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Mewtwos new life

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Mewtwos new life

Info: Diese FF stammt von ,Heart of Obsidian' auf fanfiction.net. Da sie mir aber so sehr gefallen hat, bringe ich sie hier ebenfalls herein, in der englischen Originalversion. Sie umfasst 7 Kapitel und handelt vorwiegend um Mew und Mewtwo.

Chapter 1


It took many months to find the cloned Pokémon suitable homes, so many Pokémon tribes, schools, prides, packs, flocks and herds would not accept them so the task had been long and hard, but at last Mew and Mewtwo had come to the end of their long journey, with only one Pokémon left to find a home for, and the perfect home for him mere seconds away, they know the journey is over. Once the Charizard has its place, then Mew can return home and Mewtwo will most likely follow, at least until he finds himself a place of his own. Which may prove difficult. Each and every place that Mew and Mewtwo journeyed to, they met with either hostility or kindness to the clones, but never was the warm hand of kindness extended to Mewtwo, only the cold stare of hostility. Every place they went he was feared and in some cases hated, all simply due to his appearance, his history and the effect he had upon the clones. All this persecution had taken a heavy toll on Mewtwo, throughout the journey he remained as far away from the clones and their potential new homes as possible, not wanting to be hurt anymore, and whenever he, Mew and the clones had travelled from place to place he remained as quiet as a tomb. The Charizard flew eagerly ahead, his wings still as he glided upon a thermal current. The massive winged beast growled in satisfaction as a small volcanic island appeared on the horizon and promptly began to flap its wings, desperate to reach his destination despite it being at least an hour's flight away.

"There it is Charizard! Your new home, if things go well!" Mew called to the blazing orange beast in front of her.

Lagging behind them both, Mewtwo slowly came to a halt in mid air. A sombre expression covered his face, his eyes closed and his lips and mind were sealed tight. Mew stopped abruptly, allowing the Charizard to fly ahead. She cautiously hovered up to Mewtwo. "Staying here are we?" She asked gently.

Mewtwo slowly turned to Mew and opened his eyes; the sunlight sparkled off of them. He nodded slowly, closed his eyes again and folded his arms over his chest, turning away from the island.

"These Charizard are extremely friendly, I know the tribe well, and the chief is an old friend. No one will attack you this time. . ."

Mewtwo remained silent.

"I'll make sure the chief knows you're with me he wouldn't let a friend of mine be hurt in any way by himself or his tribe, I promise that."

Mewtwo turned away from her.

"You sure you will be alright here on your own then?"

Mewtwo nodded.

"I'm not going until you say something!" Mew stated firmly.

"I will be fine, do not concern yourself." Mewtwo replied flatly.

"That's the first time you've said anything in months. . ." Mew said with a smile, "I was starting to forget what you sounded like. . ."

"Evil, I sound evil." Mewtwo replied, "Don't lose that Charizard."

Mew looked sadly at him then flew quickly after the Charizard.

Mewtwo glanced up at her for a moment, a tear in his eye, "Evil. . ." He whispered, before turning back to the sea and closing his eyes.

* * * * *

The Charizard had landed upon the rim of the volcano and already a group of Charizard were huddled around it, eager to meet the newcomer, the air filled with their excited chatter. Basalt huts and other dwellings surrounded the rim of the volcano. Mew smiled and set down beside him. The markings that were left upon the Charizard clone during it's birth were very similar to the tribes own markings, when some of the tribal Charizard were unable to rub off the red marks, they soon saw this newcomer as a friend. The village chief, an elderly Charizard wearing assorted pieces of icy blue jewellery, slowly emerged from one of the huts and walked over to Mew. A young and extremely pretty female Charmeleon accompanied him, walking slowly under his wing. The ageing Charizard smiled and the tribe fell silent.

"Ah! Mew my old friend!! How nice to see you again!" The chief said huskily.

"Indeed Fuegan, it has been too long." Mew replied with a smile, "I would like you to meet someone, this Charizard." She added, motioning to the clone.

Fuegan eyed the clone questioningly, "He is strong, yes very strong indeed! He was trained by a human yes?"

"Well. . .not exactly. . .he was created from a well trained Pokémon. . ."

"A clone?" Fuegan asked with interest.

The villagers exchanged excited glances and hushed whispers.

"How do you know of such things here Fuegan?"

Fuegan raised an eyebrow and laughed, "We're not completely set apart from civilization you know! We make sure we know what is going on in the world!" He walked forward towards the Charizard clone, but the young female Charmeleon shyly stayed her distance. "You shall henceforth be known as Phoenix." Fuegan said to the clone, "You may stay with this tribe."

The villagers all cheered happily, the newly named Phoenix roared with happiness and pride, Mew smiled.

"I think I have a last found a suitor for Ember in you, Phoenix."

Phoenix's eyes widened, "Ember?" he asked, "Who may that be sir?"

"Sir. . ." Fuegan said thoughtfully, it had been a long time since anyone called him that, "At last a worthy warrior to take my daughter's hand and lead our tribe some day. Yes indeed, strong, polite and handsome. What do you think of him Ember?" Fuegan said, turning to the Charmeleon.

Ember, the young Charmeleon, turned shyly away from Phoenix, blushing slightly.

Phoenix blushed also, a smile slowly creeping over his face as he examined her delicate features.

Mew quietly giggled to herself, "It seems you have indeed found your daughter her suitor my old friend! I'm glad that I could help." Mew said as she turned to leave.

"Where do you think you're going Mew? I insist that you stay a while, at least until after we celebrate Phoenix's arrival, we want to welcome him warmly!"

Mew nodded, "Naturally. Of course, I would love to! May I just ask one thing of you and the village though?"

"Name it!"

"I have a friend with me, could he come as well?"

Fuegan nodded, "Of course he may!"

"I must ask you all to be nice to him. . .he's had a hard time over the past few months, and I would appreciate it if no one says or does anything that might hurt his feelings." Mew answered, "He's been hurt too much already. . ." She whispered to herself.

Fuegan nodded again, "You hear that everyone?" He called to the tribe, his voice filled with a sudden serious tone, "Make sure that you do as Mew asks!"

The villagers all nodded in agreement. Phoenix bristled.

Fuegan looked over to the horizon, the sun was slowly setting, casting it's amber light over the village and it's inhabitants. "We must start preparing! Everyone, ready the things! Tonight we feast!" He cheered, raising his claws to the sky.

The tribe all cheered with Fuegan, their roar of joy piercing the quiet of the evening, as they began running back to their homes to prepare the things they needed. Fuegan smiled at Phoenix, "Come along Phoenix, Ember. I think we should all go and get to know each other a little better!" Fuegan said, leading the two to the hut he emerged from earlier. Ember and Phoenix looked at one another, smiled shyly and slowly followed Fuegan. Mew watched them contentedly. Knowing that she didn't have much time before the feast was ready, she flew quickly back to Mewtwo.

* * * * *

Mewtwo sighed deeply, "When she gets back, then I must go. . . I must find my own way. . ." Again he sighed, staring at the ocean, watching the sunlight flicker on the quiet water. He turned slowly away from the setting sun, suddenly seeing Mew rushing quickly towards him. His eyes widened momentarily and he unfolded his arms. "I take it that things went well with the last clone?"

Mew nodded as she came to a halt, "Yeah.very well in fact."

Mewtwo nodded, "Good. That means everything is done."

"Well. . .not quite. . ." Mew replied, "The village chief, Fuegan, wants me to stay for a celebration. . . I agreed and asked if you could come along. . . I made the village promise that they will be nice to you. . ." She explained nervously.

"So you want me to come along as well?" Mewtwo asked.

"Well. . ." Mew trailed off, turning shyly away, "Yes I would, just as long as you are okay with it that is. . . So. . .are you okay with it. . .?"

"To be frank," Mewtwo said as he turned away, "I am not at all comfortable with it. The last Pokémon I came in contact with, those Gyarados in the Orange archipelago, tried to kill me! The tip of my tail still feels strange after it was hit by that Hyper Beam. . ."

"Come on. . .these Charizard don't even know Hyper Beam!" Mew said jokingly.

"And besides, I did offer to massage your tail. . ." She Trailed off.

Mewtwo slowly turned back around to face her.

"Please come along. . .I promise it will be okay. . ."

Mewtwo let out an exasperated sigh, "This obviously means a lot to you. . . Very well then. I will come along."

Mew smiled at him, "Thank you! Come on then, let's go!" She said flying back towards the volcano.

"Why did I accept? Do I wish to prolong our time together. . .and if so, why? Is it really so hard for me to leave this Mew behind? Is it so hard for me to find my own way. . .?" Mewtwo asked himself before flying after Mew.

* * * * *

Within the two hours that it had taken to get to Mewtwo and back to the volcano, a long table, assorted meals, party streamers and other decorations had been set up around the entire volcano rim and already the Charizard were getting into the swing of things. Mew looked over at Mewtwo, his eyes were filled with concern, it didn't take a psychic to know he wasn't very comfortable with all this. "Come on! Relax a little, it's going to be fine! Trust me!"

Mewtwo turned slowly to her, his face a mask of acceptance over his feelings of dread. He said nothing and slowly began to descend.

Mew sighed and followed Mewtwo's lead, watching as the Charizard ran excitedly around, eager to begin. Fuegan, Ember and Phoenix made their way to the head of the table and a cheer went up through the Charizard villagers. Mew knew that this promised to be a night to remember, Mewtwo however still seemed unsure. As he landed upon the rim of the volcano, the Charizard slowly turned to face him, each one falling silent until the jovial atmosphere of the party seemed to fade entirely.

Mew glided eagerly towards Fuegan, "So what do you have planned then Fuegan?" She asked excitedly, not noticing the sudden change in mood.

Fuegan however, was as silent as the rest of the tribe. He stared in awe at Mewtwo, the first being he had ever seen to be taller than a Charizard. Though Mewtwo looked scrawny and weak, Fuegan knew from Phoenix that he was a powerful psychic type and not to be trifled with. "This is your friend Mew. . .?" Fuegan shakily asked.

Mew nodded, "That's right. His name is Mewtwo." She said with a smile.

"He's so weird. . . Phoenix told me a little about him just before you got here but he was rather vague. . . What the heck is he. . .?" Fuegan whispered to Mew.

"Don't say such things Fuegan!" Mew whispered in a harsh snarl.

"There is no reason to defend me, Mew." Mewtwo said flatly, the entire village seemed to recoil at the power in his voice, "Fuegan was simply saying what all the other Charizard are thinking."

Fuegan gasped, he couldn't believe that Mewtwo had heard him despite being over twenty metres away, no one should have heard whispering from that kind of distance. "And the rest of you, gaping in awe and terror at me. Or is it disgust and repulsion? In either case, more disgusting things than I exist. More fearful and more awesome things exist. Yet still you stare. . . 'Look at that freak' I hear you thinking, 'what the hell kind of nightmare is he?'" Mewtwo sighed, "Stare all you like, I knew that this would happen! Just like it happened everywhere else!!!" Mewtwo growled with rage, his eyes filling with fierce blue energy.

Mew gazed sadly at him as the Charizard tribe stared fearfully upon him, "I'm so sorry. . ." She whispered below her breath.

The glow in Mewtwo's eyes faded as he slowly looked back at Mew, "I do not blame you. . ." He said softly as his fierce psychic energy faded, "Nor do I wish to curse you any longer with my presence. . . You stay here and enjoy yourself. I must find my own path now." Mewtwo said as he turned to leave. Mew's eyes filled with shock, then suddenly filled with a rush of tears. "Please don't leave me. . . Please don't leave me Mewtwo. . ." She pleaded sadly, speaking so quietly that she could scarcely hear herself.

"Wait!" Fuegan called as he saw Mew's reaction, "Please stay a while! We did not mean to be rude, we are simply curious and perhaps a little shocked, for we have never seen one of your kind before now. Please give us another chance. I am sure that you will enjoy yourself. From what I've been told you need to unwind, try to get over everything you've been through. . ."

Mewtwo slowly looked over his shoulder at Fuegan, he would not stay here simply just because some lying old fool of a Charizard wanted him here. . .but then his gaze drifted to Mew, stood silently beside Fuegan, gently wiping beneath her eyes, though for what reason Mewtwo could not discern. "She is the one who really wants me here." Mewtwo thought to himself, "Fuegan simply said that for Mew's sake, he knows her well. He can easily sense her emotions without need of psychic power. I wish it were as easy to see how she felt as it is with these Charizard. . . Sometimes I wish that a fellow psychic's mind was as open as any other. . ." Mewtwo sighed.

"Will you stay then?" Mew asked gently, her tears were dry and a hopeful smile now lightened up her face. "Please? Will you stay?"

Mewtwo nodded, "Yes." He said quietly as he took a seat near the head of the table.

Mew sat beside him, realising that the other Charizard would not like to, hoping that she could prevent another scene. Fuegan sat himself at the head of the table, Ember beside him. Phoenix slowly and shyly sat beside Ember. There followed a huge meal, everyone ate and drank heartily, people talked, laughed joked, Fuegan was the life of the party. Phoenix and Ember whispered things to one another, one or both occasionally laughing or blushing, it was obvious enough to all that they were already hitting it off. Only two guests did not seem to enjoy any part of it. Mewtwo was silent, eating sparsely and constantly concerned about the opinions of the Charizard, as for Mew, she couldn't concentrate upon enjoying herself, as she was too concerned about Mewtwo. The meal was just the beginning and after a while, a small band grouped together and their happy music filled the air, the Charizard all dancing, naturally Ember and Phoenix slow danced together.

Mewtwo stood up from the table, walking slowly towards the edge of the rim, staring at the crescent moon. He made sure to get plenty of distance between himself and the celebration.

Mew watched him concernedly and flew over to him. She landed softly beside him and followed his gaze to the shining moon. "You were rather quiet all through that meal. . . You still thinking about what those Charizard first thought of you?"

"You speak as though their feelings towards me have changed!" Mewtwo hissed venomously, his words razor edged with anger, "They still think of me in the same way. . ." He added meekly, feeling guilty at raising his voice to Mew.

"You were listening to their thoughts I suppose?" "No. I blocked them all out. Their thoughts would have pushed me over the edge. All I needed was their eyes, their body language. . ." Mewtwo sighed deeply. "Their repulsion and disgust was clear enough. I could sense it with my five normal senses; my sixth sense was never required. Normal senses. . ." Mewtwo chuckled to himself, "How can I call anything about myself normal eh Mew?"

"You can't, each of us is unique so nobody can say that they are normal. . ."

"Especially not the freaks."

"You aren't a freak Mewtwo. . ."

"Look me in the eyes and say that." Mewtwo replied coldly, "I know you are only saying that to make me feel better, though I am at a loss to understand why."

Mew slowly hovered up to Mewtwo, she gazed deeply into his hypnotising purple eyes, "You are not a freak Mewtwo, and I mean that, I swear it. . ." She said gently, never once looking away from Mewtwo's eyes.

"Perhaps I am insane to do so. . .but I believe you. . ." Mewtwo replied, "You go on back to the party, leave me for a while and you enjoy yourself, I insist."

"I can't. I'm concerned about you. . ."

"Again, strange as it seems, I believe you. . ."

Mew smiled gently, "So should we get going then?"

"Yes, I think everything is done now. We can leave."

Mew nodded, "Okay, I'll let Fuegan know." She said before quickly flying over to the noble Charizard, "I'm afraid Mewtwo and I must be leaving now old friend."

Fuegan nodded, "Very well. I'm sorry for what happened."

Mew took one last glance at Phoenix; he seemed happy enough with Ember, the two were snuggled up against each other. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure Mewtwo will feel much better soon, maybe we'll both come back once he does."

"You are always welcome Mew."

"And Mewtwo? Is he always welcome?" Mew questioned.

"Any friend of yours is a friend of mine, though perhaps it would be best that the tribe not know, for his sake and yours. I'm sorry for what I said, I can see that deep down that he is a great and noble person, give him my humblest apologies."

"I shall my friend. Fare well Fuegan, until once more we meet." Mew said as she raced into the night sky.

Mewtwo gazed up from the volcano rim and followed her, leaving the island and the last clone behind.

Fuegan followed the streaks of light that Mew and Mewtwo had left behind as they raced from his island, "Yes. . ." He mused, "A great and noble person, despite what he or anyone else may think. . . You tried to hide your tears from me, but I saw them, I understand, Mew. I understand. . ." Fuegan smiled, "I hope you will be happy."

* * * * *

Once they were a good mile away from the island, the party and all of the Charizard, Mewtwo stopped in mid air.

"Come on, it's this way now!" Mew said, pointing happily.

"For you it is that way, for me it is some other way. Now we go our separate ways, I have been a burden to you for long enough Mew, and for that I am very sorry. You have your home, and I shall find mine."

"But where will you go. . .? I thought you were afraid of persecution. . .?" Mew replied, her voice was filled with sadness. "I thought you were staying with me. . .?"

"I will find somewhere, a place where I am no longer a burden to anyone, somewhere that's away from all persecution. . ."

"It will take you a very long time. It took me long enough to find somewhere. . ." Mewtwo's eyes filled with surprise, "You? How is it that you of all people were rejected and unwanted as I have been?"

"You and I are not so dissimilar. I am the only one of my kind, as far as I am aware. I'm a strange one of a kind creature and for that some would call me a freak. . ."

Mewtwo listened with interest.

"You fear confrontation with Pokémon who despise you, I do also. . ."

"There are Pokémon who despise you!?"

"You sound surprised. It took years for me to gain the respect of some of the tribes we visited. And of course there were those who I avoided, the ones who hate me above all else despite my best efforts."

"Hate you above all else? But the tribes we visited, they liked you so much. Even those that hated the clones still liked you."

"Once there was a time when I was disliked as much as you seem to be. . ." Mewtwo sighed, "That must have been so hard on you. . ." He replied soothingly.

"It was, and I know it is hard on you, and I want to help you. . . Though you may be disliked now just like I was, just like with me there are people who could grow to care for you. For what it is worth, Fuegan is deeply sorry for what he and his tribe did, in time I think you and he may become friends."

Mewtwo shrugged, "Perhaps in time, if he is truly sorry as you say. . ."

"He is truly sorry. As I said, in time you and he may yet be friends. However, I know of at least one person who cares deeply for you right now, no waiting, no searching. That is something I never had right from the start of my difficult life. Perhaps with their help, your life need not be as hard as mine was. . ."

"Whom do you speak of? Who is it that can help me as you say they can?"

Mew smiled sweetly, "Me of course!" Her cheeks reddened slightly, "I care about you, I want to help you. . . After all, you do consider me a friend don't you?"

Mewtwo nodded, "Yes, throughout my short life, you are the only person who has shown me any compassion, and indeed I do consider you a friend. A friend that I am very thankful for. . ." Mewtwo smiled, for the first time in his life, he smiled. For the very first time in his entire life he felt happy enough to raise a smile.

Mew was momentarily taken aback, she smiled back shyly at Mewtwo, "You should smile more often. . . You have such a lovely smile. . ." She said blushing prettily.

"Thank you." Mewtwo replied, his cheeks reddening. "What is wrong with me!?" He thought to himself, "A simple compliment from her and it feels like my face is on fire! What incredible power does she have over me? And why don't I resist it. . .?"

Mew floated in front of him, putting her arms behind her back. She tipped her head sideways and slightly downwards, avoiding eye contact and hiding her mild embarrassment, "Will you come back with me then? I know that you will fit in. . . And if you ever did want to leave then I wouldn't stop you. . . But just for now, will you stay with me? Please stay with me? At least until you find your feet. . .?"

"They are on the end of my legs." Mewtwo said jokingly.

"No I mean until you feel ready to face and accept the world."

"I know what you meant. . ." Mewtwo said, raising Mew's chin so he could look her in the eyes, "I am not totally unfamiliar with the concept of humour. . ."

Mew smiled at him, she felt her heart miss a beat. "There's something special about you Mewtwo, something very, very special. . ." She thought to herself, "There must be, for I have never felt quite this way before. . .never this strongly. . ."

Mewtwo smiled back. He suddenly realised he was gently stroking her chin with his fingers and quickly withdrew his hand, turning away, blushing vibrant red, "What's is wrong with you Mewtwo? Why are you acting like this!?"

Mew smiled, her heart racing, "Shall we go then?" She asked Mewtwo gently.

Mewtwo nodded, recovered from his strange behaviour, "Yeah. . .sure. . ." He replied. With that, Mew raced forward, Mewtwo close behind as they headed towards the distant horizon.


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