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Mewtwos new life

Die Story stammt von 'Heart of Obsidian' auf fanfiction.net. Sie kommt hier aber noch einmal, weil sie mir so gefallen hat.


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Ancient Jewel

Chapter 2

Ancient Jewel

After many hours of flying, amidst silent reflection and thought, the two finally arrived at a very familiar place. The sky was jet black, the stars were sparkling like diamonds. A crystal clear river flowed through the middle of a lush, emerald green forest. In the distance, a snow covered mountain peak stood firmly against the blanket of the beautiful sky. The moon shone brightly above them, casting it's light upon Mew and Mewtwo as they stood silently in mid air.

"What's wrong Mewtwo? Why did you stop?"

"This place Mew. . . This place!! Where are we!?"

"Home, that's where we are. This is the one sanctuary I finally found on this planet. The Ancient Jewel Forest."

"This is my home. . ." Mewtwo whispered to himself.

"I'm glad you like it here so much!"

"No, no Mew you don't understand. . . Before I was awakened in the lab on New Island, this is the place I dreamed of. . . I dreamed of the forest, the mountain, the river. I dreamed of a Mew. I do not know if it was you, or one of the Mew that came before you, but it flew over the mountain, leaving me asking my questions still. Then I awakened. . ." Mewtwo turned slowly to Mew, "I was always meant to be here, always destined for it."

"You are saying that your dream was prophetic?"

"Yes, exactly!"

"How about the Mew then?" Mew asked, her cheeks reddening slightly, "Did she. . . if it was a. . ." She trailed off, "What did it represent do you think? When it flew over the mountain, did you want to follow it. . .did you want to be with it?"

"I do not know. I never really considered the significance of that Mew. . . Perhaps it was leading me here?"

"Perhaps. . ."

"What do you think the Mew could symbolise?"

"Well, I guess you are right, she was probably just a guide. . ."

"She? How can you be sure that the Mew was a she? Unless it was you?" Mew fell silent before flying quickly away, "Come on! It's not much further!" She called, her cheeks reddening slightly again.

"How can you be sure that the Mew was a she?" Mewtwo called after her.

"Slip of the tongue! Now come on!" Mew replied as she raced rapidly towards the distant mountain in an attempt to hide her embarrassment.

Mewtwo smiled to himself, "Why do you flee from me? Are you afraid to find out which of us is better?" He called.

Mew stopped suddenly and turned back to Mewtwo, "What do you. . .?"

But before she could say 'mean?' Mewtwo raced past her, his psychic aura glowing brightly, leaving a blue streak of light where he flew, "Psych! Ha ha! You thought I was serious!" Mewtwo said with a chuckle.

"Hey! Wait up!" Mew called after him. She smiled to herself, "Fine then cutie, you want a race, then you've got it!" With that, her pink aura flared up and she raced headlong after Mewtwo.

Mewtwo continued straight ahead, towards the mountain. He had already gained a considerable lead over Mew and was feeling pretty confident. "Ha! This is exhilarating!! I never considered such an activity could be so enjoyable!!"

"Heads up Mewtwo!!!" Mew called over to him as she raced ahead, rushing instantly over the horizon.

As Mewtwo ground to a halt his aura faded. He stood mystified. "She was hiding her true power from me for all this time! I do not believe it!" Mewtwo raced after her, though not as quickly as before.

* * * * *

Mew stood patiently above the mountain, watching Mewtwo slowly approaching. She smiled to herself, "I wonder how surprised he is?" She giggled quietly, and began floating over to Mewtwo.

Mewtwo came to a halt beside her, his eyes wide with surprise.

Mew smiled at him and laughed, "It seems you underestimated me huh Mewtwo?"

"Why did you not use that power on New Island? Now I see your true strength, I am confused as to why you did not use it against me."

"I didn't want to fight you, I thought that you were a good person deep down." She smiled, "I'm so glad I was right. . ."

"So all the time on New Island, you were not fighting to your full potential? You were toying with me?"

"No! I wasn't toying with you! I was helping you. Helping you to see the error of your ways. I wanted to try and help you, not try and destroy you." Mew looked him in the eyes, "Why would I have wanted to try and destroy someone like you. . .?"

Mewtwo was dumbstruck, "But back then, we were enemies. Back then I thought you hated me. . ."

Mew shook her head, "I only hate people that I know deserve it, I had only just met you so how could I hate you? Why would I hate you anyway? Just for being different and a little angry?"

Mewtwo laughed, "A little angry? I tried to conquer the world, that isn't normal surely?"

Mew shrugged, "Maybe it is for those as powerful as you and I. . ."

"You never tried it though did you?"

Mew smiled, "You haven't seen me really angry."

Mewtwo's eyes widened, in total disbelief, "Are you saying that you tried to destroy the world!?"

"More than once. . .but that was a long time ago. . ."

"I cannot believe that she has been through all the things that I have. Though she is obviously powerful enough to pull it off, I see that now. . ." Mewtwo thought to himself. "You and I, we are far more alike than I first thought." He said with a smile.

"Indeed, that's another reason that I didn't want to fight you. . ."

"Were there any other reasons?"

Mew slowly nodded, blushing ever so slightly.

"May I ask what those other reasons were?"

"You may ask. . ." Mew said, turning shyly away, "But I don't know if I'd answer you. . ." She said with a cute semi-embarrassed smile.

Mewtwo nodded, "No problem. Just knowing that you wanted me alive is enough. . ."

They smiled at one another, their eyes meeting. They both gazed deeply into the others' for a short while before turning away in embarrassment.

"It's getting late. Do you want me to find somewhere to rest for the night?" "Sure, come on! My cave's just a short distance from here."

"Your cave? You sure you don't. . .?" But before he could finish, Mew raced on ahead into the forest below.

Mewtwo drifted slowly down through the trees, landing upon the soft earthy ground below. Not far ahead of him was the base of the mountain. Mewtwo walked slowly and carefully towards the rocky wall in front of him over the rock-strewn terrain. As he reached the wall, he noticed a small cave opening; Mew was laying on her front in the opening, smiling sweetly at him.

"What took you so long?" Mew asked as she rose to her feet.

"How the heck are you so fast. . .?" Mewtwo asked suspiciously.

Mew giggled, covering her mouth and closing her eyes, "I suppose I should tell you. Well I am a little bit faster than you, but also I know how to Teleport!" Mew said, bursting into laughter.

"You tricked me! I'll get you for that, Mew!" Mewtwo said, rushing towards her and pinning her to the floor of the cave.

Mew stared up at him, her eyes were wide with shock, yet with a mild glimmer of excitement and passion, a glimmer that Mewtwo couldn't really detect. She blushed slightly, her muscles tense with anticipation.

Mewtwo fell silent for a short while, "Very clever. . ." He finally said. He smiled sweetly before releasing Mew.

Mew held her chest as she gasped for air, "I thought you were really. . .angry. . ." She sighed a disappointed sigh, just below her breath.

Mewtwo smiled, "At you? I think not. I was kidding around."

Mew turned shyly away and glided to the back of the cave. As she reached the back, a candle flared into life, a pink flame of Mew's psychic energy flickering at the end of the wick. She turned to look at Mewtwo, the candlelight shimmering over her and shadows dancing over the cave walls.

Mewtwo smiled, "Nice trick. Not as though you need the candle though is it?"

Mew shrugged, "I don't know. After all it is the only furniture I have in here. Unless you call this pile of leaves a bed. . .?" Mew said pointing to a soft green, leaf mattress.

"It is rather sparse. . ."

"It's just a little minimalist, it suits me pretty well." Mew replied, shoving some of her 'mattress' over to Mewtwo.

"What's this?"

"Don't you want somewhere to sleep?"

Mewtwo smiled at her, "That's sweet of you, but you can keep it. I can just sleep on the floor."

"It won't be very comfy. . ."

"I'll be fine." Mewtwo replied gently, pushing Mew's leaves back.

Mew reluctantly took them and snuggled up on them, trying to get comfortable. She sighed contentedly and yawned. "As long as you're sure."

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!" Mewtwo sighed dreamily, "You know, you look rather cute there, all snuggled up like that. . ."

Mew turned sharply towards Mewtwo, her face was vibrant red from embarrassment.

Mewtwo blushed also, turning shyly and quickly away once he realised what he had said. "Sorry. . .I just. . ."

"No, don't worry about it. It was sweet of you to say that. . ." Mew said with a smile. Mewtwo looked back at her and smiled, "Goodnight Mew."

"Goodnight Mewtwo." She shakily replied, still a little shocked from what he had said. She smiled to herself. Within moments, she had fallen into a deep sleep.

Mewtwo sighed to himself, "What is wrong with me? Why did I say what I did? I seem to be so easily embarrassed around her, but why? How is it that she has affected me in this way? I do not know how she does it. . ." He gazed at Mew, "And yet. . .I do not care. . . I don't care how it is that she makes me happy, but she does. . . And she really does look cute, all snuggled up like that." He smiled, "Perhaps I have found my destiny here, with her. I hope so." With that, Mewtwo closed his eyes and drifted slowly to sleep.


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