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Einzelposting: Zusammenfassung fanbook

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_110526/-1/11240400125265/

Von:   abgemeldet 14.08.2005 19:22
Betreff: Zusammenfassung fanbook [Antworten]

Hallo liebe Fan-Gemeinschaft!!!

Ich hab es ja versprochen! Sobald ich das FanBook für Dir en grey fertig hab, stelle ich auch die Ergebnisse der Umfrage, die ich gestartet habe, ins Netz. Et viola!
Verzeiht mir bitte, dass ich zu faul war, alles wieder ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. Aber leider fehlt mir dafür etwas die Zeit. Falls wer was nicht versteht (oder sich vielleicht noch beteiligen möchte ... ), meldet euch bei mir.

Insgesamt haben 101 (!) Personen teilgenommen, deren Durchschnittsalter bei 18,45 liegt. (Also, von 12 bis 32 war alles dabei.)
Ebenso haben Spanier, Franzosen, Dänen, Engländer und eine Ukrainerin mitgemacht.

Ich habe auch alles etwas zusammengefasst und gekürzt. (Null grafische Gestaltung übrig.)

Ich danke allen, die sich beteiligt haben und wünsche viel Spaß beim diskutieren und zerpflücken.


How long are you listening to Dir en grey?
Less then 1 year: 10x
One year: 12X
Two years: 22x
Three years: 21x
Four years: 16x
Five years: 4x
More then five years: 8x

(júlie): Not long enough.
(mimi): Since today.

(... Antworten mit x,5 habe ich aufgerundet und es fehlten bei einigen die Angaben.)

How did you come in contact with Dir en grey?
Friends: 58 x (Dir en grey lebt von Mundpropaganda ^^ )
Internet: 21 x
other Bands 8 x
Anime/Manga 6 x
Family: 2 x
Else: Anime-Rock à J-Rock
Kendo, friends à J-Pop/Rock
I was La:Sadies-fan before
Due to my grandmother
I heard Die’s guitar play at NeoTokyo.
I saw a picture of them and wanted to know what music they play.
I once attended a show of a band called Muse, I met a Japanese girl who told me about Japanese rock music. I’m really open minded so I got interested and ended up being a Dir en grey fan.

Top 10
Which is your favorite song? Why?
Beside the usual answer ‘All!’ I tried to ‘force’ the people to decide for 1(!) song. Like you will see, it has been a futile effort.

Cage (X )

-mushi- (V !!!! )
The Final (V !!!! )

Kodou (V !! )

Ain’t afraid to die (V )

Embryo (!!!! )
Umbrella (!!!! )
Jesus Christ R’n’R (!!!! )

Yokan (!!! )
I’ll (!!! )
Obscure (!!! )
Spilled milk (!!! )
Raison d’être (!!! )

Bottom of the death valley (!! )
Schwein no isu (!! )
Amber (!! )
Garden (!! )
-saku- (!! )
Hotarubi (!! )
Child Prey (!! )

macabre~sanagi no yume wa ageha no hane~
Taiyou no ao
Marmalade Chainsaw
Beautiful dirt.
R to the core.
Pink Killer
Mr. Newsman
Dead tree.
Undecieded -

For an unknown reason I can’t stand Jessica. Depending on my mood I like
different songs.
(à Ja, das hab ich mit geschrieben. Wollte objektiv bleiben.)

Imagine Dir en grey is crossing your way somewhere. What would you do? (Excepting running away.)
Walking along the streets I guess you would have a quite mixed day of experiences with your fans. People passing you by with burning red cheeks and looks turned down permanently to the street (6 answers) are followed by some shy young girls on the other side who talk excited not knowing what to do or calling up their friends (11 answers / 2 answers). The next group which would cross your way takes carefully steps closer to you asking for autographs and maybe photos (16 answers). If you get thirsty, don’t worry! Somewhere nearby will be someone who would love to invite you for coffee and ice-cream (9 answers) – after they called the ambulances for their friend. In the evening after you have been dragged to shopping (12 answers) or into the studio for a slam-session (12 answers) simply pick up a bar and let you be served. Don’t care about the bill – just look around (4 answers for diner and 10 answers for drinks). Only when you see someone starring at you with an ‘I’m-gonna-do-crazy-stuff-with-you!’-look, you should run off (11 answers), they maybe want to kidnap you (9 answers).
But I guess many of your fans you wouldn’t even recognize you (5 answers).

Ano ... you really don’t wanna know it ... Anyway I have got the feeling that they would bomb my hometown with me directly while I’m in.

I would grasp them, drag them into a huge trunk and take them to Schwedt into the hospital for my friend.

Byoin ga doko ni ari masu ka?

I would tell them how much I adore them.

I would kiss the floor.

I would run over to them hoping for adoption.

Saying ‘Konnichi wa’. Nothing special I think, because they cook their tea with water too.

Probably I wouldn’t recognize them.

I would carefully tap on them to see if they are real.

I would let them go, because I think they wanna have their own private live too.

I just would sit there thinking “Hey! Dir en grey!” But I wouldn’t do anything else. I don’t run after my idols.

I ‘accidentally’ would stumble into them.

I would talk to them and invite them for a coffee. (Actually I would prefer to ask them for a drink because I like this more.)

I would crush my mobile phone because in moments like these it would surely crash down, so that I can’t call my best friend. Then I would muster all my nerves and go to them to ask them for autographs for me and her.

I think they are normal people like us. That’s why I guess I would talk to them and invite them to some ice-cream.

I guess I would greet them with a smile ... and maybe – when I’m brave enough – I would invite them for an ice or anything else. When I would know the hotel in which they stay I would arrange first-class-VIP-Service.


Question and ... – Interview

A You collected all your brave and talk to them. You have the chance to ask one question. Which would it be?
· How was your day?
· How is your feeling today?
· I simply would say “Thank you!”.
· What is the difference between Japanese and European concerts?
· What exactly happened with Kisaki?
· Do you like to be famous?
· I would ask where they get their inspiration for their songs from.
· Is your style important to you? Why?
· Where do you know from the meaning of the German lyrics which you used in Schwein no isu’?
· What do you think about ‘screaming fangirls’?
· How long do you plan to continue from now on?
· How do you like Germany and are you satisfied with what you reached here?
· What was the first thing you thought when you heard that you have German fans/fans in Europe?
· In the interview for the magazine ‘Orkus’ you said that you think that Germans are ‘tough’. Has this expectation been confirmed?

Will you return?

B Which question would you ask the single members in private or what would you do with them?
· Nothing. Because he’s lying.
· I would visit a reading of him.
· I would take him along to my music-curs letting him sing instead of my teacher.
· Would you sing a song a cappella/unplugged?
· Would go out with him frightening little children.
· One question isn’t enough. I guess there would be a whole discussion necessary.
· What kind of movies do you like? And what kind of books do you read?
· How many times and which way did you try suicide?

· How do you exactly work in the studio?
· How do you do your hair-style? (That really seems to be an urgent question ^^)
· Why do you say at the ‘Orkus’-interview that you can’t think? ‘(Übersetzungsfehler? ?_? )
· Teach me ‘la raison d’être’!

· I wanna see him laughing.
· Is there anything else that you might love excepting your guitar?
· What do you do to make your guitar alive?
· Which has been the first CD/LP you ever bought?
· What represents the color Red for you?
· At the first point, maybe you should have a look for your dogs. 5 people asked to go for a walk or something like that.
· I would like to go to the zoo with him.
· What do you think about humans?
· I would take him along to a cupola.

· I would like to make a drinking tour through Berlin with him.
· I would like to play with him and his toy-tank.
· I would go for a soccer match with him at my home town.
· May I marry your bass? On Hawaii?

all of them
· What is your own private meaning of Dir en grey?
· Show me Japan like you see it.
· Do you act on stage/in society like in private? (Ich glaub, das hat Kaoru bei dem RaR-Interview schon beantwortet, oder?)
· I would go into a karaoke-bar with them.
· Do you like your life the way it is?
· Private questions...? I wouldn't ask private questions because [...] By the way, I'm not that interested in their private lives. [...] I'm a fan of their music and of the way they present themselves on stage and not of their private lives.
I am interested in the way they live, if they live in houses or flats ...
· (a number of people): *beeep* CENSORED!!! “No comment!” (Private stuff)

Truly said, what does the band mean to you? Which role do they play in your live?
Das möchte ich an dieser Stelle nicht breit treten. Das weiß jeder für sich selbst ... Es wäre vielleicht nur zu erwähnen, dass sich mindestens fünf Leute bereits im seeehr frühen Alter umgebracht hätten, wenn es die Band nicht gegeben hätte.

Comment and Critics
What did you always wanted to tell them?

· Stay true to your style.
· Until today you did very well. Make your own stuff and don’t care about the fans who just bleak.
· And only all together you are Dir en grey!
· I will always be loyal to you.
· They should have come to Europe much earlier.
· Never forget that you make music because you love it being an expression of your personality. If you forget this, you loose the clearness as musicians turning into people who make music only for money.
· I don’t like the techno-like style at the beginning of ‘Withering to death.’
· Kyo, Kaoru: Let your hair grow again!
· Your musical evolution is your power without loosing all your particularities.
· Partly I like their older songs more than the new.
· Kyo, stop hurting yourself!
· Rock the world!
· The day when I died and was born again, was the day when they stepped into my
· life. Everyone needs something which is worth to die for. Thank you for everything.
· Keep your own opinions.
· I wish that Die would sing some songs. Perhaps duets with Kyo. He has got an interesting voice (as far as I heard him sing a few songs live... for example in Unknown.... Despair.... a lost…. during the Osaka Jo Hall concert or in Ash)
· Besides that, I'm impressed. There are loads of bands who make nice music but there are very little as impressive as Dir en grey. Many bands become exactly embarrassing the longer they exist but that's not the case with Dir en grey.
You changed very much; musically positive, stylish negative.
· Could you please arrange autograph-hours? And I also would be happy when you would allow to take photos. (yeah, da will ich dabei sein! Und zuschauen, wie 10.000 Leute sich gegenseitig die Köpfe einschlagen, bevor die Band überhaupt da ist ... Hätte den Vorteil, dass die vernünftigen Leute am Ende alle ganz vorne stehen – nachdem sie sich aus der Schlägerei rausgehalten haben, versteht sich^^.)


I wish you ...
What is your wish for the band/bandmembers?

Health! Success! Love! Inspiration! Never fight!
Never let anyone change you!
Make your private visions come true – hopefully in between the band!
Be friends! Never disband!
True friends. Find a family! Be happy!
Do what you want! Keep on the same way! Have fun!

Heaven goes hell!!!

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