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Autor:  DracaTec
so while working I watched all released episodes of Criminal Minds,
especially funny keeping in mind I know what they're talking about, maybe I should stop reading those psychological science magazines....

well and because I'm so obsessed with it : Criminal Minds Quotes

no I'm thinking about watching another series until the next episodes will be released, I checked Castle but it was kinda boring in comparison :D
I'm thinking about finally watching all crossing jordan episodes, but that might fuel my crossing jordan obsession :D

I also recently tried Stargate Atlantis and looked into the wiki to find out there is just one season I didn't watch, weird...

Sad thing I can't watch animes while working, have to work on my japanese ... :P

uh and one last quote: Multitasking is awesome, and contrary to popular belief: you can't process more than two different motifs at the same time... because you only have two brain halves so it's not gender based ;)

uh don't ask me why I wrote in english....

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