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Autor:  Wolkenschoki
I wanna cry
But I can´t
Do you know why?
Do you know the reason?

I know
But I can´t tell you
You wouldn´t understand
it is just a dream

A dark dream full of monsters
It´s a dark life now
Can you see it?
Can you feel it?

Feel the darkness inside of me
Now you cry because you feel it
Now it´s inside of you

Feel it
Touch it

I hear bells rining
and violins playing
A dark melody of shadows
It´a foreign language

I hear a voice sreaming
Do you know where it comes from?
Can you hear it?

It´s inside of me
the voice
the bells
the violins

Feel it
Touch it

Datum: 04.01.2007 21:15
wow *O* !!!
also du weißt: "biZarrE"
müssma uns mal kräftig anstrengen^^ Nana und Cat sin auch dabei^^
don't dream it. be it!

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