides, if they really have sketchy methods inside the prison, then I want that to stop. They are villains, but they are still humans.”

“Good luck then, I just want to check on Hotaru, to make sure she’s okay,” Toya said.

“Do that, we meet up later” With that, Michiko hopped into her car, Kuroko followed her, and together they drove off. The rest made their way back home.

Izuku Midoriya: +8 Years – Monitor and Abuse (1) (+ Katsuki Bakugo)

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Izuku Midoriya: +8 Years – Monitor and Abuse (2)

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Katsuki Bakugo + Eijiro Kirishima: +8 Years (+Izuku)

Katsuki and Hiroto were in their nest, Kira was on top of Katsuki’s chest. “I’ve never seen Deku like this before, the sheer panic in his eyes …” he murmured.

“I mean, this must have been a really horrible experience, I hope my brother can find a way, to remove Carter from there …”

“I hope so too …”


Isao got the statements of Izuku and Lucia in form of videotapes. He learned in even more detail about the atrocities this man had done to them, he was shocked to hear that Izuku had been tortured too. The prime begged him not to tell Katsuki or any of the others, he didn’t want them to know. Isao promised it.

But it was still a hard case and the court refused to investigate against Carter, so the months passed.


Even though Katsuki was still a bit concerned about the whole situation, he allowed himself in April to turn it down, there was nothing he personally could do, so he tried to focus on his honeymoon. They would fly to Nabu Island for it. It was still close enough that they could come back rather quickly if something was happening with Kira. Katsuki was really nervous to leave his daughter behind, but Mitsuki assured him, that she would be fine.


Their time on Nabu Island was very relaxing, many people remembered Katsuki from so long ago, it was nice to see some of them again. Katsuma and Mahoro were especially happy to see him again.

The couple enjoyed long stays on the beach, the water was a bit too cold for their comfort, but Katsuki didn’t mind too much, he didn’t want to swim anyway. They spent their nights together, they had planned the trip for two weeks, one of which fell into Katsuki’s heat. He was on birth control however he didn’t want to get pregnant at the moment, he didn’t want to miss out on his job again.

He had heard from Eijiro, that Mae was finally pregnant again, this had almost triggered his own baby fever, but he had himself under control.


One early noon, he woke up, he felt around but Hiroto was not next to him. His heat-ridden brain went immediately into a panic and he let out a loud keening sound, where was his mate?

“I’m in the kitchen!” Hiroto called over, this calmed Katsuki down, he couldn’t really get out of bed right now, since he was so bloated and his legs were extremely wobbly from the nightly action before.

A few minutes later the alpha came back he had made them something to eat. Katsuki trilled when he saw the food, he reached out to take the bowl from his husband. He chirped, even more, when he tasted the food, it was delicious.

Katsuki sat back, leaning against the head of the bed, he had the bowl in hand, eating the soba noodles, Hiroto was sitting more in the middle, criss-cross applesauce, he let his hand wander over Katsuki’s bloated belly.

The blonde alpha purred. “I think in one or two years from now I want another pup” he murmured.

“Sounds good to me” Hiroto smiled at him, when he was done with his lunch he placed the bowl on the bedside table and he leaned over to kiss Katsuki’s belly. “Then Kira will have a little sibling.”

“How many pups do you want?” Katsuki asked.

Hiroto shrugged. “As many as you are willing to give me if you want more than two pups, that is fine by me.” He moved up now to kiss Katsuki on the mouth.

“We’ll see,” the blonde chuckled, “but not twenty children.”

“Oh god, please no. I wouldn’t want to put you through something like that.”

“Maybe like … six or seven” Katsuki purred more by the thought of it. Funny how he had once thought, that he could never imagine himself being pregnant, and here he was talking about having more pups.

He blushed when he felt more heat rising up, the thought of having pups made him horny again, his body clearly knew what he wanted. More slick was flowing out of him. “It seems that you need someone who takes care of you” Hiroto chuckled.

He pulled Katsuki a little bit down, the blonde alpha grabbed the head frame of the bed with his hands, he gasped, when he could feel Hiroto’s mouth.


The honeymoon went by way too fast and soon after they were back in the real world. However, Katsuki was very happy to see Kira again, the pup squealed in joy when her parents returned.


Eijiro and Mae had been house shopping for some time now. While they had told the others, that Mae was expecting, they hadn’t clarified that they were triplets.

When he saw the prices for the houses that were big enough for the six of them, he had to gulp heavily. Mae also needed a house where her dogs had plenty of room and a garden too. She wanted that every pup had their own bedroom in the future. They also needed space for their cars.

She eventually picked one out that met all her criteria’s and Eijiro needed to take a few deep breaths when he saw the price of this thing. How the hell should he afford that? He was by no means poor but this thing would be a hard bite to chew. The price was roughly around 500,000,000 Yen. Mae saw his hesitation but she assured him, that he didn’t have to buy it all alone, she would of course contribute to it. Her parents would gladly give them some money too.

Even though his stomach still turned a little bit by the thought of buying this house, he signed the contract. Mae was super happy about that and she hugged Eijiro.

In April they moved into the new house, it was really spacious, it was completely renovated, thank god, but they still had to tweak a few things, of course. Mae inspected the master bedroom, she definitely would need to change a few things, first of all, she needed to craft the perfect nest.

Over time they would renovate the pups' bedrooms, they started with Ryuu’s of course. The boy was excited to finally sleep in his new bedroom. He was also more and more excited for his siblings.

In May they planned to reveal the triplet news to the others. They also planned a housewarming party. Some of the others had helped them to move and they wanted to say thank you.

Eijiro, who had started to work more again, to be able to afford all of their expenses, couldn’t manage to get off of work to shop for some stuff for the barbeque. That’s why he asked Katsuki if he could help him out if he gave him money. He would have asked Mina or Tetsutetsu, but they were on Mina’s heat leave, and they wouldn’t come out before the party. Mina also tried to have a pup now, so he definitely didn’t want to interrupt that.

Katsuki agreed to shop for Eijiro, he asked Toya if he wanted to come along since the omega had muttered something in the likes of that he had to buy a few things for Hotaru’s school work. She had told him last minute that she needed super glue and glitter for a project.


Now Katsuki and Toya were done in the shopping mall after they had gathered everything for Hotaru, as well as the most stuff for Eijiro. All that was left was the meat. They didn’t want to buy the pre-packed meat they had seen in the store, instead, they went to the butcher shop a little outside.

They entered it, luckily not many people were here at the moment. The owner of the little store was in today, she was serving the one customer before them. The woman was a pig-headed omega, she was friendly towards the customers, even though she sometimes looked like she was constantly frowning, then again, Katsuki couldn’t tell if that wasn’t caused by the pig head.

The woman in front of them was done now, and the butcher let out a little, very adorable ‘oink’, when she left, and she greeted Katsuki and Toya. “How can I help you?” she asked.

“Oh, we need some meat for a barbeque” Katsuki started, he looked at the meat in front of them.

Suddenly, the door that separated the sales room from the preparation room was opened, and another worker entered. “Ino, I’m going to my break now,” the blonde woman told the butcher. Toya lost his shit when he recognized the female.

“Toga?!” he exclaimed.

More than a little surprised, the woman turned around, and sure enough, it was one Himiko Toga that was in front of them.

Her eyes got large and she opened her mouth. “Oh my god! Dabi?!” She let out. “It’s been ages!” she squealed.

“The hell are you doing here?” Toya asked her.

“I work here! Oh my god! I am so happy to see you again!” she blushed. “Do you want to talk? I’m on my break now, we can catch up!” she let out some happy chirping sounds.

“Uhh, s-sure …” Toya was so overwhelmed. First, he saw Shigaraki again, and now Toga? Even more, Toga worked a normal job? He couldn’t really believe it.

They finished their shopping first, before they went outside with Himiko, they were on the back of the store in the parking lot for employees. “How are you doing, Dabi?” Himiko asked.

“Toya …” he corrected her. “I’m doing pretty fine. Life’s going good for once” he murmured. “What about you?”

Katsuki was watching the two with mixed feelings.

“Oh, you have no idea! It’s been an up and down since the League was eliminated. I was in many bad places for many years,” Himiko sighed, “but I finally managed to get a somewhat stable life now!” She grinned widely.

“Really? How come? What about your blood addiction?” Toya raised his eyebrows.

“Oh, I got it under control. I haven’t killed someone in ages” she sounded proud. “It started to go better for me when I was picked up by a couple. They are really lovely people, they rescued me from the bad place I was in.” She got a bit calmer.

“They have both blood-related quirks and Chiaki managed to help me out with my addiction, I can drink her blood whenever I feel the need to suck blood. She can regenerate her blood pretty quickly. And her husband Ye-Jun helps me some times, too.” She was blushed when she talked about them.

“Huh, okay, that is great to hear, Himiko” Toya mentioned. “I’m glad that you could turn your life around.”

“Yeah, sounds good” Katsuki mumbled.

“I am happy too. It took me a long while to get to a normal mental headspace, as for my violent tendencies, they got also better after starting a job that I really enjoy, slicing animals is as good as slicing people” she shrugged. “Also, Adam, Noa, and Ino, the owners of the shop, are totally cool, too. They keep me in check too!”

“I mean, I am glad that you turned to animals, otherwise I would have to turn you in …” Katsuki mentioned.

“Oh, right, Bakugo, you are a hero. But I promise I don’t do anything!” She smiled at him, it still sent shivers down his spine. “By the way, I totally love your alpha self, it’s really hot!”

“Uh, thanks” the blonde answered confused.

“Toya, I saw that you are mated?” Himiko turned back to Toya.

“Yeah, I am. To another hero,” he said.

“That’s so cool, I am happy for you. What’s with Tomura though?” She tilted her head.

Toya and Katsuki looked at each other. “He’s doing not fine, something terrible is happening to him in prison, and we try to get a case on the doctor,” Toya explained.

“Yikes, that doesn’t sound good” Himiko scrunched her nose.

“No, he was completely through, the last time I saw him.” Toya sighed.

“Damn … that sounds bad. But I am surprised that you care at all, after all, he put you through.”

“I don’t hate him this much, that I wish for him to be experimented on. I am not that heartless monster anymore” Toya cleared his throat.

“I get you …” Himiko looked to the ground. “Well, we really need to catch up at one point, I really want to meet your daughter, and maybe she and mine can be friends” She smiled brightly.

“You have a daughter?” Toya raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah, I have. She is Ye-Jun’s pup. Chiaki had trouble conceiving because of her quirk, so I offered to help them out since they helped me so much. Chiaki and I co-parent little Saori.” She explained.

“That’s nice of you” Katsuki murmured.

“Well, they did a lot for me, too, so yeah” She shrugged and smiled.

“True … Anyway, Himiko, it was nice seeing you, we can surely meet up some other time, but Katsuki and I have to go, we need to shop for some things,” Toya said.

“Oh, yeah, right, right, don’t wanna stop you for too long. See you!” She smiled at them and gave them a peace sign before she headed back in.

Toya and Katsuki looked at each other before they went back to the car. Inside of it, they both sighed. “That was surprising.” They both exclaimed.

“Do you believe her?” Katsuki asked.

“I am not sure … I wouldn’t bet my money on it. But hey, on the other hand, if I managed to get my life back together, why shouldn’t she?” He shrugged.

“We should keep an eye out, however …”



Eijiro thanked them for shopping for him, he was still at work and was rather curt. He was on duty for the last twelve hours and since he was all alone he would have to cover another shift. But he needed the money anyway, so he didn’t complain. But he was also way too exhausted already.

He got home very early in the morning, he showered quickly and then he crashed onto the bed of the guest room, he didn’t want to wake Mae up, because he had to go back to work in about five hours again, this was way before Mae had to get up.

The alpha was so done when his alarm went off, he grunted and fell almost out of bed, he changed directly into his hero gear, made himself a sandwich, and off he went, it was about six in the morning and he would get home at around eleven pm. He sighed when he thought about this long shift …

It was another exhausting day, one villain after another, back to back and he couldn’t catch a break, it was hexed like the villains knew that he was alone and exhausted. But it couldn’t be helped, the more villains he caught, the more money he would make.


When his shift was over at almost midnight – of course, there had to be an attack five minutes before he was done – he wanted to cry out loud, he walked home, completely numb and drained and he crashed onto the couch, he didn’t even make it to one of the bedrooms.

It was the day of the housewarming party, so he had some time longer to sleep. He got woken up by Mae at around eight am, however. “Eijiro!” she mewled.

Completely exhausted and sleep-deprived, Eijiro looked up to her. “W-what?” he murmured.

“Could you go to the grocery store? I want some pickles!” she asked.

The redhead groaned and let his head flop back onto the pillow. “Sure” he grunted.

Sighing he got up, he didn’t care that he was still in his hero costume, or that he reeked of sweat since he hadn’t even showered.

Dark circles were under his eyes when he arrived at the grocery store. He grabbed the pickles and the other stuff that was on the list that Mae had given him. The people looked at him a little bit weirdly. He couldn’t blame them, he looked like a zombie.

He came home about thirty minutes later. Mae was in the garden, with the dogs, and decorated some things. She looked around when Eijiro arrived, she could smell him five miles against the wind.

“Oh, thank you, hun!” she squealed when he gave her the pickles. A purr could be heard from her when she placed the unopened pickle jar on one of the tables. She got closer to him and pulled him into a hug. “You know baby, I am so horny half of the time, but you are away so much” she mewled again.

The thought of having sex right now was too much for Eijiro’s tired brain. He didn’t even know if he would get an erection like that. “Uh … Mae, I … I really want to sleep, I had to work almost triple shifts these past days, and I don’t want to be a brain-dead zombie at the party,” he told her.

Her ears lay flat against her head, her lip started to quiver. “But Eijiro! I really want to fuck, Ryuu is still with my parents so now’s the time! The party starts at two so there’s plenty of time for you to sleep!” She begged.

If Eijiro wouldn’t have been so tired, he may have argued with her, but now he just wanted to get it over. “Okay, fine, but quick, I am really tired.”

“Okay! I make sure to be quick” She purred and pulled him into the bedroom.


Eijiro was really glad that she kept her word, he really didn’t have the strength for hours of sex, he really had to focus to stay hard – and maybe use his quirk a little bit.

After that, he could finally catch some more hours of sleep. He was really out for it. An hour before the party was on, he woke up and dragged himself into the shower, he really was exhausted.


The party went on for some time now, the guests had little presents for Mae, mostly more baby stuff. She was back in her element again, while Eijiro just sat there, most of the time, and tried to stay awake.

Mina was so excited and she was, most of the time, close to Mae, she really was in baby-fever.

Ochako had, much to Eijiro’s surprise a baby bump too, he hadn’t even realized that she was also pregnant.

“Thank you all for coming” Mae stood in front of the table, they all were all listening to her. “We are so grateful for everyone who helped us this last month with moving our stuff into the new house. You have no idea how much this means to me” she smiled brightly. “And a thank you to everyone for the baby clothing, my little angels will definitely need it!” She smiled.

Mina gasped. “Angels? Do you have twins?” she exclaimed excitedly. “And they are girls?”

Mae grinned from ear to ear. “Girls yes, twins, no,” she said.

“Don’t tell me …” Denki started, “are you having triplets?”

“Yes! Three little baby girls!” She jumped a little up and down in excitement.

They all were pretty surprised. “Oh my god, I can’t believe that!” Mary, Mae’s best friend, exclaimed, she was one of the friends that were also pregnant.

“Damn, triplets, huh?” Katsuki sat next to Eijiro, the redhead looked over to his friend.

“Jep … I was shocked when she told me,” Eijiro mumbled.

“That’s why the house has to be so big, huh?” Shoto questioned.

“Jep …” Eijiro repeated.

“Damn, bro, never expected triplets, any plan how to manage them?” Tetsutetsu asked.

“Nope …” Eijiro sighed. “That’s what I’m a little bit afraid of. Not being able to handle the three pups …”

“Hey, you can always ask for help!” Katsuki offered. He rumbled to soothe Eijiro.

“Thanks … I appreciate it.” He smiled.


Time continued to be stressful. He didn’t have to work eighteen-hour shifts anymore, but it was still more than before, and the bills piled up, something was always broken, one month his car broke down, another month, Mae’s dog had to visit the vet. Then Mae needed more nesting supplies for the baby cribs. And on and on, at the end of every day, Eijiro just felt like crying. And this house … this fucking expensive house …


Toya and Sougo were with Hotaru on the playground, when Himiko came over with her daughter, Saori, she was about five years old. “Hey, Toya!” She called out.

“Oh, hey,” Toya said. Sougo raised his eyebrows, he, of course, knew who Himiko Toga was.

“Ohh, that’s your daughter?! She’s so big already!” Himiko squealed. “Hey, sweetie, I’m aunt Himiko!” She introduced himself. “Your mom and I were good friends a couple of years ago!”

“Good friends?” Toya murmured quietly.

“Oh, hello”, the eight-year-old mumbled shyly. She looked over to her dad.

“It’s okay, Hotaru, she’s a friend of mine” Toya nodded. This was enough for Hotaru to approach Himiko more openly.

“I’m Hotaru” she introduced herself.

“It’s so nice to meet you, this is my daughter Saori,” Himiko looked down to the little blonde pup, “say hello.”

“Hewwo,” the girl said, she hid behind her mother and she seemed too scared to say more.

“Do you want to play?” Hotaru asked.

The five-year-old had one finger in her mouth, she looked up to Himiko, she animated her daughter to say yes. Eventually, the girl nodded, and off they went.

“It’s so great to finally meet the little one again,” Himiko grinned, “the last time I saw her, she was a baby after all.”

“Yeah … that’s true …” Toya murmured, the parents sat down on one of the benches.

“So, tell, do you plan on having another pup with your new, very charming mate, too?” She leaned over to eye Sougo, who smiled awkwardly.

“Uh, I don’t know yet …” Toya mumbled, “I’m still a little put off by another pregnancy, after the last one …”

“Really, after all those years?” Himiko blinked.

“Yeah, that shit is stuck in my head, I went through years of therapy but still, I have nightmares of being cut open by this guy,” he sighed.

“Damn, that sucks. I’m sure Hotaru would be happy if she had siblings.”

“Oh, she’s not lonely, my brother has pups, and slowly but surely, Keigo’s pups visit us from time to time … so she has plenty of company.”

“Haha, I’m sure about that.” Toga smiled.

Toya looked over to Sougo, who was watching the kids, he wondered if he could do it … He really wanted to have a pup with him, but he was still scared.


Izuku and Lucia had slowly but surely recovered from their traumatic experience, it had been a few months by now, that they had made their statements.

Like before, nightmares plagued Izuku’s nights and he woke up, drenched in sweat more than once. Lucia struggled too, she had more memories from the stuff than Izuku, even before they fully came back, but this … this was extremely brutal for her.

But they couldn’t just go back to Thailand and wipe their memories again, Izuku wasn’t sure if Ian would allow that. They had talked with Kairi and Ian after they had made their statements, and Izuku had asked them if they could testify too, both of them weren’t sure if they really wanted to do that.

Kairi mumbled some suspicious stuff about wanting to take care of the Doctor herself. Izuku could only guess what she meant by that.

He hoped she wouldn’t do stupid stuff like trying to break into Tartarus and kidnap the Doctor. He was sure that she was stupid enough to do such a thing. It wouldn’t be the first time she broke into a prison just to kill someone.

His colleagues noticed too, that Izuku was jumpier than usual, but even after asking, he didn’t give them answers.

But he talked with Inko about it, she still didn’t even know the full extent of the things that the Doctor had done to him. Back then, she only learned that they had been tortured. None of the three was willing to talk about it in greater detail.

He still remembered the fight that Inko had with Kairi, he had never seen his mother this angry, he had never thought, that his omegan mother would dare to attack a mercenary prime alpha. Especially after he had seen her in this feral state. The thought of Kairi, ripping Inko’s head off made his skin crawl. Of course, he knew that she would never do that.

Inko and Kairi got along, for the most part, if it weren’t for the female prime alpha, Izuku would have never had the courage to talk to his mother, after he first left. But Kairi had insisted that he called his mother. They had literally fought against each other, and only after he lost repeatedly to her, he had stopped struggling and finally called his mother.

For that Inko was thankful, and for the opportunity to live with him again. But she absolutely hated Kairi’s darker side. She always tried her best to stop Kairi from doing what she was doing.

So when she had learned about Izuku being tortured, she had literally pounced Kairi to the ground, her eyes were glowing green and her teeth were sharp. She had gripped Kairi’s jacket collar and with tears in her eyes, she had asked her, how she could have let this happen to her boy.

Kairi’s face was unmoving as she mustered the feral omega on top of her. Izuku was afraid at this moment, what would she do?

But Kairi sighed. “You are right, it shouldn’t have happened in the first place …” Kairi murmured. “I apologize for that, but that’s the horror of war …” Inko broke down crying, she weakly punched Kairi on the chest, and the prime just let her, after all the torture, these hits didn’t hurt anymore.

The relationship between them got only slowly better after Izuku had recovered more. He didn’t remember the horrors and so she couldn’t hold it against Kairi any longer, she didn’t want to trigger anything for her son. They seemed to bond over the years quite a lot.

Izuku noticed, that Kairi, even though she was older than Inko, sometimes went to her, after an especially draining job to look for … comfort? Izuku wasn’t too sure about that. He had never asked his mother.

Inko was now in the cottage, Izuku and Lucia were in the bed, Kieran and Leony were in between them. Inko was sitting next to the bed, she released her calming omega pheromones, which helped them all to sleep better.

The omega was deeply in thoughts when she watched her son, she was angry again, that the wall had been broken and he was suffering again, She was also really frustrated, that they wouldn’t tell her what really went down. But she knew that it was hard for Izuku …

“I really hope they get this bastard” Inko murmured …


August came around and Mae went into labor, Eijiro brought her immediately to the hospital, this time she had a C-Section, she didn’t want to risk the pups' lives. It took some time, but eventually, all three of them were out of her and Mae was being closed again.

They were in the hospital room and they took care of their three little angels. They had named them Akemi, Beniko and Chizuru.

Mae’s and Eijiro’s parents came to visit them, they also brought Ryuu, the boy was a little confused at first, why there were three new pups, but he let out a happy squeal soon after.

Life was ultimately more stressful now, Eijiro had to stop working too much, so he could take care of the babies, but at the same time, he couldn’t work too little otherwise he didn’t get enough money. His sleep was reduced to next to nothing.

Sometimes Katsuki came over to help him, when he had a day off, he was massively thankful for that.

Juggling three babies was extremely exhausting, especially when they all wanted to be fed at the same time.


“You look exhausted, man” Katsuki murmured.

“I am … I don’t know when I slept the last time …” Eijiro was shivering, while he stared at nothing in front of him, he didn’t even want to blink because he was afraid that, if he did, his eyes wouldn’t open anymore.

“Yikes, you have to take a nap, don’t worry I will inform you if something comes up.”

“Okay …” with stiff motions Eijiro walked over to the couch in the office and as soon as his body hit the upholstery his eyes closed and he was passed out completely.


Later in August, Hotaru celebrated her ninth birthday, she invited Saori, Ryuu, Kira, Takara, and Takuya, Enko and Yuki were of course there too, they had a little party and it was much fun for them.

Keigo was surprised that Toya had allowed that, but the other omega just shrugged. They had been over before that, so why exclude them? Besides, it was Hotaru’s wish to invite them.

The avian omega was just happy that he and his pups got slowly more acceptance from the other family members.


Isao updated them regularly, but so far he had gotten nothing out of them.

In October, Toya, Sougo, Michiko, and Isao visited Tartarus again, he wanted to see if Shigaraki had gotten his bond scrubbing, they also wanted to check if he was okay, somewhat.

It didn’t look good if Toya was honest, Shigaraki had gotten a bond scrubbing, but he looked also more scared than at the beginning of the year. He was shivering and he jumpy, every sound seemed too much and he looked like he was almost dying from a heart attack because he was so afraid.

This time, the doctor wasn’t even around, still, Shigaraki kept looking over his shoulder as if he was there.

Isao asked him some questions, but Shigaraki couldn’t even answer them, it seemed as if his brain short-circuited every time he got asked a question that was a little more complex. It was honestly horrifying to look at.

Toya put a hand against the glass and Shigaraki focused entirely on the hand he tried to reach out for it and even rubbed his face against the window, trying to get in contact with it.

It pained the omega to see his former mate like this, it was just horrible.


November came around and Eijiro got even more stressed, next month was Christmas, and Mae wanted to have a Christmas party, how the hell should he afford that? He was still paying up the house, even though Mae had invested money too, he paid the largest part of it.

She also asked him repeatedly about the wedding, but he told her that this year, they didn’t have the money. She pouted a little but accepted it, but she wanted to get married next year.

They discussed the whole wedding and when Eijiro calculated how much it would cost, he paled again, the amount of stuff she wanted would roughly accumulate to another four million yen. It would have been a piece of cake to afford that if they hadn’t bought this giant house … But now, even that seemed too much.


Katsuki on the other hand was very excited about Christmas, Mitsuki and Masaru went a little bit too far with the presents.

He kissed Hiroto and then he helped Kira to open her presents, the little pup squealed in happiness.


Izuku and Lucia tried to keep it together, they were massively stressed still, but for the children, they wanted to act normal. Izuku’s workplace threw a giant Christmas party, and he didn’t want to ruin it with panic attacks. But it was hard. Even though they made appointments with a therapist, they still couldn’t get past the trauma. And now that he remembered the stuff with the organs, he started to feel weird again, it really seemed to be a head-thing, since he had lived his life normally for the past years.

He begged to whatever deity was up there, that he could forget all of that once again, he didn’t want to live in fear.

The alpha hoped, that the next year would bring more good news.

Katsuki + Eijiro + Izuku: +9 Years (1) (+Tomura)

The New Year brought some good news in the Shigaraki case. Isao had found a judge who was willing to listen to him, they could use Shigaraki as a victim of mistreatment, they had to get Carter on the hook for something, then they could go from there. They managed to arrange that Carter was not allowed to work with Shigaraki for the time being.

Michiko went always with Isao, she made it her personal quest to find something. At the moment, she was sitting with Shigaraki in one room. They weren’t in the official visitation rooms, they were in a special cell and Michiko was directly in front of Shigaraki, no glass that separated them whatsoever, it was the third time that she visited, but every time she had to start slowly. He never really remembered her when she came back, so she had to constantly introduce herself to him.

Shigaraki was cowering on the floor, he was very anxious and didn’t know what to do. Michiko was the first outside person that was directly in the room with him, this seemed to greatly overwhelm his brain.

Michiko knelt in front of him, she heard a soft mewling sound from Shigaraki, he was definitely scared to death. She had talked with All Might and Gran Torino before she had visited him the first time, and had asked for his real name.

“Hey, Tenko,” she called out to him. Shigaraki flinched, but he looked up, vague recognition was in his gaze. Michiko held her distance to him, she was allowed to use her calming pheromones on him. “I am Michiko,” she introduced herself again, “do you remember me?”

Shigaraki had pulled his legs close to his body and he had wrapped his arms around. Lucia’s mention if it were his arms, came to her mind. She needed to check it, but she didn’t know if he would let her touch him. The prime alpha looked up to her when she talked. The fear was in his eyes.

“How are you doing?” she asked. “Are you okay?” She tilted her head.

Shigaraki shivered and he turned slightly away from her, he pulled the shoulders up to make himself even smaller.

Carefully, Michiko robbed a few centimeters closer. “I am not here to hurt you” she promised him.

He continued to softly whine, whenever she spoke to him. Michiko got a little closer. “Tenko, dear,” she repeated, “do you understand me?”

Tomura looked again at her, he slightly nodded. “Yeah …” he mumbled.

“Is it okay, if I call you Tenko?” She came a bit closer.

He shrugged. He was used to people telling him what to do, not getting asked questions.

“Then I will call you Tenko, it’s a bit easier than Tomura” she smiled at him. Shigaraki whined again.

Michiko released more of her calming scent. She sat down criss-cross applesauce. “Tenko,” she started again, he looked at her, “can you show me your arms?” But at that, he just tilted his head.

The alpha sighed inaudibly. “Arms!” She lifted slowly her hands. “Can you show me?”

Tomura looked at her he slightly tilted his head and he squinted. Very carefully, he lifted his arms, they were shaking.

“Good, Tenko, really good!” she smiled at him. She paid attention to only smile, and not laugh, she knew that he was scared of loud laughter.

Isao watched her from another room, he needed this evidence of scars on his arms, this would be huge.

The staff of Tartarus had allowed them to give Shigaraki one present for cooperation, but something that wasn’t dangerous, they also had checked it upfront that nothing was hidden in it.

“Can you pull the sleeves up?” She asked further. To show him she pulled the sleeve or her human arm up. She was afraid that the view of her prosthetic was too much for him.

Carefully, Tomura did what she wanted. Michiko’s eyes widened when she noticed faint scars on his forearm right before the elbows. She tried to keep her composure, however.

“You did great Tenko!” She praised him.

“Am I … a good … boy?” he asked with a meek voice.

“Yeah, you are a really good boy, Tenko” she reinforced. “I got a present for you!”

He flinched when she said this. All the “presents” he got so far were more pain. But this person … she didn’t seem bad. She smelled nice, he thought.

Slowly, Michiko reached into her back pocket. She pulled out the little present for him. It was a stuffed bear. She had thought about it for a while, if he really behaved more and more like an omega, he would probably like something soft, besides, he couldn’t hurt someone with a stuffed animal … at least that’s what she hoped.

Tomura looked up, he eyed the stuffed animal suspiciously. Was this a trick? The nice lady didn’t seem to be a bad person. Tenko carefully reached out for the bear. But when his fingertips touched the soft material he flinched back. This was a strange feeling, he thought.

“Take it, it’s for you,” she said.

What did she say? He wasn’t allowed anything. The Doctor would be mad if he knew that he talked with the nice lady. He quickly shook his head, but this made his mind spin even more. The dizzy feeling got worse. He was always really dizzy.

He was so overwhelmed by everything, the Doctor wasn’t with him for so long, he didn’t know where he was gone … When he woke up again, he was in this room with this nice smelling lady. He vaguely remembered that he had seen her before, but he could not recollect when and where this was.

All he remembered was her smell, smells were easier to remember. He really liked it, she smelled warm and friendly. It was so much different from the Doctor’s stench.

“Don’t worry. The Doctor won’t come and take it. He will not hurt you anymore!” she said. Her eyes were so big, he noticed the deep blue of them, he also noticed her long, dark lashes.

But what was she saying? The Doctor wouldn’t hurt him anymore? This was impossible! He hurt him every day! That was all he was good for … He was nothing more than a bad puppy, a lousy omega. He was a failure, no one liked him, everyone hated him. He was bad, he didn’t deserve friendliness!

The nice-smelling lady still held the bear in his direction. Tomura still hesitated, he was afraid to take it. They would steal it from him anyway. More of the pleasant smell was coming off of the nice lady.

Her lips pointed upwards, her gaze was soft when she looked at him. A strand of her light brown hair was hanging loosely out of her ponytail.

Tomura’s hand twitched, he wanted to correct the strand, but he was too scared, what if she lashed out at him? But would the nice lady really do that? He tried to remember her name but he failed. He wanted to cry because he felt like a failure, he couldn’t remember the nice lady's name. But he knew that he would get shocked if he spilled tears.

The nice lady started to rub her wrist against the bear, she distributed her scent all over it. “Here, Tenko, this is for you, the guards won’t take it from you, I promise!” She came a little bit closer.

Tenko reached again out for the stuffed animal. His stiff fingers carefully grabbed the little bear. The softness was so strange on his rough skin. He held it in both hands and he carefully sniffed at it. It had her smell all over, it smelled so good.

She came carefully closer, she sat now next to him, she looked at him, lips pointed upwards. Her scent was wavering around him, he took some deep breaths, he wished the scent would never go away.

“Do you like it?” she asked. Carefully, as if the stuffed animal could break any second, he moved it closer to his chest, he held it like a pup in his arms.

“Like it …” he muttered. Yeah, this felt nice. He slowly started to purr.

“I am happy,” the nice lady said. Tenko’s red orbs moved over to her. He was confused. She was happy? Why was she happy? Was there something to be happy about?

“I am happy that you like it,” she told him. Now Tenko was completely confused. Why would she be happy, that he liked the stuffed animal?

“Take good care of it, yes?” She told him.

Tenko looked back at the bear. He should take care of it? He stared at it, his fuzzy brain tried to make sense of what she said. Take care … Why?

“It is my present for you, keep it save, will you?” she leaned a little forward and looked at him, head tilted.

Tenko blinked a few times at her. “Take … care” he mumbled. He still didn’t get it, but she was nice, so he would take care of the bear. He wanted to make her happy. Was he even allowed to want something? He was just a bad omega, that’s why he was here …

A loud noise rang through the room, this was always so scary and surprising. Tenko let out a scared cry. He pressed the bear closer to his chest. He closed his eyes and he hoped that it would stop soon. What was this noise? He wanted to hide.

“Tenko, I have to go now, but I will visit you soon. Take care of the bear for me!” She told him.

Tenko lifted his gaze, she was standing now, she was so tall. He wanted her to stay here with him, but was he even allowed to want something? The Doctor said he was a bad puppy for wanting something.

The nice lady disappeared out of the room and Tenko felt so alone …


When he was brought back to his room, he clutched the stuffed animal close to his chest, he needed to take care of it. He sat back on his bed. The nice lady’s smell was attached to the bear, he buried his nose into the plushy fur and inhaled. It smelled so nice … He shook a little when his head became dizzy, he hoped he would remember her when he woke up. But was he even allowed to hope?


“He definitely has scars on his arms,” Michiko told the others, Isao was already on the case again. “It’s terrible to think that he was experimented on too. You guys should have seen him, he’s more like a child again.” Michiko sat behind her desk, her hands were buried in her hair.

“That’s fucked up,” Toya murmured. “I sincerely hope we get this fucker arrested …”

“Yeah, how can one person be so cruel?” Katsuki growled.

“With every day I discover even more layers of atrocities within humans,” Sougo grumbled.

“That’s fucked up, even for my standards,” Kuroko commented.

“And that means something,” Satsuki sighed.

They sat around in the office for some time longer, it was late at night and they had closed for the day.


When Katsuki left the office, he felt instantly strange. The hairs on his body stood up, he felt like someone was watching him. The alpha looked around, but there was no one … Growling he shook his head, was he going crazy now?

However, he speed-walked towards his car, he didn’t want to risk it. He was still spooked from the whole thing was Shigaraki.

Katsuki made it safe to his car and when he was inside, the bad feeling was gone. He started the engine and he made his way home.


Eijiro groaned when he opened the mail, bills … so many bills … when he saw what he had to pay for the house, he wanted to vomit. Was it really worth it? The house was too fucking big …

He heard the mewling of one of his pups and he put the letters down, sighing he went upstairs to check if they were okay. Mae was busy with two of them, and the third one felt left out.

“Oh, thank goodness that you’re here, how was work?” She asked. “Can you take care of Beniko?”

“Exhausting,” he murmured, while he picked up the baby, “loads of villains, seems like they know exactly when I want to take a break …”

“Ow, yeah, I know that from my clients, any time I want to eat something, the phone rings …” she rocked the two other babies in her arms while she purred.

Eijiro just silently stared at his daughter, while slowly moving his arms. He felt pretty robotic. He fed the baby with the formula that Mae had prepared. Beniko was pretty calm in his arms.

The redhead thought about how much he had to work more, so he could have some spare money at the end of the month. It looked incredibly grim. His hero work was exhausting, but it just didn’t pay enough for him, to afford everything he needed at the moment.

But he just couldn’t quit, he had learned this! He didn’t learn anything else, he would start with even less pay if he were to find a new job.

Mae was focused on the pups and she didn’t pay attention to him. He moved over to the armchair and sat down, still feeding the pup, what could he do to get more money?


Izuku was sitting in his bathtub, his arms were dangling over the edge. The water was burning hot, he stared at the ceiling, his head was dizzy. He was in a down phase. He felt so horrible, months of therapy for nothing, his torso was itching terribly, he had the urge to scratch it bloody.

He saw the grin and the illuminated blue eyes of the Doctor, he heard him laugh. The laugh sounded robotic for some reason. He heard the humming of the electricity that was charged up at him.

Oh, he hated his clear mind. He wished the walls never broke … why did it have to be this way?

A ringing had started in his ears, the high whistling was annoying. He pulled his arms into the water and he moved down, the hot liquid surrounding his head now. He held his breath and he stayed underwater. He closed his eyes, the tinnitus wouldn’t go away …

The alpha counted the seconds in his head, he wished it was over …

He stayed for several minutes underwater, until he couldn’t hold his breath any longer. He pushed himself up and he gasped for air.

There was a knock on the door, then Lucia opened it. “There’s a call for you,” she said in a monotone voice. He knew that look on her face. She held the phone out for him and he took it.

“Yeah?” His eyes widened when he heard the voice on the other end.


Katsuki felt this feeling again, when he was walking home from the grocery shop, he had his bags in one hand, he looked at his phone in the other. But suddenly he felt that his gut turned and the hair in the back of his neck stood straight up. What the fuck was that?

The last time he had felt this bad was when he was in the underground, surrounded by those alpha predators … His heartbeat increased and he started to walk faster. Something was not right! He growled, he didn’t want to blow up in public, he was in civilian clothing and he didn’t want to cause an uproar.

He made it back to his car and as soon as he was in it, the sensation stopped. Instead of driving home, he made his way over to the agency.

The alpha parked in front of the door and he sprinted inside. Sougo and Toya looked up when he entered. “Guys, I’m being followed” he growled.

“What? How do you know?” Sougo asked him.

“Because it literally felt like a predator was watching me. The last time I had this sensation was in the underground club …” he told them. “Normally I would have investigated this more closely, but I have a really bad feeling about this … what if it’s a member of the Agents of Khaoz?”

“That would be incredibly bad …” Sougo murmured. “Okay, we will watch out for you, you don’t need to worry.”

“I’m not worried about myself, but what if this fucker follows me home and finds my daughter? Or Hiroto?” Katsuki snarled. He was so pissed off.

“We will get the person before they can harm any of them” Sougo promised.

“As if we would let anything happen to your family!” Toya reassured him.

“Thanks, guys …” he smiled at them.


Eijiro was so fucking exhausted. He was in his office, he sprawled on the couch, his limbs hurt like hell. He thought he had torn a muscle. “Fuck!” he cursed, as tears ran down his face. His leg was throbbing. He had just fought against a group of villains, he had barely managed to get back to the office.

He whined when more pain pulsed through his injured body. No, this was the worst fucking time … He couldn’t be sick!

With hurting arms he grabbed one of the pillows and pressed it against his face to muffle his sobs.

He missed a certain musky pine scent. He wanted to be held by strong arms, he felt so lonely. His sobbing got even worse. He fucking missed the other alpha. He reached into his pocket, with a shaking hand and grabbed his phone, fuck it, just fuck it, he needed to hear Izuku’s voice.

The phone rang and eventually, the prime alpha answered. «Eijiro, what’s wrong?» He sounded confused.

“Izuku …” his voice broke and he needed a few seconds to catch himself. “I-It hurts so much, everything hurts.”

«What happened?» the greenette sounded concerned.

“Too much …” Eijiro explained what was going on, it took some time before he managed to finish, he was still too upset. “It hurts so much but I can’t stop working … I need to get the money …”

«Eijiro, there is no use when you overwork yourself, especially when you are critically injured. You need to take a break,» Izuku tried to convince him.

“But I can’t! Mae’s not working at the moment because of the pups, and I don’t want to go to her parents all the time, and my mom is giving me money already, I can’t possibly ask for more from her … I don’t know what to do, especially with her wedding plans. All the fucking bills keep coming …”

«And if you sell the house and look for something smaller? Does really every pup need a bedroom for now?» Izuku suggested.

“I can’t sell the house right now! Especially since I couldn’t afford a different house … besides, Mae doesn’t want to move out …” he cried.

«That is a hard situation indeed» Izuku murmured. «What about a job that pays more?»

“I can’t do anything else … I haven’t learned anything else, at least nothing that would pay as much as my current job.”

«I’m sorry, Eijiro … But keep fighting on, you will overcome this!»

Eijiro nodded, even though Izuku couldn’t see him. He knew that Izuku couldn’t do much, he was on the other side of the world after all. “I miss you … so much …” He cried more. And Izuku let him.


“You sure you want to do this, kid?” Kairi looked at him with a serious expression.

Izuku was in front of the mercenaries. Lucia was next to him, her eyes were dead, she had the eyes of a living dead. The others looked expectantly towards them.

“Yes, I want to get this bastard …” Izuku growled.

The mercenaries chuckled when they saw the determined look on his face. They growled approvingly.

“Then let's get a move on!” Kairi said. The voices of the others hollered through the hall when they boarded the private chopper.

Katsuki + Eijiro + Izuku: +9 Years (2) (+Tenko)

[Dieses Kapitel ist nur Volljährigen zugänglich]

Katsuki + Eijiro + Izuku: +9 Years (3) (+Tenko)

Kairi went back to the basement to discard Carter’s corpse, but he wasn’t there anymore, the body was gone and to her confusion, there was a strange fog in the basement. But Carter was dead, right? She shrugged one body less to take care of.


Izuku and Lucia swore to never, ever mention the things that had happened here, to anyone. They knew that they would be royally fucked if this ever came out. They had tortured and murdered the guy after all.

They returned back to Ireland, the pups were super happy to see their parents again, Inko however looked very concerned. She didn’t exactly know why they had to leave all of a sudden to go back to Thailand, but she guessed that it was something bad.

“What happened? You look … different?” she asked her son.

Izuku looked towards her. “Nothing happened.” He smiled while saying that. After that, he refused to even mention the trip. She eventually dropped the topic when not even Kairi, from which she assumed was in on this too, would say anything.

Their daily routine came back, and even though it was still hard on them, they managed to get better, Izuku had been afraid that Carter would somehow get them, but now he knew for sure, that he couldn’t harm them anymore, this made him feel safer. The flashbacks became less and less, they weren’t gone and he was sure, that they would forever haunt them, but they were manageable.

Much to Izuku’s surprise and concern, the acts of violence didn’t linger in his brain – at least not for the time being – he still didn’t give a single fuck about it. He had no regrets about watching this man suffer. He had tormented them for weeks and he wouldn’t have minded it if they had the opportunity to do the same, but as Kairi said, they had other lives to live. And he had needed to see that Carter was dead, if Kairi had just told him, it wouldn’t feel right.

Lucia didn’t have much trouble either. She had been a soldier, she grew up in war, she had killed before, it wasn’t much different from her previous killings, well except that it was much more satisfying.

Their sex life increased again, and overall they found back in a much more healthy living style, now that everything was back to normal again.


Katsuki had decided to finally tell Izuku, that Carter was gone, he had pushed that back but it was June now and he wondered how Izuku would feel about that. “Hey Izuku,” he started.

«Hi Kacchan,» Izuku was happy to hear his voice again.

“I, uh, I need to tell you something,” he really felt uncomfortable, “it’s about Carter.”

«Oh, what about him?» Izuku questioned.

“Uh, you won’t like that, but … he’s free, someone bought him free, and now he’s probably back in Africa or God knows where …”

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone. «It’s okay, Kacchan.» Katsuki flinched when he heard Izuku’s voice. The tone was so completely different, he had never heard him like that. «I don’t care anymore what happens to Carter.»

“A-are you sure?” Katsuki was taken aback by that. He never thought that Izuku would react like that!

«Yes, Kacchan, I moved past him. So please, don’t mention him again.» Katsuki inhaled sharply when he heard the words, there was a subtle … threat in them. Or maybe it was just his imagination? He couldn’t be sure.

“Uhm, alright I won’t …”

«Thanks, appreciated,» now he sounded normal again.

Still confused, Katsuki hung up after they made some small talk. He had the nagging feeling that something wasn’t right. But maybe it was just his mind that was still upset about his stalker, that made him so paranoid even with Izuku.


Michiko and Toya were in the mental institution. Toya wanted to see how Tenko was doing for himself. They had to decide soon if Michiko wanted to break the imprinting or not. Toya was a little nervous, but he believed Michiko when she said that Tenko would do much.

The alpha knocked on the door and then she entered first. “Tenko!” She greeted him. Tenko looked up and he started to smile.

“Mimi!” he squealed happily. Michiko came closer and sat on the bed.

“Tenko, I have a guest with me today, he wants to see you,” she put a hand on his back, with her fingers she stroked through his long hair, she would like to cut it, but he was afraid of sharp objects.

“Guest?” he blinked a few times.

“Yes, don’t worry, he is really nice, he is a good friend of mine,” she explained. “Can I bring him in now? Do you feel ready?”

He hesitated for a moment but he nodded eventually. “Ready,” he nodded.

“Good,” she smiled, “Toya, you can come in!” she called out to the omega.

Slowly, Toya entered the room. He walked over to the desk and he stayed a certain distance away from Tenko, he didn’t want to scare him. “Hello Tenko,” Toya said when he faced him. He noticed, how Tenko tried to hide behind Michiko.

Tenko looked over to Michiko, he didn’t exactly know what to do. “Come, say hello,” she encouraged him.

His gaze wandered over to the new guy. “H-hello,” he murmured shyly.

Toya mustered Tenko, he didn’t even seem to recognize him. “Do you know who I am?” Toya asked him.

Tenko gasped, the omega could see how his eyes moved to various points in the room, as he seemingly tried to remember. But eventually, he shook his head.

The omega was massively shocked, last year he had still known him! And now nothing? What should he do now?

“This is Toya, he is a friend of mine,” Michiko repeated.

“To-ya?” Tenko imitated, the syllables seemed to be hard on his tongue.

“Hey, that was good,” Toya chuckled. It was such a weird feeling, he still remembered who Shigaraki had been, sitting now right in front of him, without a glass wall for safety, felt so strange. Even stranger was it, that his former abuser didn’t even know him any longer. He didn’t know what he should think of that.

Tenko purred when he was praised. He looked up at Mimi to wait for her approval too. She caressed the back of his head and let out a rumble.

Toya watched them, that was the happiest he had ever seen Tomura if he was honest. Back in the days, he was always angry and hateful, their relationship was more physical because when he was still Dabi, he had a very bad mindset as well. They had fit perfectly in this toxic environment. Dabi wasn’t used to anything else, his life with Hiko had made him dull to violence so how Shigaraki treated him was normal for him.

But he was given the opportunity to change. If it weren’t for Kairi, he would have been in jail for murder, he wouldn’t be able to see his daughter grow up, he wouldn’t have a new and awesome mate. Shigaraki had been through so much in these past ten years. The person in front of him was as far away from Tomura Shigaraki, the symbol of evil, as he was from Dabi, maybe even more.

He noticed how much Tenko hugged the bear that Michiko had given him. “Do you like the bear?” Toya asked.

Tenko looked down at it, he needed a few seconds to process the sentence, before he nodded. “Yeah, I do,” he smiled happily.

“That’s great,” Toya grinned. He looked over to Michiko, the corner of her mouth twitched a little.

The next hour flew by incredibly fast, Toya talked a little with Tenko, it really felt like he was talking to a toddler, he needed incredibly long to process sentences and he only could talk in short ones too, otherwise, he got confused and didn’t know what he was saying in the first place.

Luckily, Toya was used to this from Hotaru, she had been a slow learner in the beginning, and now she never stopped talking.


They were on the way back to the agency. “So, what do you think?” Michiko asked.

“I … I am incredibly shocked to see him this way …” he stopped. “I honestly don’t know how to feel about that. I mean, he’s clearly not the person that he used to be, he doesn’t even remember me … I’m pissed off to be honest, not at him, but the Doctor …”

“Yeah, it’s terrible what he did …”

“You see, I feel sad for Tenko … I had the option to change on my own, if it weren’t for Hotaru, I would have never tried to ask for help and I wouldn’t be here today. But he never got the chance of an honest attempt to change. This was forced onto him and now I will forever wonder if there would have been a possibility for someone like him, to get his life together …” He looked out of the window. “I am also concerned, what if Hotaru ever wants to know her dad, what am I supposed to say then?”

“You could try to explain it to her when she is older, that something happened to her dad and that’s why he is how he is now …” Michiko proposed. “But what do you think now, should I break the bond or not? I really think it would be a bad idea to do so, he’s somewhat stable at the moment and I don’t want to hurt him further?” Michiko looked at him.

Toya reciprocated the look. He exhaled deeply. “No, if you really think that way, then you should not break it. But I appreciate it, that you try to be considerate towards me.”

“Not a problem,” Michiko smiled. So this would decide it then, she would take care of Tenko …


Eijiro was out of hospital now, he felt not better however, physically yes, but not mentally, the thought of going to work still freaked him out. But he forced himself to go anyway, Mae forbid him however to work more than ten hours. She would get mad if he stayed out longer and she made sure that Tetsutetsu kept an eye on him.

Her parents had taken over some of the payments they had no problem in doing that and it helped greatly, but it made Eijiro still feel miserable. He wasn’t good enough to provide for his family. How could they take him seriously?

One evening, Tetsutetsu and he finished up their work. “Hey, do you want to go drinking with me? Haven’t done this in a while,” he asked. He was also concerned about his bro, he wanted to cheer him up a little.

“I don’t know …” Eijiro mumbled.

“Hey, don’t worry about the money, I’ll invite you. You should relax once in a while,” Tetsutetsu put an arm around his shoulder.

Eijiro sighed. “Okay …” He tried to smile but it didn’t reach his eyes.


They sat down in the bar and Tetsutetsu ordered them drinks. Eijiro didn’t have a drink in months and it felt incredible. He knew that he probably shouldn’t drink too much, but once started he couldn’t stop. He felt bad however, he didn’t want to let Tetsutetsu pay for everything, so eventually, he told the barkeeper to put it on a separate bill.

At the end of the evening, he was so damn drunk, he had to call a taxi to get home. He flopped onto his bed and he slept without dreaming.


Katsuki was home this weekend, he had trouble with his leg for some time now and he needed a new prosthetic, it was in the making so he took the time off. He was preparing lunch for Kira, she was in her high chair and she baby talked to him.

When he was done with Kira’s food he cut some lemons for some lemonade. Suddenly, the house phone rang. Still, in a good mood, Katsuki picked up the phone. “Hello?”

«I would much rather prefer limes over lemons.» The person on the other end of the phone said. The voice was distorted but it still made Katsuki’s blood freeze. After this sentence, the person hung up.

Katsuki’s eyes widened and he stared at the phone in disbelief. He was shaking all of a sudden, this fucker was watching him! He didn’t know from where though. He walked over to the kitchen window and closed the curtains, he did this with the other windows in the house too. Kira was happily munching on her food, she didn’t even register how distressed her mother was.

What did this fucker want? He didn’t want to upset Hiroto, he was on a teacher conference at the moment, he just couldn’t make sense of why this fucker was doing this.

All of a sudden he heard how the letter slot was moved and he immediately sprinted to the door. There was a letter on the ground. He opened the door but there was no one, his property was huge, so there was no way that this person could be gone in the few seconds they had to throw the letter in until he opened the door.

“Fuck!” Katsuki exclaimed. He didn’t want to leave the house when Kira was alone inside. He closed the door and he even pushed the deadbolt in. He picked up the letter and opened it while going back into the kitchen. His heart was running a marathon.

However, it stopped in its tracks when he saw what was inside the letter. A piece of paper with a note written on it, and some pictures. Pictures of him, in the shower, while he was changing, and when he fed Kira. He felt disgust rising up in him, the fuck was that shit? How did this motherfucker get to those pictures?

He tried to keep calm and he read the letter.


“Dear Dynamight,

Look how beautiful you are! I have more pictures of you, I have my walls full of pictures of you! I have more pictures of you than I have wallpaper!

You don’t know how much I love you! We should meet each other! I could make you much more happy than your mate! I promise I will never let you down. Only I can appreciate how beautiful you really are!”


He gritted his teeth, what the actual fuck was that? He felt so creeped out. This sick bastard somehow came into his house! He needed to check the bathroom and the bedroom, but he couldn’t leave Kira here alone. He shook his head and grabbed his phone, he called Tsukauchi.

The cop promised to come over immediately.


It took about twenty minutes until he arrived, the longest twenty minutes in Katsuki’s life. He was so much on edge. There was someone out there, that had pictures of him, butt-naked!

He flinched when it knocked on the door. He walked over it and looked through the peephole first, it was the detective.

He sighed in relief and opened the door. “Good that you are here. Come in,” he let Tsukauchi and Sansa in.

“No problem, Bakugo,” Tsukauchi nodded, “can you show me the letter?”

“Yeah, come with me.” They went into the kitchen and Tsukauchi looked at the letter. He carefully placed it in an evidence bag, the photo’s too. “We will look for fingerprints.” He looked over to Katsuki. “Let’s look upstairs for cameras.”

They made their way upstairs, Katsuki had Kira in his arms, the little pup was so delighted to see Sansa she always giggled when she saw him.

The investigation took some time, but eventually, they found a few hidden cameras. “This motherfucker,” Katsuki snarled quietly.

It was a horrible feeling to know, that someone had been in the house without his knowledge.

“Could you maybe stay with friends or your parents for a few days? We want to check the entire house for cameras,” Tsukauchi asked.

“Yeah, I’m sure that’s possible, thanks for the help.”


He later called Eijiro and asked him if he could stay over a couple of days until the police were done. Eijiro agreed, of course, he would help Katsuki.

Hiroto was equally mortified when he came home and learned about it, he couldn’t believe that this was happening. He helped Katsuki pack their bags and then he drove them to Eijiro’s house.

“Thank you for letting us stay, I know that you struggle at the moment too, but I appreciate it,” he smiled at him.

Eijiro returned it. “Don’t worry about it, I’m doing much better now,” he answered.

Mae was concerned for them too, otherwise, she was happy to have them over, Kira could play with the triplets and Ryuu.


Michiko had to do a lot of paperwork for the situation with Tenko, the adoption process was going on, but Isao’s friend helped her to get it over with soon. She was kind of nervous, she didn’t know how this would go. This also meant she wouldn’t be able to do as much hero work as before, at least not for a while, until Tenko had settled down a little bit.

“Are you worried?” Korra asked when Michiko came home from work.

The omegan woman was Michiko’s pack member, she was also her ex-sister-in-law. Fifteen years ago, she was married to Michiko’s older brother, who was thirteen years older than her, Michiko.

Michiko was in her last year of UA when Korra asked her for help because she wanted a divorce from her abusive husband. Michiko agreed to help her out but it went terribly wrong, she ended up beating her brother almost to death because he endangered the life of his newborn pup and Michiko lost it. Her brother was still alive when she was done with him, however. She had taken all her anger of the past eighteen years out of him, she never had a good relationship with him, he had also tried to drown her on three different occasions when she was still very young.

After she was done with him, she showered to wash the blood off, and then she left with Korra. Her brother was still alive, but at this point, she didn’t know if he would even make it, she never told anyone at UA what she did and it was eventually reported, that the house was burned down, her brother was alive. Michiko hadn’t seen him for fifteen years and she didn’t know if he was still alive and out there. But she sure hoped that someone else had finished the job.

The only ones who knew about this incident were Korra, Sougo, Kuroko, and Satsuki.

“A little bit, I mean, Tenko is still physically a grown-ass man, what if he has a temper tantrum? At the moment he always tries to please me and get my praise, but who knows how this will look in the future? Even though he got re-educated he is still a prime alpha.”

“Oh, I am sure, you can handle him. I don’t think that he will be too hard for you to deal with. I know that you can do it,” she smiled, “besides, maybe Kuroko is in the house if this happens and she can use her arms to bind him.”

Kuroko and Satsuki lived also as part of their pack in Michiko’s house. Before Sougo mated with Toya, he had also lived with them.

“Hopefully,” Michiko sighed. “Anyway, we should probably prepare a room for him.”

Michiko hoped that Tenko would like it here, he would be surrounded by four other omegas, Korra’s daughter Kiku was also living here. She hoped that would help him calm down and would take his fears.


Katsuki and his family lived with Eijiro for two days now, the police were still rummaging through his house. It was a weird feeling to know that they would look through everything.

On the second morning, Mae brought the mail in and to her confusion, there was a letter addressed at Katsuki.

When she gave it to him, more panic flooded his body. He hastily opened it. There was a note and a picture


“Dear Dynamight,

You can’t run from me! I always know where you are! I am your soul mate! We are meant to be together! I love you! I want to have a baby with you! When we meet I will put one in you! You will be screaming my name when I come inside of you! And then we can be a big and happy family!”


Katsuki threw the letter on the counter, he had to press one hand on his mouth. He felt more disgust rising up in him. Mae’s ears were pressed flat against her head when she carefully picked up the letter and read it.

She pulled up the picture, it showed Katsuki and Hiroto having sex, on the back was written: “This will be me soon.”

Hiroto and Eijiro came to the kitchen now, Hiroto was fuming when he read the letter. They called Tsukauchi over.

Unfortunately for them, they didn’t have any fingerprints from the first letter, so they didn’t have any clue who the stalker could be.


Katsuki was in his bed, Kira on his chest, he felt so disgusted, it was just the worst feeling ever to read such lines and be presented with such a picture.

Hiroto walked into the room, he lay down next to him and held him close.


Tenko was overwhelmed when he saw the big mansion that Michiko called her house. The adoption procedure was finally done now and he could move in with her. Tenko was super happy when he learned that Mimi would take him home with her. The imprint wasn’t complete yet but it soon would be, especially when they lived together.

“Well, Tenko, you will meet my pack now,” Michiko told him, “they are all really nice … well, Kuroko might be a bit scary looking, but she can be nice too.”

Tenko’s eyes widened when she said this. Did he have to be afraid? But someone that was living with Mimi couldn’t be bad, right?”

They entered the house and Tenko was stunned when he looked around. So much space! His mouth was opened in awe. The bear was pressed to his chest.

She brought him to the living room, where the others waited. They were all curious. Tenko hid a little bit behind Mimi, he saw the other people sitting on the couches.

They looked all towards them when they entered. “Tenko, these are my family members,” Michiko introduced them, “this is Satsuki, she is very sweet, you don’t need to be afraid of her,” she pointed towards Satsuki.

The omega stood up and bowed slightly. “Hello, Tenko, nice to meet you,” she said before she sat back down.

“These are Korra and her daughter Kiku,” Michiko continued. She pointed to the blue-haired woman and her daughter. Both stood up as well and bowed before sitting back down.

“And this is Kuroko. She will be nice to you too,” Michiko looked towards Kuroko, a threatening tone was in her voice.

Kuroko stayed seated, she instead waved with one of her ghost arms. “Yo,” she said.

Tenko whined slightly and looked at Michiko.

“Don’t worry, she is fine, otherwise she wouldn’t be here,” she patted his head. “Do you want to see your room now?”

He nodded, he really wanted to be away from these other people, they were scary.

Michiko smiled at him and grabbed his hand. She brought him up to his room.

Tenko gasped with wide eyes when he saw the big room. It was really, really huge and the bed was so large too. He squealed when he saw the nesting items that he had in the hospital. “Do you want to build your nest?” Michiko asked.

“Yes!” A smile appeared on his face and together they started to build up a nest for him, Michiko scented the items, while he placed them in the bed. She was delighted when Tenko purred all the time.


Tsukauchi took the second letter too, his face looked grim. “How does the house look like?” Katsuki asked.

“We have searched the whole house and it was completely wired. We found over one hundred cameras and even microphones,” he explained.

The sickening feeling rose in Katsuki once again. Someone had been in his house when he wasn’t at home and had completely wired it. “Fucking shit …” He had to sit down.

Eijiro and Mae were with them, Mae’s ears were lying flat against her head. Her dogs behind her were growling when they sensed the distress of their owner.

“Who the fuck does that?” Hiroto wondered. He was enraged that someone targeted his husband.

“We don’t know yet, but we are on it,” Tsukauchi promised.

The police had given them the okay to go back to their house if they felt comfortable enough. It was still a strange feeling to be back in this house.

Katsuki was on edge when he still went through it to double-check. He ordered a new and better security system immediately.

The next couple of weeks were relatively normal and nothing really happened, thank god.


It was the start of July when Lucia was nervously looking at the monitor, she was with her gynecologist, she felt weird for quite some time now and she wanted to see what’s wrong, she had an awful feeling.

“You’re pregnant,” the woman said, she had a rather concerned look on her face, “with twins …”

Usually, this would be a happy occasion, but not in this case. The doctor had treated Lucia during her pregnancy with Leony, and she knew about the condition she was in.

“Damn …” Lucia murmured. A twin pregnancy … this wasn’t good at all. “How far?”

For the past couple of weeks she had stomach aches, and cramps in her lower region, she hadn’t gained any noticeable weight so the aches were the only reason she went to the doctor to check.

“13 weeks,” the doctor looked at her.

Her eyes got wide. “What? That can’t be right! I am way too small for that, especially with twins!” She panicked a little bit.

“Please, calm down, you need to be careful. It sometimes happens that women don’t show any signs of pregnancy. That’s why it sometimes happens that they don’t even know they are pregnant until they give birth” the gynecologist said.

Lucia shook her head. “No, this isn’t good …” she was devastated. What was she supposed to do now?

“Calm down and talk to your husband about the options. The pregnancy will be a very high-risk one. You already struggled with the last one, your heart might not be able to handle the stress that comes with a twin pregnancy,” the doctor told her.

Still feeling a little bit numb, she nodded. After that she made her way over to the fire station, she needed to talk to Izuku now.


“You are what?!” Izuku couldn’t believe it. Panic rushed through his body.

“I am pregnant with twins … 13 weeks …” Lucia repeated.

Izuku had to sit down, he wasn’t happy at all, he knew what this could mean. “What are we going to do? You can’t carry them out!” Izuku ran a hand over his face.

“I know … but I …,” she stopped, “don’t want to abort either.”

“Why not?”

She shrugged. “It wouldn’t feel right, I don’t want to kill babies.”

Izuku covered his mouth with one hand. His fingers stroked through the hairs of his beard. “But you could die!”

“I know that! But I still can’t do it,” she looked to the ground. She sat opposite of him, placing her forehead against her knuckles.

Izuku felt helpless, he didn’t know what to do.


Eijiro was out drinking with Tetsutetsu again, these past couple of weeks this had become more and more frequent, the alcohol helped him calm his nerves, whenever he drank, the dark thoughts vanished. He knew that it was a bad habit, but he couldn’t help it.

Sometimes he was drinking alone, and every once in a while he had other patrons offer him drinks and without much hesitation, he took them up on their offer. The more alcohol the better it got.

Especially today Eijiro needed something strong, they had learned that one of the drug dealers they had arrested eight years ago, was going free today. They personally thought it was a bad decision, but there was nothing they could do about it.

They were downing shots at the bar, the barkeeper was a cute young girl, she served them frequently and they befriended her. She was a beta and recently got engaged, she was really on a high. She was always beaming with excitement.

Eijiro was happy for her. He grinned and watched her as she was mixing a drink for another guest.

“You know, it’s always so stylish when you’re mixing drinks,” Eijiro complimented her, he was already drunk.

“Why thank you!” she beamed at them. Overall it was a very good time.

But suddenly the door was kicked open. The two heroes looked over, their eyes widened when they recognized the familiar face. It was the drug dealer!

Eijiro was heavily drunk by now, but it seemed that his mind cleared up when he sensed the danger, Tetsutetsu was also rushing forward now.

The guy fumed out of the mouth, he let out a roar, maybe he was on drugs again. “You fucking bastards, I found you!” He growled and much to the hero's shock he twisted his wrist back and out of that, a barrel appeared. He fired shots at random at the two of them.

Tetsutetsu charged immediately in on him since bullets didn’t hurt him. Eijiro stumbled off his chair, he wanted to get into the action too, but he had drunk more, and even though he felt clear, he wasn’t. Tetsutetsu already tackled the guy to the ground, but he aimed one last time in Eijiro’s direction.

The bullet hit Eijiro in the head but due to his extensive training with Takeshi, his skin was already hardened seconds before the bullet hit, however, the bullet ricocheted off of him, and the most terrible sound he had ever heard pierced his ears.

The barkeeper screamed and it was almost like in slow motion that his gaze wandered over to her, he saw blood shooting out of the wound on her neck, while her body was dropping to the ground. “Nooo!” he screamed and he ran immediately behind the counter.

He forced his body to move now, panic and adrenaline cleared his head now completely, he knelt down next to her, blood was gushing out and she had trouble breathing. He pressed his hands on the wound.

“Somebody, I need towels,” he yelled out, he didn’t know what to do, more and more blood seeped through his fingers. He fumbled in his pocket for his phone, but it wasn’t there. He had put it on the counter before, and now he couldn’t reach it without letting her go.

One other staff member crawled over to them, she had a towel in hand. “Call an ambulance!” Eijiro ordered her. She nodded in a panic and did as he told her.

Eijiro looked down at the woman, who was fighting for her life right now, he could see the panic in her eyes, the towel was blood-soaked just seconds later.

Tears were in his eyes, he felt so bad that the bullet had hit her.

It felt like hours before the ambulance and police arrived, Tetsutetsu had secured the drug dealer quickly and he gave him to the police before he guided the paramedics in. They ushered Eijiro out of the way to take care of the woman. They blocked his view of her.


Eijiro was staring at his bloody hands, he was in a trance, his head was spinning, that was his fault … the bullet hit her because he hardened himself … if he hadn’t done that, she would have been fine … His breathing got faster, the view on the edge of his eyes began to flicker.

He felt more and more panic and guilt rushing in, all voices around him seemed to fade away.

Suddenly, Tetsutetsu was close to him. “Hey, bro, deep breaths!” He tried to calm him down. “Let’s wash her blood off.” He grabbed him by the elbow and carefully walked him to the sink, he helped him clean the blood, he saw how distressed the other alpha was.

He contacted Mae and asked her if she could come and get them. Luckily, Mae’s friend Mary was over with her pup, that’s why she could come and get them immediately.

Mae was absolutely shocked to walk into the crime scene. She saw Eijiro and Tetsutetsu sitting outside. “Oh my god, what happened?” she asked, but Eijiro couldn’t answer and Tetsutetsu mumbled he would tell her later.

Exhaling, she nodded and they brought Eijiro over to the car. The whole drive he was very still, he just stared at his hands, even though they were cleaned he still thought there was blood on them.


Eijiro, Tetsutetsu, Mae, and Mary sat in the kitchen, Eijiro was sobbing after Tetsutetsu had explained what had happened. Mae walked over to her distressed mate and she hugged him, she let out a purr in an effort to soothe him, but it didn’t really help.

Eventually, Tetsutetsu and Mary left and Mae helped Eijiro up in their bedroom, she undressed him and helped him shower before she put new clothes on him and put him to bed. She cuddled close next to him, still purring for comfort.

“It’s my fault … I did this to her …” Eijiro wept. “I’m such a good-for-nothing!”

“No, don’t say that! It was an accident!” She tried to reassure him, but he didn’t listen.

“What if she dies? The bullet rebounded off of me, I would be responsible for her death!” He cried. He covered his eyes with his hand, more tears were flowing down his cheeks.


“Eijiro, stop! She will survive, I am sure she will make it. Remember, Dr. Chiwari is in the hospital, he’s the Wonder Doctor!” she told him.


Only slowly Eijiro calmed down. “I … I’ve seen dead bodies … I’ve been shot multiple times by now, I’ve seen people get shot in front of me,” Eijiro mumbled, he was still crying, “but I’ve never seen someone take a bullet, that was meant for me …”

Mae caressed him, and hugged him close, she let him cry until he passed out from exhaustion and the alcohol. She had to bite down on her lower lip to keep it from quivering. Why was all of this happening right now?


Katsuki groaned, it was the middle of the night and he felt the urge to pee, clumsily and still half asleep he got out of the bed. He didn’t want to wake up Hiroto or Kira, that’s why he didn’t turn on the light, when he made his way to the bathroom, he didn’t care to close the door, however.

He was still in the middle of doing his business when his skin started to crawl. Suddenly he was wide awake, he hurried to finish up. He felt his heart beating faster, he flushed the toilet and walked to the sink to wash his hands, the creepy feeling got even worse. He felt like he was on a presentation plate! He felt sick to his stomach.

Quickly, he made his way back to the bedroom, he felt the sudden urge to grab Kira, he walked over to the crib and he carefully picked up the pup, then walked with her back to the bed and he sat down. Usually, he wouldn’t take her with them to bed, the danger of accidentally crushing her was too high since Katsuki was sometimes a very active sleeper and he moved around a lot. But he just had the urge to hold his pup close to him. She didn’t even wake up from all of this.

Katsuki sat in the bed, staring in the darkness of his room. He felt so sick! What was happening? Nobody could be in this house, right? He had made sure, that every door and window was locked. He had even pulled the deadbolt! There was no way, that someone could come in!

It was around four am when the bad feeling finally subsided, and only then was Katsuki able to sleep again.


When he woke up in the morning, he walked down to the kitchen. Hiroto and Kira were still sleeping. Katsuki wanted to make breakfast.

However, when he walked past the fridge, he froze. In slow motion, he looked towards it and he noticed the letter, that wasn’t there the night before. What he read freaked him even more out.


“Dear Dynamight,

You were so close to me! You walked right past me! Seeing you piss was such a joy! Oooh, how jealous I am of your daughter, you held her so close! So, so close! I hope you will hold my pup close too! I can already feel it, how your ass surrounds my dick! I imagine it every night! I want to feel your heat! I want to taste your slick! I can’t wait to caress your swollen bump with my pup inside! You will be mine soon!”


He felt bile rising up and he sprinted to the sink to throw up.

He heaved heavily when Hiroto came down, woken up by the noise. “Katsuki? What’s wrong?” He hurried to the side of his mate. Kira was on his arm, looking confused.

“Fridge” Katsuki stammered, and Hiroto walked over to take a look. He was equally shocked.

“How is that even possible?” He asked, rocking a fuzzy Kira on his arm.

“I have no idea. I felt a strange sensation last night, that’s why I took Kira with me to bed,” Katsuki explained. He was shaking and he felt so cold. “I don’t even want to imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t …”

“I’ll call the police … maybe they find something.” Hiroto gave Katsuki a kiss on the forehead, the blonde nodded and took Kira, while Hiroto made some calls.


Like the times before, they found nothing! It was as if the guy was a ghost. No fingerprints, no shoeprints, no other skin cells or hair strands that could be used to identify the stalker.

Still massively shaken up Katsuki, with Kira on his arm, and Hiroto sat down with Mae and Eijiro. They had heard what happened in the bar and even though Katsuki was shaken up, he wanted to comfort Eijiro too.

“That’s terrible,” Mae murmured, one of her pups was on her arm. The other three were playing on the ground. “How about you get a dog?” Mae asked.

“A dog?” Katsuki questioned.

“Yeah, I mean a guard dog. I mean, my parents have a lot of perfectly trained dogs, we could get you one ASAP.”

Hiroto and Katsuki looked at each other. “What do you think?” Katsuki tilted his head.

“I like that, I mean, if the stalker is later captured, the dog could be a good companion for Kira,” he mentioned.

“Yeah, you’re right,” Katsuki nodded.

Mae smiled and she contacted her parents for a meeting.


About an hour later they were at the house of Mae’s parents. They were swarmed by a bunch of dogs. Eijiro sat down somewhere on the side and he took care of some of the puppies, he needed some fluff balls to cuddle him.

“Wow, that’s a lot!” Katsuki was excited. “But will they even listen to me or Hiroto?”

“Of course!” Mae’s mother said. “They are very well trained and they will listen to their new owner, we make sure of that.”

Mae stepped now forward. “Okay, listen up boy and girls. This is serious here!” The dogs sat down and listened to her. Katsuki and Hiroto were amazed. “These are my friends Katsuki and Hiroto and their daughter, Kira, something terrible just happened to them.” The dogs whined a little when they heard that. Some were watching them intensely.

“Someone broke into their house and watched them. So, what they need is a guard dog, who can protect them from this intruder. And who likes to play with children too!” She clarified.

Some of the smaller dogs moved now backward they all made some noises as if they were actually talking to one another. Mae nodded a bit. More and more dogs talked and eventually, three dogs moved forward. They all seemed strangely determined.

“Okay, Katsuki, Hiroto, those three want to protect you, you can choose one,” Mae smiled at them.

Katsuki walked forward and crouched down. They all looked at him and they barked a little. “What do you think, Hiro?” He asked.

“Oh, I like this one,” he pointed at the dog in the middle.

“Yeah, me too,” Katsuki carefully extended a hand and let the dog take a whiff. It was a big and fluffy dog, he had sandy fur with some darker accents on the back and the face.

“That’s Karma, he is a Šarplaninac,” Mae told them.

“Hey, Karma, nice to meet you,” Katsuki patted his head. “Do you want to protect me and my family?” The dog barked excitedly and his tail wagged.

Hiroto chuckled and squatted down too. “I am happy to meet you too.” All the dogs started to bark and howl as a farewell to their friend. Kira squealed and she reached out for Karma.

Katsuki let her pet the dog. She laughed and flapped her arms around.


Katsuki felt much better, now that Karma was with them. Mae had given them some supplies to get them through the day, they would shop for him tomorrow. Karma was excited to be in his new home. Mae had told him to watch out for the three, and to give it his best.

Karma happily wagged his tail and barked at that.

“Hopefully no one comes in now …” Katsuki leaned against his mate, he watched Kira and Karma on the ground.

“They would be stupid to do so.” Hiroto placed a kiss on Katsuki’s temple.


Lucia was by now 16 weeks pregnant, it was hard on her, and Izuku begged her multiple times to not go through with it. But she didn’t listen to him.

“Lucia, please! I beg you to re-consider” Izuku wasn’t the biggest fan of the idea to abort his child, but he was so concerned for Lucia’s health. He knew that the reality of her not surviving the pregnancy was very real. He didn’t want to lose her.

“No, I can’t Izuku, I want these children! I am strong enough I can do it!” she tried to reassure him.

“You don’t know that! You had so many problems with your last pregnancy! What if you die? What will happen then?” Izuku asked her. “Do you want to leave Kieran alone? Leony? Me?” His voice was shaking.

“Of course not!” She blinked a few times, she had tears in her eyes. “I wouldn’t want to leave any of you alone. But … I know that I would regret it for the rest of my life! I know that it is selfish of me and that I completely go against your wishes … but I just can’t bring myself to let them go.”

Izuku cried, he turned away from her and exhaled. He shook his head, the looming dread of her death made him unable to see her reasoning. He felt helpless, he didn’t know what to do. He absolutely didn’t want to lose his wife to that.

She walked behind him and wrapped her arms around him. “I’m sorry, my love, I am sorry to put you through that …” She knew that her death meant that the bond mark would break and he would suffer even more. She knew this feeling all too well, she would leave him alone, Kieran and Leony too, he would also have to deal with two more pups. It was unfair, but she still had the slim hope of surviving this ordeal.

Izuku had already contacted the Ridgways about this situation, but Kairi told him no, they couldn’t do much, they couldn’t give Lucia blood while she was pregnant, the stress of healing would definitely hurt the pups, and they couldn’t heal terminal illnesses, only injuries. No amount of blood would heal Lucia’s heart condition.

For the prime alpha, it seemed hopeless. He didn’t want to lose his wife, now that they were finally doing better. They had been through so much, why did this have to happen to them? He cursed himself for not using protection, they had just assumed that she couldn’t get pregnant any longer since the last time it took so long with fertility boosters, now they hadn’t used them and it happened so quickly.

“I love you, I’m so sorry,” she leaned her head against his back, crying too.

“I love you too” Izuku murmured.


Living with Tenko wasn’t that easy, he needed so much care. Michiko thought she was prepared, but now she knew she was wrong. Much to her luck, Korra was still there to help out. She wasn’t working and she could take care of Tenko, whenever Michiko wasn’t there to do so.

Kiku was sitting next to him on the ground and she was braiding his long hair since they still couldn’t cut it. The fifteen-year-old was very patient with him, she purred all the time to keep him calm.

Michiko entered the room now. “Tenko, dear, how are you doing?” She smiled brightly at him.

“Mimi! Doing good!” He returned the smile.

“Great! Is Kiku doing your hair?” She squatted down and caressed his cheek.

“Yep,” he hummed.

“He’s a good boy, he keeps very still,” Kiku praised him. This made Tenko purr too. Kiku was finally done with the hair.

“Ah, I see, alright, do we want to eat?” Michiko cupped Tenko’s cheeks.

He nodded. “I’m hungry!” he told her.

“Then come, let’s go!” She hold her hands towards him, he grabbed them and she pulled him up. Together they made their way to the dining room. Meals were always interesting, Tenko could eat alone, if one cut the food for him, if it was something meaty. He, unfortunately, didn’t have enough motor skills to do it on his own. Soups were a bit more difficult since his hands were so shaky.

Satsuki was also home, Kuroko was working, however, which probably wasn’t too bad since he was afraid of her.

They sat down and Korra brought them the pre-cut steak with some fries, he happily ate as much as he could.

Michiko observed him, she was happy that he was doing so well. She listened to his purring while eating too. Yeah, she was sure, that she had made the right decision after all.

Katsuki + Eijiro + Izuku: +9 Years (4) (+Tenko)

Life was much calmer, now that they had a great protection dog. Katsuki was walking with Karma, he had Kira with him and he was visiting the Agency. Everyone, except Kuroko, fawned over the dog.

“Aww, he’s so cute,” Satsuki squealed.

“I know, he’s the best!” Katsuki petted the dog, he let out a happy bark.

“Michiko, why don’t we get a dog too? Maybe this helps Tenko?” Satsuki proposed.

“Oh, hell nah,” Kuroko growled annoyed.

“Yeah, sounds good!” Michiko smiled. “Anyway, Katsuki, how are you holding up?” Michiko turned back to him. “Any news about that creep?”

“No, unfortunately not, he never left behind any DNA or fingerprints,” the blonde alpha sighed in frustration.

“Damn, that sucks,” Toya grumbled.

“Yep, that guy is a ghost, like literally, he managed to come into my completely locked house, I had triple-checked every door and window, and I have an alarm system!” He ran a hand through his hair.

“That’s really freaky. But hey, if you ever need a place to stay, you can come to us too,” Michiko offered. “I mean, we have a Kuroko, no stalker will even try to attempt to break in.”

“Bitch …” Kuroko mumbled.

Katsuki chuckled. “Noted. But I think Karma will alert us too if some fucker is in the house,” he patted Karma’s head. The dog barked.


Eijiro visited the barkeeper regularly in the hospital, she would survive, thank god, but every night her scream pierced through his dreams, and in front of his eyes there was the image of her dropping to the floor. It kept him awake most of the nights.

He was unable to work sometimes because he was too exhausted from the constant nights awake.

Most of the time he was nervous. He noticed, that he hesitated more to rush into action, especially against projectile villains, he constantly had the image of the barkeeper going down in his head.

Whenever he got back into the office, he was a shaking mess. Whenever he was covered in blood for whatever reason, he got flashbacks of his hands covered in her blood.

His drinking habits got even worse too. He went to a different bar, however, he just couldn’t go back to his place any longer.

Mae was very concerned about her mate, she knew that he wasn’t doing well, but she didn’t know how she could help him. He refused to talk about it. She hated it, that he didn’t trust her enough to help him.

She also hated it, that he came home drunk more and more often. She hated the stench he was giving off. She could see him deteriorating in front of her eyes.


Eijiro was this time in a kinda shady bar, he had multiple drinks in. He was sitting at the counter when suddenly, a paradise bird approached him. The guy had semi-long, greenish turquoise hair with some blue accents, it looked very weird. He wore a bright blue button-up shirt with yellow smiley faces printed on it.

“Hey, there!” He greeted and sat next to Eijiro. “Why the long face, cutie?”

“Hey …” Eijiro looked over to the beta. “Just stressful day.” He had absolutely no intention of spilling his problems to this stranger.

“I know, life can be so stressful,” he sighed.

“Yes …”

“Alcohol is a good friend of mine too when I want to relax,” he smiled at him, his bright yellow eyes were piercing through him. “Can I get you a drink?”

Eijiro raised an eyebrow. “Sure, if you want to …” He just shrugged. He didn’t even have the energy to be friendly towards this guy, he struggled with the illusion of blood on his hands and he tried to stay calm.


One drink turned into many and eventually, he ended up in a booth with this guy, Eijiro was nursing a bottle of beer and he somewhat listened to this guy ramble about stuff, he at least tried but his head was so dizzy already.

“Hey, bro, I think I really have to go home now … I feel weird …” Eijiro tried to get up, but the guy grabbed his wrist.

“Oh no, stay a little longer!” he smiled at him. He didn’t even know how this guy’s name was … ah, he didn’t care too much anyway.

Grumbling, Eijiro sat back down, he leaned his head back. “No, I really should go …”

“But I was so nice to you and bought you drinks,” the guy, Smile, how Eijiro dubbed him in his drunken mind, stopped smiling.

“Yeah … but, I …” Eijiro lost track of what he was about to say when he stared into Smile's bright yellow eyes.

“Hey, pal, I know exactly why you are doing all of this. You feel so down, you feel that the weight of the whole fucking world is on your shoulders, right?”

Eijiro grunted, when he got pulled closer to Smile, the beta had placed a hand in his neck. “Oh, I know this feeling all too well, and you know, I know exactly what you need to get through this, Mr. Number 5 Hero,” Smile chirped in his ear.

“Oh yeah …?” Eijiro slurred.

“Yes, trust me, it’s better than any alcohol or drug can be!” Smile grinned from ear to ear, while he pulled him even closer. “It will make you feel so good like you can do everything in the world! You will forget your problems!”

He stared down at Smile's lips, what the heck did he mean? Eijiro was way too drunk to think straight.

Smile pulled an inhalator out of his pocket, he shook it a few times. “This baby here is the best pick-me-up out there! You will feel so good! And the best thing is, it’s not a drug!” He smiled even wider.

“Nah, I think … I’m good,” Eijiro still tried to get away. He had a weird feeling about this.

“Oh, come on, pal, you haven’t even tried it! I just want to help a friend out, I can see that you are hurting so I thought you would like something to help you feel better.” Yellow eyes pierced his red ones. “You have nothing to lose, this one’s free, we are such good friends, aren’t we? Come, you got nothing to lose!”

Eijiro frowned while he looked at Smile, yeah, what he said made so much sense! His head felt light and it seemed as if nothing really mattered anymore. He just didn’t care anymore.

“Here, take a deep whiff,” Smile pushed the inhalator in his hands and with clumsy fingers, he brought it up to his mouth. He pressed the button on the device and inhaled simultaneously. Whatever he inhaled was very sweetly tasting, it made him even fuzzier, his head spun and only seconds after the taste had settled on his tongue he felt like nothing mattered anymore.

He closed his eyes and he missed the beta’s sinister smile.


When Eijiro woke up he was in a random room. He was disoriented, where the fuck was he? He checked his wallet immediately but to his shock, everything – aside from a few family pictures – was gone! His money, his credit cards everything. “Fuck!” He exhaled. With wobbly legs he got up and looked around, he was in some abandoned house it seemed, on a stinky mattress. He searched for his phone and luckily this was still in his pocket. He dialed Katsuki’s number, he didn’t want to see Mae when he looked like this.

Katsuki answered and he promised he would get him as fast as possible.


It took about thirty minutes for him to arrive, however. Enough time for Eijiro’s thoughts to spiral down even more. He didn’t have that much money on him, but still, how should he explain this to Mae? He didn’t even have a good explanation of what happened at all. He knew that he drank a lot and there was a person but … he couldn’t even remember their looks. What had they done? He had a total blackout!

Katsuki honked the horn and Eijiro looked up. He was so devastated, he had to hold himself back massively to not start to cry. With lowered head, he walked over to Katsuki’s car and sat down on the passenger’s seat. “Thanks …” Eijiro murmured after he had closed the door.

“What happened, man?” Katsuki asked him.

“I don’t know, I passed out and got robbed I assume, my money and my cards are gone,” he confessed.

“Did you call your bank already?” Katsuki questioned.

“No …”

“Then fucking do that, otherwise your savings will be gone soon,” Katsuki reminded him.

Eijiro cursed. He pulled out his phone once more and he checked his bank account. He felt sick when he saw the number on it. “Stop the car! FUCKING STOP!” He yelled out and Katsuki hit the break, the car behind them honked.

The redhead jumped out of the car and sprinted to a garbage bin that was close by, he vomited into it. Katsuki got out as well and he ran over to his friend. “Hey, what’s wrong?!” He grabbed Eijiro’s shoulders to support him.

“I’m fucked, I’m so fucking fucked!” Eijiro cried. His knees gave out and he sunk to the ground, next to the bin. “It’s gone … Everything is gone!” He heavily cried.

Katsuki looked at the phone and his heart dropped too when he saw that Eijiro’s bank account was completely empty. They had taken everything he had.

“What am I supposed to do now? I can’t face Mae, she will rip my head off!” He started to go into panic mode. More tears were spilling down his cheeks.

“Hey, come, let’s get you into the car, we are in the middle of the street,” Katsuki pulled him up and carefully brought him back to his car. Eijiro was so done. “Let’s drive to the agency, and we call the police. We will find this guy.”

“But I don’t even remember how he looked like! Or if it even was a guy! I don’t have any clue what happened!” He ugly cried while Katsuki put his seatbelt on.

“Everything will going to be okay … I don’t know how yet, but it will be,” Katsuki patted Eijiro’s shoulder and then he drove to the Moruga agency.


He helped Eijiro get into the office, he was still so distraught, that he could barely walk. The others were highly concerned when they came in.

“Oh my god, what happened?” Michiko asked. She pulled a chair out so that Eijiro could sit down.

“I-I got robbed, my bank account is empty! Everything is gone,” he cried even heavier now. “What am I supposed to do now? The fucking house … I can’t even pay those fucking bills off, Mae wanted to marry this year … The pups …,” he rubbed over his eyes.

“What have you done before you got robbed?” Michiko asked, she tried to soothe him, but it didn’t really work.

“I was drinking in a bar, some guy, I think, he gave me drinks and then everything went black! I don’t even remember if this was a guy or a woman,” he was so pissed off.

“The theft rate increased these past few months …” Sougo mentioned.

“Fuck, and I have to be a victim of that! As if my life isn’t shit enough already,” he was still sobbing massively.


They called the police over too, so they could be informed about the robbery and Eijiro contacted his bank, in case the guy had been there in person. But they didn’t have any new information.

The police did a drug test on him and he was positive, they had a medic come over to draw some blood as long as the drug was still in his system. Eijiro watched them do this without really paying attention, he just stared in front of him.

“How am I supposed to tell Mae? She will kill me! I ruined everything …” Eijiro hugged himself.

“Hey, we will find this guy! We will get your money back!” Michiko crouched in front of him, and she put a hand on his arms. “Do you want me to call Mae? I was supposed to meet her today anyway because of a dog I wanted to buy, but this is more important. Maybe it will be easier if you and she are not alone when you tell her.”

Eijiro shivered, he was such a failure, everything he touched went to shit … Worthless piece of fucking garbage … He slowly nodded. Yeah, he was afraid to face her, so moral support was probably not wrong.


A very confused and concerned Mae arrived an hour later. They had tried to comfort Eijiro until then, but it was impossible. He cried so much that he had to throw up a second time.

Mae walked into the office, her ears already pressed flat against her head, she smelled the heavy distress of her mate. “Eijiro? What’s wrong? Where have you been last night?”

She was shocked to see him in a state like this, he was still crying. “Mae … I … I fucked up …”

At first, she suspected, that he had cheated somehow … but she quickly decided, no, this was not it. If he had “just” cheated, he wouldn’t be this upset, she assumed.

“How?” She asked. She was feeling cold.

“I got robbed. All my – our money is gone …” he had to tell her. It had to get out. He deserved the anger she had towards him.

“WHAT? HOW THE FUCK COULD THAT HAPPEN?!” She screamed at him. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

“I got drunk and drugged until I passed out and then they robbed me, I don’t know anything, however, not even how the guy looked like,” he buried his face in his hands.

“Tell me, that is not fucking true …” Mae tried to keep her composure, but she felt herself failing.

“It’s true … the police were already here and took my statement, and they even made a drug test …” Eijiro mumbled.

He heard Mae growl. “You … you and your fucking drinking! I told you over and over again, to reduce that!” She charged forward and slapped him. She started to hit him repeatedly. “I told you to come to me if you got problems, but no! You stupid asshole rather go to some bars and get drunk! What are we supposed to do now?”

“I don’t know! I’m so fucking sorry …” he apologized repeatedly. Still growling, Mae stopped hitting him and she turned away.

The others watched it, they were all uncomfortable. Michiko eventually cleared her throat. “Regarding the house …” She started. Mae, now also crying, looked over to her.

“How about I buy the house for you, and you pay me back whenever you got money?” She proposed.

“What?” Mae’s ears turned towards Michiko. Eijiro looked up in shock too.

“Why would you do that?” The alpha asked.

Michiko shrugged. “I mean, you’re in a lot of trouble right now. And I just thought, paying me back is probably better than paying them back. You could relax a little, and recover. We will get your money back eventually, and until then, you don’t have to pay me.”

“No, we can’t take that offer …” Mae was so confused. “How would you be able to afford that anyway?” She blinked a few times to stop her tears.

“I’m rich … Like, filthy rich. My old man was the CEO of six companies, he got shit-tons of money and when my parents bit the dust three years ago I inherited everything since my brother was nowhere to be found – if he’s alive in the first place. After I spent roughly half of the money on some charities, I still have a couple of billions over. So buying a house is like nothing to me.” She shrugged. “But, uh, don’t go around and tell people that, otherwise everyone wants a house. I’m just doing that because you are in real trouble.”

“But it will take forever to pay the house back …” Mae said.

“As I said, you can take your time, I don’t need the money that much.”

“Thanks! I appreciate it!” Mae walked over to Michiko and hugged her. Eijiro felt so bad, now he had to rely on his friend's boss to afford that house. “What can I do for the moment to show you my gratitude?” Mae asked.

“How about a free dog?” Michiko smiled at her.

Mae laughed a little. “I think that won’t be a problem.”


They made out that Michiko could come to pick the dog up tomorrow. Now everything was too much chaos and she really needed to talk to Eijiro. The pups were with their grandparents already, so the house was empty.

Mae could keep it together for the drive, she knew that it would do no good if she got into a car crash, but as soon as the front door clicked shut, she exploded.

“You absolute, fucking, moron! What the hell were you thinking?” She yelled.

“Nothing!” Eijiro answered.

“Yeah, I fucking thought so! Let me guess, you only had your fucking alcohol in mind!”

“That’s … true,” Eijiro looked to the ground, he felt so ashamed. “I’m so sorry …”

“Sorry my ass! We can’t eat from your sorries! We can’t pay bills from your sorries either. You are so fucking lucky, that Michiko offered to pay the house so we can use the money that I make to pay for everything else.” She growled at him.

“Seriously, how can you be so fucking reckless and go drinking in the shadiest bars in town, huh?” She pushed her index and middle finger into his shoulder.

“I have no idea! I felt down again … And I just wanted to forget everything …”

“And that’s your fucking problem! You’ve become a damn alcoholic! You skipped any therapy session and started to drink your sorrows away. Instead of talking with me, you hang out in bars! I fucking told you so many times that that’s not the right way!” She bared her fangs at him. “But you keep pushing me away, as well as your problems!”

“I know that … I don’t know why I ever thought this was a good idea.” Eijiro went down on his hands and knees, he pressed his forehead on the cold tiles. “I’m so sorry, please, forgive me. I don’t know what’s wrong with me …”

Mae stared down at him. “I don’t know if I can … that’s a pretty big deal, I need time to think about it.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest. She dug her fingernails into the skin of her arms.

She looked at her mate on the ground and shook her head. She had a lump in her throat. “Go, shower, and clean yourself up. I will think about the situation in the meantime.

Defeated, Eijiro got up, he nodded compliantly and made his way to the bathroom. He undressed and then he just stood under the shower for minutes, he had completely fucked his family. What was he supposed to do now? He was nothing but a failure … He cried seemingly forever, the tears just wouldn’t stop.


He was done eventually and he entered the living room. Mae was sitting on the couch, she was leaned forward and supported her head with her knuckles. Like a shy boy, he carefully cleared his throat. Without looking up, she gestured to the couch. “Sit down …”

Eijiro walked over and he sat down, he was so nervous, his stomach revolted again.

The minutes passed and Mae was just sitting there, which made it even worse for Eijiro. Eventually, she sighed and looked up. Her usually soft eyes were hard. “These past few months you made it really hard for me, constant worries, you don’t fucking talk to me anymore, you drown your last brain cells in alcohol,” she shrugged and shook her head. “And every time I ask you, you just shove it all down and say it’s nothing! But now you hopefully see where this got you?”

“Yes …” He looked down.

“Look at me!” She growled. Slowly, Eijiro lifted his head and looked at his pissed-off mate. He had never seen her so angry.

“You will never touch alcohol ever again! Do you understand me? Not even a single fucking drop. If I see you drinking ever again, it’s over!” She was breathing heavily. He saw how hard it was on her too.

He gulped heavily but he nodded. This was more than he had expected. He thought she would leave immediately. “Well, if we weren’t mated, Eijiro, I would have left. But the mating bond complicates things,” she told him. He hadn’t noticed that he had spoken out loud.

“And further, we will go to counseling, otherwise I don’t see a future for us. And until you get your own money back, or earn it for next months, I’ll give you an allowance.”

He nodded. “Yeah, I understand. That seems fair …” Eijiro murmured.

Mae exhaled. “Make yourself useful and help me prepare lunch … the kids will come home soon and I don’t want them to notice,” her voice was firm.

Eijiro nodded again and he followed her to the kitchen where they prepared the food. All he wanted to do was to cry, but he kept himself together. He knew that it would be hard the next couple of weeks.

The drug test came back two days later, much to his shock, it contained a large portion of substances that were used for the drug Trigger X, yet it wasn't exactly the same. It was a drug that was recently spreading like a wildfire, but the source was still unknown.


Izuku had taken a time-out from work to be with his wife. Lucia was in the hospital again, she struggled greatly, but she was still adamant about carrying the pups. Izuku tried to be strong for her too, he tried to hide his own feelings in front of her.

But whenever he was with Inko, he cried a lot, he feared that Lucia would really die. The thought of losing her was suffocating him. The omega tried to console her son, but it was hard. She understood Lucia’s decision, but she felt still bad for him too.

Izuku begged to whatever god was listening, that she would make it out alive too.


Michiko and Tenko were in the car and on their way to Mae’s parents, in the morning, she had finalized the purchase of the house. The original seller was totally baffled about the amount of money she offered. He just couldn’t say no.

And now they wanted to get a dog for Tenko, the omega was really excited, he purred, even though he didn’t know what a dog was. But Mimi was so happy, so it must be something good, Tenko figured.

They exited the car and made their way inside, Mae waited for them, she acted as if everything was okay. She didn’t want to worry Tenko. “Hey, Mae!” Michiko greeted. “Tenko, this is Mae.”

“Hello!” Tenko smiled shyly.

“Hey, there, Tenko” Mae greeted him. “Are you here to get a dog?”

“Yes?” He sounded confused about the question since he still didn’t know what a dog was.

“Alright, then come with me,” she waved them in. The pair followed her.

Mae had told the dogs, that a boy with a disability would come soon, and a handful stayed in the room, they felt ready to be someone’s service dog.

When Tenko saw the dogs, he was amazed, he stared at them in awe and he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He let out some chirping sounds.

The dogs stayed back at first, as Mae had told them, she didn’t want to scare Tenko.

“Look Tenko, those are all dogs,” Michiko pointed at them. “Which one do you like the most?” She asked.

Tenko looked from her to the dogs. There were a bunch of different breeds of all sizes. Of course, Tenko didn’t know that, he eyed them all. They wagged their fluffy tails in anticipation. His eyes stayed on a white very fluffy dog. “I like this one!” He pointed at the dog. “He looks so fluffy!” He smiled.

“You can pet him!” Mae told Tenko. His eyes widened and with careful steps, he made his way over to the dog. The white fuzzy tail was wagging heavily and he barked a little.

Carefully, Tenko touched the soft fur of the dog, it felt so good underneath his hands. His cheeks were flushed pink when the dog nuzzled against Tenko.

“Her name is Frosty,” Mae explained. “She is very sweet, isn’t she?”

“Yes!” Tenko purred while wrapping his arms around Frosty’s neck. The dog barked happily. She was a one-year-old Samojede. “Fros-ty?” he repeated.

“Very good! That is her name,” Mae said.

“Fros-ty!” He said again and then he hugged her neck. The dog happily barked and licked his cheek. He giggled at that.

“I think it is decided then. We will take Frosty!” Michiko said. Tenko looked at her, confused.

“We will take Frosty with us as a pet dog, you can play with her all you want.”

Tenko’s eyes lit up and he squealed. Michiko was happy about that.

Who was not happy about the dog was Kuroko, she disliked dogs because they were “too fucking loyal”. But no one listened to her anyway.


It was November and Katsuki was home alone, because his heat was coming up soon. Hiroto brought Kira over to Mitsuki and Masaru since their car was in the workshop. So only Karma was with him.

Katsuki was already in a pre-heat daze, he was drowsy and he felt tired. His body hurt while the uterus grew inside of him. He wore a sweater, sweatpants, and two pairs of socks. It would soon be too warm for him, but until he entered his heat, he wanted to keep himself cozy.

He rubbed over his stomach while he made himself a tea. Karma was roaming around his legs He could of course smell the pheromones Katsuki let out. Katsuki petted his dog’s head and made him some food while he waited for his tea.

He had gone off of birth control as well, it wouldn’t work this heat, but he planned to get pregnant sometime next year. He was in a stable position in the hero rankings now, he was Number 3, still, and he was in kind of baby fever for some time now.

While Karma was eating Katsuki took his cup of tea and made his way over to his nest. He was so damn tired. He hoped that Hiroto would come back soon, he really wanted to be close to his mate.


Katsuki woke up when Karma, who was next to him, growled deeply. “What’s wrong?” He patted the dog’s head. He looked around but there was nothing. Karma, however, wouldn’t stop snarling at the air. And all of a sudden, Katsuki felt it again. His mind cleared up when an ice-cold shower ran over his body, he felt like he was being watched by a predator. And this was probably true …

“Where the fuck are you?!” Katsuki got up, the pre-heat felt a bit less heavy, now that adrenaline was pumping through his body.

Then he heard it. A burst of laughter, it sounded absolutely bat-shit crazy. He saw nothing in the room while it was dark, he turned around to switch on the light and when he did, he froze for a second. There was the stalker. It was an alpha woman!

She had short bleach blonde fuzzy hair, her look was absolutely crazy. “I’m here for you! My dear Dynamight! Right on time for your heat!” She cackled like a maniac.

Before she could come near him, however, Karma pounced at her his teeth were digging into her arm. Katsuki got off the bed, explosions ignited in his hands. The woman screamed at the dog and her attention had shifted away from him. He hit her in the face with explosive force.

She heaved heavily and stumbled backward, Karma was still on top of her and held her down. “Dynamight! I love you! We are meant to be together!” She howled. She groaned in pain.

“Fuck off! I’m gay, I would never be with you!” He growled and picked up his phone. He had to call the police quickly, if he went into heat while this woman was here, he wouldn’t know what would happen.

Hiroto arrived first, however, and when he saw this woman on the ground, he lost it. In the end, Katsuki had to hold him back from killing the woman. She looked oddly familiar. “Oi, bitch, why are you doing this?” Katsuki asked. She held her bleeding arm.

“Because I love you so much! Broke my heart when you rejected me a couple of years ago! Instead, you went for this bastard! He doesn’t even know how to do you good! I could for sure! I have a dick, you know?! You can ride on me, I can do you so much better! I even changed my appearance to look like you!”

“That’s gross! Make your mind up, do you want to be like me or do you want to be in a relationship with me? That doesn’t make any fucking sense!” He was so irritated, his upcoming heat didn’t help with that either.

“Both! I want both! You are just too perfect! I love you so much,” she yowled.

Finally, the police arrived and they took the crazy lady with them. They quickly took Katsuki’s statements before they needed to leave since his heat would start soon. After it was over he needed to go to the police station.

Karma got a lot of treats for his heroic actions from both, Katsuki and Hiroto.


Four days later, Katsuki’s heat was over. And he and his husband made their way to the police. Tsukauchi was tense when they arrived. “Good that you are here now. We have a lot to discuss.”

Katsuki raised his eyebrows when they sat down. Tsukauchi presented him with loads of pictures of her basement. “Oh my fucking god,” he exhaled, completely baffled. She had every damn picture of Katsuki that had ever been in the newspapers or somewhere else in the room. Also many illegally taken photos. He felt sick when he saw the pictures of him showering or having sex. She had cut out Hiroto’s head and glued hers on top. She had also taken some random pictures from expecting couples and had put Katsuki’s and her head on top of it. “She’s fucking mental …”

“Yeah, that’s not the worst …” Tsukauchi mumbled. “We have found video material for like sixty hours of you having sex with your husband, or you sleeping, or showering et cetera. She recorded this all over a long period of time …”

Katsuki wanted to throw up when he heard that. Hiroto let out a growl, he didn’t like this either. “And, she also kidnapped someone …”

“Come again?” Katsuki’s eyes widened.

“Follow me, he’s still here because he has no one to go to,” Tsukauchi brought Katsuki and Hiroto over to another room. It was the break room of the police station. “Ruben,” Tsukauchi called out.

When the boy turned, Katsuki was absolutely baffled. It wasn’t an exact look-alike, Ruben wasn’t even Japanese, but the similarities were so huge. He had spiky blonde hair, but his hair was a little bit darker, more sandy-like than ash blonde. And his eyes were from a different shade of red, more ruby than crimson. He was also massively smaller in stature, more like Katsuki had been before taking alpha hormones. And of course, the biggest difference was, that this guy had wolf ears and a freaking tail! He was probably in his early twenties if Katsuki had to guess.

“Hello,” he murmured, he spoke in English. He mustered Katsuki. “Ah, I see now, why this crazy lady wanted me …”

“That’s so fucking messed up,” Katsuki ran a hand through his hair, he switched also to English. Hiroto couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the omega in front of them.

“Yeah, you can say that out loud …” Ruben scoffed a little, his tail wagging around, however, it looked more aggressive than happy, very understandable, given the situation.

Katsuki sat down next to him. “How long have you been with her?” He asked. He was concerned that someone had kidnapped a kinda-look-alike of him.

Ruben shrugged. “Hm, about fourteen days, bitch kept me in her basement where I had to look at pictures of a guy that had a great resemblance to me,” he exhaled.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that she was doing that. I’ve never met this woman …”

“I don’t blame you, you’re a victim too,” he shrugged.

“Did she … uh … assaulted you?”

“Nah, thankfully not, my scent put her off, since I am already pregnant, she cursed at me for ‘ruining her vision’ with me being pregnant …” he turned his ears backward.

“Oh damn, that’s even worse. Is your pup okay?” Katsuki asked. Hiroto was standing behind him, growling deeply when he heard that.

“Yeah, it’s fine …” He exhaled.

“Did they contact your mate or partner?” He saw that Ruben wasn’t mated.

“Well, that’s the problem, I don’t know where the guy is with whom I was in Japan in the first place. Aedan and I got separated by a werewolf.”

“What?” Katsuki’s jaw dropped. He hadn’t heard this term in ages. “W-why would a werewolf be after you?”

Ruben exhaled. “I’m from France … my full name is Ruben Garo and I am one of Loup-Garou’s offsprings … not his son, but I am related to him in some form,” he explained. “And I am not sure how much you know about French culture, but omegas are not treated well …”

“I know some things about France, a friend of mine told me about the history,” Katsuki explained. “A couple of years back, we captured his wife and some of his children.”

Ruben inhaled. “What? You captured Darleen and the others?” His tail whipped around nervously.

“Well, more the friend did that … but we fought against them,” Katsuki confirmed. “But you said they were after you, why? When we captured the alphas, he just threw them away because they were no longer useful to him.”

“Yeah, you answered the question, they weren’t useful anymore, Loup-Garou only keeps people that are useful. And he is after me because I ran away with his precious prime alpha son’s pup. And because I am a prime omega, those are very rare mind you, he wants to keep me, because if prime alpha and prime omega breed, the pups get exceptionally strong and it’s almost a guarantee that they are also prime. Also over time, the werewolf curse turned even worse. Many of the turned-into-werewolf omegas can’t control themselves during a full moon or when they get really angry, and every time they turn into werewolves they miscarry because you literally break every part of your body. But I, as a natural-born werewolf and prime omega, can control my changing, so I’m literally a perfect breeding machine.” He said in a nonchalant and very uncaring way.

Katsuki gulped when he heard him talking like that, the horrors of the imprisoned omegas came back into his mind. “Did you become pregnant from such mistreatment?” Katsuki asked cold crept up in him.

Ruben shrugged. “Of course … What better way to keep the bloodline pure … right?” He snarled sarcastically, he kept Katsuki’s gaze effortlessly.

Katsuki scrunched his nose, very disgusting … “How did you get here?”

“With the help of Antoinetta’s sister, who was so pissed off for the past ten years because her sister was just thrown away, she dug a tunnel to Germany all by herself, and ever since she brought omegas over the borders. When I told her, that I’m pregnant, she grabbed me and brought me away. Aedan is a good friend of hers, and she asked him for help. Originally, my journey should go to Thailand, but we got chased at the airport and we ended up, here in Japan instead. I got separated from Aedan and the others and I found myself in the grip of this crazy lady not two hours later.”

“Oh my god, that’s terrible! Again, I’m sorry that she targeted you.”

“I mean, she did treat me better than my folk … But it wasn’t exactly comfortable.”

“I believe that immediately … But what are you going to do now? Have you no way of contacting this Aedan?” Katsuki asked. “I’m sure he’s looking for you.”

“If he’s alive that is … my pup’s sire Antoine was after us, he’s a very powerful prime alpha. I fear that they got killed in the process …”

Katsuki thought about it for a while. “You know what, I’m sure I can help you find Aedan. I’m a hero, you know, and I am sure my colleagues would want to help you as well. And we could keep the werewolves off of you,” he offered, he thought it was the least he could do, to help this guy. He had been kidnapped because of him after all. Even though he had no clue that this had even happened in the first place.

Ruben turned his ears in the alpha’s direction. “You would do that?”

“Of course! I promise we get those werewolf fuckers off of your sleeve,” Katsuki promised.

Ruben chirped appreciatively. “Thanks, I really hope that Aedan and the others are okay … Especially since Aedan is an omega himself.” He got a worried look on his face.

“We will look for him as fast as we can. You should come with us to the agency … If that’s okay, Tsukauchi?” Katsuki turned to the police detective.

“Well, yes, he is free to go, since he entered the country legally. He just stayed here because he couldn’t go anywhere.”

Katsuki nodded. “Okay, then come, we will bring you to Michiko and the others.”

“Thank you!” Ruben smiled slightly at him.


“Hm, is that so?” Michiko was behind her desk and she looked Ruben up and down.

“Yep, that’s how I got here. Can you help me find Aedan? I’m really worried.”

“Of course we’re going to help you,” Michiko confirmed. “We will look for Aedan and the others.”

“But where is he going to stay? I mean, we can’t kick him out on the streets, he’s getting captured in no time,” Toya questioned. His skin had crawled by Ruben’s story, he didn’t want to meet any more werewolves ever again in his life.

“Good question …” Michiko clenched her teeth. The others looked at her, expectantly.

She raised her eyebrows when the others still stared. “Oh, okay, okay, you can stay with me. I don’t see a problem …” She growled a little bit.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to … I know that a pregnant, unmated prime omega that’s followed by werewolves isn’t the easiest thing to deal with.”

“Nah, I just adopted a guy that has been heavily mistreated, and handling him is harder than expected. He’s still very much afraid of outside people, and given that it was Darleen who took part in fucking him up so much … I am unsure how he will react to the wolf side of you if he remembers that at all.”

“Well, at least for the next nine months he won’t see this side of me, otherwise I would miscarry,” Ruben mumbled.

“Fair enough,” she sighed.

After that, Ruben gave them the description of Aedan and Usako, the pair that had brought him here. The heroes gave the information to Kuroko and Satsuki, who were currently patrolling.


Katsuki and Hiroto got home sometime later, after picking up Kira from Katsuki’s parents. The little pup was happy to see her parents again.

“I still can’t believe, that this bitch got her hands on a doppelgänger of mine, this creeps me out so much” Katsuki snarled, he rested in his freshly built nest, Kira on his chest. Hiroto was next to him. Karma was sprawled over Katsuki’s feet.

“Yeah, I don’t want to imagine, what she might have done to him, even though he states that she didn’t do anything. Maybe he just didn't want to scare you?” Hiroto stared at his daughter and mate.

“He shouldn’t spare me in that case, I mean, I know what this bitch wanted to do to me and if Karma hadn’t been there, she might have gotten away with it. She knew when I would enter my heat … That’s what really freaks me out,” he looked over to Hiroto.

Hiroto nodded and pulled him closer into a hug. “It’s over now.”



Ruben’s ears were pressed against the back of his head when he saw this giant fucking building. They entered it and Michiko called out to Tenko. Frosty came running first followed by a much slower Tenko.

Michiko had told Ruben the basics with Tenko and that’s why he stood a little behind Michiko at first.

Tenko rushed over to Michiko and hugged her he hadn’t seen the prime omega behind her at this point, but when he hugged her, he noticed him and he stiffened. “Don’t be afraid, Tenko.” Michiko patted his back. “This is Ruben. He needs a place to stay. He’s also an omega.”

Frosty walked now over to Ruben to inspect him, in the time she was with Tenko, she made it her mission to protect him from everything, but also show him, which people were good to go with. Frosty barked happily after she sniffed at him.

This seemed to ease Tenko, he walked around Michiko and mustered Ruben. His eyes widened when he saw the wolf ears on his head. Amazed he got closer. Ruben’s ears twitched and Tenko smiled at that.

“Are you a dog?” He asked.

“Uh, something like that, yes.” Ruben nodded.

Tenko let out some happy noises at that. After that, he turned back to Michiko. “I want to play!”

Michiko turned to Ruben. “Would you like to play?” Tenko looked over too.

Ruben tilted his head and then shrugged. “Sure, why not.” He never really had time to play when he was younger. He followed them upstairs to Tenko’s room and they played for a while before Michiko showed him his room. He was surprised to get such a luxurious room and so nice nesting materials. He purred content before laying down on the bed, he was exhausted and wanted to sleep a little before dinner.

Katsuki + Eijiro + Izuku: +9 Years (5) (+Tenko)

Christmas was a bit depressing for Izuku since Lucia was in the hospital because of more complications. He brought Kieran and Leony over and Inko came too, Lucia was happy to have her family around, Kieran cuddled close to his mother, he knew that something was up and he didn’t like it.

Leony was on her chest, the pup was snoring peacefully. Izuku hummed for them, mainly to calm Lucia down. When Kieran and Leony were asleep, she looked over to Izuku. “I’m so sorry,” she apologized again.

“Don’t worry, everything will be fine,” Izuku tried to reassure her, but he knew that this was nothing more than wishful thinking.


For Katsuki Christmas was very peaceful, finally his stalker was gone and he had more time for his family again, he watched Kira unwrapping her presents in joy. Karma was jumping around her, wagging his tail happily.

Katsuki was on the couch with Hiroto. “I wonder if we will have a second pup next Christmas already,” Hiroto murmured.

“I’m sure we will,” Katsuki chuckled. They kissed each other, but they broke up laughing when Kira let out an ‘ewww’ sound.

Mitsuki and Masaru came over the next day and Kira got even more presents. She was squealing when she unwrapped the dollhouse.


The Todoroki family had always lots of presents for the pups, Hotaru was so eager to unwrap hers. She chirped when she saw the new bike that Sougo got for her. Yuki and Enko got Dinosaurs, they were in a dinosaur phase and they wouldn’t play with anything that wasn’t at least dinosaur-themed.

The next day, Takara and Takuya came over to play too, Keigo accompanied them, Enji stayed at home, he wasn’t sure if they would even want them over there.

Toya sat next to Keigo. “So, Shigaraki is now living with Michiko?” Keigo looked over to his former friend. He really wasn’t up to date any longer.

“Hm, yeah. It’s honestly sad to see what became of him. He doesn’t even remember me,” he sighed while watching Sougo bunny jumping around with the pups. They squealed in glee when he leaped five meters in the air – thanks to his leg braches this was possible.

“That’s crazy …” Keigo looked down to the ground. “Do you want Hotaru to meet him one day?”

Toya shrugged. “I don’t know … maybe? But not before she isn’t a little older and can understand those things better.”


Toya was silent for a while. “And you? How is your relationship now? Is he still absent?”

Keigo smiled. “No, he improved himself. He’s home more often.”

“That’s good, I guess.”

“It really is,” Keigo murmured.

Much to Keigo’s surprise, Rei came over. “So … Enji is not coming?” She questioned.

“Uh, no, he thought it would be better if he doesn’t come. He doesn’t want to disturb the peace.”

Rei looked at him for a while. “Give me your phone …” She held out a hand.

Keigo and Toya looked at her confused. She sighed. “He can come over if he wants to. I am not bothered by it. Sitting all alone on Christmas is depressing,” she looked like she spoke out of experience.

Keigo blinked a few times. “Uhm, uh, o-okay!” He was utterly baffled. He had never expected Rei to say something like that.

He called Enji and even though it took a while, and also Rei’s interference, he promised, he would come over.


Enji felt really awkward, amidst his ‘old’ family. Takara and Takuya were of course happy that their dad was there too. Enko and Yuki didn’t know how to behave, they hadn’t really met Enji before.

He stared at Rei, still wondering, why she had invited him. Toya mustered him for some time, no, he still didn’t like him. It would probably never change.


Tenko was overwhelmed when he saw the decorated room, Korra’s, Kiku’s, and Satsuki’s doing, of course, he had no idea what this meant. He also wondered, where Mimi was. Luckily Kuroko wasn’t here, she was still scary.

He had grabbed Ruben’s hand, over the weeks they had gotten somewhat close, the prime omega helped him usually to stay calm and he soothed him when he got scared.

“Where is Mimi?” He asked Korra.

“Uh … I don’t know, she might be working.” Tenko pouted, Frosty next to him, rubbed herself on his legs to cheer him up.

“Why don’t you sit down for dinner? I try to find Michiko,” Korra directed him and Ruben to the dinner table.

Still, a bit down, Tenko moved over, Ruben looked after Korra, he sensed something was off. But he tended to a sad Tenko immediately.

Korra sighed and grabbed her phone, she dialed Michiko.

«What is it?» She asked, rather cranky.

“Do you not want to come over? It’s Tenko’s first Christmas, he’s asking for you all day,” Korra told her.

There was a silence on the other end for some time. «I don’t celebrate Christmas …»

“Then don’t, just be here for him. He needs you, you can just not show up on a day like this, you’re his mother now. It doesn’t work like that.”

She exhaled, she sounded exhausted. «Fine, I come over, but don’t make me ‘celebrate’ anything.» She had a sarcastic tone on the word “celebrate”.

“No, I won’t.”


About twenty minutes later, a rather pissed-off-looking Michiko arrived. “Don’t look at me like that! You can’t just skip the day. Do it for Tenko, and Ruben, who didn’t have a normal Christmas in his life!” Korra looked at her with a firm gaze.

“Yeah …” Sighing, the alpha walked past Korra to go to her room, shower, and get dressed.

She chose the most un-Christmas-y outfit she got in her closet. Tenko didn’t mind, he was just happy to have her around, he hugged her when he saw her.

Ruben was surprised, that he got a present too, he wasn’t even part of the family, yet they bought him something. He decided this was the damn best Christmas of his life.


Christmas for Eijiro was depressing. He felt like a loser all over again, he didn’t even have presents to give to his children. All the presents came from Mae, her parents, and his parents. Now, Mae made it look like they got the presents together, but of course, he knew better.

He had, so far, kept his promise to not touch alcohol again. It was hard, the urge was there, but he kept himself together. He still felt massively down and the visits to the therapist didn’t help him. He got medication for his depression, and Mae watched him take it every time to make sure, he got the right amount and took them in the first place.

It made him feel even shittier, that she didn’t trust him in taking his medication. Whenever something important came up, she rather did it herself.

Eijiro watched his pups, they crawled around with their new toys. Ryuu helped his sisters in moving around.

His relationship with Mae was very strained, for obvious reasons, he had lost her trust and it was hard to earn it back.

He hadn’t been working for some time now, he just couldn’t, he freaked out whenever he just saw his hero costume, so the only money he had was the money that Mae gave him, roughly 20.000 Yen weekly. It was barely enough, but he brought this over himself.

When the pups were in bed, Mae stayed in the living room with her parents, Eijiro’s parents, and his little brother, but he excused himself, he went to the bathroom. He locked the door and sat down next to the tub. The tears he had to hold back all this time flowed over.

He pulled his legs closer and wrapped an arm around them, he buried his face on his knees and his other hand ran through his hair. His hairline was by now black again since he didn’t have money to buy hair dye. He felt so utterly helpless, he felt like he was drowning in all of this. The stress was so much.

Eijiro felt like an utter failure, the guilt weighed heavily on him, not just from the shit he had done the past couple of weeks, but also the stuff he had done to Katsuki all those years ago. It was nagging in the back of his head.

Tears spilled over, he tried to muffle his sounds, he didn’t want to alarm the others. He felt so disgusting, he was a bum. He was a loser, not a real alpha. A real alpha could provide for his family, but he brought nothing but pain over them.

He wondered when it had become so bad … why could he do nothing right anymore? When had he become such a pathetic excuse of a human being? His mate had to do all the work he was supposed to do.

His head was buzzing and he felt just so exhausted, he caused so many people so much pain. He wondered if they weren’t happier if he was gone … There was nothing he contributed to their lives anyway – except the amount of pain.

They would be better off without him for sure. He wasn’t a real man anymore, he had disappointed too many people. He wasn’t a good father, he couldn’t even buy his pups Christmas presents. He wasn’t a good mate, he had ruined Mae’s dreams of a perfect wedding multiple times now. He was a bad friend, he had caused Katsuki and Izuku so much trouble, how were they still talking to him?

Slowly, and with numb movements he opened the faucet on the bathtub, he put the plug in and then he stripped out of his clothes. No one would miss him, his head was swirling and his thoughts screamed at him to just end it. There was nothing that kept him here, right? The buzzing got stronger.

In a daze, he climbed into the bathtub. The hot water was surrounding him, it felt even hotter on his cold body. He felt a little nauseous. He didn’t have the strength to continue this. He stifled more of his sobs, by biting into his arm. His teeth dug deep holes into it, they broke his skin so easily.

He just lay there, in the tub, thinking of what to do next, the buzzing in his head was now the most prominent thing, it drowned out any other thought. He noticed how his fingers hardened he looked at the sharp edge of it and suddenly he knew how to end it.

Like in a trance he brought the sharpened tip of his fingers over to the left forearm, he applied pressure, he had to stop his arm from hardening. He dug his finger deeper into the flesh and the first droplets of blood pooled out. He grimaced a little but he continued to drag his finger over his arm.

A long scratch appeared and the blood was rushing faster. A high-pitched noise appeared in his ears, fighting with the low buzzing sound in his head for dominance, and his vision got blurry.

He set another scratch and he felt liberated with every cut. He knew that it would be over soon. More tears spilled over. He wouldn’t be a burden to the others any longer.

His whole arm was covered in deep gashes, blood was dripping into the water, dying it red. He moaned and he slid deeper into the tub, his cut arm sunk into the water and a stingy sensation rushed through it when the hot water made contact with the open wounds.

He closed his eyes and let his right arm hang over the edge of the tub, blood dripping down his fingers. He waited until the numbness took over.


«Oh, what do you think you’re doing, ending it like that?»

Shocked, he opened his eyes. He was in total darkness, a little bit panicked he looked around, who had spoken to him? He turned around and he was met with himself?

A dark and beastly looking version of him, he was chained to something and nothing at the same time, he was hovering in the air. «You shackle me up all the time and now you want to end it just like that?» His other self tilted his head. «Pathetic …»

“Who are you?” Eijiro asked confused.

His other self scoffed. «I am you, your alpha» he shrugged. «The one you shackle up all the time, or maybe just something in your imagination.» He had a little bit of a condescending tone in his voice.

“What do you want? I know that I’m pathetic …” Eijiro looked down.

«Don’t give me that look. It’s not my fault, that you don’t trust yourself any longer. Instead of shackling me away, you should have used me. I would have sensed the danger in this guy who robbed you. I tried to warn you, but you stupid little drunken brain ignored my warnings,» he growled.

«I never really understood, why you shackled me away. Life would have been so much easier if you would have trusted me enough to let me loose. I’m an alpha, not that savage beast that they made you think I am. I wanted to protect you and the ones I care about, not hurt them!»

“But, what about the incident in school where I went feral? You were scary! You hurt my friends.”

«That was quirk-related! I tried to tell you that I was okay after the quirk was gone, but you were so afraid that you wouldn’t listen to me. Because you didn’t trust me, you lost your friendship with the prime alpha and the omega! I would have made the right decision … Because you didn’t trust me, you lost the other omega too, and because you didn’t trust me again you are now stuck in this here.»

“What are you saying? You’re just in my head!” Eijiro scoffed. “What would have changed, huh?”

«Just in your head … Moron, I am you! I am your instincts! If we had worked together, it would have been much easier. But no! All those years you barely used your alpha instincts, only in dangerous situations you used me. If you had listened to your instincts sooner, all of this could have been avoided,» his alpha sounded extremely pissed off.

«You could have had a nice and cozy life with Katsuki and Izuku both by your side. Have maybe some pups running around too. But now you’re trapped with the other omega, in a house that’s way too big. You felt it from the beginning, that she isn’t the right one. Your instincts told you, to not fucking be with her, at least not in long term. But you ignored your instincts because you wanted to be a good boy, right? You can’t leave her and the pup alone, even though you never actually wanted the pup, right?»

“Don’t say that, I love my pups!” Eijiro defended himself.”

«Of course you love them, I never said you didn’t, but did you want them?» The alpha tilted his head.

Eijiro stopped, his breath hitched, he thought about it. “No, not really …”

«See! I don’t say, Mae is a bad person, she’s not, but she’s not the right one for you. You know exactly who you want.»

“But what am I supposed to do? He’s married! And he lives on a completely different continent!”

The alpha laughed. «Oh, your instincts tell you to go for Izuku? See, this would have been the right decision. I was so angry at you, for just ending this good thing that just happened. But of course, you pushed me away again, didn’t listen to me at all. You put me behind a wall that I couldn’t overcome, no matter how much and how loud I screamed.»

“I was … it wouldn’t have worked out!”

«You don’t know that! It would have probably worked if you had worked on controlling me. Like the female prime alpha said. We were de-synched from the start. You never properly learned how to control your instincts. And even after school and all the drama, you never made an effort to completely learn it! Only just the bare minimum of what was needed. No wonder you struggle so much, no wonder you can’t activate the Zone any more.»

Eijiro was silent for some time. “So, I am really a pathetic excuse for an alpha … I knew it.”

His alpha sighed. «You could have learned it, idiot, it’s just this way, because you were fucking afraid of using me! And now you want to kill yourself? This is what makes you pathetic. What about all the people that love you? You're doing them no favor in killing yourself. You make it even worse for them. They need you, as you need them! Your pups need you, hell, even Mae needs you!»

“But …”

«No fucking buts! If you don’t believe that, then how about this: You haven’t paid a single cent back to Michiko, should Mae pay all of the money back to her, do you want to burden her with that too? You have never told Katsuki what went really down, you haven’t even told Izuku how you really feel! So fucking get your shit together and take responsibility first.»

“But how am I supposed to get money? I can’t even be a hero anymore because I get panic attacks even thinking of going to work!”

«You don’t need to be a damn hero! You can be anything. Take a fucking break, get a different job, it’s not that damn hard! Even if the pay is not nearly as high, just do something to help Mae, to get money, to pay off your debts. Michiko is so generous to you, to buy your fucking house so you can have it easier, don’t fucking waste that!» The alpha growled.

“Yeah, you’re right, I should do that … But I can’t possibly tell Katsuki! Not after all those years! Besides he’s so happy right now, I don’t want to ruin our friendship again! What if he leaves me again?”

«Quit your whining! That’s the exact same thing you put him through! Now you’re afraid he could do the same with you? And you don’t want to lose him? You don’t do shit with him for years! You barely meet up with him, only if you need something, or if he asks you for something. It’s eating you inside out, right? The fucking guilt of what you did to him. But trust me, you will feel better when you tell him. And who knows, maybe he has matured more than you think», the alpha growled deeply. It resembled the buzzing that he had heard earlier.

Eijiro looked down to the ground. «Will you let me take over now? I can help you, I am not your enemy! All I ever wanted was to protect you, your loved ones. But I never got the chance to do so.» As the alpha spoke the darkness surrounding him slowly disintegrated. The beastly features crumbled too.

«We are not monsters, Eijiro. You have seen Izuku, right? He’s a prime alpha who fully embraces himself. Why can’t you do this with me? Why do you chain me away and make me watch all those mistakes that could have been prevented? Your family is crumbling and I wanted to protect that … But you don’t let me.» The beast mask crumbled more and more, got thinner, and slowly Eijiro could see something else, he saw himself again. «I’m an alpha, I am not a vicious beast. Let me be a guardian for you and your family.»

The vicious façade came off and now Eijiro was facing himself. His alpha looked saddened. Not at all dangerous as he used to look before. This was the truth about it, there was no beast, it had never existed in the first place. He had really thought, he understood his alpha a long time ago, but he was so damn wrong.

Eijiro closed his eyes and he tried to remove the shackles. When he opened them the alpha smiled at him. «It will still be hard, the things that happen won’t go away just like that, but suicide is not the solution, it never is. When we work together, we can overcome this, I promise!» The alpha looked him deep into the eyes and then he walked closer.

He opened his arms and Eijiro finally embraced the alpha.


Eijiro opened his eyes, he was still underwater, he was drowning! He straightened his legs and pushed himself up. He spat out the water and inhaled, he coughed up a lot of water. He was breathing heavily, his arm hurt like hell and more blood was dripping out.

He crawled out of the bathtub, and pressed a towel on the cuts, he pulled the plug, the red water was disappearing soon he watched it swirling down the drain. Eijiro hardened his skin to stop it a little from bleeding, at least for the moment, while he started to clean the tub and to wipe the blood off the floor before he got into the shower to rinse his body off, which was tinted red from him sitting in the blood water.

After he was done with this, he took the first aid pack and he took care of his cuts, he didn’t want others to see. He did all of this quite mechanically up until this point, he was still in shock. His thoughts were swirling around the fact, that he had attempted to kill himself. And he wasn’t dead … that was almost a miracle.

He stood in front of the mirror and he looked at his relatively long hair it hung in his face, it annoyed him. Exhaling, the alpha grabbed a pair of scissors and he pulled on a strand of hair. He closed the scissors around it and it fell to the ground when he let go of it.

With every strand that was coming off, he felt more at ease. He knew that his struggles wouldn’t be over all of a sudden, just because he cut his hair, but he promised himself to work on this more. He had still people that counted on him for whatever reason. He didn’t want to disappoint them further.

His hair was significantly shorter now and almost all red was gone and he was back to black. He knew that he wouldn’t stay this way forever, but he needed to find himself before he returned to be Red Riot again. He ran his hands through his now short hair to get the last loose strands off. He felt much better now.

He had to find a way to get money, he knew that hero work wasn’t possible for him at the moment, he just wasn’t in the right mindset to help people, he would have to look for a different job in the meantime, but no matter what, he would make it work.


Mae and the others, who were still deeply in their conversations, looked up shocked to see Eijiro with the changed hair. “W-What? What does that mean?” She blinked in confusion. “Are you alright?”

He sat down next to her, her ears pointed backward. He looked at her, smiling. “Yes, I’m alright now. I promise that I get myself back together. As I should have done in the first place.”

Mae furrowed her brows, still not understanding a thing. Takumi looked at his big brother and smiled. “I like the new haircut, it’s been a while since you got black hair.”



Later that night, when the parents were gone, Mae and Eijiro sat at the kitchen table. “Okay, now, tell me what happened? Why the sudden change?”

“I tried to kill myself,” Eijiro didn’t even hesitate in saying this, Mae needed a few seconds to process this. When she did, she pressed her ears flat against her head.

“W-what?!” Her eyes were wide and she was pale. “Why would you do that?”

“Because I felt like it wouldn’t even matter if I died or not. I felt like I was a burden to you anyway and you would be happier without me. That everyone would be happier without me.”

She still stared at him. “How did you change your mind?” She looked him up and down to see any injuries.

He rolled up his sleeve to show her his bandaged arm. “I guess I had a conversation with my inner alpha … Or my imagination played tricks on me. Whatever it was, it made me realize that I can’t go for the moment.”

Mae put her hands together, creating an L-shape, and placed her chin on her two thumbs. Eijiro just waited and let her process all of this.

“Why didn’t you tell me, that it was so bad?” She asked.

Eijiro thought about it. “I don’t know, you had your hands full with Christmas preparations. And today, it was … in the spur of the moment, I was crying in the bathroom because I felt so terrible that I couldn’t even buy Christmas presents. And then I just snapped. But, uh, don’t worry, I cleaned up afterward.”

She huffed slightly, she ran her hands through her bangs. “And what do you want to do now? I mean … I … I don’t know …” She looked helpless.

“I will look for a new job, I can’t work as a hero, for the time being, it just makes me miserable.” She nodded in understanding.

“Okay, yeah, I understand that.” She murmured.

“Then I need to talk with Katsuki, well, next year, I don’t want to ruin his New Year and all. But I need to talk to him about the stuff that happened in school. My alpha was right, this is weighing on me too much, and even though I’m scared as hell that he will never talk to me again, he deserves to know.”

Eijiro paused for a moment, contemplating if he should or should not tell her. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. “And lastly …,” he opened his eyes again, he looked Mae in the eyes. “I don’t think, I can marry you …”

Mae inhaled sharply. She held eye contact, to see if he was kidding her. But there was no indication. Her ears pointed backward. Eventually, she slowly exhaled again. “Yeah … I thought so.” She nodded.

“I’m sorry, Mae, but I tried so hard to make this work, but I don’t think I will ever be able to love you the way I should. You are a great person, no doubt, you proved this time and time again, sticking to me, helping me through everything et cetera, but I just can’t marry you.”

“Do you want to break up completely?” She asked calmly. She had felt that he wasn’t happy at all, especially these past months.

“Yes.” He answered.

“Okay …” She murmured. She grabbed the engagement ring and pulled it off her finger. She placed it on the table and moved it over to Eijiro. “How do we go from here on?”

“I don’t know, what would you like? Should I move out?”

Her ears twitched. “No, you don’t have any money, you would end up on the streets …” She sighed. “You can stay here, I mean, you slept in the guestroom before so, I guess that works … Besides we are stuck with the house now … Michiko bought it for us so … getting rid of it is not an option. And the pups, I don’t think I can handle them on my own.”

“Yeah, alright. I’ll stay in the guest bedroom,” he was happy, that she didn’t kick him out. “And I definitely want to stay in the pups' life, I love them and I want the best for them.”

“That’s not a problem,” Mae stared at the surface of the table. She had a weird mix of feelings. She was disappointed, of course, but deep inside she had expected it, their relationship was rocky all the way and now the dents in it were too big. She had told him after he had been robbed, that she wanted to leave, so she couldn’t really hold it against him. She was sad too, that her dream of marrying someone had now ended, but she also didn’t want to force Eijiro into a marriage he never really wanted. “I … could we talk about this another time, I need some time to process this.”

“Of course, you can go to bed, I will clean up.”

She nodded. “Do you want to get your stuff out of the closet quickly?”

“Oh, yeah, right …” They walked towards the bedroom and Eijiro grabbed his stuff, while Mae was sitting on the bed.

“Which one is it?” she asked all of a sudden.

Eijiro paused for a moment. “Izuku …”

“Ah …” She let out.


Within ten minutes he had grabbed his stuff and he brought it over to the guest bedroom, which was always more his bedroom. He stuffed the clothes into it before he went down again to clean up.

When he lay in bed later, he thought about everything that happened today. He still couldn’t believe it. Suddenly tears shot into his eyes, not tears of sadness, however. He knew that he shouldn’t be this happy, but he felt so relieved that he had talked with Mae and he was so happy that he was … free. He pressed the blanket against his mouth to stifle his laugh. For the first time in what felt like forever, he slept peacefully.

Mae and he didn’t talk about it for the next few days, they played in front of the children as if nothing had happened. But they would make further arrangements in the future. They had to get a bond scrubbing now. He wondered how it felt like.


On New Year, Katsuki and Toya sat next to each other, their families celebrated again together. This year they wouldn’t go up to the mountain either. Michiko had to stay home to take care of Tenko.

“So, what is it?” Katsuki asked.

Toya had asked to speak with him. “Well, uh … here,” he pulled something out of his pocket.

Katsuki gasped when he realized what it was. “Oh my God, really?” Excitement was in his voice when he looked at the positive pregnancy test.

“Yeah, I finally feel ready again,” Toya smiled. “I told Sougo this morning.”

“Ah, that’s why he’s so happy, eh? Congratulations.” Katsuki beamed.

“Thanks, hey, if you get pregnant in the near future, the pups can be best buddies.”

Katsuki laughed. “Yeah, that sounds like a plan!” He had a wide smile on his face.


Eijiro and Mae were celebrating with Tetsutetsu and Mina, she was also finally pregnant. Late at night, Eijiro told Tetsutetsu what had gone down on Christmas.

“Are you okay, bro?” Tetsutetsu asked mortified.

“Yeah, I am okay now. It’s still hard here and there, but I feel so much better.” Eijiro looked down from the balcony. His arm was still healing and bandaged up.

Tetsutetsu still couldn’t believe it. “I’m sorry I never noticed anything … My head was too occupied with Mina …”

“Don’t worry about it, bro, you got your own life to focus on.” Eijiro looked in the distance. “But that being said, I will quit being a hero, for now at least, I just can’t do it any longer.”

“Yeah … I thought so when you were not coming back … Well, I guess, I will partner up with Fat Gum again, since I am alone now.” He sighed.

“Sorry for causing so much trouble.”

“Ah, don’t apologize, it’s better to quit now than to force yourself to do it. You’ve seen now how bad this can end.”

Eijiro nodded. “Yeah …”

They stood together in silence. Tetsutetsu was still thinking about what Eijiro had told him. He didn’t even want to imagine how his bro had felt.


Izuku sat with John, Joseph, Leigh, Ian, Miles, and Kairi in the cafeteria of the hospital. “I just want to warn you before,” he murmured, “if anything happens to Lucia, if she really should die, then I won’t stay here. This farm life was something I had with her, and I am not sure if I can continue it without her.”

“I get you, boy, I am not mad about that,” John looked at him. “I’m sure I’ll find someone who will take care of the farm.”

“Thank you for understanding,” Izuku nodded. He sighed. “And there is really nothing you can do, Kairi?”

“No, unfortunately not. As I said, I can’t heal terminal illnesses, otherwise, I would have been able to help my sister.” Her gaze was hard. Miles was looking to the ground by the mention of his late wife.

“It’s just so hard … She struggles already so much, to think that she has to hold out until February, it scares me.”

“I know, it’s terrible …” the prime murmured. “Even after dying hundreds of times, seeing someone die that you love is so much worse …”

Izuku clenched his jaw. “Kairi … am I a bad person for wishing she would have chosen to abort the children to stay with me?”

She looked at him for a moment. “I can’t answer that.” She looked down. “But I think it’s good that you respected her wishes, even though it was hard on yourself. Even if she got rid of the babies, she would probably hold resentment towards you, for making her do that.”

Izuku was looking down to the ground he covered his face with his hands, he had trouble holding back his tears. Kairi extended a hand and put it on his shoulder for comfort.


Tenko was scared when he heard the loud explosions of the firework, he was cuddled up next to Michiko, she rumbled to keep him calm. On her other side was Ruben, he wasn’t too fond of the explosions as well. He purred to self-soothe.

In times like this, she realized how little she was made for being in a motherly role. She flinched when her phone rang. Ruben gave it to her. It was an anonymous number. With furrowed brows, she accepted the call.

«Happy New Year, little sister. You got quite the big family now. Would be a shame with something would happen to them.» The call ended.

Michiko’s rumbling had turned into a deep growl. She knew that this wouldn’t be good. She texted Kuroko that she should observe the area. She didn’t want the house to suddenly blow up. If her brother was alive, she was sure that he wanted revenge. But she knew that he wouldn’t target her directly, but more the people she cared for. She had to warn the others the next day.

Nachwort zu diesem Kapitel:
So, this type of Basketball I had for a long time now, xD I created it, when I started to watch Kuroko no Basket (I started to watch KnB because Aizawa and Daiki have the same voice and this was around the time I watched MHA first and I actually started to watch KnB only because of that voice actor xD)
Ian and Jesper created it, since Robin and Lee are actually not part of the Ridgway Story. (But sure as hell they now will be) and the Zone, was actually from KnB too, this laser focus thingy and stuff.

Fun Fact about Robin and Lee.
They were both Soul Eater Characters before, and Robin is actually an even older Character than Ian.
Robin was my first trans character before I actually knew that the terms "trans..." existed. He's ftm trans, but I guess this doesn't really matter here since he's a prime alpha.
Robin's full name is Robin Li/Lee (I never really settled for a spelling variant)
and Lee's full name is Lee Roy, in story many people think his name is just Leeroy and get confused. Since, Robin and Lee are adoptive brothers, they even think his name is Leeroy Li/Lee which is even more confusing for them.
Anyway, I need to think of quirks for them too. They still had their soul powers from Soul Eater, but I guess I will change that xD
Robin was a friend/rival to Black Star (my favorite Character) And a mix of Rock Lee and kinda Son Goku (even though I only watched the OG Dragon Ball with little Goku.

Anyway, yeah ... that was the chapter. Katsuki holds himself still pretty well, more collected than before, even though his thoughts run wild. Komplett anzeigen
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Oh, well, yeah Izuku's part is very happy again ... Uh the killers loosely resemble Erica and Mikhail from the Manga Gangsta. They will be more flashed out in Izuku's part again.
Izuku realizes more and more, who unimportant he is in a city like Batoh, where no one gives two fucks about him. It's mainly to give him more trauma and bring him even closer to his wife.

anyway, next chapter is Katsuki's fifth year and Izuku recovers a little from this.

Thank you for reading :)

Ah, a little self promotion I guess.
That's my wit profile, I have some texting stories on it, I'd be so happy if you check those out too^^ Komplett anzeigen
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Yeah, uhm, I'm back. Well, I don't plan on writing everything out in the underground. I might do a separate Story for that, but I only give here snippets of what happens. It will probably be 2 or 3 Chapters. I didn't think I would do an arc like that again, but yeah, here I am.

Anyway, here is the Kokasumi Family

I drew this a long time ago, they were actually for another fanfiction, from a different author (they are my OC's but I just made it for them)
Originally Saeko didn't use he/him pronouns and was just a very aggressive woman, but I thought, why the hell not? However he feels absolutely no need to physically transition. He has no body dysmorphia or anything, he was just raised as a man by his father. He never really thought about him being primary female, since he is an alpha and therefore he has male genitalia too. It never made a difference. Saeko is 40 btw.
The Quirk Carbon Shield is basically Greeds Ability from Fullmetal Alchemist.
In the other story, Takeshi was about 10 years Younger than Izuku and Co, and he was a big fan of Red Riot, that's why he wanted to go after him.
The thing with their quirk is, while they have absolutely no trouble in hardening their body, they can stay hard for days at a time and they will never break, but it's their mobility, the harder they get, the less they can move. If they go diamond hard, the mobility is so damn limited for them. So, they have to balance this out this way.

Next Chapter: They go underground. And more peaceful farm life for Izuku.

Thank you for reading.

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yeah, now it takes a turn and Izuku is the happy one and Kats and Eijiro have a shitty life, yay.

As for Rayna, she's may look like a little girl but she is not, she is 50+ years old and just chose to have the body of a little girl, when I created her, I had something in mind of like Pride from FMA but more in a body of Claudia from Interview with a vampire, but she has also traits of Venom, She can switch bodies. And the little girl body is not her real one, she kidnapped a girl at one point and lives now in her body. The girl is dead.

Next Chapter will probably the end of it, and something really bad will happen.

Thank you for Reading.

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Ah, yeah, like I said, one happy pregnant boy!
And Eijiro is having a panic of some sorts, this will go throughout the next chapters for sure. I guess I split it again, because 10k words is a bit too long in my eyes >_< but I didn't want to split it again. We are in Year 6 way too long again xD

Anyway, next Chapter Year 7 and Katsuki is having his baby, and Stuff with Toya will happen, and Kiri will probably have his own chapter where he is angsty.

Thank you for reading ^^

Family Overview
(To get a better view over all the family stuff. The First School year when NAP Katsuki Bakugo started was in 2020, now in +6 Years its 2028 (of course +6 years after the third school year, The students are all born in 2004)

Eijiro Kirishima + Mae Ashi Inuko (born March 15 2003) (not mated/not married) = Ryuu Kirishima (born September 25 2027)

Katsuki Bakugo + Hiroto Okuda (born June 26 2002) (mated/engaged) = One Unborn Daughter (approx. February 2029)

Izuku Midoriya + Lucia Midoriya (born March 21 1998) (mated/not married yet) = Kieran Midoriya (born August 7 2017, Izuku's Step Son), unborn child (approx. September 2029)

Shoto Todoroki + Momo Yaoyorozu (mated/engaged) = Enko & Yuki Todoroki (born April 3 2028, twins)

Toya Todoroki (born 1997) + Sougo Mudaeki (born October 11 1998) (mated/not married) = Hotaru Todoroki (with Shigaraki) (born August 19 2021)

Enji Todoroki (born 1974) + Keigo Takami (born 1997) (not mated/not married) = Takara & Takuya Takami-Todoroki (born July 5 2027, twins)

Shota Aizawa (born 1989) + Hizashi Yamada (born 1989) (mated/married) = Eri Yamada (adopted; born December 21 2013), Oboro Yamada (January 10 2026)

Other Couples
Hitoshi + Denki + Kyoka (all three mated/not married)
Tetsutetsu + Mina (mated/not married)
Tenya + Ochako (mated/not married)
Yuga + Neito (mated/not married)

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Well, this happened. Hiko was very hard-working in these past years. But she really forgot about Katsuki, she doesn't care about people in general, so yeah.

The Doctor is not an OC of mine, it's more that he's "The Doctor" Herman Carter from Dead by Daylight. I needed a Doctor and thought, yeah, why not xD Komplett anzeigen
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Yep, Toga is back :D I had her planned for +7 years, but I had scrapped it, because it was so full of other stuff, but now she's here.
She's living with my friends character, Pak Ye-Jun and his wife Chiaki, they are known as Bloody Painter and The (Blood) Priestess in my other story.
Uhm, and regarding Toga's statements of not killing ... take that with a grain of salt. :) But I won't elaborate further on her story, she is not important enough to do so.

Next chapter: We're going into +9 years.

Thank you for reading :) Komplett anzeigen
Nachwort zu diesem Kapitel:
Well, yeah, uh, that was that ... Mae and Eijiro are officially broken up. Uh, I apologize if the Suicide scene made you uncomfortable in any way. And for those who are wondering, he is still not over everything, he will continue to struggle, and he will have some more reactions and angst in NAP 2 but yeah, for the time being, he feels as if he is fine.
There was a lot of setup in the chapter, and uh well, Especially in Izuku's parts the death flags are high. I could have been more subtle, but well, ... why beat around the bush, he's coming back to Japan for NAP 2.
That's one reason I put all of this in NAP 2, I will have more time to write a proper scene for them.

There will be some enemies in NAP 2 that will cause trouble, Michiko's brother is just one of them, the werewolves, Hiko, and maybe some others.

Anyway, this was a ride, and I thank you all for sticking with me. :)
I hope you enjoyed it so far and you are ready for NAP 2. Which will start in great tragedy ... but it will get better and it will have the damn happy end that they deserve!

So, see you in the next installment of the series! Komplett anzeigen


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