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Tainted Soul



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The Sword of Hope

The months went by as they usually do. One day folding into the next as my ever-growing battle with the darkness of the land continued. I fought the Avatars at every turn and soon, my power began to outweigh many of the people in the land as they witnessed each time when I would take up arms to keep the promise I made to defend them. One night, I awoke from my sleep as a light shone from outside. Being careful not to wake Xaka, I went to the nearby window of our house and looked to the skies. I saw a shining object fall like a shooting star, landing near the northwest border of the land as the light died out. My interest was of course perked. I put on my clothing and armor as I left the house and made my way towards it in the dark. Strangely, I found a large tower that I had not seen before in that area. As I looked up in awe at its craftsmanship, I saw a light shining from an elevated floor, so I entered the tower and began to ascend. I reached the floor and looked around. It was completely empty. It looked as if it were used as a temple to worship a sky God at one time, but from the lack of maintenance, it was plain to see that it had been abandoned for decades.

Finding nothing there, I turned around and began to walk back towards the staircase when suddenly, I was enveloped in a bright light. I looked around, yet all I saw was a blinding white. I heard whispers in the distance and walked towards them. Oddly enough, as I walked farther than what would have been the edge of the tower, I did not fall. It was obvious that wherever I was now, I was no longer in Hollow. Walking for some time revealed nothing. I found nothing around me, I was not even sure if I had truly moved. I pondered what to do when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I was not surprised at all, it felt completely natural as I turned around and saw a blindfolded being before me. Her garb was magnificent. Even the most skilled seamstress would have been in awe had they seen it. I asked her who she was as her hand went to the sword at her side. In any other situation, I would have jumped back and drawn my own, yet I was completely calm, as if I knew she did not wish to do battle with me. She untied the sheathed weapon from her belt as I began to hear a slight humming sound coming from within it as she spoke.

" Alexander... I am Uriana... I have been waiting for you. " She said in a voice I can only describe as otherworldly. I told her that I was no longer called by that name, yet still, she persisted. " But that in fact is your name, though you try to deny it, and your past..." " Maybe. " I replied. " But I created this mortal life. Should I wish to remember its events or not is none of your concern. What are you? I have not seen, nor sensed your like before in this or any other land. " A slight chuckle came from the armored figure as if entertained with my lack of knowledge. " Do you honestly believe that your endless years have granted you the powers over all existence? Even you have limits Asan'ti. But your experiment in mortality continues... Even now that the human mother you had is no longer of the mortal plane. Tell me, why do you remain? " It seemed as if she already knew the answer, yet still wished for me to speak it. " I remain because I am needed here. In my time before this, I felt nothing for the things I saw. All I ever did was watch the realms. Now, I can at least attempt to make a difference in this land. I gave my word to protect these people and I will not go back on it. Even if it means that in doing so would wipe out my existence, mortal or not. " The figure took a step towards me, yet I stood where I was, trying to keep myself from being intimidated by her form which seemed to spiritually dwarf my own. " And what of the woman? Has the watcher truly learned what the emotion of love is? " She asked as I began to feel rather anxious in front of her. I knew not why she posed all of these questions, and it made me quite uneasy at having my life events analyzed in such a manner. I walked right up to her and looked straight into where her eyes would be behind the cloth as I began to speak. " I do not know. I am unsure if any mortal could fathom the emotions that I have when Xaka is at my side. All I do know however is that we love each other. Any attempts to measure it or understand it is as impossible as it is pointless. My feelings for her are beyond anything and everything in existence to me. Now I shall ask you again, What are you? "

The figure looked around as if she could see something within the light that I could not. " An honest answer you have given. Your intentions as well are so I can see, as I have in fact been watching you for some time now. Your battles against the evils in the land of Hollow have brought you not one victory, yet you still fight now as you did when you first entered that land. This has not gone unnoticed Alexander... Neither by me, nor by the people who reside there. You have become the bearer of their hopes for the future, and in becoming so has given you the hope that you will find retribution within yourself for the acts you have done while in the influence of evil. For your quest of redemption, and your battle to bring everlasting peace to the land, I grant you this... " The figure then presented me with the sword she had taken from her belt. As I placed my hand upon it, I felt an incredible rush of holy energy enter me. I fell to one knee, my body tingling as I could feel the power flow through every part of my being. As I slowly became accustomed to this feeling, I returned my eyes to the figure as I began to slowly realize what she truly was. " Runeblade, The Sword of Hope. Bestowed by the heavens on one who holds the light in his heart as well as that which the sword represents. From this day forth, it will be your trusted companion. Its power, yours to command. Wield it well... Knight of Hope. "

With those final words said, there was another flash of light as I then found myself back in the tower. Still quite shaken from what I saw, I wondered if it was a hallucination until I heard a hum. I looked down and found the sword in my grasp as I then knew it was no false vision. I drew the blade from its sheath as it glowed a faint white light that sent shadows along the floor of the tower. Five runes were engraved within the metal as it hummed at me. I sliced through the air as I heard the swords song... And it was beautiful. As I marveled at it, the wind picked up slightly and whipped past me, gliding along my cloak as I felt something underneath. I removed it and found I had been granted another gift... my wings. I spread them wide as a large smile parted my lips. I laughed loudly as I felt the wind beneath them, as if willing me to take to the air. And I did. I flew among the clouds once more as I felt a sense of being whole that I had not felt for some time. I landed on the road as the sun began to rise, still feeling the hold of the skies upon me as I sheathed the blade and tied it to my belt. Truly, this weapon was a great gift and I looked forward to my next battle with the Avatars. I again decided a change of name was appropriate as I felt like I had been reborn from the ashes of an old life. I decided to call myself Tiernan from that day on, ignoring the angelic being calling me Alexander. I looked up as I made my way along the road, silently thanking whomever she was that had given Runeblade and my wings to me. From that day on, the Sword of Hope has indeed been of great help to me, both in battle and as a symbol for others and for myself. I pray that I am still worthy of it to this day.


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