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My beloved Mukunas <3

Autor:  Rori-chan
For all those who STILL read the crap I write I'm going to add an entry RIGHT NOW O.o

Yeah. So. I had a lot of fun with abgemeldet yesterday (Oya. She has to feel honored, that she appears in my Weblog!).
We were in that fricking awesome shop called "Interspar" (OMG! Can you feel the individuality? WoooOoooh!!) and felt like eating some healthy stuff for once.
And because fruits are so boring, we came up with some stupid random things.
Since I'm in KHR-Fangirl-Mode right now, I felt like doing something really randomy Katekyo-related.
So we bought a bag of Marshmallows (very, very healthy. This was the only thing which was unhealthy, in fact) , grapes and Ananas in juice (In these fricking awesome useless little packages) ACE-JUICE, lime-juice, Two spoons and an edding marker (Ok. You shouldn't eat edding too...)
So: The Ananas turned out to be "Mukunas" <- really great invention of Ita-chan's brain. One of the packages got a little Mukuro-chibi-face and I found it so adorable that I kept it. It's hanging around in my bookshelf at the moment <3
Then we invented Byakuranspoon and Xanxuspoon. Then Byakuranspoon ate Mukunas. (Do you feel the relations?) a little tribute to 100x69. Xanxuspoon raped Byakuranspoon and ate Byakuranmarshmallows. We discussed about whom Byakuran and Xanxus could rape and so on.
Xanxus could in fact rape just about everyone...
But nice as I am, I stated that Xanxus only loves Squalo and Byakuran only Sho-chan.
Did I tell you that I love Sho-chan yet? I love Sho-chan <3

Oh...My username. Yes. It changed AGAIN!
Nero-chan is one of my latest characters that popped up in my mind.
After noticing that she had quite many similarities to me (lazy, loves sweets, Yaoi-fangirl) I called myself after her.
I called her Nero because I love that guy from old Rome. I mean, he was so frickin' crazy o.O

Hm...Times over again. See you, or so...
Sorry for crappy english, grammar- and spelling-mistakes.
I'm not in a good mood today what concerns writing...

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