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˙·٠•► wie mans nimmt X) ˙·٠•►

Autor:  MaYu-Pon

˙·٠•► Praktikuuuuuuum works o(^0^)o ˙·٠•►

‡ ‡ ‡ dAs öRTliChe -> OhnE Ö feHlT diR wAs X) ‡ ‡ ‡

melli un ich X) the best team ever ~~>

~~~> at wOrK X)

o©ºº©o o©oº°©oo©ºº©o o©oº°©oo©ºº©o o©oº°©oo©ºº©o o©oº°©oo©ºº©o o©oº°©oo©ºº©o o©oº°©o

~~ boah praktikum war sooo geil ...ich will da weida hin ..ne melli ?? X)
soooo cool *__* ~~

⁂⁂⁂ The Hopper goes black Oo ~~~~> and schadinsky goes online X) ⁂⁂⁂

Patrick ?
Fabi ?

(`♥♪♥♫ ♣ ♫ ♥♪♥ Д ⊃ *` ·-» ♥ ♀ ♥ » - • ` * Д ¸.ღ♫ ♥¸ ¤*¨¨*¤. *¤ ♥ *♥¤ Д´*) Д
(ノ∀`●)⊃ ~ ♥


MaYu wants a new ~~> and ~~>

°*~▫▪▫♥▫▪▫~*° BABÜ °*~▫▪▫♥▫▪▫~*°

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