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Smack Down

Updated Version

10. Smack Down

Ready for round one?

Sam sincerely needed to learn how to knock before he entered a room. He tried to remember that from now on, but he had to blame himself since he was the one who told Castiel to 'have an eye on his brother', though he knew that he did not mean it like 'that'. At one point he was even glad to finally get to know what was going on since neither the angel nor his brother felt the need to tell him. But showing was another way of informing him.

At least, they were still wearing their clothes otherwise he would not be able to get the image out of his head so soon. Fine, if his brother was busy and relieving stress that way he would not interfere. Dean was his brother and if he chose to have that kind of stuff going on with an angel of the Lord it was certainly not his problem.

After he stuffed their newly washed clothes and bought ones into the trunk of the Impala he sat down on the drivers' seat.

There was no way he was going to sleep for a while, not when Lucifer had told him that he was waiting for these special little moments. Sam knew he could not stay awake forever, but at least he could try from now on.

Sam's gaze wandered back to the hotel. He could not help but smirk.

His awesome lady-killer-brother who was hundred, no thousand percent straight, had a relaxation time with their angel. He certainly would never stop teasing him with that one.

Especially with the fact, that Dean seemed to be not the one on top!

Oh no, that was way too much fun. The young man's smile grew. He would enjoy teasing his brother with that, for sure!

Suddenly, the entrance door of the hotel opened and his brother left the building. He looked a little stressed. Sam's smile grew more, even though it may have not been possible. He could watch his brother approach the Impala. His face still blushed. The younger brother opened the door.

"Wow, that was fast, dude." The older Winchesters face darkened. "Missin' the fun here. This guy's gone mental, man." Sam cocked his brows.

"What? Who? Castiel?" "Of course, who else do you think I'm talking about? He just... jumped on me!" Sam tried to hide a grin.

"Yeah, sure he did!"



Before Dean knew what he was doing, he sat down on the passenger seat and closed the door. Something was wrong with this position.

"What exactly do you think you're doin'?" He tried to ignore his inner conflicts and pushed them aside since the here and now was way more important.

"I'll be driving. What else does it look like?" Sam cocked one brow, still grinning at the flustered look of his brother. That tiny bit of red on the older Winchesters face was rather funny to look at.

"What makes you think you can drive my baby? Let's switch!" Dean opened the door and wanted to exit the car again when Sam shook his head and his voice darkened.

"You've been up the whole time I assume.

At least, that's what it looks to me. You got me out of the stone, therefore I'm gonna drive." Now it was on Dean to stare at his brother. He did not understand his logic but what he saw was his baby brother determined not to let him drive. Besides, he was definitely not in the mood to drive right now.

He had to think! And he certainly could not afford to drive his baby into the next tree or wall.

Dean sighed.

"Yeah fine, but this time only! Don't get used to it."

"Yeah, whatever you say, man." was the soft reply. The doors closed and the engine roared up.

Sam maneuvered the car from the parking lots onto the street, heading towards the closest highway. They should leave this small city before anyone noticed anything.

Half an hour later they noticed the route sign for Birmingham. Sam changed the lanes and joined the highway I-65. There, they could reallocate their resources and check for any signs of demon or angel activity.

Perhaps they were lucky and could have a proper hunt without getting smashed in an instant of a second.

They could also check for any more signs of Lucifer and the apocalypse. Calling Chuck would be a good idea since he was a prophet and supposed to know what was going on.

Sam turned his head slightly to watch his brother sleeping in the seat.

He was moving a little but still more than usually.

He frowned and turned on the radio. Music was blurring out and he turned down the volume.

The driver decides the music! One of Deans rules.

He remembered that smell.

Last time, he was lucky enough to escape the sight and that awful smell shortly but since he woke up in this place, it seemed like the smell had already branded itself into his mind, so he would never forget it anymore.

When he first got aware of that scent it nearly made his soul cry. It was pitiful and disgusting at the same time, how could anyone stand that kind of smell? Cringing his nose he wished he could lose the ability to taste and smell.

That thought brought him towards his second sense.

His mouth was filled with a sweet, copper and sour taste, that made him want to vomit, to add another kind of 'flavor' to that mixture.

As he moved his tongue a bit he could feel a few lumps of coagulated blood, his reflex made him swallow but even that simple move was painful. His throat was dry and burning like someone had made him eat hot coals. Maybe he even did, he could not remember.

Why exactly was this happening and how did he get here in the first place?

He wanted to leave.

Leaving meant he had to move, but when he tried to send that signal through his body, the only response was a numb feeling and another aching pain flowing through his bones and muscles. It was not that bad, though.

He could stand pain but still, it was unpleasant. As he tried to clench his fists he could nearly hear a few bones crack but it could also have been just his memory from previous hours.


What exactly happened before he woke up? With the noise of his own bones he noticed another of his senses was back and he would use it.

Every regained ability would lead him to the closure. Why and what was happening? His ears perked and tried to figure out what his surroundings could be. Was this some kind of room or corridor?

A cave?

A building?

He focused on every sound but the only thing that got him focused was a heavy breathing. It could not be himself.

He never had to breathe in such a short pace since he never really got that tired but still, the sound of those breathings matched perfectly to his moving chest.

The pain would have made grown men mad already, but he could stand it. He was not weak. He was not useless.

He was...

"Good to see you back once more, Castiel. I thought you'd passed out a bit too soon last time." a voice said cheerfully next to him.

The person obviously was in a happy mood today. What day exactly was it? He could not remember how long he had been here.

"Let's see, how much it takes, to make you squeal under this blade today, shall we?" With those words he stopped playing around with the angels own weapon and slowly, nearly softly traced it down over the bare chest of the angel.

Dean increased the pressure on the angels skin, leaving a thin but shiny cut right under his collarbone. The hours older marks of his treatment were already sealed shut thanks to the angel's still present ability to heal himself. That only would make it even more interesting to break the spirit inside that vessel.

The angel pulled at his chains, trying to free himself but in vain. Dean grinned.

"That's the spirit I wanna see." he said laughing, encouraging the angel to wriggle a little more by pressing the blade into his flesh.

Castiel escaped a low growl. And indeed, the chained angel pulled again on his chains, stronger than before.

The hunter let his gaze wander off.

"What a view." he purred, taking in the sight of the bonded angel. Blood staining and wettening his black pants, the arms and his head tied to the wall to prevent any moves.

Some wounds were only leaking blood, apparently not caused by the angel blade. Others were shining, like the one he had caused a few seconds before.

Castiel's expression had darkened. Hair was hanging in his vision, his bright blue eyes hidden behind half closed lids.

Dean moved his hand to the angels face, grabbing his chin tight and pulling it forward. Castiel hissed dangerously, staring right into the green eyes of the hunter.

"Don't you have to say somethin'? Anything? No? I'll make you say somethin' then." Dean whispered, moving closer and cutting the pale skin once more.

Neither of the two men averted the eyes from the other. Like a staring contest, they kept looking. Blazing green versus bright blue!

"What do you say? What do you want me to do?" Finally, Dean's gaze moved on, like his hand.

They moved down the throat and the bare chest, covering the fingers in the red liquid. The hunters hand and gaze stopped above Castiel's heart.

The angel tried to say something, at last, but he could not understand it. Dean moved closer to hear Castiel say something.

"Dean!" And again!


"Dean." Sam was shaking his brother with one hand, while using the other to drive. The older hunter opened his eyes, alarmed immediately.

"I'm awake, I'm awake." he said, adrenaline rushing through his veins. For a second he was confused, not knowing where he was, then, his brain started to function again.

"You alright, man?" Sam asked concerned.

"You did not seem to enjoy dream world much!" he added, receiving a confused look.

"What? No, everything's fine. Was a bad dream! Some kind of." Dean saw his brother frown. "Flying... in a plain. Horrible and they had no pie!" he added, forcing a little smile onto his lips.

There was a short moment of silence, then, the eldest Winchester noticed the humming radio. He turned the radio up and made a face.

"What the hell, Sammy." he cursed, intending to change the frequency, but his brother stopped him.

"Driver picks the music, dude! This time it's me. You've got to live with that for now!" he said victorious.

"C'mon, that's not music, that's... urgh." Dean shuddered, earning a big smile from his little brother. "Sucks to be the passenger." he stated and drummed with his thumbs on the steering wheel.

"Bitch." he said and "Jerk." was the prompt reply of his brother.

Dean's gaze moved to the window. Watching the trees fly by he drifted into thoughts.

What the hell is just wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with us? Apparently, the apocalypse showed some effects on them after all.

He could not explain those dreams and the weird behavior of the angel. The hunter sighed when he thought about what had happened in the hotel.

What went wrong, what triggered such a reaction, I don't get it. Dean cursed in his thoughts. I need a girl, he decided. With big boobs, blond hair, easy to pick up. Yeah that's it.

The eldest Winchester smiled. Tonight, he would get laid!

"Where almost there. The next exit should be ours." Sam said, cutting the silence. His brother turned around, checking his watch. It was past two in the afternoon. Lunch-time! The older hunter yawned and stretched as far as possible.

"That's good news. Need some food. Where's the next stop anyway?"

"Birmingham. Figured we could stop there for lunch. As you said, you're not the only one with a rumbling stomach." Sam replied, changed the lane and exited the highway.

Ten minutes later they approached the big sign stating the name of the City in front of them. "Welcome to Birmingham, Alabama. The magic City? Seriously?" Dean snored partially annoyed, partially surprised. His brother simply shrugged.

"We won't stay long anyway. Just enjoy the sight." Sam kept looking for some kind of diner. His brother turned with a 'whatever' back to the window, paying no attention to his brother. He sighed.

"Dude, any slower and a snail can bypass us."


"I'm driving the mandatory speed, dude. I won't get caught due to excessive speed." Sam deadpanned. Another sigh from the older brother!

"You wanna talk..."

"No, shut up." This time it was up to Sam to sigh.

His brother was unbelievable stubborn.

The brothers stopped at the first restaurant they saw. It was one of those cheap ones, but still better than a diner. Sam was determined to eat there: reasoning, that they needed normal food and could not live of burgers and salad only.

Dean had disagreed as always, but when he noticed the nice waitress with the blonde dyed hair he was very enthusiastic.

He poked his brother and indicated him to check the woman out. Sam frowned and curled his lips a little.

"Not bad." he said, receiving a glare from the older Winchester.

"Saw her first!" he replied and both men took a seat.

Five minutes later that very waitress with the blonde hair approached their table. Her eyes immediately rested on Sam moving quickly to Dean and back to Sam.

"Hello, what can I get you, sweetheart?" she asked with a high pitched voice, handing them the menus.

"A Miller and do you have any starters?"

"Sure, I recommend Sally's tomato soup. Sally is our cook. People come here because they like her cooking." Dean rolled his eyes.

Being ignored like that was not something he liked much.

"Than one soup please, thanks." Sam said, looking at his brother with an apologizing expression.

"And what do you want?" That was a punch in the face. Her voice was not high pitched anymore, it was more a disliked growl, but still polite.

Dean put on his best seductive smile.

"Budwiser, if you don't mind... Mandy." The woman cocked her brows, turned around and left.

Half the way back, she turned her head to smile at Sam, before she disappeared behind a door. Dean stared at Sam.

"Dude, the hell?" The younger Winchester simply shrugged.

"What? Not my fault that you're not her type." he replied frowning.

"Yeah, whatever."

The whole time Dean tried to get the waitress' attention but she did not bother and ignored the hunter in every way possible.

When she served the beers, she smiled at Sam. When she came back with his starter she leaned a little into him.

When the brothers ordered their lunch she ignored Dean as much and polite as possible, constantly starring at Sam.

When Dean finally realized that he had failed completely, he tried another waitress. With the same result! Sam had stayed quiet, but kept watching though.

While eating, they did not talk much.

Dean was pissed from head to toe and Sam did not know what to do, because he did not want to be the one who got showered in his brother's anger.

Suddenly, Dean started to move uncomfortably on his seat. He started to search for something in his pockets until he found it.

With a full mouth he glared at the display of his cell phone. He picked up and mumbled a "Chuck?" Sam stopped eating as well, curious looking at his older brother.

Usually, when Chuck called, it did not mean anything good. And he was right when Dean's expression darkened. The older hunter swallowed before he started talking.

"Where? Haleyville? Got it!" Pause.

"How many? Don't know? Okay. Fine, We'll handle that. No problem." Again, silence. "You alright?"


"Yeah. Whatever you say, dude." Dean took the phone from his ear and looked at it. He was a little confused.

"He just hang up on me! The hell?" he said and turned to Sam.

"Job?" He nodded.


A few minutes later they left the restaurant, Sam noticed a phone number and a little drawn heart under their bill. Before his brother could notice it he scrunched it up and threw it in a nearby bin.

"Demons? That's all Chuck said?"

He entered the Impala on the passenger site, knowing his brother would not even let him try to argue about who was driving, Dean was way too tensed right now.

"Yeah. Killing some innocent people he said and we're such kind hunters to go and save the rest of the town before it's a demon city. Something like that."

The older hunter placed himself onto the seat and minutes later they were back on the road again.

Dean inserted one of his favorite tapes and turned up the volume, playing one of his favorite songs, Ramble On by Led Zeppelin for the nearly nine millionth time and making his younger brother flinch next to him.

Sweet revenge!

He grinned, sang along for a while and kept his gaze onto the highway, looking out for the Haleyville road sign.

"So, why is Cas not with us right now? Somehow I got used to have him around the whole time. Did you break his little heart or something?" Sam said yelling, trying to drown the music with his own voice.

"I can't hear you Sammy!" Dean turned up the volume even more, making the music nearly hurt in their ears but he would not talk about the angel.

He would not think about him.

He would not do anything else regarding the angel until his brain was ready to deal with whatever had happened in that hotel room.

Sam gave up again and sunk into the seat.

It was useless but he would not stop trying to get answers from his brother who seemed to enjoy sulking in his huge pile of secrets and lies.

That could never be healthy, not at all.

"One more thing Sammy: I dare ya, if you even start to sniff on any demon blood when we reach the town I'm gonna drag your ass back to Bobby and never let you outta that bunker again. Got me?" Dean yelled even louder over his own music.

Sam just rewarded his brother with an annoyed look and stayed silent for the rest of the ride.

A few hours later

"Alright. So, we have like what? No murder? No missing people? No parents gone mad? Not even a lost kitten? What the hell is wrong with this town?" They walked across the 21st Street towards the, as some citizens had stated, only bar in the whole town.

Spending all day asking around and playing FBI did not get them any answers or hints of any kind of demon activity.

Dean needed a drink or two or more.

"Maybe the prophet has lost his mojo too since god is out of town?" the older hunter suggested, kicking a few rocks in front of him into the high grass near the road. Sam shook his head in disbelieve. A prophet could not lose his god given power all of a sudden.

"Maybe Chuck forgot that it hasn't happened yet? Probably it will happen in the next few days?" Sam still believed that somehow the prophet was right.

Dean stopped in front of a sign stating 'Bank's Bar-B-Que'. Hopefully, he could find himself some nice little lady who was not too picky and would not prefer his younger, taller, blood addict brother. He smiled full with anticipation and entered the not quite bar not quite restaurant like house. His smile died a little when he noticed that he was lucky if he could get drunk in here.

"That's not even a pub. They don't even have a proper bar in this town!" he said quietly since there was not even some kind of loud music playing in here.

Just a young lady sitting on a small chair in front of a small crowd playing a song with her not that small guitar!

Sam enjoyed the look of the little restaurant not quite pub and let his eyes travel across the room, searching for an empty, not too open but free table where they could settle down. He grabbed his brother by the arm and dragged him over to a group of tables standing in corner. At least they could talk and discuss what to do next in here without getting too much attention.

Dean kept his eyes locked on the girl with the guitar and did not even care where his brother was dragging him to.

The song she was playing ended right when they sat down and the dark brown haired girl left the small stage right after the audience started to applaud.

The older hunter made a face and turned his attention towards his brother.

"Is it just me or is the flesh burning to ash somewhere behind the counter?" He was not sure if they should stay in the shabby pub or just run before they got infected with something.

Sam was about to reply something when two huge menus were held in front of their faces. The cards were shaped like the body of a bull and decorated in red orange colors and the name of the pub was written in golden letters.

"I recommend the daily special. It includes a bit of everything and is great for the first visit in Bank's Bar-B-Que!" a friendly female voice said and when Dean looked up from the menu his eyes went wide. It was the girl who had been playing the guitar, who was now wearing an apron and had her hair tugged into a ponytail.

A huge smile grew on his face and he leaned back into the seat.

"Well if you recommend it, it must be good." he stated, his eyes traveling towards the name tag of the girl. "Myra." he added with another big, cheerful smile. Sam only furrowed his brows and took a look over the menu.

"I guess I will risk the 'Hot and spicy dare me plate'. Sounds like fun to try and a simple water please." He closed the menu and gave the waitress a slight smile.

"Well if you insist I could call the ambulance right away if you prefer it." Myra joked and smiled at the younger hunter before she turned her gaze back towards Dean, still smiling friendly.

"Would you like a bottle of our special town-brewed beer to your order? It's one of the best in this area."

The older Winchester had started to observe the female a little further and was ripped out if his examining eventually.

"Sure, I'll take whatever you want me to." He winked at her and smiled promising. It seemed to work well since Myra did not frown nor removed her happy smile.

"If you just buy everything on the menu and tip me well afterwards, I'll be fine." She took the menus away holding them in front of her breasts and turned towards the kitchen. Dean licked his lips as he watched the waitress leave.

Once in a while, even he had to be lucky. Sam leaned closer over the table and to his brother. "Dean, you know if you're so desperately seeking to get laid, you could just let Cas..."

"Don't dare end that sentence or I swear I'll make you regret every second from now on." the older Winchester said in a pressed and dark voice, staring bloody holes into his brother who just shut his mouth, swallowed and turned his head around, searching for anything weird in the pub.

Right after Myra delivered their order she returned to the small stage and grabbed her guitar, gaining cheers from several customers and continued to play a song.

While Sam was rather proud of himself that he did not burst into tears eating the spicy plate, Dean could not even enjoy his meal since he kept his eyes locked on their waitress who was a pretty good musician too.

It seriously must have been his lucky day.

"Hey, are we gonna call Chuck and ask if he might named the wrong town or date or are we goin' to sit around and wait 'til anything happens?" Sam took a few sips from his water and exhaled happily. He had survived, but his face had turned red in the process and he felt slightly hot all over his body.

Not an unpleasant feeling, but his tongue was killing him. "Maybe we should just wait a bit longer." Dean said, his head leaned on one hand and his elbow placed on the table.

When the song was finally over the hunter started to cheer and applaud even louder than the rest of the customers. Myra even threw a look towards him and grinned a little. Everything was going well.

Tonight I'll be a lucky laid man, Dean thought and watched as their waitress left the stage, ready to cash them up. She was tugging at her apron and hurried over to them.

"Everything fine with you two?" She grinned and shared looks between the two Winchesters, as she noticed Sam's red face she started to giggle.

"I'm proud of you! You're the first one who managed the whole plate!" She patted the younger Winchesters shoulder before she turned her attention back towards the older brother.

"So, do you always play in here or only on Saturdays?" he started a little small talk before he wanted to get to the point. Myra simply nodded, her hand still laid down onto Sam's shoulder. "I can't pay my room with just tips and the salary of a waitress. Therefore, I usually play and entertain the people in this town. It's also not much but cheering them up and playing music is what keeps me goin'. Anyway time to pay me out, guys!" she said smirking and opened her purse.

"So you're room, where is it? Maybe I could take a look inside. Ya know we're inspectors and we might find something to help ya drop the bills." Dean was proud of himself for thinking about such a gorgeous excuse to just get into her pants. He would find another one to make his brother leave later.

Myra looked surprised and turned her attention towards Sam.

"Really? That would be great! My tap is leaking and I always wondered if I could lower the charges if they don't repair it!" Her hand grabbed slightly into the younger hunters shoulder before she lowered it down into Sam's back.

"So, I'm done for today, would you mind to come and inspect my current state?" Dean's jaw went open.

He could not believe it. Sam stared upwards into Myra's face as she leaned down a little, obviously showing her real intention and kind of inspection. His younger brother did not even seem to notice at first, what a moron. Sam switched between his brothers mouth agape face to Myra's seductive smiling face.

She removed her apron, removed her hair tie and waited for the young hunter to stand up who was still busy grabbing money out of his wallet.

When he felt her hand on his own pulling him upwards, he finally understood what the hell was going on. Sam slowly turned his gaze towards his brother and tried to express his best 'I'm so sorry' expression he could come up with.

It did not help Dean's ego a tiny bit!

The waitress moved her arm around Sam's and dragged him away from their table. Dean still could not believe it.

He stared at his brother and internally wished for Sam to die at his feet. While the younger Winchester and Myra left the pub Dean ordered another beer but switched his order into their best Whiskey, whatever they called their best.

If he would not get laid today he could easily just get drunk as fuck.

It did not take Dean long to get drunk. After a few shots of Whiskey he had decided to make the 'barkeeper' or who that dude was supposed to be to mix his drinks. If he did not get laid, fine, he still could get seriously drunk.

The hunter made a face and finished his drink.

It was some mix of rum, orange juice and whiskey with a little cherry swimming in the liquid. It did not taste very nice but it was effective.

He already felt his body burning. It was time to leave. Otherwise he would throw up sooner or later. He felt a taste of bile in his throat and decided for the former.

Dean stood up and hit the table, almost falling back into his seat. Catching his balance, he left some money next to his glass and staggered to the door. Outside, he inhaled the cold fresh air. The hunter was surprised to see that it was dark.

How long have I been drinkin'? Dean scratched the back of his head before he stared to walk, but then, suddenly, stopped again. Where to go? The hunter looked around. They had not rented a motel room yet and he certainly would not sleep in his car. "Ah, shit." the man growled and started walking. At least, he tried to, but the pavement beneath his feet was shaking.

Not far away of the bar slash restaurant slash whatever this building was, Dean found himself staggering across a little park.

He noticed a bench and he sat down. It was way safer to sit instead of walking around during an earthquake. The man's back hit the back rest of the bench and his head fell backwards. Now, all Dean saw, was the dark blue sky with little white dots.

He snarled unpleasant.

"What a shitty day, jeez." The Winchester sighed and wrinkled his nose. Being dumped three times at one day, that certainly was not his lucky day!

"Sammy got lucky, yeah, great." he murmured with a big yawn.

"Lucky bastard." Deans gaze moved from the sky to his pants.

Perhaps, I could, he trailed off.

"Nope, not that desperate. Not yet." he said, shaking his head violently.

Dean growled again, a little louder than before. He remembered his brother's words from earlier.

If you're so desperately seeking to get laid, you could let Cas... sure Sammy. What the hell is wrong with us recently? As if Cas and I could ever... stop. I'm not gonna think about it. The man turned his attention back towards the sky.

He felt anger boiling inside. How dared this little angel to behave like that?

This little bastard. Dean snarled threateningly.

"Cas! I know you can hear me. Move your ass down here. Oh, right, you're not in heaven, are ya? I dare ya to show up, dude. Jump from whatever roof you're sittin' on! We need to talk, you little kinky angel!"


Dean waited for any sound that could come from the angel's wings but nothing.

"Don't you dare to hide, I swear I'll find you and if I do, I'll kick your ass. Dammit, Cas, c'mon. Talk to me, man! You can't stay away forever, ya know?"

He stopped again to wait for a few seconds.

Again: nothing.

"Cas, please. Let's just talk, okay? I'm not gonna do anything to ya. I promise." He heard himself laugh inside his head.

As if you could harm anyone in your current state, Winchester. The hunter sighed.

"Cas? I said please. I'm sorry okay? I'm just..." he trailed off, closing his eyes.

He waited for the sound of wings approaching, but the result was the same.

Dean opened his eyes and looked around him just to make sure that the angel was not anywhere nearby.

"C'mon Cas! Don't make me goddamn plead! What do you want me to do dude! Falling down on my knees and praying holy prayers to you or what?" He stood up from the bench nearly trying to fight the air just to relieve his anger.

How could everyone leave him alone like this?

"It's rather pathetic watching Michael's vessel pray to a vermin instead of real angels." The sound of wings was hearable but it sounded different in Dean's ears, not like Castiel, not like his friend.

With a slight jump he turned around and stared into the face of an old, nearly bald headed man in a black suit, wearing the smile of a candy man, who lured little kids into his vehicle.

"Zachariah." Dean gained his self control back and started to grin mischievously.

"I pray to a pretty angel and the heavens send me Mr. Clean? I might be desperate but that's just gross. Thanks, but no thanks."

The angel returned the hunters smile.

"You're nothing but a little ant, I wouldn't be that cheeky if I was you."

"Oh really, why not? You wanna teach me a lesson?" Dean asked smiling bright.

"Oh you can bet I'll do! Just turn around and see for yourself."

With his index finger, Zachariah indicated to a point behind the hunter and Dean turned around. He gulped.

There were three more angels and all looked quite ready to jump at him. He smiled a weak smile.

"If you think I'm scared now you're wrong. I'm not gonna say 'yes' to Michael." He turned his attention back to Zachariah, when he heard the angel move.

"Oh, Dean. Don't be like that. I think the alcohol went to your head, did it? You're quite drunk and people do very stupid things if they are drunk. Or maybe, in our case, you might do the right thing."

The Winchester moved backwards but was grabbed tight by two angels. He hissed.

"Nobody's there to help you, boy. No little useless angel, no little Sam. Just you and me! What do you think? Is it possible to make you say 'yes?" The angel was way too close, Dean decided and turned his head away.

"I don't know what you're dreaming of, dude but I'm not gonna say 'yes'. You want me to tattoo it onto my forehead for ya?"

A fist hit his yaw and Dean yelled painfully.

"Keep joking, you'll stop soon enough." Dean smiled.

"Just wait for Cas. He's gonna kick your little servants asses outta here." Another punch landed on his face.

Outch, there goes my nose.

"From what I've heard, your little pet angel won't come to help you. Seems like you pissed him off, didn't you? Besides, he can't find you, right? The sigils, right? Too bad, I wanted to talk to him as well. Another day, maybe." Dean spit out some blood and prepared himself for another punch but it did not come.

Suddenly, all four angels moved.

The one free available angel rushed forwards and was hit by an angel blade directly in his chest. Dean turned his head and saw his angel.

"Castiel, now I'm surprised. I can't tell if it's bravery or stupidity but you shouldn't have shown up."

"Let him go!" the angel said, ignoring Zachariah's statement completely.

"Castiel. Why are you doing this? I mean, look at you. What have you become? So week and your wings: disgusting. What do you think?"

The other two angels made an agreeing noise. It took Dean a while before he understood what they were talking about.

Castiel narrowed his eyes and stepped forward.

"Let him go."

"Or what? You wanna kill us? Really? Castiel, please. You can't win this." Zachariah shrugged when the other angel did not back off. He waved his hand and indicated one angel to take care of their disobedient brother.

"I don't think he'll last long. However, back to business. Let's discuss your role as Michaels vessel one more time, shall we?" the older angel continued, smiling.

Dean ignored the angel completely, his attention caught by the angel fight in the background. Bad-ass angel versus Castiel!

It did not look good, Zachariah's angel was standing between Castiel and his angel blade and could not do anything but to back off and avoid to get killed.

"Look at that, your angel has some bite left, I guess. Fighting for such an idiotic little ant like you, giving up everything for you and your brother. I really cannot understand his actions. Seriously Dean, look at him. He was a mighty being and now he's like Lucifer. A fallen, disgusting and disobedient little obstacle I have to get rid off!" Zachariah shrugged again, looking at the hunter.

"You know, when I made you say 'yes' to Michael and Lucifer can walk in Sam's body, I will take care of little Castiel and throw him into hell by myself or maybe I will kill him, I haven't decided yet!"

Dean's green eyes moved to lock with Zachariah's blue eyes.

"You're talking too big, don't ya think? That ain't not happen. The only one who's gonna die is you. Promise you that!" Zachariah laughed loudly but his smile froze when the painful cry behind him cut threw.

Castiel had managed to kill the other angel with his own blade. He stepped off the dead body and glared at the remaining two angels.

Dean noticed the wounds his angel had. They did not seem life threatening, but still there was a thin ray of light shining out of them and his chest was moving fast.

The hunter gasped.

Zachariah's face was disfigured with rage. He grabbed the Winchester on his upper arm and snarled at the third angel.

"Get him. Now!" The other angel moved without a word forward and landed a direct hit on Castiel. The bad-ass angel pinned Castiel's arm to his back, immobilizing him.

"You little unthankful thing. How dare you? You truly don't belong into heaven anymore. You belong to Lucifer and his little crowd of weak and disgraceful abominations."

The angel's eyes widened and Dean could see something in them he did not like to see: fear.

"C'mon Cas, don't listen to that bastard. He doesn't know anything. You're not like Lucifer and you're certainly not like him, fuck..." Dean yelled painfully when Zachariah threw him onto the pavement and pressed his foot down his back.

"Shut up you little vermin. I'm talking to Castiel!" the angel hissed and turned back to Castiel. The Winchester saw the angel struggle to free himself but in vain.

"Why don't you stop at last? Seriously, what is so important about this human? He's nothing special but you keep fighting for him like a dog in a cage. Childish behavior will not be tolerated. I will end your existence tonight, Castiel. Say hello to Lucifer!"

"I don't think so!" Zachariah turned around and was confronted with a pretty angry looking Sam Winchester holding a guitar with a banishing sigil in one hand.

"No, no. Don't you dare..." Before the angel could say or do anything else Sam hit the sigil with his free in blood covered hand and light started to burn the darkness away.

The next moment Zachariah was gone.

The other angel was enough distracted that Castiel could kick his legs and make them both fall.


Dean got up to his feet, but stumbled and fell again. Both Winchesters had to watch how the bad-ass angel bored his blade into Castiel's flesh.

With a cry he turned around and jumped away from the other angel and his blade.

Heavy sighing Castiel picked up his own blade before both angels crashed into each other once more.

The older hunter clenched his fists when his gaze wandered over a little stone.

Dean did not hesitate to pick it up and threw it against the bad-ass angels head. It may have not been enough to hurt the angel but it was enough what it took for Castiel to kill his brother.

Both, the dead body and Castiel collapsed on the ground.

The younger Winchester moved forward, intending to help the angel, but Castiel held his hand up to stop him.

"Don't touch me, Sam. Stay away, all of you!" he hissed breathless.

Covering the wound with his other hand Castiel tried to stand up again.

"Cas, you need help." Sam said with honest worry in his voice.

"There is nothing you can do, Sam, but thank you." Sam nodded and helped his brother up.

"Cas..." Dean started, but was cut off by the angel.

"Dean, no."


"No!" The angel's voice was determined not to let the man say anything else.

He knew exactly what the hunter wanted to say and he said it anyway ignoring the angel's wish. That was Dean!

"Cas, it's not true what Zachariah said. You're not like that and you know that!" Castiel's expression darkened.

"It is easy for you to say such thing because you did not rebel against god and his will. You did not kill your brothers and sisters. You were not disobedient. You have not been cast out of your family. You don't know anything, Dean." He stopped, biting his lower lip, apparently thinking about something.

Then, Castiel continued.

"I thank you for your help, Sam. You better leave this city before others will come to finish what Zachariah started."

And with this the angel vanished.

Dean growled deeply when he heard the fluttering sound of wings. Castiel was gone, again. "Next time I see him I'm goin' to kick his ass even if he throws me through a wall afterwards." he mumbled more to himself than to his brother who was trying to help him stay on his feet. The older Winchester looked up at Sam and furrowed his brows.

"Why exactly are you here? Shouldn't you be shaggin' our waitress?" While he took his brothers hand he tried to remove the dirt from his freshly washed trousers, still fighting to keep his balance.

Why did they even bother washing them?

"Well, if you mean sex, no, we didn't 'cause I got a message from Chuck." Sam simply said and held up his phone in front of his face.

Dean narrowed his eyes and started to read the few words. 'He's gone now. Don't go there! It's a trap! Chuck'

Dean read the message twice before he felt his own face turn into a plain annoyed stare. "Seriously. Next time I see him..."

"You're gonna kick his ass. I got it Dean. You're goin' to kick asses all day from now on." Sam ended his sentence and deleted the message from the way too late prophet.

"Shut up, Sam. Just, shut up."

Twenty minutes later, both men were sitting in the Impala heading north. Sam had shoved his brother onto the passenger seat.

His brother was still drunk even though he had insisted 'it was not that bad anymore'. Now, they were back on the highway and Dean told him about Zachariah. He had told him about what the angel had called Castiel.

The humiliations he had said, the fights. The part where the hunter had prayed for the angel was not mentioned at all during the conversation.

Dean shook his head.

"That bastard, how can he call Cas an abomination? Dammit! I'm gonna tear him another hole if he talks to Cas like that ever again!" He was angry.

Very angry. And he was drunk enough not to be able to control his anger levels.

Sam had kept his mouth shut and just listened. He had always believed that angels were gorgeous pure and good beings. But this was just…

He almost hated them as much as demons. Castiel was the exemption. He was their friend. And hearing somebody treating his friend like that made his rage boil inside. Nevertheless, he kept focusing on the details since his brother was mixing everything up and not telling the story from the beginning to its end in a straight line.

When Dean had finished talking, Sam opened his mouth, inhaling deeply.

"So what you're sayin' is, that Zachariah humiliated Cas and apparently, it got on him because you could see it in his eyes?"

"Yeah." Dean said with his mind absent.

"But, you know, he's kinda right." The older Winchesters had spun around.

"Come again? I'm not sure I understood you right?"

"You did, Dean and you know I'm right. It would be so much easier to go back to heaven. He would be back to normal then. I think that's better than being an outcast of your own family, lost in a world you don't understand, without any powers, anymore. It must be hard for him to do all those things. Remember what Gabriel said. He said, Castiel was angry! Apparently, he can feel and what he feels is rage. He's only existing but not living. Cas may not be aware of it but I'm sure he misses heaven. The worst thing that could happen to him was to fall and now..."

"Sam, the point!" Dean interrupted, massaging his eyelids.

"What I'm sayin' is: Castiel has quite a hard time. He's alone somewhere and we can't help him because we're mere humans. He's fighting against heaven and hell!" Dean nodded understandingly. This was nothing new to him, when he was perfectly honest, but, until now, he had managed to ignore that fact.

"But he's got us. You, Bobby, me!" he murmured under his breath.

"But we're not forever!" Dean closed his eyes. His brother was so damn right.

Suddenly, Dean started moving hastily in his seat.

"Stop, Sammy. Stop the car." he yelled and his baby brother hit the brakes.

"What the hell?"

Before he could do anything else, Dean had thrown open the door and jumped out of the car.


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