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Purple Hills

Autor:  Charlett

*blink, blink*
"Oow!" *sees just a blinding white*
"Man, you're awake!"
*blinks again and turn his head to the familiar voice*
"Hey Cy, sup? Where are we?"
"In hospital."
... *moans* "Yeah, I remember." -.-
*sits up abruptly* O.o
"How're the others?"
"I dunno exactly. All unconcious and still beein examined. How do ya feel?"
"I'm alright." *waves aside* "I wanna check up on the others!"
*looks not really convinced*
"Well, if you think, you'll manage..."

"Sure!" *hops out of bed, winces, but doesn't wanna show his weakness*
*roflhfao* (*rolls on floor laughing his fucking ass off* ^^)
"you look way too daft in this hospital dress!!!" *tears of laughing drip from his eyes*
*eyes himself* O.O
"Fuck it! Ya can see my bare ass, sucker!" O.o
*can't breath anymore, still crying and shaken by roars of laughter*
"Cut it out!" >.< "Where're my clothes?"
"O-o-o-o-ve-er the-e-er-e" *can hardly talk*
-.-° "Thanx" *puts them on*
"Can we go now?" -.-
*stands up, only slowly recovering, but follows his leader outside*
"Which way?"
"I'll show ya." *snivels*
*glanes evil sideways to the tall one*
"Ya know, ya should be happy they didn't remove my mask. Otherwise I'd killed ya."
O.o ... "Man... they did-"
"-try! They tried! Well... ya mumbled you'd kill anyone touchi' that mask, so they left it."
*chuckles* "I did?"
"Man, I'm way too cool!" ^___^
"Here it is."
*steps inside*
The doctor, who just finished axaminin' Raven looks up at the two.
"Mr. Robin. Are you alright? You shouldn't be out of your bed! D'Aaaaargh! Why am I pink?!"

"Never mind. It suits you well." *gg*
*shoots daggers from his eyes*
*pokes Cy in the side and mumbles* "Be nice, we wanna get infos!"
*sighs, but whipes the grin from his face*
"We apologize. I'm feeling alright, thank you. Would you please tell us, how our friends are?"
"Well... your green friend over there has a really complicated fracture and a concussion, but he'll be alright. It will take a while, but he'll recover entirely."
"Great! But what about her?" *points at Rae*
"She had some really serious injuries, but it seems she has some supernatural powers. She recovers really quickly. She might be disabled in some functions for a while, but she'll also be completely alright after some time."
"Sweet!" ^^
"Awesome! Thanx, Doc!"
*glances at Cy*
*clears his throat* "Uhm... whatabout..."
"What about Star?" *voice shakes slightly*
*looks pitiful* "I'm sorry. I don't know. She's still beeing examined."
"Can we go see her?"
*sounds pretty throaty*
"I'm awfully sorry, but you're not allowed to see her now. But I will inform you as soon as we know more."
"Thanx." *droops*
"Will you go back to your room now, please?"
"No! I want to stay here, with my friends."
*sighs* "Alright. But please, take a rest." *looks at Cy* "You will take care of him, won't you?"
"Sure, Doc. Thanx."
*nods and leaves*
Suddenly Rae and BB open their eyes simultaneously.
"Dude!" *jumps at BB's side*
"Rae!" *leaps to her bed*
"How do ya both feel?"
O.o O.o O.o
*tumbles out of the bed*
*drops dead*
O.o *looks totally shocked at Cy*
O.O *looks even more shocked back at him*
"Moooommmyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" *starts to cry out loud*
"I don't wanna go to school anymore! Everybody's mobbing me, cuz' I'm greeheeheeeeeen!" *continues bawling*
*slowly standing up, trying to realize what's goin on*
*also uprising, takes a look at Rae*
*suddenly shouting at BB* "Do the elephant! Now!!"
<.< *stops cryin instantly and turns into a green elephant*
*turns back into human form*
"I can't change my colour!" *looks sorrowful*

"But I WANT a PINK elephant!"
<.< >.> ... "Okay, maybe a pink bunny would do it, too."
*holes up behind Cy* "Man, I'm really scared!"
*winces* "So am I!" O.O
"We should call the Doc!"
"Well... go!"
*whispers* "I'm afraid to move." >.<°
*sighs* -.-°
"Okay..." *clears his throat* "Raven?"
*recognizes him* "Robiiiiin!!! You little birdyyyyyyyyyy!" XD "Fly me to the moooohoooon!" *jumbs up and down in bed*
*enters the room again*
*grabs Robin and hides behind the Doc with him* "Doc, they lost their minds!" *whispers*
*laughs* "No, they don't. It's just a side affect of the analgesic we gave them."
"S-so... it's temporarily?" *hopeful*
"Of course it is!" >.<
*sighs* "Thank goodness!"
"So you've news about Starlett?"
"Yes. She lost a lot of blood, so she'll be faintly for a time. She also has a bad concussion and some serious injuries. But she'll live."
"That's good!"
"Isn't it?"
"Depends on the perception... She's still unconcious, but you may go and see her now, if you want"
"Great! C'mon, Cy!"
I waaaaanna come aloohooong!"
*looks questioningly at the Doc*
*sighs* "Well you all can go, but he" *points at BB* "needs an wheel chair. I'll have one placed outside the door for you."
"Thank you very much!"
"You are welcome." *leaves*
*folds her arms in front of her and pushes her bottom lip forward, sulkin'* "I'll only go if I'm allowed to ride the elephant!"
*eyebrow twitches dangerously*
*lies a hand on Robins shoulder* "Look, Rae. The hospital floors're not big enough for an elephant. Ya can ride the elephant at home, 'k?" ^_^
"Will I get chocolate cake there as well?"
"Yes, you will."
*mumbles* "Nah, okay then!" -.-
"That's daddy's little giiiirl!" *pinches her cheek*
*sighs* "I think, I'm getting a headache." *shakes his head*
"Maybe we should take some analgesic, too." ^^
"Idea's not too bad." *g*
"Okay, I'll gettem - ya get da wheelchair!"
*does as told and hobbles out- and inside and tries vainly to get BB into the chair*
"Help me place him in!" >.<
*nods and hurries over, helping Robin to put BB into the chair*
"Done." *claps his hands* ^_^
*sighs exhausted*
"Here's your reward, dude!" *smirks and helds out a handful of purple pills*
"Thanx, dude! But first I wanna see Star."
"Sure." *plugs the pills back into his pocket*
"Staaaarlight, starbright, first star I see tonight - Starlight, starbright, make everything all right - Starlight, starbright first star I see tonight - Starlight, starbright, yeah!"
"She isn't singing Madonna, is she? Please! Tell me, she isn't!!" *close to tears*
*desperate* "Err, I'm afraid, she is!"
All eyes on the leader - slightly or more than slightly ditzy ones included.
*slides BB with maximum speed through the corridors*
"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh!" *screams with joy*
*runs afterwards, giggling like a maniac*
*spots my door, tries to brake, but can't and slithers through the door crashing directly into my bed*
*breaks down in a paroxysm of laughter*
O.O "Dudes! Are you okay?!"
"Agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiin!!!!!!!!!!!!!" XD
-.- *puts BB back into the chair*

*touches his head, moaning* "That sucks!" *arises, visibly doddering and clutching onto my bed*
"Ya don't look good, man!" O.o
"Thanx!" -.-°
"Don't ya wanna-"
*cuts him off* "No!"
*sighs and shrugs*
"Star?" *looks around and spots me dangling right from the bedstand*
O.o "STAR!"
"Wuahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa! Now, THAT was fun!!!" *struggle, but still hanging there*
*puts me carefully back onto the bed and takes my hand* "You alright, Star?" *looks worried*
"Never been bettaaaa!" *bounce*
-.- "Cy?"
*hands him palmful*
*throws them in*
*does the same with another fistful*
*enters my sickroom* "Now, how are our famous patients doing?"
O.o "Tha-that... in my entire period of service... I've never seen something like this!!!" O.o
On the one side of the room a green, hobbling elephant wheeles a ball of wool around with his proboscis. A lilac haired girl chases after exactly that ball, while making funny cat-like sounds doing it.
On the bed lies a hysterical giggling redhead, on top of her a certain masked boy wonder fumbling boisterous in her panties and drooling all over the naked, upper part of her body - hospital dress was removed completely, lying now uncared on the floor.
And a fifth superhero-

"Daddyyyyyyyyy! You're finally home!!!" XD *jumps into the Doc's arms*
*can't catch such a big person and gets burried underneath him*
*starts cuddling and smooching him allover*
*loses conciousness at last*

---------------------------------------------------------END PART VII------------------------------------------------------

If that's not daffy, I don't know! Sure, it IS daffy! ^^°
And I think, that's fine! XD
Am I back on track? I hope so...
Like always: please comment!

P.S.: If you wonder why my boy wonder and the Cyclops don't laugh about BB or drool about Rae in the hospital dresses, let me tell you this: If someone like Rae'd suddenly behaves like she did, would you pay attention to anythin else?

Fluff - wherever u look

Autor:  Charlett

Once again inside my mind...

"Uhm, Star?"
"Yes, friend Raven?"
"Would ya mind... if I leave you alone for a while?"
"Uh..." *don't like the thought of it*
"No, sure. It is the o and the k."
"Ya know, you can't lie to me, im inside your mind!" -.-°
"Oh... well, I must admit it is not a glorious thought at all, but I think I will survive it."
"...ok... just promise me, you won't go asleep anymore or something like that! You have to stay awake! Nomatterwhat!!"
"I do understand. Do not trouble yourself, friend. I will be entirely alright."
"I doubt that, but let's hope so, by goodness!"
"Ok, Star. I'll see you... I hope." -.-°
"Uhm, friend Raven?"
"Yes, Star?"
"Never mind... I am most looking forward to see you and the others again, maybe outside my mind that time."
*forces her lips into a small smile*
"Goodbye, Star."
"Farewell, friend Raven."

Inside someone else's mind...

"Raven?" ô.o
"Thank goodness."
"Well... I meant - nice, I found ya." -.-°
"What's wrong? Where are we?"
"Inside your mind, to be precisely."
"Why are we here? Why are you here?"
"Well I dunno what happened
exactly, but it seems like we had some kinda accident."
"Are we dead?" O.o
"Not yet."
"How promising!" -.-
"I'm sorry." -.-
"No, I'm sorry."
"Well, and why're you here again?"
*chuckles slightly*
"clears her troat* "Sry, but Star asked almost the same question."
"You were in her mind as well?"
"Yeah, I went there just after..."
"After I knocked you out, you mean?" *looks down embarrassed*
"Uhm.. well... yeah" *also looks down*
"I... I'm really sorry about that! I - I really didn't mean to! I would never hurt you! I could slap myself for doin' so!!!" *voice shakes*
"No!" *materializes in front of him and grabs his hand* "Don't do! It's - it's okay. I mean... it wasn't your fault. Okay, it was."
"I mean - I'm not angry. I know you didn't mean to..."
*squeezes her hand slightly*
"You do? And you're not angry?"
"Am I really that bad?" -.-°
"I'm sorry."
"So am I."
"I'm sorry, I mean: Raven. You haven't told me why you're here, yet."
"I... .... .... I just ... ...." *sighs* ;-;°
"U... u... maybe you... just wanned to be with... me?" *scared but also hopeful*
"Uhm..." *splutters* "well... uh... yeah... seems like."
*smiles warmly*
"And... uh... I don't mind... if you call me... Rae." *almost whispers*
*pulls her gently into his arms*
"Yes, Beastboy?"
"Are we goin to die?"
*quivers slightly*
"Be honest, please."
"I - I dunno."
"Well, then" *pushes her softly a few inches away from him, so that he can look her into the eyes*
"I have to tell you something."
"Don't start to say goodbye! I won't listen! I don't wanna hear!" *shakes her had madly*
"Sssshh. I won't. I promise."
*looks him into his eyes, visibly scared*
"Yes, Beastboy?"
"I love you."
*shivers and all of a sudden flings herself into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably*
She doesn't reply the "I love you", but she doesn't have to. In Rae's case cryin' in front of someone and showing her feelings like that, means way more than a simple "I love you"-sentence and BB knows that.

"I don' wanna lose you."
"You won't! You never will! I promise!"

-------------------------------------------------------END PART VI.3-------------------------------------------------------

That was that.
Yeah! I'm sorry again! But the title warned ya!! >.<
It's still MY story, so shut your fuckin mouth! >.<°
Enough with the interfaces and .-parts! Next one'll be PART VII and I PROMISE - I really do(!!) - it'll be back on track!
Please, don't leave me!! *clutching crying to your leg* Stay with me! I'll stop this crap now! I'll be a good author! Please, remain true to me!

Les Misérables

Autor:  Charlett

Cy takes a look around, still hanging in the broken front window. The car is compressed to it's edge and there's blood everywhere...
He almost pukes by the smell of it, but then he spots one of his arms, which lies outside on the street. He abruptly realizes that he lost all of his extremities.

"Great!" -.-°
He continues examining his surroundings and spots Raven, lying half in the foot space and half between the front seats, straight across the shifter. She doesn't move and her entire cloak is drenched in blood, but Cy can't figure out where it comes from.
On the back there's BB lyin' across what seems to be Robin. Cy can only catch sight of a jet black shock of hair behind the damaged backrests. BB's leg is twisted in an odd and mostly disturbing angle.

"Dudes! C'mon!" *begs*
"Hey, where the fuck is Star?!"
He suddenly recognizes a red gloved hand, unmoving, just placed on the floor behind the driver's seat. Blood silently rolls off the once green and shining jewel on it's top.
"Holy shit! C'mon! Dudes! Wake up! I REALLY could need... a hand." >.<°
All at once Ravens hand is moving.
"Raven! Thank goodness!"
But it seems she can't hear him.
So he just watches what's happening with bated breath. Slowly Raes hand reaches out, groping in the unknown, til it finds my one and pushes it. Then Raven lies unmoving again.

"For fuck's sake! C'mon guys!!!"
"Cy?" *sounds fairly dizzy*
"Yeah, it's me! Dude, am I glad to hear your voice! Can you reach your comm? We need an ambulance as fast as possible!!"
*tries to move, moaning and groaning*
"Aaah! Fuck!"
"What's it? Is it broken?"
"Nah!" -.-
"I just can't barely move. I'm feeling all dizzy and like every single bone in my body's broken!" *wheezes*
"I know, man! But we need help! Instantly!"
"I'm tryin!" *pants* "OW!" >.<
... "How are the others?"
"Raven is lying here in front of me. She moved once but never again..."
"...and ... Star?" *voice shakes and he sounds scared to death*
"Well... man, I'm sorry! I dunno."
Damn this fucking crap! Shit! Fuck!" *groans and swears in turn, fetches his comm and opens it* "Thank goodness! It's still intact..." *moans* "East? ... Speedy?" *coughs* "Aqua?" *gasps* "Someone? ... Anyone?" *groans* "Call 991! We had an-" *pants and lastly whispers* "Please..." *faints again*
Ages seem to pass...
Cy begins to feel himself trailing off and he realizes that his human part is injured, too. He hadn't recognized, he doesn't even feel pain.
The last thing he heard was a siren sounding far away, before he finnaly also passed out.

------------------------------------------------------END INTERFACE-----------------------------------------------------

Yeah, ya gotit right. It's just an interface. And I don't even know what I wrote it for. (I know, you're getting used to this sentence by now. -.-°) It isn't even funny. *shake my head*
To smooth ruffled feathers: I'll start to write PART VI.3 and VII instantly. So, please, just ignore this one. ^^

P.S.: I began to write this hours ago. Sadly and stupidly I forget to save it - so it got lost. What you just read is the second version of it. Sure, it's not a bit better - maybe even worse. I tried to omit it entirely, but it turned out: I couldn't. It may be crap, but it's part of my story anyway.
So fuck you! ^^
Whatever: all I wanted to say is: I don't know if I'll manage to write PART VI.3 and VII both still today.
You don' have to excuse that, cuz - honestly - I'm the incredible author and you can't do anything about it anyways. XP
However, I'll shut the fuck up now! Sry! ^^°

Confessions of a Stupid Mind

Autor:  Charlett

Meanwhile inside my mind...

"Knock, knock."
"Who is there?"
"What raven?"
"A bad, bad raven."
"Honestly, you cannot expect me to open the door, if you say, you are bad." O.o
-.-° "You don't have to open. Your mind hasn't a door or somethin' like that ... and I'm already in."
"Why ae you pink inside here?" *chokes in disgust*
"Uhm... I do not know. Maybe I am more Star in here? That would at least explain my way of talking... Or it is just to make everything more clearly arranged... or perhaps it is just for today..." ?.?
"Uh... 'k." -.-°
"Who are you again?"
"Raven! Friend, Raven! It is you! How glorious!"

"So... what are we doing in my mind again?"
"...talking?" -.-
"Uhm... well. But - why are we in here?"
"Cuz you can't enter my mind."
"That is quite plausible."
"But, I wonder... why are we not talking in the 'common' way?"
"Cuz we're nonsentient."
"And why are we in this state again?"
"Cuz the green goblin knocked us out."
"Ah, I see."
"Was this green goblin not a foe of Spiderman?"
*sighs* "Ya should ask Beastboy that one, but.. yeah, I guess he was."
"And he knocked us out?"
"No! Beastboy did!"
"I understand."
"Great!" -.-
"And what are we supposed to do now?"
"Wait for what exactly?" ^^°
>.<° "I don't know, Star. Maybe until we're able to wake up again."
"That makes sense." ^^
"When do you think will that be, friend?"
*raises her voice* "I don't know!"
"To be honest... I feel like... kinda driftin off."
"I can feel that, too. What does it mean?"
"Probably, we're close to dying."
O.o "I do not feel like dying."
"And I also not intend to." >.<
"Me neither." -.-
A sudden something makes our minds spin around way too fast and uncontrollable.

No response...
"Friend Raven?"
"Are you still here?" *feeling pretty dizzy*
"X'hal! I was afraid I am alone!"
"I'm still here." *voice sounds unsteady - once near by, then fading*
"What happened?" O.o
"Dunno. But it doesn't seem to mean something good." ~.~
"Can't you feel it?"
"Honestly, I am feeling kind of... disoriented right now."
"And you think that's good?"
"Got it."
"I think I want to take a little nap."
"NO!" *sounds far away, but in panic*
*mumble* "Just a little rest..."
"No! Star! Don't!"
"Just five minutes, mommy."
"Star! Hold on!"
"Fuck it!"

In reality:

Raven regains conciousness, but she's way too done to open her eyes. She just becomes aware of the strong smell of blood hovering around. With all her strength she reaches out, fumbling in the unknown. Finally she finds what she searched for. A feminine gloved hand. With every bit of strength that's left, she squeezes it, eventually fading into darkness again...

Back inside my mind:

"Ow! What is going on?"
"Geez!" *sighs*
"What is going on?"
"I really don't know exactly, but I do know two things - firstly: we're all in deadly peril and secondly: even if we can't regain conciusness, we have to stay awake in here!!"
"Oh, okay."
"Will the others live?"
"I don't know..."

----------------------------------------------------END PART VI.2----------------------------------------------------

Just felt like. *shrug*
Don't have much to say about... like I said: just felt like...
One thing maybe:
Don't ask me, why I'm more "-fire" than "-lett" insinde my mind. Can only repeat again: Just felt like it.
But if you have an answer to that, please let me know. ^^ It's always most interesting to analyze yourself. ^_^
Please comment. <3


Autor:  Charlett

"Rae... RAE!!! RAVEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *shakes her fiercely*
*sighs* "She won't wake up!"
"Neither does Starlett." *looks mostly worried at the girl he's holdin bridal-style in his arms* (Yeah, me! *.*)
"I'M DYIIIIING!!!" *bawls*
"No you're not." -.- "Such a compunded fracture won't kill ya." -.-
"BUT IT HUUUUURTS!!!" *howls*
*unimpressed* "Of course, it does."
"Man, we must get em home. Let's go!"
"NO WAY, DUDE! I won't let that punk inside my car!"
"Damn! They need medical treatment!!" *gets angry*
"He'll bleed all over the furniture!!" *pissed*
"Yeah! I'm fuckin bleedin'!!!!" *tryin' to take the attention back on him, tragically failing*
"I don't care a fig for your stupid furniture! We have to head to the tower as fast as possible!"
"And I don't fuckin care 'bout you not carin fur my furniture!!"
"Hellohoo! I'm still bleedin'!"
*turns around to face him* "That's the fuckin' point, sucker!"
"Wrap something around his leg! Whatever! I don't give a fuck! I just wanna take care of my Star! IN THE TOWER! Where we've MEDICAL SUPPLIES!! Which they all NEED!!!"
*sighs unnerved* "Very well then!" *gets a scarf out of the trunk and throws it at BB*
"Wrap that 'round your... outsticking bone" >.< "And make sure it stops bleeding, for fuck's sake!!" *menaces*
"...Dudes... I think... I'm goin to faint." *overturns*
"Hell, ya faint!" *jumps over and shakes him nonstop*
"Dude! Stop that!"
"Yeah, stop it or he'll not just bleed but also puke all over your fucking furniture." -.-°
*stops instantly*
"Well" *sighs again* "Lemme do that." *takes scarf and wraps it way too gruff around BB's leg*
*lifts the shapeshifter and throws him into the car* "Watch ya bleedin'!" *totally pissed*
"Thanx." -.-
*nods toward the open car door* "Get in!"
*gets in, carryin me with him*
*grabs Rae from the ground and places her onto the front passanger's seat, before seatin' himself into the driver's one and pulling out*

"Dudes, I'm in such a pain! Honestly, I think I won't make it!"
"Shut the fuck up! It's all your fault! You're responsible for hurting my Star!"
"I'm not to blame for! I didn't mean to!
Rae also get hurt! I'd NEVER hurt her on purpose!"
*mutters to himself:* "Except she wants me to..."
*again louder:*
"Nobody ever told me that ice skatin's that dangerous!"
"It's not, if you're no total bungler!"
"I am not!"
"Shut the fuck up! Both of ya!!" *driving as if the devil himself is hunting us*
"Dude, you're goin to kill us!"
"I DON' CARE! As long as my baby isn't gettin-"
*cuts him off* "What's this warm feeling at my stomach?"
"It's called love, Dude!" *.*
"Crap! I mean- D'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" *jumps up* "Beastboy!!! You're bleedin' all over the fucking car!!!"
*takes a sharp turn to the left, nearly crashing into a stone wall*
"SAY WHAT??!!!"

*scrapin' the still unconcious me off the front window* "JERK! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOIN'!!!"
*with all his force, manages to pin his look at the street*
"Robin! Don' tell me he REALLY is bleeding onto my seats!"

"Uh... I'm afraid he is."
"No, I'm not! It's not me."
*hears some rattling noises from the back*
"What is it?" *close to tears*
"Star's bleeding from her head!" *nearly cracking*
"Dude! I didn't even know one single person can bleed THAT much!" *marvels*
*starts crying*
"It's not just her blood, it's yours, too!"
"And your."
"Say what?" O.o
"You're bleeding on ur back, Dude!"
"What the fuck-" *turns his head to look at the back, but instead his eyes catch sight of the still unconcious Rae and a big puddle of blood surrounding her*
*cracks completely and drives the car straight into the next wall*

*mutters under his last breath to the in the cracked front window hanging Cy* "Dude, now you're bleeding, too. Ya can't blame us anymore." *chuckles and faints*

----------------------------------------- END PART VI (or maybe 4eva? O.o) -----------------------------------------

I feel the urge to apologize, but honestly I'm not the one who drove the fuckin' car into that fuckin' wall!
What do ya mean by: "You are! Cuz' you're the author!" ??? O.o
Watch what you're sayin'! I am the fuckin' author and I can make you whatever I wanna make you! *evil grin*

One more thing: Don' ask me what that's all about. I dunno how it turned out that... strange and mostly odd. >.<° Really dunno what the hell came over me! O.o

And btw: If you dunno what or how to review (but I'm afraid you'll kick my ass) just tell me, if you found the link in part V. ^^

Byebye, c ya (in case you'll ever read my shit again -.-°)

Depressions of a star

Autor:  Charlett

*looks a bit helplessly at the girl sleepin' in his lap*
Doors slide open and Cy enters the room once more on this wonderful day. His face bearing a fat satisfied grin and he looks like he just came out of the shower.
*spots Robin and me on the floor* ô.o
"I don't know what's wrong with her." ;-;
Just as he said, another couple enters the room. Both looking totally worn-out, but satisfied, too.
"She's probably tired of all the cryin'."
"What? Why - I mean... How do ya know?" O.o
"No chance we'd miss all your yelling." -.-
"Yeah sucker, was about to come over and kick your fucking ass! If it hadn't been for Jinx, Bee, the sexy underwear, the whipped cream, a fucking lot of all these different, amazing toys... the mustard - well, I think that's Star's version of marmelade or chocolate dip -, this outstanding Porn-collection, all these bananas and cucumbers, the candles with all their oh so hot wax, the chains and bracelets, the liquid latex, the blindfolds and different bonds and ties, all the crack and other incredible pills and drugs, these stimulative perfume oils, the lubricant, the depilatory, this big slimy..."
"Well" Robin chimes in, while Cy continues reminiscin about all the sexual luxus that just had happend to him.
First the others had been visibly torn between disgust, amusement and envy, but fast they became bored by his monologue, so BB and Rae were eased to draw their attention to their leader now.

"You two and the whip - so you three - had fun, too?" *g*
"None of your business." -.-

*drops smirk* "Exactly! Mind yar own business!" >.<
"Now we're back on track. What was all this stupid yellin' about?" *quirks eyebrow with a quizzical look*
"Dude, ya didn't tick her off again, did ya?!"
"Uhm... we actually kinda... argued?"
"Poor Star."
"Honestly it really isn't funny what that girl has to take from you."
"...and salad oil. She even got us Poppers!!! You believe?!" *finally realizing, nobody's listening anymore*
"Yeah! Explain yourself, birdy-boy, or I'll make ya!" *instantly switching back to the main theme, lookin deadly serious*

"Uhm... it was just 'bout... well to be honest, it's nothing to you!"
"So he hit the roof again, cuz she was huggin all of us."
*blushes* "How do ya-"

*cuts him of* "Obvious." -.-
"Well... " *clears his throat* "Whatever. We kind of sorted that out... but all at once she burst into tears and collapsed! Honesty, I've no clue, what's the matter with her."
"She didn't say anythin'?"
*shakes his head* "Well she spluttered something 'bout 'we just, but we never' ... whatever. Just some meaningless random things."
ô.o *
looks at the other two boys with a meaningful expression*
"Dude, you're so not bright." -.-
"Well done, boy blunder! She'll hit rock bottom. I think we should leave the two of you on your own. So you can try and clean all this mess up."
"Poor dumbass."
"Bloody hell! I didn't do anything! What the fuck's all this crap about?!"
*shakes her head* "C'mon, let's cut off."
"Yeah, don' wanna be arounf, when she wakes up."
*nods* "Can't stand seein' her all depressed and sufferin'."
*wake up, jump instantly in the air, screaming*

"And I want a biiiiiig sundae, too! With as much mustard in it as possible!!!" *.*
"Friends, what's wrong with you? Ya look kinda... funny." ^^° *giggle*
"I'm tired."
"So am I."
"Me too."
"So I guess yaall enjoyed the pleasures of your presents?" ^__^
*blush* x 3
"Sure" ^^
"Aye" ^^°
"Kinda" -.-°
"GLORIOUS!!!" *beam, startin to hug everyone, but stop in midair and look at my boy wonder*

*sighs, shrugs and gives me a small agreein' smile*
*beam again, now squeezin' each one in turn*
"So everyone's happy now?" XD
"Seems like..."
"Well, then... maybe... could we... just thought, might be nice... I mean, if ya'd like to... but you're all tired and maybe you don' wanna..."

"Sure. I'll go to the skatin rink with you, Star." ^^°
"You will?" *.*
"We'll all come along. It'll be fun!" *g*
"Sweet!" *bounces*
"Glorious!!!" *total excitement* XD
"Cannot imagine more fun." -.-
*thumps her grinning* "C'mon! Don' be a drag. If you'll be a good gurl, daddy'll buy you a biiiig sundae, too. And you can have as much mustard in it as you want!" ^________^
"Don' want any." *responding annoyed, but hiding a small smile*
"Well" *clears his throat and waits till everyone's attention's on him*
"Pack you'r things! We're heading for the ice rink!"

----------------------------------------------------------------END PART V----------------------------------------------------------------

Special thanks to my tomcat (not Kitten!!! >.<) and Cas (Dill! XD *olooo) for helping with the brainstorming! ^.~

Hope ya'll like it again. Please comment! You're keepin me alive with your wonderful words. *.*
An maybe I'll get ya whipped again, if you're a good gurl! *fg*

Quiz: I'm soo proud ya get all my links so far. Do ya find the one in here? ^^

Fuck! Just noticed, in FIVE(!!) parts I didn't insert only one "bO.Oyah!" O.o I'm a bad gurl! BAD, BAD, STAR!!!! *slap myself* Pomise, I'll take care of that as from now! PLS forgive me! ;___;
*big kiss, smoooooochiiie!* XD

Everything ends...

Autor:  Charlett

*dancin' through the CZ, singin'* "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive, Iiii'm aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!"
*sits on the sofa, looks up from her book* "Yeah, we can see that." -.-
*stop singin' and dancin'* "And ya know what?"
"Dunno, if I wanna know at all." -.-°
"Yes, you wiihiill!* ^_____^
*quirks an eyebrow*
*start jumpin' around, gigglin'*
Doors slide open.
*enters the room*

"Cyyyyyy! How glorious to see ya!!!" *jump over and hug him nearly unconcious, huddlin against him*
*Robin enters the rooms and looks slightly annoyed, descryin' Cy and me*
"You sure, you didn't gave her another yellow one?" ô.o
"Man, I still can't belive, ya gave her Speed(!) Thursday!!" -.-
*smiles innocently and shrugs* "Ya've to admit, it worked!" ^_^
"Well... uhm... yeah, seemed so."
"See?" *g*
"Yeah but first this..." *blushes slightly* "aphrodisiac, then the Speed and in the end the soporific! That can't be good to take for one person in a single day! And as if that wasn't enough you had this hole surprise party with all the alcoholic stuff organized on Friday! Man, I don't even think, I wanna know, what has been into this drinks at all!"
"Man, don't be such a party-pooper!" -.-
"Ya know, Cy - he's right. We were so wasted and who knows what else(!), we all can hardly remember the whole saturday! Beastboy's still so... yeah, I've to admit, I don't even know, what he is, but he still turns into animals once in a while without intending." -.-
"C'mon, dudes! It was such a FUN!!! Ya really cannot deny, you enjoyed it!" XP

*flimsy blushing* "Well..."
*looks a bit irritated* "Dude ... sure it was kinda fun." *small smile* "But that's not the point. It simply cannot be good at all."
*at that mo BB enters the room, all at once hiccupin and turning into a sloth and back*
"Friiiiiiiiiiiend Beastboooyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!" *fly over, give him a bear hug and won't let go*
"Star" *coughs* "you're" *chokes* "strangling me!" *gasps and turns slightly blue*
"Oh, I'm sorry!" *beam and give him a peck*
"Dudes, I just heard, what our leader said and I must say, yuu sure are drags!!"
"You're still not fully recovered and sayin WE are drags???!!!" O.o
"Yeah, sure! Robo-Cop ment it well. It WAS a lot of fun, wasn't it? And I'm sure we won't die from it. It's not like we use to live that healthy anyway, ya know. Honestly Dudes and Dudetts, I think we should enjoy partyin' like that once in a while. Right, Star?" *g*
*start jumping around again and giggling*
"Yeeeah! He's riiight! It was FUUUN!" XD
"And I wanted to thank all of you for supporting me, or better: don't
disturbing me that much or at least bearing my ... uhm, well ... mood swings." ^^°
*quirks an eyebrow again* "You do?"
"Yes! I know, I didn't show the last days, but at least I realized, what yaall did or didn't do. Rae, you always tried to leave me alone and learning and sometimes you even tried to keep the others from annoying me. I appreciate that very much. And that's why..." *dramatic pause, before conjuring a present from out of nowhere and handing it to her* "I wanna give you this."
*looks a bit touched but also suspiciosly* "What's that?"
"Just a small thank-you-present, you'll have to unwrap to see what's inside."
"Yeah! C'mon, open it!!" *jumps onto the sofa next to her, looking pretty curious*
*unwraps the present and widens her eyes in a surprising shock*
"It... it's... it is a...." *splutters, stammers*
"A whip." O.o
All eyes turning with a shocked expression to me.
Of course." ^^°
*recovers first, turning into a tiger*
"I think, your kitten wants to play." *smirks*
*eyebrow twitches* "Well, Star... that is... uhm..." *sighs* "Thank you." -.-°
"You're welcome, friend!" *fly over and hug her with floating hearts around us*

"So, I got presents for all of you."
*turning back to normal* "SWEET! PRESENTS!" *.*
"Well, friend Beastboy, for you I have a big tofu-cake waiting in the fridge. And I thought... uhm, well... you might share the pleasures of Raven's gift..." *blush and smile*
"Sweet! You're so cool, Star!" *.* *jumps over and hugs me most heartfelt*
*turns now into a dog, hops over to Raven, biting in her cloak and dragging on it*
*sighs* "Well, think we're off to... play." -.-

The two leave the CS.
*suddenly right by my side snuggling his cheek on mine* "Will I get a gift as well?" *puppy-eyes*
"Sure!" XD *just for the fun of it take up hugging and kissing him once more*
He starts tickling me and we fell all over, laughing and continuing romping on the floor. XD
"Hem!" *harrumph*
The two of us look up, seeing a very, very, really totally, completely, most and deadly pissed off, Robin. O.o
*jumps up in an instant* "Hehehe..." *scratchin' his neck* ^^°
"Well, hon... maybe I should..."
"Yeah... uhm... so it works out well" *begin to smirk* "cuz your present is waitin' for you in ur room... or maybe I should say: Your presents are already waiting!" *fat grin*
O.O "So long!" WUSH! *and off he was*
"S-so... uh... you d-don't look like you're... uh..." *sweat-drop and look at the ground*
"Grrrmpf!" *murderous glance*
*although scared to death, getting angry* "What?!"
"What the fuck?!"
"For fuck's sake! Say something!"
"I DID!"
"CUZ USUALLY YOU WEREN'T SO CLOSE TO MAKING OUT WITH... our friends!" *spits the last word right into my face, eyes burning with rage*
"GREAT! ... Well ... THEN I'M ... I'm ...."
"I'm ... sorry. I really am. Please, I - I'm - I'm dreadfully sorry. Honestly." *sniff*
*burst into tears and sink down, collapsing onto the floor*
*slouching, rage fulminates, vanishing into thin air*
*sob* "I-it was just - I didn't mean t-t-to" *constantly shaken by sobs* "I-i-i was just s-s-so hap-py. No-now that it's a-all o-ver. And y-you ... w-w-we nev-er .. We just ... B-but we nerver-" *can hardly breath and nearly drowning in the flood of tears*
*totally taken aback and confused* "Uhm, baby?" *bewildered and worried*
*sobbing, not able to talk anymore*
*slowly settling down next to me on the floor* "Hey... calm down." *now really worried, actually scared*
*totally collapsing*
*scared to death* "Breath, Baby. Just focus on breathing. Cool down! It will all turn out well, you'll see. Can't be that bad, can it? Exams are over now, everyone's happy and easy. Everything's allright, ain't it?!" ... *smiles*
*just keep on crying*
"Ain't it?" O.o *slowly reaches out to my shaking head and fondling my hair*
*fling myself onto his lap, still shaking with sobs*
O.o *wraps his arms around me and pulls me up into a thight embrace, stroking my back now* "Sssshhhh..."
*cling to him as if my life depends on*
"Baby, you're scaring me..." ^^°
*between sobs manage to grind out* "I-i-i am s-s-so sorry-y!"
"Sssh, I know. It's okay. Can't bother you so much. Talk to me, what is it that depresses my star that much?"
*just shaking my head*
"Don't wanna talk 'bout?"
*shake my head again*
*nod, still sobbing*
"Okay." *kisses my hair* "Chill out first, maybe ya can tell me later on."
*shaking my head once again*
*sighs and continues to stroke my shaking back in silence, prepared to sit there with me and wait till I'll calm down*

-------------------------------------------------------END PART IV-------------------------------------------------------

Yeah, I know, this one is... exhausting. ^^°
I'm sorry, I think I lost my focus somewhere. >.<
Too much corniness, and man way too much drama, I know! *sweat-drop*
I hope the first part'll make up for it! ^.~
Luv ya! <3

Farewell letter, Take II

Autor:  Charlett

Dear friends,

I know, I said, I'd be dead until now. Don't be too disappointed, I'm not! -.-
There's a new chance to die the very next day. So, anyway - what I really wanted to tell you, before I'm goin belly up, is:

*knock, knock*
Breathe deeply! Don't go off again. *take a deep breath and respond way too friendly*
"Come in, friend."
*steps in*
"What is the matter? What can I help you with?" ^_______^
*completely outraged* O.O *turns on his heels immediately*
*grap him by the shoulder, voice shaking from restrained anger*
"What is it?!" *eyebrow twitches*
"I - I just wanted to see, if you're up again and if ya... nee-need something?" *blinks suspiciously innocently*
Breath deeply! Calm down! >.<

"Well..." *hiss through gritted teeth* "thanx, but NO thanx!"
"Then you're okay?"
"DO I LOOK LIKE I'M OKAY??!! I'M TOTALLY WORN OUT! *burst into tears and throw myself into his arms* "I don't wanna learn anymore!" *sob* "I can't go on. I'm exhausted" *snivel* "I'm tired, I have a splitting headache and I just don't want anymore!!" *cry, weep, bawl, clutch, snuggle*
*hugs me and strokes my head for comfort*
"Ssssh, don' cry. It'll all come up roses. You'll see." *keeps on stroking my head and my back* "Tomorrow it'll all be over."
*just keep on sobbing and crying*

Meanwhile in the CZ...

"Dude! I LOVE the new TV! It's so big, so sweet and so... SHINY! *.* *eyes filled with tears*
"Yeah, well. But anyway, ya should watch annoying Raven. We can't buy new electronics everyday." -.-
*grunts* "Heard it! Stop annoying me!"
"Rae! You should just stop getting annoyed so easily." *makes it simple as that*
"Don't call me Rae!" *voice shaking with restrained anger* (Must be a girls-thing. >.<)
"Honesty, Raven. You really should try to control yourself a bit more. It's not that he" *tosses his head over to the green one* "isn't annoying us all the time as well, but we shrug it off."
*mumbles something inconprehensible*
"Know, what's oughtta help?" *leers*
*quirks an eyebrow* "What?"
*leans over and whispers something in her ear*
*blushes deadly*
*gets up* "So, I'm off now. Just wanna check on our two lovebirds first and give Star some 'presents'. *smirks*
"And then I'm goin to fu-" *blushes and clears his throat* "meet - I'm goin to meet Bee. Have a nice dahay!"
*leaves with an utterly kinky grin*

"So... what did he tell ya? How can you calm down a lil' bit? Maybe I could assist ya?"
"M-maybe, you could..." *turns sanguine face to BB and examines him sheepishly, but also seriously*
... *finally sighs* "Alright, let's do it."

"Sweet!" *jumps up* "We're going to ... wait! What are we goin to do?"
*smirks* You'll see... *takes him by the hand and trails him towards her bedroom*

Back to my room now...

"Honey!" *enters with a bright smile*
"Hey, Cy." *smiles a bit helplessly*
*still crying a little*
*not at all
impressed by the situation* "Here, hon. Just wanned to give you these." *hands me three colored pills* "You've to take the red one now. The yellow one's for... uhm... later. Maybe in an hour or something like that. I don't know, how long you two ta-" *cuts himself off* "Whatever, ya'll know, when to take the yellow one. And the black one's for the night. Just take it before ya go to sleep. Got it?"
*sniff and nod*
"Well, Cy... what are these?"
"Just some presents from a good friend to his little honey-bunny. And tomorrow, after your last exam, I'll have another surprise!" *twinkles, smiles* "So long!" *wears off*
"I'm not sure you should take em." *eyes the pills suspiciously*
"Cy'd never harm me in any way!"
"Sure?" *raises eyebrows*
"Robin! He's our friend!"
"Sure." *sighs*
He lets go of me and I'm going to the bathroom to ingest the red pill with some water.
I come back to my room to find my birdy-boy looking at me expectantly.

"Nothing yet."
"Maybe Cy's just makin fun of us."
O.o "What is it?" *jumps to my side*
*wave my hand* "It's nothing. I'm just a lil' hot." *stumble*
*places a hand an my forehead*
*moan again*
"Just a little hot? Fuck, you're red-hot!! What the fuck did that asshole give ya?!" *nearly cracks*
*sink down*
O.o *graps me* "Hey baby!" *first worried, now pissed of* "Whatever that fucker did to ya! He'll pay!! *clenches his fists and hugs me thightly*
*moan up*
"Are you in great pain?"
"No." *pant* "It's actually kinda..."
"Yeah, what?"
"Nothing. Just pull me closer. Feels good."
*does as he's told and starts to stroke my back again*
*stops stroking*
"Pleeaase, go on!" *nestle agains him, panting*
*continues touching me*
*groan and suddenly realize what's goin on*
"Bloody crap!"

"That fucker!"
"Yeah! As I said, he'll deadly pay for makin' my baby suffer!"
"Uhm... Robin?"
"I'm not exactly... sufferin, ya know..." *blush*
"You're not?" *looks fairly puzzled*
"Well, yes, I am, but... ya could... give me a hand?"
"I'll help, assist and rescue ya anytime! And I'll give ya anything
of me you need!" *lays his hand on my cheek and kisses me softly*
*moan into the kiss and strain my body fiercly against his*
*breaks the kiss and eyes me in bewilderment ... then all at once he blushes*
"Oh... that's the point..."
"Got it. That's the fuckin point. But" *whimper* "I don't need a point, I need a peak." >.<
*picks me up bridal-style and leers* "Mylady, thy wish is my command."

---------------------------- END PART III

To my one and only devilish beloved Fan:
Sry! I wanned to write the story from last night, but it turned out different. >.<
Like I said: These are no stories, they are happenins. And who can plan a happening? Particularly, if so many people are involved. ^^°
It's a lil' bit more perverse this time. Hope ya pardon me. hehe ^^°
And at least, I hope we managed to be a lil' bit funny as well. Anyway: hope, ya enjoyed the show!
P.S.: Thanks for beeing my (only *sniff*) fan! ^_^
P.P.S.: Don't ya dare forget to cut me down on everthings that annoys ya. ^.~ (Know ya like to cut me down, and guess what? I enjoy it, too! *leer*)
P.P.P.S.: If ya wanna know, what the other pills cause, what Cy's surprise is and if a certain someone'll be a bit more balanced in the future... Well, ya already guessed it... *g* You'll have to read part IV! (That's what I call securing readers! XD)

The Return of the Sandman

Autor:  Charlett

*completely done* "Hey guuuys, I'm ba-" *fall over and don't move anymore"
"GEEZ!" O.o *jumps forward to my unmoving body and pulls me up by the shoulders*
The others gather round us.
"What's wrong?"
"Is she... dead?" O.o
"STARLETT!!" *shakes me* "Come on! Talk to me!!"
*drivel drops from my mouth*
"Man! Looks like she's totally whacked!"
"Baby, I need you! Don't ya dare die on me!" *major panic again*
"Uhm... maybe she's only... asleep?" *cocks an eyebrow*
"I think, she's dead." *curtly diagnoses*
"Bu-bu-but, she cannot be! I - I - I love her!"
*mutters utterly unimpressed as always* "Why does he only gets himself to admit if, when she's not listening?"
"You mean, when she's wasted, or out of her mind, or deadly tired, or already asleep, or high, or he's wasted, or she's on some kind of other drugs, or he, or she's watching TV, or reading, or she's nuts anyways, or like now: she's dea-"
*keeps his mouth shut* "Yeah... that's what I meant." -.-
*wipe off the slopper, but don't open my eyes* "Well, ya know... told ya I'm goin to die today."
*pulls me out of Robins grip and puts me on my feet* "Alright! So ya don't seem so dead to me, hon. Have a little rest, will ya?"
*sigh* "Don't count yar chicks before they're eaten." *grumble*
"But ya survived the exam today, don't ya?"
"It's not like there's none tomorrow!" -.- *evil glance*
*looks questioningly at Raven* "So, she's not dead?"
"Does she look dead to you?!" *getting annoyed*
"Well... no?" *still looks at her questioningly*
*gets really annoyed* "Ya know ... might be 'cause SHE ISN'T DEAD!" *red eyes*
*nods in agreement* "Not yet."
The TV explodes.
*sighs* "Ok, hon. We're off buying a new TV. Do yourself a favor and get some sleep or at least take a rest. A chance like this won't come again soon." *grips Raven and BB and drags them towards the T-Car*
"Can't" *mumble* "'ve to learn."
"You kiddin' me? Look at ya! You're exhausted! Cy is right. You need to rest!"
"I CAN NOT! Told ya! Have to learn!"
"Hell! Did you sleep last night at all?!"
"Well... uhm.... That-that's NOT the point!"
"Actually, that's EXACTLY what the fucking point is!"
*sigh* "Robin?"
*still angry, but slightly irritated* "What?"
*lean forward and fuckin deeply smooch him*
He's dumbstruck and paralyzed. Cy turns up once again.
"Dude, come on!" *looks at Robin, sighs and graps him by the scruff*
"Bye, hon. See ya later. Don' go over the top, kay? Just slow down."
'There she goes again...' -.- *sighs and leaves mumbling with Robin in tow* "She's truly goin to kill herself."
A voice seems to appear from nowhere:
"If she won't, I will." -.-
Cy leaves the room grinning to himself. Door shuts.
*totally pissed off* "Now I'll show ya, how dead fuckin sirious I am. I'll learn till my brain jumps out of my head! Sleep! HA!" *snort* "Who needs that?! Sleep is something for babies, for pussys and pansys!"
*fell over again and sleep on the floor like a log* Zzzzzz....


Autor:  Charlett

Dear friends,

just wanned to tell yaall, how much I luv ya! We used to have much fun together - it was a great time! I'll miss ya, do never forget me! I won't-

*knock, knock*

ARGH! >.< "Who's there?"
"It's me, Robin."
Why can't I fucking be alone and just finish to write my goodbye? -.-

"Yeah, what is it?"
"Can I come in?"
"Whatever..." *mumble*
"What didya say?"
"Come in!" -.-
"So how's it goin'?"
"Havin' a break. Just tryin' to finish this."
"What is it?" *steps closer*
"Farewell letter"
"OMFG! A suicide note?! Ya're goin to commit suicide??!!!" O.O
*Nah! -.- ... Well, if by 'suicide' you mean that I'll cause my own death... Yeah, maybe I'm commitin' suicide then."
"What the fuck're ya talkin' 'bout?!"
"Just what I said. Now get the hell outta here! Must finish and continue learnin'."
"Ya're jokin. I won't let ya commit suicide! I..." *splutters* "I need you..."
"How cute!" -.- "But it's too late now, anyway. Will ya PLEASE leave me alone?"
"Whaddaya mean, it's too late? OMFG! Ya already took sleeping pills?" O.O
"Must get em outta ya! C'mon! Puke, barf, chuck em up!!" *major panic*

"Keep it cool. Didn't took anything. It's just - I can't go back and don't do this stupid exams, can I?"
"Oh... that's it."
"Nya" *sigh* "that's it. Now would ya please PISS OF AND FUCKING QUIT BEING A PAIN IN MY ASS?!"
*looks crestfallen and sighs* "If that's what I am for you... a pain in the ass..."
"Ooooooh! Poor Robbie-pooh! Boohoo!"
I just want to start screaming again, but-
"Dudes! What's goin on? I heard all the screaming and came to see if everything's okay with Raven."
*takes a look around* "Raven?"

*praying to heaven* What did I do? I don't deserve all this, do I?! *nearly crying*
"Dude, what's wrong with her?"
"Nothing. It's just me. She hates me!" *nearly crying, too*
"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BACK OFF!!!!" There it goes - I'm yellin' again. -.-
*Raven turns up* "Yeah, shut up. What do you want?"
"Give me a hug!"
"What the fuck?!"
*hugs her*
"Get off me, you stupid tofu-gorging Hobbit!"
He let go of her and reasons: "So no bodyswitching this time."
"So what's wrong with ya?"

The boys are totally dumbstruck.
*utterly unimpressed* "She's definitely acting kinda weird... Whatever" *leaves*
"Nevermind. She's always like this if she's revised. Don't take it personal. She'll be okay."
Where the fuck did he come from?! Surprise, surprise! -.-
"No Cy, she'll be dead!"
"He's damn right." *sigh*
"I know, hon. I know." *kisses me on the forehead, takes the green one and starts to leave then stops in the doorway* "Ya know, Spikey - that'd be the perfect moment for a farewell kiss." *smirks and leaves with BB on his coat-tails*
"I - I'm not - I can't -" *splutters and deadly blushes*
*sigh and leave the desk* "Ya know what?"
"W-w-wh-what?" *scared to death*
"He might be right. Oh, that fucking rimes! How wonderful." -.-
"Whatever. Maybe I should expand my break and have a little 'farewell' with ya." *peer*
*schocked* "Wh-what's th-that sup-posed t-to mean?!"
*quirk an eyebrow* "Don't tell me you don' wanna make out a lil' bit! It won't hurt! *getting angry, then sigh again*
"Okay, okay maybe I will hurt ya, but c'mon! Ya'd like me to hurt ya, won'tcha? *breathtaking smile and puppy-eyes*
*scratches his neck* "Well... uhm... ye-yeah?"
"Great!" XD -.- "So c'mon! I'll finish this later. Or maybe I won't."
"To whom was it, anyway?"
"To my frinds of course, dumbass!" *shake head*
"You've friends... outside?" *goggles*
"Well... uhm... I suppose... OKAY! GOT IT! I won't finish the fucking letter, 'k?! Would ya now PLEASE come with me and fuck me for fuck's sake?"
"Now that's my little girl!" *smirks bright and switches off the monitor*
