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Von: Kinita (EpicSchnitter)
Datum: 19.08.2013, 17:38
Länge: 5:56 Minuten
Thema: Vocaloid
Kategorie: Showcases
Beschreibung: Nach langer, langer Wartezeit darf ich euch hier also endlich das neue Video präsentieren.

Der Cast in diesem Video ist nicht sonderlich groß, aber es hat irre Spaß gemach mit diesen tollen Cosplayern zu arbeiten,
Ich bin nicht sonderlich erfahren im Umgang mit Kamera, Schnitter und Bearbeitung, aber ich habe mein Bestes gegeben.
Lg Kaito / Taiyo

Cosplays: Camelia
Song: Yuuhizaka
Idee: Meiko (Schpain) und Kaito (Taiyo)

Megurine Luka - Gumina
Hastune Mikuo - Saruwa
Kagamine Len - Feli
Gumo Megpoid - Lasagne-sama
Kasane Teto - Kinita
Sakine MEIKO - Schpain
Chii-chan - Chiizu-san

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Von: Roman_Pataki (Edi Edhutschek)
Datum: 17.08.2013, 09:13
Länge: 46:27 Minuten
Kategorie: Interviews
Beschreibung: Welcome to our late night talk straight from the Galacon 2013 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. This is our second GalaCon and we are still not tired watching colorful, talking ponies. The fandom of "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" as well as the Gala has grown even bigger over the last year. Enough reason to sit down for a tiny chat with a couple of GalaCon visitors, to end a lunatic Saturday night.

In this "Edi Late Night Christiansen" you can see Glasmond, she will open a local shop in Munich called "Item Shop" for all your geek needs. Bräuti, he is one of the founders of Bronies e.V. Stuttgart and gets us this BIZZAAM kind of decoration. Chris as our 2nd bearded Pinkie Pie, as well as Seraphien, One-Winged Angel and Edi Edhutschek from the "Die Con ist Heiss" KREW.

Glasmonds Shop:

GalaCon official Homepage:

Bronies e.V. Stuttgart

Bronies for Good / Seed of Kindness:

Nestor Hotel Ludwigsburg:

Want to thank the people at GalaCon and the Nestor for their wonderful support.

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